
Celery sheet and cherry: how to keep all winter at home. Root celery methods for storing and blank for the winter


The root and seboard celery are rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. Therefore, supporters of a healthy lifestyle recommend regularly to use this plant in food, especially during the spring avitaminosis. But that it has always been present on your desk, you need to know how to properly store celery at home. After all, not in every store in the cold period you can find this useful vegetable. Consider the advice of experienced owners.

The right choice of vegetable storage

So that the plant is preserved as long as possible, it should be chosen correctly. When buying a root variety of vegetable, make sure that the skin on the fruits is smooth and smooth, without damage and nodes. Determine whether there is no emptiness and rot. To do this, knock on the cornerstail. The worshi sound will say that inside there is cavities. Review rotten places can be pressed on the surface of the fetus.

When choosing a cuff and leaf Celery Prefer bright, green and brisk stems. Faded stems indicate that the vegetable is not the first freshness and has lost most of nutrients. Make sure that the cherry celery does not have seed arrows. They spoil the taste of the plant and make it bitter.

At room temperature

Store celery as room temperature It is recommended only if you plan to use it in the coming days. Try to eat it for a maximum of 4 days. Otherwise, it is better to immediately select another storage space.

In a refrigerator

Celery storage period in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 ... +3 ° C is from 2 to 4 weeks. Roots Keep on the bottom shelf. Prerequisitely firmly wrap their food film. Sheet and puffed varieties thoroughly rinse, dry, wrap in foil and put on upper shelf refrigerator. Try not to store the stalks in the polyethylene package. They will lose freshness after 3-4 days.

In the freezer

Extend the shelf life of a vitamin vegetable to 3-4 months will help freezing. If you purchased root celery, clean it and soda on a large grater. Spread on port accounts and send to freezing Camera. This method is convenient because when preparing dishes, the root can be used without defining.

It is especially convenient to store leafy and sweet grade in the freezer. So that the greens remain juicy and fragrant, freeze it in plastic hermetic containers. Another way to store stalks - in molds for ice. Grind the stalks and spread them into the molds. Fill with water and decompose the freezing chamber on the shelves.

In the cellar or basement

The presence of basement or cellar will allow to make stocks root celery for winter. Take a deep container and pour it with small sand. Stick the root in the sand so that it completely covers the plant. If the air temperature in the basement does not exceed +12 ° C, the rooted roots will be stored there about 4-6 months. Some owners prefer to keep vegetables in polyethylene packages or wooden boxes. They are tightly putting the fruits to each other and sprinkle their sand layer in 1-2 cm.

So that the roots of the fruit are not rot, use the clay bolt. Make the clay to the depletion of sour cream, dip the root into the cooked mixture, dry and fold into carton boxes or wooden boxes.

If the basement is not, in the same way can be stored rooted roots on the glazed balcony. Just necessarily make sure that the air temperature does not fall below +1 ... +2 ° C. In severe cold, put stocks in the apartment.


In the dried form, the plant retains all nutrients about 12 months. Root celery can be dried according to the algorithm below.

  1. Clean the vegetable from the skin.
  2. Cut straw or bars.
  3. Dry at room temperature indoors with good ventilation.
  4. Fold dry blanks into a glass jar and close the lid tightly.

Sheet and cherry celery is dried in the same way. Take large sheet Pure paper, spread the greens on it and cover on top of another sheet. Drain the future seasoning within 15-30 days. Finished greens spread to paper bags or banks.

Soldering and marinency

You can make blanks for the winter at home using canning. The method of dry space is better to use for celery leaf varieties. Take 1 kg of fresh greenery. Welcome it well, dry and smolden. Mix from 200-250 g salts and spread over glass cans. Wait for juice appearance, roll banks and remove them for storing into a dark cool place.

Root celery can be chopped. 1 kg of peeled and chopped rooted roots to lower 2-3 minutes in a boiling salt brine. Then cool down and spread over sterile banks. Prepare marinade from 4 tbsp. Water, 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar, 3-4 peas of pepper and carnations. Pour the roots with boiling marinade and pasteurize about half an hour. Slide the lids and deposit into the fridge.

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Greens and Celery roots can not be bought in all stores. Not always the plant offer sellers in the market. Unfortunately, celery is less popular compared to the rest of vegetable crops. But the plant is filled with vitamins and useful substances that the body is so necessary.
Therefore, celery is intelligent to grow in its plot or buy with a margin to eat more often. IN summer time The plant is included in the menu in the fresh form. It will not hurt it to prepare for the winter.

How to save fresh leaf and cherry celery

Celery in the air is very fast enough. Packers lose their elasticity, become too soft. Therefore, after buying celery or removal from the bed, immediately needed:

  • Rinse it under running water.
  • Leave on paper napkin to miss.
  • Wrap in aluminum foil.
  • Send to refrigerator.

Celery leaflets and pets will be saved in foil for about ten days, while remaining fresh and fragrant. But if they are placed in polyethylene, they fade through three days.

Another way:

  • At the plant to cut the root.
  • Stem omit to the jar filled with a third of the cool water from under the tap.
  • Put in a cozy town of the kitchen.

In the bank of celery will be able to stand without a refrigerator until the week. The prerequisite is to change water every day and slightly cut the stem.

To preserve celery to spring, you can do this:

  • Drop every plant leaving on the roots of an earthy com.
  • Move to the basement and "plant" in the sand.

This method is acceptable when there are similar premises.

Celery root storage methods

Celery roots can be stored for several days and a longer time.

So that the plant remains fresh for a week, the rootpode should be tightly wrapped into the food film, put in the refrigerator. Spicy taste and a special tart fragrance of vegetable culture will remain with it.

To preserve the rooteplood for a long period, one of the ways can be used:

  • In the vertical position of the fruit gently stick in dry sand, which is filled with a box or box. Packers should be left on the surface. To the celery and sand contains a basement or cellar.
  • Roots to lay in bags of polyethylene. Putting a layer of sand (2 cm), put into the room with a temperature not higher than the degree of heat and humidity of approximately 90%.
  • Clay diluted with water so that the creamy mixture turned out. Each celery root plant is coated with a layer of the resulting substance, dry and lay smooth rows in the repository.

How to keep celery for the winter. Freeze

To stock celery for the whole winter can be in several ways:

  • freezing;
  • salting;
  • drying.

Freezing is a common method of storing greenery and vegetables - no doubt, applicable for celery.

Vegetable plant:

  • cut (petioles) on large pieces, blanched, decompose into portion bags and sent to the freezing chamber. Such celery is convenient to use as an additive for soups and second dishes;
  • chisses leaves or crushed them with a blender, spend in molds for ice. Top poured with water and take carefully in the freezer. After a complete freezing of celery cubes are put into a plastic bag or container and placed in the same freezer. Frozen greenery is perfect for cooking sauces.

Celery leaf and cherry frozen and entirely: stalks with leaves are packaged into the container, closed tightly. The container is placed in the freezer.

Such package contributes to the use of frostable celery in one reception.

Celery is perfectly preserved until spring.

Storage of saline celery

Salt is a preservative, for a long time saving products from damage.

The salting celery for the winter is made in compliance with such proportions:

  • 0.5 kg of plants;
  • 0.1 g of a large salt;
  • smorodine leaf or slightly burning punch. Choice for the mistress.
  • Bold or crushed with a meat grinder.
  • Sweet salt and stirred.
  • The resulting mixture fill clean banks.
  • The container is closed and placed in place so much. Optimal temperature - 5-7 degrees with a sign plus.

The fragrant product will remain the whole winter.

Dried celery

In the dried form, leaf, cuttings, celery roots are preserved at least one year.

Such a method allows to get an excellent seasoning from the plant.

Root Celery Suise:

  • Pretty my.
  • Skin removed.
  • Cut straw.
  • To remove excess moisture, leave on a paper towel.
  • Pour on paper, roll up to be one layer.
  • Such in half.

Celery leaves and cuttings before drying need to cut into small pieces. To bring the plant to the necessary condition, you will need about a month.

It is much faster to dry celery in the oven. For three hours, it should be kept temperatures of 40 degrees, and then raise up to 55-60 and leave the greens to dry. The oven door must be kept off to prevent steam accumulation.

Exhausted celery moves into a glass hermetic container and store away from solar straight rays. You can put the product in a paper bag and keep it outside the sources of dampness.

The benefits of celery does not speak only lazy. Freshly squeezed juice from the cereals is rich in vitamins and promotes weight loss, improves the complexion of the face, reassuringly acts on the nervous system. Vegetable contains carotene, rich in valuable amino acids and trace elements. If you managed to grow this culture on the plot, the question arises when to clean and how to store cherry celery so that he retains his healing properties And brought the maximum benefit.

Juicy stems are good in fresh salads, soups, side dishes, they are used to prepare vitamin cocktails

Time to collect yield

Gardery's dream is large, juicy, bleached celery stalks, sweet, with a spicy aroma, without a mustard. So that it is carried out, it is necessary to observe not only the technology of planting and care for the culture, but also the deadlines for cleaning celery of cereal.

This vegetable culture, in contrast to the root variety, is more tender, sensitive to a decrease in temperature below 0 ° C. First of all, this refers to self-lifting varieties that are grown without blend stems into the soil or mulching material. They are cut off no later than September, before the beginning of the first frosts. If the plant was grown by a trench manner or there is the possibility of using the underfloor material, the cleaning time of celery celery can be delayed for 3-4 weeks.

Tip! Experienced gardeners advise 2-3 weeks before harvesting the rosette of the stems subjected to a special procedure - bleaching. The cutters are collected in the bundle and the bottom is wrapped with burlap, paper, other opaque, but breathable material. So they will be more gentle and without bitterness.

Another advice. It is impossible to redistribute the plant on the garden longer than provided for by the recommendation on agrotechnik, as a rule, it is from 11 to 16 weeks. Otherwise, the petioles become rude, fibrous, worse taste.

Cell celery is completely digging out of the ground, during cleaning it is cut off only roots and so they are sent for storage. In plants intended for more long storage Or rearing, the roots are left, and then cheer into wet sand in the cellar or greenhouse.

Note! Celery varieties can have a different paint color. Green stalks are recommended to bleach, yellow - more tender, self-winning, pink (red) varieties are most resistant to frost. They can be removed later.

With the correct agricultural engineering from 1 m², you can collect 1.8-2 kg of product quality

Methods for storing and processing

There are several ways to store and recycle paper celery for the winter. Each of them has its pros and cons.

    In the cold cellar lies without loss external view and beneficial substances, but not long - up to 2 months.

    Plus the refrigerator - the ability to store cropped stiffs, ready for use, but the term is even less (2-3 weeks).

    Frozen celery lies up to a year, but you can't cook with a fresh salad, do not disappoint juice.

    An even longer shelf life from dried cuffs. They retain a lot of useful substances, but are suitable only as an aromatic additive to dishes.

Daily mistresses are used different variants Storage and processing cherry celery And for the whole winter, they provide a family with healthy vegetable.

In a refrigerator

Purchased or raised from the cellab for current consumption of a vegetable stored in the refrigerator. The task facing the stems to save elasticity and juiciness, but did not begin to refuse. Before laying in the refrigerator they wash them, dry, then use one of the packaging options:

    wrapped in foil;

    wrapping a bunch with a paper towel and put into a plastic bag;

    the dry product can be wrapped in a food film.

Before consuming, the cuffs cut the cutting edges, otherwise they retain the original quality.


As practice shows, keep the grown crop of Cherry Celery is best in the cellar.

At the digital plant before omitting into the basement, cut into the foliage, they leave a small piece of rhizomes (2-3 cm). The sockets are vertically laid in the box, half fall asleep with sand. Alternatively, individual copies with roots can be shipped into wet sand (peat). Instead, the basement is suitable for a unheated balcony, a cold veranda, a glazed loggia, but only if the air temperature is not lowered there until 0⁰ C.

Packed in this way of cellar celery can be stored in the cellar, refrigerator

Options freezing Chershkov

Popular storage method - frost Chercery Celery for the winter. Despite the abundance of recipes, the principal difference in one - expose the vegetable before freezing thermal processing or not.

The first option is freezing with product blanching. The scheme is similar to the billet of the Brussels cabbage, step by step it looks like this.

    Puffs wash, remove rigid fibers (streaks), cut into small pieces.

    The crushed mass is lowered in steep boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

    Get noise in a bowl with cold water Or Ice pieces - for fast cooling.

    Before freezing the celery with cereal, it is laid out by one layer on the tissue napkin, after the flow of excess moisture - on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper.

    Send to freezing chamber.

  1. After freezing, shifted into a sealed package.

    Sliced \u200b\u200bstems can not be blanched, but immediately put in packages or sucks, then put on the freezing. But in this case, the storage period of the workpiece decreases to 2-3 months.

    Tip! If drilling and freeze whole stiffs, they can be used to prepare the lungs stuffed snacks. For filling, cottage cheese with raisins, cheese with bulgarian pepper And greens, chicken minced meat with parmesan.

    Frozen stuffs - vitamin component of soups, sauces, garnish

    Drying and cooking seasoning

    Time proven way of storage of spices - Drying of Cherry Celery. The selected stems are washed under the jet of water, thoroughly removing sand, slices of soil, wet the tissue napkin. Whole or cut into large pieces, lay out on a clean sheet of parchment paper, top with another layer of paper and leave at room temperature until completely drying. Taking into account the juiciness of the stems, it will take about it about a month. The dried sweets are stored in glass dishes, crushed as needed. You can immediately lose their mortar, grind in a blender or twist through the meat grinder, to use how seasoning.

    To speed up the process, cherry celery is dried in the oven or electric rig. The principle of the same - large pieces (2-3 cm) are placed on the grille, hold at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. By dealing with the oven, do not forget to keep the door ajar, so that the air and the product was circulated and the product was dried, and did not bake.

    Finely chopped stems are sent to the oven or household dryer


    Our grandmothers for storing Cherry Celery used salt. Sliced \u200b\u200bstems stacked in glass jars and generously slept salt. For 1 kg of Cherchikov, it takes about 200 g. Such a workpiece is used to flavor first and meat dishes, added to hot sauces.

    Cleaning and storage of cherry celery:

  • Storage Term: 1 Week
  • Shelf life: 2 weeks
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 2 weeks
  • Term in the freezer: 30 weeks
Storage conditions:
In the refrigerator at temperatures from +2 to +6 ° C

Celery is well known to everyone. It has many useful properties, thanks to which it is very appreciated. There are many substances in this vegetable that are simply necessary for the human body. He fell into Russia in the times of Catherine II. Then he was considered more decorative plant. But sometimes it could be used for making medicines. But time passed, and celery began to consider how culture. People understood well how useful it is and therefore began to use it. All parts of this vegetable are suitable for food. You can eat, both leaves and roots.

Benefit and harm Celery

Patients who have problems with heart and vessels, also worth paying attention to this vegetable culture. Celery root helps with atherosclerosis prophylaxis. Thanks to the useful properties, cholesterol in the blood begins to decline. In addition, it helps to reduce the pressure of the patient. The work and condition of the heart muscle becomes much better when eating this vegetable. Therefore, it is important to know the term storage of celery so that it will only benefit. After all, it has many essential substances for the human body. If there is a problem with constipation, then it is worth starting to enter this vegetable into your diet. It has a lot of fiber, so it will help to cope with this ailment. Men celery can help with chronic prostatitis. Its influence is applied to the work of the prostate gland. Its Tropocco and blood supply are much better. Roots and celery stem must be used with prostatitis. Suppose this culture and to improve the sexual function. This is a powerful aphrodisiac. It will help to increase libido and potency. Also, the vegetable is indispensable to improve memory and protection against senile dementia.

But people who have problems with gastritis and ulcers should not use celery food. If high acidity, then a negative reaction to a vegetable can begin. This is due to the fact that the juice will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women, as well as nursing should not eat this vegetable. It will not be useful in varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. It is worth knowing, as well as celery storage. Vegetable is often used in cooking, as it has a special taste and aroma. He can act as seasonings. All parts of celery are suitable for its manufacture. The seasoning usually has a spicy and bitter taste. It is perfect for meat, vegetables, mushrooms and fish. Celery roots can be added to broth, soup, sauce and some salads. The vegetable is perfectly harmony with, beans, potatoes, cabbage and. Hostess use it to prepare a variety of dishes.

Storage celery

When buying it is worth paying attention to what a vegetable looks like. It should have a pleasant smell and strong leaves, and also be bright green. Immature vegetable usually has soft leaves. Root celery must be solid, and the fruit is whole. With small sizes of the root of the vegetable usually small. But all the fruits regardless of the size are useful in the same way. It is important to know that celery cannot lie long. Therefore, it is better to buy a vegetable in a fresh condition, then the celery storage period will be from 3 to 7 days. If he is strongly overwhelmed, it will be able to be stored much less. But to extend celery storage, you need to follow certain rules. Celery must lie in the refrigerator. It is worth covering a vegetable in a package and put into the water. Celery storage period will be longer if you wrap it in foil, and not in the package. Root celery can be stored in a refrigerator in a paper bag. So he can lie for several days.

How to store celery in the refrigerator

For celery storage in the refrigerator, it needs to be properly prepared.

To begin with, clean the celery from dirt, and then rinse under running water. After that, lay out the vegetables on paper towels so that they dried a little. You can only store solid, intact celery, so vegetables with sluggish leaves Or damaged stems should be postponed separately.

After the vegetables are finally dried, they can be wrapped in the food film and remove into the refrigerator. It can also be stored celery in a polyethylene package, foil or plastic container.

Celery storage period in the refrigerator is from 7 to 15 days In the box for vegetables or on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.

How to store celery in the freezer

Freezing of vegetables is the most popular way of storage, which allows you to enjoy the unique taste at any time of the year and get a portion of vitamins. For celery, the freezer is also salvation.

You can cut celery for small pieces and to freeze in this form. Such a vegetable is perfectly suitable as a refueling in culinary dishes.

Celery can be chopped with a blender or meat grinder. The resulting mixture is decomposed into ice molds, pour water and put in the freezer. After freezing, cubes can be used as needed. For convenience, frozen cubes can be shifted in plastic containers Or cellular packages and remove in the freezer.

Celery storage period in the freezer is 6-12 months.

Try to freeze the vegetables in small portions, because they cannot be frozen several times.

You can freeze celery without grinding: to separate the leaves from the stem and separate them to freeze. Packing the stems and leaves can be in the food film or in a sealed food container. Frozen celery perfectly preserve your taste and benefit.

How to store celery at room temperature

Room temperature is not better condition For storing this vegetable. It is possible to store celery at room temperature only as a last resort and, provided that you will find it in the near future. The longer the vegetable is warm, the faster loses its benefit, taste and appearance.

Celery storage period at room temperature is no more than 2-3 days. Up to 5 days You can save celery by lowering it into the jar, half filled with cold water, and removing away from the sun. In this case, water must be changed daily.

Drying celery

For long-term storage of celery, you can dry, and you can dry not only greens, but also the root itself.

From the Celery root, it turns out an excellent seasoning, if it is properly dried. First you need to rinse it thoroughly and clean from dirt and skin. Then the root is cut with thin straw, lay on the baking sheet or tray and remove into a dry cool place for drying. In such conditions, the drying will take 30-40 days.

A stranded with celery can be placed in the oven or electric car 4-6 hours.

Tip: When drying in the oven, leave the door a bit a part that inside the excess moisture is accumulated inside, which increases the drying time.

After the vegetable is completely dried, it can be shifted into paper bags, textile bags or glass jars. Store dried celery is best in a dry, dark and cool place for 8-12 months.

Soldering Celery

The Celery Embank is one of the alternative ways to store this vegetable. In addition, this method allows you to store vegetables a very long time.

For salting celery take in certain proportions: the celery kilogram takes 200 grams. At its discretion, you can add pepper or other spices to give the pickle of an unusual taste.

For salting, celery is crushed with a blender or meat grinder, or chopped finely. Then mix with salt and laid into banks. Banks are closed with dense lids and remove the refrigerator, cellar or simply a cool and dark place.

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Cell celery - landing and care

  1. With partial shading, not more than three hours a day - after 25 cm.
  2. Leaf and cherry celery tubers do not forms, in food are gentle leaves and stiffs. There are varieties with bright "bleached" cutters and green. Sorts with green cutters specifically bleach.
  3. After disembarking, the seedlings, especially weakened, should be filtered with a solution of complete fertilizer or a solution of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and a potassium salt for 20-25 g per 10 liters of water.
  4. In contrast to other types of celery forms large fleshy root roots. On the lower part of them forms numerous roots - beard. Food is used both root, and leaves with cutters.
  5. Deep autumn treatment Soil ensures the success of growing root celery.
  6. Versatile

Cell celery - varieties

A variety of delicacy dishes are prepared from the root, pets and leaves are added to salads, use as spicy greens. Korneflodes are useful in kidney diseases and arthritis, celery - an effective gallstone. Celery dishes are useful for male health.

Celery Celery - Difficulties in Growing

It is impossible to wash and clean root.


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Heavy clay soils should be well drained. Can be grown celery on peatlands, however

The timing of the collection of carrots and beets

It grows best in open, illuminated places.

Celery - a two-year plant of a family of celery (umbrella). In the first year, the root / root and the rosette of the leaves are formed, in the second year - the color-point stem and seeds. However

The question of where to store beets and carrots is also very important. Agree, it is unpleasant to realize that as a result of the wrong choice of place, the work of the Grocery Season went to the Nammark - Vegetables spoiled in a couple of months.

In the harvest time harvesting should not be focused on the neighbors, even very experienced - after all, the time of sowing and varieties of vegetables you have with them, most likely differ.

Info. Most often, inedible patterns are formed on Cerelery Cerelery during drought. Other possible reason - The seedling seedlings are inconsistent or overgrown. For the cultivation of Cherry Celery, it is necessary to take a plot with fertile soil, well lit and ventilated. It should be borne in mind that celery requires a good watering: on average one square meter Earth will need about two buckets of water.

Care is standard, as well as other vegetables according to the MitLider method, however, attention should be paid to regular watering, especially during the indulgence of root. Celery - moisture-loving plant. Watering produced in the center of a ridge under roots. Especially important is regular watering at the end of summer and in the fall, during the indulgence of root. Locks of land on narrow ridges do not.

Cultivation of Ceching Celery Seedlings is the same as the root.

Celery is a moisture-loving plant, so watering should be regular. The abundant irrigation in the last month of vegetation is especially important when there is plentifully pouring root. Watering is produced under the root.

Refuse the use of apple root celery - Currently, he lost its varietal signs. Nice results Get when using freiggo varieties, yudinka, Prague Giant. Use the varieties of modern selection, such as the Bayo Zaden Dutch company (BEJO ZADEN).

Celery does not endure sweating soil.

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If a plant is exposed to low temperatures during growing, it is short for the first year of life. That this does not happen, keep root in the basement or cellar, separately from fruit. Storage on the balcony is possible only if you are confident in reliable defense From frost -

It is best to collect a harvest after the onset of technical ripeness. One of its signs is the yellowing of the leaves (however, in the dry years it may not testify not about ripeness, but about the low level of moisture in the soil). The fading of central shoots and leaves is a sign of the disease or damage to the vegetable pests. Such plants should be immediately removed to avoid the spread of the disease.

Snails and slugs. As celery loves high humidity, the slugs and snails are often bred around it, attracted by a juicy greens

Celery "root" growing vegetables "How to create your beautiful garden

The number of full feeding with a mixture number 2 - five to six.

It is possible to plant seedlings into open, the ground can be somewhat curved between the rows of 40-45 cm, between the plants in a row of 15-22 cm. Ceper celery is plunged in two or three weeks before harvesting, usually in early September to get bleached stiffs. However, in demand also enjoy unnecessary petioles. Instead of dipping it is more convenient to use kraft paper, soft wavy cardboard, straw, even a newspaper and other materials. Stems should be tightly pressed to each other and wrapped in light-protective material. Leaves remain free from above.

During the vegetation, there are 2-3 feeding plants with a solution of full mineral fertilizer, as indicated above.

Biological features

Celery requires a neutral soil reaction, but the lime should be carried out under the previous culture. In the fall, overwhelmed manure in the amount of 6-8 kg / square meters (as much as possible) and dripped. Compost is better to use spring. In the spring bring mineral fertilizers At the rate of G by 1 square. meter: ammonium sulphate 30-40 g, potassium salt 30-40 g, double superphosphate 20-30 g or appropriate number of comprehensive fertilizers. Part potash fertilizer It is good to replace ash 100 g (one glass). The soil should be a weak or neutralVery demanding to moisturizing soil

In plants forming flowers, small, weed root root.

Prix \u200b\u200broot roots will not be stored. If the autumn is protracted and very warm, wait for the onset of cold weather to collect the roots and beets - in warm and moisture, carrots and beets often begin to germinate - after all, this is a two-year plant. Sprouted root roots are poorly stored and becomes tough, unpleasant to taste. Cherry. To save the plants, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the polish - to clean the garbage, straw weeds.

Seed out in specially prepared trenches, leaving gaps between plants at 20 cm. Immediately after disembarking, beds are covered with seedlings to protect against possible frosts. About a week later, when the seedlings accepted well, the shelter can be removed. The main rules for the cultivation of vegetables according to the Mitlider method on narrow primer ridges are set forth inTo storing the plant digging together with roots and without removing the paper installed in a box with wet sand.

The loosening is usually completed until the foliage is closed between the rows. Root celery do not plunge to avoid the formation of the side roots of the root of the root. At celery, the long vegetation period is 170-180 days, so high-quality roots can be obtained only from strong seedlings. Celery seeds are sown March 1-15 after disinfection and soaking (). The celery seed feature is that they should not be very sprinkled with the Earth, they should be on the surface, with bright lighting, especially 3-7 days during germination. Shoots should be expected in 1-1.5 weeks. Watering should be careful, you can use a spray gun. The ramper is better to cover with glass or p / e film. PH 6.5-7.0,

. The celery forms large roots only with good water provision. The height of the color saw is up to 2 meters. Seeds are small, 1-1.5 mm length is ripened at the same time, so umbrellas are collected by selectively when the green color is replaced by a grayish green, the seeds themselves will become dark. After drying in the room, umbrellas can be lost between the palms for separating the seeds, and then blow the garbage to obtain clean seeds. Seeds retain the germination of 5 years. Some gardeners dip each root in clay or burst into the boxes with sand. Meanwhile, if the room temperature with vegetables is constantly held within + 1-3 ° C, carrots and beets are perfectly stored by itself - in ordinary wooden boxes, grids or just fell into heaps.

But it is not worth a hurry with digging up - unworthy rooted roots are quickly withering and getting up - often the unbearable harvest does not respond even before the New Year holidays. Large root roots can be digging (pulling out) early, while small it is better to leave for later - let them grow up a bit.

Holding the core. You can detect this problem only during harvest, and it occurs due to penetration into the plant of rotten bacteria.

10-15 days after disembarking a bed with celery, it is necessary to focus. For feeding uses a korovyan, urea, chicken litter, spreading them in water in the proportion of 0.5 liters of fertilizer on 1 bucket of water. Preparation of root celery.

Root and cereal celery succeeds in the cultivation of MitLider-Ugarov. It should be recalled that the root varieties of celery cannot be thickened, and the leafy can be planted slightly so that they increase the vegetative mass, but with a strong thickening of the leaves and sweets can be fine. Side shoots are removed. From the middle of the summer, abrupt the old leaves exposing the base of the stem.When the first real sheet grows, the seedlings are peeled into a peat-up potted 5x5 cm or a greenhouse. At the age of 60 days - the phase of the five real leaves - seedlings are ready for landing.

Celery acidic soil does not endure.




Celery with respect to

In order to additionally protect the harvest from rot and pests, you can sprinkle with vegetables with lime powder. In this case, do not forget to wash the roots in the root several times before cleaning.

Root Celery

The optimal fee for the collection of roots for middle strip - The end of September is the beginning of October. Initially, the beets are digging, since often its rooted roots rise above the ground and suffer from frosts. After a week, carrots dig up. In extreme cases, carrots can even transfer a series of non-vertical frosts, but before that it is necessary to strip it from the tops, and even better - to cover the garden with Lutrasil, spunbond or at least a conventional cloth (bags, bedspread).

Silvering of cuffs. It occurs due to insufficient watering or oversupply in the soil of nitrogen.When the cutters reach 25-30 cm long, proceed to their whitening. For this, weak side shoots are removed, and the rest of the petioles are wrapped with paper, leaving only the leaves in the sun. Before harvesting, crucible celery plunge twice.


Celery root can be used fresh, for example, grate on the grater, cut into straw or cubes and prepare a salad by placing it with mayonnaise. Celery can be boiled in salted water for 30 minutes with adding lemon juice. Serve with melted oil or white sauce. Celery can cut into cubes and extinguish or fry like potatoes.


Celery - culture with a long vegetation period, so it is leading only through seedlings. Young celery plants do not tolerate frosts, so seedlings are planted not earlier than 22-25 May. The optimal age of seedlings is 60 days, it must have 5-6 real leaves.


Celery is strongly susceptible to fungal diseases. Therefore, experienced gardeners are advised to prevent plant diseases and soil several times spray the horsetail.

Very demanding to soil fertility,

Cold-resistant plant

Old celery leaves are often amazed by fungal disease, so if they appear spots on them, they need to immediately turn.


Digging vegetables is better not shovel, but forks. Beet can be folded in a heap to ventilate and dry for days a couple. Do not dry vegetables not the sun - first, they will begin to fade, and secondly, the laying on the storage of warm vegetables worsens the ability of the crop to be conserved. For carrot drying is not required.

As you can see, the cultivation of Cherry Celery - the occupation is quite troublesome. However, subject to all rules, you will receive a crop of delicious and useful stems to your table.

Celery harvest is beginning to collect in September-October, neatly digging from the ground all the plant along with roots. Cleaning celery should be started with self-winning varieties.

When yellowing leaves in any region. While the leaves are green, they give food to the plant, and in the fall with white low, than summer temperatures, all root plates are especially actively accumulated by sugar, necessary for both taste and for long-term storage. The absence of photosynthesis in the yellowing of casts means the end of the vegetation in the plant. If the leaves do not want to shut up, you can remove celery with any leaves with a decrease in temperature to + 5; +8 degrees.

How to grow seedlings See Articles T.

It is advisable to plant the seedlings after May 15 (May 20-25), because if it falls under frost, then some plants will go to the arrow, the root will become inedible (small and rude).

The minimum return period to the previous place is at least 4 years. Invalid predecessors - carrots, parsley, Pasternak.


It refers to a group of plants consuming a lot (nitric) nutrients. Celery is good for any soils with a high level of humus.

Sheet and Celery Sheet

Shoots carry freezes to -4 ° C, and adult plants up to -6 ° C. Celery prefers moderate temperatures 16-21 ° C and humidity 70% NV.

In the leaves, root and seeds of celery contains essential oil sedankolithic, having a unique fragrance. The celery contains such essential amino acids as asparagin, tyrosine and choline, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium salts. Among them, the phosphorus occupies a special place, which is necessary for the brain. In the leaves there are vitamins C, B, B2, PP, provitamin A, anti-sized vitamin U.

After harvest, it is necessary to trim the tops. It is undesirable to break or pull it manually - so you can damage the root. It is best to use scissors or a sharp knife.

The right choice of varieties, knowledge of agrotechnology and the fulfillment of all rules for the care of plants are only half of the success in the difficult garden of gardens. Equally important is also known to know the timing of harvesting and its storage methods - only so you will be able to save vegetables for a long time. In this article we will tell you when digging carrots and beets, and where to store the resulting harvest.

Depending on how much time and time is planned to be devoting to growing sweet celery, and the variety of this plant should be chosen: the usual or self-lifting. Self-lifting grades of Cherry Celery do not require preliminary preparation of the trench, they are not necessary to dip, but. Consequently, and care is easier. But, along with this, they are more afraid of frosts.

MitLider Growing

In the Leningrad region I do not know, but in Tverskaya at the end of September! Well, in the Leningrad region. Probably too! Good luck!

After disembarking, seedlings can be seeded with a weak solution of fertilizer 2 teaspoons of the mixture_2 on 10 liters of water right along the leaves.

At the end of September, when the root roots fall, the plant can be fed.

It is very important when landing not to plunge seedlings, plant plants as they grew in a greenhouse, otherwise the roots will grow small, with many side roots, which will strongly reduce their quality.

Celerya I. white cabbage Relationships of mutual assistance are noted: cabbage stimulates celery growth, and celery distilts from whitefish-butterflies cabbage. Celery is well combined with tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, salad, beet. Schitt-bow and bush beans are especially beneficial on it, it is not recommended to plant celery near corn, potatoes, parsley, carrots.

However, at the fetricted fresh manure the soils of celery is so badly affected by spotting (churrosposition), which is possible to collect only patients with root, unsuitable for long-term storage.


Celery root and foliage, which are widely used in nutritional purposes, contain many natural nitrates. About what a useful substance these nitrates and both celery and beets are replaced by tablets can be read in