
Why yellow leaves from cucumbers in the greenhouse and open soil - tricks and methods of struggle. Why zerubi cucumbers yellow and dry

Vegetable crops

In addition to diseases and damage to pests, with cucumbers sometimes there is such a nuisance as the yellowing and dedication of the uncess. If there is no other damage to the plant, then the reason for weather conditions, or improper care. It should be analyzed in what could be a problem and eliminate them.

If the shoots of cucumber, its leaves and the fruits do not have flaws, are not braided by web, they were not covered with spots and there are no damage, then the reason for yellowing can be as follows:

  • incorrectly selected place for landing - a constant shadow, beds with cucumbers flood after rain;
  • sharp temperature difference, especially day and night;
  • there was too high or low air temperature;
  • watering cold water;
  • insufficient watering;
  • the bush is not formed, a lot of lateral shoots;
  • there are several fruits in the sinuses, which should not be in the selected variety;
  • on shoots hanging a lot of overwhelmed cucumbers;
  • lack of trace elements.

All these reasons can be eliminated, and the further development of cucumbers will be without incident.

What to treat cucumbers so that no regions

In each case there is a way out, it is important to correctly establish the cause.

If the place is incorrectly selected for cucumber landing And they lack light, you can try to make a transplant. The main condition: In order for the transplant to be successful, the cucumber bush should dig up with a large lore land. During the day before the event, the garden should shed water so that when carrying a coma, the earth did not crumble.

If long vacations have been formed at the transplant plant, they can be cut on 1/3. After rooting, new shoots will begin to grow from the sinuses.

If the garden is flooded with water, then accumulating grooves should be made next to it, or if it is required, pour a holloque, and make a small dam.

If yellowing is associated with temperature drops , on the night of landing with cucumbers should be touched by a dense agriculture, and take it in the morning. Instead of agrofrix for shelter, you can use cellophane. It must be removed on time, otherwise the plants under the film can "burn" from hot sunlight.

Shelter for the night is also prevented by mildew.

If colded And the weather forecast does not promise warming in the coming days, then the shelter from the agrofiber can be left for all time until he warmer. Cucumbers are thermal-loving plants, and with low temperatures they can reset the ovary and suspend in growth.

In hot weather To reduce the number of rampant strings, will also help agrofibular. Only to make it is not a microstaric, but a canopy from the sun. The distance from the canopy to the Earth should be from 1.5 to 2 meters. In hot weather it is necessary to increase watering, be sure to warm water.

Shaping the beds in the heat and an increase in irrigation is also prevention from a spider tir.

When watering cold water Cucumbers experience stress. Water for watering should be prepared in the morning and leave it to heat up under the sun. When watering with cold water, except for the yellowing of the barriers, causative agents of mildew can be activated.

With insufficient watering Shooting the ovary, losing the turgor leaves, stop growing. If this happens regularly, cucumber lianas can dry.

Watering must be carried out immediately, as the earth will dry up. Water should be much so that it deeply impregnated the soil and roots grew deep into, and they did not grow close to the surface. If the roots are unlucky, on sunny days they can overheat. Small roots that are responsible for absorption from the soil moisture and nutrition, revel.

If a bush has a lot of lateral shoots , then getting yellowes and tremendous due to the fact that all parts of the plant lacking nutrition. In this case, it should be trimmed up to 5-6 sheets, and the rest (except central), to shorten, leaving 2 sheets on each.

In addition, it is necessary to hold extra-corner subordinate Complex mineral fertilizer.

When several barmers are formed in the sinuses, and this variety does not provide The plant will reset them. This is considered a normal process for cucumbers, because otherwise the fruits will grow defective.

Unnecessary primitives can be deleted independently. The optimal amount of fruits on one shoot is no more than 30.

If such a problem happens in multiple varieties, it happens enough to carry out additional feeding.

When there is a lot of overwhelmed cucumbers on shooting, it is not surprising that the wound yellowing and creep . Linding fruits take all the food, the plant does not have the strength, and it resets the knitting cucumbers.

Fruit can and if the plants lack potassium or phosphorus . It happens when the main fertilizer is a manure that contains a lot of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for increasing the green mass. For flowering, formation of fruit and their growth, phosphorus and potassium are needed. After making fertilizers, the margins will fail.

Why yellow and fall fading cucumbers in the greenhouse

The reason for the yellowing of the barriers to the cucumbers in the greenhouse:

  • heat;
  • dry air;
  • insufficient watering or the use of cold water;
  • lack of nutrient elements;
  • extra shoots or wound on one bush;
  • perezried fruits.

In addition to the above reasons, in the greenhouse, the flowers dry and supper due to the fact that the immediate variety is selected.

For many varieties to form cucumbers, pollination of bees is required. There are no access for them in greenhouses and in greenhouses. Not polled flowers are faded after some time, dry out, and shivered.

What to do if yellow gets in the greenhouse

When growing cucumbers in the greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection of the variety. For closed areas, parthenocardic varieties are suitable (not requiring pollination), or self-polling.

If the variety is chosen incorrectly, then it is necessary to express manually pollination. To do this, you will need a soft tassel, which first touch the middle of the male flower, and then immediately touch the center of female.

If the weather allows you to open the doors and windows in the greenhouse, you can try to attract bees. For this, the cucumber plants are slightly sprayed with water, in which some honey or sugar dissolve.


Avoid the yellowish wishes, it is possible to take the following measures:

  • choose a variety suitable for growing on a plot (for open soil or greenhouses, self-pollable or requiring pollination by bees);
  • think about the place where the garden is for cucumbers;
  • before planting, make comprehensive fertilizers, including nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus;
  • observe watering mode, use only warm water;
  • carrying the bush and remove extra uncertains;
  • follow the weather forecast to cover the planting from cold weather in time, or arrange a canopy from the hot sun;
  • in time to collect a crop.

If you correctly perform all agrotechnical techniques, you can reduce the loss of cucumbers to a minimum.


Garders engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and greenery in protected ground, often face those or other problems. One of them lies in the fact that the cucumbers are yellow and dry the wounds, and then they fall at all. As a rule, floral petals begin to rot, and after that, the rot is striking and germin himself. Why does this happen and what should be done if yellowing the cucumbers are yellow, greenhouse, the simplest film shelter or tunnel? The reasons for the development of such situations and their elimination measures are described in detail in this material.

Reasons why yellowing the cucumbers

The first and most common reason why the cucumber jerks are yellowing, is bacteriosis, the spread of which contributes increased humidity Soil and air, as well as high density of plants in the greenhouse.

However, they can provoke this problem and other factors associated with non-compliance with agrotechnics and non-fulfillment. optimal conditions For normal growth and development of plants. Here are a few more reasons why yellowing the ovary of cucumbers in the greenhouse:

  • sharp air and soil temperature drops;
  • improper formation of plants;
  • lack of trace elements, etc.

Cucumbers can not be grown in permanent culture, i.e., annually at the same place. Accumulated in the previous year (years) infection may cause illness this season. Responsible moment in the cultivation of these cultures in the greenhouse. Plants need to wipe regularly and often (especially during fruiting), and only warm water: in cold weather - in the afternoon, in the sunny - in the morning, and a refreshing watering should be used on a hot day, in the evening - the usual one.

The reason for the dedication of buds, flowers and wounds may be a lack of trace elements. At the same time, the productivity of plants is reduced to 50%. The deficit of trace elements in greenhouses is especially felt, where mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphoric, potash) are constantly introduced.

In addition, a factor, why yellow and fall off the cucumbers in a protected ground, there may be poor fertilization. Since the pollen of cucumber flowers sticky, they are pollinated by insects, mostly bees. And in some greenhouses, bees is limited.

What to do, if yellow, dry and fall off the cucumbers in the greenhouse?

If the cucumber jerks in the greenhouse are yellowing (most often it happens in crude cold weather), you need to carefully remove the sworded flowers, and the location of the cut can be treated with a solution of potassium mangartage. For the prevention of bacteriosis of the plant can be sprayed with 1% burglar liquid or 0.4% copper chlorocation suspension.

In order for non-checkers and not falling out the curses of cucumbers, it is necessary to perform a spraying of plants by the preparation of extraxol with the addition of 1 ml of Novosyl. It cannot be allowed that on one plant simultaneously develops more than 20-25 barriers. Greenhouse cucumbers grow very quickly. Some varieties and especially cucumber hybrids, for example, can have at the same time at the same time more than 150 barriers.

All the newly formed shoots, even with female flowers, you need to delete on time, because young wounds are delayed by the development of forming Zelents, and often grow small, universal fruits that are quickly yellow and deteriorate.

So that the cucumbers will not fall asleep, it is necessary to carry out microfertilizers containing boring, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum and other useful trace elements. It is possible to use high-concentrated drugs produced in the form of microgranules (rexoline, brecxyl), as well as to fertilize Kemira Combi and Kemira hydro, aquarine cucumber, master, crystallon, terraflex containing NPK with a complex of trace elements. Replenish the lack of trace elements can be introduced into the soil wood ash (300 g / m2). This is a complex bezotic fertilizer containing potassium, phosphorus, silicon, lime, iron, magnesium, boron, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cesium. However, it must be remembered that it is impossible to mix ash with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate), which includes ammonium nitrogen. Under the influence of potash, contained in ash, ammonium is allocated from these fertilizers, which goes into a gaseous state (ammonia) and disappears without use.

And what if the cucumbers are yellowing due to insufficient pollination? In small greenhouses, it is possible to pollinate plants manually, and in large you need to put hives with bees, since the manual pollination of flowers requires very large labor costs and sharply reduces the quality and amount of cucumber crop. If there is no possibility to put in the greenhouses of the hives so that the curses are not falling out, it is possible to lure bees, feeding with sugar syrup with the addition of 5% yeast (yeast with syrup to avoid fermentation boiling). Syrup is prepared from 2 parts of sugar and 1 part of the water and poured daily into the feeders to 100-200 g. In order to give the syrup of the aroma of cucumbers, there are freshly-insulated men's flowers in the cooled mass so that bees can move around them and not sink in syrup. It is very important to remember that pollination of cucumbers takes place from 6 to 10 in the morning, it is at that time that it is necessary to ensure maximum bee access to plants (open framuga, doors, etc.).

From agrotechnical techniques that contribute to the best beeoping, practicing unguarded landing, providing good illumination of flowers and the best access to them bees, as well as macestors, especially born magnesium fertilizers, which contribute to an increase in the selection of nectar with flowers. Excellent results for pollination and preservation of plants gives an aerosol feeding, which is formed when burning the Mineral Complex "Greenhouse". Recently, many parthenokarpic hybrids (meringue, courage, Masha, Hermann, Crispina F1, Pasaden F1, Pazason F1, Pasalimo F1, Pasamont F1, Pasalimo F1, Marinda F1, Natasha F1, Athena F1, etc.), which can develop normal wounds without fertilization, and therefore there is no need to take care of their pollination. These are the hybrids of the root type, the fruits without bitterness and are not yellowing for a long time, have good salting qualities.

Bacteriosis - frequent cause Planting stocks. Its spread over a cucumber ridge is promoted by the increased humidity of the soil and air, as well as the thickening of planting plants. The appearance of bacteriosis can be due to both disruption of the conditions of cucumber landing: poor soil, sharp temperature differences, etc.

Gardeners often ignore the rule of agrotechnology, warning that it is impossible to grow cucumbers from year to year on the same site. The infection has a property to be maintained in the soil and infect landing of the next seasons.

For the prevention and prevention of bacteriosis, it is possible to make a cucumber vacuum with 1% burgundy liquid, or a 0.4% compaction of copper chloroksi. Usually after such treatment, the cucumbers begin to get tied up and develop.

Wrong watering

Cucumbers are very sensitive to watering. They should often pour themselves and regularly, especially during the period of fruiting. You can not allow soil drying. However, it is also unacceptable and turning the cucumber ridge in the puddle, it can lead to a fever of the soil, and from him already hand to mold and rot. All this will inevitably lead to the fact that the flowers and the ovary will begin to turn yellow, it is hot.

It is necessary to water the cucumbers only with warm water: in cool weather - in the daytime, in the sunny - early in the morning. On hot days it is advisable to make a refreshing watering (not necessarily to the soil, you can simply sprinkle the leaves), in the evening to pour, as usual. If the ovary began to turn yellowing (most often it happens in cold crude weather), carefully remove the flowers and treat these places with a weak solution of manganese (mangartage potassium).

A large number of stocks

Do not allow development on one cucumber vacuum more than 25-30 stocks. The cucumbers grow quickly, especially in, and the forces for the entire amount of formed fruits in the plant may not be enough. As a result, some interfere with growing and developing to others, and as a result, the Gardener has a lot of yellowed and planted barring and as much as small and curves.

Some varieties of cucumbers, and in particular hybrids, can form at the same time at the same time up to 150 obs. In order for the harvest to please you, delete the newly formed shoots in time, even those on which women's flowers are.

Lack of trace elements in soil

The deficit of trace elements in the soil can also cause the yellowing and extinguishing of flowers and stocks. Gardeners are losing up to 50% of the crop of cucumbers. The lack of microelements is especially noticeable where mineral fertilizers are often made (nitrogen, potash, phosphate). Correct the situation may contribute to microferters containing manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc, etc.

With a large disadvantage of trace elements, it is permissible to use highly concentrated drugs manufactured by micrographs - Brexil CA (Brexil CA), Rexolin Plus (Rexolin Plus). It is also possible to make "Crystale" fertilizers, "Terraflex and Master" containing NPK - nitrogen-phosphorus-potash feeding with a complex of trace elements. Top up the shortage of trace elements will help in the soil of woody ash in the ratio of 300 g / sq.m.

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Amateur gardeners are often faced with such a problem as the yellowing of the cucumbers. Only the color scored the strength, and the ovary of the designer and opal. The reasons why the cucumber jerks are yellowing, there is quite a bit.


Inappropriate conditions for growing. Watering cucumbers should be carried out quite often. This is a moisture-loving plant. The lack of moisture affects the appearance of the yellowness of the wound and leaves. Watering to exercise better in early hours or late in the evening daily, if the weather is dry enough. Feeding in the form of wood ash and urea will supply cucumbers in potassium and nitrogen. Useful substances are contained in a cow, chicken litter, so the roasting feeder should be made at the slightest signs of a shortage.

If yellowing the cucumber jerks, then, most likely, they remain untapped. Often insects do not have the ability to pollinate the maritime, and she turns yellow and falls. The yield gives only polished plants. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the access of insects to the umbreams in a closed space (if it is a greenhouse or a greenhouse), and if it is impossible, then produce pollination by hand. The best solution will be self-polling varieties, hybrids.

Consistent temperature differences may well be the reason why the cucumbers are yellowing, and the yield decreases. The reason is the ability of cucumber roots to absorb nutrients only at temperatures above 10 ° C. At low temperatures, the ability is minimized, and the margins begin to lose nutrients and turn yellow. Such drops contribute to the development of fungal diseases of the cucumber roots and their mass affection. In this case, only feeding roots can save.

What to do if the cucumbers are yellowing, although the temperature is quite acceptable, and watering timely. It is possible that the cause of this is the scorching sun. Seared cucumbers need in the shaded territory. The bright sun is capable of burning a sheet and marking, especially if water got on them during watering. Therefore, it should be watered only under the root, avoiding hitting the wound.

It is capable of hitting cucumbers and bacteriosis. Too high humidity Mail can lead to an amazing, so when detecting bacteriosis should be sprayed with a borodic solution.

A large number of prizes can also lead to their yellowing. After all a large number of Breaks consumes much more nutrients. Therefore, on the same Lian, their number should not exceed 30. The correct and timely care for the culture will allow high yield Cucumbers.

Disturbances in the care of cucumber plants are always leading to loss of crop. And the cultivation of them in closed little spaceIn greenhouses, requires more knowledge in agrotechnology.

The reasons why the cucumbers fall out of the wound, there may be several. First, if beeficked varieties / hybrids or with female flowering type are grown. Inappropriateness of the barriers - the reason for the yellowed and feasting them.

Secondly, thickened landings are one of the most common causes. Grown, the plants of the cucumbers are intertwined and put on each other with their leaves. Where is it here to "think" about the offspring? On 1. square meter There are 2-2.5 plants. You can also add molding of cucumbers.

The following reason is a shortage of trace elements and imbalances of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The passion for nitrogenous feeders, infusions and disadvantage of potassium entails a violation of normal growth and fruit. Here the ratio should be 1: 2.

Violations with increasing wounds can be associated with weather conditions. Cucumbers do not like cold as well as very hot weather. In the greenhouses, with hot weather, the temperature rises above 30 ° C and the plants of cucumbers are binding. At night, with a decrease in temperature, they are restored, and this afternoon repeats it again. Naturally, plants have to spend the forces on overcoming stress, and not on the formation of fruits.

For adverse conditions Plants are trying to give more offspring than they can feed. And the dedication of a small part of a weak raw is a normal phenomenon. The owner's task is to give everything necessary for the development of the remaining Zeletsov.

Despite the fact that cucumbers are pretty unpretentious vegetables, there is always the likelihood of a number of annoying problems associated with the cultivation of greenhouse and soil plants. To understand why yellow cucumbers will dry out the leaves and shuffle the wounds, it is necessary to consider the features of the agrotechnology of this vegetable culture.

Obtaining a rich crop of cucumbers can guarantee only a competently built combination important factors: Well-prepared soil, a sufficient amount of light and moisture, the use of high-quality seeds, proper feeding of plants. But even if all these conditions are observed, the gardeners often face that yellowing of seedlings of cucumbers, only the root fruits are wound, dry or covered foliage stains.

Why yellowing cucumber seedlings

As a rule, the seeds of cucumbers germinate either in separate containers installed on the windowsill, or immediately in the greenhouse, landing them on a permanent place of further growth. If yellowing seedlings grown in room conditionsThe reason for this may be the following factors:

  • excessive feeding with mineral fertilizers, or - on the contrary, the lack of a number of trace elements: manganese, nitrogen, zinc. It is important to remember that in the first weeks after germination, the cucumbers do not consume a large amount of nutrients, therefore there is a possibility of "nitrogen poisoning";

  • insufficient moisture and sunlight Also cause a change in leaf pigmentation, contributes to stretching the stalks and weakening plants;

  • if seedling is indoors, where it is impossible to ensure stability temperature mode In the range of 17-20 degrees of heat, this leads to the fact that the leaves become sluggish and plants die;

  • experienced gardens it was observed that the use of foam containers or stands under the pots could also be the reason for the cucumbers. To avoid the effects of chemical compounds on the roots of plants, it is enough to cover the foam layer of the food film.

Why yellow cucumbers in greenhouse

To solve problems with the health of greenhouse plants, you must first of all pay attention to the technique of irrigation: the leaves of cucumbers can turn yellow both in the acute deficiency of moisture and at extreme soil arise. In addition, this vegetable culture does not carry watering with cold water on a hot day and extremely negatively responds to direct droplets of water droplets on the fruit and foliage.

Changing the pigmentation of the leaf of grudging plants can signal the lack of nutrients:

  • if the edges of the leaves appeared yellow-brown border, it means that in the soil not enough potassium;

  • pale, thinned or deformed leaves talk about nitrogen shortage. Conducting feeding such a fertilizer, it is important to remember the accurate compliance with the dose so that the excess number of nitrates do not accumulate in vegetables;

  • the appearance of a "marble" pattern in the form of dark and light spots scattered over the surface of the sheet - a sign of lack of magnesium.

It is also not worth overlooking that sometimes cucumbers are yellow due to lack of fresh air with rare greenhouse ventilation; damage to the root system with various garden pests or diseases; sudden drops of day and night temperature or the presence of drafts.

Why yellow cucumbers in the open soil

Soil plants are yellowing usually for the same reasons that both greenhouses: watering too cold water, dropping droplets on leaves and flowers, as well as a flaw or excess of moisture; Nutrient deficit; Frost at night.

But besides these reasons, there may be a few more additional factors explaining why the cucumbers are yellowing leaves and fruits.

The yellowing of cucumber strings can be associated with the improper formation of the bush: sometimes gardeners forget or simply do not know that the plants need to be pinching as they grow and remove the lower leaves of side shoots in the sinuses and uncess. These simple measures contribute to good ventilating root system and do not allow cucumbers to grow strongly and shadow each other.

Tip 5: what to treat cucumbers if the leaves are yellow and dry

To obtain good harvest Cucumbers, it is necessary to ensure proper care during growth. It is extremely important to prevent the appearance of yellow and dry leaves in the plant.

Yellow leaves of cucumber - phenomenon is extremely frequent. For the most part, yellowing begins due to improper culture care or impairment of the optimal regime and only in rare cases is the "hunger" of the plant or its illness. To output the plant from this state, it is necessary to find the cause.

Rare Polish

If you water the cucumbers are rarely or often, but a very small amount of water, the cause of dryness and yellowness of the leaves, becomes dehydration. This plant loves water very much and therefore try to ensure watering properly. However, and overflow cucumbers should not - they can start rot. If the weather is hot, then you need to water every day. It is better to do it in the evening, hours in 18-19, then water will not evaporate and the roots will be enough moisture for growth. With moderate temperature mode, watering can be done every other day.

Film fertilizer

During growth, the cucumbers are very needed, it is especially true for feeding with complex nitrogen fertilizers. If watering is moderate and correct, and the leaves began to turn yellow - they must be filled. Try not to use an ammonium salter in this case, as it accumulates in the fruits as nitrates and affects a person very badly. Choose the fertilizers in which NO3 is present.

Low temperature

If the weather is not very hot in the summer, the reason for the yellowing of the leaves can be the hypother of the plant. It still remains either to wait for the normalization of weather conditions, or build a small greenhouse, covering them from the wind and cold.


Yellow spots on the leaves may indicate that the plant is burned. This is the consequence of the fact that watering was produced during the day and water fell on the leaves. There is nothing terrible in this, but watering should still be transferred to the evening to avoid burns in the future.


Another reason for the yellowing and dryness of the leaves of cucumber can serve compassarium. The main source of this disease is infected seeds or seedlings, less often - irrigation water. To avoid further the appearance of fusariosis, the seeds before disembarking should be well tortigate or deposit biopreparations in the soil 2-3 days before disembarking.


When pest appears, processing must begin immediately. Any drug bought in a horticultural store will suit for the fight against the tool and spider tick. You can use conventional dairy serum or kefir in proportion 2 to 10 with water. This solution spray plants.

Remember! The sooner you begin to "treat" cucumbers from the yellowing of the leaves, the more chances you have to get a good harvest.

Normally, the leaves of the cucumbers have a uniform green color, and any change in their color says that the plant is either lacking nutrition, water, or culture fell ill. Specifying the reason for the yellowing of foliage is the primary task in a successful combating problem.

Cucumbers - culture quite demanding, as any temperature rope ambient And the inconsistency of air humidity may cause plant diseases, stop the growth, formation of uncess and other things. Therefore, it is very important to know the agrotechnical moments of growing cucumbers and always apply them in practice.

Since the yellowing of the foliage of culture is one of the most common problems during its vegetation, it is necessary to be aware of the preservation of plants, which is exactly what causes the color of foliage. We will analyze the reasons for the yellowing of the edges of the leaves.

If the edges of the leaves began to turn yellow, followed by the yellowing of the residences, then the plant lacks potassium. Another sign of lack of this element is the growth of pear-shaped fruit. However, you should not immediately get enough for feeding, because this element in the soil can be enough, just a culture for some reason cannot assimilate him. For example, potassium digestibility decreases due to a large amount of chlorine in the soil (when the chlorine is re-published, the leaves and stems are grinding, foliages), low ambient temperature, insufficient irrigation, so before proceeding with feeding, it is necessary to eliminate these reasons. If the factors described above did not have the place to be, then you can make feeding. It is better to take a pretty mixture as a fertilizer with a predominance of potassium, for example, Calimag. You can also carry out an extractive feeding of cucumbers, pre-independently creating a solution of 5 grams of nitrogen, 10 grams of potassium and 15 grams of superphosphate on the water bucket.

As for the organicists, potassium is most in the infusion of beet and tomatoes. A total of 1/2 buckets of tops, filled to edges with water and insolvented three days, it turns out a concentrate capable of drinking potassium to 10 cucumber seedlings.

Tip 7: Why yellow jerks of cucumbers and how to deal with it

Cucumbers are very whiten plants And any changes in cultivation can lead to various problems. One of these is the yellowing of cucumber strings. Why does this happen and what to do in this case?

The most common problem in the cultivation of cucumbers is the yellowing of their leaves. But sometimes, in addition to this, they can start shining and planting plants. In the future, such a process leads to the fact that they fall and deprive the gardens of good harvest. Zavazy cucumbers are yellow for several main reasons:

1. Errors when growing cucumbers

2. Adverse weather conditions

3. Impact on them pests and fungal diseases

Basic errors in the cultivation of cucumbers, leading to the yellowing of the barriers

As with, in many other cases, everything starts with improper planting of plants in the greenhouse. Too thickened landings lead to the fact that the wounds begin to shrust. Cucumbers should be planted, observing the distance between them more than 40 cm depending on the variety. If the plants were planted much more often, then they definitely carry them out.

As for the feeding, during the development period, the cucumbers need a large number of potassium, which is little contained in famous organic fertilizers. Therefore, plants are confrontated by a potash society, dissolving 10 g of substance in a bucket of water with the addition of wood ash.

The greenhouse varieties of cucumbers are very much increasing the green mass, which leads to the oppression of the strings, and they cannot develop normally. In this case, it is necessary to form a bush and pinch the tops of the plants.

Excessive formation of the barriers can also lead to the fact that they will turn yellow and fall. Therefore, you need to remove the extra germs of cucumbers in time, leaving no more than 20-25 pieces on one bustle.

Watering cucumbers necessarily conduct warm water. At the same time, the regularity of irrigation during the formation of zins for some time is reduced to a minimum so that women's flowers formed, and then rises, reaching the daily moisturizing plants in the evening.

Another error is the irregular harvest. Overrexpiles interfere with the properly developing young strokes and contribute to the flaws of the barriers.

Adverse weather conditions

Among these factors, the appearance of yellow barriers on cucumbers is particularly distinguished by the temperature of growing plants. Optimal temperature For this, +18 - +23 degrees. If at night it falls below this level, then the wounds are poorly developing and yellow. In this case, inside the greenhouses set any dark containers with warm water, which will control this balance. In the afternoon, the temperature is sharply rising and the cucumbers dry out that the plants are negatively affect. To solve this problem, the soil is mulched peat, which does not allow moisture to quickly evaporate.

Impact of pests and fungal diseases

Among the diseases of cucumbers, destroying for obsessions, the white and root rot is especially distinguished. All these diseases mainly appear with strong moisturizing in the greenhouse. With damage to cucumbers with these diseases, a number of preventive measures are carried out. First, damaged plants are completely removed or their part, and then the soil is sprinkled or chalk or ashes. The use of chemicals at this point is impossible, so the cucumbers are treated with folk remedies.

Among insects, special damage to the bones of cucumbers also bring a wave and web tick. To combat them, the plants are sprayed with infusable bitter wormwood or pharmacy chamomile. In both cases, greens are soaked in boiling water for a couple of days, and then add in the infusion of any soap and treated plants. This procedure can be carried out even during the ripening of fruits.

All these reasons why yellowing the cucumbers are needed to decide in a timely manner to get a good harvest of this vegetable culture.

Video on the topic

Often you can see that there is a yellowness on cucumbers. It can be observed on fruits, riings or leaves. Not everyone knows what to do if the cucumbers are yellowing. Meanwhile, there are a number of measures that will allow to stop such a process. But first you need to identify the reason for its appearance. Everyone is told about everything.

What to do if yellow leaves of cucumbers

If yellowing the leaves of cucumbers, then the reason may be as follows:

  1. Lack of nitrogen. The cucumbers are very needed in this element, and when its deficit is observed, the leaves gradually acquire a yellow shade. Special nitrogen fertilizers will solve such a problem. It is necessary to dissolve them according to the instructions and pour 300-400 ml under each bush. In addition, once a week will need to water cucumbers with mineral fertilizers with trace elements.
  2. Bay of plants. If the cucumbers experience excess moisture, the leaves very soon begin to shut up. Exit here is one - carefully monitor watering, preventing excessive soil moisturizing.
  3. Disease. False puffy dew leads to the yellowed leaves of the cucumbers. At the same time, small brown engines can still be observed. Only spraying with the help of special chemical compositionspreventing the development of malicious bacteria.

Also find out why the cucumbers are yellowing the leaves and how to solve this problem, you can in the other article :.

What to do if yellowing ovary cucumbers

If the cucumbers get yellow, then you also need to know what to do in such a situation and for what reasons it occurs:

  1. Lack of nutrients. As a rule, getting yellowed, if it does not receive the required amount of potassium and phosphorus. To fill their drawback, special mineral fertilizers are required to enter into the soil. They are bred according to the instructions on the packaging. Use them is recommended regularly - 1-2 times a week.
  2. Abundant fruiting. If there are many cucumber bones on the bush, it will be necessary to join some of them. Otherwise, they will not develop normally.
  3. Low temperature. Cucumbers are often freezing in the dark. If the temperature at night falls below 18 degrees, then it is necessary to cover the plants with the film, and it will be necessary to remove it during the day. Then the wound will stop shroud.

What to do if the fruit of cucumbers yellow

Start yellowing the fruits of cucumbers can for the following reasons:

  1. Defeat infection. Some diseases of the cucumbers lead to the yellowish of fruits, as well as the damage to the root system, among them: Fusariosis and peridosporosis. You can get rid of them with the help of special preparations, but since the pathogenic bacteria have already penetrated the fruit, it does not make sense to do it, as it will not be able to eat in food. In order to prevent this situation in the future, it is recommended not to plant cucumbers in the same place several times in a row, and also regularly produce their feeding.
  2. Bad watering. The lack of water leads to the appearance of yellowness on cucumbers. Therefore, when embryos already appeared on the bushes, it is necessary to begin to begin especially carefully follow the state of the soil, avoiding it drying.
  3. Lack of oxygen. If the root system of cucumbers does not receive enough air, it immediately affects appearance fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly produce nuts bushes. This will allow you to open oxygen access to roots.

So that you can collect delicious, strong and crispy cucumbers from the beds, be sure to watch them with watering, perform feeding with mineral fertilizerAlso perform regular quotations and cover the bushes if necessary with polyethylene films.

Some dachensons are not acquainted with a problematic situation, when without visible to the reasons, the cucumbers are yellowing and falling. What factors contribute to the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon, and what should be taken into account to avoid it?

As observations show, the most often with the problem of drying and the fallout of cucumber barns are facing dackets that grow this culture in film greenhouses (more details about this aspect will be said below). More often, the favorable conditions for the emergence of this problem creates, oddly enough, the garden itself.

Why zagging cucumbers yellowing and falls: reasons

According to experts, the ovary of cucumbers begins to turn yellow and fall out for several basic reasons, namely, such as:

  • 1) violation of the light mode;
  • 2) violation of the temperature regime of soil and air;
  • 3) impairment of mineral nutrition;
  • 4) High hybrids yields;
  • 5) deficiency or oversupply of moisture in the soil;
  • 6) Bad work bees caused by cloudy or, on the contrary, very hot weather.

Let us try in more detail to consider each of the above causes, why dry the ovary on the cucumbers.

1) violation of the light regime

As you know, the cucumbers are plants, extremely demanding to light, the disadvantage of which destructively affects their growth and development. Therefore, if you intend to grow this culture in greenhouse conditions - even at the stage of the construction of a cultivation structure, get acquainted with how to properly put the greenhouse on the site so that the building is fully highlighted.

Light deficiency can also be due to the abundance of green plantings grown in the greenhouse. Often, novice gardeners try to land in the greenhouse as possible as possible plants as possible, completely messenger from the sight, after some time they will begin to shade each other. Therefore, before proceeding with the cultivation of cucumbers to seedlings, try to calculate with the maximum accuracy, how much it will be necessary, adding to the resulting number of about 10% of the so-called. "Insurance" bushes.

Do not forget that modern cucumber hybrids (especially parthenocarpic hybrids) have a developed vegetative system, so they should be planted according to the recommended supply area for each, separately taken plants. Thus, parthenocarpic hybrids are planted one by one (less often - two) plants per 1 square meter. m, and beehustic hybrids - 2-3 plants per 1 sq.m. Not observing the prescribed landing frequency, it is possible to conveold in the future that the grown plants will shade each other, and the cucumbers formed the cucumbers will begin to turn yellow and fall.

The lack of periodic seafrock is capable of dried to dryness, due to which the proper formation of the bush is carried out. If you do not pay attention to this in a timely manner, then the branching side shoots, racing, shadow each other. It is necessary to pinch the upper part of the shoots, not allowing that their length exceeds 20-25 cm (such long shoots weaken the plant as a whole and provoke what the ovaries on the cucumbers begin to shut and fond).

The process of forming a cucumber bush begins with the so-called. The "blinding" procedures of the sinus of the leaves, in which the routines of flowers, mustaches and side shoots are located. As they grow, these parts of the plant will require more and more nutrition, which will bring to the weakening of the maternal bush. The timely removal of the embossed elements hiding in the sinuses of the leaves, contributes to the fact that the maternal bush will not waste its resources on the development of unnecessary shoots and will be able to develop a strong vegetative system.

The number of "blinded" sinuses depends on the variety - so, in relation to the cultivation in film greenhouses it is recommended that there are no less than three (on one copy) on the partrencies - at least eight.

2) Violation of the temperature regime of soil and air

The optimal air temperature for the cultivation of parthenokarpic varieties to their fruiting is the interval +22 .. + 24 ° in clear weather, + 20 ... + 22 ° - in cloudy weather and + 17 ° ... + 18 ° - at night. When the plants begin to join the phase of fruiting, these indicators should increase approximately to + 23 ... + 26 °, + 21 ° ... + 23 ° and + 18 ° ... + 20 °, respectively. In turn, for growing beeland varieties, the temperature indicators presented are approximately 1-3 ° for both phases.

The most comfortable soil temperature for the cultivation of this culture is the interval + 22 ° ... + 24 °. An interval is considered a critical point + 13 ... + 15 ° - if the soil cools up to this temperature, gentle barking cucumbers will yellow and fall.

Here, you should talk about why dried up and fall off the cucumbers in film greenhouses. Most often, this occurs as a result of overheating of plantations and sudden temperature drops arising due to the fact that the polyethylene coating perfectly passes heat, as a result of which the inner space of the greenhouse can be heated in hot weather to 40 ° (and above). At night, the film coating releases heat, which leads to a strong cooling of the air inside the structure, and this inevitably leads to the fallout of the barriers.

3) impairment of mineral nutrition

Getting yellowed and falling offshooting cucumbers as a result of a disorder of mineral nutrition, and this reason may be concluded not only in a shortage of certain elements, but also in their improper ratio. In addition, this may be due to a violation of the temperature, air-gas regime and air humidity and / or soil.

Parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are more dependent on the specified factor, since developing a powerful vegetative system, they need abundant irrigation, which, in turn, can provoke flushing from soil potassium and nitrogen. In the acute deficit of these elements in parthenocarpic varieties and cucumber hybrids, they begin shrouded, dry out and fall off the wound. Therefore, in the period of fruiting, do not forget to periodically feed the planting of nitrogen-potash fertilizers.

4) High hybrid yield

Modern hybrids are characterized by high yield - in particular, partrenokarpics. In the sinuses of almost every sheet they have maritime (sometimes even a few), and it is natural that the plant, spending all its resources for the full development of the barring, will get rid of excess load. To affect this process, it is necessary to delete the wounds in a timely manner - even before coloring colors.

5) deficiency or oversupply of moisture in the soil

When growing cucumbers, it is necessary to take into account that the moisture content of the soil before the fruction of cultures should be slightly lower than during the period of fruiting. At the entire stage of ripening the fruit of the soil must be as saturated as possible. However, do not forget that watering plants with cold water (10 ° -15 °) is categorically impossible - otherwise, this will lead to mass fallout of the barriers.

Speaking about watering, you should mention one technological trick, to which they often resort to increasing the number of female flowers - for this, during the formation of flowers, cucumbers do not water for several days to dry the soil.

6) Bad work bees due to adverse weather conditions

Often, the cucumbers get dry and fall in connection with the poor work of bees that do not fly into cloudy weather, and in the heat - extremely rarely fly into the stelender heated in the sun greenhouse. At temperatures above 35 °, even if the insect and transfers pollen to the flower, it will become sterile. As a result, the neuroprotivated zeror of cucumber will dry and fall.