
Why arises thrush. The causes of thrush in women

Basics of Garden composition

Candidiasis is an extremely common disease. And, according to statistical data, the number of patients with this diagnosis increases annually. But what does the thrush come from women? What are the main symptoms of this disease? Are there effective methodsAvoiding the disease? These questions are becoming increasingly relevant.

Thrush: What is it?

Today, many people are interested in information about how and why the thrush appears in women and in men. To answer this question, it is worth familiar with the main information about this disease.

The thrush (in medicine consumes the term "candidiasis") is an inflammatory fungal disease, affecting mucous membranes and human skin. In most cases, foci of inflammation occur in the zone of external genital organs. Nevertheless, the thrush can affect the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Skin areas on natural bends (inguinal folds, less often armpits, skin between fingers) are susceptible to infections.

What makes the thrush come from women?

The causative agent of the vaginal candidide is fungal yeast microorganisms relating to the genus Candida. Currently, about a hundred fifty species of such fungi are known. Nevertheless, in 95% of cases, Candida Albicans stands in the role of the causative agent. This fungus lives in the human body and some animals.

The cells of the fungal microorganism have an oval or rounded form. Optimal temperature For their vital activity - 21-37 degrees Celsius. Increased temperature indicators first slows down the process of reproduction fungus, and then leads to cell death.

It is worth noting that the candida fungus is part of the normal microflora of the human body. So where does the thrush come from? The fact is that the immune system of the human body strictly controls the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. In such conditions, this fungus is not a threat to health.

In periods of reducing immune activity, protective systems of the body cannot fully cope with their task. It is at this time that the active growth and reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begins. Therefore, milkness cannot be attributed to infectious infectious diseases, since its outbreaks are associated with the weakening of immunity.

The main risk factors

As with any other disease, in this case there are some risk factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of the development of candidiasis. So what does the thrush appear in women?

  • To begin with, it is worth mentioning the failures in the work of the endocrine system. After all, any hormonal fluctuations affect the work of immunity and the condition of the microflora of the human body. The thrush is often developing against the background of taking oral hormonal contraceptives. Sugar diabetes and some other endocrine diseases can also be attributed to risk factors.
  • Violations of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the vaginal microflora can be associated with the reception of some drugs, in particular the antibiotics of a wide range of impact. That is why doctors recommend to patients along with antibacterial agents to accept and drugs that contain live strains of beneficial bacteria (Preparations "Bifiform", "Linex").
  • Reception of drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system can also be conjugate with the appearance of thrush. Such drugs include corticosteroids and cytostatics. Dysbacteriosis and candidiasis are often developing on the background of radiation and chemotherapy.
  • In often the cause becomes intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  • The thrush can be the result of violations of the rules of personal intimate hygiene.
  • In some female representatives, the outbreak of candidiasis is associated with the improper use of tampons, a late change of hygiene and so on.
  • Loosen immunity can also stress, intense physical exertion, emotional overvoltage, etc.
  • The incorrect diet can be the culprit of the thrush, because the deficiency of vitamins and minerals affects the state of the immune system.
  • Risk factors include indiscriminate sexual connections.

In fact, the reasons for the development of the vaginal candidide is much larger, and for each woman they are individual.

Vaginal Candidiasis: Basic Symptoms

Now you know how the thrush appears in women. But what are her symptoms? In fact, the clinical picture with this disease is quite characteristic. The main sign of the vaginal candidiasis is the presence of cotton vaginal discharge with a slightly acidic smell. As a rule, they white colorBut sometimes get yellowish or green shade.

Another symptom of thrush is constant itching and burning in the field of vagina and outdoor genital organs. The feeling of discomfort can increase after urination, water procedures or sexual intercourse. Often the patient of the gynecological clinic note that itching is intensifying at night, which, of course, affects the quality of sleep and rest.

Often, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and outdoor genital organs are observed. Sometimes on the skin even formed small yazens.

Although candidiasis is most often not a threat to health, it can significantly complicate the life of a woman. By the way, sometimes symptoms can weaken or disappear at all during menstruation. Indeed, in this period, the hormonal background varies, and the vaginal medium becomes more alkaline, which slows down the processes of reproduction of fungal microorganisms.

Thrush in men

What is the thrush come from women and men? It is the opinion that male representatives can grab infection exclusively from a woman. This statement is not entirely correct. Of course, during an unprotected intercourse, you can get infected with fungal infection. By the way, oral sex belongs to risk factors, since these fungi can dwell on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Even the presence of a condom does not guarantee complete safety.

Nevertheless, candid candy are "permanent residents" of a male body. Therefore, in most cases, the thrush in men develops for the same reasons as their companion. The risk factors include a decrease in immune activity, the reception of some drugs, violation of hygienic standards, the exhaustion of the body, dysbacteriosis, etc.

Most often, the infection affects the fabric on the head of the penis. It causes redness and swelling. You can also observe the formation of a whitic plaque, which is going under extreme flesh. Men complain about the feeling of severe tooth and burning. Often the process of urination is accompanied by pain. Discomfort occurs during intercourse.

Candidiasis during pregnancy

It is no secret to anyone that in the period of having a child, candidiasis is a fairly common problem. What does thrush come from women during pregnancy? Why is this phenomenon occur so often?

In fact, the flashes of the thrush are associated with the natural restructors of the female organism. After all, during this period, the level of hormones changes significantly. On the other hand, the immune system future mom Highly weakened. All this entails a change in the acidity of the vagina.

Lack of treatment can lead to negative consequences. But, as you know, pregnant women can take far from all medicines. That is why it is categorically prohibited to engage in self-medication. The treatment diagram can be prepared only by the attending physician.

Most modern antifungal agents are not suitable for pregnant women. Most often, gynecologists prescribe local use - these can be antifungal creams or vaginal suppositories.

Modern diagnostic methods

When the first symptoms appear to go to the doctor. Only a specialist knows how and from what the thrush appears in women, how to properly diagnose it. First of all, the gynecologist will inspect. During the procedure, the doctor, as a rule, notices the presence of characteristic secretions of the whitelic or grayish plaque on the walls of the vagina, as well as hyperemia and the swelling of the mucous membranes.

Next, microbiological analysis is carried out. Samples of vaginal discharge are investigated in laboratory conditions. Under the microscope, experts can see pseudomitis and spores fungus. Sometimes there is an argument on an artificial nutrient medium additionally - this makes it possible not only to accurately determine the nature of the pathogen, but also to check its sensitivity to one or another drug.

In some cases, the patient is prescribed an additional examination. Blood and urine tests, ultrasound of the small pelvis organs, an inspection of an endocrinologist - all these procedures help determine the cause of thrush and, accordingly, eliminate it. Full medical examination is extremely important in the case of chronic, constantly recurrent candidiasis.

How to treat candidiasis?

Now you know what thrush appears in women. How to treat such a disease? At the very first symptoms, it is worth contacting a specialist. Of course, almost all used drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy without a recipe, but only the doctor will be able to inspect and determine the correct tactics of treatment. After all, candidiasis can be associated with other diseases (including some venereal infections).

In most cases, local applications are used to treat thrush. Vaginal suppositories containing antifungal agents such as miconazole, clotrimazole or econazole are most popular. Such means are easy to use, and side effects from such therapy appear rarely.

Sometimes experts advise the use of antifungal cream, which must be applied to the skin of the external genital organs. Such medicines are suitable for both men and women. Cream or ointment will help you quickly remove itching and pain.

In some cases, systemic treatment is necessary - therapy is complemented by antifungal pills. The most popular and effective is the Fluconazole preparation. As a rule, only one reception of this means is enough to patients.

Sometimes treatment scheme includes the reception of drugs that improve the work of the immune system. These may be immunomodulating drugs, vitamin complexes, as well as lacto and bifidobacteria.

Patients strongly recommend adhere to personal hygiene rules. It is also worth adjusting the diet, limiting the amount of sweets, smoked, spices, fried and sharp dishes. If you have a permanent sexual partner, then the treatment is best to pass together - it will help to prevent re-infection.

Methods of prevention

Of course, today there is no vaccine that is capable of protecting a person from Candidia forever. The main method of protection against thrush is to eliminate risk factors. In particular, experts recommend to carefully comply with personal hygiene rules, monitor meals, strengthen the immune system, protect the microflora during treatment with antibiotics, avoid indiscriminate sexual bonds, etc.

The thrush appears due to reproduction in the field of female genital organs of conditionally pathogenic fungi called Candida, so in medicine this disease is called candidiasis. This yeast-like fungus in small quantities is always present among other microorganisms in the body of a woman, as it is involved in metabolic processes: he lives not only in the vagina, but also in the intestine, on the skin, in the mouth. But when you change any conditions, it begins to actively multiply, becomes aggressive, irritates the mucous membranes, causes itching and other unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Also, the thrush can cause some other strains of this fungus, which have a more pathogenic effect for a person.

It is not known that it leads to a sharp jump in the reproduction of candidate candidates in the body of a woman. There are several factors that are often accompanied, but it is not clear, at some people when one of them is high, the likelihood of candidiasis is high, and other disease does not appear.

Doctors explain this by the power of the immune system and the peculiarities of the hormonal background.

Causes of the appearance of thrush

Very often the reason is the change in the hormonal background. Increased or levels of some hormones that are produced in the body of women are able to change the acid-alkaline media into the vagina and in some cases cause ideal conditions for reproduction of the candidate fungus. That is why most often occurs during pregnancy, before menstruation or when taking hormonal tablets.

Reception of antibiotics can also provoke candidiasis, since these drugs eliminate people not only from pathogenic bacteria, but also from good organisms, including lactobacteria living in the vagina and creating the right environment. When they are less than, fungi begin to multiply, which provokes the beginning of the disease.

Thrush can accompany venereal diseases: Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, which also affect the vaginal microflora. Surgical intervention, mechanical or chemical injuries, infectious (not necessarily gynecological) disease can disrupt the conditions on the mucous genuine organs. Often the thrush appears with diabetes and metabolic disorders.

The causes of the appearance of the thrush are called wearing synthetic close linen, the use of daily gaskets, excessive consumption of sweet and improper nutrition.

In fact, the listed factors cannot be called the exact causes of the appearance of the thrush, since they are not always and do not cause a disease. But more often, these phenomena lead to the development of candidiasis.

Lilk causes small fungi from the genus Candida. They live on mucous membranes, in the intestine and usually do not interfere with anything.

But sometimes they begin to actively multiply. Then there are unpleasant symptoms that indicate the disease. In scientific - candidiasis, in a simple - thrush.

The most difficult relationship with Candida in women. 80% at least once in his life met with the thrush.

Thrush - capricious disease. Someone she appears after antibiotics or diseases, and someone is enough to move sweet or reversal - and there are already unpleasant symptoms.

How to understand that this is the thrush?

The thrush is hard to confuse with something else. She declares itself itching and pain, and itching increases after water procedures. The skin blushes and swells.

The main thing is to highlight. There are many of them, they are transparent or white and dense, sometimes they look like cottage cheese. At the same time, discomfort occurs during sex, sometimes it feels pain during urination.

Is the thrush transfer sexually transmitted? Do you need to treat a partner?

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The thrush is not transferred to the sexual way. If you are sick, then your "native" microorganisms are to blame, and not external infections.

Therefore, it is not necessary to treat a partner. But there is one thing: if the partner has been manifested by signs of candidiasis, he will have to undergo a course of treatment. The main thing is to be treated at the same time and buy effective means. Fortunately, now there is a choice. Women are conveniently used medications in the form of candles, men will suit the cream, both partners can use pills.

Is it possible to treat the thrush without a doctor?

The first "visit" of the thrush must be treated with the gynecologist, which will definitely identify the diagnosis and will pick up drugs. If you already had a thrush, then you know her symptoms. In such cases, it can be treated with drugs that are sold without a doctor's prescription, but only with reservations:

  • You are sure that this is exactly thrush.
  • You are sure that you do not have a different disease that can be transferred simultaneously with the thrush (this means that you are not guided by sex, because if you are sexually active, such confidence can not be).
  • The thrush appears rarely (once a year or less), and you can apply drugs without provoking stability to.

In all other situations, you need to go to the doctor.

Is the thrush happening if I do not live sex life?

Yes, sometimes. Sex generally affects the activity of fungi. Therefore, the thrush is striking even those who have not started living sex life, but manifests itself as much and unpleasant.

In addition, the thrush may appear in the mouth (this is a frequent situation among young children) and even on internal organs - It happens in cancer.

Can you have sex during the thrush?

The thrush is sexually transmitted, so the only restriction for sex is well-being. With unpleasant symptoms, usually not before love, the skin is too much irritated. The discharge and smells during the thrush also do not contribute to a special passion.

But it must be borne in mind that some medicines for the treatment of fungal infection (candles, creams) reduce efficiency. And with the thrush, the body can be more susceptible to infections. So either protect additionally in other ways, or refrain if not confident in the partner.

Is it possible to take medicine from thrush?

Emiliano Horcada /

It is possible if these medicines do not harm the child. Due to strong hormonal changes in pregnant women, candidiasis appears 2-3 times more often than in the usual condition. Now there are enough drugs that are safe during pregnancy. Of course, pregnant women should not choose their own treatment, it needs to be discussed with a doctor.

Unpleasant symptoms are very worried. When will it end?

Itching, burning and highlighting during the thrush are so strong that they interfere with sports, swim, relax and do not focus on work. Many modern antifungal agents help to weaken the symptoms for the first day of reception, but this does not mean that the course of treatment should be thrown as soon as it became easier. If you do not finish it, the thrush may return. Complete treatment takes about a week, a maximum of two.

Is it true that it is impossible to get rid of the thrush forever?

Thrush loves to return, like boomerang. By half of the fallen women, she comes again and again. If this happens, then the body requires comprehensive treatment.

The focus of infection is usually located in the intestine. It is from it that mushrooms are spread throughout the body. But Candidiasis does not develop just like that. If the thrush often returns, this is a reason to think about why it happens. Maybe you have a hidden chronic disease (for example, sugar begins), maybe your lifestyle is far from healthy and it's time to get rid of obesity and go to proper nutrition.

Maybe better folk remedies?

Folk remedies were needed when I had to fight with a thrush without effective drugs. Therefore, all sorts of grasses and soda solutions worked - there were nothing to replace them. Modern medicines are tested, effective and help faster than any folk recipes.

Such a disease like candidiasis, better known called thrush, is familiar with almost all women, and most, unfortunately, personal experience. And if in most cases almost the same, the causes of the occurrence of thrush in women can be different.

Where the thrush is taken from

Candidoz received his popular name due to the fact that the selection appearing during it causes many people association with milk, or rather, with cottage cheese. In each woman, with the appearance of thrush, there is plentiful vaginal allocations of white, in their consistency are very similar to cottage cheese.

The causative agent of the disease, called the thrush, is the fungus of the genus candidateThere are about 150 varieties. Normally, this fungus is in the body of each person, being part of the normal microflora, for example, in the vagina in women. These microorganisms are needed to maintain the normal pH of the vaginal microflora, which is important for the state of the epithelial, as well as for the process of conception.

The immune system is always on guarding the normal state and depresses the reproduction of fungi if necessary, but With imminent immunity, these microorganisms are activated and lead to the appearance of the disease.. Quite often, when normalizing the state of the immune system, the body itself copes with the thrush, but in some situations, medical care is required.

Causes of candidiasis in women

The factors leading to the appearance of a violation exists quite a lot, and it is very important to accurately determine from what thrush appears in a woman to choose adequate therapy and prevent further relapses. To the main reasons can be attributed:

Low immunity

This cause of the thrush in girls is the most common and common. Many women sufficiently catch the cold or any similar infectious viral disease so that candidiasis immediately appear.

With a strong weakening of the immune system caused by any serious or long-term disease, the thrush can spread throughout the body, forming foci of inflammation not only in the vagina (in women) and in the genitals (in men), but also in the intestine, as well as in oral cavity. In this case, the thrush requires an integrated and very difficult treatment.

In patients infected with HIV, due to the weakness of the immune system, the thrush is a practically constant companion and requires serious careful control, since treatment in this case will be very complex.

If it does not start the treatment in the first time to strengthen the immunity and the restoration of the body's protective forces, candidiasis can go into a chronic shape and create many inconveniences and troubles, manifested in the presence of any favors favorable for fungi.

Incorrect nutrition

Incorrect nutrition is also a frequent cause of the occurrence of candidiasis in a woman. For the normal existence of the body, each person should use a certain amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, with the optimal ratio of vitamins and other nutrients.

Food must be balanced, and products - a varietySo that the body gets everything he needs. But some women (like men and children) have special weakness to sweets and various baking and use them in very large quantities, often without controlling such actions and exceeding all reasonable norms.

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In this case, too much sugar fall into the blood, to cope with whom the body can not. Because of this, the microflora of the vagina is changing, where a special "sweet" atmosphere is created, very favorable for rapidly reproduction of fungi. For this reason, all sweet tooths often suffer from thrush.


The state of the vaginal microflora largely depends on the overall level of hormones in the body and the hormonal background. Any hormonal failures caused by stress, pregnancy, some phases of menstruation cycle, menopause, various pathological conditions, obesity, the presence of diabetes, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of ovarian or adrenal glands and other factors can create optimal conditions For the development of fungi.

Very often, the doctors send women who periodically manifests the thrush to a number of additional studies, since diabetes can cause the cause of frequent appearance of the thrush.

Another problem of the hormonal plan is the contraception of this category. Abuse of hormonal contraceptives, like their unjustified use, often lead to hormonal failures observed both by certain types of hormones, and according to the total hormonal background, which also creates a favorable environment for the development of fungi.


Another frequently observed cause of thrush is the use of antibiotics. Today, very many diseases are simply impossible to cure without the use of antibiotic and antimicotic groups. Such means allow to eliminate many very dangerous diseases in literally in a few days, eliminating the person and from possible serious consequences, which became possible due to the development of modern medicine.

But any means of this category have many side effects. In addition, any antibiotics are not able to provide action only on one particular type of malicious microorganisms, without affecting others, therefore, as a rule, various flora suffer.

Violation of the state of the mucous membranes in many organs can lead to the activation of candidate fungi and the appearance of thrush, especially the vagina and the oral cavity.

Synthetic and wet underwear

Many women are enjoying wearing synthetic linen, more attractive and exquisite, compared with natural cotton models, as well as combidals and panties-streng.

Such underwear causes a woman's body very significantBut many do not pay attention to fashion and personal tastes. Lingerie from synthetics violates natural heat exchange, especially tight, tight models, creating a similarity of vacuum space.

For this reason, the temperature in the crotch area begins to rise, as well as the level of humidity, and this contributes to the rapid reproduction of fungi. Especially dangerous in this regard wearing such linen in hot time.

The reason for the appearance of the candidiasis can be wet underwear. Some women after swimming in water bodies or pools are in no hurry to take a shower and change clothes into dry clothes, thereby providing a favorable wet environment that promotes the development of thrush.

Local factors

  • Permanent use of pads with flavors, including daily.
  • Application of gels, soap and other means for intimate hygieneAntibacterial effect. With too much, the use of such substances is broken by local immunity in the genitals.
  • Using flavored and color toilet paper.
  • Unjustified spectrum various means or herbal decrains and even ordinary water. Such behavior contributes to washing from the vagina not only the harmful microflora, but also useful, which leads to the destruction of natural protection.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene Or its forced violation, for example, on long trips, when it is impossible to take a shower or at least normal.
  • Permanent use of daily gasketsEspecially in cases where they are not replaced during the day.
  • Using tampons during menstrual bleeding With their rare replacement. It is very important to change the tampons every 4 hours, regardless of their filling.

Other reasons

Among other reasons for the frequent appearance of the thrush can be noted a violation of metabolism, which is almost always observed in full women, and at half past cases it is associated with the presence of diabetes in any stage.

In disruption, the metabolism fails not only in the system of adjusting the blood pressure of sugar, but also in the processes of natural protein and fat metabolism. As a rule, there is a violation of the flora into the vagina.

Another factor is pregnancy, because it's no secret that thrush is a very frequent companion of this important period for every female period.

When having tooling a baby with the most early deadlines The instability of the hormonal background appears, which is constantly changing, and this may not be reflected in the state of various systems and organs, including the vagina.

From the first days of pregnancy there is a decrease in the work of the immune systemWhat is necessary for normal tooling and developing the fetus. If this does not happen, a woman has miscarriage, since the immune system determines the fruit egg as a foreign body and strives to get rid of it. A decrease in immunity (necessary for normal pregnancy) leads to the development of many ailments, including thrushs.

The causes of the appearance of thrush are called such factors that cause a violation of the natural balance of bacterial microflora of the skin or mucous membranes. Fungal microorganisms are considered a conditional pathogenic infection, since in small quantities of candids are always present in our body. Why does candidiasis affect only some patients, not everyone? The reasons for the occurrence of this ailment in women and men are presented further in the content of this article.

What provokes the development of this disease in women?

The thrush in women - the reason for the manifestation of such a disease is its pathogen - a special microbe of the genus Candida. This fungus is able to show their pathogenic properties only in the presence of certain conditions favorable for its reproduction and development. It is when the amount of malicious microorganisms exceeds permissible norm, We can talk about the appearance of candidiasis. The symptoms of this ailment arise in adult women under the influence of the predisposing factors listed below.

  • The use of hormonal drugs. After numerous studies, scientists have proven that the cause of thrush in women can be the reception of medicines with an increased content of estrogen - female sex hormones. In this case, such drugs may have creams or gels that are used to enhance the growth of endometrials in the uterus, as well as certain types of drugs for oral contraception. The activation of fungal infection in a similar situation occurs because large doses of estrogen cause changes in the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina, which is why the natural protection of these organs is reduced. For Candid, any weakening of immunity (local or systemic) creates favorable conditions for further development - microbes become pathogenic, which is manifested by characteristic clinical signs of the disease. In some cases, provoked the occurrence of candidias in women can natural estrogens (phytoestrogens): Speert and Sage. Excessive use of brazers and infusions prepared from these plants violates the balance of microflora of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Endocrine pathologies. Not the last cause of the thrush in women can be considered and violation of the work of the internal secretion glands. Such a serious alert, as diabetes, has a negative impact on the body and leads to the activation of pathogenic microbes. Patients are an excellent reproduction medium not only fungal, but also bacterial, viral infection. As a result of the process of urination on genitals, a special microclimate is formed, favorable to the development of fungal damage to the mucous membranes.
  • Antibacterial therapy. The use of antibiotics often becomes the main cause of candidiasis in women, especially if for the treatment of bacterial pathologies, sufficiently strong preparations are used in large dosages. If the primary reception of antibacterial drugs provoked the appearance of thrush symptoms once, then with a high probability it can be argued that this ailment will manifest itself in subsequent methods of drugs of this group. Antibiotics are destructive to act on certain bacteria, but under their influence, a certain breach is created in the immune system. The decrease in the body's protective forces leads to the reproduction of fungi and the development of symptomatic signs of candidiasis.
  • Infection with sexual contact. Infection in the intercourse process is the most common path of transmitting fungal microbes. At the same time, male representatives in most cases do not even know about the presence of candidas in their body, since they most often act only by carriers of this ailment. In such a situation, they do not have any symptoms of thrush, but they can convey this disease with a vaginal or oral sexual contact. Sometimes the fungus does not save even the use of barrier contraceptives.
  • Reducing the reactivity of the immune system. Not always the causes of the occurrence of thrush in women are associated with the use of antibacterial drugs. A chronic lack of sleep, long-term depression and stress, colds (ORVI, Flu), constant fatigue, HIV and AIDS can also lead to a decrease in the natural protective forces of the body. Such states are negatively reflected on the ability of the body to resist various microorganisms, the great set of which is localized on the surface of our skin and mucous membranes. Particularly often fungal infection are subjected to parts of the body with high humidity: bends of knee and elbow joints, skin under the breast, the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression.

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Methods for removing itching with thrush

Why are the signs of this disease manifest in teenage girls?

The reason for the appearance of thrush in girls often serves infection with data by a non-departure of the mother when the child is passing through the generic paths. In the event that the treatment of candidiasis in a woman was not carried out before pregnancy or childbirth, pathogens can penetrate the genitory organs of the newborn. Due to the fact that the vagina has a sour Wednesday, the infection is leaving there and causes the development of fungal lesion in infants or older age. Taking the occurrence of this pathology in girls in adolescence can also receive antibacterial drugs.

The causes of the thrush in the girl are often associated with the lack or shortage of personal and intimate hygiene skills. The risk of manifestation of this disease in adolescent girls is increasing in the presence of concomitant diseases - enterobiosis, colds. Note that the clinical signs of the vaginal candidiasis rarely arise to the first menstruation (Menarche).

In the transitional age, the symptoms of fungal lesion begin to appear much more often due to the restructuring hormonal system Teenager throughout the menstrual cycle. Reducing the number of hormone-estrogen reduces the number of useful bacteria in the mucous membrane - this creates a favorable environment for the development of fungal microflora in it.

The following diseases lead to the activation of malicious microorganisms in young girls:

  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of LOR-organs that have chronic current;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diseases associated with circulatory impairment;
  • reduced hemoglobin in blood (anemia);
  • various infectious pathologies.

Good to know! The frequency of the manifestation of thrush in girls in adolescence increases with the beginning of active sexual life. During this period, young representatives of excellent sex lack knowledge of hygiene of sexual contacts. In such a situation, candidiasis is the result of indiscriminate intimate connections that occur without the use of protective equipment.

Pregnancy and fungal defeat

Why and from what the thrush occurs in pregnant women? The main cause of the disease in this case is the instability of the hormonal regulation of the body. This condition causes violation and restructuring of all organs and women's body systems. Therefore, the primary manifestation of the candidiasis in many of many weak sex representatives is observed during pregnancy.

According to statistics, this ailment during the field of fetal is 3 times more often than in the usual state. 7-9 months of pregnancy are the most severe and dangerous, since during this period of time the thrush can recur by, causing serious problems with the future mother and her child. The cause of the candidiasis in pregnant women can be such factors provocateurs:

  • Reducing the reactivity of immunity - during the tooling of the baby in a woman comes the physiological decline of natural protection of the body. This process prevents the propagation of the embryo, which the mother's immune system can recognize alien.
  • Hormonal therapy - long-term use of methipred, prednisone dexamethasone and their analogues leads to the activation of candida.
  • Foci of chronic infections - especially if they are in the organs of the reproductive system of women.
  • Antibiotics treatment - the use of strong antibacterial medicines disrupts the intestinal flora, causing dysbacteriosis and decrease in immunity.
  • Hormonal restructuring - a change in the regulation of active substances in this situation is an integral part of the pregnancy necessary for its normal flow. The woman's body actively allocates gestagens - they control the entire process of navigating the fetus to childbirth. Such a transformation of hormones creates excellent conditions for the reproduction of fungi and other infections.
  • Inappropriate therapy of vaginal pathologies - to restore microflora of this body often use eubiotics - medicinal productsthat contain in its composition a large number of Lactobacteria. These useful microorganisms cause the development of candidiasis symptoms.
  • Nutritional disorders - in case of insufficient intake of all the beneficial substances, minerals and vitamins, their deficit may arise, which is negatively affecting the immune system of the future mother. In this period it is recommended to limit the use of sweets.
  • Other pathologies are diabetes mellitus, colds, anemia, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Important! The reception of eubiotics helps to restore the natural acidity in the vagina cavity. But this environment creates a favorable microclimate for breeding Candid! Therefore, only a specialist should be prescribed such medicines after a pre-conducted microscopic analysis of the vaginal microflora.

The reasons for the occurrence of this ailment in newborns

The thrush in children of infant age is mainly appearing in the oral cavity, but in severe cases there is also a defeat of the genitals. Infection of fungal infection occurs in the process of childbirth, when the baby receives all useful and harmful microorganisms from the mother. Candidiasis in young children occurs under the influence of the following circumstances: