
Whistling flower. Unpretentious indoor plants

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Indoor plants, which practical not need to care for.

Agree, nothing decorates the interior of your dwelling, like bright flowers in a cute pot. These home plants are not only pleased with the eye by the cream of paints, but also benefit, absorbing harmful substances of synthetic upholstery of furniture, carpets, a porter and other parts of your interior.

Some home plants possess medical properties And they were indispensable in many families. But sometimes care for indoor plants takes a lot of time, requires certain knowledge and not everyone can cope with it.

If you are a beginner flower, often in departures, or work around the house takes a lot of time, we offer you a selection of the most unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special care conditions, but will be able to decorate your home no worse and exotic.

1. Scarlet or meal

Perhaps the most popular indoor plant of our moms and grandmothers primarily due to their therapeutic properties. Everyone knows his ability to cope with purulent wounds, heal cuts and burns. And the juice helps perfectly helps with a cold. All kinds of this plant - typical succulents, big lovers sunlight. They do not like frequent watering and perfectly fit those who are forced to spend most of the time outside the house. The place in the house is selected solar, on the windowsill or on solar verandas, and in the summer, the scarlet can be taken out to open air. Do not try to create in winter for them artificial lighting Luminescent lamps. This leads to stretching of plants and loss external view. It is better to keep it in a cool bright place and water once a month. Abundant irrigation can cause the root of the roots of the plant. In summer, the scarlet is watered only after drying the upper layer of the soil in the pot.

This is a rather unpretentious indoor plant, growing which is not difficult even novice lovers of indoor flower growing. Chlorophyteum can be attributed to both Sun-Sulad and shadowish plant. Best of all he feels in bright or slightly in a presence. Bright coloring of the spelling forms is slightly lost in the shade. This plant easily transfers straight sunlight for several hours. Chlorophytum is best placed in the kitchen, as it easily cleanses the room from malicious gases.

There are several types of this room plant. Two of them are very simple in care. This is the drakes of Draco bordered and drakes. They withstand the shaded and do not require frequent watering and spraying. IN modern houses And the offices of drazes serve decorative decoration due to their exotic appearance.

If you fail to grow orchid or orange tree, And all your attempts end in full failure - do not be dug! Start with Sansevieria. This is a very beautiful indoor plant of the Agavov family, it is quite possible to attribute to the number of "non-special". It transfers the shadow and sun, dry air, humidity and coolness. And also protects against accumulation of harmful substances allocated by linoleum and synthetics. On the bright Sunsevier's sun is capable of even blooming, but poorly tolerates the mooring of the soil and low temperature. It is not necessary to transplant it, but when it stops too many roots, the pot itself can crack. It is better to purchase two flower at once, because in itself it is a very beautiful and undoubtedly useful plant.

If you want to have prosperity and abundance in your home, and all your undertakings accompanied good luck - buy a home plant called a fat man, known as a monetary tree. It does not bloom, but grows to huge sizes, it has very beautiful leaves of a juicy green shade, does not require special careBut does not like to overwhelm and dark corners. Declaring the interior of any home or office.

6. Abutilon (room maple)

Another unpretentious, but very spectacular indoor plant. His large flowers They have a bell-made shape and have a different color: white, pink, yellow, red, and leaves are like maple. Hence such a name. Abutilon transfers dryness and heat in the apartment, and the pot with this plant can be put on the windowsill or at some distance from it. It is necessary to water them, otherwise they will not bloom. The plant does not require special feeding: just needed once every three weeks to enrich the soil with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants. Abutilon not only creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also perfectly moisturizes the air.

The second name of this plant is a Chinese rose. It is a bush with huge and very beautiful flowers-bowls. Different varieties of this plant have different colors coloring. More often - these are red flowers, but there are white, and pink, and even in Krapinka. Hibiscus flowers round year, which means that in winter you will have a little summer in the apartment. This flower loves light and need to keep it on the windowsill. It is also necessary to regularly water and feed in winter. But the beauty is worth it.

If there is not much light in your house, and you think that the conditions for indoor plants are completely inappropriate, feel free to plant the Fatia Japanese. This is a shadowless and disease-resistant plant with very large and beautiful leaves similar to chestnut leaves. It feels great even near the central heating battery and at the same time well moisturizes the air in the room, it helps a healthy sleep.

This is very unusual houseplants. In appearance, they resemble pebbles, and are accustomed to the Spartan content conditions: grow on stones, and in the winter they do not require watering at all. These "live stones" are very different and painting will become an excellent decoration of your room, and in the spring will delight with unusual flowers.

Bright blossoms attract attention geranium, which can also be safely attributed to unpretentious home plants. Geranium is rightfully considered a symbol of home comfort, and was brought to Europe in the middle of the XVII century. Now the numerous varieties of flower amaze imagination with a variety of paints and shapes. And if you do not have enough time for more careful care for it, geranium will still bloom, but not so abundantly.

11. Kalanchoe

This is a houseplant, like the scarlet, has long been known as medicinal plantnot requiring any care. Recently there have been many beautiful blooming Calanechoe hybrids. Watering the plant can be rarely. it shadowy flowerwhich makes no problems with sharp drops of temperatures, blooms long and grows slowly, which does not need frequent transplants.

12. Cactus

If you want to surprise friends and relatives with blooming indoor plants, purchase a cactus or create a whole collection. It does not take much time, and the care of it is quite simple. There are many types of cacti, which are well evolving and stable, every year, flower on the windowsill. The most persistent species of these plants were small and spherical. Cactus flowers have a variety of shades. All of them are very bright and juicy, and will decorate any room.

Fikuse family has a very large variety of representatives. Among them are not unpretentious among them, which do not require special care: the ficus rubbing, the ficus is lyinglike. They successfully cope with the neutralization of harmful impurities in the air, possess special energy, creating a feeling of comfort and comfort. Most of them fit perfectly into any interior style.

Very popular homemade plant due to its flower, which looks like a white caullet. It is periodically blooming without any intervention on our part. Spathifulum - shades, special care does not require, does not like excessive soil moisturizing (they can bend roots). In addition to a beautiful appearance, Spatiflow perfectly moisturizes the air.

A very beautiful flowering plant, as if specifically created for darkened places indoors. Bright light Begonia does not like. Varieties of this plant is a huge amount. All of them bloom abundantly and have spectacular motivated leaves. Begonias equally tolerates heat and coolness well. But here is the humidity of the air they need high. Spraying leaves are not worth it, as they love direct contact with water. So that the roots do not swam, begonia needs to be regularly water.

Indoor Flowers add paint to our life, create a mood and homemade. They can bring huge benefit to their owners. Therefore, it is necessary to choose them correctly, as certain types do not simply revive the room, but also improve well-being, warmed into the cold and just please the eyes.

Useful properties of home plants

Here are the main of them:

  • In poor ventilated rooms accumulates carbon dioxide. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal types of plants are treated cuts, burns, colds and other malaise.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers promote humidification of air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It is able to influence the well-being of a person, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from emissions of factories and enterprises. Plants purify air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Folk beliefs emphasize indoor flowers to bring happiness, harmony, calm, etc. We included some plants in our review, which according to the signs are useful for their owners.

Houseplants: Choose for yourself and loved ones


This is a well-known home leak. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heals the wounds. Its juice is used to treat the throat, heartburn, gastritis, with inflammation of gums and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetics.


It is also very helpful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and rush leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldful fungi and pathogenic bacteria, clean the air from the harmful substances present in it. Chlorophytum will bring calm and comfort to the house.


Great for growing in a pot on the windowsill. It contributes to improving appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its sheets are well used as seasonings to various dishes and brew tea with them.


Many favorite plant Perfectly fit into the kitchen interior and will not take much space. The violet will clean and moisturize the air from carbon monoxide gases. This flower is a symbol of peace and calm in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give calm, stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen the character. Flowers Red I. pink colour Raise the mood and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


Perfectly copes with the task of collecting dust, which settles on his leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, clean the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, soothes and relieves disturbing thoughts.


Beautiful liana, for example, Szindapsus looks good in suspended porridge. Has green leaflets of heart-shaped with yellowish spots. She is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. SzindapSus converts lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Waxy Ivy

This is a curly flower with solid oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red inflorescences-umbrellas. The plant neutralizes the negative energy in the house, protects the owner from trouble and cleans the air from the microbes.


Magnificent curly geranium has many healing properties. It scares the mole and evil spirits, eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep and fights with pathogens of bacteria. One presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfill the desires. The aroma of these colors relaxes and removes headaches. If the plant is tugged, then they believe that someone from households can get sick.


This plant can be squat or high, with a thick trunk. It is often called money tree. The crack has small dark green leaves, which are located on branches in a symmetrical order. They look like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat man can attract material benefits into the house.

Sansevieria (Teschin Language)

Pretty high plant with massive elongated leaves. They are monophonic and have a dark green color. And also have bright stripes in the middle or white specks. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, because of which they are widely used in traditional medicine. Sansevier's juice is used for wound healing, as well as the plant can stop blood.


This bushy plant has a purple color. His leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white flowers and umbrellas appear on it. Flower twigs can be gossipped with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, add to salads. To taste, they resemble sorrel. The plant improves intuition, exacerbates feelings. He can keep those who wish to meet the soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical little extracted shape. His ribbed body is covered with small needles. If a cactis is good to care for, it will bloom closer towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which the bud with an excellent aroma will be revealed. It will bloom up to 3 days. Cactus put near a TV or computer and in other places with hazardous radiation.


All citrus shoes calm the nervous system and remove stress. The tree can be grown from lemon bones or mandarin. Leaflets as well as the fruits are able to have a useful effect. Plants allocate essential oils that contribute to soothing, removing stress and fatigue, ensuring healthy and strong sleep.

Mirt or Eucalyptus

These plants are not suitable for the bedroom. Their leaves are isolated substances that make breathing and remove the bronchial spasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and diseases of the respiratory system.

Mirt is made to give newlyweds, because it is a symbol of long and happy family relationships. It is necessary to carefully care for it so that the plant does not die and did not take well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with freshness of the coniferous forest. This is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant perfectly cleans the air.


Many flowers, according to the signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathifylum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of his second half and retains the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart leaves, which will make his own owner, will bring her luck in love.

Dwarc grenade

It is believed that his fruits are able to strengthen the married relationship, if the husband and wife try them together.


In the bedroom it is recommended to put red flowers. They bring consent and mutual feelings to the family pair. Anthurium has glossy dark green leaflets in the form of hearts. By accepting, this flower will bring good luck to his man owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, male strength, passionism, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers rolled shape. It protects the house and generates joy and welcome, and also converts negative energy into a positive one.


Red Camellia will help refresh relationships. Her inflorescences are like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different color. This is a real home leak. The flower heals cuts, treats cold, regenerates the skin, eliminates the stomach ulcers and even varicose expansion veins.


Room plant with dark matte leaves, in which white splashes are present. Cyclamen's inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade may be different. Most often, one shade smoothly goes into another. Flowers have severe energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which the corrugated pattern is applied. Little white or yellow flowers appear during flowering. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs the negative energy. Signs say that Calatea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Do you really want the atmosphere of comfort in the apartment? Home plants will help create it. Do not hurry with the conclusion that it is too troublesome and not at all for you. There are a number of wonderful plants that do not require close attention in terms of departure! They will delight you and at the same time beneficially influence the mental and physical condition.

We have prepared for you a list of 28 most unpretentious indoor plants With which even a very lazy man can easily cope. You can only choose a plant (or several) for yourself - blooming or not, with thick leaves or with gentle, large for spacious premises or small for small housing , options are enough.Read, see ( all pictures increase when clicking), choose ...

Abutilon ("Cannik" or "Homemade Kleon" - enters the family of Malvic). This is not only hardy, but also beautiful plant. Abutilons do not require complex care and special conditions of content. It is enough to keep it in a bright or a bit of the shaded place, to abundantly water, spray once in one or two weeks.

Aloe. Familiar from childhood Most Russians "Spacidious Torn". If the survival championship was held among the plants, aloe would be in medalists! Perfectly transfers almost any conditions - cold, heat, shadow, bright light, is not demanding for the quality of the soil. Yes, he also treats a lot of things about therapeutic properties of aloe can be written a separate very large article. Wonderful plant!

Asparagus. Most often occurs a ceremonial type of asparagus. Slightly resembles a fern with needle leaves. Loves suspension caspo. It grows well in the shade and in bright light. Summer spray several times a week, in winter, water is not more often once a week (or less often).

Aspidistra (People's unofficial name - "Friendly Family", enters the family of Lily). It can do long without water, it is necessary to water only when the soil is dried, but even if forget, the plant will survive it. The plant is sufficiently resistant to cold, does not require much light.

Heliotrope (Family of bulbs). Latin name means " rotating for the sun" Since the ground-term helicophera proceeds grow in the tropics and subtropics, then decorative species This plant is heat-loving. Relatively unpretentious plant - he needed light ( it is clear from the scientific name) And warm, as well as abundant watering. It may seem that the plant is demanding in care, but believe me, it is not difficult to follow him!

Zamiculkas. Like all succulents is extremely unpretentious. Completely undemanded to the brightness of sunlight, humidity, soil composition. Water when drying the soil, about once a week. In order for the leaves to grow evenly and the plant had a beautiful form, periodically turn the porridge around its axis.

Golden mustache (Callia is fragrant or homemade ginseng). The basic requirements of this plant are a bright place and abundant watering regardless of the time of year. So the plant will not only be beautiful, but also possess all its healing properties, which are a lot and in stalks, and in the leaves.

Kalanchoe. A wide variety of shapes and color leaves allows you to pick up this plant for every taste. Water plant preserves in thick leaves, so watering very moderately, only when the soil will warm up well. It is advisable to keep in the light, but not under the right sunlight, since optimal temperature For calangean from 15 to 20 degrees. And this is another medicinal plant in your home!

Clivia. Very simpler plant. It grows well in the shade ( in winter, it is even recommended to keep it on the bottomrooms of the northern windows), and in bright light. It is necessary to water very rarely - in the summer 2 times a month, in the winter no more than once a week, between watering the soil must have time to dry.

Koleus. Beautiful I. unusual combination The color of the leaves is very pleasing to the eye, and in their form, sometimes in the people are called " nature" Of important conditions Keseus content - warm, good lighting, wet ( not overcooked ) the soil.

Metrosiderus. If in your apartment increased humidity And windows overlooking the south, then the plant is perfectly attached. Put it on a well-lit place and water so that the ground is always slightly wet ( about once every 3 days).

Milia Mile(Euoforbia Mill, Vulcanos). Refers to succulents, so the temporary drought will move well. Keep it on the southern room window, as the plant loves warmth and good light, water a couple of times a week.

Monster. If you do not have a desire to carefully care for plants, but there is high ceilings In the apartment, then Monster is what you need. Loves light half, moisturizes. Periodically spray the leaves and abundantly water the ground, giving it to dry until the next irrigation. Monsters are capable of growing up to 4-5 meters at home.

Pelargonium (everyone is known geranium). Previously, this flower was an indispensable attribute of almost every Soviet apartment. Requires some concerns about yourself, but the comprehensive is not burdensome in care. Light place and good watering in summer, as well as periodic transplants. Water to water moderately. The plant can accumulate moisture, so it is resistant to irregular irrigation. But if you do not comply with these conditions, then Pelargonium just will bloom a little less lush, and certainly will not die.

Ivy. Beautifully sprawling, Ils are able to revive any interior. Ivy varieties with green leaves calmly transfer shady, and varieties with french leaves need a good light, without direct sunlight. Obviously responds to the daily spraying. Water with soil drying in summer - abundantly, in winter - a little.

Gamingarpus. If you wanted to try to grow bonsai, then start with the gummock. Position the porridge with the plant in a bright place, in summer, water moderately, in winter - limited. If it is easy to grow a plant, it will not deliver problems, and if as a bonsai, then it will have to make a little effort to save its selected shape.

Sansevieria (people are more known as " techin Language"- refers to the family of iglitsy). A very unpretentious plant is absolutely not demanding to the degree of illumination, even the shadow tolerates well. Water is held in dense leaves, so drought-resistant, watering in the summer - not chaise once a week, in winter - every three weeks. The only condition is to see that the water is not pouring into the rosette of the plant, and then it can be started.

SENPOLIA (familiar to everyone in school window sills picoment violet). Familiar to all the violet, she needs good lighting, without direct sunlight and position the porridge so that the leaves of the flower do not touch the glass window. In the summer, we water moderately, and in winter, so that the plant blooming watering to cut.

Spathifylum. It grows well in the shaded place, loves warmth. Water abundantly, giving the top layer of the soil to dry between the watering. Once in one or two weeks it is useful to rinse the shower with cool water of the plant leaves. Spathifylum is able to stay flowering all year.

SzindapSus. Decorative liana, unpretentious, not demanding to light, grows well in shady rooms. Water moderately. Sypandus very rarely blooms in room conditionsBut but the plant is very undemanding in care and will delight you with your green leaves.

Pretty (Crassula or "Money Tree", although not very noticeable so that money with her in the apartment has become more ...). It looks like a tree - the trunk of the plant is solid with chubby green leaves. Water not often - every three days. According to the believers, the owner is capable of attracting the owner. To do this, it is necessary or to bury a large coin into the ground with a plant, or put a few coins under the porridge, or spend several coins on the plant itself (they say should be Chinese). Check, it may help, especially since there are no hassle from Tolstanka.

Tradesska. I know many by childhood, although it is hardly anyone who knew how strangely called this plant. It can safely grow in a shaded room, but in a bright place the leaves will be much more beautiful. The watering of special requirements does not impose. Very nice eye plant.

Ficus. Almost all types of ficuses require stay in a bright place with scattered sunlight. Can stand even not very warm temperature. There is no special schedule for watering, it is necessary to water the plant while grazeing the soil.

Javorti (or "Gavorption"). She does not need a bright light, suitable scene. Watering B. summer time moderate, winter - limited; The air humidity is not picky. The plant calmly postpone even a long lack of attention from the hostess.

Chlorophytum. Alignment and fast growing plant. Scattered lighting, it is possible. Maybe a few hours in a row to endure direct sunlight. In summer, it is necessary to abundantly water, but if you forget, then the plant simply will confuse a little, and will not die. The air temperature is not a picky plant, the main thing is to be not lower than 10 degrees.

Hoya. It grows well at room temperature, you can safely move the cooling to +8 degrees. The light falling on the hauy must be bright, scattered. Do not need additional humidification of air, watering in the summer - abundantly, in winter - limitedly, giving the earth to dry.

Skluberger. The name, of course, is not very congestive, but this flower will not demand a lot of attention completely. Put the plant into a bright place or a small half. It is necessary to unscrew only when flowering before it is completed ( december - January). Then watering is reduced to once a week.

Echmea.Prefers good lighting, and after the start of flowering can be calmly in a small shading. Water in summer so that the soil is always slightly moistened, watering is reduced in winter. Temperature - bedroom, from 18 to 26 degrees.

We hope that you will choose some plant from this list, and it will awaken and develop a passion for home flower growing. The main thing to understand that even the most unpretentious home plants require at least minimal attention. Well, and if you love to care for them, then they will thank you with your beautiful view and care for your health.

Even the easiest interior acquires an exquisite view if it is decorated with greens. It is much better to put in a free corner high palm Or a beautiful shrub than another bedside table. And how to raise the mood of flowers!

There is a huge number of the most varied shape and shades of indoor plants. Unpretentious flowers for the apartment can grow in a dry, dust and shaded room. They do not need special care and do not occupy a lot of time.

Views of household colors blooming all year round

Each hostess wants the plants to do not require complex care, and at the same time as long as possible pleased the eye with their flowering. There are quite a lot of such. Here are the most interesting of them:

These residents, blooming all year round, can be bought at any store. They "forgive" their owner any errors, but still in the care of each of them have their subtleties. The beauty and duration of flowering depends on them.

Attention should be paid to such moments:

  • as far as light-minded, heat-loving and moisture-like plant;
  • is there a difference in caring for flower in winter and summer;
  • how to replant the resident of the apartment;
  • in what basis the flower will feel better.

Geranium (Pelagronia)

In fact, the correct name of Gerani - Pelargonium. True geranium is a garden, not a room inhabitant. The confusion in the names occurred so long ago that no one remembers this. And all because the pelargonium could be found literally in every home.

He has a sharp smellwhich scares insects and cleans the air from bacteria. If located next to the blooming geranium for a long time, the head may get sick.

  • A feature of this plant is love for sunlight. Often watering the pelargonium can not - her roots can be controversial. At the same time, watering should be abundant, but infrequent, and in the winter it is necessary to dry.
  • If indoors, where there is a pelargonium, normal room temperature, then she will delight bloom all year round, except December-January.
  • Over time, Pelargonium can grow greatly. In this case, as well as for the formation of a beautiful crown, it is necessary to make a trimming, or a piece. You should know that too frequent trimming of Pelargonium does not like.
  • Pelargonium can multiply by seeds, but at home it is breeding with cuttings. For this, the top escape is cut and rooted it. The young Pelargonium transplant and pass each year in the spring, before the start of intensive growth.
  • The best soil for Pelargonium is a mixture of rod, humus, leaf land and sand. The pot should not be very big, otherwise the shoots with the leaves will be very much, and there will be no flowering.

Flowers brought out many varieties of pelargonium, different color and different odor. You can always choose a variety ideal for the interior.


Begonia is an exceptionally unpretentious plant. It blooms so richly that it was reflected in latin name Begonia - Begonia Semperflorens. It translates as " begonia unwell" With a caring attitude, Begonia will bloom all year round without a break.

Begonia svetigubiva, undemanding to the soil and thermal conditions. In the summer it can be taken out to the balcony and leave there to leave there overnight.

Sear the begonia is also very simple: cut off the stalk and put it into the water. After a few days, the cuttings will allow the roots, after that it can be placed in a pot. In order for the begonia to be more busy, it can be trimmed.


Balzine in the surprise is called "Okonok". Its single, large flowers have long curved spurs. During the flowering period, there are almost no leaves for flowers, it seems from afar that in a pot is not a plant, but small bright flames. And blooms Balzamin for a very long time - from June to October.

Balzamin is light, but bright sunlight does not tolerate. You can not put it where the sun directly shines. He moored, in hot days it is necessary spray water. He loves and warm, but not heat (from +15 to +25 degrees).

Under the conditions of the content, it is ideal for urban apartments, in which, as a rule, there is no extreme weather conditions. It perfectly feels like With artificial lighting.

It should only be monitoring that they do not stand too close to each other. In this case, they can reset the leaves. The leaves can be fed from the cold and lack of light.

Multiply balzamin better cuttingsremoved from the top (about 3 cm long). Cuttings give roots in any solution or substrate. The best soil for Balzine is a mixture of humus and leaf land with the addition of a small amount of sand.

When the age of Balzamine reaches 3-4 years, it is better to transplant it, because young plants bloom abundant old.

In the premises with artificial light, fuchsia feels perfectly. She richly flowers with early spring until late autumn. At this time, the fuchsia can be kept on the balcony or in the garden.

So that flowering was longer, after the fall of the first flowers follows conduct them And feed. In winter, fuchsia should be watered rarely, and in the summer - often and abundantly.

When the fuchsia winter, it drops the leaves, and by the spring again covered with them. Fuchsia is sure to need a rest, otherwise it will bloom in the season.

During flowering do not rearrange pots, move them from place to place. Plant can reset buds.

The easiest way to propagate the fuchsia with large mature leaves with severe cutters. Fit the sheet from the stem to the exact and sharp movement. From the bottom of the paper will germinate the kidney, which will develop into an adult plant.

To the soil, the fuchsia is unpretentious, but it feels best in a mixture of a sheet of land, blackloom, peat and sand (sand is two times less than the other components).


Due to the characteristic form of leaves it is called room Clean. This is a surprisingly unpretentious homemade resident, which requires only regular, but moderate watering and permanent lighting.

So that the flowering is more resistant and long, the abutylon can be filled with a potash society and superphosphate. Spring to him a strong trimming is needed - For one third or even half of all shoots.

Abutilon is breeding in spring or summer, and the best soil for it is row, humid, leafy land with a small addition of sand.


Spathifylum abundantly, or flagolist, appreciate not only for the ease of care, but also for unusual snow-white flowers With a subtle aroma. They are even grown on the cut (they are capable of sleeping for a long time).

Spathifylum heat-loving (optimal temperature of 25-27 degrees), the rest of the care of it is common. It is almost impossible to put it, as it is to pour. Spathifylum loves moist air (85-90%) and the lack of direct sunlight.

If the conditions for it are not quite suitable, it will not die, but it will just be worse than blossom. Spathifylum breeds the division of the bush on 2-3 parts. Each of the separated parts should have a root.

It is better to plant a young plant in small pots filled with a mixture of peat, humus, leaf land And sand (in equal parts) and add some charcoal, wood bark and chopped brick to the soil.

Hibiscus or Chinese Rose

Hibiscus - undemanding evergreen shrubwhich in room conditions can grow from one to two meters in height. From early spring and until late autumn, he mowed large, flame-red, white or pink flowers.

Hibiscus is required to put on a sunny place. In the summer it requires abundant irrigation and feeding. In winter, contain hibiscus is better at a temperature of 16-17 degrees.

Plugged Hibiscus cuttings. In water or sand they instantly give roots. Best rose feels in soil from running, humus and peat, with the addition of a small amount of sand.

Young plants transplant every spring, and adults in a few years (depending on the capacity pot and soil nutrition). In the spring of hibiscus can be cut in order to form a bush and the formation of young shoots, on which flower grow.


There are many varieties of Anthurium. They are divided into two groups: drafting and decorative deciduous. When buying should pay attention to it.

The whole charm of anthurium is the coverage that surrounds their center. It is bent and leathery, bright red, pink, crimped and less often - white.

Anthurium light-see, comfortable temperature for it - not lower than +18 degrees. When watering, it is necessary to avoid the convergence. Anturium love spraying.

Seat anthuriums with cuttings or separation of side shoots with roots (this is the easiest way). The soil must be well drained. It is best to mix leaf, peat, coniferous land in equal shares, and add some sand and charcoal.


Clivia - flower with dark green lean leaves. During flowering from the bottom of the sheet, a long arrow appears with large yellow-orange budsimilar to bells, the number of which can reach up to 30 pieces.

Clivia shadowed. If you get it a little mineral fertilizersthen even in the most dark room she is there will be plenty of blossom At the end of winter, in the spring, and then, after a small break, and in the summer.

Near an adult plant, root siblings always appear, which climb and breed. They are carefully separated from the parent and planted in the soil of a mixture of rods, sand and leaf land.

In the apartment, especially in winter, when hot heating batteries dried air, the atmosphere is created as in the desert. In the cold season, it becomes hot and dry, relative air humidity in apartments on average is 30%. Most indoor plants lose their decorativeness because of too dry air, the leaves are withering, yellowing, they appear brown dry stains on the edges and dries tips, the buds fall away, and the flowers quickly fade. In weakened plants, pests often appear - a web tick, it can be detected by web on the back of the leaves, these smallest insects are preferably multiplied with low humidity.

To maintain beautiful view Their domestic flowers have to constantly spray, install various moisturizers, but they have no time for such troubles. Cacti and succulent plants are adapted to grow in a hot and dry atmosphere, but they do not particularly garden the interior and do not add comfort to their villages in the house. For those who want to lake their home with beautiful houseplants with luxurious leaves and flowers, but not to spend a lot of strength and time to care for them, we recommend choosing unpretentious views from the selection below.

On this list with names and photos All rooms are dry air resistant plants They do not need to specially spray them, at the same time they will look and grow as tropical cultures. Other care for these unpretentious species is the easiest.

Zamiculkas or dollar wood Great landscape and refreshes the interior in the house or office. This unpretentious plant looks effectively due to complex leaves - curved twigs with a thick base are covered with pair shiny leaves. Zamiculkas quickly grows in lush bush, brilliant emerald leaves are not afraid of dry air, heat or drafts, they only need to be wiped out of dust so that they again shone. Zamiculkas in the ground develops tubers, the plant in them is moisture, so if you forget to pour a flower, then it will not suffer. Zamiculkas should be watering after the land in the pot will dry, with frequent watering in a constantly wet environment, tubers can bend and flower will die. This is a large floor plant. Place on the stand so that the earth is not cooled from the cold floor, this plant is from Africa, loves heat.

In recent years, fashionably give potted flowers - the most popular kalancho E Kalomfelda various varieties. The flowering calangean is similar to a bouquet in a pot, a thick meaty stem below is covered with wax dark green leaves, and a thick shield of the inflorescence is formed on the top. Calanete flowering stimulates the reduction of the daylight, so the buds have a plant at the beginning of winter. Dry air does not affect the growth of calangean, and this flower loves a bright sun on the southern window. Water calangeon after drying the earth in the pot. A presented Kalanchoe flower will delight with bright colors for a long time, since new buds are formed after faded flowers, the inflorescence is slightly pulled out. Kalanchoe Chasefeld is usually used as a disposable culture and after the end of flowering, the plant is thrown away.

Pelargonium zonal flowers bright , magnificent and at the same time practically does not require much care, only good solar lighting. From numerous varieties of pelargonium, you can choose a pelargonium with flowers of any shape and coloring. Flowers of Pelargonia are collected in lush umbrella inflorescences, they are like bright hats Rose above rounded velvety-green leaves. In the greenery of Pelagonia, there is a specific smell, these are allocated essential oils that kill pathogenic bacteria in the air. Water the Pelargonium in the winter after graze the earth in a pot, and in the summer moderately, when only the top layer of the Earth in the pot can dry. If the flower is enough of sunlight, then the blooming of Pelargonium will be all year round. Forming shooting shoots, transplanted the flower every year and, if necessary, rejuvenate through the rooting of the cuttings.

Ferns are pretty demanding plants, with low humidity their main decoration - the original fan leaves dry. Resistant to dry air is a fern of a multi-naked or fern polypodium . This plant forms "hairy feet", these processes are covered with brown hairs, they are necessary for the growth of the styre plant, as they are rooted along the entire length and form new leaves. The leaves of this fern are lamellar with deep cuts, the older plant, the more segments in the sheet. The fern does not like straight rays of the sun, grows well in a half, loves regular watering.

Room ivythe people call the gossip, perhaps for long stalks of plants carrying all recognizable triangular leaves. Ivy use as an ampel plant or vertical, fixing long stems on a support or wall. This excellent area at home grows quickly with minimal care, without spraying and special temperature modeIt requires only a moderate watering and an annual transplant to a new land. Room ivy with monophonic green leaves also shadowed, can grow in the depths of the room, but I need a sprue with dying-cropped leaves, you need bright scattered lighting, otherwise the varietal color of the leaves will be lost and will become monophonic green.

Sansevier or Flower Picky Tail it is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants with decorative leaves and the endless qualities of succulents and cacti. In a secure examination, depending on the type of leaves with a pointed tip, there may be long reprehensive, like swords in a pot or short, collected in the outlet. In nature, the sicky tail grows in dry semi-desert areas, so the leaves of this plant are tough, keeping moisture inside. This plant is very hardly, you can forget to water it, put in the darker corner, do not transplant for several years, not to feed, place in a cool or hot room with a very dry air, hard leaves will still be as soldiers stand in a pot not reacting to bad conditions. But if you suddenly set care for the mainstream, rearranged to a bright place, you will regularly water, transfer to a new land, the new shoots will quickly fill the entire pot.

SzindapSus - indoor plant with dazing stemsand the next leaves with a pointed tip, despite the tropical origin, transfers the dry atmosphere without prejudice. Put the SzindapSus to the nutritional moisture ground, so that after an abundant moisture watering, it was held for a long time in the soil, since the plant does not like long punching. SzindapSus will forgive the owner of the overjoyment, its roots are resistant to airing in wet land, unlike succulent plants. For stable growth of stalks and leaves, hold fake every 2-3 weeks. Stems of Szindapsus will spectacularly hang down from high cabinets and shelves, creating green curtains.

The most common fatty Portulatory or Money Tree groans almost every home. This plant is easily formed in a miniature tree - bonsai and looks original with a lush crown of rounded leaves, similar to coins. Tolstanka leaves are thick, juicy, but this does not mean that this plant is moisturely busy, on the contrary, it is necessary to water it carefully and moderately. In fleshy leaves money tree There is a stock of moisture in case of drought, even if you leave for a vacation, forgetting to punish the neighbors to water the flowers, the crack will not die, but from the crown of the tree will be gradually, urica, fall out the leaf, using moisture to life. After establishing a moderate watering mode, the new leaflets on the crown will soon increase. The widespread in the room culture of the fastest received thanks to unpretentiousness and easy reproductionThis plant is perfectly adapted for dry and hot rooms, does not require spraying, put up with irregular watering and lack of lighting.

Fikuses - tropical plants In vivo grow in a warm wet atmosphere. Not all kinds of ficuses feel good in winter, when the heating devices are hot, their leaves begin to dry rapidly and fell. Those who love ficuses, but it does not have the opportunity to create a wet tropical atmosphere for them, we advise you to grow at home or in the office ficus rubbing . This plant has the leaves as if plastic, they are juicy green, the correct oval shape with a highlighted central vest and have a soft shine. Ficus with large green leaves will be part of the situation, as it will necessarily pay attention to the room. Spray the leaves of the ficus is not necessarily, but so that they look beautiful, clean them with a rag from dust. The rest of the fishing is consisting in regular irrigation, feeding during growth and transplants when filling the roots of just a pot.