
Ideal plants for jewelry and rooms - Liana: description, photo of flower and species. Features of growing indoor lian with photos and names

Secrets for harvesting and storage

We will tell about the Liaans, growing which in our climate is easy.

The most common lianas in Russia

Perennial blossoms for the garden are honeysuckle, Clematis, plenty rose, Campxis.

Decorated with Clematis porch. You can also put it to be placed on special lattices, putting them to the walls of the house

Honey bush transforms the kind of old fence

Campxis is a very beautiful blooming liana with red colors in the shape of bells. Unfortunately, Campxis is pretty warm and not always can survive our harsh winters. For the winter roots, the plant needs to be stolen. But Campxis grows perfectly in the city, the tanned air does not scare him. There is also yellow, lilac, pink capsis, but the red is the most common variety.

This is a tree liana. A perennial plant has a trunk and a luxurious flowering crown. Kamsis looks equally well if his shoots wrapping pergola, or at the fence, the main thing is that he was enough to the sun.

Bright Flowers Campxis will decorate any garden

Adult plant will greatly decorate the entrance to the yard

Arches from plenty roses look gorgeous - very often such places are looking for newlyweds for weddings

Attention! Metal supports Some lianas for the garden are poorly transferred, and in winter, shoots can suffer greatly, so they need to be used with caution, and in winter to shoot shoots from the supports. It is difficult to abandon them, because It is with the help of metal supports that you can create the most beautiful arches.

Ivy refers to non-blooming curly garden plants. He is completely unpretentious, grows well in the shade. What place in the garden you would not take him, he will grow everywhere, just need to ensure that the soil at the roots is always wet. Ivy loves moisture, forming luxurious thickets. Weaving shoots are securely fixed almost on any surface, clinging for the slightest roughness. This is an evergreen plant that usually transfers winter without any problems.

Ivy is able to label its chain escapes all the house, giving him a fabulous look

Wild grapes - the well-known unpretentious liana, capable of growing anywhere. Wild grapes will do garden gazebo Shady secluded place, beautifully collapses the fence, balcony or wall of the house. His beginners blushing leaves are especially beautiful in the fall. This Liane does not require support, nor special care.

Well combined pleet roses and wild grapes

Council. Not blooming lianas can be used as a background for blooming. For example, on the background of the walls of ivy wall, any plant with bright colors will be advantageous.

Most Popular Annual Options

Decorative lianas for the garden are both perennial and annuals. Perennial plants For several years, we have time to grow, consolidating a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe site, and annuals can be planted every year in any place you like - with your delicate bright colors, an intricate pattern of leaves they will delight the owners throughout the summer.

Annual lianas for the garden, although they live just a few months, grow very quickly. For several months, the IPOMEY, for example, is capable of growing in a length of more than four meters, decorating the railing or fence with its beautiful purple flowers resembling a gramophone form.

So, to the annual curving plants that are able to transform your garden, you can attribute fragrant peas, eggs, ornamental beans and kobe.

Fragrant peas - very cute decorative optionIt is good to use it for the decor of the terrace, balcony, hedge. Flowers are pleasantly smelling, and all sorts of bright shades please the eyes.

Epishers fragrant peas need to be divided while they are small to do not get confused in the process of growth

Brightly lilac gramophilies of the IPOMEY Surely known to many. It grows quickly, blooms abundantly all summer. IPOMEYA will decorate and the gazebo, and the terrace, and the fence or the hedge. There are also blue, pink and raspberry ipomey. It is almost no need to care for this one-year Liana, it is enough to ensure that the roots do not drive the roots.

Blue Ipomea - beautiful decor For border

Decorative beans is good because it can grow in the shade. With it, you can create a cozy green curtain, which will tap pergola or gazebo. Usually has red or white-red small flowers.

Decorative bean curtain

Kobei is an exceptionally beautiful one-year garden liana from Mexico. Its large, elegant bells from the green gradually become purple, blue or white. Kobia is despicable, requires special conditions and care, and not all grows.

It will also use the material about the fusing plants for the design of the fence:

Green Kobei bell on a lattice support

A hops can also be used in the garden in the garden - his "shishchiki" and gentle greens will look good on any background.

Both annuals and perennial lianas in the garden will make it more alive, fresh, filled with paints of nature and cozy. With the exception of several varieties, it is easy to leaving a plant that does not require much attention.

The ability to climb and twist developed in plants during evolution as an adaptation in the struggle for light. L. timed mainly to forestry types of vegetation. Most of all (over 2 thousand species) in wet nastropic forests (see Fig.), For example, rothang palm trees and up to 300 long m. In a moderate belt L. little. In the USSR are common in the forests of Western Transcaucasia (types of Lomonos, Blackberry, Sassaparil, Ivy, etc.), partly in the eastern Transcaucasia, in the Ussuri region (Lemongrass, Aktinidia, etc.). In medium latitudes L., as a rule, grassy, \u200b\u200bare found in wet crafts, Evnyaki (hop, CaliShegia, a torn -achane, a stammer, sabot-bitter) and on the meadows (different types of peas and ranks). Among L. There are weelow plants - field binding, buckwheat brushing. The most important cultural L. - grapes, hops, some legumes (for example, peas). Decorative L. - Different species of girlish grapes, beans, Lomonos, Kirkazone, Passiflora and Many other tropical and subtropical L. are often bred in the rooms (real jasmine, some types of asparagus, etc.).

LIT: Darwin Ch., Lubing plants, cit., Vol. 8, M. - L., 1941; Richard P. W., Tropical Rain Forest, Per. From English, M., 1961.

T. I. Serebryakova.

Big soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Watch what is "Liana" in other dictionaries:

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Modern encyclopedia

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    Wood and grassy lubricating or curly plants using other plants, rocks, buildings, etc., mainly in humid tropical forests (rathanes, etc.) are found in Transcaucasia (Lomonos, blackberry, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Territory pricework You can decorate with different species decorative plants.

Recently, so-called are very popular "Liana".

These plants are perfectly suitable for decorating not only yards, but also rooms, because they look very beautifully as room colors.

All the lianas have a lot of things among themselves, however, they differ from each other of the average length of the stems, the absence or availability of colors, their size and painting, the rules of care.

About what is Liana, you will learn in this article.

    General description of the plant

    Liana are one of the fairly interesting forms of plants. They are called different plantswhose stalks are they have a property.

    The Liana family represent plants that can be grassy, \u200b\u200bwith thin and sufficiently weak annual or perennial stems, as well as woody, with fallen or evergreen leaves.

    All varieties of this plant cannot independently hold on to the air, so they need the mandatory presence of a vertical support, along which they easily rise up using their bars, mustaches or apparent roots.

    It is on the Liana support that the leaves are developing with flowers.

    Most often, the Liana is found in the areas of rainforest, plants are wrapped around the tree trunks, clinging to the boron with the help of suckers and mustaches. In this way, they can transfer their curly branches from one tree to another Forming as a result of this practically impassable thicket.

    However, in conditions of moderate climate, they are much less likely and exclusively in the form of decorative plants, so it is impossible to observe how these plants give the landscape characteristic featuresas in tropical areas.

    As for the anatomical and morphological features Lian, they have a sufficiently large number. This is caused by a variety of natural conditions and ways of their lives. So, for example, in many species after germination of a stem from the seed, suckers and musty begin to appear, and only then leaves.

    If we consider the lianas by the method of their attachment to the vertical support, several groups of these plants can be distinguished:

  1. Liana, which are attached using the mustache - Brionium, or grapes.
  2. Liana, using such special bodies as suction cups, - ivy can be squeezed to the surface of the vertical support, using special short roots that grow from the lower parts of its branches.
  3. Liana, who have completely absent any special attachments, However, their flexible stems can be accused around the trunks of trees or other different supports - baskets or hops.
  4. Lianov who do not have any special attachment bodies, Keep their stems between the trees branches due to the fact that they are based on their spines or needles, side branches and other parts, are different types of palm trees.

Almost all varieties of Lian are inhabitants of warm tropical areas with high humidity.

REFERENCE! Lian rigs quickly enough, they are easily multiplied by shifting and are well rooted in soils.

These characteristics determine the wide popularity of plants among the flower products of many countries.

Nevertheless, despite the significant similarity of the number common characteristicsLiana is considered fairly different: perennial and annual, leaf fall and evergreen, with herbaceous or woody stem.

Types, varieties, color names

Consider in more detail all types of lian with photos and names. To date, most often at home are grown next species Curly Lian:

  1. Distinguished by blossoms of snow-white or bright purple color. It is great for growing at home.

  2. It is characterized by increased endurance and is very unpretentious to cultivation conditions. Her appearance Something resembles an ordinary strawberry.

  3. - Perennial herbate plantwhich are mugh either have one-piece small sheets of rounded shape.
  4. - This is a shrub with beautiful white-red flowers and large leaves of the emerald shade.

  5. - one of the most beautiful species Lian who have small foliage and dense walls and vertical supports.

  6. It is often referred to as devotional grapes. This is a leafy plant that resistant tolerates winter cold and is distinguished by unpretentiousness.

  7. - a herbaceous plant, which is great for decorating stone sections.

  8. It has small flowers and whole leaflets with jazzed edges. Intended for cultivation in room conditions.

  9. - This is a kind of decorative liana. He is evergreen and can climb the vertical support to a height of about thirty meters.

  10. It is characterized by an attractive shape with a carved leaves of a rich green color. It is grown exclusively in room conditions.

  11. It is unpretentious in care, however, it has a beautiful and very original type.

  12. - One of the unpretentious species of Liana, which is very popular with flower flows over the years.

  13. It is characterized by the leaves of the dark emerald shade and single flowers of pinkish color.

  14. It often grows about eighty centimeters to height and attracts attention to the leaves of the longitudinal shape with a purple tint.

  15. - A perennial evergreen plant with thin stems and sweat, solid leaves.

  16. It has small bright green leaves and often serves to decorate the walls of facades and fences.

  17. decorative View Liana, which has the leaves of the heart shape and is not particularly whimsical in care.

  18. turns the room into the real jungle due to the intensive growth of escapes.

  19. It is usually grown in a suspended pot, it has a small leaflets of gentle green color.

  20. Often it is also called "Baby gossip." It has pink or white flowers and unpretentious in care.

  21. Different with small flowers of different shades.

  22. It has large leaves of the shuttle-shaped shape and is excellent for growing in room conditions.

  23. It is characterized by heart-shaped large leaves and unpretentious care.

  24. It has leaves with a pale violet tint.

  25. Refers to the family of vinogradov.

  26. - One of the most unpretentious species of Liana, which is great for growing in room conditions.

  27. Attracts the attention of beautiful snow-white flowers.

  28. - Very beautiful indoor plant with original shape flowers and rich color. It is very whimsical in care, but sufficiently resistant to various diseases and pests.

Home care

Most varieties of Lian, who are intended for growing in room conditions, are perennial and evergreen plants. Such a feature is explained mainly to the fact that no one likes to look at anyone during the cold season, but completely naked stem.

According to the method of fastening the Liana divide on curly, Corneased, BUY and ECONGITY. Most often as indoor plants It is curly because their shoots have the ability to spin around the vertical support, while forming an attractive plant having an original spiral form.

To create a beautiful "design" it is necessary to ensure permanent and, most importantly, correct care For Liana.


All types of Lian combines one common feature - they need air every day with increased level humidity and arrival of scattered light.

The straight sun rays have a detrimental effect on the plant, because on its leaves traces of burns may appear.

And the cultivation of a flower at low humidity becomes the reason that the luxurious, covered stem becomes completely naked, while maintaining just a couple of decrepid leaves.


The predominant part of the rooms of the room Lian prefers to be in a half, and some in a slight shading. Despite this, some need more bright lighting: Cissor with Singery, Singonium SzindapSus.

IMPORTANT! Such a light should not fall on the plant directly.

In addition, a pot with a flower must be regularly rotated around its axis, so that Liana receives from all sides about the same share of light.Otherwise, it will constantly reach only in one direction, which will make it curve.


It is also necessary to take care of the creation and conditions such as constant ventilation, moderate air temperature and moisturizing.

ATTENTION! In the cold season, it is not recommended to keep a pot with a liana to the room, where the air temperature is below 16 ° C.

Therefore, if necessary, an additional heater should be used, which should be at some distance from the flower.

IN summer season optimal temperature For the plant is considered 20-22 ° C. If the indicators on the thermometer rise above, the plant must be constantly sprayed with cool water. And in winter it is necessary to take to moisturize the leaves only warm water.


Watering is recommended to make either in the morning or in the evening. It is required as the upper layer is burned.

You should not overcoat the ground, because near the stem, it can remain humid enough for a long time.

Do not water room species Lian. cold water - This can lead to the disease and rot the root system.

In the event that the room is installed heating systemwhich greatly heats the air, it is better to abandon the cultivation of indoor Liana because in such an apartment the plant will constantly hurt due to lack of humidity.

Fresh air favorably affects absolutely all types of Lian, however do not allow drafts, So that cool air flows do not clutch the curly flower.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the shower for the plant to ensure minimum once a month. Thanks to this procedure, the layer of dust can be washed away from its leaves, because it is difficult to remove by wet wiping.

Otherwise, liana can suffer greatly from the so-called paouth tick.

REFERENCE! A little warm water in the shower you need to let a weak pressure in order not to break thin shoots or leaves.


No less important item is a plants transplantation. If necessary, in a larger than Liano, it is recommended not to replant, but carefully translated along with a lore earth - this will avoid possible injury to the root plant of the plant.

In addition, it needs to be kept very carefully, not to pull too much and not to squeeze so that the shoots of Liana are not broken. Many flower products advise this procedure with an assistant.

Soil, soil

Liana needs not only in fertile, but also in fairly light soil, which is characterized either neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

For its fertilizer, various ready-made mixtures are often used.

Also for this you can prepare a special mixture and independently by connecting the leaf, turf and humid land.

Soil in the pot need to regularly loose with a long thin stick, In order for the plant to be easier to absorb water and useful substances from it, and the roots could "breathe."

From time to time, Liana should be picked up a cow, diluted in ordinary water in the proportion of 1:10, or complex mineral fertilizers.

Supports for Lian.

To the green curly plant to decorate the interior of the house and round year Pleased with her eyes, it is necessary to give the time to give him the direction and form the exterior.

Especially for this you need to take care of the presence of a wall or pot support. Liana and herself can form their crown, the fat vertical support, however better results it is better to quit it on the top shoots.

Such a procedure contributes to the emergence and intensive growth of lateral processes. In order for the basic branch-whip to get long, it needs to constantly wrap around the support, fixing with small clothespins. If timely remove unnecessary mustache, then Liana will not independently change the direction of its growth.


In order to rejuvenate the Liana, it is necessary to gently cut off the top cuttings with the leaves and then root.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to cut the structures of the shoots nearly half: it will be better branching.

To prevent infection with various infections, each slice p recomprehensible to treat a weak solution of manganese.


For reproduction of room lianas, you can use the top stalk, which was cut from the old plant. Sometimes it is put in water so that he began to start root. However, most of her species have air roots, and due to this cutlets, it is possible to boil into the pot with a prepared soil during the cut.

Also, some species of this plant breed and seeds, such as passiflora. In some cases, the searition of Lian is practiced by dividing the bush.

Further in the photo shows Lian Seeds:

Benefit and harm

Liana is an excellent decoration for the interior of the room, gazebos, the facade of the house, the fence. But it is better to abandon it if someone from family members appear on her allergies.

Diseases and pests

It should be noted that almost all diseases different species Lian are connected not only with serious, but even with the most insignificant violation of the water balance.

So, for example, the root rotting may indicate loss of foliage and weakening of the stem.

In this case, the plant suffers from oveurgement and too acidic soil.

Why does Liana plant dries?

With a sufficiently reduced level of humidity in the room, the leaves begin to push and then fall out.

Due to the too small amount of moisture and very dry air in the stems often settle such pests as shield, wave and web tick. You can get rid of them after a double spraying by insecticidal agents "Akttellik" or "Phythoderm".

Liana is a plant that can be grown both indoors and on the street. With the right and constant care, any of the species of this plant will become a real green decoration of the house and the courtyard.

Liana moderate climate is no less beautiful than her tropical relatives. This plant is interesting to use in landscape design For registration of the hedge, arbors and decoration of the walls. A description of popular species and care tips will be useful to gardeners.

Lianams include all curly plants that do not have their own vertically growing stem, and cling to supports, lifting over the ground up to the sun.

Liana is a multicale plant, it can be an evergreen perennial, a herbaceous annual or a rustic copy with fallen foliage. The vertical surfaces and trunks of the trees of Liana are attached with the help of mustaches (grapes), the roots of the sucker (ivy) or just wrap around the support, clinging to the shoots.

Types, varieties and names of plants

There are perennial and annual lianas.

Popular one-year plants include:

  • The tricolor egg. Easy and air, quickly picks up a green mass, can crush any shape, beautifully blooms, looks great.
  • Sweet pea. He has loose, airflowers, lace foliage, it is beautiful and fragrant, can re-establish a low fence.
  • Hollow grungy. Plant with original tubular flowers and fruits, growing rapidly.
  • Tunbergia winged or black-eyed suzanne. Bright yellow and orange flowers of this plant with dark middings look very decorative.

Favorites, which can be found more often in the gardens, are perennial lianas. They are usually planted for a permanent place at the fence of a gazebo or building, use for gardening hedges. Choosing a curly plant, it is necessary to ask how it is attached to the supports, what is its approximate weight. For weak partitions, powerful and heavy lianas are not suitable, and the elegant, green ivy will easily destroy the wall of the house, climbing her under the roof.

The most popular varieties of perennial Lian:

  • Kirkazon largest. Leaves light green, large, about 30 cm long, flowers in shape resemble a smoking tube. The plant is powerful and heavy, grows well on both the sun, and in the shade.
  • Pleet rose. Plants look incredibly beautiful in any corner of the garden - at the entrance, near the gazebo, the wall at home. There is a large selection of varieties with different colorful colors and flowering duration.
  • Clematis. These Liana can compete on beauty with roses. There are varieties that bloom all summer or only in spring and autumn. Winter B. middle lane With shelter. Clematis cannot climb the support as high as the plenty roses, they are more loose and air.
  • Ivy. One of the longest lian. With it, you can decorate a high building. But if there are cracks and chips in the wall, Ivy can destroy brick masonry. Flowers in Ivy are small and unbroken, the leaves are thin and elegant, it is they give decorative plant.
  • Hortensia is like or cherry. One of Lian, which can be beautifully alarmed any garden section. He has a heavy trunk, can rise to a large height, but requires a strong support.
  • Japanese grapes. Plant with large leaves, the upper part of the leaf plate of which is dark green, and the bottom - silver. It grows up to 7 meters long, blooms with unpleasant flowers, but it looks very beautifully looking at its black rounded fruits.

Lianins and in apartments are grown. So, for example, the Liana Liana Szindapsus and Monster are pleasing to the flower flower with their bright greens.

Features of growing lian

Annual lianas grow rapidly, the resulting support, near which planted. They are pleased with abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. For prosperous growth and development, they need monthly feeding and regular watering. These plants do not need forming trimming and shelter for the winter. The only disadvantage of annuals is the need to sow them in the spring and wait for the plants to complete the full force, pleaseing the lush of foliage and flowers.

Perennial lianas require more careful care. Many of them are warm-loving, they need to be removed from the support and to strengthen the winter. It is necessary to find time for forming and sanitary trimming Escapes, carefully guide them in the right direction.

But all these works will be rewarded incredibly beautiful blossom and abundance of green foliage.


Annual cold-resistant lianas grow straight sowing in the soil in spring, in April or May. The soil of the alleged support fertilize, dripping and align. After sowing, the seeds are moisturized and covered with a film. When shoots appear, the film is cleaned, they begin to make feeding, pour and loose soil.

Most perennial thermo-loving lian are grown through seedlings.

For this, the seeds are sown in pots and put indoors where air temperature is 20 ° C. In the middle or end of May, the graced seedlings transplant in open sad At a permanent place near the support.

How to care for Liana

It all depends on what exactly Liana on the site you planted. Features of growing are determined by the type of plants and have significant differences.

In the care of the languages \u200b\u200bdescribed by many years of Lianov, these tips will help you:

  • Hortensia is better growing in a half. For growing, any soil with neutral or weakly acidic composition is suitable. The plant is wonderful blooms. It does not take out cold weather, because it needs to be removed from the supports and stream.
  • Ivy ordinary to lighting is undemanding. If the soil is fertile, it will show all his beauty. This plant is not afraid of the tanned urban air and trimming, the cultivation of Liana will not deliver special troubles.
  • Japanese grapes are in young age developing slowly, it must be fed. Every year the growth rate increases. To soils, Japanese grapes are undemanded, it moves well with a haircut, needs regular irrigation.
  • Clematis love fertile and drained soil with neutral acidity. They need a timely watering and regular feeding fertilizers for flowering plants. For the winter, Clematis is removed from the support and shelter, they do not like frosts.
  • Kirkazon largese needs frequent irrigation. Feels with complex drugs or organica 2 times per season. Otherwise, care is reduced to the removal of weeds, mulching of the soil, forming and sanitary trimming.
  • Pleet rose loves frequent watering, especially during flowering. At least 10 liters of water pour into one bush. Soil the next day loose and mulched. Roses are demanding for feeding, they fertilize with complex drugs, for example, Agrick Rosa, and Organic - Kovyatak, wood ash. The stalks of the plant need to trim from the first year of cultivation, stimulating the formation of lateral shoots. In autumn pink bushes Remove with support and hide.

Protection against diseases and pests

Annual and perennial lianas need protection against pest insects, like other plants of your garden. Noticing the suspicious activity of bugs on the leaves, the lianas watered with system insecticides. Contact action preparations are not as effective, they are quickly flushed off with rains.

When signs of phytoofluorosis or other fungal disease appear on the stem or leaves, fungicides are used. Processing is carried out repeatedly until the full recovery of plants.

Liana in landscape design

Lianas in the garden can perform decorative screenshell functions, protecting against curious eyes what you would like to hide. They create comfort and privacy in the garden. Long shoots and beautiful flowers hide the irregularities that cut eyes, smooth the difference in the height of the structures, decorated the ugly walls, serve as a living hedge.

The fruits of some Lian edible. In the southern regions, besides the usual grapes, the fertizer of Liana Aquabia chocolate. Her fruit unusual view Looks like raspberry taste. In Japan, spring eating her young shoots. The plant got its unusual name for the fact that the flower of Liana smells of chocolate.

What to choose Lian, and where to plant it depends on your preferences. The quality of the support, the place and conditions of cultivation will affect how later the plant will show its beauty.

Liana - plants with long flexible stems that grow up only with any support, blaming her around it or clinging with the help of the mustache, suction roots, spikes and other devices. The word "liana" comes from the French "Peg", which means "to associate". Lianas are also called bone plants. Indeed, needing to support, they "go" on any subject suitable for this purpose: wood, shrub, elevation.

Liana Plant Description

Lianam is enough to root enough, find a support, like their flexible, rapidly growing shoots will be ascended to a height of up to 25 m or woven a horizontal carpet of the lush greenery. Liana is wonderfully combined with other plants, such as coniferous.

They climb up either spread over the surface with their special devices: suckers, bars, assholes, apparent roots.
Some do not have special fastening bodies, but in a special way the stems form, blaming around the support or relying on it with their side branches, hold over the heels of needles, spiners, spikes, even the input of stalks and leaves.

Liana are:
annual and perennial
grassy and rustic,
Evergreen and leaf falling.

Some of them are amazed by their abundant exotic flowers, others do not bloom, but they are pleased with a wide range of leaves coloring. Currently, our planet is more than 2.2 thousand species of Lian belonging to various families.


They are common throughout the globe, with the exception of polar regions, alpine zones of mountains, steppes and deserts, where climatic conditions are unfavorable for the development of long stems in plants.

Most of all Lian, both in terms of species and distribution, is available in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate, especially in tropical wet forests: 2000 types of Lian grows in the tropics, and in countries with a temperate climate of only 200 species. Liana can be tree and grassy plants, evergreen and deciduous, annual and perennial.


In their way of attaching to the support, tropical lianas can be classified into four main groups: Corneal, curly, relying and aggregated.

All Cornevia Lian has an appropriate root, which develops only on the stem facing support (shadow) side. With their help, the plant is able to doctors in various gaps and irregularities. In natural conditions, Cornevia Liana is fixed behind the rocks and bark of trees. This group includes Singonium, Ils, Singonium, Philodendron, Ficus rooting and creeping, and also one of the few Cactus-Lian - Selenicereus or "Queen of the Night."

Curly lianas, widespread in nature, wrap the support of the vintage, forming a stretched spiral. The growing shoots of the climbing Lian in search of supports make a circular movement, whining each other in its absence. Curving Lianam include Stefanotis, Monster, Pepper, Tunberg, etc.
Liana, which do not have special bodies for attachment and are not charging around the support, are called resting. They are held for the branches of other plants, relying on them with spikes, spiners, downsion or side shoots, bent at right angles. This group belongs such species like plenty roses, bougainvillee.

Employed lianas are fixed on the support with special bodies - umpsies with high sensitivity. They wrap up and pulling up shoots, twist in the spiral. On the mustache of some types of Lian there are suckers that distinguish the adhesive and are able to keep the plant even on such a smooth surface as glass. The aggliest lio group includes Cissor, Passiflora, Tetrastigm.


The use of Lian man is diverse. Many of them are valuable food plants: grape vines and hops are known to people from ancient times as many legumes (beans, peas, beans, soybeans, Vika). All known melons and cucumber are annual lianas, originating from tropical deserts and semi-deserts of Africa and Asia, watermelon -aphrices.

how decorative plants Liana is widely used in gardening of residential and office space, gardens, parks, and household plots.
There are a lot of opportunities for vertical gardening of a garden, which has not only decorative, but also a functional value. Liana are ideal for a small garden, the fatal facades of houses, walls and fences, seeing arches, arbors and pergolas, they harmoniously connect construction facilities with a garden, dismember him of independent areas, create cozy corners, for recreation and privacy, protecting them from noise, wind , sun rays and curious eyes. It is unlikely that your neighbors in the country will object to object if instead of the usual boring fence, there will be picturesque walls from plants grown on trellis. Evergreen ivy, very popular in countries with a mild climate, and in winter retains its attractiveness, while the plenty roses, Clematis or annual curly plants decorate the garden only in the summer. Support structures in the form of obelisk, pyramids, or columns, thickly seized blooming plants, often become the center of the composition in the garden or its separate corners.

They are used by lianas in the interior of the premises with different purposes: they are good to pronounce a sunny window in summer time, Or, for example, by installing a floral with a grill, accusing ivy, asparagus, extinguish part of a residential room or a corner in the lobby of the holiday home. Large lianas (monster, tetrastygm) looks effectively on the background of the Winter Garden Wall. Small Lianami (SzindapSus, Ivy, Roikissus) you can decorate the wall of the residential room or the working office. Many lianas are used as ampel plants.

Liana plant. Photo

Liana plant. Photo: Tony Hisgett

The climbing and curly plants of the nature itself are as if they are intended to disxtnate ugly foliage or multiple flowers, cover the bare walls and fences, decorate the trunks of old trees. By the skillful selection of various types of lian, blooming at the same time, you can create a wide variety of colorful compositions. True, for the overall impression, the form, material and color of support structures play an important role. By the way, many climbing and curly plants grow perfectly in pots, and for them you can also buy or make original supports themselves.

Video: Liana
Bougainvillea - fabulously beautiful liana