
Geranium room - Photo, types, care, reproduction, color benefits. How to care for geranium so that she bloom and not sick


How to care for geranium in autumn and winter? Pelargonium or geranium is a plant known to many flowers. It has excellent external characteristics and simple care. Some daches even grow a pelargonium on their cottage plotwhere it serves as a real decoration of the entire back area. However, the plant cannot transfer strong frosts and cold drafts, so the summer it is recommended to bring a flower to the room. The theme of this article is to care for geranium in the fall and winter at home. From it you will learn what actions must be taken to keep the plant to the new season. Geranium is not too demanding towards care and can calmly grow almost in any room. Its main feature is a specific smell of leaves, which is not like everyone. But it is manifested only when the leaf is subject to physical influence. How to care for the plant in autumn and winter? It is only necessary to follow our advice. Watering. If geranium grew earlier in the open sky, then it probably received a large number of Waters due to permanent summer heat. By bringing it to the house, it should be slightly changed the frequency of watering, as the root system may not withstand and die. How can I understand that the flower is enough water? You will see this by external signs: the presence of mold, black stem and sluggish flowers - all this appears as a result of the wrong irrigation. Autumn and winter watering is minimal, but regular. It is important to monitor the soil and prevent that she overduely dried. You will see this by external signs: the presence of mold, black stem and sluggish flowers - all this appears as a result of the wrong irrigation. Autumn and winter watering is minimal, but regular. It is important to monitor the soil and prevent that she overduely dried. Lighting. Geranium refers to light-loving colors, so in winter it is not worth it to put it in the farthest corner. The best place For the plant - the southern, well-lit windowsill, in which the flower will grow well and blossom perfectly. However, caution should be exercised, since the constant influence of ultraviolet can cause severe burns that will lead to the death of the entire plant. If you leave the flower in the shade, then the likelihood is that its leaves will remain small and unreasured. Temperature. Since the air temperature indoors in the fall and winter drops a bit, geraniums need to create suitable conditions - a temperature that will not fall below +12 degrees. But usually it does not reach such indicators. If the house is not warm in your house, then there is a high probability that the flower will freeze and reset the whole foliage. Humidity. The only thing that does not pay attention to the geranium at all is humidity. Even if the room is too wet or too dry, the plant will continue to bloom in the usual mode. The main thing, without which the flower will not be able to exist - it is regular, high-quality irrigation. Spraying and summer souls are desirable to cancel. Fertilizer, nutrition. As for the feeding, I want to immediately make a reservation - geranium does not tolerate the fresh fertilizer in the form of manure, litter or compost, so it is not worth pouring them through the territory. But the plant is not indifferent to mineral fertilizers, such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Such fertilizers can be purchased in all specialized stores. If the room is too hot, the food is not recommended, as it can cause a large stress for the flower. Be sure to face the plant before making fertilizers - so you will protect root system From burn. If your geranium for autumn and winter creates, it must be transplanted. The new pot should not be too big to the roots and the size of the tank were approximately the same. Be sure to put a small drainage system on the bottom, which will protect the plant from excessive humidity. So, now you know everything about care for geranium in autumn and in winter at home. We hope that our tips will be useful to you. To receive advice and tricks every day to create a cozy and comfortable home Join us Group ╰დ╮ My cozy house ╭დ╯ To add to our group, follow the link

One of the most popular home plants is geranium. Beautiful and blooming geranium will decorate and refresh the house. Geranians love both amateurs of flowers and professionals, newcomers as a rule, also like geranium, care is simple and it does not require much attention to yourself. Where is the homeland of Gerani you can not say unequivocally, about 300 species of this plant grow in different parts of the Earth, most of the types of geranium meets in a tropical belt. Geranium translates from Greek as a "crane", the second name of Gerani takes place here - "Zhuravelnik". Flowering geranium will greatly decorate your windowsill or loggia.

Gray care

Geranus care is available for beginners, but should not throw a plant

Growing geranium in summer, try to provide her air temperature about 20 ° C. In winter, geranium perfectly transfers the temperature of about 12 ° C, but it is not worth cooling it to even lower temperatures. Geranium loves very much sunlight In all its manifestations, with the direct sunlight, geranium will not refuse, of course, do not put it in the sun in sultry weather. Dental geranium is not worth it, for its cultivation, the south side of your home is perfect. Growing geranium. Care at home largely depends on watering, geranium is not the most demanding plant to water, but in the summer watering it is necessary to produce quite often. In winter, moderate watering should be produced. However, it should not be transfusing geranium! Geranium abundantly accumulates water in the leaves, overflow can provide stagnation of water and as a result, rotting roots. So as in their leaves, geranium accumulates water - it does not require spraying, such a property of Gerani gave the birthplace of the plant.


Geranium with minimal care will please you with an abundance of colors and shades

One of the most interesting plants In terms of flowering - geranium, the photo will perfectly prove it. If geranium will receive proper care, it will begin to bloom at the very beginning of spring, and finished by mid-winter. There are also several types of geraniums that bloom round year. Buds bloom alone by one, old flowing, and new ones appear in their place, it is due to this geranium remains bright throughout the flowering. For bright flowering, geranium should have enough solar and nutrition. Such a need for the light caused by Motherland Gerani, with its lack of geranium blooms less abundant and bright.

Soil and fertilizer

Do not forget about stealkers for geranium

For growing geranium, nutrient soil is required, for example, a mixture of garden land, sand and peat, it is necessary to create proper drainage for geranium, the water stiring is dangerous, from time to time the soil should be loosened, it also refers to the prevention of roots. Geranium loves organic and mineral feeding. To improve flowering, it is worth taking care of fertilizers where more potassium and phosphorus rather than nitrogen. There are also special complex fertilizers for geranium, feeding such fertilizers should be made 1 time per month, feeding geranium, care is even less difficult.


Transplant geranium as early as possible before flowering

Geranium: Home Care includes a transplant, especially for young geraniums. The transplantation should be carried out at the end of winter or the very beginning of spring - before geranium starts blooming. For Gerani transplantation, it is better to choose not a big pot, otherwise later the root will start and geranium will begin to be abundantly green, the bloom decreases. If you do not have the ability to transplant geranium, it is necessary to replace the upper layer of the soil. You can, as a last resort, spend the transshipment of the plant, but choose a pot of no more than 1-2 cm greater than the previous one.

Geranian reproduction

Geranium is easy to propagate seeds or cuttings

Geranium breeds seeds and stalling. With the presence of seeds there will be no problems, a very fruitful look - geranium. The birthplace of the plant awarded geranium and this feature. Geranium grown from seeds very brightly blooms, also such geraniums are more resistant to unfavorable conditions And more raise. Painting stands in the middle of winter (January- February), prepared by the land before landing is also a solution of manganese (dark). Seeds lined in a pot follows a slightly cover with the soil for seedlings. You can add growth stimulator. After all manipulations with planting seeds, the pot is covered with glass or polyethylene, support air and ground humidity, seeds germinate for 2 weeks. Great of geranium from seed does not preserve the variety of plants! The second way to propagate geranium is shitting, this way is faster and maintains hereditary signs (grade). Shining is done at the end of winter or over the summer. The best parts of geranium for breeding are the upper shoots, with 3-4 sheets and size around 5-8 centimeters. The cut is per capita with crowded coal, after it is planted into a substrate to a depth of 3 centimeters, the temperature should be maintained in the region of 20 degrees. It is better to plant a stalk into a one-time (transparent) glass, so we can control the appearance of the roots, after the appearance of the roots throughout the cup, geranium should be transplanted into a separate pot.

Hranian diseases

Geranium's underlying disease is a black leg

During Geranium's illness, care and attention to it should be strengthened. The black leg is one of the most common geranium diseases, it is characterized by the blade of the cuttings, this is a fungal disease, on this blackened cutlets should be immediately removed. The cause of the "black leg" is the mooring of the soil. However, it is now easy to find preparations that protect against fungal disease. With a lack of light and reverging of the soil, Gerana can start rotting roots, the cause of root rotting can also be elevated temperatures.

In detailed flower growing, geranium is known for a long time. Grandmothers grown beautifully flower in her window sills or in parisades. But today it is valued by many flowers for a varied color of buds, unpretentiousness in care and ease in reproduction. Gerani cultivation at home will not take a long time, but the elementary care requirements for it know and must be performed.

Plant Description

Flower belongs to the Geranium family and is a semi-staple or herbate plant. Depending on the species, Pelargonium may have a reprehensive or stelbed stem, branched or rod root, dissection, centen or paddle leaves covered with thin hairs.

Sheet plates have long cutters and green color different intensity. They may vary with blue, red or grayish tint.

White, purple, pink or red geranium flowers collected in inflorescences. Some varieties of petals are distinguished by bright contrasting stains. After flowering, fruits-boxes are formed, in which large seeds are located.

Room geranium can be divided into two groups:

  1. Fragrant - plants with fragrant beautiful leaves and unbroken flowers.
  2. Flowering - a group that includes pelargoniums, characterized by beautiful flowers.

Thanks to breeding work today exists pretty many species Indoor pelargoniums that can be dwarf, miniature or have medium sizes. A varieties with various beautiful inflorescences and glossy leaves are derived. But that geranium houses grew beautiful and healthy, it needs to provide suitable conditions and care.

Home care

To care for geranium at home is quite simple, but the flower is beautiful and for a long time, you should know some rules:

Flowering, color of petals and leaves indoor plant Directly depends on the lighting. To the bush for a long time and beautifully bloom, his place on southern window sills. The flower is not even afraid of direct sunlight, but in too hot days it should be contacted.

Care at home for beginners for geranium (pelargonium) will not be folded, if you know the subtleties of growing plants. There are several species and many geranium varieties, and therefore the flower water can always create a unique flower garden from luxurious colors. For proper care Bushes will delight stormy blossoms throughout the summer season.

Geranium in warm season can be grown on the street and therefore widely used in landscaping. For the winter, the flower is entered into the room, since the plant is not frost-resistant and will not be able to survive the cold period on the street.

With great success, geranium can be grown in the apartment. It will be especially good to feel if you endure the balcony or loggia in the summer, but only without the impact of drafts.

Types and varieties of plants

Each of the types of geranium has different varieties that differ in the size of the bushes and colors, as well as painting. If you wish, creating complex compositions will require a combination of several varieties.

The main types of Pelargonia are preserved their popularity.

Geranium ampelnaya.

Saving a plant of considerable length hang down. When growing in suspended porridge, the flower forms a beautiful thick green mass with a lot of bright colors.


Flowers and plants leaves have an intense aroma, which varies somewhat depending on the variety.


The peculiarity of this kind is that rounded leaves have a two-color color from dark green to brown, as if separating it into zones. Flowers from June to frosts.

Royal geranium.

Another name of the variety of March Washington. Flowers in such geraniums are large with a dark spot on each petal.


Plants of this species have a particularly long flowering time and light, very pleasant fragrance.


View of the garden because of a strongly developed root. In winter, plants are better stored in the basement, joining the peat. Geranian flowers are very large saturated velvet-red color.

Besides various varieties Geranium, there is a wide selection of hybrid plants. Unlike varieties, the reproduction of hybrids is possible only with cuttings, since from seeds to obtain plants with the same properties as the parent, impossible. In the care of varietal and hybrid plants there is no difference.

Geranium - care at home for beginners

Right organized care Behind the plant will not take much time and will provide lush flowering bushes and their attractive appearance. If errors are allowed when careing geranium is allowed, it is not necessary to wait for quality colors, and the likelihood that the plant will die, increases. Continuous blossom You can achieve if we have blurred blooms.

Requirement for soil

The quality of soil when growing geranium has great importance. If the soil does not fit the plant, it does not bloom and become gradually whatever. The optimal soil for geranium is a mixture of equal volumes of peat, sand and garden land. This composition allows the roots of the plant to breathe qualitatively. The loosening even more stimulates this process, which is important for the flowers to not fade as long as possible.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

For geranium, ordinary room temperature will be quite comfortable. The plant feels well at temperatures from +16 to +25 degrees. In the winter months, its decrease is permissible to +14 degrees, but it is not desirable. It is impossible to keep geranium on draft. Such a long-term cooling will damage the flower damage and the fact that it will lose its attractive appearance.

To moisture geranium is very demanding. For her, unacceptable air is unacceptable, and therefore, if the house is very hot, you need to put a pot with a flower pallet with a clamzite where water is located. Ceramzite will prevent the suction of the water of the earth in the pot. At the same time, evaporating, water will moisten the air around the flower.

Plant distinguishes high need for lighting. Geranium is not afraid even direct sunlight, as they do not burn her leaves. In order for the flower to be formed correctly, the pot with him will be needed to turn 180 degrees every other day. IN winter Eliminate lighting shortage helps daylight lamps. The duration of the daylight color is required at least 12 hours.

Watering plants

Geranium loves water, but does not tolerate stagnation of water in the pot. Also should not be allowed to enter the leaves, since because of this, spots will appear on them, which will spoil the appearance of the plant. Apply for watering it is necessary to dug water room temperature. It will also suit rain or thawed water. In summer, the flower is watered every other day, and in the winter cut watering to 1 time per week. This is due to the fact that Geranians in the cold season leaves during the rest and all metabolic processes slow down.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Geranium does not require special feeding and can do without additional nutrition for a long time. However, in order for the flower to bloom as much as possible, it is worth applying complex mineral fertilizers For flowering ornamental plants.

It is necessary to conduct feeders only during the growing season - from the beginning of March and until the end of September every 2 weeks. There are also special fertilizers intended for geranium, but not necessarily choose them, since the complex mineral composition is enough for full nutrition of the plant.

Trimming and transplanting

In order for the bushes to always have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to conduct a periodic forming trimming. Gerani's shoots have a property pull, and because the bush remains fluffy and not high, it is necessary to periodically cut the tops of the shoots, stimulating their branching. Also during trimming you need to remove all yellowing leaves and dry stems. Blowed inflorescences are cut as they appear. It not only supports a beautiful appearance, but also helps to keep the plant for strength, so it will not spend them on seeds.

Geranium transplant is needed if the bush grows a pot. Immediately plant a plant in a spacious container should not be, since in the presence of an empty earth the geranium will not bloom. Optimal size The first pot for room plant: 15 cm diameter and 12 cm depth. There is no empty soil in such a container, at the same time roots will be fairly free for full development. The transplant is usually required no more than 1 time in 2 years.

Care of geranium in the fall, preparation for winter

In the fall, geranium goes into the state of rest, and therefore the care of it changes somewhat. It allows plants to qualitatively prepare for winter and not suffer at the time of slowing the exchange processes.

The flower provides backlighting and luminous day at 12 o'clock. The feeders gradually stop: at the beginning the interval between them increases to 1 time per month, and the January end. If it is possible to reduce the temperature of the air to the lower minimum, it is necessary to do this, since in such conditions, geranium will rest as fully as possible.

Only preparation for the winter for all the rules provides abundant bloom next season. When the care for geranium in autumn is carried out with errors, it comes to the growing season comes weakened and cannot dial enough buds.

Reproduction of the plant

At home, reproduction plant is carried out mainly with cuttings, although the cultivation of geraniums from seeds is possible. They will need to buy, as they can not grow at home almost.

To obtain cuttings in the spring, when a period of vegetation began, several topless shoots are cut from geranium, on which 2-3 sheets are left. The cut must be made at an angle of 45 degrees. It is treated with twisted charcoal and then plant in wet sandy soil. It should be wet, but not wet. From above, the cuttings should be covered with a glass or plastic can. You can also put a cutlery into the water and fall into the ground only after the roots appear on it and young leaves will begin to grow. The second option is more convenient, as it makes it possible to control the process of visually.

Fighting diseases and pests

Of the disease, Gerana meets mostly gray rot, black leg. With this disease, the base of the stem first drawn, then cleans. Call a similar phenomenon excessive watering or supercooling of the bush. Save the flower from the lesion is impossible. It should be destroyed, and the ground, if its further use is planned, rolling.

From pests, geranium amazed:

  • ticks;
  • bellenka.

It is not difficult to destroy them. To do this, it is necessary to make a plant with a tobacco infusion or a solution of economic soap.

With proper care, geranium will delight with stormy blossom, and if the fragrant variety is selected, also with a gentle smell. The cultivation of Pelargonium is fascinating, and not rarely after the appearance of one bush, breeding becomes a real hobby, in which a person seeks to find and raise the most rare flower varieties.

To care for geranium at home is easy, but still it is necessary to learn the highlights and rules successful cultivation. Information about this will provide you with our article.

According to biological classification, this plant belongs to perennial herbs and semi-staples. The official name is Pelargonium, not so often used even in books. Depending on the conditions of growth, more than 300 types of geranium differ, but only its room varieties in the literal sense conquered the world and became a kind of symbol of the family hearth. In addition to purely aesthetic pleasure, flower geranium is a very useful acquisition.

Treatment with Pelargonium:

  • Geranium oil is used for dental and headed. For this, the inflamed area is wetted by a small amount of substance.
  • Gerani essential oil perfectly refreshes and disinfects air, killing harmful microbes.
  • Geranium extract is often added to massage oil to enhance the warming effect. Such manipulations will make it easier for neuralgia and muscle pain. Recommendations for intakes are better to agree with the attending physician to not harm the patient.

The most common types of geranium

This bright beauty has quite a lot of "relatives" and is distinguished by a large variety of colors. That is why it is possible to classify the pelargonium at once in several signs. According to the type of shoots, there is a bush and ampel geranium. The first type is more suitable for homemade cultivationSo it allows you to form compact and attractive bushes. Ampel or plush geranium does not differ in care, but for its cultivation there will be a sake of a suitable design.

Common View of Room Gerania:

  • Royal Geranium is the most attractive and spectacular look. They are distinguished by large inflorescences with the most unimaginable colors. As a rule, with independent cultivation, bloom begins for the second year, it is usually sold with buds and inflorescences. The only drawback is less long in comparison with less mastitis relatives bloom.
  • Zonal geranium is most often found on the expanses of our country. It has different circles on the leaves, therefore received such a name. Flowers can be simple and terry, there are about 40 types of zonal pelargonium, whose varieties are also adapted for garden growing.
  • Fascular geranium is an incredibly fragrant plant with inconspicuous flowers and an original smell. There are varieties with pink, apple, citrus and nutmeg aroma.

A separate niche occupies a garden or meadow geranium. Her growing with the same success is possible in the garden and in the apartment, so such versatility is also extremely popular. In addition to it, there is a pionic and tulip geranium, the original inflorescences of which will decorate any garden or windowsill.

The colors of pelargonium differ simply incredible variety. "Classical" is the blood-red geranium, which can be seen in overwhelming quantities. The exception is yellow and blue colourwhich is not characteristic of this plant. The breeders still continue to work on the removal of new varieties, so such a pelargonium will appear in the future instead of the familiar red geranium.

Geranus care at home

Despite the wide popularity and unpretentiousness of the plant, not knowing the main nuances of cultivation, it can be easily ruined. To prevent this, it is necessary to prepare an optimal location before purchase and everything you need for comfortable growing.

Basic care requirements

  • The room temperature should not be descended below +10 ºС, otherwise the plant will die. In winter, it is better to remove geranium from the balcony and the unheated loggia.
  • Even in the summer, the plant simply can not do without sunlight, so it is worth highlighting the southern windowsill. To prevent burns on the leaves, it is better to take a bit of the window.
  • To form a neat bush, it is necessary to pinch the top of the plant in time. Pruning geranium and for lush flowering.
  • Geranium pot should not be too much with a reserve, but to perform a transplant only in extreme cases. At the same time, it is advisable to choose a container only by 2-3 centimeters more than the previous one so that the plant is actively blooming.
  • Optimal fertilizers for Pelargonium will be a ready mix for flowering plants. Do not use fresh organic, otherwise the plant will get sick. The frequency of feeding - every two weeks.
  • The dried inflorescences are necessarily removed so that the plant has enough strength to develop new ones.
  • When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the moisture does not fall on the stalk and leaves of the plant. From this, young Pelargoniums are often dying.

Room geranium (Pelargonium) with proper care is able to bloom all year round with a short rest period. Do not forget that her homeland is considered South AmericaTherefore, during the flowering period it is extremely important to provide a plant with feeding and provide good lighting.

The composition of the soil is moderately fertile, in the pot it is necessary to provide good drainage so that water does not accumulate. Fertilizers to make as necessary, but watering is preferably abundant. The soil should not be too moving, but also excess moisture will not go to your plant benefit. Spraying is desirable not to do, the care of the leaves is reduced in regular wiping from dust and contamination. Most of the types of geraniums can boast "fluffy" leaves, which special substances are distinguished when contacting, so hygienic care can be combined with involuntary "aromatherapy".

Pruning geranium and the formation of a bush

A very important stage in the care of pelargonium is the formation of neat bustle. For this, the top of a young plant is necessarily cut, and in the future - side shoots. Trimming is best to carry out in the fall, repeating if necessary in early spring. It should not be carried away - for normal development, the plant needs at least two lower sheets. Cropped twigs can be successfully used for reproduction of pelargonium.

The care of royal geranium at home is somewhat different from the recommendations given. This magnificent beauty regular trimming can damage, so it is necessary to form a bush with caution. The plant, as a rule, blooms for the second year, so the first trimming is better to spend after deleting inflorescences.

Geranium diseases and their manifestations

The most terrible and incurable disease is black rot. Stem worms, and the plant will gradually get and dying. Unfortunately, such states are not treated, and geranium is simply ejected. To prevent this, it is necessary to carefully monitor the moisture of the soil, preventing excess fluid.

Geranium rarely sick, usually the alarms come as a result of incorrect care.

When planting and transshipment of plants, it is necessary to take care of the composition and quality of the soil, because most pests hide exactly there. To destroy the larvae, it is best to roast the land in the oven or shed boiling water. If you plan to use the purchase of soil, such events do not need.

The attack on the plant is a very unpleasant situation from which modern drugs will help. Also help well folk remedies: Treatment of leaves with economic soap, tobacco dust and chamomile infusion.

The reasons why yellow leaves in geranium may be somewhat. First of all, it is a lack of moisture. Fear of pour flower can lead to a catastrophic lack of water. If this alarming symptom appeared on your geranium, it is necessary to provide abundant irrigation, without falling into extremes. Excessive soil mooring can also cause the yellowness of the leaves, but they are softer and easily separated from the stem.

The second reason can be a lack of space. If the pot has become too small, there is nowhere to grow further, so the flowers and leaves suffer. Other factors include scarce lighting, because geranium is very sunny and thermal-loving flower. Violation temperature mode Also contributes to bad well-being and even the death of the flower, so you should not expose it to such tests.

The only peeking of geranium is dislike for change, may also cause plants. If you notice that Pelargonium began to wake in a new place, it is necessary to return it to the former. Transplants are also not too favorably displayed in geranium state, so do not get involved in this procedure. The transplant is preferably early in spring when the plant has not yet come out of its short hibernation. Capacity should not be too big so that the plant develops well.

To the question: "Why does not bloom in geranium?" You should also search for an answer in improper care. Typically, Pelargonium is distinguished by a long flowering period, briefly restoring the strength only in winter. If the plant does not want to produce buds, the reasons for this can be different.

Why geranium does not bloom

  • Change in too much pot. This plant loves some closeness and releases buds only after filing by rhizomy almost all the pots of pot.
  • Fertile soil, which contributes to the development of leaves. In this case, it is desirable to replace a mixture of purchased, designed specifically for flowering plants.
  • Irregular feeding. The plant needs potash feeding, as well as in a small amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Violation of this balance or the use of organics can harm the plant.
  • Timely trimming will help not only form a plant, but also provide additional forces for buds.

A frequent problem when growing geraniums becomes drying leaves. If it is in a lack of water, the problem is solved quickly, but often the cause of "rust" may become a cause. The output will be the processing of leaf burgundy liquid or any similar purchased solution.

How to propagate geranium

How to grow geranium geranium

  • Fresh cuttings are used for reproduction, the length of which is at least 5 centimeters.
  • After cutting, you should not get a plant right away. For successful cultivation, it is slightly poured, then treated with wood coal. Only after such procedures, the cuttings are planted into the ground.
  • The development of the process in water is a very popular method, but the maximum result will ensure the use of coarse sand. For this, the plant is placed in a pre-moistened mixture. Two weeks later, the cuttings with the first turns of the roots can be transplanted into the soil.

Gerana reproduction is usually not particularly difficult, especially since there is a clear example of successful cultivation. Often this way can be saved and acquired your favorite pelargonium much cheaper than an adult plant. To eliminate the likelihood of deception, it is better to take cuttings only from proven breeders or in a greenhouse.

Great of geranium from seeds

A more painful and responsible thing, while with a smaller chance of success - try to germinate a plant from seeds. The cost of such plants will also be not as an example below, but hereby finding a worthy planting material is significantly problematic. An independent seed collection is usually impossible in room varieties. To do this, it is necessary to provide natural or artificial pollination. Seed collection is made at the end of the summer - early autumn, while hybrid varieties will not transmit their offspring unique propertiesAs usual and occurs in such cases.

Geranium from seeds at home is grown, like any seedlings. Seeds are deepened in a suitable container and wetted with water from the pulvizer. For better germination, you can cover with glass or pull the transparent film, but do not forget about ventilating. If you use your own seeds, it is better before landing a little process the peel with sandpaper shallow fraction to speed up germination.

Purchased seeds in such an appeal do not need, so the friendly shoots will be delighted in two or three weeks. After the appearance of the first three leaves, the plant transplanted into a separate pot. When the sprout forms 5-6 sheets, the top pinch a little to grow the side shoots. By providing a comfortable temperature (about 18-22º) and sufficient watering, after 5-6 months, geranium will delight compact bushes.

She feels great on the balcony and in the garden, pleaseing the owners with long blossom. The varieties of Pelargonia are more than 300, while you can meet the most unusual colors and configuration of inflorescences. In addition, geranium is not only an attractive bush, but also treatment plant With a very extensive range of use. How to care for geranium, and also get rid of some diseases with its help told in our article.