
White mustard like a ciderat: how to use when sowing. Personal experience: how to sow mustard in the fall to improve the soil

Vegetable crops

First, let's figure it out for what we need mustard? From the grade of the plant will depend on the final result. For example, if you put a nasional or salad mustard, then you can eat green leaves. Just be appropriate to add to fresh salads. This vitamin supplement is suitable only if the leaves are collected from a young plant. If you recommend buying the seeds of white mustard, then, most likely, the consultant in the store meant that you would use the plant as a ciderat, that is, a natural fertilizer.

If you sow a black mustard, then you can stock up in the winter by spices, adding chopped mustard powder in food to give the dish spicy and sharp taste.

If we are talking about growing an indulged plant, then you can get valuable oil from mustard, use seed powder in therapeutic purposes (like mustard chips) and for collecting honey. Then you can buy 1 variety of plants to choose from: white, SIZYA (Sareptskaya variety) or black mustard.

About Plant

Mustard is annual herbate plantrelated to cabbage family. The plants have a straight-long stem, during the flowering period mustard is covered with yellow flowers on the flower brush. Flower, flowers will grow into small fruits resembling the shape of the pod. It has small round fruits. White mustard seeds are small, yellowish painting, in black - dark brown or brown-red.

The birthplace of the plant is Asia and Egypt, but people have long learned to cultivate this culture, adapting to the local climate. So, the mustard is widespread in France, Holland and China. Grow this culture and in Russia.

The composition of the mustard seeds is unique and therefore is widely used not only as feed for livestock, but also for the food industry, as well as for therapeutic purposes. Thus, the seeds contain a lot of essential oil (allyl and fat), as well as protein, zinc, iron, potassium, sodium and magnesium. Present in the composition of plants (seeds and leaves) a large number of vitamin human health: C, A, E and RR, as well as Vitamins of Group V.

The benefits of the mustard mankind was known for a long time. First of all, the seeds of the mustard enhance appetite and have a slight laxative effect. Help to get rid of inflammatory processes in the body and bring slags. Used mustard for the treatment of rheumatism, with disorder of digestive organs, liver diseases and hypertension.

The volatile pairs of mustard seed have a slight antibacterial effect, and the air is also disinfected. In antiquity, the characteristic facilitated the condition of the patient with a pork, applying a compress from mustard to the tumor.

Photos mustard:

For the use of a plant for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to assemble mustard seeds from the lower and medium ripened pods. The collected raw materials need to be performed in a ventilated place deprived of direct sunlight.

How the mustard grows

The plant is not contemptuous, so you can sow on the growing cultures of the cultures, the seeds of the mustard. Surely you paid attention to the beautiful yellow fields that appeared at the end of September-October. When the harvest fields are assembled, the time of application comes to the soil useful feeding. It will help to maintain maximum nutrients, as well as moisture in the ground - the plant of the mustard. It is enough to make this natural fertilizer in the ground and after 3-4 days you can observe how the first searches will appear.

Mustard grows very quickly, if you sow culture at the beginning of spring, then at the end of August you can collect a harvest fragrant seeds. If culture is used as an enrichment of the soil, then you can sow mustard at the end of September, it will saturate the soil with nutrients and oxygen.

How to grow mustard

We learn how to grow a white mustard - a popular variety of plants, which is grown in Russia and other countries of the world. Most often, white mustard planted in order to improve the quality of the soil. What can be obtained after growing mustard? As soon as the plant is strengthened and goes into growth, a good root system develops. The roots of mustard are taken from the soil phosphorus and, processing, give it back. As a result, the Earth is enriched and becomes fertile. All causative agents of diseases (pasta, fusariosis or phytoofluorosis) die, which has a positive effect on the future crop. In addition, the mustard will help in the fight against a wireman, and from this pest is very difficult to get rid of.

White mustard grows quickly, if the culture is already at the beginning of spring, then you can not worry about the fact that the plant will die from frosts. The mustard steadfastly withstands the night decreases of temperature, flesh to -5 about C. Therefore, this culture is so highly appreciated due to the possibility of growing mustard as too early (before planting potatoes), and late when the harvest is already assembled.

From the moment of sowing to the soil and before receiving the green mass of the plant, it takes for only a couple of months. Seeds retain the ability to germinate even at a negative temperature of the soil (freezing from 0 to -3 o C). Mustache mustard if she was sown in order to enrich the nutrient properties of the soil, before the start of flowering.

Planting mustard

To sow mustard - the task is not difficult, the main thing is to decide why and for what period it is necessary to start planting the plant.

Rules of landing mustard as a Siderate:

  1. First, with the help of flat cut, it is necessary to break the soil (depth up to 5 cm).
  2. We take ready-made mustard seeds (sold in specialized stores in large packages).
  3. Make a furrow in the ground at a distance of 15 cm from each other. According to the information specified on the package, sowing rate ranges from 120 to 150 g per 1 hectare of land.
  4. You can go to another way and sow the custodian seeds of the prime, without adhering to the above rules. But then the consumption of seeds increase 2 times.
  5. We blow up the ground and plug the mustard seeds by 3 cm.

Everything, with the landing of the mustard completed. Now you can observe the process of plant development and rejoice that the soil will be released from pests, weeds and is saturated with nutrients.

Sowing White mustard can be carried out in spring time before planting vegetables and potatoes. Approximately 3-4 weeks before the expected landing date vegetable crops, it can be embarked on sowing. Normally, you need to sow up to 4 g of seeds per 1 m 2 lands. If you need to declare the fight against a wiretop, then the rate of seeds increase to 5 g and begin sowing to land the main vegetable crops in the country area or after harvesting.

How to sow seeds:

  • we prepare the soil - it is advisable to dig a bed or at least break the earth;
  • sowing we carry out to 2 cm at a depth;
  • seying seeds can be skidded or rows;
  • after sowing the land you need to pour well.

We do not do anything else, just observe the Machinery. Already 3-4 days after sowing mustard, you can see the first shoots. After 3-4 weeks before planting vegetables or root, mustard must be cut and just decompose on the beds. If you have prepared the soil for planting seedlings, simply disembark seedlings into the prepared wells, and let the mustard remain in the aisle. She will protect shoots from frosts, droughts and pests. When young seedlings are rooted and grow up, the mustard can be mounted and leave on beaters as a mulch.

The cultivation of the mustard in the summer on the aisle - sowing is carried out immediately after planting vegetable crops. In the process of growing mustard, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the plant does not greatly grow up and preventing the development of vegetable crops. During the season you can dangle mustard 2, or even 3 times. It is only important to have time to cut the greens before the plant does not start blossoming to prevent the proliferation of mustard throughout the site.

The benefit for the soil mustard, like a Siderate, will bring huge, especially if you sow this culture until mid-August. Later sowing will protect the soil and relieve a plot from pests and weeds, but as the cultivation of the green mass and collection of seeds, so late the planted mustard is not suitable.

How to grow a leaf mustard

If you have another goal - to grow a spice for seasoning and enrichment of the nutritional value of salads, then it is necessary to sow a whisk mustard or leaf. This culture has other popular names: "Russian", "Salad", "Indian" or "Sareptskaya". The mustard has large leaves and pleasant, some islant. Matures garden culture Early, so you can just start replenishing stocks after the winter with fresh vitamins.

For growing a salad mustard, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. The acidity must be neutral, the weakness of the soil is suitable. It doesn't matter what the earth will be fertile or not much - mustard will adapt to any soils and bring a good harvest of green mass. The only one, where this culture will not grow - it is in wetlands.

Sowing seeds can be started in April, when it did not have time to melt at the country area, and the best thing is that even in March. Some dacms experimented, came to the conclusion that if you sow mustard in the winter, then with the onset of spring, when only barely warms the first spring sun, the first shoots will appear.

To grow this culture, you can allocate a separate bed. If you have a place in the greenhouse, you can sow mustard between the rows of vegetable crops.

The landing is easy: it is necessary to jumble the land and sow seeds into rows with a distance of 25 cm. The depth of laying the planting material - 1-1.5 cm. After landing, the seeds need to be covered with a layer of earth and pour water.

The first shoots can be expected in 4-5 days. For normal growth, the mustard needed to regularly water the beds, but only not to pour heavily water. Moderate watering - just what is necessary for a good growth of sheet mustard.

After a half months, when the mustard will grow up, you can collect the first crop of young leaves.

The best time for growing mustard mustard or summer end. When it is too hot outside, the plant gives less green mass and "leaves" in the arrows, the leaves become rude and tasteless. therefore optimal temperature For the cultivation of this culture - no more than +20 o C.

How to grow french mustard

Grow unusual plant And boast results - pride for the summer house. Therefore, people try to acquire seeds of rare varieties and grow at their cottage. Just so we can say about the cultivation of the black mustard. It has a more rich and sharp taste, for bees this plant is an excellent honey.

Black mustard is a thermal-loving plant and more demanding to the soil. It can be grown in the same way as any kind of mustard, with the same norms of sowing and care of the culture, only need to water the plant and fertilize the soil nitric feeding.

How to grow mustard on the windowsill

Surprisingly, as far as the mustard is unpretentious. The plant will feel great in the cold season on the windowsill. The main thing is that the room is not too hot.

For landing, we use purchased seeds that need to soak in a weak solution of mangartee. Do not forget to process and contain the packaging in which the mustard gathered. By the way, quite good results can be obtained if you wrap the seeds into a wet fabric and leave for a few days. When the first shoots appear - you can decide how to enter further - to continue growing in this way or transplant into pots.

As a soil, the earth is suitable with cottage plotenriched with coconut fiber and biohumus. If possible, you can plant seeds in peat pills. And if it is too consistent for you, then just use any suitable container, such as disposable cups or food plastic container from under sour cream and yogurt. The main thing - do not forget to make holes for draining the water and put on the bottom of the drainage.

On the layer of clamzit, we smear the prepared soil, weaken by 1.2 cm seeds, not forgetting to moisten the earth and you can cover the cups with polyethylene. Simplify the task - put the containers in a wide bowl and cover the film on top.

Now you need to put a planted mustard in a cool and wet place and wait for the first germs. The cold-resistant mustard variety is capable of germination at +1 o C, it is not suitable for cultivation in the apartment, so we choose the thermal-loving varieties, for example, French or black mustard. For growing it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room to +23 o C and the humidity of the air - up to 60%. If it is hot in the room, the mustard will start to produce arrows, and we need young leaves.

As soon as 2-3 leaves appear on seedlings, you can transplant seedlings in a spacious container. After 3 weeks, when the first seeds appear, you can start cutting down the lower leaves and add to salads. Abundant watering every day will save the plant from premature shorting. So do not forget every day not only to water, but also spray mustard from the spray gun.

You want the earth to be loose and fatty, saute mustard after harvesting from beds. For autumn, before frosts, mustard will have time to climb and, after the sprouts reach 20-40 cm. But they do this shallow, since the fertilizer is the organic part of the plant, its greens.

It is mounted in front of a rigging or simply leaving so that the top layer of the soil moves with the seed man, which is a green mustard. It is important not to bring the maturity of the plant before the formation of seeds. For the fertilizer of the soil on the site only the green part of the plant is needed.

It is possible not to pull in the fall, but to do it in the spring, when forming a bed, flower beds and places for berries. It is more convenient and many gardeners are exactly what they do. Southed in August-early September, she will give abundant entrances to frosts will stand green. It will freeze only during the frost below 5 degrees. This is the most valuable mineral fertilizer For your garden, for which everything was stood.

You can sow mustard as in the federated land, and simply scattering the seeds on the surface. Birds from the ground, the mustard seeds are not pecked, so it is possible and not to bury it for germination. For sowing use mustard white. It gives shoots faster and greens are rich enough. So fertilizers will be more.

The mustard is considered an earth-improved land. In addition, she also destroys pathogenic fungi in the soil. Which is also important for the future good harvest Vegetables and other cultivated plants.

Want less time to spend on vaccine - Sota mustard. She suppresses the growth of weeds of all kinds, which means that you will have to bite over the beds.

In addition, the Earth will not rehabilitate and maintain a lifeful moisture. There will be many rainwoods that will break through their moves in the ground and make it soft and loose as the fluff. You will see that earthworms in your garden will become much more.

In addition, the roots of mustard are about half a meter. This depth and soil on your gods will be loosened. In the spring will remain forming a garden and put vegetables, berries or flowers.

  • It is worth considering that it is best to sow mustard where you intend to plant tubers and seedlings in the spring, as the seeds of vegetables and colors will need more dense land.
  • In addition, it is not worth sowing mustard where you will plant a radish, cabbage and other cruciferous plants, as they have the same diseases and instead of a rich harvest, for example, cabbage kapanov, you can get additional problems.

There are few minuses, so Sieve mustard on your garden after harvesting the autumn harvest. Beautiful natural fertilizer, which will be only useful, will enrich it and help the future of your crop become generous.

About the Siderats Read more in the video from Agrarian specialists.

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Mustard - a plant known to most people as raw materials for the manufacture of seasoning of the same name having a specific taste and smell. It is widely used in cooking, as well as in medicine in the form of a warming powder.

But far from everyone knows that it can be grown. But mustard as fertilizer is good for the garden. The properties of the plant to heal and saturate the soil of the soil have long been used by residents of the Balkan countries, whose climate is very similar to the medium strip climate.

Plan article

Properties and composition of mustard

Mustard in Latin is called Sinapis, and from a botanical point of view refers to the cabbage family. Its genus includes 6 species, of which the most useful as a fertilizer for soil is white mustard (Sinapis Alba). The second name, less common - English. She received her first name in the color of their seeds. In the CIS countries, except the northern regions are widespread, in some areas known as a weed grass growing along the roads and in the fields.

Its beneficial properties for improving the soil are in particular dismissal phosphates and other substances from the ground, and accumulate them in their green mass. Other agricultural crops can not assimilate them on their own. But after the mustard is mounted and overtakes in the soil, other plants can get hard-soluble substances in mild shape. That is what makes mustard effective fertilizer in the form of a seder.

Siderats - This is a agricultural term denoting plants that are grown in order to follow their subsequent sealing into the soil. In addition to the mustard, Lupine and other legumes, amaranth, buckwheat, winter cereal cultures are also used. Other "People's" name - Green fertilizers.

Other useful property Mustard White - the ability to accumulate in their roots, stems and nitrogen leaves in large quantities, which will be used for the growth of garden landings. Ornate plant and phosphorus. After the green mass of the mustard is mounted and falls into the soil, the Earth is saturated with many useful micro and macroelements necessary for other future landings in this place and getting a rich harvest.

In the leaves of mustard, which will fall into the soil, contains:

  • 25% of organic substances;
  • 0.9% phosphorus;
  • 0.7% nitrogen.

White mustard used as a green fertilizer has a number of advantages over other sites. Its seeds germinate very quickly - from landing until the appearance of the first sprouts will be held a maximum of 4 days. In this case, warm weather is not a prerequisite. Even the temperature of 0 ° C will not prevent the mustard shoots. The young sprouts themselves are able to withstand freezing to -5 ° C, so the white mustard is often planted in early spring or in the fall. Plus to everything - high yield. It is estimated that from one weave you can collect about 400 kg of green mass.

When sowing mustard for fertilizer need to take into account that it is impossible to give it to the seeds to ripe - This will lead to uncontrolled spread of the plant in the site. This applies not only to spring landingsbut also to autumn. White mustard grows quickly enough, and often time to bloom until the onset of minus temperatures. True, in the latter case there is no need to rinse the green part. During the winter, the frost will successfully destroy its leaves, and the elastic stems will perform the role of a snow coaster. Roots will delay moisture in the soil.

Thanks to the enhanced growth and large volumes of green mass, the mustard is used as a barrier from air flows in localities where strong winds blow. This contributes to the delay in moisture in the upper layers of the soil, prevents its weathelation and protects planted plants. True, due to the rapid breeding of the mustard in this case, it is necessary to mow it before it blooms, and to plant the culture re-at the same place. Roots will additionally strengthen the soil, and the green part can be used for feeding.

How to make mustard Motoblock

Unfortunately, in Russia and other CIS countries, the White Mustician was not popular with gardeners and gardeners. In many ways, skeptical opinion in relation to the cultivation of this plant has developed due to the delusion that it is the thermal-loving and the climate of the middle strip is not suitable for the White mustard.

But this statement is rooted incorrectly. It is not only undemanding to the temperature regime and watering, but also is fast spreading weed, if it has time to mature seeds. In the wild, it is found in all climatic zones with the exception of permafrost. White mustard is found worldwide: for example, in America, India and Japan.

Those gardeners who have already used white mustard as fertilizer can confirm its unpretentiousness and efficiency.

Fertilizer from mustard - what you need to know

Soil fertilizer mustard allows not only to fill the soil with nutrient elements, but still performs a number of additional functions.

Advantages of mustard:

At the same time, the mustard is good not only as a future fertilizer for the garden. Its white flowers are for bees and other insect who pollinating an attractive honey. This information may be useful to those who have their own apiary.

Also, the white mustard is good as a companion plant. Often it is planted around fruit trees and berries bushes. She will not only hurt many pests, but also contributes to the best pollination of flowers. For this purpose, you can take a small handful of seeds and put it near the apple tree, raspberries or strawberries.

Disadvantages of mustard

But nevertheless, the mustard as a kindrate there are some drawbacks that you do not need to forget when landing.

  1. White mustard, which belongs to the cruciferous, has general disease and pests with other representatives of this family. Therefore, you need to follow the rules of crop rotation. On the territory where mustard grew and nearby do not put other cruciforms - for example, cabbage or radishes.
  2. Seeds of this culture, scattered on the surface of the soil and covered only by the thin layers of the Earth, are very attractive to birds that can shut all the scattered planting material. To prevent this, you should deepen the seeds into the soil or thoroughly sprinkle mulch for the winter.

White mustard objectively has much more advantages than flaws. It is possible to estimate its effectiveness to fully, only trying to put it on your site.

Time for landing

Gardeners call two periods when the mustard should be sown as a fertilizer. It is mid spring and autumn when the harvest is already removed. It is necessary to take into account that the optimal mass is a plant pulls at least a month after the seeds hit in the soil.

Harness fertilizer mustard in spring

Spring mustard as fertilizer is best planted in April. Even in middle lane Climatic conditions are already suitable for this. The sun is already enough to warm the soil, and the strong night frosts become rare. Although this plant is extremely undemandingly to the factors of the external environment, still it is worth waiting when the air temperature is heated for 10 ° C.

So that the plant has time to gain a green mass, which will then be used as a fertilizer, will require 1-2 months depending on the conditions ambient. If we have sowing in April, then you can have time to improve the ground before planting the main garden crops.

When already the whole harvest is assembled, there is a new time in the sowing of white mustard, like Siderat. For the remaining time before the onset of the cold, it will have time not only grow, but perhaps both blooming.

The landing of the mustard in the fall is produced mainly in those areas that were planted with cereal crops or potatoes. Due to this, the soil from which a large number of beneficial substances were embaning, again satisfied with them and adopted. IN next year It will be possible to grow a rich harvest on it.

Often, the mustard is used as a fertilizer under the winter, leaving it unknown. For the winter, most will time to drive and saturate the land, and the trunks will force the soil from the freezing. And so that the mustard entered in the spring, you need to choose the right time to choose. Plant seeds should be in the already cool, but branded soil. To do this, it can be treated with rakes or forks. So that with the onset of spring, the thah water was not washed off the grain, they should be deepen by 1-2 cm.

Video about mustard and other natural fertilizers

Ways to landing seeds

White mustard grows best on fertile, dend-podzolic soils. It is suitable for her and sampling soil with a peat content. But in the list of the most unloved mustard soils consist of sour and clay, as well as salt marshes. Although the mustard is not a capricious plant at all, she loves moisture and enough sunlight. Especially a large amount of water is required at a time when she gains buds.

There are two main ways to plant mustard seeds:

  1. The first way implies climbing grains to the ground At a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters, leaving the distance between the landings at 13 - 15 cm. However, the last rule is observed optionally - mustard, characterized by riveting growth, will certainly create a lush green carpet on the site allocated to it. The consumption of mustard seeds, which, as fertilizer, is approximately 150 grams per 1 weaving.
  2. The second way is simpler. Seeds are painted on the surface of the Earth, and then covered with a thin layer of soil with harrowing. But it is necessary to consider that in this case the seeds will need approximately two times more.

Mustard seeds for landing is better to buy in specialized stores. It is necessary to carefully check their quality: they must be dense, without traces of drying and rotting.

This will be a guarantee that in a few days the green sprouts will appear on the soil, and a month later, the mustard will be ready for further use.

What to do with mustard on?

After the plants scored a sufficient volume of green mass, it should be chipped into the soil, if it comes to landing under the winter. Gardeners claim that such a feeding mustard gives positive results, to evaluate that can be completely soon. The main thing is to ensure that the plants do not have time to bloom, otherwise the stalks will become too rough and additional efforts will be needed.

One of the advantages of sealing the stems and leaves mustard is that it is easy to close in the soil: it happens in the same place where she grown. No additional transportation is required. It is enough to close it in the ground with a shovel, a chipper or hoe. To speed up the process of its processing in the soil, one can additionally shed it with a solution containing microorganisms (for example, "). Similar procedures are repeated and if the mustard as a fertilizer was planted in autumn for the winter.

The use of mustard white as fertilizer allows you to fill the soil with nutrients and heal it in general. But it must be remembered that each plant absorbs, and then gives back to the ground only a limited list of items. Therefore, to achieve soil with an ideal composition with the help of planting this plant, unfortunately, will not succeed.

It is better to use several sites selected with their features. You should not forget about other types of feeding - attentive care for the quality of the soil will be the key to a large harvest.

Hello, dear readers! So it's time to already clean the potatoes and send it to storage (here is an article about that). Mustard - SideratWho immediately after cleaning the potatoes, I lay on green fertilizer.

Why do I want to do this? First, after decomposition in the soil, the biomass mustard becomes easily friendly fertilizer, and the soil is replenished with an organic and humus. Secondly, during north in anchored soil, the development of weeds effectively suppresses. Thirdly, actively. The presence in all parts of essential oils serves as a prophylactic means from the accumulation of pests (, pea fruit) and mushroom infections (risocontoniosis, potato pasters). Mustard as fertilizer improves the conditions of life of soil microorganisms and, with decomposition, serves as feed. And this, in turn, leads to an increase in yield.

Now I turn directly to yourself. So, mustard - annolete plant Cruciferous family. Mustard is used both on fertilizer and for food animals, and is also a honey culture.

It is valued for the greatest ability to quickly germinate and build a relatively large mass in a short cold period. The yield of the green mass is over 400 kg per weave, in the green mass accumulates 22% of organic substances, 0.71% of nitrogen, 0.92% phosphorus, 0.43% potassium. During flowering attracts useful insects.

Although the mustard and is a highly reduced fertilizer after decomposition in the soil, it still significantly inferior to bean sites on the content of nitrogen, therefore, as a mustard seder is more efficient in a mixture with bean cultures (for this, the mustard and legumes are sown through a series).

This culture is capable of absorbing hard-soluble nutrient elements, inaccessible to other plants, and translate them into easily accessible forms. Effectively absorbs the nutrient elements from the processed formation, preventing their washing into the subsoil.

The mustard tears well, structures, drains the soil, increasing its air and moisture. The core root rustic system penetrates deep into the soil, to a depth of 2-3 meters.

This is one of the best crops to protect the soil from water and wind erosion in spring and autumn, and if you do not rinse it, then in winter. It delays snow, contributes to a smaller processing of soil and, consequently, greater accumulation. In steppe areas, it is sometimes seeded by single rows among winter out.

In aft culture, the quality of the green mass by nutritional value approaches the feed. In particular, it is valued for the high protein content in the autumn period. The disadvantage is in the absence of many vitamins and biologically active substances and the availability of toxic glycosides and mustard oil, the number of which increases as the plant aging.

Therefore, green food and silo are mounted to flowering and give animals in a mixture with other feeds no more than 20-30 kg per day per cow. After grinding it is better to use food for an hour, as the mass of self-heats and taste is falling.

Mustard - Siderate, which requires anchored nutrient tied soil. It grows well on turfly podzolic, fertilized by organic fertilizers. Maybe grow on the sandy (our garden grows just on such a soil), indulged peat soils. Does not tolerate clay and swimming acid soils and Solonchakov.

This culture is moisture, but in a lesser extent than radish oilseed, which is indispensable on heavy clay soils. In particular, the mustard requires moisture during germination and bootonization. Lightweight, weakly overwhelming. But this is one of the most cold-resistant sites among cruciferous. Seeds board at + 1-2 degrees Celsius, the vegetation continues late in autumn at + 3-4 degrees, and shoots tolerate freezes to -4 - -5 degrees.

Sowing mustard

Sow culture in spring a month before planting potatoes and late vegetables (not to suck the cabbage as the predecessor, since they are one family - cruciferous) or in the fall after harvesting, from the end of April to mid-September.

We will sow on the coming week as soon as we remove the potatoes. And it is recommended to sowing immediately after cleaning the main culture, in order to prevent the loss of the shadow moisture and do not let the soil. After sowing, the ruble is harrowing (in our case - ordinary rakes).

Shoots appear on the 3-4th day. On green fertilizer and feed sew 120-150g per hundred (the width of the rod - 15 cm). When sowing manually, the errors, or after August 10-20, 300-400 g per hundred. On the seeds and for a medical doctor, they are sowing with a width of 30-45 cm with a width of 30-45 cm, reducing the seeding norms.

A sufficient and optimal method of treatment is the loosening of soils by either a flat either by a cultivator, which increases the fertility of the soil and retains the forces of the agriculture. For getting best harvest Used organic fertilizers and.

When mowing mustard

1-1.5 months after the seeding, the mustard grows to 15-20 cm, it is cut by a flat and cultivator or miserable (as you like), preliminarily spilling with um preparations, which speeds up fermentation processes and creates favorable microbiological conditions leading to enrichment Soils with nutrients and microelements.

I want to pay attention to the fact that the processes of decomposition of plant residues, humification take place only if there is moisture in the soil (and the mustard - culturelagitious, mentioned above), so if you live in a arid region, it is effective only when irrigating, if Your drought area is periodic, then watering is required during droughts.

But look at the video, what a mustard failed with good watering!

Well, how do you like green fertilizer and phytosanitarian? Sew - you will not regret! If there are difficulties with the acquisition of seeds, then you - here.

High fertility and large harvests! See you later!

With all respect, Andrew!

Even the most fertile soil garden plot Sooner or later will require fertilizer. Best of all, if it is an organic agent: humus, peat. However, such a feeding is inevitably a rapid growth of weeds. For this reason, many gardeners stop their selection on plant-sites, which are a full green fertilizer. These are cereal cultures (rye, oats), legumes (peas, clover, alfalfa, vika), cruciferous (rape, surepitsa, oilseed radish, mustard). Each plant has advantages and disadvantages, so they need to be selected with the mind.

Than good mustard

It must be said that all kinds of mustard (white, black, leaf) have the right to relate to the Siderators. In this case, the leaf can be successfully used in cooking, cutting off 2 weeks after sowing juicy leaves. Black mustard is small as green fertilizer. I walked her love for heat.

Mustard White, unlike his relative, withstands spring frosts to - 5 ° C. She is unpretentious to soils, because its root system can penetrate to a depth of 2 meters, breaking even the hardest soil. Mustard removes on the surface nutrients And converts them into an easily dismantled form, making them available for their cultural followers. Especially well saturates mustard soil phosphorus, gray and nitrogen.

The value of mustard, which is often sewn as a seal that does not allow the expansion of the weed, in the rapid growth. Moreover, cold weather does not slow down this process. Mustard shoots appear for 3-4 days, and the highest growth rate and plant development are at the beginning of the growing season. Literally for 1.5 months, the mustard is capable of climbing 20 cm. Although it can reach 80 cm, such achievements are unacceptable for the use of mustard as fertilizer. Do not wait for the phase of its active flowering to bury the crushed green mass into the ground.

All plant-sites are used to combat weeds, but their action is different. If rye in itself is aggressive to any kind of vegetation and allowed only cornflowers to its territory, then the mustard in this plan is much "stopped." With a rare sowing, weeds still break, therefore, if the breeding of the mustard is assumed not only for the sake of the soil saturation with mineral substances, but also from weeds, then you need to take care of sufficient landing density.

Rights Sowing Mustard White from weed

On average, 2.5 g of seeds are recommended on square meter. To get rid of weeds and some diseases and pests in the soil (and the mustard is effective in the fight against a wireman, nematode, phytoofluorosis, a pair), the number of seeds increases to 4-6 g. Since the mustard - an early culture, then its crops can be produced, starting with Mid-April and ending in mid August, occupying a plant not yet planted or already liberated from vegetables.

Sowing mustard from weed does not require any special agrotechnical techniques. Seeds can be distributed over furridges or manually scattering, close to a depth of 1.5-2 cm using robble. It all depends on the size of the sized area. It is necessary to consider that for friendly shoots, watering is obligatory. Mustard is a moisture culture, but excessive moisturizing, like drought, can harm.

Using the sowing of mustard as a Siderate, it is necessary to take into account that it cannot be sowed where they grew up or cross-color, since it itself refers to this family and may be subject to the same diseases. Since the mustard relies after 1.5 months from the moment of planting to close in the soil, it is necessary to strictly follow another rule: other crops can be planted in place, where the reckon is the green mass of the Siderate, only 2-3 weeks after this action.

Following this recommendation, the mustard is well planted early in the spring to the place where tomatoes grow ,. In Siberia, for example, these vegetables are planted into open ground only by mid-June. Southern in mid-April mustard will not give the opportunities to weeds to float the plot of empty so much time and create a favorable environment for the nutrition of future plants.

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  • The benefits of mustard as a Siderate
  • Growing mustard: its benefits and harm
  • Growing Mustard White as Siderate
  • When sow mustard

Salad, or leaf, mustard first cultivated in the Mediterranean. She also grows in a wild state in China, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Sheet mustard is very useful plantwhich is used in many recipes for dishes intended for the diet of patients.

The benefits of sheet mustard

A young sheet mustard is a rich source of carotene, protein, vitamins C, B, RR, as well as iron salts, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, glycosides and essential oils. It has anti-inflammatory properties, improves the work of the cardiovascular system, and with regular use reduces cholesterol levels. Also in the sheet there is a large amount of folic acid.

The main difference between the sheet mustard from its other analogues is that all useful substances act comprehensively, and not separately.

In addition, the sheet mustard protects against the development of cancer, the risk of their occurrence is reduced if this plant regularly use. The composition contains antioxidants and vitamins, however, in addition to them, the sheet mustard is known for phytonutrients important for the body as quercetin, kampopherol, hydroxicaric acids and isorality. Stems and leaves of this mustard improve the appetite and the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Using sheet mustard

Leaf mustard leaves are ideal for meat dishes, salads and sandwiches. Juicy young shoots of the plant are solid and canned, and from its seeds prepare mustard powder, mustard pieces and mustard alcohol, effective with radiculitis and rheumatism. Cookins use gentle young leaf mustard leaf leaves, adding them to various salads and soups or making it (roasted, saline, canned) side dish.

Leaves of this mustard have a bitter taste and a strong enough smell, so they are very valued in Chinese cuisine.

The most popular appetizers with sheet mustard are sandwiches and cheese paste. To prepare the paste need to grate 100 grams of cheese or solid cheese, add to the raw weight of 50 grams of crushed sheet mustard and 1 tablespoon of butter. The paste must be mixed thoroughly and you can smear on bread.

For sandwiches with sheet mustard, you will need:
- 1 cup of finely chopped mustard leaves;
- 1 tablespoon mayonnaise;
- 4 pieces of black bread;
- Creamy oil to taste.

Mustard leaves need to mix with mayonnaise, put on two bread slices, and the remaining two pieces need to smear with butter and put them on top of slices with mustard. From above on finished sandwiches, the remaining mustache is placed and neatly smeared with a spoon.

Plant White mustard can be the whole garden season. It can be sowed with rows, hinged in the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, and you can evenly scatter the seeds in the right place and dissolve the robbles on top. If necessary, pour.

White mustard - an annual oilseed plant having deep roots and a large green mass, the height of which varies from 30 to 80 cm. Flowers collected in brushes with yellow flowers, highlighting a strong honey smell. Forts are formed in the following flowers - long pods with seeds. White mustard is used as a "Siderate" or fertilizer.

What it is useful

Due to deeply penetrating the roots of the mustard is capable of disintegrating well, structuring and draining the soil. The substance allocated to the root system has a destructive effect on. The pest avoids the sections planted with a white mustard.

During the pc, when the green mass of the plant falls into the soil, a large number of microorganisms flock on its processing, which enriches the land. White mustard can suppress the growth of weeds.

Promotes culture and easier assimilation of employment-soluble nutrient elements - phosphates by other plants. The tight sheath of the mustard prevents the wind and water erosion in the spring and autumn periods. In winter, the cakes mustard do not give the soil strongly. Essential oils contained in all parts of the plant, prevent the accumulation in the soil of pests and fungi.

How and when to plant

Sowing rye is easy: in the fall after harvesting, it is enough to break the beds and scatter the seeds in the desired amount. After that, with the help of rake, it is necessary to close the grains into the ground. It is important that the weather conditions be suitable, and the earth is wet. Rye quickly germinates and gives an abundant green mass, which you can rinse until the first snow.

You can use another way of sowing rye to the sadrates: rows. In this case, the garden is pre-calculated on the smooth stripes with a depth of 2-2.5 cm. When seeking this zlakova culture The land should be loose enough that the autumn is ensured by harvesting. In the spring it is unwanted to make a deep plowing, it is good enough to jumble soil.

The plant of the cruciferous family - white mustard - is extremely appreciated in gloomy as a sediment. She quickly sprouts, actively increasing the mass (more than 400 kg of greenery can be obtained from one weaving) and not afraid of cold weather.

Properties of mustard like a Siderate

Mustard is characterized by high drought resistance, well adapts to any temperatures. Interest in mustard is due to high content in its seeds and, above all, green mass organic compounds (22%), as well as nitrogen (0.71%), potassium (0.43%) and phosphorus (0.92%).

In addition, mustard great honeyAt the time of flowering, attracts insect cultures of pollinators. Also, the plant is widely used as animal feed.

After decomposition in the soil, the mustard-siderate turns into an easily dismantled fertilizer, saturating the soil by organic and forming humus. In addition, the mustard suppresses the growth of weeds. And due to the presence of essential oils, this plant is healing the soil and prevents the accumulation of pests and infections in it.

The mustard serves as food for soil worms, absorbs the hard-soluble elements from the soil, which are not available to plants, translates them into easily accessible nutritional forms. This ciderat breaks well, drains and structures the soil, increasing moisture intensity and aeration.

Sowing mustard

The mustard prefers light, sampling soils, turfly podzolic, but it feels well and on all others except heavy clay and salt soils. You can sow culture in spring and autumn. In the spring - a month before the landing of root plates and potatoes (in April), in the fall - after harvesting the crop of roots.

The earlier it is to sow mustard, the less likely to damage its shoots with cruciferous flews. It is not worth soaring mustard and as the predecessor of other representatives of cruciferous, since plants from one family are damaged by common diseases and pests.

Seeds at the mustard of white medium size. When sowing manually (without the use of a seeder), it is necessary to pour them into a loosening soil and take it with rake. On a plot of 10 acres, about 1.5 kg of seeds of white mustard will be required.

Shoots plant gives quickly, already on the third day. Mustard - culture moisturely, requires the largest amount of moisture during the germination period and during the bootonization period. It is one of the most cold-resistant sites. The mustard seeds board at + 1 ... 2 ° C, and young shoots easily carry autumn or spring cooling to -5 ° C.

After a month and a half after the seedrages, the Siderat reaches 20-25 cm in height and it is time to rush and get into the ground. The processes of decomposition of the residues of the mustard in the soil come in the presence of moisture. Therefore, if the autumn (or spring) was arid, irrigated or irrigation is necessary.

White mustard is a wonderful green fertilizer. It is undemanding to the air temperature, but not all the soils will grow well. Soot this culture for the season several times, but after some plants it is impossible to air.

Why should you land mustard

On the light rich nutritional soil, any cultures will feel great. Make the Earth will help the white mustard. It is capable of lifting moisture, trace elements from a depth of 2-3 meters. All this powerful plant will accumulate. Then it will be enough to mock the plantation and leave the culture directly on the bed. Twisting, it will give up its nutrients to the upper layer, which is valuable for cultures that will grow after it.

Another excellent quality of this culture is the suppression of weeds. The mustard grows with a solid wall and the unwanted guest guests simply will simply have a chance of breaking through the light to grow.

White mustard - Sanitary site. In place where it grew, the number of slugs, wires, pea fruzens will significantly decrease. Such mushroom infections like a potato pair, root rot, rhizocorium will not arise at the ridges, where this natural disinfector grew.

When and where to plant

After it became apparent the feasibility of breeding this culture, it is important to determine where, when the mustard. The plant belongs to the cabin family, therefore, the territory where such cultures grew, is not sown.

White mustard - cold-resistant culture. It will postpone return freezes to - 5 ° C. Therefore, in the spring, sow it in early deadlines - As soon as snow comes down and the soil fills a little. The plant loves sandy, indulged peat, dend-podzolic soils. On Suglinka, she will be capricious, and in heavy clay will grow very badly. Therefore, squeeze it on the previously anchored area.

Tricks landing

Slide the soil with a flat layer to a depth of 5 cm. There are 2 main ways:

In furrows;
- in the placer.

If the first method is selected, make a groove in a depth of 2 cm. The distance between them is 15-17 cm. If you like the second method, then simply scat the mustard seeds on the site allotted under it, in advance, close them with robbles. The first is more economical - it is necessary to 120-150 g of seeds. At the second, the costs for the same site will be 300-400 g, but the green mass will be greater.

Soon the seeds will germinate. Periodically water them. Then the culture will grow rapidly. In the middle of May, cut it with a flat barrier, leave right on the ridges. It is necessary to cut it before flowering. Put after it, for example, potatoes, tomatoes.

You can sow mustard several times per season. So that it gives a lot of green mass, the last time do it until August 10. If they did it later, the plant will show their disinfecting properties, but the green fertilizer will give less.