
How to get rid of garden ants by folk methods. Yeast from ants. Means of combating garden ants.

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In children's fairy tales, ants are always positive heroes: they are hardworking and very strong. Yes, they do not take these qualities. But if the red ants started on your summer cottage, the attitude towards them will quickly change.

The inhabitants of the anthill can destroy the harvest of vegetables, spoil the beauty of flower flower beds and turn the fizzly fruit tree into the trunk. And this is not a whole list of harm caused by hardworking insects. The question of how to get rid of ants in the country, especially relevant among gardeners and gardeners.

Friend or enemy

Attitude towards these insects is ambiguous, and disputes about the benefits of red ants do not lose relevance. Some owners of the gardens are convinced that it is impossible to drive them from the site. In nature, ants play a huge role. Forest insects are not in vain called "forest sanitary".

Insects accelerate the process of decomposition of organic, destroy many pests, increase soil fertility. But a well-kept garden with cultural plants - This is not a wild forest. Often the harm caused by ants in the country area exceeds all the benefits of them.


  • Destruction of pests. The diet of red ants by more than 90% consists of leaf-making insects. In the wild, one large anthill protects the territory within a radius of 30 m. The inhabitants of the anthill with a more modest size destroy more than 2000 larvae per day. They feed on the eggs of flies, spiders and cabbage moths.
  • Regulation of acidity and soil enrichment by minerals. As a result of the vital activity of ants in the soil near the anthill, the content of potassium and phosphorus increases (the number of potassium increases twice, and phosphorus is 10 or more times). The soil acidity increases due to the special excreta of insects. However, this is not always good. Excess acid can adversely affect the fruction of the Earth.
  • Understanding soil. Small underground strokes, dumped with goosebumps on the garden plot, increase the oxygen content in the ground. Miniature sizes do not allow ants to do tunnels more than 2 mm. However, thin Rips are much better feeding the soil with oxygen than the transfer of the ground of the Earth during the digging of the shovel or forks.


  • Split tribe. In the process of evolution, ants learned to protect the TRU and even contribute to its reproduction. Such care and love is explained by the addiction of ants to the sweet milk allocated to the tool. For favorite dearness, they are ready to protect the bend from pests, find it new food sources in the garden and transfer from plants to the plant.
  • Damage to the underground and overhead part of plants. With lack of food, ants do not mind to enjoy juice skes, foliage and rooteplood. Sweet tooths choose Sugar-containing cultures: berries, fruit fruits, carrots, sugar beets, pumpkin. This leads to the premature death of the plant.
  • Destruction of colors. Collecting sweet nectar from flower buds, ants tap petals. More often suffer young, unacceptable buds. This leads to the fading of the flower.
  • Damage fruit trees. The ants are constantly visiting garden trees in finding a sweet fruit juice. Separate species Muravyov will settle in the tree of wood. If they chose a tree trunk as a home, do not doubt that soon the elastic young wood will turn into a duch.
  • Weighing the pros and cons of mass stay insects in the garden, you have to make a decision: get rid of garden Muravyev Or leave them alone and allow them to continue to do their job.

Fighting goosebumps

If you have made a solution and want to remove insects from the garden, you can use different methods.

Mix three groups of methods of combating garden pests:

  • physical (it is considered the least effective and time consuming; manual collection and the destruction of anthills will not help get rid of insects);
  • chemicals (preparations based on chemistry have a different price; this method is considered the most efficient and gives a quick notable result);
  • folk (dismantling insects by folk remedies is of great popularity, despite the huge number of modern insecticides; it is cheap and safe for plants and human health).

The choice of method depends on the financial position of the family and the desired result. Many insecticides, withdrawing pests from the site in just a few days or even hours, falling on the leaves and fruits, poison the plant. When eating it in food, the poisons fall into the human body. At best, it causes food poisoning, and at worst - more serious violations.

The complexity of anti-ants lies in their "wisdom". The anthill works as an honed mechanism. Each individual has its own task that it is unquestioning. When you try to remove the anthill, you break only the upper part of it. Most insects will remain underground, and through the time "builders" co-worries new house. To destroy all insects, you need to use modern insecticidal means of contact-intestinal action. Effective poisoned bait, which workers are delivered to the forming uterus.

Physical methods

It can not be any speech to catch individual individuals. It is impossible, even if you go to the "hunt" with the whole family. Under the physical way of eliminating ants, the destruction of the anthill is meant. At the same time they advise work extremely careful. The ground part of the structure must be carefully removed, put on a wheelbarrow and remove away from the garden plot.

Now you need to figure out what to do with the residents remaining underground. Small dwellings can be shed boiling water. Water quickly falls inside through the dilated tubules. For better results Replace the water with a strong brine, and after the procedure, sprinkle the ground around the cook salt. However, remember that after salt dubbing, the soil fertility falls, and it may take up to 5 years to restore the soil.

Folk Methods

Looking at the "Treasury" of folk tips, you will definitely find a couple useful Soviets. Ants exist as much as people and insecticides began to appear in the last century. Before that, gardeners and gardeners found a lot of ways to get rid of pests (including ants) on panstone.

  • Sugar + Boric acid. Boric acid is rightly recognized as the best poison to derive ants from apartments and gardens. So that the insect involuntarily swallows the dangerous component, you need to prepare a poisoned bait. In 1 l of water, dissolve 2 cups of sugar and 5 g of powder boric acid. The resulting solution can be pouring into a destroying anthill or use as a barrier means for protecting individual plants. Pour the syrup on the ground around the perimeter of those plants where you most often notice insects.
  • Sunflower oil. Vegetable fat is not dangerous for ants, until it is used for frying. Used fat you need to fill in the dwelling of insects. After frying meat or potatoes, drain the oil remaining on the contradictory to use it with a double benefit.
  • Manka or corn flour. Semolina helps to bring ants with cottage plot, killing them quite a cruel way. After swallowing, the grain swells in the stomach at the insect, leading to his death. There is no guarantee that ants willingly take care of the semolina. In this case, mix it with sugar or sweet food additive (do not use cinnamon). Corn flour acts otherwise: after entering the stomach, it knocks the anti-eating process of ants, and the insect disappears from hunger within 2-3 days. The advantage of this method is that the "generous" insects carry flour into an anthill to feed other individuals and the uterus.
  • Ash. Discarding land and plants ash - a universal means to help get rid of not only from red garden ants, but also from many other pests and weeds. Collect ash from a fireplace, a solid fuel furnace or mangala. Spray it near the anthills that you plan to destroy.
  • Acid. Lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid destroy insects. To prepare acetic solution, 1 liter of vinegar and 2 liters of water will be needed. Solution based on citric acid You can prepare, dissolving 200 g of acid (approximately 8 bags) in 2 liters of water. The acid should be pouring into an anthill, so that it as possible as possible leaked to the dwelling of the Muravyev.

Chemical methods

The use of preparations based on chemicals is extremely undesirable. First, harmful substances are absorbed into the soil, secondly, they fall on the leaves of the plant, poisoning its nutrient juices. The use of fruits from treated trees threatens food poisoning. Especially harmful treated vegetables and fruits for young children.

You need to resort to the use of insecticides only if the population of the ants leaves from under control and you risk staying without harvest. Diazonin-based drugs are considered the safest, since this component quickly disintegrates in the soil, without poisoning plants located near the anthill. These drugs include:

  • "Muravyin";
  • "Thunder-2";
  • "Muracide";
  • "A great warrior".

All listed drugs have a fairly affordable price. detailed instructions For the use of the drug is on the packaging. When processing anthills and the garden, do not forget about personal protective equipment: wear gloves, safety glasses and try not to breathe in pairs. It is better to choose drugs in the form of a solution or gel that needs to be poured into a destroyed anthill.

A good result was demonstrated by household chalk "Masha". When used in the greenhouses, the lines are drawn on wooden boxes and iron supports. Some gardeners crumble chalk and sprinkle with a powder of the land around the plants affected by ants.

Do not wait for you to forever drive ants from the country area. Through time, they are guided again. Before finding a way of destroying "Sanitars", remember all the benefits that are brought by them, and think about it again, whether it is worth fighting so actively with them.

Before any modern gardener or gardener, it was not once the question of how to remove the antholes from his plot. By and large, there are many techniques and an arsenal from any person folk remedies Or modern drugs from ants settled on the site. So, ants are insects, which belong to the family of refamped. They are public animals and are spread absolutely on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. They are distinguished by a large species diversity, as well as high adaptability to various conditions in environment. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many of the types of ants will settle in the gardens and flower beds, and even on the gardens. When feeding its larvae, the overwhelming majority of ants that live in a moderate climate of the continent of Eurasia, are hunting for other insects.

What is the harm of ants

Destroying different pests, ants thus bring the invaluable benefit of garden or garden cultures. But, in general, insects are also harmful:

  • the cultivation of the Tley so that there is a palm that it produces;
  • diginating the roots of plants during the digging of their moves or arrangement of nests;
  • some of the species also feed on the juice of plants, thereby damaging their integrity and depriving protective cover, such a plant easily affects bacteria with mushrooms;
  • a number of matures of the ants feed on plant seeds, passing almost all spring or autumn crops;
  • ants adore sweet fruit and berry juice, therefore they penetrate the fruit and thus spoil them;
  • when erecting nests, ants often fall asleep the seedlings;
  • in the case of a long stay in one place, the ants change the acidity in the surrounding soil, making it more acidic, and this is negatively reflected in the growth process of plants.

How to get rid of garden ants, without hurting plants and insect pollinkers?

A means of combating garden ants can be both folk, proven generations and new scientists developed. They are chemical or biological.

A proven tool from garden ants can be considered the most ordinary garlic. The fact is that insects do not tolerate his smell at all. The ants will act like garlic cloves and its blooming green arrows. Solk must necessarily cut either crush so that possible more and fully activate the essential oil. So that smart insects failed to attribute it away from their home, it is possible to prepare, for example, garlic infusionAnd then pour them all the ant nests.


For infusion: 1 liter is very warm, but not hot, water should be added very finely sliced, or the middle head of garlic, then insist about two hours and pour over the anthill. After a few days, it is desirable to repeat everything.

Methods of getting rid of ants


Hot ash, batted on the nest, or boiling water, which is poured right into the anthill, are quite effective, but only on a relatively short time. Basically, females that lay eggs survive. And this means that with time the anthill will be restored.

Destruction of the nests gives analogous to the short-term effect. Soon the ants again return to the place. Deep and thorough looting of the nest with parallel introduction into the soil of ash, lime or ashes will be a more efficient means. After all, soil ants are very sensitive to the peculiarities of the soil composition.

Vegetable oil

A much better tool from garden ants will be vegetable oil, which is flooded in moves, which lead to the nest. For an even greater effect, you can add different fragrant ingredients, they will scare ants. For example, take advantage of the camphor, carnation, laurel or anis.

Insecticidal substances

Most effective method Elemental ants is the use of insecticidal substances. They can have the form of liquids and powders, aerosols or granules, and still be pills. For example, this is:

  • BROS;
  • "Death of pests" (Ital Tiger);
  • "Summer resident";
  • "Thunder -2";
  • "Fat";
  • "Ant-eater";
  • "Muratoks";
  • "Muravyin".

Some of the drugs can boast complex action, in addition, being insecticides, while others are only highly specialized. The best tools are those that act not immediately, but gradually transferred ants in their nest or very quickly absorbed inside, into the body of the insect. Since the ants feed on the fact that they allocate individual insects, like a word, fleece or shields, will simultaneously need to fight with such types of pests by all available methods.


By the way, some of the drugs are toxic for fish and for pets, so that when working with them, it is categorically impossible to allow insecticides to fall into reservoirs, it is necessary to comply with all security measures.

Boric acid

You can also shed anthills with a solution of boric acid adding sugar syrup there. In this case, the sweetness of the syrup will be to lure ants, but boric acid will kill them from the inside. Sweet bait with boric acid are very and very effective from garden ants. For such a goal, a sodium salt of boric acid is also used, that is, a bora. There is a sugar syrup or jam, as well as honey. The ratio is approximately this: 5-7% of the borants need to be 35-40% of water, everything other occupies sugar. A honey should be 5-10%, however, it can be added or not to add it if desired. Soccer or a flask with similar baits are set near anthills and ant paths so that insects can quickly and easily be touched by sweetness.


Garden ants are pests with which it is extremely difficult to fight. But, if you ask such a goal, trying one tool after another, then you can certainly achieve the result.

Gardeners and summer houses do not know what a serious problem is ants of ants. Meanwhile, it is not so easy to remove the ants. Pour boiling water and swing - the most obvious, but not effective methods. Even killing some of the ants, you do not solve the problem and after a few days a colony will recover.

Harm from garden ants

The ants kill pests and in some sense are even useful, but on this their positive effect ends. Let's look at what harness do the Garden Ants apply to us:

  1. Ants grow tort. The ants grow and guard the TRU to feed on its secretions. They transfer green pests to new shoots. A huge amount of tri interferes with the normal growth of plants.
  2. Spoil the roots of plants.The anthill is located under the ground. Mutter Muravyov can be at a depth of 1 meter under the ground. That is why pour a pour and step the anthill will not give us the desired getting rid. During the construction of an anthill, small and large roots are damaged, which prevents growing plants.
  3. Ants feed on plant juice. The wave causes more harm to plants, but also the ants themselves feed on the juice of some plants.
  4. Clean seeds. Ants carry seeds to their storage facilities to feed themselves and feed their larvae.
  5. Right fruits and berries.The ants eat various fruits, thereby reducing the harvest.
  6. Break out our holiday. In addition, ants interfere with relaxing at the cottage, sunbathe, or make a kebab. Wherever you disappoint a towel, ants are here.

How to get rid of garden ants?

There are several ways to combat ants:

  • Chemical (insecticides)
  • Chemical (natural acids)
  • Mechanical

Fighting garden ants using insecticides:

This method of struggle is extremely effective, but causes harm to your plants. In addition, this method of struggle is quite expensive. 100 grams of money from ant cost 200-300 rubles. You can use this method, but rather as the "recent hope" means. Preparations can be in the form of liquids, powders, aerosols, granules or tablets. Below are examples of precents:
• BROS (Bros)
• "Death of pests" (ITA Tiger)
• "Dachnik"
• "Thunder -2"
• "Fitar"
• "Muravyad"
• Muratoks
• "Muravyin"

Fighting garden ants with natural acids:

The ants do not bring the smell of acids. Watering an anthill and surroundings with a solution of lemon, or acetic acid, you can force the colony to leave, killing many ants. Also, boric acid is extremely effective. You can look more about her actions on the video below.

Fighting garden ants with the help of folk agents:

The ants do not put the smell of garlic. In order to prepare the solution, you need to grind garlic (as for salad) and mix it in warm water. You can also use infusions from plants such as cleanliness, wormwood, orange crust.

The original method of combating ants will be a solution of sugar and yeast. This solution will not kill the ants, but the fermentation process will destroy all reserves of ants and together with other methods of struggle you can cause strong harm to the colony.

Fighting garden ants with mechanical means:

As it has already been said to pour an anthill with boiling water and step the anthill not very effective methods, but if a dumping anthill, you will mix it with ashes and ashes, or as an option please, with its cheapest vegetable oil, the harm of the colony of ants will be very significant.

How to get rid of ants on garden trees?

To get rid of ants on garden trees It is suitable, an effective way to fight. Tree trunk in the morning you need to smear with glue from insects. Thus, ants will not be able to climb and over time they will not even try to climb the trees.

Over time, glue will cover dust, and will become less efficient. A few days later, you can repeat the procedure just above the first circle of glue. The advantage of this method is its non-toxicity.

How to get rid of ants in the greenhouse and in the garden?

If an anthill appeared on your garden and the greenhouse, you can try to turn the anthill in gloves, lubricated with sunflower oil and remove eggs from it to a prepared bucket. Next, take all that you have taken out of an anthill beyond greenhouses and a garden. After that, most likely the anthill will die. Try to do the procedure carefully, without the use of shovels, not to damage the roots of the plants.

The sooner you notice and start fighting the anthill, the easier it will be removed. After you destroy the anthill sprinkle it ashes, or bypace with vegetable oil. You do not damage and even face the plants a little bit.

Feedback from people faced with this problem

To get rid of ants in the country area, you need to fall asleep anthills of hot ashes.

Neither mechanical damage to the nesting nor boiling water nor chemicals give one hundred percent warranty. However, and for them there is their scarecrow. Somehow, having gone out arrows on winter garlicI noticed that the ants bypass the Green Puffy Pile. Thille thinking, a spicy greenery of the stem of plum-Rastunza, the young growth of which was soaked to the tool.

On the ants it was worth seeing. The bottom, which was fled along the walkway, stumbled upon the processed area, as the treated in a hurry to notify others about an unexpected barrier. The band worked on the trunk, but, having reached a spherical belt, they unfolded and fled away in a panic. Similarly, those that remained on the tree behaved. However, they were easier. Marking on the trunk and branches, they just jumped down.

Now, as soon as Garlic begins to smack, I, or simply rub the trunks, or make fine flagels from the arrows and we bind the trunk at an altitude of 20-30 cm from the ground. For ants, this is an irresistible barrier.

Fill their minks by any insecticides, from Decis to Karate. Their concentration should be greater than when spraying trees. You can also use simple boiling water instead of chemical preparations. Some daches in the fight against ants even lacquer use, but it is dangerous for plants, and for the person himself. After all, varnish is the strongest poison, and we eat everything that grows in the ground.

I invented a simple and reliable way to combat ants. His warranty is 100%! I take the "bald" tire from the passenger car, cutting it in half in a circle. Two rings are obtained. I put them under the trees in a pre-dugout groove, pour into the water, and the question is resolved. This barrier will not overcome any of the crawling: they are not swimmers.

If the tree or shrub is greater, the ring cut across, lay, and smear the plasticine. Water in the rings serves as shell for OS, bees and small birds, which is needed for the garden. And if you add coniferous concentrate to it, then its smell will scare harmful insects. But one ring I always leave with clean water - For birds and bees. And one more interesting nuance: if 35 g per 10 liters of water scares insects, then 75 kills their laying.

From the garden ants in the greenhouse helps hammer cinnamon. I just scatter her on the ground, where there are minks, and ants go.

Removed ants from the country area simply vegetable oil. Fucking patties, and oil - mink. And that's it. Large anthill we transferred. Residues - oil.

I am on the hills and under the trees I had an ants old rustic fashion. In the morning, sorry for intimate details, pour out the contents of the night pot into ant minks or on their armholes. If not just once, then for three irrigation they disappear.

Cork oranges in the water soak and pour on an anthill. Home - Primaka: Sugar + Boric Acid.

Folk remedy for garden ants: on the water bucket take 400 g of black soap (they are dissolved in warm water) And 2 tablespoons of carbolic acid and 10 kerosene spoons are added to soapy water, everything is mixed very carefully. Such a mixture watered a bunch of ants, and also spray those trees for which these insects crawl. After two or three spraying ants completely disappear. It is recommended to deceive the trunks of the trees directly above the ground in a ring of tar. You can cover the apple tree, on which large quantities There were ants in connection with the tool, peat for soil shading. Ants disappear and no longer appear.

The article uses data from sites:

Ants, which, according to individuals, are ahead of even cockroaches, are real forest sanitary panels and unwanted guests at the preservation site. Although at the last, they also bring some benefits, but the harm caused by their cultures exceeds it. Therefore, the struggle against garden ants is an important task for each self-respecting gardener. It requires a competent complex approach, otherwise the uterus quickly restore the number of insects. What are the harm from the vital activity of ants, inhabiting the garden and a garden, and what methods can you destroy pests forever?

The redheads or pharaoh ants are dangerous neighbors, less often, household plots suffer from black ants. The struggle against ants is very difficult, since their number is calculated by millions, insects are done multi-kilometer underground moves. And new individuals are capable of appearing on the site at a speed of up to several pieces daily. Ants intensively breed and can create new nests every week. To destroy them forever to destroy them, you should destroy the uterus. Even if you destroy an anthill, it is sometimes able to survive and create another in a new place.

Of course, goosebumps bring and benefit - enrich the earth with oxygen and useful elements, produce its loosening, fight with other insects. But the harm inflicted by the future crop makes the gardeners think about how to get rid of ants on the household plot. After all, these little workers spoil vegetables, fruits and roots. They strive to enjoy sweet carrot juice, pumpkins, berries and other crops. They suffer from their attempts to adopt the surface of the fetus all the saham-containing varieties of vegetables and rooteploods.

Also goosebumps like to collect sweet juice With flowers, especially with roses buds. Along the way, they damage the petals, as a result of which the flower begins to root and fades. Riding underground moves, insects spoil the soil, as its level of acidity increases. In the proposed conditions, many cultures become problematic to grow and develop. Still goosebumps spread the colonies of Tly. Because it loves her sweet milk taste, then protect the TRU from the attacks of other insects.

At conscience of ants and a lot of ruined trees, as they will settle in the structure of the crust. Having done in it moves, insects in just a couple of seasons can make a drunk and non-visual tree from a young healthy tree. In view of all the above, goosebumps are already appearing in front of us as pests, and a natural desire arises from them to get rid.

Video "Harm ants in the garden plot"

From the video presented you will learn how harms do ants are applied to trees, herbs and plants.

Tools fighting garden ants

Having wondered how to get rid of garden ants, remember that insects love to settle in places where the Earth is rarely processed. Since no one will disturb them there. For the prevention of the invasion of goosebumps, it is often carried out by treating the trunks of the trees with a strong solution of lime. It is necessary that it covers not only the trunk, but also the land around the tree. If an anthill already have an anthill on the site, it should be proceeded with decisive actions.

Some gardeners are trying to get rid of ants in the garden, destroying their nests. To do this, lime, ashes or ash are added to the ground and leaving the locations of the dislocation of pests. But this method is not always valid. Specialists advise to remove the root cause of the demographic explosion of ants - TRU.

Among effective methodshelping to cope with ants on garden plotIt is possible to distinguish chemical drugs, physical methods and speakers of many generations of popular methods. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice will remain for you.

Physical methods

For example, physical methods do not always give the result. Since, getting rid of the ground part of the anthill, according to which the main workers are moved, you will not reach the underground, where the queen is.

Physical impact, that is, the destruction of the anthower from above, it is capable of knocked off the insects only not the time. Pour boiling water into an anthill - not the best way. It is destroyed for red ants, but does not penetrate into their dwellings.


Chemical methods suggest the use of soldiers sold in stores. Many funds are produced on the basis of the strongest poison - diazonine. For example, such a means as "Muramed", "Muravyin", "Muracide", "Thunder-2". They have an intestinal contact effect on the body of insects. That is, the poison penetrates their body through the code and mouth, the result of which it becomes paralysis. Protective action Each of the drugs has a period of up to 3 weeks, and the first results are visible already after 2 - 3 days.

Most of the drugs are produced in liquid form, so before use they will need to be breeding according to the instructions. It is necessary to carry out treatment in the morning or in the evening when there is no wind on the street. The fact that the insecticidal drug is last preserved in the soil is at the same time an advantage and disadvantage. Plus the fact that goosebumps are not returned to such a plot. The minus is that harmful elements can penetrate the future harvest.

Well working sticky traps and adhesive belts. Such devices should be fixed around the trunk using the rope. Pests adherent to them will definitely die. Cutting the belt perfectly protect the trees not only from goosebumps, but also from spiders, as well as caterpillars. In the sticky surface there is no insecticides, it is resistant to moisture. It is necessary to place a belt at 70 cm from the ground. You can buy a sticky trap of the company AEROXON or Argus.

Folk Methods

Methods that gardeners have been struggling with garden ants for many years on their own, quite a lot. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to deal with ants the most popular among them.

About the pumping of the anthill and the spilling of it boiling water has already been mentioned above. Such attempts to protect the harvest are not always perfect.

You can practice insects using plants that are natural repellents. Garden ants will surely try to leave the site, where the leaves and stems of the trees will be tied to the tree trunks, parsley, mint, valerians, tomato tops, bay leaf. You can decompose them in the alarms or put the bushes of mint and Valerians in these places.

To get rid of ants on the site with the help of simple food soda, it is necessary to sprinkle the locations of the dislocation of insects, as well as their nests.

Destroy insects really, taking a solution of boric acid and adding 4 tablespoons of sugar to it. Such a liquid must be pouring into an anthill. There are other recipes of poisoned boric acid babes.

Another people's way - The remedy cooked from sulfur and herb souls. Its components are connected in proportion 2: 1. Then the mixture obtained needs to sprinkle the affected places and step up soil.

Some craftsmen prepare poison from Muravyov from Kerosene. It is taken in the amount of 10 tablespoons, diluted in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured into the discovered socket.

You can process the departments of the pest dislocation juice of garlic or onions, which they also do not complain.

The bait well shown itself, for which you want to take one-third of the teaspoon of the borants, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 3 glasses of water. All components are mixed, warm to dissolution. After cooling, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Such a poisoned bait is placed on the forming trails and near the nest.

Still use yeast. Take 1 tablespoon, diluted with boiled water, adding honey or jam. The resulting mixture is folded into pieces of cardboard. Ants, using some poison, carry it in the nest of the uterus. In this case, it is really to get rid of the whole colony.

Decide, of course, to you, how to get rid of ants in the garden plot, because from right choice The method used will depend on the preservation of the future harvest.

Video "Effective anti-ant methods"

From this video you will learn how to deal with ants on your garden plot.

Each gardener had a desire to get rid of ants on his plot. It is not easy, but if you systematically carry out the necessary procedures, you can cope with comacle. There are many synthetic agents to combat ants in the country, but you can not forget about folk remedies.

Garden ants deliver many hassle to the owners of the site

Garden ants and methods of deliverance, the significance of folk remedies

The number of ants in the garden plot can reach a million. In kilometers, their underground moves are calculated. Therefore, it's not so easy to deal with them. But everything is possible. To bring ants on the site there are only two methods:

  1. Prevent the penetration of the closures on a tree.
  2. Delete the nest of ants.

All this can be done not only strong chemicals, but also people.

Folk remedies do not harm the soil, and vegetables on the basis without harmful impurities much better.

Muravians can be destroyed by folk remedies

The use of folk recipes in the fight against ants

There are many diverse folk methods to get rid of ants and their nests in the country or in the garden plot:

  • From the aroma of the ground cinnamon in insects arises nausea. Scatter it into ant minks and they leave;
  • The anthill and venue of insects sprinkle salt;
  • You can get rid of kits, using sunflower oil, which is poured into minks to obtain a better result, add flavors, releasing insects: anise, clove, camphor I.T.D.;
  • In a loose nest pour tobacco dust or lime;
  • Pour anthill boiling water, periodically repeating the procedure to get rid of all its inhabitants. it good tool In combating comachas, but you need to repeat, since the anthill will resume;
  • They say, effectively remove ants, pouring the nest with urine;
  • Make a solution from water bucket, two glasses of sunflower oil, shampoo, vinegar. Do deepening in the middle of the nest and pour the mixture there. After that, close the cellophan for several days. it effective toolto get rid of insects;
  • If you dial water in the bank and add honey there, the more, the ants themselves will climb into the bank and drown;
  • to bring ants, one glass of sugar or jam on 10 liters of water is bred. Pour the mixture into the ant nest and comales go. That as its reserves they retain in carbohydrate-sugar. Since there are natural yeast as part of the soil, this solution contributes to their reproduction. So, yeast is moving to ant stocks. Insects overtake panic and they leave.
  • Good performance for the destruction of the anthill will give hot ash in it. But it will not for a long time, because the females are alive, which lay eggs. After some time the anthill is reborn.
  • As a method of combating insects on the site, you can destroy the nest, but the effect will turn out to be a short segment of time, as the ants will return to its place. It will be better if the decking the nest and pour ashes, lime, ashes. Garden ants are very feeling the composition of the soil.

Ash - the simplest way Get rid of Muravyev

The use of herbal

Considerable importance in combating comaches have herbs. They give their esters that help fight comacle, scaring them. These include:

  • Leaves and inflorescence of bitter wormwood;
  • Leaves and stems of black elderly;
  • Tobacco leaves;
  • Roots, stems, leaves cleanliness;
  • Inflorescences and leaves of rijmas ordinary;
  • Citrus peel.

For the preparation of tincture, the necessary parts of the plant pour boiling water and insist. After this pour an ant nest.

Tobacco leaf will scare the ants

Garlic to help ants

Garlic is an effective proven to get rid of garden ants. Comaha do not bring garlic smell. It affects them not only garlic cloves, but also the green arrows in the flowering stage. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to crush the garlic to activate the essential oil.

Can be done garlic tincture: Through one head of garlic, put in a liter of heat water (not hot), let it brew for several hours and to pour an anthill in such anonymist.

Ants on trees

To combat ants on trees, it is very effective if the trunk of the tree is grated garlic, then neither ants, nor not fit to the tree.

You can land near the trees of the plant with a strong frightening aroma: mint, velvets.

Muravyev needs to scare from trees

Why do you need to deal with garden ants?

The main factor, why it is necessary to get rid of and fighting with garden ants - is the TLL. Because, it is the garden ants that diverge the TRU, which is quite dangerous insects for garden plants. The ants are placed near the Tly settlements and protect it from Zhukov, Muh, Zlatagozkov. Ants are capable of transferring to the new plants. So fruit tree Or the bush is completely infected. During the autumn, the ants hide the TRU into their anthills, located at a depth of about one and a half meters. With the arrival of spring everything is repeated.

Today, there are many diverse drugs from Tly, but while garden ants have existed in the garden, all this is ineffective. Because, after processing, the plant begins to revive, but they immediately appear ants and it all starts in a new way. Consequently, the fight against tools is not so important, as a goal - to get rid of ants. Practically, they can be the main perpetrators of the plant's bad harvest.

Garden ants, as well as moles, are able to damage the flower, alpine hill, lawn. But the slide of the clock remains unchanged, and the ant heaps grow every day. If you do not accept the appropriate measures immediately, then it will be a time-consuming process, since the anthill grow up both up and deep to 150 cm. And more. Therefore, the struggle against ants is a difficult thing, but necessary.