
Types and features of the attic roof. Dersighted roofs or how to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house

Fences, fences

High-quality attic roofs are designed for the construction of an additional residential premises in the attic if the roof of the house has an inclined or broken shape. Construction rates are designed for the location of the roofing line and the facade at an altitude of up to 1.5 meters. Otherwise, the attic will not, it will be an ordinary attic that is unsuitable for normal residence.

Professional project dersighted roof A private house involves the height of the wall from 1.4 meters so that it is convenient to sit at the vertical wall.

Modern projects of houses with an attic roof are very economical, does not imply the construction of a complex expensive foundation.

Tip! It should be paid to the hydro and vaporizoation of the house so that the building "breathe".

Design options

Choose ready-made projects of houses with an attic roof and garage, given the option of the future roof:

  • triangular;
  • asymmetric;
  • broken.

A typical project of a house with a nuclear roof is suitable for nippy, single-sided, broken, duct, dome, pyramidal, semi-honeycomb roofs.

  1. The simplest design is a single system. The design is represented by an inclined plane fixed on the bearing walls having different heights. This type is rarely used in the arrangement of the attic.
  2. The standard draft of the duplex roof is mounted from two slopes, which are directed in opposite sides.
  3. Walm and semi-walled structures imply four skate. Inside such systems create comfortable rooms.
  4. For small structures fit broken roofs.
  5. Pyramidal, dome, conical facilities are suitable for houses having a rounded form.

Choosing a kind of attic

In the process of construction, you can use a single-level attic together with a double or broken roof. Single-level attic is perfectly combined with duplex supports, remote consoles.

Attention ! Picking up a two-tie roof project, take into account the loads that will be provided with a foundation building.

On the video, you can see how attic an attic over the garage:

Two-tight roofs are characterized by the following parameters:

  • various sizes of the sump of the cornice;
  • angle of inclination;
  • the construction of rafters (hanging, inclined).

This horned roof project allows you to make a bathroom and a few bedrooms. Such an attic "apartment" is equipped with two balconies for which you can get out of the bedroom. Material for the frame can serve as plasterboard ,. Decorating facades is possible with the help of plaster or clinker brick.

Two-tight roofs are suitable for the following structures:

  • garages;
  • low-rise homes;
  • economic structures.

Algorithm of action

During the construction of the attic, use the following algorithm:

  1. First choose the design option of the future double roof, You can choose ready-made projects of attic roofs, searching for them on the Internet.
  2. We carry out the calculation of the exercise of the attic.
  3. We purchase materials, we implement the Damage Roof project in practice.

Characteristics of a two-tie half-range roof

This option of the roof is recognized as a functional and original design. Under the roof, you can build an attic, in which it will be comfortable to live. The most demanded materials for such a roof are metal tile and professional flooring.

Characteristic of a holm roof

Such a design is assumed four skate, two of which have a triangular shape, two are made in the form of a trapezium. The layers of the roof resemble a puff pastry:

  • metal tile;
  • layer of waterproofing;
  • monitoring;
  • doom;
  • layer of insulation;
  • initial doom;
  • cornice;
  • layer of vaporizolation;
  • rafter.

Design of a bantal roof

In the event of the construction of a new house, replacing the old roof, consider the external characteristics of the roof. Projects of houses with an attic roof (in the photo above) are common for the following reasons:

  • acceptable cost;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • uncomplicated installation;
  • snow, water does not accumulate.

Skates are bonded between themselves at some angle, the house itself speaks as a support. Fastening from above is carried out to the skate of the house, on the side of the walls. Slinge system for project rafter system An attic roof of the house 9x9 involves the use of a dry, high-quality bar.

Before the start of construction, the timber is treated with chemicals to protect against high humidity, fungal diseases. It is advisable to cover the bars with antiseptic and fireproof composition.

Composite parts of the bartal roof

An attic bartal roof suggests the presence of the following components: rafters, beams, mauelalat, skate, runs, pods, tightening, backups.

If you wish, you can find the following mansard roof projects.

  • symmetrical, the basis of which is a triangle;
  • broken, allowing the maximum to use the free area under housing;
  • asymmetric, giving the building an original appearance that reduces the area in the attic.

Tip! When choosing simple project Loars of the attic roof, you can build on your own, but serious projects are desirable to entrust professional builders.

Dual-bantal roof drawing

If your plans include an independent implementation of a garage project with an attic roof, follow the sequence of actions:

  • start with the sketch;
  • think out the plan of the future roof;
  • perform all calculations;
  • purchase materials for rafters and coverage.

Drawings of mansard roofs can be downloaded from a variety of construction sites or acquire from professional engineers.

Tip! Do not save on the drawings, the reliability of the design depends on their quality, its durability.

The video will show the stages of the construction of an attic roof over the garage:

Calculation of the future banta roof

  1. The execution of calculations is the responsible stage, involves the registration of the limit weight of the roof, accounting for possible wind, snow, rain loads. Projects of the roof for different regions Countries have significant technical differences related to the climatic characteristics of the region.

    Attention! For regions in which a significant amount of precipitation falls in winter, a roof is needed with a significant angle of inclination.

  2. Conducting calculations, remember that with an increase in the roof steepness, its height will increase and consumption of materials for the implementation of the intended project.
  3. The erection of a new bantane roof is an excellent version of saving money resources (subject to the presence of construction skills).
  4. The construction market presents a plurality of high quality roofing materials. If the house is erected from wooden bar, It is better to acquire a coating of metal tile.

Advantages of metal tile: acceptable cost, long operational period, aesthetic appearance.

The calculation and installation of the rafter system is the most difficult and time-consuming step in the installation of a new roof. The construction of a double design involves taking into account the set of nuances, the neglect of them can "cost the owner of the house. Do not save on the calculations, because ultimately you will be able to save money resources, since the operational period of the duplex will be significantly increased.


An attic roof is an attic room that is made as a residential. Such projects of individual houses with an attic solve a complex problem - an increase in living space without significant costs.

In particularly elegant embodiments, the appearance of the house with the attic has a roof with different corners of the skate. It happens that one of them is slightly raised, thereby significantly increasing the attic space (read: "").

By defining the plan for the future at home, it is important to clearly solve the roof design and its shape. Beautiful and rational attic of the attic, can decorate any home. One of these most vivid options is an attic roof in which a canopy is attached in the form of pergola. This option is implemented, if the house has a straight roof with unequnenable skates.

An extensive attic room will be able to save the territory of your site drawn by the capital structure. Otherwise, if the attic is designed as non-residential, then investing in the roof device square meters You will not add (read it: "").

Types of houses with an attic

The main feature determining the kind of attic roof is its form, whose options can be found in the photo. Forms depend such factors as the number of useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the convenience of living in the attic floor.

The correct shape of the attic, in the case when it is planned at the stage of creating a project of the whole house, should be determined by a specialist based on the designation of the premises and the requirements of residents. Before starting construction will be the best optionwhich will allow you to take into account every trifle and build a attic in accordance with its functions (read: "").

The main varieties of attic roofs are:

  • triangular;
  • broken;
  • asymmetric;
  • can be located along the entire length of the building or occupy one part of it.

If the attic is created on the already existing building or in the process of reconstruction of the house, then the project is often the ridicated project (read: ""). But in any case, the building can always be given certain expressive features in small details that will make your home dissimilar to everyone else. You can also adjust the appearance inside with furniture and decor.

Species of mansard roofs

When the form of the roof is determined, builds to start the selection of the attic of the attic. Each optional has its advantages and disadvantages. So, if the choice fell on a single-table type, then the ability to avoid sidewall at the highest point or significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in the event of a two-bucket option.

Consider the main types of mansard roofs of private houses:

  • Single roof is the easiest option. It has the form of an inclined plane, which is fixed on the bearing walls of different heights. One side of the attic in such a house has a maximum height, and the opposite is minimal. This option is rarely used and most common in attached premises to the main home.
  • Two or sometimes called a forcep roof. This form two skates, which are directed in opposite sides. This option is the most popular in private buildings, as easy to install and quite reliable.
  • Broken roof. This is a variation of a double roof and is often used in small houses.
  • Walm and semi-walled roofs. Are a kind of four-tight roofs. Their obvious dignity is rational use space space, although the silhouette of such houses is not as expressive as a classic two-tight.
  • Pyramidal, conical and dome-shaped roofs. Apply for buildings with a rounded or polygonal perimeter outline. This embarrassment is technically difficult, but quite implemented (see: ").

It is worth noting that whatever attic of the appearance you prefer, it is worth always considering the type of intensive loads, the location of your house relative to the sunny side and keeping the loads that will be reserved.

Horry roof

One of the technological nuances, which determines the homes of the attic, is the structure of its rafter system. It depends on how durable and reliable will be the carrier part of the roof of the house and the kind of attic from the inside. The main function of the rafter is the support and transfer of the load on the supporting structures of your structure (see: ").

What type of roof is longer and economical for wooden house With an attic, in detail on the video:

There are several basic types of rafting systems:

  • Suspension type. The base of hanging rafters are two extreme supports, most often with the walls of the house. Such a system creates a horizontal load that will be transferred to the walls. To reduce the loads, tightening of metal and wood, which connect the rafter beams, located at the base of the rafter.
  • Inclined type. Performed in buildings in which there are intermediate columnar supports or where the bearing wall is located in the center. Ends of the rafter must have a support in the form of outdoor walls of the building, and the middle part relies on inner wall. This type of rafter system is the most simple and requires less cost.
  • Ski run. Performs connecting the function between the rapid elements. In places where there is no access to the bearing walls, the rafter legs are most often based on the heels of side runs, which are powerful longitudinal beams. This design is often used in. The size of such beams is calculated based on loads provided on them.

The popularity of the attic roof (and the residential premises of an attic type under it) was brought Frenchman Mansar. In the 17th century, he began to decorated and use the attic room for residential purposes, supplying the underpants with windows and turning it into low-cost housing. Since then, named this architect, the space under a steep roof is called the attic. In Paris, it became fashionable to keep the living attitudes, which continued to be considered an attic and tax was not taxed.

Mansards can have a different form: triangular or, be asymmetrical, go through the entire width of the building or only one side. Sometimes mansard Floor It may go beyond the boundaries of the walls of the building itself, in which case additional supports are used - columns or walls. A variety of mansard designs allow you to revive the appearance of houses.

The main feature of the attic roof is the division of the skate into two parts, when the upper remains canopy, and the lower, forming walls, is made sharper. If you use different angles of the skate and raise one of them, you can significantly increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. The broken roof with an inclined rafter system is considered the most common variant of the attic roof.

Photo of mansard roofs

At the mansard roof, like any original construction element, there are its minuses and pros, whose assessment will allow you to correctly navigate before the construction of this design.

Advantages of Mansard

  • Living area increases through the use of an attic room.
  • Improves the appearance of the building.
  • Saving on power consumption by reducing heat loss through the roof.
  • You can install attic to two levels.
  • Works are performed without removing residents.
  • No need to use heavy machinery.

Disadvantages of Mansard

  • The beveled ceilings reduce the height of the walls - the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is lost.
  • The need to use more expensive mansard windows.
  • The snow accumulates on the windows, reducing the insolation of the room.
  • Need complex thermal insulation, as well as waterproofing.
  • Psychologically, life in the room with inclined walls causes people a feeling of threats, so it is better to use a attic as a temporary stay room (library, a rest room, billiard room).
Dersighted roofs on the presented photos is easy to build, having the necessary skills and light frame construction Materials. The finished room can serve as a variety of goals: to become a teenager room, emphasizing its independence, guest, relaxation room, office, library, or even a winter garden.

It is better to initially enter the attic roof in the project of the house. This will make it possible to make the right calculations of loads on the supporting structures and correctly arrange window openings.

The most comfortable application of the attic is obtained if the height of the attic room is made two meters twenty centimeters, and the width is at least three meters.

The staircase of the screw type will be the most aesthetic and economical embodiment of the attachment.

Usually on the attic floor make full housing, that is, provide good thermal insulation, Soundproofing and nice external and inner view. Or ceramic tile give the best thermal insulation.

The attic windows are mounted in the roof and serve for lighting and ventilation of the room, in parallel with decorative functions. The roof is covered with any good roofing material, equipped with grounding (in case of thunderstorm) and drain.

From the inside the surface is ennobled by wood, plasterboard, plywood or block house. In internal decoration Mansards use space as ergonomic as possible, arranging racks and furniture stepped.

Earring the roof with their own hands, do not forget to warm all the wooden elements with protective solutions, which slow down the spread of fire, protect against insects and prevent the process of rotting.

Dersighted roof design

An attic roof in its design is very different from the usual. Durability of the attic roof depends on the literacy of the project, the right choice of materials and quality of installation.

If the attic is drawn to the already existing building, then the designs and materials need to use the lungs. Bearing structures for attic can be selected wooden, metal or reinforced concrete. When the attic floor is formed on a separate level, the main weight is transferred to the reference pillars.

If the attic roof is improved incorrectly, then winter on the attic it will be cold, and in the summer too hot. The type and quality of thermal insulation will determine the level of heat loss and the comfort of habitat conditions both in the attic and lower floors.

Luxury pie in the attic systemperforms a double function: heat-insulating and hydraulic protection. The operational characteristics of the roof, the deadlines of the roof and the overall performance of the entire attic system depend on the work of parts of the undercoal cake.

Typically, the design of the roofing pie consists of a layer of vapor barrier, layers of insulation and waterproofing.The undercase waterproofing protects the inner side of the roofing coating from condensate and at the same time prevents the penetration of moisture from the outside.

With due preparation and correct calculations, the attic roof can be built on their own, however, in order to avoid errors and miscalculations on the design and technological level, the construction of such a roof is better to entrust professionals.

An attic roof is a great option to obtain a sufficiently large space of residential premises.

During the construction of private, it is important to correctly design. After all, attic - a residential premises in which various processes occur: air evaporation, the heating of the room. This has its effect on the roof. On the other hand, the roof must fulfill its main purpose - to securely protect against bad weather and maintain heat inside.

Therefore, it is important before the start of construction to acquire a qualitative project and calculations. Calculations should be carried out by a specialist who experience the design of such objects. Even small errors can lead to incorrect distribution of load of carrier components and elements. Excessive roofing, exceeding the strength of the rafter feet can lead to a weakening of the overall design and sad consequences.

But before it is detailed to dwell on how it is properly to calculate the size, area and other attitudes of the attic Consider the common types of malsard roof structures.

The rafter system and its elements are different for different types mansard. The roof should be easy to not load the walls of the houses, while the reliability and strength of the design must comply with the construction requirements of the standards.

Forms of pitched roofs

By the types of mansard roofs, the following designs are distinguished:

  1. Double. Two skate and two fronton.
  2. Broken. Having two and more planes located at different angles of inclination. The broken roof is erected much more difficult.
  3. Walm. With triangular shapes, closing frontoths.
  4. Semi-Walm. Facades covered part of the fronton area.
  5. Dome. Characteristic for houses with a round or polygonal design.
  6. Vaulted. With the arcuate fronton projection.

In addition, the roof design is divided by constructive features on ventilated and non-ventilated. This or another option is selected depending on climatic features Region and design of private houses.


With large amounts of precipitation, high humidity Prefer the roof with natural ventilation. In addition, the air layer inside plays the role of an additional insulation.

Designs without natural ventilation are more often used in dry climatic zones.

Private house with mansard roof

Foundation of the roof - the rafter system

Basic I. napless element The roof is its frame or a rafter system. It carries the main burden, determines the strength and reliability, the service life of the entire roof will depend on it and how often it is necessary to repair it.

Therefore, the installation of the frame is the most time-consuming process on the dispute device. The main impacts on the truss system are the loads obtained from the mass of the frame itself, the weight of the snow cover and the impact of wind states. In this regard, the loads on the rafters should be carried out.

From the correct calculation of the rafter system, loads and all nodes of the connection depends the strength and durability of the entire building. An important requirement is the minimum weight of the frame design. So that the load on the walls and the foundation was small, the materials with the lowest specific weight should be laid in the project.

Slinge system at home with an attic

Calculation of Square

If the attic is planned to be used, as a residential premises, it is important to calculate its useful area. For calculations an important parameter It is the total area mansard premises And its useful volume. The latter is calculated on the lines connecting the points where the height from the floor to the ceiling plane is 90 cm. The rest of the space is taken not to be not dwell, suitable only for the chulana and storage room.

The total area is taken from plans at home and attic. The calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is carried out on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe internal structures. All roofing frame It can be imagined as a totality of elements with different geometry. Calculating the area of \u200b\u200bsuch figures separately, and folding the values, you can get the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. This quantity is necessary not only for further calculations of the strength and weight of the structure, but also for calculating the required amount of materials.

The calculation of the area and the geometry of the indoors of the attic determine the ratio of additional area to the underlying floors of the building

Draft mansard roofing

As mentioned above, the key to reliable and durable roofing design Must be a competently compiled project. You can use typical, ready project An attic roof, which no longer requires additional calculations. This will speed up the work and reduce the cost of design, but if construction is assumed individual project, Detailed calculation will be required.


In the project, in addition to the calculation, it should contain information about the construction of the rafter, the installation scheme of the beams, the counting of its own mass and the estimated load of natural factors (wind, snow, rain).

To calculate and compile a competent project, the stability of all elements to temperature drops should be provided.As a rule, the project consists of several sections and drawings. It contains calculations and all information about the roof design:

  • first of all, the project defines the basic parameters - the roof shape, its size, slope slope, the presence of the front;
  • the second, and no less important item, there is a list of all materials, for each node, indicating their quantity;
  • a separate section must be devoted to the calculation of carrying structures, indicating the cross section of rafal beams, the size of the elements of overlaps and other nodes;
  • drawings with different projection and detailing of the main nodes;
  • section with calculating the heat engineering properties of the structure and indication of insulation and waterproofing with the list of recommended materials;
  • recommendations for roofing material based on the calculation of maximum loads on the design.

Calculation of slope skate

The determination of the size of the roof affects its slope. The angle of slope has great importance When building a house. Incorrectly designed roof can be destroyed by a strong wind, if you make it too high. And on the contrary, if the slope is insufficient, it can lead to the accumulation of snow mass, which will also lead to destruction. Therefore, when calculating slopes, local climatic conditions and alleged roofing materials are taken into account (their weight). As a rule, in the snow-covered areas there are pointed roofs, so that the snow sliding the floor with its weight. And in warmer areas, gender structures are distributed, reduced sailboats with an elongated sweat.

Getting started to the specific calculation of the slope, we take as source data:

  • The estimated height of the residential space in the attic (desired, but not less than 2.5).
  • Weather conditions of terrain - average precipitation, the maximum possible wind power.
  • Planned weight and features of roofing material.
  • Type of roofing on the project.

For the duplex structure of the inclination of the slopes, the optimal is considered to be 45 degrees and more. For a broken design, the optimal corners will be 60 degrees for the lower slope and 30 degrees for the top. This will make an indoor room in a room.

Montage of the frame of the mansarda

Before the construction of the attic, when the walls of the building were already erected, it is necessary to pave a rear of 10x10 or 15x15 cm for support of the rafter system at the top of the walls. Such a design is called Maurylalat, in the chilled wooden house They can serve as the upper crown. If the house is built of brick or concrete under the wooden mauelalate, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing (for example, rubberoid, better in two layers). The main task of Mauerlat is a uniform distribution of loads on the walls of the house. The bar can be closed with a facing similar to the facade.

  1. We begin the installation of the rafter system from the ceiling device. The beams are placed, starting with extreme, strictly extinguishing horizontal. The beam step is recommended to withstand at 50-60 cm. The beams should be taken out of the wall limit of about 30-50 cm, which will serve as a cornice. Fixation with Mauerlat produce nails and a metal corner on screws.
  2. We proceed to the mounting of the frame. First of all, vertical support racks are installed. At the time of installation, securing their temporary struts. Starting from the corners, we put the rest at a distance of no more than three meters. The height of the racks should be specified in the project, it will determine the parameters of the entire design. At the top end of the racks, running runs (boards 15x5 cm).
  3. On the runs are settings (20x5 cm timing), fixed by the corner. The task of the tightening tie the sidebars. So that there was no significant deflection of the fumes, they need to be fixed, in the future, suspensions to the roof rafters. At the installation stage, you can avoid the deflection by temporary subfields.
  4. Install rafters. Before mounting, you need to make a template in the form of a board 15x2 cm. The template sets the same angle washed in places connection rafted with a Mauerlat with the lower end and a top with a run.
  5. The mounting of the utilization (lower) rafters to the side runs is carried out by nails, and to Mauerlate with metal plates or brackets.
  6. We proceed to the mounting of the hanging (upper) rafters. Also we prepare the template and on the template they drink all the boards. Mansard design It does not provide a driving device, so additional rigidity should be given the installation of the subchoves.
  7. We install tightening on the upper rafters.
  8. In general, the framework of the rafter system is ready. Next, you can sew the frontones, leaving the openings under the windows if they are provided by the project.
  9. Make the crate. The design of the crate is entirely dependent on the type of roofing material defined by the project. If a soft rolled roof is provided (for example, Ondulin), we make a solid crate. For metal tile or professional flooring requires a rarefied doom. Right choice And competent installation will affect the quality of the roof and its reliability.

Further work is associated with insulation and insulation of the roof of the attic.

The base of the naked roof - its frame


In cases where the roof rafts are over six meters (length standard Board), It is necessary to order a board under the rafted the required length or split rafters to the desired size. In the joints of the joints, it will be necessary to establish additional support racks.

Hearth roofing

To create an atmosphere suitable for accommodation in the attic, the roof must be securely and high qualityly insulated. In addition, pair-insulating and waterproofing films are stacked together with insulation. To prevent leakage from the outside and accumulation of condensate from the inside, they use special modern materials. Thus, "puff pie" is formed, laid between roofing and indoor indoor. Such a "cake" should include the following layers:

  1. Vaporizolation. Special, non-transmitting film film materials stacked from the inside of the indoor indoors with the sealing of the joints. The task of this layer prevent moisture penetration into the upper layers of the Pie.
  2. Insulated. The thermal insulator uses foam or foam plates, mineral wool, eco wool, and so on. Laying is made with an overlap or subsequent sealing of seams by construction foam.
  3. Waterproofing. Special film membranes that protect insulation from atmospheric precipitation and preventing condensate. They are placed on rafyles while maintaining the air gap between the film and the roofing material.

Roofing pie is a multi-layered structure that provides reliable protection against various adverse factors

Thus, the size of the roof selected as a result of the calculations and specified in the project has an impact on the course of the construction of the attic. Here it should be taken into account by many nuances, important to create a reliable and durable roof

Mansard - Calculation Scheme, Load, RSU

Mansard - calculation in SCAD, selection of sections of elements

A mansard floor is a more spacious and competently prepared attic. Features of the room dictate their conditions and in relation to the roof. The arrangement of the attic roof does not require the performer of any special knowledge and skills. It is enough to prepare required toolsTo familiarize yourself with the instructions in detail and follow its recommendations in everything.

There are several varieties of roofs of an attic type. Check out the features of each of these roofs and choose the most suitable option. Highlights of the construction technology are common to all design varieties.

The easiest option is a single attic roof. This design is performed with some bias. It is quite rare, because Due to the slope, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room is reduced.

The most popular option is the duplex roof. Inside the underpants will be comfortable and spacious. Gable roof Simply beneficial in arrangement.

It is a type of bartal design. In this case, the rods will not be even, and broken. Usually broken roofs are used in cases with small houses.

Walm roof Consists of four slopes. The rafter system of the holmic roof is somewhat complicated.

Semi-Walled Roof It is a variety of four-piece roofs. In this case, under the half-haired, it is customary to understand that slot, which, as it, cuts off the part of the end side of the duplex roof. The slice can take place from below and form a trapezoid, or at the top and create a triangle.

Interesting varieties of the tental roof are pyramidal and conical roofs. Best of all, similar designs look at polygonal houses and round-shaped buildings. Perfectly combined with the roofs of other types.

Apply quite rarely. Such a design has a smooth parabolic or cigrous form. Previously, similar roofs were widely used with the arrangement of rectangular houses.

What is the design of an attic roof?

The roof in the section represents "pie" consisting of several layers.

Mansard Roof Guide

A mansard roof is calculated by a maximum simple scheme. It is important to take into account not only useful, but also the deaf area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room.In this case, it will be useful to be considered a zone in which the distance between the ceiling and the floor is more than 90-100 cm. The remaining places are traditionally considered a deaf zone. It is impossible to live in such sites, but in their place you can install a variety of shelves and other economic accessories.

Calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. At this stage you will be useful to the roof plan. Spice the space for several simple figures, calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of them, and then sum up the values \u200b\u200bobtained to determine the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

Before you start building an attic roof, pay attention to a number of important trifles, which include features of the heat insulation of the structure, the procedure for placing window openings etc.

Special attention deserves the permissible angle of inclination of the roofing slope.If will exceed the permissible value, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room will significantly decrease. This moment is individual and selected taking into account the area of \u200b\u200battic and other important parameters.

Choose suitable type Systems rafters. The rafters, as noted, contribute to the uniform distribution of the load on the walls. Additionally, due to the rafter system ensured reliable protection Houses from various kinds of adverse atmospheric influences.

The simplest embodiment of the attic roof is the design of a triangular form. The most difficult thing to make an attic roof with a break. In the absence of appropriate skills, it is ultimately not recommended to be taken for independent arrangement of complex roofs.

Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a nursery roof

There are no ultrasound stages in the construction of an attic roof. You just just carefully read the instructions and step by step to fulfill all the recommendations.

First step. Calculate the strength of the construction. Mansard increases the load on the walls and the foundation of the house. Better, if experts will be qualified by the calculation. If you do not plan to carry out work on strengthening the house, you can skip this stage.

The second step. Calculate the attic and prepare a project of a future attic room and roof. This work is also recommended to attract specialists. If you wish, you can try to make a project yourself or use some ready decision Of the available sources.

Third step. Do it most carefully, try not to damage other design elements at home.

Fourth step. Make a rafter frame. This is the most time-consuming stage in the instructions in question. Better, if at least 3 people will be engaged in the framework of the frame.

Fifth step. Place and fix Mauerlat. To build this item, use wooden bars with a size of 10x10 cm.

Sixth step. Install the frame for the guide room. The framework elements will simultaneously perform the function of the rows of the rafter. First fasten the vertical racks along the edges of the building. Racks need to be attached to long beams. This will help you with screws and ordinary metal corners.

Seventh step. Attach the jumper to the racks.

Eighth step. Make sure the elements mentioned above are correct. In this you will help any cord - simply pull it between the formed arches. If the cord is in a strictly horizontal position, you all did it. If the cord deviates from the horizontal, cut out the inappropriate E arches or replace them with new elements at all.

Ninth step. Secure the arches with each other. This will help you with nail plates or stamping corners.

The first rafters are fastening where the roofing skate will have a maximum bias. To obtain the desired slope, simply trim the bars on the desired length.

The first step is to prepare rafters. Cut bars in advance for the desired length and the desired angle. At the bottom of the rafter feet, select grooves to connect with Mauerlat. Grooves can be done with the help of the chisel.

The second step. Secure each bar on the place allotted for it.

Third step. Go to the installation of the upper rafters. At this stage, be especially careful. Observe the desired angle of the skate and in general the construction center.

Fourth step. The crate can be made from plywood sheets or ordinary wooden boards. The type of crates must correspond to the selected roofing material. As a rule, it is done with solid flooring. This is a universal and most reliable option.

Laying protective materials and completion of work

An attic roof requires the organization of high-quality protection against various adverse factors.

The first step is the laying of vapor barrier on the material. Parosolation must be fixed on the inside of the rafter system. The material is attached to the bars with special construction brackets.

The second step is the laying of the insulation. For insulation, traditionally use mineral Wat. If you wish, you can give the choice in favor of more modern and expensive material. The plates of the insulation must fit tightly among themselves and also tightly lay down to the rafters.

The third step is the device of the crate. On the laid insulation, you need to fill the crate. Use ordinary wooden bars. The elements of the crates are fixed in a step of about half a meter. Thanks to this system, the insulation will remain in its place.

Fourth step - laying of moisture insulating material.Secure the waterproofing from the outside of the rafter system. As a moisture protection layer, most often used polyethylene film. Waterproofing will protect the elements of the roof from atmospheric moisture.

Fifth step - laying the finishing coating. The roofing material choose at its discretion. The potable option in terms of value ratio and qualitative characteristics is metal tile. From budgetary materials, we can recommend slate or its more modern analog of Ondulin.

After you secure the selected roofing material The construction of an attic roof can be considered finished. Thus, there is nothing complicated in the arrangement of the considered system. Observe the instructions and you will successfully handle all the tasks without third-party help.

Video - a mansard roof with their own hands step by step