
Tomatoes of hybrids. Tomato varieties and hybrids for greenhouses: how to choose the appropriate option


Not so long ago, the masters were not asked what the tomato seeds were used in the next planting season. Today, everything is quite the opposite - many specialized stores offer tomato seeds in large quantities and assortment. Let's determine which seeds are the best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses.

Constantly changing climatic conditions forcing vegetables to use artificial methods and vegetables. The exclusion and tomatoes are not constituted, which are increasingly grown in greenhouse conditions. The whole question is only in one - the seeds of which variety is best to use for this.

The best grades and hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses - yield

Determining with seeds, please note whether such a variety is grown in a greenhouse, and what the bush. This is one of of essential factors. To do this, it is recommended to conduct simple mathematical calculations. On average, the square meter of greenhouse beds brings from twelve to fifteen kilo tomato.

If we breed hybrid varieties, then it is quite realistic to bring this value to twenty. It is believed that hybrid views are less demanding in care and easier tolerate climatic changes. Even with weak greenhouse illumination and not very high temperatures, tomato bushes are able to be decently fruit. Yes, and such varieties are transferred much easier.

External data of some varieties

Tall tomatoes are considered better than the best varieties. They have liananoid bushes and perfectly fruit. Such a bush is formed by regular removal of steps with the main stem. This type of tomatoes can include "Honey Savior", "Midas", "Pink Tsar", "Mushroom Lukoshko", "Scarlet Mustang".
But this does not mean that it should be neglected with low-spirited tomato bushes. After all, they begin to be fruit significantly earlier. Such varieties can be ranked ballerina, riddle, might, eleonora, lady, pink honey, asteroid. On a square meter of the site, such tomatoes can be planted up to five bushes.

Best representatives of greenhouse varieties

  • Budenovka

Middle early grades, maturation occurs after a hundred days. The fruits achieve weight from two hundred to three hundred and a half grams. Tomato bushes are perfectly resistant to the main disease - phytoofluorosis;

  • Cavalier

Earlier grade ripens for 95 days. It has the fruits of an orange shade, rounded shapes, reaching only a hundred grams. Variety is pretty yield;

  • Erema

Refers to the middle-easier group. Fruits can be collected in days one hundred and twenty. The form they have round, color is red. Dense tomatoes weigh about two hundred grams. The variety has good immunity from various diseases;

  • Shustrik

A tomato of early ripening, brings flat plane chosen tomatoes. The yield is large, possesses immunity to tobacco mosaic;

  • Black Prince

Refers to tall species. Fruits weigh on average three hundred grams. Taste - Sweet. It makes a tomato fleshy pulp, color - brown-chocolate;

  • Torbay

Excellent raging grade, giving results after two and a half months. A bush reaches a height of one and a half meters, gives excellent yield. Tasty fruits weigh to 250 grams;

  • Red cheeks

Also refers to earlier varieties, the fruits ripen it quite friendly. The taste of them is ignorant, the size is not very large - up to one hundred twenty grams;

  • Siberian

It can be attributed to varieties with later aging. Fruits smooth, flat-terminal type. On average, one fruit weighs the order of a Policalogram, but there are much harder fruit! The yield from the bush gives more than four kilograms of fruits. A bush has excellent resistance to colaporiosa, fusariosis;

  • Khlynovsky

This is another early representative. The fruits of round shapes and red weigh about 0.5 kg. In its yield, the variety is able to defeat the pink giant, the bullie heart;

  • Kostroma

The representative of the middle age group, achieves in growth to one hundred fifty centimeters. Tomatoes mostly weigh about a hundred fifty grams. It has excellent disease resistance.
Success is guaranteed if you breed these varieties in your greenhouses.

From the widest multitude of tomato varieties offered by farmers and amateur vegetables, it is impossible to uniquely recommend only one and ignore others, because the preferences of a particular person are subjective. And this is understandable: each of us has its own criteria for evaluating the grown tomato, but everyone always choose the most damned tomatoes for greenhouses.

In areas with a different climate, the cultivation conditions of tomatoes (even in farmer greenhouses) are different, so the most popular specified, zoned varieties, which are well-deserved at the majority of gardeners.

The main difference of high-yielding varieties

  • Intemerminant varieties are ideal for greenhouses - stripped bushes are formed in 1 stem.
  • Determinant Tomatoes for greenhouses require constant steering of shoots.

Each hybrid is inclined to one of these 2 types of development, so we need to adjust the growth of plants in time, starting directly from seedlings.

According to the type of growth, tomatoes are divided into 2 groups:

  1. with vegetative
  2. with a generative development.

As a rule, famous seed manufacturers give such starting information on the package: the main characteristics and individual features of a particular variety.

  • For low greenhouses for tomatoes with standard (up to 2.5 m) Skate height We will choose the tall varieties of tomatoes with shortened interstices, at the same time form them in 2 stems. When the bushes are growing to the trenches, there will already be 3 brushes on each shoot. Additional shoots We let go back at the seedlings at the very first brush.
  • Usually tall and large-scale tomatoes show precisely a vegetative type of growth. Seedlings of hybrids and varieties with this vegetative type of development We land with blooming first Two brushes to prevent the life of plants that reduce the yield of tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Review of varieties of only greenhouse

Medium- and tall yields

The hybrid is resistant to fusarium, tobacco mosaic, colaporiosa, and yield 1 plants up to 5 kg.

  • Intuition F1 - with 1 stem and unlimited growth of the mid-air hybrid of criste tomatoes: only 110 days passes from the first germs to fruiting. Rounded, smooth fruits weighing over 100 g do not appear even after ripening, not crackdown, and the increased content of sugars is perfect for canning and fresh salads.
  • Kostroma F1 is a two-meter medium-grade hybrid, after 106 after germination, we collect a friendly and abundant harvest of flat-root fruits weighing 150 g, and up to 5 kg with a bush. This plant is resistant to viruses and moisture and temperature drops.
  • Rosemary F1: 115 days after the sorting of shoots ripen large (400g), pink, smooth fruits for delicious salads. Their flesh of juicy, gentle, "melting" consistency. Yield reaches 11 kg with 1 plants.
  • Chio-Chio-San - with an unlimited increase in the mid-air hybrid, hung with huge branched brushes, with 50 fruits on each. Pink, plumoid tomatoes Weighing up to 40 g please us with excellent dessert taste and four kilograms of such fruits from the bush. The grade is not subject to a tobacco mosaic disease.

  • Blagovest F1-half-one-meter, early expanded hybrid. One plant gives 5 kg of round fruit weighing over 100 g each.
  • Retrol F1 is a half-one-meter, early elevation with round fruits up to 100 g each and 5 kg on a bush. This tomato is perfect for canning and fresh salads.

As prove personal experience Ogorodnikov, the most yields of tomatoes for greenhouses are numerous: their list can already have tens of other hybrids and tomato varieties even for one region.

  • Siberian F1 - Lovely, one-tank hybrid with unlimited growth gives a crop to 5 kg in 4.5 months. Its flat-packed, smooth, fragrant tomatoes The unique size is up to 2.8 kg, and their taste is harmonious, dessert. The plant is not susceptible to diseases by colaporiosis, fusariasis.
  • Ural F1: This intederminant tomato with unlimited growth for the Ural region will give the first delicious, sweet tomatoes for salads after 4 months. Up to 25 flat-circular fruits weighing 350 g grows on 1 bush.
  • Shaolin F1 - the plant of the average ripening time: after 115 days, the first large (up to 400 g), pink, beautiful tomatoes, a weak destination ripen on powerful low bushes. They are gentle tender, juicy, as it may be melting, with an abundance of provitamin A. Average yield - 10 kg from the plant.

The yield of these tomatoes is 7 kg from 1 bush.

  • Kamchatka F1 is a half-one-memeter-veterinary (110 days before fruiting) variety with attractive and delicious round fruits weighing up to 150 g, stored for up to 2 months. The hybrid is resistant to all virus pathogens dangerous for these plants.

All these listed yield varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are already evaluated by the exhaust vegetables and leading the sale of seeds, especially since they are not very demanding of care.

Greenhouses Tomatoes

This species is gaining deserved popularity. The breeders have successfully derived the following hybrids: fatalist, fan, Vladimir and others.


  • The valuable feature of this species is high strength: we can carry a harvest anywhere, but the tomatoes do not spoil and do not crack.
  • Fruits on the brush often the same size: 100 - 200 g.
  • Such brushed greenhouse tomatoes are absolutely resistant to diseases characteristic of these plants, so we do not have to spend money on the purchase of various preventive chemicals.

Most Popular

Of course, all the high-yielding varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse is almost impossible to list - because breeders please us with their new achievements. Among them are highlighted especially de Barao red, as well as the hybrid of Ivango F1. It is believed that these varieties in the greenhouse give more than 20 kg of fruits with 1 bush.

De Barao

For de Barao, the norm is 30 kg with 1 plants, and the record is 70 kg.

  • Even on the outdoor soil, this variety under normal conditions and proper care Gives 10 kilograms from 1 bush.
  • Its smooth fruits are medium-sized with a mass of 150 g and very tasty in fresh and canned form.
  • However, the hybrid is very demanding of the microclimate and is growing poorly on non-frozen, severe clay or drigly soils.
  • The breeders pleased the gardens and original earliest types of tomatoes for greenhouses, not inferior by yield. But they have another coloring indicated in their very name: de Barao yellow, pink or black.

In the photo - Black cream de Barao

Semko Sinbad F1

  • It is not inferior to the grade of a hurricane, whose first tomatoes are blocked by 80 days from gunproofing.
  • The planting on the plant is also formed without additional measures.
  • In its inflorescence, 8 red fruits weighing up to 100 g medium yield About 10 kg per 1 sq m.

Hybrid Ivango F1.

  • All tomatoes are bright red, and do not become closer to the top of the bush, providing excellent collection without the use of growth stimulants.
  • To taste the fruits of this hybrid, much better than any other greenhouse fellow, and the bush itself is large, with powerful thick stems.
  • Ivanho, with its high yield, practically does not ill and resistant to fungi, tomato mosaic, nematode, verticileza.
  • Especially valuable for lovers of natural agriculture: it gives an excellent harvest without the use of chemicals.
  • And the disadvantages of this variety are actually no, only the price of its seeds is greater. Yes, and tomatoes in ordinary banks we will not close - they are very large.


  • Excellent yield is successfully combined with one more advantage - the brushes are not refracted.
  • Taste quality tomatoes excellent.
  • This variety in the greenhouses is as far as possible from April to January, forming ten meters.

Care of high-yielding tomatoes


  • It is advisable to carry out agrotechnical regulation of the development of bushes only with their balanced mineral nutrition.

Note! Experience shows that it is better to limit nitrogen to the formation of the first brush with fruits, especially in plants with vegetative development.

  • During the growing season, we regularly introduce, as instructions recommends, phosphorous-potash fertilizers, during flowering and a little later - phosphoric fertilizers, and for the growth of fruits - potash and nitrogen.
  • For 1 week, before disembarking seedlings in the garden greenhouse, stop her feeder, and after the falling down the first feeding will do in 2 weeks.
  • With excessive growing up extra-corner subordinate List - extract from superphosphate, as well as root phosphorus-potash.
  • With an accelerated generative development, we will make 2 feeding of overgoing weeds - it will accelerate the ripening of unforeseen numerous fruits into cool weather.
  • We need a very loose land for seedlings - so add 30% peat in the black thing. But the mixture of biohumus and perlite is ideal for this: it will fall asleep to it, the rambling, in the boxes and plenty, as a result she will see. Here and seed 1 seed every 5 cm (Depth - 1.5 cm).

Survey care

  • Shoots will appear in a week and we will reduce the temperature up to + 18c.
  • We water the warm water outcast 1 time every 3 days.
  • To save the sprouts from the root rot, we apply biopreparations.
  • When this leaflet appears, seedlings are placed one in plastic or peat pots.

Care of plants

  • Seedlings place in a row on the ground every 50 centimeters, and between their ranks - 60 cm.

Note! Seedlings of large-scale tomatoes in healing shelters are placed 50 days after their germs, and not heated in May.

  • In the well, we introduce 1 tablespoon of the Selitra calcium or 2 glasses of humus.
  • The bustling of the bushes with the helming with a grinder, shifted after 5 millimeter wire, stretched along the rows.
  • Next, it is simply with your own hands we are tightened to the tar of the bush as it grows, we water, and after flowering 2 times a month we feed the finished balanced organic.
  • Large-free tomatoes grate - these high-yielding varieties need such support.
  • We delete regular shoots from the sinus sheet.


Experienced gardeners are experimenting immediately with several tomato varieties, because for the specific soil and the area there are similar hybrids.

  • Choosing a variety, consider the peculiarities of the greenhouse and the conditions of cultivation.
  • Good traditional and tested greenhouse tomatoes, but new varieties are more enduring and frosting with unfinion care.
  • We buy large packages of the selected variety and put 50 seeds - with a successful result, the remaining seeds are sowing.

Wonderful harvest of environmentally friendly tomatoes on the garden in the greenhouse we are guaranteed to obtain, observing simple conditions:

  • we feed the seedlings;
  • facephering the sprouts planted already into the ground;
  • step-down stems;
  • we protect against phytophors.

The video in this article has additional information about the high-yielding varieties of tomatoes.

The most popular tomato varieties for open soil

Tomato is very popular and delicious vegetablerich in vitamins and minerals. It is added to various dishes, make billets for the winter, and also, consume fresh form. Thanks to the healing properties, tomatoes are used to treat various diseases. The cultivation of tomatoes is engaged in every gardener. Annually breeders bring new varieties of tomatoes for open soilwhich possess an amazing taste, excellent productive views and resistance to adverse nature factors.

Given the agrotechnik of a particular variety, grow sweet major tomatoes for the modern gardener will not be difficult. Landing of tomatoes seedlings - the usual case for residents of regions with a warm or moderate climate. In unprotected soil, you can grow low, average and tall varieties.

Little tomatoes for open soil

As a rule, low-spirited determinant species stop their height after formation on the bush of the fifth brush. The first flower brush in such plants appears after the seventh sheet. The laying of each subsequent occurs through each second sheet.

Determinant plants are divided into two groups:

  • Super-determinants are early, which do not require steaming.
  • Determinants - need to form a bush and removing unnecessary stepsings.

The main advantage of such plants is the early and complete return of the crop. It is also important that determinant species are suitable for growing both in unprotected ground and greenhouse.

The most popular yields of low-spirited tomatoes for open soil

Hybrid mystery. One of the most valuable varieties. Bright, smooth round-in-form tomatoes are ripening in a short time, have excellent product views, transportable. According to taste, this hybrid is not inferior to a single early variety. On average, the weight of one fetus is about 150 g. The ripening time of tomatoes from the moment of planting seeds and before harvesting is 2.5 months. Sustal bushes are characterized by rapid growth and development. On average, the height of one plant is forty-five centimeters. The bushes are massive, well desirable. Due to the low growth and strength of the stems, do not need in the garter.

Along with the advantages, this culture has one drawback - the numerous formation of stepsings, which must be repeated periodically. Therefore, the hybrid riddle needs constant and timely care. It is important that remote steats are very well rooted. Of these, you can get additional fruitful bushes. Subsidiary plants will retain in growth and development from the main bushes for only 1-2 weeks. However, parasification of plants can not be carried out, just fruit will be smaller.

Raspberry giant - Large view of the early maturation of tomatoes. High-threshold bushes. This is perhaps the only hybrid with massive fruits belonging to this group. The weight of one tomato is near the gram seven. On one brush, six peasants are formed. Brushes are formed on each third sheet. Fruits pink, early, very tasty and fragrant, not the same form, sometimes closed in height or sides. With proper care from one plant, you can get up to 15 kg of tomatoes. The ripening period is 4 months. The raspberry giant has increased resistance to disease damage.

Anastasia - Superrazny Tomato Grade. Plants tall, determinant, can be formulated in 1-2 stems. The yield hybrid - wounds are formed every two sheets. On one brush, 7-8 tomatoes are formed. On average, the weight of one fetus is 200 grams. Putting proper care, you can get a rich yield - up to 12 kg of tomatoes from one plant. The fruits are red with a sweet pulp, have a characteristic narrowing at the tip.

- Mid-line variety derived by Dutch breeders. Fruits-cream ripen for a long time. Mass of one tomato - 80-110 grams. On one brush is formed up to twenty tomatoes. They are willing to marinate and billets for the winter. Bushes average strabetic.

Rio de Grande - Universal garden culture. Tomatoes are used fresh, as well as for processing and preserving. The plants are lowered by 60 cm of height. Fruits of cream, smooth, not large and sweet taste. The weight of one tomato is 115-125 grams.

- Dutch hybrid. Refers to high-yielding varieties. Each tomato weighs about 250-300 grams. It is appreciated for unpretentiousness in the care and cultivation conditions. Bobcat F1 is resistant to unfavorable nature factors, as well as to diseases such as vertcillosis, fusariosis and alternariasis.

All this is the best low-spirited varieties of tomatoes belonging to the group of determinants. The maximum height of the bushes of such plants is 1 meter. They do not need a support. Thanks to a small bush and a small root system, low-grade grades occupy little space on the plot.

Intensive and rapid ripening of fruits, allows you to protect the yield of tomatoes from phytoofluorosis, which overtakes landing in August.

The most cold-resistant varieties, for example, the raspberry giant and bobcat F1 can be soiled directly into the primer under the film shelter at the end of April - in early May.

Sharply early determinant hybrids require a minimum of care. And only some of them need mealing and garter. Obtaining an early environmentally friendly harvest in a short time is one of the main advantages.

Stambular tomatoes

Self unpretentious plants This group is strambes. They are not meating, however, they will need a support. Under the weight of brushes with fruits, high-yielding strambed bushes can break.

Stambling determined varieties have increased durability to cold. Planting is placed in open ground in the regions with a warm climate.

The best strambered yields of tomatoes

Associated yields of tomatoes that can be grown in unprotected ground

Group of Intemerminant Tomatoes

Characterized by unlimited growth of the main stem. Such varieties need a bush formation. They plunder all the stepsing, forming one stem. Over time, the bushes need to be tested to the support.

Flowering in inteterminant varieties occurs at stage 9-10 sheet, and the brushes tab through each third sheet.

The most popular intederminant varieties of tomatoes for open soil

Top ultra-space varieties of tomatoes

Not so long have been particularly popular with ultra-splashing grades for growing in open ground. They are used to land in regions with a harsh climate and sharp differences in temperature. The first yield of tomatoes can be obtained no later than 3 months from the date of seed landing.

  • Hybrid Sanka. The plants are ultra-space, compact form, up to fifty centimeters high. Seedlings are planted close. Red fruits smooth and rounded shapes, four-chamber, without a green span of fruits.
  • . Determinant culture, resistant to disease, easily tolerate drought. Bushes of low growth - up to seventy centimeters, crops, spread. This variety does not need mealing. Fruits are not cracking, have a dense structure, in shape resemble a plum. Mass of one fetus about 120 grams.
  • Hybrid extreme north. The beginning of fruiting occurs 3 months after disembarking. Bushes Stambular, determinants, 70 cm high. Fruits are red, rounded, weighing up to 70 grams. This is a cold-resistant variety, resistant to phytoophluorosis.
  • Amursky Staff - Ultra Supreme Hybrid. Fruits mature through ninety days after sowing seed material. The bushes grow up to fifty centimeters of height, high-yielding. The fruits are red, have a rounded shape. Mass of one tomato about eighty gram. Tomatoes Amur Stam use fresh, as well as for the preparation of various dishes. This is a non-political plant. Regardless of the weather conditions, it gives an abundant yield of delicious tomatoes.

Such a variety of varieties with elevated resistance to negative nature factors makes it possible to grow tomatoes not only in regions with a warm climate, but also in the Far North.

Lovers of tomatoes are divided into those who prefer to grow them in the open soil, and lovers of greenhouse plants. Each comes from the characteristics of its climate and prefers one of these methods.

Not all the varieties of tomatoes are equally suitable for greenhouse and outdoor conditions. On the street, where the plants are freely blown away by the wind, the probability of diseases is somewhat lower than in a wet greenhouse.

Why then in the closed place the plants do not disappear, and give good harvest? The whole thing is that for this, special hybrid yields of tomatoes for greenhouses with labeling F1 are derived, which have increased resistance to all sorts of tomato diseases.

Why grow tomatoes in greenhouse?

The first reason for this - everyone wants to get a crop as early as possible, and in our climate, it is possible to achieve fruiting in the open soil, perhaps in June, and then in the southern regions. The greenhouse solves this problem, especially if it is heated.

The second reason is in areas where it is constantly low cloudy, regular rains are regularly, the summer ends very early and tomatoes do not have time to grow. And the night fluctuations of temperatures both at the beginning of the growing season and before harvesting are capable of carrying out all the works for no.

The greenhouse, covered with glass, polycarbonate or a simple film, regulates the temperature fluctuations and humidity outside, and the roots of the plant are both in the nutrient soil, and in favorable conditions on the surface of the Earth.

What are the varieties of tomatoes the most damned?

Intenerminant (tall) varieties of tomatoes are considered the most crop. They regularly laid a lot of tie and after having a harvest plant does not cease to grow, and under favorable conditions (heated greenhouses and 12-hour lighting) is capable of blossoming again and again.

Determinant varieties (weathered bushes of tomatoes) After reproducing a certain stock of flowers no longer grow and dying. Therefore, the life of such a bush is short, and accordingly, the harvest he will give less than his tall brother.

The most damned varieties of tomatoes

Among the yields of tomatoes for greenhouses there are both new products and long-familiar and favorite varieties and hybrids. Every year breeders work in search of all new plants with excellent taste and consumer qualities. And they succeed!

Try to grow in your greenhouse a novelty, and perhaps this variety will become the most yield. Here are some of the most popular tomato varieties among vegetables:

A meaty fragrant tomato with a garden - a welcome guest on any table. Gardeners do not spare forces to please themselves and closely by friendly crops of large fruits, exchange the secrets of the cultivation of tomatoes and apply all new technologies. But whatever modern agricultural engineering, the key to the success of the whole work of the gardener is the correct selection of the variety. With this thought, the great devotee of crop production in difficult conditions, I.V. Michurin, agreed with this thought.

In those years, when a scientist worked, to find a variety, giving a stable harvest, even in the harsh conditions of Siberia, was a matter of practically impossible. Today, cold-resistant, unpretentious tomatoes, successfully opposing diseases and climate features, are not at all uncommon. More often it is early tomatoes, suitable for both growing in a greenhouse, and for planting in open ground.

Tomato varieties and hybrids

Another significant difference in the current gloomy from the times of Michurin's activities is that the first generation hybrids are increasingly coming to replace grades. What is the concept different from the other, and what should be considered the gardener when choosing seeds for landing?

The variety, as a rule, is the fruit of a long selection of scientists to create a set of plants, combined by any important features. The descendants carry all the properties of the parents, but the crop can give different.

And the popularity of the F1 hybrids differ from the varietal plants level high harvest and exact compliance with all declared qualities. But seeds from such a hybrid can not be used for seedlings. They already in the second generation do not carry all useful parental qualities, which means to get a friendly harvest, you will have to acquire seeds again.

However, gardeners who choose varietal tomatoes, hope that you can infinitely multiply your favorite tomatoes for a long time. Specialists advise refreshing the Tomatov Seed Fund for about once every three years.

Selecting a hybrid or variety for landing on its site, it is important to pay attention to the recommended conditions for the cultivation and purpose of fruits. Some tomatoes are preferable in the fresh form, there are varieties, perfectly showing ourselves in a salting or marinade.

Significantly different tomatoes and the type of bush.

Intemerminant Tomatoes

Often these plants are called plenty, thanks to their ability to grow almost to height, reaching sometimes three or more than three or more meters. It is clear that grooves growing tomatoes in greenhouses or vertical supports in one, less often in two or even three stems with pleasure.

Leaving the required amount of branches, all other processes, steppes, pinch or, as they say more often, steps. The plenty of plenty tomatoes are quite a long time, their crops are smooth and guaranteed high.

Diez F1. Tomato with powerful tall plants, medium or even early aging. Fruits round, red, medium or large size and weighing about 200 grams. The hybrid is indispensable for long-lasting fruiting in a greenhouse, not susceptible to the verticilestrosis and an incredibly common tobacco mosaic virus.

Erema F1. Medium-edged hybrid with plants height almost up to one and a half meters. The period from landing to the first harvest is about 120 days. Fruits for use only in fresh form, medium size up to 200 grams, with dense red pulp, flat-circular. The hybrid is recommended for greenhouse cultivation, including in the winter and spring time. The plant is not susceptible to fusariosis, to indestructible tobacco mosaic and dangerous colaporiosis.

Manechka F1. Medium-eyed tomato with flat-circular layerbrist red fruits weighing up to 140 grams recommended for fresh salads. An interesting hybrid is designed for early cultivation in the greenhouse and soil. The plant is resistant to viral disease of tomatoes, tobacco mosaic.

Navigator F1. Medieval hybrid for long-term cultivation with powerful gravily plants. It has rounded smooth bright red fruits, weighing up to 215 grams. The hybrid at the genetic level is not susceptible to tobacco mosaic and other diseases of tomatoes, a verticillosis.

Flute F1. From the first germs to the harvest of this hybrid goes around 115 days. Tomato medieval, with round dense fruits of pronounced red and weighing up to 150 grams. Tomatoes are well suited for canning and use fresh. Fruiting long, hybrid is suitable for spring turnover, resistant to tobacco mosaic and such diseases of tomatoes as colaporiosis and fusariosis.

Determinant tomatoes

Such plants are more compact and lowered compared to the plenty, so many gardeners determined tomatoes know entitled - bush. From plenty with one or two stems, the bush plants distinguishes a large number of short shoots that are separated from the main stem and ending the fruit barrows.

The bush tomatoes do not require high supports, they can be content with low backups or even containers where plants are grown in a suspended state. Due to the small size of the bush, the tomatoes can be grown on open beds, and in a greenhouse or greenhouse, or even at home. Unlike the plenty, the bush tomatoes pluck only the root of shoots below the first brush.

But it fertures a bush tomato violently, but short-term. The harvest has to be removed almost immediately from the entire plant, which is well combined with a short northern summer.

Upstart. Early grade with a maximum height of a bush to one meter. Before removing the harvest from the moment of sections, it takes about 100 days. Red Middle Fruits up to 100 grams. This variety is suitable for open soil and dacha film shelters. The variety characterizes the friendly maturation at several brushes.

Arctic. The varieties are characterized by very compact bushes, only 40 centimeters high, extreme unpretentiousness and extremely early time ripening up to 80 days. At the same time, the fruits are small, crimson-red and pronounced rounded. Due to unpretentiousness and decorative, the varieties are often grown at home. For this plant, it does not need to remove steps, it stands for the lack of moisture and the poverty of the soil.

Citizen F1. Decorative rarely tomato with magnificent taste properties of round small fruits weighing about 30 grams. Perfectly growing as pot culture on window sills and terraces. When removing side shoots, you can significantly approximate the harvest.

Arbat F1. Early hybrid, with dense red cylindrical fruits and weighing up to 100 grams. Tomatoes are good in canned form. The hybrid is unpretentious to the planting method and the most common diseases of tomatoes.

Paradise F1. Early hybrid, which, before aging fruits, takes about 100 days. Tomatoes weighing up to 120 grams, oblong, medium, with a green stain in fruit and good taste. Abundant harvest and the possibility of growing in any soil - the main advantages of the hybrid.

Zhuravlik. Medium, popular variety of plants up to a meter height and smooth conjugated fruits weighing up to 120 grams. Tight red fruits on a strong fruit are good in preservation. A variety for use on protected soil is not subject to a tobacco mosaic disease.

Rover F1. Early hybrid, from the first shoots before the crop removal takes place 105 days. Plants grow up to a meter, and the red medium-sized fruits, ovoid shape and weighing up to 100 grams are suitable for home billets. You can confidently grow in open beds, in greenhouses and under the film. The hybrid is not susceptible to many diseases of tomatoes.

Culinary F1. This is an early, natural hybrid, prior to the collection of the first harvest takes up to 105 days. Bushes up to one meter. Fruits dense, ovoid, weighing about 110 grams, red. The hybrid can be grown in the open ground, and, of course, under the film and in the greenhouses. The hybrid is suitable for home billets, not susceptible to tobacco mosaic, colaporiosis and common fuzariosis.

Bolshevik F1. The raven, yield hybrid with plants with a height of up to 80 centimeters, but when growing in the greenhouse reaches a height to one and a half meters. Fruits are large, up to 200 grams, with a dense red pulp and magnificent taste properties. The hybrid is recommended for growth and in the ground, and in film greenhouses and greenhouses. The hybrid is well protected from the tobacco mosaic virus and other diseases.

Big Brother. The tall early hybrid for open beds and film cottage greenhouse reaches a height of up to 120 cm. Light red fruits on the bush are matured together, they are large, up to 200 grams, flat-circular shapes, with a dense fragrant pulp. The advantages of this hybrid: non-peter, not sprinkled, non-cracking fruits. Tomatoes are suitable for long-term storage.

Piglet F1. Early hybrid, which takes up to 110 days before the first crop. The height of the plant is on average up to 80 cm. Basically, fruits are large, about 120 grams. They have a flat-terminating shape, dense, elastic red flesh. Tomatoes are good when used in salads. The hybrid is recommended for soil and greenhouses.

Strong nut F1. Early hybrid for whom 110 days is required from shootouts. Tomato bushes reach a height of 180 cm. The fruits on them are round, large, with a smooth surface and a dense pulp, when ripening becomes intensively red. The hybrid is recommended for protected soil.

Redong f1. The medieval, unpretentious hybrid with plants height is about 80 cm. Excellent refrigeration fruits are flat-circular, weighing 150-180 grams, with a dense red flesh. The hybrid is recommended for protected and open soil, resistant to common diseases.

Shustrik F1. Early, extremely damned hybrid for closed soil, until the first harvest of which takes 108 days. Powerful plants are high enough, on average up to 1.2 m. Simple red fruits, mostly medium and large, weighing up to 120 grams, are used for salads. This hybrid is resistant to tobacco mosaic.

Tomato cultivation techniques

  • Tomatoes do not require high costs of strength and time, grow strong strong plants and get a crop under the power even novice gardens. Therefore, most often tips on the agrotechnology of this culture are reduced to the following:
  • Plants are recommended to plant ostently so that additional roots can be formed after emphasis on the stem, providing tomato nutrition and its stability with any non-judgment;
  • Tomatoes love organic fertilizers, namely woodwood and overwhelmed cow manure that are brought in the proportion of one to ten;
  • Tall plants of tomatoes are recommended continuously, during the entire period of increasing passing, leaving no more than one or two processes.

Tall varieties and hybrids are more convenient to grow on the trellis.

If varietal tomatoes are chosen for growing, then each gardener will be able to stock seeds on next year. For this purpose, fruits are taken from the most damned strong bushes. If the tomatoes are ugly, have defects or are not similar to varietal rhodas, it is better to rejoice at once. It is possible that there has been resellers, and the seeds will no longer bear positive qualities of the variety.

Healthy, rided seeds carefully removed from the fetal sinuses, washed and dry well.

Today there are a lot of decent varieties and hybrids with fruits of any size, colors and shapes. The main thing is to find those that are able to provide the necessary yield, arrange in maturation timing and are suitable to taste.

As practice shows, all these requirements are satisfied with the tomatoes obtained by local breeders. These hybrids and varieties do not need to adapt to unusual conditions. They develop consistently, giving stable harvest and glad gardens healthy, tasty fruits.

Hello, dear readers!

From the great set of varieties and hybrids offered by summer houses, it is difficult to definitely give preference to one and default about others. Preferences of a particular gardener will always be subjective, because each has its own evaluation criteria selected. And conditions
The cultivations of tomato plants in various climatic zones are very different, weather conditions from year to year are as different. In this regard, there is a concept - the zoned varieties of tomatoes. Therefore, we will definify that the article will go on the most popular varieties and hybrids of tomatoes using well-deserved love from the majority of gardeners.
The article will receive an overview of only the average and tall varieties of tomatoes of pure greenhouse destination. I think the majority of gardeners are known that tomatoes for open soil for the most part can be successfully grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and temporary film shelters. About these varieties in the next article. To not repeat, see where some of the most popular varieties and hybrids of tomatoes agrofirms "Gavrish" are described.

Watching the ratings of the popularity of Tomatoes from Dachnikov, the sale of sales of leading Russian agrofirms on Tomatoam and on the basis of their personal retail trafficking in seeds, I think that they deserve to be listed the best varieties And the hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses are as follows:

Budenovo (agrofirm "Aelita") - Medium grade (100 - 105 days) Plant Intemiminal. Fruits weighing 200 - 350 gr. Genetically resistant to phytoophluorosis.
Cavaler (Aelita agrofirm) - Early grade (95 - 98 days). The fruit is orange, rounded, weighing up to 100 gr. Combines the fatigue, yield and large-groundiness.
Red cheeks (Aelita agrofirm) - Early grade (98 - 102 days) with the friendly ripening of fruits. The fruits are rounded, excellent taste, weighing 100 - 130 gr.
Shustrik F1 (agrofirm "manul") - Early (102 -105 days). The fruits of tomatoes are flat-circular, weighing 90 - 120 gr. High-yielding, resistant to a tobacco mosaic virus.
Pink cheeks (agrofirm "manul") - Early grade (105 - 108 days). Plant height up to 150 cm. Fruits rounded, raspberry - pink, weighing 200 - 350 gr. With a dense pulp.
Erema F1 (agrofirm "manul") - Mid-line variety (115 - 120 days). Plant height up to two meters. Fruits are flat - rounded, red, dense, weighing 180 - 200 grams. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, cladospariosis, fusariasis.
Dessert (agrofirm "manul") - Tomato Cherry Group. Sound (92 - 98 days). Plant Incomeerminant. Fruits weighing 20 gr., Red, high taste.
The leader of red-bed f1 (agrofirm "biotechika") - Surprise hybrid (80 - 85 days). Plant determinant. Fruits rounded shape, weighing 120 - 150 gr.
Palace (agrofirm "biotechika")From the series "Petersburg" - early. The plant is determined, height up to 120 cm. Fruit flat-circular, red, weighing up to 600 grams.
Black Prince (agrofirm "biotechika") - Tall plant. Fruit weighing up to 300 gr., Sweet, fleshy, brown-chocolate color.
Admiralteysky ("House Seeds" CJSC SSPP "SERVESTEMOSTEK" St. Petersburg - Next, the joint venture "House of Seed") - The variety is designed for the conditions of the short North summer. Sound (100-105 days). Plant determinant. The fruits are rounded - flat, red, good taste, weighing 200 - 210 gr.
Sultan F1 (SP "Seed House") - Medium (100 - 112 days). Plant determinant. Fruits are red, flat-terminal, excellent taste, weighing 150 - 200 gr.
Torbay F1 (JV "Seed House") - Ultra Supreme (70 - 75 days). Plant determined to 140 cm. High-yielding. Fruits round, weighing up to 250 gr. Taste quality gorgeous.
Khlynovsky F1 (SP "Seed House") - Early (100 - 108 days). Plant determinant. Round fruits, red, weighing up to 200 gr. The yield and taste is superior to famous large-scale tomatoes: a bullish heart, a pink giant, wild rose.
Evpatorf1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - Medium-eyed (106-110 days) Plant Intemimerant, Fruits of flat-circular shape, with a perfectly smooth surface, weighing 130-150 g. The hybrid is resistant to causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis, and also genetically resistant to cracking and vertex rotting fruit. The yield of one plant is 4.5-5.5 kg.
Intuition F1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - Medieval (110-115 days from germs to fruiting) Intenerminant (with unlimited growth) hybrid. Refers to a group of creepsy tomatoes. The fruits of a rounded shape, smooth, are firmly attached to the fruit and do not appear after ripening, weighing 100-110. Fruits with elevated content of sugars are perfectly suitable for whole-fuel canning, preparation of fresh summer salads. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis, as well as resistant to cracking. The yield of one plant is 4.5-5.0 kg.
Kostroma F1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - medium (106-110 days from germs to fruiting) tall (1.5-2.0 m) hybrid. Fruits of a flat-circular shape, weighing up to 150 g. The hybrid is resistant to causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis, as well as to sharp differences in temperature and humidity. Differs in early and friendly harvest. The yield of one plant is 4.5-5.0 kg.
Rosemary F1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - The average period of ripening hybrid (115 days from germs to fruiting). Berseings are very large up to 400 g, bright pink, smooth, smooth. Mainly a weak destination. The pulp of fruit gentle, juicy, tasty, "melting" consistency. Yield (average) 8-11 kg / ras.
Chio - Chio - San (agrofirm "Gavrish") - Mid-Veter (110-120 days from germs to fruiting) Intenerminant (with unlimited growth). A distinctive feature The varieties are a huge branched brush on which 50 or more fruits are formed. Pink fruits, plum-shaped, weighing 30-40 g, which have excellent dessert taste. The variety is resistant to a tobacco mosaic virus. The yield of one plant is 4.0 kg
Blagovest F1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - Early (101-105 days from germs to fruiting) average (150-180 cm) hybrid. The fruits of a rounded form, weighing 100-110 g. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporosis, fusariosis. The yield of one plant is 5.0-5.5 kg.
Retrol F1 (agrofirm "Gavrish") - Early (101-105 days from germs to fruiting) average (1.0-1.5 m) hybrid. The fruits of a rounded shape, weighing 80-90 g. Perfectly suitable for the preparation of fresh salads and whole-fuel canning. The hybrid is distinguished by a steadily high yield. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis. The yield of one plant is 4.5-5.0 kg.

I am confident that this list can be continued by relying on data from other sources and personal experience of dacnisters from various regions of our country. For example, a preliminary rating of tomatoes for greenhouses in 2012, you can look at the site of our partner. I would be grateful to my readers for suggestions and wishes and is ready to supplement the above list of other no less popular varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses that fell out of my field of view.

In conclusion, I want to recommend you interesting novelties of varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for greenhouses, developed by the Gavrish agrofirm colekirms:
Siberian F1. - Lovely (130-140 days from germs to fruiting) Intenerminant (with unlimited growth) Hybrid. Fruits of flat-circular shapes, smooth, unique size! The average mass of 400-600 g, the maximum to 2.8 kg. Possess harmonious, dessert taste, fragrant. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis. The yield of one plant is 4.0-4.5 kg.
Ural F1. - The hybrid is specifically designed for the conditions of the Ural region! The first harvest of ripe, tasty, sweet tomatoes are collected in 116-120 days after the appearance of germs. Intenerminant (with unlimited growth). Fruits of flat-circular shapes, smooth, weighing 350 g, mainly a weed destination. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis. Yield of one plant 4.5-5.0 kg, best result up to 8 kg.
Shaolin F1. - The average ripening time (115 days from germination to fruiting) hybrid. Plants powerful low. The fruits are very large up to 400 g, bright pink, smooth, smooth. Mainly a weak destination. The pulp of fruits is gentle, juicy, tasty, "melting" consistency, with a high content of provitamin A. yield (average) 8-11 kg / ras.
Kamchatka F1. - Mid-line (111-115 days from germs to fruiting) tall (1.5-1.8 m) hybrid. The fruits are attractive, rounded shape, weighing up to 150. The hybrid has excellent taste. In unregulated conditions, fruits can be stored up to 1.5 months. The hybrid is resistant to the causative agents of the tobacco mosaic virus, colaporiosis, fusariosis. The yield of one plant is 6.5-7.0 kg.

Sincerely, Sergey Mozgovy

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Monday, February 25, 2013 23:15 + in quote

Large Tomatoes

Abakan pink (large-scale, medieval, intederminant). Altai selection variety with very beautiful fruits like "bullish heart". Bush height 1.1 ÷ 1.7m. Fruits are large, weighing up to 300g, pink colour. The main advantages of the variety - earlyness in combination with large-partness, good yield and high quality fruit. The plant is formed in 1 ÷ 2 stem in an open or closed soil. 2 plants are planted on 1m2.

Andreevsky surprise (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Variety of universal destination. The period from full shoots before starting maturation - 112-120 days. The plants are average, up to 1.5m high, the sheet is large, dark green, inflorescence is simple, compact. The first inflorescence is laid over 7-8 sheet. The fruits are very large, up to 900 g, flat-terminated, weakness, multi-chamber, fleshy, sweet. The grade is characterized by sufficient resistance to diseases.

Babushkin Secret (large-scale, medieval, industrial, for greenhouses). A pleasant surprise for gardeners is a very large-scale variety (up to 600g) of Siberian selection, with sweet and fleshy fruits, medieval. For film shelters and greenhouses, requires the formation of a bush and garter. Inkometerminant type, up to 1.7 m. Fruits flat-roofing, red-raspberry, low-aluminous, excellent taste. Perfectly suitable for consumption in the fresh form and winter blanks.

SIZE FREE (large-scale, medium, determinant). Plant up to 1.5m high, growth is stopped after the plant load with fruits. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stem. Steening, tapping. Dense Sakharitis on Beam Tomatoes do not crack, very large, rounded (the largest tomatoes shape resemble a liter bank) red, weighing up to 1 kg. Meaty, good taste, few seeds. Fruption stretched.

Biy Rosan (large-scale, medium, determinant). Fruit flat round light incorrect form, bright crimson, fleshy, dense weight up to 600g. Seeds are not enough, the taste is good. Used for fresh consumption. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stem. Steening, tapping.

Swamp (large-scale, medieval, determinant). High-yielding hybrid with plane-rounded delicious green-marsive fruits in full ripeness. Salad destination. Mass of the fetus until 300g. Requires garter to stakes, grow in 1 stem. Plants tall up to 1.3m. After seedling 1 ÷ 10 April. Fruits are collected when yellow-brown shade appears. Recommended for unheated greenhouses, shelters and open soil.

Budenovka (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). The fruit of the heart-shaped shape with a spout, middle and a strong-treated, weighing up to 800g, multi-chamber. Excellent taste, with thin gentle skin is used in fresh form for canning and processing. The yield in non-heated film greenhouse under the observance of agrotechnology is about 3kg / plant. Plant 2 ÷ 3 plants on m2.

Bull Heart (large-scale, medieval, intederminant). The most famous variety of large-scale tomatoes. At the lower inflorescences, 2-3 very large fetus weighing 400-500g are formed, some of them reach 700g, on subsequent inflorescences, the small fruits of the oval form weighing 100g. Fruits pink-red, fleshy, with a small amount of seeds, high taste. Using universal. The grade of the bull heart won a special popularity among gardeners due to delicious, large fruits. Plant height 150-170cm.

Wellex (large, medieval, determinant). High yield (The period from germs before the start of fruiting 103-117 days), for growing in open ground and temporary film shelters. The fruit of the heart-shaped, bright crimson, juicy, with high taste. The mass until 450 is used for processing and consumption in fresh form.

Volva heart (large-scale, medieval, intederminant). On the main stem, 4-5 brushes are formed, in each of which up to 5 large fruits. Fruits of multi-chamber, fleshy, weighing 300-500g, excellent taste, excellent in salads. The variety is recommended for both closed and open soil. Sowing seedlings February - March. Planting to the greenhouse seedlings April - May, in the ground - June. Planting scheme 40x50cm.

Danko (large-scale, medieval, determinant). The fruit of the bright red color of a beautiful heart shape, weighing up to 300g. Very tasty, fleshy, dense, ideal for cooking tomato juice, quickly digested. Malmileous. Variety drought-resistant. Steening to the first flower brush. Yield.

Twoist (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Tomatoes weighing up to 500g original two-color yellow-red color and striped pulp. Very tasty, lightweight, high sugars content.

Dool (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Large tomato The widewort form flattened from the sides weighing up to 600g red. Sweet, tasty. Steening, form in 1-2 stem.

Raspberry giant (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). The period from germination before the start of the ripening of fruits is 115-120 days. Bush height 150-160cm. The first brush is formed above 9-12 sheet, followed by 3 sheets. On the main stem 6-8 brushes. In brush 2-4 fetus. The fruits are very large, weighing 300-800g (separate up to 1200g), fleshy, excellent taste, plane-rounded shape. Salad destination. Care: a garter to stakes as a bush is forming, it is possible to carry out steaming in order to obtain an ultraarinary harvest.

Cardinal raspberry (large-scale, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Flat-round closed with "rays" of crimson-pink color, very large - in middle lane Weighing 400 ÷ 800g, fleshy, multi-chamber with a small amount of seeds, good taste. The grade is characterized by the level of fruit by mass and shape both in inflorescence and throughout the plant. Excellent taste is used in fresh. The yield in non-heated film greenhouse under the observance of agricultural equipment is more than 4kg / plant. Plant no more than 3.0 plants / m2.

Scarlet candles (middle-grade, medium-and-and-industrial, industrically, for greenhouses). The total tall grade, the mass of fruits up to 120g. A significant advantage in assessing this variety is almost 100% the verge of fruits in the brushes and tiers. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stems, steaming, be sure to tie.

WATERCOLOR (middle-grade, early, determinant). Excellent new unpretentious variety of tomatoes of Siberian selection-oners for open soil, saline and cans. The grade of early (100 days before the maturation of the first fruit), a bush tall up to 40 cm, strambered, does not require steaming and garter, it is not pulled out in seedlings. Fruits stretched-plum-shaped, red, weighing 80-120 grams. The peel at tomatoes is dense, the dry matter content is 60%, which provides excellent harassing qualities and good fetus fetuses (the crop is perfectly digested, without losing its qualities). The taste of fresh and canned fruits worthy of high marks. The grade is resistant to septorize and vertex rot. Yield 6-8kg with 1m2.

Balcony miracle (middle-grade, medium, determinant). Sharpening (35-60cm), determined variety. The fruits of a beautiful round shape, intensely red, weighing 5-10g., Are used in the fresh form. It is valued for high decorativeness, suitability for potted culture.

Buyan (fighter) (middle-cost, early, superwater pertente, for open soil). Mass of the fetus 130g. The whole harvest matures on the root. Not step-in, you can not be taught. Sowing on seedlings 1 ÷ 10 April. Up to 40 cm high.

Buyan yellow (middle-cost, early, determinant, for open soil). The fruit of bright yellow egg-shaped with a spout. Mass of the fetus 80 ÷ 100g. Suitable for salads and canning. Not to pace. Up to 40 cm high.

Varvara (middle-grade, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Salad-cans with sweet pink-raspberry fruits of cylindrical shape with sharp nose, weighing 70 ÷ 90g. Plant 1.6 ÷ 1.8 m high. Yield more than 1.5 kg / plant. Grow into one stem with steaming and garter to the support. Recommended for unheated greenhouses and shelters.

Glossy (middle-grade, medium, determinant, for open soil). High-yielding grade with beautiful glittering red-shaped red fruits. Mass of the fetus up to 100g. The height of the bush is up to 80cm. Requires garter. Not to pace. Sustainable phytoophluorosis. It is recommended to grown in the open soil.

De Barao Yellow (Spring, LateVier, Intenerminant, for greenhouses). Powerful plants, stripped, industrical. The brush is simple, drooping, with 8-10 fruits. Yield - up to 3-4 kg from one plant. Features of agrotechnics: for cultivation in closed soil. The seedlings must be heated 10-15 days earlier than other varieties and hybrids. Plant no more than 2.5 plants per 1 sq.m. Be sure to tie to the support, timely removing the stepsing. The dates of ripening: medium-visual, enters the fruction for 120-125 days after the appearance of germs. The fruits of yellow, oval-ovoid shape, dense, weighing 60-70 g, have excellent taste, perfectly digested, are stored for a long time without losing good quality. Mute is affected by phytoofluorosis. Use: Suitable for use in the fresh form, good for canning and long storage. The original yellow color of the fruit is due to the increased content of carotene in them, so that they are not only tasty, but also useful. Fruits taken from the plant, or on a bush suspended for the root, digest well. An old, time-tested grade de Barao is especially good because it is weakly affected by the phytoophula, the most dangerous disease of tomatoes. The cultivation of Tomato de Barao is possible in areas located in lowlands, where cold dews often fall out. The de Barao variety is ideal for all types of canning, as its fruits are dense and small in size. Fruits can be transported over long distances and store for a long time. At the same time, they will not lose an attractive appearance and excellent taste.

De Barao Orange (Spring, LateVier, Intenerminant, for greenhouses). The variety is late, intederminant, suitable for growing in the open ground and greenhouses requires formation. Fruits are suitable in fresh form and whole-fuel canning. The fruit is egg-shaped, smooth, orange, weighing 60-65 g. The taste of fruits are good. Similar to de Barao yellow.

De -Barao Pink (Spring, LateVier, Intenerminant, for greenhouses). Powerful plants, stripped, industrical. The brush is simple, drooping, with 8-10 fruits. Yield - up to 3-4 kg from one plant. The fruits of pink, oval-ovoid shape, dense, weighing 60-70 g, have excellent taste, perfectly digested, are stored for a long time without losing good quality. Be sure to tie to the support, timely removing the stepsing. Mute is affected by phytoofluorosis. Use: Suitable for use in the fresh form, good for canning and long-term storage. The fruits are distinguished by the original color. Gentle pink tomatics look very attractive and appetizing.

Demidov (middle-grade, medieval, determinant, for open soil). The fruits are rounded, all-host, bright pink, weighing 80 ÷ 120 gr, tasty, fleshy. Taste qualities are excellent. Freshly used. Recommended for growing in the open soil. Value varieties: high yield, large-partness, good tavernability with temperature fluctuations. You can not be pausing and not to support. Plant height 65 ÷ 100cm.

Yellow icicle (middle-grade, medium-stage, intedeerminant, for greenhouses). High-yielding grade with extended fruits in the form of an icicle bright yellow. Mass of the fetus up to 100g. High resistant to phytoophluorosis. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stem. It is recommended to grown in greenhouses and temporary film shelters. Good in saline and fresh.

Zhenya (middle-cost, superrand, determinant). Supermannie is a very harvest variety for open soil. Bush height is 35-40cm., Fruits are rounded, weakly red, dense, weighing up to 100g. The variety provides stable and long fruiting in any weather.

Saltitude delicacy (middle-cost, medieval, determinant). High-yielding variety perfect for salting and canning. The fruits of the elongated shape with the sparkle are brightly red to 100g, have excellent freight and taste. Plant up to 1m high, grown in open ground and greenhouse. Not to pace, tapping to the stakes.

Golden Andromeda (middle-grade, early, determinant). New cold-resistant hybrid (fruit ripening occurs on 75-115 days after full shoots) for growing in the open ground. The fruits are rounded beautiful bright yellow weighing up to 130g, aligned, transportable. Freshly used. It has high taste qualities and level of fruit, resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus. Little. Not step-in, you can not be taught.

Golden Queen (middle-grade, medieval, for greenhouses). Medieval variety, the growing season is 110-120 days. The fruits of a plum-shaped, orange color, weighing 80-100 g. Plant height 1-2 m. Variety of universal use, good for canning. Culture warm - light-loving. Grow sediate or sowing seed into the ground. Seeds before living to better process with 1% solution of manganese-oxid potassium. Sewing seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The seedling seedlings at the age of 50-60 days. Requires light fertile soils. Well reacts to fertilizers.

Zyryanka (middle-cost, medieval, determinant). The high-yielding grade with fruits weighing up to 300g is designed for growing in film greenhouses and open soil, for use in fresh and canning. Different with extremely high product marketability. The fourth is good, the fruits are not cracking. Up to 1m height.

Canopus (middle-grade, medium, determinant, for open soil). Recommended for use in the fresh form. The fruit is cylindrical, smooth, weighing 100 ÷ 200g, separate up to 400g. Coloring mature fetus - red. Taste quality - good. Fruits quickly digest. Plant height 50 ÷ 60 cm. Drought resistant. Weavigible to phytoophluorosis, tobacco mosaic virus, bacterial spots. Care: a garter to stakes as a bush is forming, it is possible to carry out steaming in order to obtain an ultraarinary harvest.

CASPAR (middle-grade, medium, intederminant, for open soil). High-yielding hybrid with oval fruits. The plant is powerful, spreadable, well desirable. Has high taste and commodity qualities. One of the best for canning. Mass of the fetus until 150g. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stems, steaming, tapping. Sowing seedlings 15 ÷ 20 March.

Krakowak (middle-grade, rare, determinant, for open soil). Ultra Supreme (78 - 83 days from shoots to fruiting) lowered (up to 50 cm) variety, recommended for growing in open ground. Plant strambo, does not require garter and steaming. Fruits of flat-circular shapes, layers, weighing 50-70g, with 4-5 seed cameras. Gentle, delicious, weed purposes. The yield of one plant is 1.5 kg. The variety can also be grown by direct seeds at the beginning of May under the film shelter.

A red miracle (middle-grade, medium-bed, intederminant, for greenhouses). Bison with fleshy beautiful fruits bright red. Mass of the fetus until 300g. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stems, must be tied up and packing.

Red hunter (middle-grade, early, determinant). High-yielding unpretentious grade with friendly harvest. Very early, ripens on 90 days from shoots. Determinant type, compact, low, does not require garter and steaming. The fruits of the plumoid-pear shape, weighing 70-80g, dense, good in conservation and own juice. For growing in the open soil.

Lisuk (middle-grade, rare, determinant) . Surprise (100-110 days from germs), a yield grade for small-sized shelters and film greenhouses. The plant is determined, unwitting, 90-100cm high, a simple brush. Fruits bright orange, extended, oval, 4.5-5 cm long, weighing 120-130g, dense consistency, sweet. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning. Long do not lose its commodity look. We need a garter and step-down. Harvesting: fruiting stretched since the end of July until the end of August.

Marfa (middle-grade, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses) . High-yielding hybrid ideally circular shape. It has a high-quality view. Designed for cultivation in closed soil. Mass of the fetus up to 120g. To form in 1 stem, be sure to tie and steaming.

Moscow Delicates (middle-grade, medieval, determinant, for open soil). High-yielding grade with extended beautiful red-tight-consistency fruits, not steaming, tapping to the stoles. One of the best varieties for canning. Mass of the fetus until 80g. Up to 80cm high.

Nastya . Early grade, a bush is compact, up to 70 cm high, does not require steaming. Fruits rounded-elongated, pink, fleshy, very tasty, weighing up to 300 g. The variety is plentifully fruits in any weather conditions, resistant to phytoophluorosis. It is recommended for growing in open ground and under film shelters.

Barnaul cannery (fine-grade, early, determinant, for open soil). From full shoots before starting ripening 98 ÷ 113 days. High yield - 3 ÷ 6.4kg / m2. The variety matures together. Fruit period 52 ÷ 67 days. Used for consumption in the fresh form, whole-fuel canning and salt. The height of the main stem is 25 ÷ 37cm. On the main stem 2 ÷ 3 brushes 3 ÷ 9 fruits on each. The first inflorescence is laid over 5 ÷ 6 sheet, then after 1 sheet. The fruit is oval-rounded, smooth, red-orange, with a small amount of seeds, small, 2 ÷ 5-nest, weighing 30 ÷ 50g, satisfactory taste. Resistant to cracking. Grown without steaming. The variety is relatively resistant to diseases.

BUTTERFLY (fine, medieval, determinant, for greenhouses). Universal Sort. The plant height up to 1.5 m with beautiful branched inflorescences, 20 ÷ 50s sticking up the smooth raspberry-pink egg-shaped fruits, weighing 25 ÷ 30g. Yield 4 ÷ 5 kg / plant. Grow into one stem with steaming and garter to the support. It is recommended for greenhouses and shelters, it can be successfully grown in balconies and loggias.

Yellow cherry (fine, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). Tall more than 200cm grade. The fruits of a rounded shape, bright yellow, weighing 20g, very sweet, form a brush of 30 ÷ 40 fruits. To form in 1 ÷ 2 stems, tapping and steaming. Planting scheme 40 by 60cm. The yield of one plant is 2kg.

Parrotchik (fine, medieval, intederminant, for greenhouses). The plants are tall, weakly desirable, delicious. Brushes abundant, two-, three-time branched, fruit-15 ÷ 20 and more fruits on the brush. The fruits are rounded, bright red, shiny, very homogeneous, weighing 18g, very tasty and sweet. Sit in film greenhouses 3.5 plants / sq.m. The hybrid is resistant to a complex of disease.

Cherry Blost.F1 . Very sweet Determinant Tomato Cherry. Midhranny tomato hybrid for open soil and film greenhouses. Plant high, powerful, open type. Round fruits, aligned, with uniform red color, weighing 25 - 30 grams, very dense, resistant to cracking. Taste qualities are excellent. The hybrid has a high resistance to diseases - resistant to verticilellosis, fusarious fading, nematodes, alternariasis, tomato bacteriosis, brown spottedness, toobic mosaic virus. Recommended for consumption fresh form and processing.

The plant of the family of paroles. Root system well developed, in diameter up to 1.5 ÷ 2.0m. The bulk of the roots is located at a depth of 20 ÷ 50 cm. Additional roots are formed from any part of the stem. The stem is a reprehensive or running, can reach the length of 5m. The most strongly developed escape (stepper), located under the first inflorescence. Often it is precisely it is left when forming plants.

Flowers at tomatoes are scarets, collected in inflorescence (brush). Pollination occurs inside the flower (self-polling), but it can be cross, especially in hot and windy weather. The fruit is a juicy two- or a multi-berry berry of various shapes (from flat to the substricted). Mass from 10 to 500g and more.

By the nature of the growth of the bush distinguish inkometerminant and determinants.

Inteerminant varieties of varieties, the growth of the stem is unlimited, inflorescences are formed after 3 sheets. Without removal of side shoots (steps), such plants occupy a significant area. The ripening of fruits on different inflorescences is gradual. Typical representatives of this group -Cartinel, a bullish heart.

Determinant varieties of a bush small or medium, the main stalk in growth is limited. Fruits ripen almost simultaneously. By the nature of the manifestation of the determinant of a variety of this type can be divided into three groups:

1. Superdenerinant varieties. The first inflorescence is located above 7 ÷ 8 sheet of main escape. It produces 2 ÷ 4 inflorescences, after which the growth is completed. Inflorescences are located after 1 ÷ 2 sheets. A relaxed growth of stepsins is characterized, considerable rapidness and a friendship of harvest. These include many early grades, for example, Barnaul cannery.

2. Determinant varieties. First inflorescence over 8 ÷ 9 sheet. The growth of the main stem is terminated after 4 ÷ 6 inflorescences, which provides a longer period of fruiting. Inflorescences are located after 1 ÷ 2 sheets. The future formation capacity is stronger. Productivity is good and fairly uniform ripening of fruits.

3. Seventerminant varieties. The first inflorescence is laid over 9 ÷ 12 sheet of main escape and over 3 ÷ 5th on lateral shoots. Later, the formation of the first inflorescence defines late ripeness. Subsequent inflorescences appear after 2 ÷ 3 sheets and evenly fruit during the entire growing season. The growth of the main stem is terminated after the formation of 6 ÷ 12 inflorescences.


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Tomatoes, and even varieties, one of the most thermo-loving crops. Its "whims" sometimes reduce all human efforts in the struggle not what is high, but at least for some kind of harvest. Material costs for the construction or purchase of greenhouses at times exceed "output" suitable for use or home canning fruit. The creation of hybrid varieties of tomatoes, zoned in accordance with the climate of most regions of the country, has become the best way out of the situation for tomato lovers.

Honored love and glory

With its appearance, Tomato Tarasenko's Tomato Hybrid is obliged to an extraordinary person, whose names and named.

School teacher Physicists Feodosij Makarovich Selection of liatoid tomatoes made his hobby. There are several wonderful varieties left for him. They received recognition in the territory of the entire immense country. Honored appreciation to the author of several varieties of tomatoes for quality:

Surely a description of Tomato Gybrid Tarasenko 2 is familiar to all lovers to dig in the ground, and even more professionals. The tall intederminant bush, due to its unusually powerful root system, even in a year not too favorable for culture gives a harvest of at least 15 kg from one plant. After the flowering period on the shoots, complex brushes are formed. In one such bundle, it is formed from 20 to 30 small tomatoes. And this process is constantly. Thus, the ripening of fruits on the brush occurs gradually. In one fan-like knitting of tomatoes, both red-orange and brown, and green fruits can be considered simultaneously, and only tiny tiny. Vintage from the plant is removed to the very late autumn. Fruits in shape resemble small hats-Budenovka, weighing from 70 to 150 grams. In the phase of biological maturity, orange-red color, thin, but dense skin, delicate velvety fragrant pulp. The variety has high product attractiveness. Withstands long-term transportation without problems.

Since 2014, feedback about Tomate Red Dome F1 appeared on the forums of gobby-lovers, as a similar to the Tarasenko hybrid appearance Fruits, but with much more compact determinant type of bush.

Pink queen Tomatov

True jewel for amateur gardeners, these are enthusiastic reviews about Tomati Dimoz F1 are often found on any dachnik forum. The grade has a sustainable immunity to a whole complex of diseases. All viruses that can "attack" to tomatoes in the greenhouse will cost these bushes. A radius, which does not have the final point of growth, without pinching the crown of the painshifts more than 2 meters in length. If in time to direct the development of a double-layer type, remove all the extra stepsings, the rich harvest will not slow themselves to wait. The grade of early, fruit begins in the middle of summer. Commodity value of vegetables is large due to the gentle cold-pink color of large rounded-flat tomatoes reaching on an average mass of 200 grams. Evaluation for the burning and transportability - 4 points out of 5. For the taste and quality of fruits - solid 5.

Altai Tomatoms of Drops of Temperatures are not scary

In the Altai Territory created a tomato spring F1, a hybrid in the first generation. The climate of the native region is sharply continental, the differences between day and night temperatures are up to 25 degrees, and this in the summer. Therefore, in front of local breeders was the task of removing high yields, but a short time of ripening. Such a tomato spring, an intedeerminant type of tomatoes for greenhouses. Under the film, the total mass of the vegetables collected from one plant is at least 7 kg. The height of the bush is average, but without tapping not to do. Tomatoes are close to the sphere, smooth, bright red. The variety is considered large for a hybrid, 200-250 grams. In cooking, it is used for the manufacture of salads, garnings, stew. In a preserved form, it retains the integrity of the fetus, does not soften and does not crack.

For cooks with fantasy

The declared yield of this variety is 5-5.5 kg from one plant, but the reviews about Tomate Opera F1 report that it can exceed 8 kg! These are excellent hybrid performance. Such an abundance of fruits is inherent in a greenhouse tomato, which is this variety. The tall lioanoid bush is 1.5-2 meters high in need of a support and regular formation. Options: in one and two stems. Fruits of spherical 100-120 grams, red, sour-sweet. Refrigerant average. High resistance tobacco mosaic and colaporiosa. Ripening time - early, 100-105 days. In the cooking boundaries there is no application.

Malinovy \u200b\u200bStar

The variety for closed soil is the Tomato Star of the East F1, the raspberry hybrid of the early ripening time. It does not have the point of growth of the stem, it takes attention to the formation of the stem correct in terms of agrotechnology. Not only shoots are attached to the trellis, but also sweaturated brushes with 5-7 large, round, smooth tomatoes weighing 150-250 grams. Fruit color - intense pink, with raspberry tint. The taste is clear-sweet, dessert. Yields above all praise. Maturation - early. Suitable for spring-summer vegetable coherent.

Meat pink boarantine

The meaty pulp of juicy pink fruits is famous for the beam of F1, the juice from his fruit is a real delicacy for adults and children. The high content of antioxidants is an additional stimulus for raising formation. Tall, intederminant variety for closed soil. Medium, stable yield view. FROM square meter (And this is only 2 bushs) get more than 15 kg of harvest. Round-flat tomatoes on average 200-250 grams.

Tomato afraid of F1

French plum-shaped tomatoes

Hybrid for a closed greenhouse method of growing Tomato Hummingbird F1 - Guest from France. Intenerminant lianan-shaped dealer variety of early ripening. From germination of seeds to technical maturity of fruits - 75-80 days. Potentially high-yielding species, in the two-tempered formation of the plant, the weight of the collected fruits will be 7 or more kilograms. The type of fruiting is a brush, 8-10 tomatoes. Form resemble an elongated plum, each about 100 grams. Color of ripe tomatoes - saturated red. Taste with light sourness. Dense, but thin skin does not give mature fruits burst.

Grade Compact Tomatoes for Impact Growing

Lovers of tomato products that have no opportunity and desire to breed on their plot of tall grades of the grained, most likely will pay attention to the compact varieties of determinant tomatoes. They are less whimsical than their tall counterparts require a minimum of attention. Ideal for dacities visiting our sites on weekends.

Created in Holland, popular in Russia

Brief description of the variety and characteristics of the tomato Sultan, the product of Dutch selection, adapted to the climate of Russia. Low splashing bushes suitable for greenhouse and open Growing. Form brushes with 5-7 fruits of a rounded shape, a fruit ribbed. Mass of one tomato on average 200 grams. Color ripe - bloody red. The pulp of medium consistency, the number of seeds is small. Strokes in favor of the variety:

Close in its parameters Tomato-Tomatinakovsky F1 has several similar factors: medium-edged determinant hybrid with high resistance to fungal lesions. Fruit color - raspberry pink.

Of the semi-technicenants, the most unpretentious and yield - such are reviews about Tomati Gravitet F1, another representative of Dutch varieties. Dark red glossy tomatoes are collected in 9-10 brushes on one meter bush. Mass of one - 180-200 grams. Taste with sour and sweet, velvety. Sugar content - 2.5-3%. High content of dry substances. The yield is good, 8-10 kg from a square meter. Excellent proven itself in the greenhouse type of rational, but in the open soil, it does not lag behind any parameter. Good immunity. Tomato search F1 has similar characteristics, a hybrid from the Ranselver class.

Tomato Right from the country of the rising sun

While not having a worthy distribution of TMAE TMAE 683 F1 - New Japan - a country that gave the world to the world a high-yielding early early grade. From the first green sprouts to the torn tomato, you will need to suffer only 3 months, and in the salad will turn out to be red, gentle, spicy vegetable. Agrotechnika variety is simple to the inability: landed seedlings to the greenhouse, walk and wait for the harvest. Determinant varieties do not need to be discharged, nor in tapping. Meanwhile, with one modest sizes, the crusty harvest will be from 4 to 7 kilograms. Tomatoes in ripeness smooth, rounded, red, weighing from 200 grams. The plant is not afraid of phytoofluorosis, verticillosis and other viral diseases.

Reward for troubles - great harvest

If you do not interfere with sowing seeds to seedlings, as read reviews about Tomat Award F1, in July, the first small tomatoes of scarlet color mature. The variety refers to the early, 90-95 days before technical maturity. Compact, low bush gives a rich harvest of rounded, a little similar to the egg, tomatoes lying on the side, tomatoes, smooth without ribbed, weighing up to 100 g. The hybrid with the stated resistance to all sorts of viral lesions is flourishing and under the film, and in the garden. The excellent taste of velvety sweetish pulp makes it suitable for any way of eating food.

And quantity and quality at height

Fruit on the type "Cherry", but is the average dedicant, such reviews about Tomate Raisin F1, a hybrid grade for greenhouses and an open soil. 1 meter of height for this category of tomato - the limit, the top does not pinch, but the pegs are tested. It is rationally to leave on a bush 4, a maximum of 5 brushes, since each is tied up to 20 fruits in the form of "cream". Small oblong tomatoes of 30-35 grams ripen together, the whole ligament. Sustainable cracking. Tomato color - dark pink. Taste and aroma - harmonious. Collection from one plant - 3-3.5 kg.

Similar feedback on Madeira F1 Tomate, only the color of fruit is bright red.

Baby with lush forms

Some varieties of tomatoes are striking with their miniature. To each of its characteristics, the Tomato Foot F1 automatically adds the word "super":

Technical maturity occurs after 2 - 2.5 months since the appearance of germs. One plant can be tied up and "wort up" 5 kg of round red tomatoes. One fruit is 150-170 grams. The bush is low, up to 60 cm. Many green dense leaves. Weather stress are immune, the marking is formed in any conditions.

Drought - not a hindrance

A brief description of Tomato Zenit F1 on a pack of seed does not reflect the entire potential pleasure that the gardener will receive for its cultivation. Compact, but the powerful trunk of the tomato plant after 90-100 days will decorate itself with 3-4 russian brushes, red fruits of 100-110 grams. In each bundle of 5-7 pieces, excellent taste characteristics of tomatoes. The fruits are the same in size, ripen together. Hybrid drought-resistant, does not capricious on any soil. Resistant to major diseases of tomatoes.

Large and early tomatoes

In any seed registry, the description of the tomato energy F1 includes two main words: large-partness and earlyness.

The hybrid selection was targeted to obtain a variety, the timing of its ripening of "overtaking" phytoofluorosis, Beach of Polenic crops. The powerful determinant plant develops with a record speed and is covered by large weasome-generable tomatoes in a mass of 200-300 grams in the middle summer period. Vintage 5 kg is considered quite medium for this species.

Most Parenic prefers sampling and light-coded soils, description of the Roseanne F1 tomato includes the requirement of this variety to high content. nutrients. In the presence of "correct" soil and sufficient heat, the yield of the compact variety will exceed 8 kg from one plant. Pinkish spherical fruits pour up to 200 grams. Another plus in a tomato piggy bank is an early ripening time, 95-100 days.

The main thing is a decent harvest