
Why yellow leaves from cucumbers in a greenhouse and soil. What to do and what to feed to the cucumber leaves are no longer a cheerful


It is believed that this is one of the most unpretentious cultures, which can be grown in a greenhouse, on open soil And even at home on the windowsill. It is not necessary to pay attention to cucumbers, but in some situations there is a yellowing of both plants and the fruits themselves. It is necessary to understand why this happens to save the harvest.

Why yellow curses

The first difficulty with which the novice gardener may encounter - why dry the ovings on cucumbers in a greenhouse or open soil? The cause of such a state becomes a disease or pests, then save the crop will be difficult. There are other options for such a state that can be corrected:

  1. Plant is not enough space. Trying to get a rich harvest, some sit down very thick seedlings, but there are not enough nutrient elements. For example, the Zyatnik grade is recommended to fall out with a distance of 50 cm. This means that with a more dense landing, yellowing can occur.
  2. Sometimes yellow tie cucumbers in the greenhouse due to improper feeding. In the first stages for growth will be enough of a fermented manure, which is rich in nitrogen. When the fruits begin to tie, the plant appears the need for phosphorus, potassium.
  3. Lack of plant formation. Beginners of vegetables are allowed to grow cucumbers on samonek, forms too much greens with large leaves that prevent penetration sunlight, and because of this, getting yellowed, fall out.

Why seeds of cucumbers yellow

Often, foliage begins to grow back at the stage of growth, which indicates the development of the disease or improper care of the seedle. Here are the main reasons why yellow cucumbers are:

  1. Bay of plants. Moisture is one of the components that are necessary for the active growth of seedlings. When the foliage is rebuilding, the foliage begins to yellow. Vegetable breeders need to carefully monitor the process of watering.
  2. Lack of nitrogen. This is an extremely important element for the plant, with a deficiency of which the leaves become yellow and fall. You can solve the problem with fertilizers.
  3. Disease. A disease is manifested in the form of a malievable false dew, which leads to the damage of the tops, the embryos of cucumbers are yellow and fall. You can cope with this illness with the help of sprinkling seedlings with special compositions that kill malicious bacteria.

Why cucumbers yellow and fall off

The main reason for the yellowing of fruits is the usual lack of water. For this culture, as a rule, only a certain amount of moisture and heat is needed. It is possible to understand that the problem in the water can be if along with the fruits begin to dry and drip leaves. In the open ground, a sharp cooling can be a sharp cooling, early frosts. The reason for the stressful difference of temperature can be even too cold water. If the cucumbers grow in the open soil, then from frosts can save the underfloor material, and in the greenhouse - the heater.

The fruits of cucumbers may be due to lack nutrients. It is recommended to alternate different cultures whose cultivation on the same soil. Can be used for fertilizer phosphoric, potash mixtures. Be careful during the "feeding", because with it can penetrate fungi, viruses in the soil, for example "tobacco mosaic". It is worth remembering that with full ripening cucumber yellow color is normal. It is impossible to eat it, but you can leave for seeds.

Why the fruits of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out in the open soil

Many gardeners prefer to grow these fruits not in a greenhouse, but often face the same problems as in the greenhouse. Here are some of the main reasons why yellowing cucumbers in open growth conditions:

  1. Infection. Diseases of this plant lead to the fact that the fruits become yellow, destroyed root systemFor example: peronosporosis or fuzariosis. It is possible to cure cucumbers from them using a chemical spraying, but there are already such fruits can no longer, because the pathogenic bacteria penetrated inside. Avoiding such a situation will help the change of cultures that are grown on the same land.
  2. Lack of water. This was stated above, the approval is equally fair both for plants on the open soil, and for those that grow in a greenhouse.
  3. Lack of oxygen. For the root system, its admission is important in sufficient quantities. The lack of oxygen is immediately manifested appearance fruit. Regularly spend the weeding so that the cucumbers can grow healthy.

Why yellow and dry cucumbers in greenhouse

Many vegetables rages grow fruit in the greenhouse, which allows them longer (sometimes year-round) harvest. The rules of culture care are no different from the above, so the main reasons are also relevant here, due to which the cucumbers in the greenhouse are yellow. Conditionally can be divided into two groups:

Violation of Growing Technology:

  1. Violation of the rules of watering: too low temperature, large or small water volume.
  2. There may be harm to abundant, but irregular watering.
  3. Impact on the fruits and plant of low temperatures due to frosts. The greenhouse must be additionally heated.
  4. Lack of greenhouse nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium.
  5. Violation of recommended dosage when using factory production fertilizers.

Cucumber diseases in the greenhouse:

  1. More often than other plant is striking the powdery dew, which manifests itself first in the form of spots on the leaves, then they turn yellow, dry. Causes a disease of the fungus that distort photosynthesis. Fight with him with the help of pollination by special drugs.
  2. Not less often, yellowing occurs due to the occurrence of fusarious wilting.
  3. Due to the sharp temperature difference, the root system is damaged to the root system. With this disease, the plant becomes yellow at first below.

VIDEO: Why zerovy cucumbers yellowing and does not develop

Many gardeners for receiving early harvest Use a seaside method of growing cucumbers. Pretty care for seedlings does not always give the desired result. One of the often encountered problems - the leaves begin to yellow. Seedling is also subject to this. Why this happens and what to do is about this.

Why can yellow or white spots appear, develop diseases, fall out the fruits, dry stems? The yellow leaves may appear for a number of reasons. You should not immediately get rid of damaged shoots, first you need to figure it out. The overall picture of the state of the soil, the root system will tell the criticality of the situation and will help determine than splashing cucumbers and what other events should immediately begin. Among the main reasons for the yellowing of the leaves, gardeners allocate the following:

  • lack of light, it does not develop a plant;
  • deficiency or oversupply of nutrients in the soil (especially nitrogen and manganese);
  • violation of the irrigation regime (rejuvenation or drying of soil);
  • the growth of a seedling (the roots are not enough space in the container used for germination);
  • unstable temperature mode;
  • the effect of toxic substances (observed when using foam and other polymers for growing seedlings);
  • defeat of plant disease either pests.

From which it starts to shut and dry seedlings, how to save it

If the seedy leaves are wishes on a confused material, they begin to dry out, then the reason lies in the new shoots that the seedlove is becoming. To correct the situation, it is enough to remove extra branches or wounds. Also are not excluded violations in agrotechnology. Specialists are recommended before starting seasonal work to draw up a schedule of necessary events, to sang on time, plan and transplant, spray and make fertilizers.
Separate seedlings can be yellowed (especially with night frosts on the ground). That is why when disembarking seeds on an open garden, you need to strengthen it overnight with a film or agrotectile.
Seedling sensitively perceives the shortage of useful trace elements, in particular potassium, and it should be struggling with this. It is important to adhere to the deadline for making feeding, so that the developing plant has enough strength and energy for normal growth.

With the appearance of yellowness in the seedlings, only a certain zone of the garden is associated with the incorrectly selected place. The problem is most likely in the soil or in a lack of light. When growing seedlings on the windowsill, it is important to prevent the drying of soil and direct sunlight, they can burn, light shading is required.

Yellow leaves from seedlings in a greenhouse, with what to deal with

When growing cucumbers in the greenhouse, moisture and temperature is often disturbed. Excessive humidity of air and soil leads to the development of fungal diseases. The plant reacts to the deviation in the external environment by his yellowed leaves. Initially yellow tips, then the entire sheet can be covered. You should not ignore this signal.

Normal conditions for the development of seedlings provide temperature in the range of 22-26 degrees. If the indicator falls below 14 ° or exceeds the mark + 42 °, the cucumber shoots are terminated, and only one degree frost leads to death. Swimming sheets and embryos can signal the temperature of the temperature regime.

Other possible reasons:

  • insufficient pollination, as a result, the plant is weakly formed;
  • congestion of escape by blinds;
  • damage to fungus or insects;
  • lack in the soil of nitrogen and other microelements.

Yellowness on street plants, illness

When growing cucumbers in the open soil, the yellowness of the leaves more often indicates a watering disorder: a lack or oversupply of moisture. With a strong heat, the bushes are recommended daily (in the morning or evening). If the summer temperature is moderate, then it is enough to irrigate the bed 2-3 times a week. But before each procedure it is worth assessing the state of the soil to prevent water stagnation. Also, soil looser should also be carried out.

If we are talking about the damage to the plant with disease, then the yellowness or white dots on greens indicates fungal infections: fusariosis, pithyosis, etc. The sheet does not react to watering, remains sluggish. It is necessary to treat: it is necessary to treat special drugs, without it can not do. The main thing is not to miss the time that the damage zone does not apply to neighboring bushes. And do not hope for folk Methods, it is better to act on science.

One of the rules of care for cucumbers states that damaged areas should be deleted to localize the problem. In the case of the yellowing of the sheet, it is not necessary to hurry, it is necessary for treatment. To begin with, temperature control should be conducted ambient, soil states. This will help identify violations and fix them.

Make feeding - improve the ground in the greenhouse

Making feeding in the form of a finished solution

In addition to humidity and looseness, the ground must be nutritious. Growing seedlings are removed from the soil most of the trace elements required for development. Therefore, in Agrotechnology there is a graph of the introduction of feeding, which enriches the medium with the useful substances, helps to strengthen the immune plant of the plant. There are two ways to introduce a useful substance. One is to sprinkle with a finished solution, the second is to scatter dry granules of factory production according to the instructions and plenty of water.

If the leaves are yellow and dry around the edges, then, most likely, a shortage of potassium and magnesium is felt. And in the case of conservation on a yellow leaflet, you can talk about a shortage of manganese and iron. In case of yellowing the top of the bush, the lack of copper is diagnosed.

Granulated Fertilizer Potash Seliver

To correct the situation need to carry out complex feeders in a timely manner. Organic alternating with mineral, as well, and root with extraxnealing. Nutrient administration scheme:

  • the first time to feed the cucumbers should be in appearance on the shoots of one sheet (ammonophos; azophoska; manure; bird litter; herbal infusions);
  • the second time falls at the beginning of the flowering period (solution of water and wood ash 10 l / 1 cup; potash and ammonium nitrate 20 and 30 gr., Superphosphate 40 gr. on the water bucket);
  • the third feeding is carried out in the active period of fruiting (the solution of the nitroposka is 10 liters of water in art. l. means; solution from water 10 l, cowing 0.5 l and potassium sulfate 1 h.);
  • the fourth dressing is used for varieties with a long period of fruiting (a solution of wood ash, manure or avian litter).

Competent watering does not allow the soil to dry out

Correct error in irrigation, taking into account the following factors:

  • soil species;
  • age of cucumbers;
  • features of agrotechniki variety;
  • weather conditions.

When choosing an irrigation system to give preference to sprinkling and drip watering. Dosage moisturizing will also prevent the defeat of culture muced dew, root and olive rot.

It will not be able to organize an automated hydroponic for a novice garden.
In the open ground, it is necessary to moisturize a garden more often than when growing Zeletsov in a greenhouse. The beginners are based on the use of irrigation norms from the calculation to one bush:

  • at the age of escape up to 1 month, 0.5-1 l of water will be required;
  • from 1 to 2 months, the water rate increases to 1.5 liters;
  • from 2 to 3 months - up to 2-2.5 liters;
  • over 3 months - up to 3-3.5 liters.

Light and temperature, do not give the plant to yellow

A characteristic feature of the lack of light is the yellowing of the lower leaves on the bushes. It is impossible to change the place of disembarking of developed bushes, therefore it is necessary to hold a timely to weeping, so that the weed grass has not formed the shadow. Also during the formation of the shoulder, you need to take care of the fact that the neighboring plants do not spread each other. This will not happen if the recommended scheme will be taken into account when disembarking. Compliance with intervals will help prevent the pregnancy of the bed.
The temperature change also affects the color of the cucumber sheet. Influenced nature is impossible, but save the plant from low temperatures will be able to use the framework of the frame and shelter by film. If the climate is disrupted, then the fallout of cucumbers should be made between corn or sunflower. Neighboring crops will disperse sunlight, prevent burn formation for greens.

Errors when landing in open ground

Often correct errors when the yellowness is detected on sheets is difficult, because the reasons can be wounded in the wrong planting seedlings or seeds. Therefore, it is important at the beginning of the formation of the beds to comply with the basic requirements:

  • every season to change the place under the cucumbers (returned to the former one after 3-4 years);
  • abide by the distance between the wells, do not save on a bent;
  • do not use fertilizers more than indicated on the package, excess nitrogen, for example, burns out a young plant;
  • before the fallout seedlings, it is tempered for at least a week;
  • when choosing the neighbors, careability of cultures takes into account.

Processing from pests, treatments for treatment

If the garden was still attacked by pests, insecticide and acaricides are processed. Among the popular drugs are noted as follows:

Prevention of yellowing, spray a nutrient mixture

  • annually change the place for the cucumber bed;
  • shoots with 2-3 leaves need to be sprayed with a nutrient mixture of water (10 l), milk (1 l), iodine (30 drops) and economic soap (20 g);
  • for irrigation, use the nutrient fluid obtained after insisting of water bread;
  • putting the surface of the soil wood ash Not only neutralizes the acidic soil, but also will be protected from pests.

With the problem of yellowing, you can not even encounter if you fully fulfill all the rules of care and prevention. It is much easier than spending the strength and nerves on the restoration of the amazed plant.

In June, seedlings have already been planted and cucumbers in a greenhouse and an open soil. It would seem that the care of plants is correct, but suddenly the cucumbers began to turn yellow and dry leaves and wounds. In this case, you need to immediately identify the reason for the yellowing of the leaves on cucumbers and eliminate it, otherwise the harvest may be at risk. Yellow leaves can for many reasons, each of which we suggest you explore to understand why the wishes are your cucumbers.

Yellow bottom leaves at cucumbers

If the wishes are lower sheets, there may be several reasons.

Insufficient lighting

If the landings are thickened, there are not enough plants, so the foliage loses its green color from the bottom.

What to do:

  • do not thicken the landing;
  • correctly form and tie the screens;
  • remove the lowest leaves immediately after landing;
  • already yellowed leaves will need to be easy to remove.

Wrong watering

When the soil and the lower leaves suffer in the first place, the roots and lower leaves suffer first.

What to do: Adjust the watering, and remove the yellow leaves. How to water the cucumbers you can find out if you go on the dedicated link.

Fungal diseases

Mushrooms live in the soil and with favorable conditions for them begin to multiply. Plants they affect the lower leaves, which are close to the ground.

What to do: Remove the yellow leaflets, break the soil with a solution of manganese, ventilate the greenhouse and greenhouses.

Phosphorus, potassium, magnesium deficiency

The lack of nutrition elements primarily affects the foliage at the bottom of the plant, which begins to yellow.

What to do: To bother the cucumbers with a complex fertilizer.

The lower leaves are also yellow on old plants, which is a normal process.

The leaves of the cucumbers are yellowing around the edges - what to do

First of all, it is necessary to deal with what the reason for the appearance of yellow and dry edges on the leaves. In this case, plants may not be enough of any nutritional elements:

Making these elements in the form extra -orn subordinate It will help to correct the situation.

There are few more reasons for yellow edges of the leaves on cucumbers:

Zavazy cucumbers yellow and dry

If, in addition to the leaves on the cucumbers, yellowing and dry the ovary, it is necessary to urgently look for the cause and take urgent measures:

  1. Lack of potassium and nitrogen. These minerals are flushed out of the soil, so plants need to be filled with mineral complex fertilizer.
  2. Playing. Sharp drops of temperature or a long time Low temperatures are one of the causes of yellow leaves and barriers that dry and fall.
  3. Insufficient lighting. The reason to be eliminated is thickened landings and improper formation of bushes, especially in greenhouses.
  4. Pest. Weather tick, wave, tobacco trips, whitefly - all these malicious insects feed on plant juice, because of which they will dry not only the leaves, but also wound. Cucumbers are processed by one of folk remedies (Nasty garlic or low husk), and in the case of a large amount of pests - insecticidal drugs. Insecticides are used strictly according to the instructions so that the fruits do not absorb chemistry.
  5. Bushes rebooted stocks. Cucumbers must be formed, otherwise large quantities Side shoots will form a lot of uncess, whose development will not have enough strength in the plants. As a result, the leaves are yellowing, and the wound dries and fall off.

Why on the leaves of cucumbers Yellow spots

The reasons:

Cucumbers leaves yellow and dry

Rainy and cold weather

With the weather below +17 degrees, which keeps more than a week, foliage first becomes yellow-green, and after a while dries and falls.

What to do: Landing should be covered with nonwoven material or to build a greenhouse, then feed the cucumbers.


If the leaflets on plants are first yellow, and then fade and dry out, the reason may be in damaged roots. Carefully inspect the stem below and if the root neck is drowned, it means that the bushes are amazed by the root rot.

What to do: From the root rot in the started state of the plant will be deseted rarely. You can try to burn and shop stem. About two weeks later, new roots will appear in this place.

End of the growing period

The leaves on the cucumbers will dry and fade when the vacuum is completed. At this time, the lower sheets dry up, then shoot and reduced yields.

What to do: Extend the formation and ripening of fruits will help feeding, but they should be made at the first signs of fading cucumbers. The organic or dual dose of potassium magnesium and nitrogen fertilizer is used as fertilizers.

Cobed tick

Small malicious insects affect plants more often in hot, dry weather. They set on the back of the leaves and feed them with juices. As a result, the leaves first become yellow, and then dry and fold. If you do not take any measures, the entire bush will soon dried.

What to do: You can get ticks in small dark points and a web between leaves and stems. If the pests are still a bit, you can try the spraying of the leaves simply with water or folk remedies (for example, onion of the onion husk). Highly affected plants are treated with special preparations - acaracis. However, during fruiting, it is not recommended to use them.

What to do to the cucumbers are not a cheerful

Folk remedies

In order not to use chemicals, prevent and stop the yellowing of the leaves on initial stage Can be folk remedies:

  1. 1% warman solution - Spray the foliage at the first signs of yellowing.
  2. Onion infusion - not only the plant, but the pests will scare away from them. Prepare it from 10 liters of water and onion husks with a volume of 700 ml can. The shelter is spoiled by water, they bring to a boil, after which they leave for the night, flickering, bred with water (1: 4) and are used as intended. If the infusion remains, they can pour a bed.
  3. Milk serum solution - this is folk remedy Very useful for plants. If a solution to a solution is made, it will stop the disease process, protects against pests and provide plants with nutrients. Spray serum leaves, pre-diluating it in water (1: 3).
  4. Soil-milk mixture - Processing with a solution of cucumbers 1 time in 10 days will protect the plants from many ailments that can cause the yellowing of the leaves. To prepare a mixture for 10 liters of water, you will need: iodine (30 drops), a household soap (20 grams) and one liter of milk. All ingredients are mixed and diluted to homogeneous mass. You can use as soon as the second real sheet appears on the cucumbers.
  5. Infusion of ashgood feeding and protection against some diseases and pests. Before use of ash in water, it insists 2 days (by 10 liters of water - 30 tablespoons of ash).
  6. Nasty Korovyaka - Good prophylactic remedy for mildew and excellent feeding. The manure with water is the three days (3 l - 1 kg), then divorced with water (1: 3) and is used to spray foliage.

If the leaves are yellowing from cucumbers in a greenhouse or open soil, carefully examine the material, and you will definitely find the cause of the ailment. So that the plants are pleased with green foliage, fruit tying and good harvest, do not forget to observe crop rotation and agrotechnik. On our site you will find articles that will answer you questions.

The yellowing of the leaves in cucumbers in most cases indicates a violation of growing agricanners, is somewhat less likely that the plant is ill or it lacks nutrient elements. This trouble may occur at any stage of vegetation. So, we'll figure it out why yellowed and how to deal with this will whip.

Why yellow leaves of cucumbers: the main causes

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves a lot, but most often, the problem is caused:

Variety of yellowing

Swim cucumber leaves can differently. Carefully examined the plants, you can determine why it was the yellowed, and find out how to get rid of the problem.

Leaves yellow and twist

Possible problem What to do
Lack of nutrient elements (in particular, nitrogen) Spend a complementary mineral fertilizer, which includes nitrogen
Puffy dew Spray the plants with one-surfactant bordrian liquid and regularly ventilate the greenhouse
Pest Examine the back of the sheet. Having found the presence of aphids, a web tick or other pest, carry out the treatment with appropriate drugs
Burn or supercooling If the cucumbers grow in a closed soil, adjust the temperature regime to them, ensure the shading from the Sun and take care that the leaves do not come into contact with the glass of the greenhouse. Open ground plants water and cover in case of spunbond or polyethylene film
Dry air Observe watering mode and control air humidity
Viral disease If you keep all the conditions of detention, plants are healthy and provided with nutritional elements, but their leaves continue to turn yellow and deform - most likely, the cause is a viral disease. The amazed cucumbers should be digging and destroy to prevent the dissemination of the virus

Shiny bottom leaves

Possible problem What to do
Lack of sunlight Provide good lighting with cucumbers, but take care of the fact that the plants do not get sunburn
Wrong watering Adjust watering mode
Supercooling If the cucumbers grow in a closed soil, in the summer, be sure to close the greenhouse for the night, and in early spring And in the late autumn heave the room. Seedlings in the open soil in the threat of cooling need to be covered with agricultural or polyethylene film
Disadvantage mineral fertilizer (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus) Spend feeding with complex fertilizers
Fungus (fusariosis, pithyosis, etc.) Remove and burn the amazed leaves, and then treat cucumbers with a fungicidal preparation or single-surplus bordeaux fluid solution
Natural aging If you observe the filling of the lower leaves at the end of the growing season, most likely, it is normal, and no actions are required on your part.

Simultaneous yellowing of leaves and maritime

Yellow edges of leaves

Leaves yellow spots

Disease Symptoms What to do
Anthracnose The stains are rounded, with blurry edges, yellow-brown, when enhanced humidity, pinkish pillows appear on them. Stem and sweets are covered with concave oblong ulcers Project the plants with a single-surfactant solution of colloidal sulfur. After 2 weeks, spend a spraying of burgundy liquid. Anthracnose areas, treat with mortar copper Kaper and sprinkle copp
False mild dew From the upper side of the sheet, rounded yellow spots appear, and the bottom is covered with white hollow. Amazed leaves die away In the evening, perform a spraying of cucumbers with a solution of oxyhoma (20 grams per bucket of water) or risoplane (2 art. L. On the water bucket). Watering plants stop for a week. In the fall, all cucumbers dig and destroy, re-plant the culture in the same place will be possible not earlier than in 7 years
Sunburn The cucumbers are yellowing the leaves, but obvious signs of the disease is not observed Watering the plants only in the evening and in no case spray them under the right sunny rays

How to prevent yellowing

So that the leaves of cucumbers are not a cheerful, Apply processing by special means:

Prevent the appearance of fungal diseases and their accompanying yellowing will help periodic treatment by biopreparations (for example, tripides) - They kill pathogenic microorganisms and at the same time are completely safe for both people and animals. And in order to reduce the likelihood of disease to a minimum, you need to observe the crop rotation - do not plan the cucumbers for several years on the same place and avoid planted them after zucchini or pumpkin.

The yellowing of the cucumbers becomes like novice gardens and experienced farmers. In most cases, it is fixable.

Unauthorized the reasons for the yellowing of the cucumber

Sometimes getting yellowed from biological features Cucumber. Recently, the gardeners are tired of traditional low-cycle varieties of cucumbers and experience new hybrids. There are much more fruit on the latter: sometimes they grow out of the sinuses of the leaves with beams. However, some of these cucumbers will certainly turn yellow, since one plant cannot grow endless quantity, but only 20-30 pcs. "Excess" fruits with time simply dry out, so the plant is self-regulated.

High-yielding hybrids of beam cucumbers form 3-6 fruits in the brush

Breeders brought a lot of successful cucumber hybrids: a boy with a finger, prestige, our Masha, a bouquet, a petrel, a blizzard, a friendly family, etc.

Violations in agrotechnology leading to the loyalty

Cucumber requires constant care. If you do not consider at least one nuance, the crop will be scarce.

Previously fruiting

Too young bush often forms a wound, which cannot be formed in a full-fledged fruit. It is worth the wait until the cucumber increases enough leaves for normal photosynthesis. At a young age, it is recommended to remove flowers and wounds until the plants are fixed.

Zabizyi can turn yellow if the cucumber is only 4-5 leaves

No chipping

If you do not ignore the causta, it forms impassible jungle. A thickened bush will definitely lose some of the fruit due to yellowing. Instead of fruit formation, such a plant is actively increasing the leaf apparatus. The cucumbers must be regularly adjusted to stimulate fruiting on the basis of the variety features.

Capture cucumbers in the morning so that the wounds dried faster

Difficulties with pollination

If the insects did not get to the cucumber flowers during the cultivation of bevel varieties, then the wounds are not fertilized, but yellow and disappear. This often happens in the greenhouses. We need to open the doors of the room to fly bees. For their additional attraction, a bait is applied: 1 liter of water dissolves 1 tsp. Honey. If the cucumbers fall into this solution, the insects will fly to the delicacy. In addition, experts advise plant plants in the greenhouse, in front of which bees cannot resist: Facelius, petunia and sunflowers. If nothing helps, manual pollination is practiced: with the help of a cotton disk or brushes, pollen is transferred from a male flower to female.

Bees attract any frost plants

Another reason why cucumbers may not be pollinated - the sterility of pollen. Such a phenomenon is observed at air temperature above 30 o C. To reduce the temperature in the greenhouses:

  • produce abundant irrigation;
  • open doors, windows, fraamuga;
  • cover the roof with a shadowing grid, spandback and white sheets;
  • take it with chalk from the outside. To prepare a solution for a declined water bucket of water, 2 kg of chalk is taken.

In the open ground, the air is cooled by the morning and evening sprinkling plants or disembarking them in a half, where it is always cooler.

Sprinkling cucumbers do not harm the flowers

Titchen landing

Usually on the seed sachet manufacturers indicate the required distance between the plants. If you do not adhere to the recommended landing scheme and plant the cucumbers are too thick, then due to the lack of light and the poor development of the root system, such plants will lose part of the fruit. The average norm is 2 plants on 1 m 2.

To improve the illumination of cucumbers, they are taken to grow on a spluger

Problems with irrigation

Cucumbers - waterfills, watered them exclusively warm water 2-3 times a week, and in the heat - daily so that they do not discharge the wound. It is impossible to complete the soil drying, except for one case. When it is necessary to stimulate the formation of female flowers, on which cucumbers are formed, watering is stopped for several days.

The higher the ambient temperature, the more female flowers are formed

Distinguish the floor of a cucumber flower simply. At the base of the female flower, the fetus is visible.


The cucumbers have an excellent appetite, so they are planted on a fertilized compost or humid flow. In addition, We will need weekly feeding. With a lack of nutrients, especially potassium, getting dying. At the beginning of the growth of the bush, the plant is mainly equipped with nitrogen fertilizers. Before starting fruiting, you will need potash feeders using:

  • infusion of ash;
  • potash Selitra;
  • nitroammophos;
  • any complex mineral fertilizer.

Sometimes the yellowing of the barriers signals the lack of minerals

Like many gardeners, I ruined your first cucumbers in life with regular feeding of a cowboy. First, the plants were fruitful two weeks, and then the wound began to turn yellow and disappear. In addition, the cucumbers got sick with mildew due to skewing in nutrition. Now I am an alternate dung and ash infusion, complex fertilizers, spray by microelements in chelated form. From the heat cucumbers save, building a greenhouse from Loutrasil over them. Yield grown. Diseases are not yet possible to avoid, but the period of fruiting lasts longer.

Why yellow gets on cucumber - video

Natural Features of Cucumber, Titches for Landings, Lack of moisture and nutrition, heat and lack of pollinators can lead to the yellowing and drying of the strings. However, the correct agricultural engineering and concern for the plant will help get excellent yield Zelentsov.