
Iberis Many years of landing and care Photo Growing from seeds reproduction with cuttings. Iberis umbrella - a beautiful and unpretentious plant for the garden

Billets for winter from tomatoes

Plant iberis (Lat. Iberis), or candytuft, it represents the genus of the herbs of the family of cabbage, or cruciferous. Iberis is sometimes referred to as a veneer, a discharge fitting or a pepper. The distribution area of \u200b\u200bIberis is the mountainous terrain of Asia Minor and Southern Europe, the south of Ukraine, the Crimea, the Caucasus and the lowerland of Don. About forty representatives of this kind are known, among which there are both annual and perennial species, both thermal-loving, and winter-hardy, both grassy and semi-stamped varieties. Iberis in the garden is used for the bordering of flower beds and lawns, for the design of the Alpine slides and stone masonry. In addition, the Iberis flower is suitable for cutting and in demand as an element of a wedding bouquet.

Root system Iberis is rod, so it is extremely undesirable to transplant. Iberis stems depending on the type of sharpening or reprehension, the leaves are small, simple, most often dark green with a tump. Small flowers with a diameter of about one centimeter make up umbrella inflorescences. The flowering of Iberis is so heavy that sometimes from behind the mass of flowers is not visible leaves. The color of the inflorescence can be white, pink, lilac, lite or red. Iberis blooms in May or August, bloom lasts about two months, and the annual species bloom, as a rule, longer perennials. Flowers of almost all types of Iberis exude a pleasant fragrance. The fruit of Iberis is a double pod, round or oval, somewhat flattened, with a removal on the top. The seeds of Iberis retain the germination of two to four years.

Growing Iberis from Seeds

Sowing Iberis.

Iberis cultivation is carried out and seed and vegetative ways. But since it is easy to collect or buy seeds of Iberis, then Iberis from seeds most often grown. Many species of Iberis sow shallow directly into the open ground in April, and if you want to admire the flowering of Iberis until the end of September, seit seeds in two times with the interval in two or three weeks. Seeds give germs in a week-other, after the appearance, they are thinned in such a way that the distance between the copies is 12-15 cm. It is grown by Iberis in the open ground and sowing under the winter.

Iberis seedlings.

The seedlings of Iberis seed seed at the beginning of spring in a loose ground to the depth of one millimeter, the seeds are "embodied" with river sand. The container with sowing is covered with glass so that the air and the ground remain in moderately humid state all the time. Contain crops in a light warm place. Watering the soil is carried out exclusively by the way of spraying and only as necessary. Due to the peculiarity of the root system of Iberis, seedlings are not made.

Landing Iberis

When to plant Iberis.

Landing Iberis to open ground is carried out in May, when the last night frosts remain behind. Most of all Iberis is suitable for a sunny plot with sandy, linous or rocky soil, because the moisture is dangerous for the plant in roots.

How to plant Iberis.

Carefully, not to damage the fragile roots of the seedlings of Iberis, together with a lump of land are removed from a seedlable container and planted in an open ground at a distance of 12-15 cm apart. The land around the seedlings is compacted and watered. If you sit down different types Plants, then withstand considerable distances between varieties so that there are no plants for the resellers.

The reproduction of Iberis is also carried out by shifting and dividing the bush.

Iberis - care

How to grow Iberis.

Landing Iberis and care for it can be even a beginner flower. Watering Iberis is only necessary in very dry weather, there are no need for the plaques of the plant with the need, but if you take a complex fertilizer into the ground once over the summer in a plot with Iberism, its flowering will become even more abundant. Actually, the care of Iberis is to take the timely removal of faded flowers and in trimming the stems on one third of the length after flowering, so that the cuts of strokes looked compactly and neatly. In addition, a multi-year Iberis upon reaching the five-year-old age requires seating, since its flowers begin to flame and the plant loses decorativeness.

Pests and diseases of Iberis.

From insects, Iberis are docked by milders, cabbage wave and earthy flew. From a flea leaving round holes on the leaves, it is easy to get rid of soil moisturizing around Iberis. The cabbage tolerance is destroyed by the processing of the plant with a solution of liquid potash soap at the rate of 300-400 g per 10 liters of water. If, after the first spraying, not all the fault will die, processing can be repeated in a week. With milder custairs, they are fighting the spraying of Iberis with such drugs as Aktara, Mospilan or Phytoverm, and it is unlikely that it is hardly able to cope with Cherwebs at a time, therefore, after a week, another processing should be repeated.

As for diseases, due to the vulnerability of the iberis root system, it is susceptible to fungal diseases. To this not happened, before landing Iberis, we will break the plot of fungicide before landing, but if the rotting still started in the roots, immediately destroy the diseased plant, and the soil under it is disinfected. In general, Iberis is a very stable plant, and with proper watering, even mushroom diseases are not terrible.

Iberis after flowering

How and when collecting seeds of Iberis.

The seeds of Iberis are formed on the place of flowers. Iberis blooms all summer, the seeds are matured constantly, so it makes no sense to wait for autumn, it is better to collect seeds as they are educated. Collect pods, dry them in a warm room, remove seeds from them and keep them in a dry cool place until the landing. It is possible not to collect seeds in the fall, but to trust the self-sow, as a result of which you have to spring only to proper the friendly shoots of Iberis on last year's plot.

Many years of Iberis in the winter.

Iberis is a cold-resistant plant, however, for the sake of his own calm and in the case of an impersonal frosty winter, cover the chosen after flowering the bushes on the winter.

Views and varieties of Iberis

Annual Iberis is represented in our gardens with two species:

Iberis Gorky (Iberis Amara)

annolete plant Height up to 30 cm with branched from the root cervous stems. Leaves from this species reverse lanceal, gear along the edge, stupid, regular. White or slightly lilac flowers with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm constitute a creeps-shaped column formation. In the culture, this species was introduced in the XVI century. Varieties:

  • - "Tom Tumb" - Iberis white, the height of the bush is 12-15 cm;
  • - "Hyacintenblyutig rizen" - lilac flowers on the bushes with a height of up to 35 cm;
  • - Weiss Rizen - bushes up to 30 cm tall with white flowers.

Iberis Umbellata (Iberis Umbellata)

- Unclear with smooth bare branched stems up to 40 cm high. Lanzetovoid leaves, regular. Fragrant flowers of different shades from white to the purple, collected in shibidal inflorescences, bloom 2-2.5 months after sowing and bloom for two months. In culture from the XVI century. Varieties:

  • - Fairi Mixce - the height of the bush is 20-25 cm, a mixture of seeds of Iberis of umbrella different shades;
  • - "Red Rache" - carmine-red flowers on the bushes height up to 30 cm.

Cultural views of many years of Iberis:

Iberis evergreen (Iberis sempervirens)

it is a long-term semi-staple plant with a height of 30 to 40 cm. The leaves of this type are oblong, all-string, shiny, dark green, up to 7 cm long. Umbrella inflorescence with a diameter of up to 5 cm consist of white flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Blossom abundant for three weeks, sometimes in the late summer it blooms again. In culture from the XVII century. Varieties:

  • - "Miniatureflock" - the height of the bush is 15 cm, often used in rocky gardens;
  • - "Findell" - the height of the bush 20 cm, the grade forms kurtin to 80 cm in diameter;
  • - "Dana" - a magnificent variety of up to 15 cm high.

Iberis Gibraltarica (Iberis Gibraltarica)

- Halfweight view with a mass of small pink flowers. The height of the bush is 25 cm, the diameter is 40 cm. The most popular grade - Gibraltar Canditaft is a bush with beautiful lilac flowers, which over time become white.

Iberis Simplex (Iberis Simplex)

- The perennial is just 5-10 cm high with gray-green sampling leaves and flowers, purple in buds and white after disclosure.

Iberis Saxatilis

evergreen shrub 10-15 cm high, forming thick round curtains. During flowering, this Iberis on the flowerba looks like sipped snow.

Both in Latin and in Russian, the name sounds the same - Iberis. The people are called iber and pepper. Not uncommon and more sophisticated names: a swallower, a wall. It belongs to the cross-color, the agricultural area is large: southern regions of Ukraine, lowerland don, mountainous terrain of southern Europe. He also meets in Malaya Asia.

The genus Iberis is very large and includes a minimum of 40 species. Some more than a year, others (for example, Iberis many years) will delight beautiful colors for a long time. What kind of plant Iberis care will depend on its thermal liftingness. Some varieties stretch to light and warmth, others are not afraid of even severe frosts. There are semi-stabiliques, grassy species.

This plant looks wonderful in the flower bed near the house

Iberis landing is recommended for the creation of alpine slides, stone masonry, spectacular flowing of flower beds. Even in the bride's bouquet, Iberis Evergreen is not so rare. He is superbly coping with the functions entrusted to it.

Features Iberis

Below will be considered features of Iberis evergreen, as it is the most popular in our country.

  • Roots - rod. That is why Iberis Transfer to Open Soil is a difficult task.
  • Shoots. It all depends on the type. There are reprehensive, fluttering.
  • Miniature leaves.
  • Flowers Iberis are made in the form of an umbrella, consist of small elements with a diameter of no more centimeter. Iberis bloom is very violent. Sometimes there are so many inflorescences on it that the leaves are completely closed. Color varies from white to red. Iberis many years starts blooming in May or late summer. Duration - 2 months. Iberis annual flowers Much shorter. Flowers fragrant in most species.
  • Fruit. Who would have thought that the plant of the genus Iberis had an intricate fruit-pod? It is oval or round, slightly flashed.

Composition with Iberis

Grow iberis from seeds

Those who are going to land at home Iberis, growing from small seeds seems optimal option. And that's why. First, seeds are easy to assemble yourself. Secondly, they can be purchased at any flower shop at an affordable price. There is a growing way, but it is more complicated, requires more time costs.

For most types (Iberis Gorky, Iberis umbrella, Gibraltar, the cultivation of seeds is recommended in April. There is one simple way to extend flowering. The seeds collected from Iberis or purchased in the store seeds are planted with a difference of 15-20 days. The appearance of the first seedlings can be waiting After a week. However, it is not necessary to panic, if after 7 days nothing happened. Shoots may appear in 10-14 days.

Sowing and seedling plants

To create the optimal moisture content of the substrate, the container is covered with glass, carry it into a warm, well-lit place illuminated by the sun. Watering is moderate, only with extreme necessity. Be sure to use sprayer. Picking during growing seedlings is not provided.

Growing from seeds (video)

Outdoor landing: Questions and Answers

We answer popular questions related to Iberism, its disembarkation and departure in the open ground.

When to plant?

So that the rabid is well rooted, landing in open soil It is carried out when the freezing was passed. It is usually mid-may. Choose a platform with good suns access, stony soil. Too wet soil is not suitable. The roots are formed stagnation, which does not affect the root system.

How is disembarking?

  • Seedlings are extracted from the container in which they rose. The procedure is performed very carefully, in order not to injure the root. To do this, you can take a seedling together with a lump of land.
  • Kostics are planted in the soil at a distance of 12-15 centimeters.
  • The earth will thoroughly tram, the sprouts are watering.
  • A small trick for those who would like to get Iberis of a different color and decided to plant a variety of varieties. To withstand a decent distance between bushes - they can overpass.

In the future, the reproduction is possible with stalling, division.

LOOK IBERIS is better late spring, after the last frosts

Subtleties of care

If we talk about Iberis with many years, landing and further care are completely simple. Even novice gardeners will be able to cope with this task.

  • Watering. Only with a strong drought.
  • Podrel. Acute need There is no. However, that the flowering is raw and lush, 1-2 times during the season it is fed by universal fertilizer.
  • All fading flowers are deleted in a timely manner. The procedure is absolutely simple, but it helps normal growth and development.
  • When the bushes blew up, the shoots shorten by a third. The plant immediately acquires a pretty, neat look.
  • At the age of 5 years, Iberis is long-term seed. If this is not done, all subsequent flowering will be less spectacular, and the flowers will decrease in size.

Common diseases and pests

Let's start with pests representing the danger to Iberis. Earth fleas feed on leafy plates - they emit large holes in them. Flowers are settling milders, the fault, from which one should not wait for nothing good. The potash soap is considered a good means of fighting the soap. 200 g of substances are dissolved in 5-6 liters of water. The resulting solution is used to process infected colors. Seven days later, the procedure is repeated.

How to get rid of milders, who chose Iberis evergreen? Bustard are treated with phytodeterm, mospila. After 7 days, it is recommended to repeat the procedure to secure the result.

The fungus is another common attack of the genus Iberis. The easiest to warn the problem than to try to cure plants already affected by fungus. Before landing, the land plot is treated with fungicides. Roots have already begun to rot? The affected copies are digging and burned, the place of growth is carefully treated.

Pests from this plant are not so much, so with due care, Iberis will not create problems

Collection of seeds

To properly assemble seeds, pods are broken and dried in warm place. Then extracted seeds. Store in a dry place until the spring.

Many varieties of Iberis are greatly multiply by self-residue. Even if the seeds were not going, the spring will appear thick germs. Everything that the gardener remains is to disperse them on time.

Despite the good frost resistance, the pepper is covered by the bag. Part of the bush located above the surface of the soil is cut.

Popular varieties

Only two types are in demand among annuals: Iberis Amara (bitter), I Beris Umbellata (umbrella). About them and will be discussed.

Umbrella view

Luxurious appearance This annual reason for its popularity among gardeners. Reaches 40 cm in height. Saving smooth, branched, leaves have a lanceal form. Flowers have an unsurpassed fragrance, coloring varies from white to lilac. Though ten weeks, the first flowers appear. Cultivate Iberis umbrella from the XVI century. Separate attention deserve 2 varieties:

  • Red Flash. Reach 30 centimeters. Flowers bright red.
  • Fairy Mixture. Height does not exceed 25 cm. Successful mixture of pastel tones.

Grace Iberis Fairy Mixture

Gorky View

The relatively low annual is only 30 sorts. Flowers reach 2 cm in diameter, can be painted in exceptionally white, slightly purple colour. Plates of leaves back lancing, edge toothed.

Iberis Gorky

Among the common varieties are distinguished:

  • Tom Tumb. Up to 15 centimeters, white flowers.
  • Hyacintenblyutig rizen. 35 centimeters, lilac shade.
  • Weiss Rizen. 30 centimeters, white flowers.

Gardeners successfully cultivated perennials. Consider them in more detail.

I Beris Gibraltarica - Gibraltar Perennial

You can distinguish it from other varieties on a variety of small flowers. pink colour. Iberis Gibraltar is a native, diameter of 40 centimeters, height - 25 centimeters. Please note that Gibraltar Canditaft Flowers are lilac, but over time be whites.

Gibraltar Iberis

Iberis Simplex - Crimean Iberis

Bustards are very small, no more than ten centimeters. Leaves of a shovel shape. It is noteworthy that the buds have a purulent color, but in the open form, the flowers are always white.

Crimean Iberis

Iberis Saxatilis - Rocky Iberis

Reaches 15 centimeters. When flowering, a unique effect is created, as if the petals are blocked by snow.

Rocky Iberis

Iberis Sempervirens - evergreen Iberis

Perhaps the most popular perennial. The height of 40 centimeters, leaflets are stretched on 7 centimeters. They have a characteristic dark green color, inflorescences diameter 5 cm. Flowers 3 weeks very magnificent and bright, may be repeated blossom. For the first time began to cultivate in the XVII century.

Evergreen Iberis

Iberis Evergreen has several varieties, among which are very in demand:

  • Dana. 15 centimeters bush, abundant bloom.
  • Findel. 20 centimeters high, very large in diameter.
  • Miniaturefloneflock. Usually it can be seen on stony madges, the height of the bush is 15 centimeters.


A light charm of the fragrance inflorescences of Iberis will be a good addition to any landscape. Plants feel great in our climatic belt, it is easy to care for them. If you put a pepper on the edges of the border, they will shine with new paints, they will look very extraordinary. The delicate wall palette is perfectly combined with any cultures, therefore, a representative of the family of cabbage will definitely take its place in the mountainaries and stony slings. A particularly successful ensemble will be in combination with large-flowered bells, low-spirited velvets, phlox. And with such neighbors as a cypressive and dwarf pine, Iberis will always live peacefully and friendly.

All about Iberis (video)

If you need an unpretentious perennial soil driver capable of short time Tighten the empty sections with elegant vegetable carpet, look at Iberis - a plant that pleases the eye and beautiful flowering, and thick green foliage. Iberis is not only effectable, but also very unpretentious. It will not deliver the flower to any hassle, growing this flower - a lung and pleasant occupation.

Of course, Iberis can not be called exotom, surprising its appearance. It is modest, but this is not less beautiful. White or gentle-lilac flowers cap looks great in any corner of the garden, and bright green foliage will decorate a plot after the end of flowering.

The official name is translated from Latin as "Spanish", thereby pointing to the motherland of the flower. Another, less common, name of the soil - Iberike. In addition to the official, there are folk nicknames - the wall, a pepper, a discharge, emphasizing properties and the appearance of Iberis. And in Western countries, the plant is called "CandyTuft", and this name has not happened from the English "Candy" (sweetie), but from the ancient name of the Greek city of Heraklion - Candy.

Iberis is not only good, but also useful. One of his species, or rather, the bitter is widely used both in the folk and official medicine for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, rheumatism and arthritis, as well as problems with gastrointestinal tract. Everything, for sure, heard of the Eberrogast vegetation preparation that helps with digestion disorder. The medicine was called this precisely because one of the existing components is Iberis.

According to the Botanical Classification of the genus Iberis (Lat. Iberis) is included in the numerous cabbage or cross-cruciferous family (brassicaceae lat). The genus unites the group of herbs and semi-stares, which can be both annual and perennial. Among other representatives of the Iberis family, you can learn from umbrella inflorescences of white, generic or lilac flowers and glossy bright green leaves of an elongated, lanceal form. After flowering, fruits are formed, assembled in a long pod.

The birthplace of unpretentious perennial call is difficult, judging by the name, it is the countries of Southern Europe, in particular Spain. Now Iberis has spread throughout the globe and is found in the territory from North Africa to a moderate belt of Russia. Among the variety can be found and endemic (growing in limited territories). So, for example, Iberis Gibraltar is found only as it is clear from the name, on the Gibraltar Peninsula, is its symbol and is even depicted on a fifty-ticket coin.

In Russia, Iberis in the natural environment most often can be found on the shores of Don and Volga, in the foothills and mountains of the Caucasus, as well as on the Black Sea coast.

In general, according to the latest data in the family there are no less than 40 species, some of which was evil.

Views and varieties of Iberis

All types of Iberis adapted for cultivation on the flowerbed can be divided into two groups:

  • perennial
  • annual.

Perennial species of the soil industry is:

Iberis evergreen (Lat. Iberis Sempervirens). The view introduced into the culture is still at the end of the XVII century. Rather large, compared to other iberis, a plant that is in a height of 40 cm. Differs in glossy dark green leaves of oval-elongated shape and large umbrella inflorescences, including several separate flowers, the size of which is about 1.5 cm. Flowering, Typically, a lush and spectacular, after the end of flowering, thick deciduous sockets remain.

To date, a rather large number of varieties that are characterized by a height, as well as the size of the leaves and flowers are known. Some of them:

  • "SnowFlake" (Snowflake) is a compact (up to 25 cm) a semi-staple with narrow saturated green leaves and bright white inflorescences.
  • "Appen-ETZ" (APPEN-ITC) is a sprawler plant with a height of about 30 cm with oblong-ovid leaves and snow-white inflorescences.
  • "Weisser Zwerg" (White Dwarf) or "Little Gem" (small pearl) is one of the oldest varieties of perennial with white inflorescences and lanceal leaves of a bright green shade.

I. "Snowflake", I. "Appen-Etz", I. "Weisser Zwerg"

Iberis Eternal Surveillance (Lat. Iberis Semperflorens). Endemic of Sicily and the southern part of the Appementan Peninsula with large dark green leaves of the elongated shape and snow-white inflorescences. This perennial semi-staple reaches impressive sizes (up to 70 cm) and is similar to the previous species, differing only during flowering. how decorative plant It is used, most often, in Italy and other countries of Southern Europe.

Iberis Simales (Lat Iberis Simplex). A small soil industry, the limit dimensions of which - 10 cm. In the natural environment, it grows mainly in the crevices of rocks, and his homeland is considered Crimean peninsula. Interested in blossom - buds have a gentle lilac color, and blossomed flowers are a little blossom. Leaves small, elongated shape, bright green.

Iberis Rocky (Lat. Iberis Saxatilis). Low (up to 15 cm) soil plate With short fleshy leaves of dark green and snow-white colors collected in umbrella inflorescences. In the wild, it grows in the steppes, dry forests and on the rocky areas of Crimea, Balkans, Central and Southern Europe.

I. Eternal, I. Simple, I. Rocky

From the annual species introduced into the culture, you can allocate two:

Iberis umbrella (Lat. Iberis Umbellata). Pretty high (up to 40 cm) Annual plant, with high shoots and elongated leaves. It is highlighted in beautiful colors collected in shield inflorescences and having, depending on the variety, a variety of color: white, purple, lilac, pink, purple. The most popular varieties can be called:

  • "PURPLE RAIN" (lilac rain) is interesting to the unusually bright, lilac color of the inflorescence.
  • Fairyland Mix (Magic Country) is a mixture of pink, from light to dark, shades of umbrella iberis.
  • "Fantasia Mix" (fantasy) - a different mixture, predominantly predominantly, red-burgundy and cream tones.

I. "Purple Rain", I. "Fairyland Mix", I. "Fantasia Mix"

Iberis Gorky (Lat. Iberis Amara). Lower, compared with the previous, annual, having branched, published shoots and elongated leaves with a stupid ending. Frequently large (up to 2 cm in diameter) flowers are collected in lush umbrella inflorescences. This species is widely used both as a decorative plant and for medical purposes. A large number of varieties are derived, mostly shades of flowers and sizes

Iberis in landscape design

As a rule, in landscape design Iberis is used as a beautiful coating soil. The perennial quickly grows, filling the empty sections of the Earth, for quite a long time (about a month) blooms, and after flowering it pleases the eye of a bright green hat of foliage.

Beautifully look at borders and mixtures, composed with the participation of iber. In addition, low-spirited species can be used as filling the rigging circles and alpine slides. Partners in this case can act other soil perennials - low types of velvetsev, Sedum.

[!] The flower descender should carefully follow the growth of Iberis, the flower is quite capable of crushing neighboring plants. In addition, every five years the perennial is preferably updated - the raised old bushes lose their decorativeness.

Another frequent use of Iberis in the landscape is a landing in stone gardens. You can create a beautiful composition of large stones, mixed with stovered bushes. Moreover, in vivo, Iberis prefers to settle on the foothills and the slopes of the mountains.

Relatively recently, the plant began to be grown and as a home of potted culture. Especially often use Iberis Eternally Flowing. However, in the open air, the perennial, landed in containers and vases, looks very good, decorated with verandas, arbors and other recreation areas.

The average and tall views, such as Iberis Bitter, are often used for cutting, making beautiful summer bouquets that can be supplemented with floccals or peonies.

Growing and care

As mentioned above, the wall is one of the most unpretentious perennial colors. It refers to the categories of plants that can be planted and forget about them. However, responsible gardeners always want to create for their green pets best conditions. How to do it, described in detail below.

Location, soil

Iberis is considered a versatile representative of the Kingdom of Flora, especially his homeland - mainly southern countries. Therefore, the optimal place to land a perennial will be open areas oriented to the south. If there are no free, well-lit places in the garden, you can place the soil rim into a slightly priedoned flower beds. It should be remembered that the full shading of the plant tolerates badly: it blooms poorly, it is pulled.

In addition, in places where Iberis landed, especially its tall and average varieties, should be missing. Consistent wind gusts can provoke a sprinkling of flower shoots.

In nature, Iberis is growing, as a rule, on the slopes of the mountains, on the stony lime soils with a low content of humus. In the garden, such a substrate is rare. In order for the mountain plant to feel more comfortable in gardening ground, you can mix the coarse sand or small pebbles, making it more loose, water and breathable. If there is no such possibility - nothing terrible, Iberike is able to adapt almost to any soil.

Watering, subordinate

Constantly watered Iberis there is no need, moreover, a small drought is much more preferable than overcoating. Thanks to a long rod-like root, the perennial receives all the necessary moisture from the ground. You can only pour the Iberichka in the most arid summer and no more than a couple of times in a month.

Iberis does not need and fade. As in the case of water, it is able to get everything nutrients From the soil. The only thing that is worth paying attention is. If there is too acidic soil on the site, lime fertilizers like natural (lime, wood ash) and industrial. They are brought in spring, before landing, or in the fall, once every 8-9 years.

Flowering, formation, transplant

The overwhelming majority of decorative types of Iberis begin to bloom at the end of May, and the duration of flowering is 3-4 weeks. To stimulate re-blossoms at the end of the summer, it is necessary to pruning the plants. Soothes with flashing inflorescences should be trimmed on ⅓. After this procedure, the perennial will be able to tie new buds and bloom again.

After the end of flowering, the cuts of bustards can be formed, giving them a more compact and correct form.

If a long-term Iberica is too long (5-6 years old) grows in one place, it loses decorativeness: shoots are pulled, the flowers are thinned, the leaves and flowers are minor. In this case, the plant should be rejuvenated, separating bushes and planting them on a new plot, as well as rooting young cuttings.


Most of the species of a perennial wall, growing in a temperate belt, do not need winter shelter. They are quite capable of withstanding short-term cooling to -15 ° C. And even if the shoots of the plant are a little frozen, in their place next spring New will grow.

Only some, especially thermal-loving species, need to be covered in the cold season. Cut branches are quite suitable for the protective layer device. coniferous trees, Dry fallen leaves or special strength material.

The reproduction of Iberis

Iberis is able to multiply in several ways. Annual species - seeds, perennial - seeds, division, braids and cuttings.


Iberis seeds can be heated in several ways:

  • in the fall in open ground,
  • spring in open ground,
  • in the spring in containers (on seedlings).

Autumn sowing is good because the seeds are subjected to natural stratification (hardening), they spill faster, and the color pains appear earlier. As for the spring sowing in open ground, then best time For this procedure - the second half of April. Iberis seedlings are planted in March. It is advisable to suck the seeds rarely and in separate pots, so that in the future it does not conduct a pickup, which the perennial transfers very badly.

The depth of seeds of the Iberis seed should vary within 2-5 mm, with more deep landing They may not climb. In front of the north, the soil should be moistened, then sow seeds, slightly pressing them into the ground, and on top of sprayed with clean sand. Containers or plot with seeds mounted can be covered polyethylene filmBy creating, thus, the effect of the greenhouse. From time to time, the film needs to be removed for ventilating and neatly, from a finely dispersed pulverizer, wet the substrate.

The temperature optimal for germination of seeds varies in the range of 15-20 ° C, and the periods of germination range from 10 to 18 days.

Iberis seedlings are transferred to open ground no earlier than the middle of May. It is necessary to do it very carefully, trying not to damage the tender flower roots.

[!] Because of the long rod-like root, the wall is very bad to transplant. That is why the seeds are rarely seeded, with such a calculation, so as not to dissemble and do not reload them in the future.


For division, only adult healthy bushes will be suitable. They are neatly digging, trying to extract without damage, shake off the ground and cut off with a long sharp knife along the rod-like root. To eliminate the posting, root sections can be sprinkled with rotten coal. Then, the resulting plants are searched to new places so that the distance between them is at least 20 cm.

Cuttings and glasses

In addition to the above methods, Iberis can be multiplied with cuttings and decodes.

For the drawing, the top 10-15 cm long takes place, from which the lower leaves remove, leaving only 2-3 tops. The prepared cuttings are drown in a light peat-sand substrate, and the top is covered with half plastic bottle. Further care It is in an infrequent watering and ventilation of the cutting. After the appearance of the roots of the seedling neatly, together with a room of land, dig and planted on a permanent place.

Iberis's gazes are able to multiply independently: the leaning twig in contact with the Earth is rooted. Such escape can be cut off the parent plant and fall again. If there are no chains that have been rooted naturally, they can be obtained, carefully moving a long escape and a pinching of it to the ground.

Diseases and pests

Most often, Iberis falls due to improper care, such as too frequent irrigation. The reason for the malaise of perennial can become inappropriate soils - for example, heavy, poorly thin, clay substrate.

As for pests, insects specializing in the cross-color family are the main danger: cruciferous bugs and flea, cabbage mole. It is possible to fight with them with the help of ragners of hasty or grated plants - onions, garlic, tomato and pepper tops. If the folk remedies did not help, you need to use chemical pesticides - carbofos and chlorophos.

Iberis is one of the most beautiful plantswhich can be decorated with your homestead. It refers to the family of cruciferous or cabbage. He has a few more common names - Stennik, PunleFester or a pepper. Although, the plants of Iberis are winter-hardy, the most common area of \u200b\u200bhis habitat is the southern latitudes. Especially this culture is common in Spain, from the ancient name of which flower and got its name. Iberis has very beautiful flowers, which, in addition to decoration pricework, often used in the design of bouquets, including wedding. Because of the beauty and easy care, Iberis is quite popular with gardeners. We will tell you in detail about its cultivation, landing in the open soil and open the main secrets of care for this magnificent plant.

When Iberis is planted

Seying seeds in open soil start in April or May. They are plugged into a prepared exploshed soil for 1 cm and a little moisturize. For two weeks, the first searches appear. The flowering period occurs after a month and a half.

Effective flower landing for the winter. In this case, seed seeds in front of the frosts at the end of autumn. In the spring, tempered strong bushes will appear. Flowering begins in April-May. By the time he blends the flowering period of spring seedlings. In addition, winter sowing prevents the plant attack with a cross-color flesh.

And you can simply do not remove the shockflowers and then on next year Summiers will come. They will need to simply proper.

Landing Iberis Seeds

In order for the beginning of May to get the seedlings of Iberis, seeds fell into containers from the ground at the end of March. The land in the container should be a nutritious, but not a persistent orientic, the soil must be water permeable and moderately dense. Seeds scattered over the surface of the prepared soil and sprinkle on top of the earth or river sand. The layer thickness should not exceed 1-2 mm. The container is covered with glass to create greenhouse conditions for seeds, in which water evaporates moderately, and the seeds and soil are always moistened. Watering is done as water evaporating. Water seeds with a sprayer. Shoots appear after 10 days. The sprouts should be cut down so that they do not interfere with each other and by the time the landing form a strong root system. Plant seedlings to the ground as much as possible, removing the sprouts from the container together with the lump of the earth surrounding the root.

Planting seedlings to open soil is produced in mid-May, when the danger of night frosts will disappear. In the south you can do it before. The soil should be well drained, loamy or soup. Preferred soils with neutral or alkaline reaction. If necessary, lime contribute to the ground. The wells in which sprouts are planted should be deep enough to freely arrange the root part of the sprout. The distance between the sprouts should be 13-15 cm. Lined plants cautiously watered. It is not necessary to plunge the root neck. Then the soil will be tamed and watered carefully.

How to collect Iberis seeds

Wanting to propagate the most likely, the blurred inflorescences are not cut, but leave the seed ripening. Slowing pods are removed from the plants until they revealed, and dried in a shady spot. When the pods crack, the seeds are separated from the husks and stored until time sowing in a paper bag or a canvas bag in a cool dry place. You can not collect seeds, and let them wake up on the ground in the spring will only have to sear seedlings from Samosov.

Methods of reproduction of Iberis with cuttings and the division of rhizomes

  • Shining

The cuttings of the plants are cut already after flowering, plant in containers or a pot, create greenhouse mode, leave on a bright place. The cuttings are taken by the upper year 5-8 cm long, 3-4 cuttings can be placed in one container. The landing of Evergreen in the open soil is held in the fall (then the plant is insulated for the winter) or in spring for the next year.

  • Decision root

This method is also called the division of the bush. Conduct it in early spring, separating the stalks of Kusta from each other and shortening the top of about 1/3 - this will help the plant better come across a new place. Select the most magnificent and strong semi-shoes are taken for transplant.

Pests and diseases of Iberis

From insects, Iberis are docked by milders, cabbage wave and earthy flew. From a flea leaving round holes on the leaves, it is easy to get rid of soil moisturizing around Iberis. The cabbage tolerance is destroyed by the processing of the plant with a solution of liquid potash soap at the rate of 300-400 g per 10 liters of water. If, after the first spraying, not all the fault will die, processing can be repeated in a week. With milder custairs, they are fighting the spraying of Iberis with such drugs as Aktara, Mospilan or Phytoverm, and it is unlikely that it is hardly able to cope with Cherwebs at a time, therefore, after a week, another processing should be repeated.

Trimming Iberis

Iberian care is reduced to pruning the stems after flowering and removing sluggish colors. Also upon reaching the five-year-old bushes perennial species Need to sear the division. Although Iberis and well withstands the cold, but still it is better to hide it in front of the winter.

Caring for Iberis

  • It is necessary to monitor the watering mode, prevent the soil moistening. Watering is better in very dry weather.
  • Iberis can grow without applying fertilizers, but if desired, you can feed the plant with mineral complexes for blooming. The first feeding is carried out when the leaf appears, the second is during the bookmark of the buds.
  • Perennial grades of iberius need a transplant three to four years. During this time, the plant grows up, loses decorativeness, the flowers are minimized.

Using Iberis in Landscape Compositions

The rocky garden decorated with a flower bed is a fairly common element of many garden sites. Decorative attractiveness and simplicity of alpinarium care served as the popularity of this element of landscape design. Rock plants for alpine Gorki Always revitalize the stone composition, but at the same time retain the effect of natural mountain landscape. Beautifully looking compact curtains of blooming iberis on the background decorative stones In Alpinaria. Monoposodaces are characterized by a special ease, gentle romantic of appearance.

Neighborhood with other colors The plant suffers wonderful. Iberis is good next to the Shilovoid Flox, Alisium and Owriti. In the spring, evergreen Iberis will be beautiful with tulips, cypressovik and juniper. His branched bush has a spheroid form, but tends to grow, so in order for him to look good in landscape design, he needs to be regularly supported. In the height, this plant reaches 45 cm. It has shiny alone leaflets of dark green color, reaching a length of 7 cm. The inflorescence consists of several small flowers, each of which in diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm. But the body itself, resembling a semicappor , It can achieve in diameter 5 cm. Flowers Iberis Evergreen for quite a long time, increasing at the beginning or middle of June. At this time, the diameter of the bush increases to 100 cm. The flowers of Iberis demonstrates about three weeks, and then flows down, but if in August it will be warm, then bloom can repeat.

Proper and timely care for Iberis will bring you awesome results.

It is a common decorative plant. It can often be seen on the flower beds, in the gardens and parisades. This is beautiful, I. unpretentious plantwhich covers the flower bed with a single carpet. Iberis flowers are so tightly located, which is almost not visible to the foliage, Iberis umbrella is also famous for a pleasant thin aroma. Gardeners love this plant for long and beautiful flowering and ease of care.

Iberis refers to a family of cruciferous, but unlike most plants of this family, Iberis is not eating. This is an exclusively decorative plant, which is intended for the decoration of flower, lawns, parisades.

Features of the structure of Iberis:

  • Iberis umbrella really looks like an umbrella. His inflorescences are fairly flat and wide. From afar it may seem that it is one big bud, but the inflorescence consists of large number Small flowers (1 cm in diameter).
  • Coloring can be different color: from pure white to bright pink, lilated.
  • The plant is a long-term semi-staple height of up to 40 cm. The bushes are quite compact with large inflorescences. In the natural environment, these plants are found in the countries of Central Europe. The name of the flower comes from the ancient name of Spain - Iberia. This plant is also called Iberian, the discharge.
  • Iberis is not distinguished by thick foliage. Usually the stem is quite bare, sowned with a small amount of sheets.

Iberis umbrella is usually grown on open soils, since it is somewhat vigorous for pottering. But if you wish, you can decorate with this flower balconies, arbors. Iberisa is well combined with various flower plants. They bloom for quite a long time, about a month, so for the flower, they will fit perfectly.

Some argue that Iberis has and healing propertiesBut the umbrella variety of this flower in medicinal purposes is rarely applied.

Usually, Iberis breaks out flowers and seeds, which are then used in medicinal purposes. Ground parts of the plant are pretty bitter taste, but are considered useful for the work of the cardiovascular system. Also, Iberis beams are used in various diseases of the gastrointestinal organs, to increase the appetite. Flowers have choleretic, painful and toning effect.

Iberis contains not only useful, but also quite poisonous substances. Medicines from this plant should be prepared cautiously with dosage. It is not recommended to apply this plant without consulting a doctor. It is also contraindicated with pregnant and nursing women and infants.

Iberis umbrella spread up, as a rule, seeds, but the vegetative reproduction is also possible. The choice of a method of reproduction depends on the desire of the gardener, but annual Iberis umbrella is much easier to multiply by a seed way. It is perfect for beginners.

Methods of breeding Iberis:

  • Seeds can be purchased in the store or collect themselves. Iberis umbrella forms pods in which seeds are contained. Pods are formed not only in the fall, they are unevenly matured throughout the summer, so they are recommended to collect as ripening. Pods are dry, the seeds are removed and stored in a dry dark place before the sowing process.
  • It is recommended to multiply Iberis ensureBut some gardeners sow seeds right into open ground with the onset of the first heat. It is necessary to sow seedlings in March, so that in May to put it out into the ground. If the seeds are sown immediately into the ground, then it is better not to do it before mid-April.
  • If you decide to multiply Iberis, then the cuttings need to be harvested after the end of flowering. Unauthorized cuttings are cut up to 5 cm long. Cutted cuttings can be immediately attached to the ground and create greenhouse conditions. Fitogormon solutions are used to accelerate rooting. It is worth remembering that Iberis color is very magnificent and goes well. To obtain a dense flower carpet, the distance between the seedlings must be at least 15 cm.

Seeds in seedlings are seeded not in one large box, but immediately in small containers, since Iberis does not really like transplants and tolerates them badly. Soil for seedlings can be purchased in the store. Its slightly moisturized, and the seeds deepen a little bit, 1 mm.

So that the seeds go well, the containers are placed in a warm light place and create greenhouse conditions: covered with film or glass.

Seedlings must be regularly ventured so that the seeds do not start. Saplings need to spread regularly, but avoid the convergence. The light should be scattered so that burns are not formed on the leaves.

If the seeds are sitting immediately into open soil, you must first make shallow grooves, and then put the seeds there. Sowing depth - no more than 1 cm.

So that Iberis bloom all summer, you can plant a plant twice for the season: in May and in July. Blossom period proper care Reaching 1.5 months.

Iberis umbrella is famous for its unpretentiousness. To grow this plant, sufficiently minimal care. Even the newcomer will be able to grow Iberis. However, it is not necessary to completely throw a flower. So that the plant blooms a long time, it is necessary to comply with simple rules for the care of Iberism:

  1. Iberis needs regular watering, but does not endure clay soils where moisture is delayed. Before boarding it, you need to choose a place with sandy or rocky soil, which will skip the air to the roots. If the soil is dense, a good drainage is needed. Iberis needs to be poured with a small amount of water as the soil drying. If summer is too roast, watering spend more often. It is impossible to strongly flood the plant, allow water stagnation, since Iberis's roots quickly begin to rot.
  2. Usually, by the fall, Iberis is cut off, but Iberis is an umbrella is an annual, so there is no need for a trimmer. Enough to collect seeds. Folding flowers need to be deleted. It makes it a plant and give the flower leaf outdoor.
  3. The flowerbed must be regularly poured so as not to interfere with the growth of the shrub. Weeds take the nutrients from the soil and impoverish it.
  4. Iberis does not need frequent feeding. It is more important not to overdo it, than to unoccuping. For the most magnificent and long flowering, there will be enough 2 feeding for the season: when the first sheets appear and in the beginning of flowering. For feeding, you can use complex purchased in specialized stores.
  5. Iberis loves light and stand pretty steady. The best plant blooms in sunny places, but can grow in a half. It should be borne in mind that the shadension can affect the size and number of flowers.
  6. One-year Iberis umbrella autumn is removed entirely. It is advisable to switch the soil, remove all the roots and major stones. It will help to avoid the appearance of weeds.
  7. It is also important to periodically loose and pour the soil. This will allow the roots to be saturated with oxygen, and the moisture will not be stated. Without loosening on the surface of the soil, a crust is formed, which does not give the air to penetrate the roots.
  8. Flooded plants after removal is better to burn, as they may have larvae of various insects.

Iberis's diseases may be associated with improper departure (fungal diseases due to overvailing) or with various pests, insects that feed on plant juice:

  • False puffy dew. This disease is striking Iberis in excess of humidity: too frequent or abundant irrigation, long rains. The disease is caused by a fungus whose disputes are successfully winter in the remnants of shoots and leaves, which is why the remains of the plants are recommended to burn. The course of the disease may cease independently with dry and hot weather, the absence of frequent irrigation. Treat the disease with special preparations or folk remedies type of garlic solution.
  • Keel. This disease is striking cruciferous cultures. Infection can not be noticed at once, as it starts with the root. The root system of Iberis is covered with outs and swollen, deformed. Due to damage to the root, nutrients from the soil do not come to the plant. It begins to dry out, it grows poorly, does not bloom. The sick plant most often dies. To avoid further infection, you need to process the soil, a greenhouse frame, seeds.
  • Blackleg. This is a fungal disease that causes the death of the plant at the stage of seedlings. To protect the plants from this disease, you need to thoroughly process the soil with a solution of mangartages, sterilize or buying already ready to be sealed in the store.
  • Earth flew. These are small bugs that feed on plants and know how to jump. Earth flew prefer to eat seedlings or young plants. Bugs leave round holes in the foliage of the plant. Larvae Earth fleets can postpone on leaves or in soil. The ordinary Piříma is scare away. It must be decomposed between the rows.
  • Mealybug. The torment of the cherry is striking garden plants, it is embarrassed and pulls nutrients from the plant. Pests leave a white viscous substance on the plant. You can get rid of insects using an ordinary soap solution or special disinfecting drugs.

It is best to handle the soil before landing Iberis in advance. Special preparations will allow to disinfect the soil, destroy the larvae of insects and disputes of mushrooms that cause rotting.

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