
Annual flowers blooming without seedlings Name. Annual flowers for summer cottages, blooming all summer, description and photo titled


With the arrival of spring, the dacrooms appear a lot of work on garden plot. The choice of flowers for planting on the flower beds is one of the most nice occupations. After all, they are the main decoration of any garden. What plants put on the garden plot? This question interests many, especially novice flower flowers. Experienced dacnis Prefer to plant one-year flowers. Their main advantage is a long period of flowering - throughout summer season. In addition, their seeds are available. Annual flowers for giving unpretentious care and require a minimum of attention. Therefore, they are so popular among the flower water.

Principles of selection of annual flowering plants

Flower shops offer a huge selection of annuals of the most diverse shape, growth and flowering period. Choosing annual colors for giving, you should focus on their features:

  • Place of growth.
  • Color color.
  • Flowering time.
  • The size of floral buds, the height of the plants and their pomp.

Basically, all annual plants are characterized by a long period of flowering - from June to September. Some varieties bloom can last before the onset of frosts.

Petunia, velvets, violets and sage relate to long-standing plants. Maks, lavaters, begonias and cornflowers begin to bloom before all. Astrutnikov belongs to mednical inserting annuals, nasturtium, buzzing phlox and a yasenet. The flowering period is July-October.

After you have determined with a flowering period, you need to choose the necessary color gamut.

Annual plants are represented in monophonic and multi-colored color:

The highest annuals are considered to be sunflower, amaranth, liana annual and cosme. The low-speed plants belong to Ageratum, Lobelia, Portulak and border velvets. All other flowers are considered average. When buying them, you need to consider the features of the growth of each variety.

Such a variety allows you to create the most luxurious landscape in the garden. Annual plants are well suited for the formation of mixborators, flower beds and modular flower beds. Flowers of this group are able to pass the whole cycle of vegetation in one season and in this feature. Fast development and lush flowering constantly pleases the eye.

Flower beds are flower arrangements with a variety of forms and borders. They are raised, round, square or diamond. The principle of arrangement of such flower beds is the location of all elements in the same plane. One of the advantages of such designs is their mobility. Plants can always be transferred to another place where there is more light or on the contrary, shading. It provides an opportunity to decorate even the most inconspicuous and remote corners of your garden.

Modular flower beds are picturesque compositions of a wide variety of colors. With their arrangement, use a wide variety of planting containers.

The principle of mixing device is based on the selection and arrangement of colors in such a way that a multi-level composition is obtained. In such structures, the flowering of one annual replaced by others.

So, what plants are better fit for a flower bed.

Low decorative and blooming annual

This group of plants are not high growth - up to thirty centimeters. They are well combined with tall flowers. The lowest curly varieties perform the function of soil plants, grown in a group with tall plantations.

  • Iberis with snow-white flowers, nephophily with gentle blue inflorescences, fragrant violet and elegant Viola are unpretentious plants blooming throughout the summer.
  • For decorating alpine slide or rocarium, you can use Ageratum. In the process of growth, this annual plant forms dense flowering mats of the most diverse color - white, blue, lilac or purple.
  • Velhets - very popular unpretentious flowers that grow many flowerflowers. The richness of the color gamut and a long period of flowering in the soul of many. Burgundy velvets have a compact form and have high decorative qualities.
  • Along the borders you can plant miniature daisies or lion zev dwarf varieties.

The average annual plants

These are annuals tall up to eighty centimeters. They will be eagerly used not only for creating flower beds and mixtures, but also as the basis in parmers, Rabata, or other mixed-type flower beds. Therefore, it is very important for group landing to select unpretentious annual plants combined by color gamma, form and features of growth.

To date, the range of average colors is a huge. Therefore, to create the most unusual and original compositions from this plant group will be able to each.

Unpretentious verberies with spherical inflorescences, an unusual shape of anti-crunch flowers, scarlet and unassuming flowers of poppy or spikelets of Salvia lilac shade will become an excellent decoration for the flower. Mattiola, Cosmeya and Dimafream - Decorative Mean Growth Recommenders, unpretentious in leaving and loved by many dackets.

Plants of this family are very often used in creating complex-type flower beds. They fill the empty space between coniferous plantsAs well as empties after the spring bulbous flowers are swinging.

Group of tall annual plants

These are flowers reaching one and a half meters of height. They look gorgeous both in group landings and in monochrome plantings.

In mixlers you can plant an amaranth, dahlia, decorative corn or fragrant tobacco. This is very beautiful plantswhich can be completing the element to the main composition. In the process of care, they will need a support and a garter. Therefore, for planting such plants, you need to choose the right and convenient place. Arunkus, blooming by white flowers collected in buggy inflorescences, or durability with snow-white flowers, can become the center of any living composition. These are unpretentious and very beautiful plants. For those who like calm and low-speed compositions, Mahrew grades, Kregoven or Dolphiniums, which will look spectacular on the background of green lawn, are ideally.

Tall annuals are great for multi-level flower beds and the formation of living ingredients. They are used to fill out the rear plan and decoration of buildings with an unsightly species.

Curly annual plants

Among the colors of this group there are curly plants - Liana. These are fast-growing flowers that can reorganize any place for only a few months. Curly plants planted in fences, fences and walls household buildings.

The most popular curly flowers with a one-year growth period:

Undoubtedly, curly annuals can become a highlight in any garden. Thanks to their ability to develop rapidly, flower water has a unique opportunity to transform the appearance of any building or plot. Curly plants are unpretentious in care. Some of them will require the construction of supports or lattices.

Commissioning Rules

In the process of landing and care for annual colors in the country, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  • On hot days, flowers must be watered often. Watering is made in the morning or evening hours. During the flowering period, annuals are better to water warm water.
  • This group of plants grow best on loose land. In addition, they will need frequent loosening. Although not all annual react positively to it. Therefore, instead of loosening dacms, the mulching procedure is carried out.
  • Most plants of this family are grown by seeds to obtain seedlings. Cultivation of seedlings from seeds is carried out in room conditions Using fertile land. Care for seedlings is the same as behind the seeds of room colors. After the plants are growing and released several leaves, they are planted onto the flower bed. Better time For landing the end of May, when the threat of the last frosts.

The pre-school seedlings are held two weeks after disembarking in the garden. Subsequent feeding is carried out before flowering and after the plants are swing. Information on the method of cultivation of a plant can be seen on the packaging with seeds.

This annuals are a universal group of plants used both as landscaping and decorating country sites. Flowers such as a bristle, homophrena, breeze, even after trimming do not lose their decorativeness. They are often used in creating winter bouquets.

Selection of annuals blooming throughout the summer

Dacual territory is a great space for the embodiment of the fantasies of the present flower. The whole picture of the garden consists of perennial and annual plants. Despite the fact that perennial flowers have an indisputable advantage in independent annual flowering, without annual, blooming all summer it is impossible to present a full flower bed or flower bed.

Garden homing: Plant selection

Annual flowers bring new paints into the territory of the garden, fresh patterns and magnificent blossoms. Without annual colors, any flower garden is defective and monotonous. Annual, which flourishing late spring and fading closer to autumn, will truly save your garden from some drawbacks: properly selected flowers will hide the fading of perennials, Plants planted in Vases or Cachepo, will decorate an unsightly fence, a veranda, a staircase or a gazebo.

Unpretentiousness is one of the main advantages that most annuals have. These plants will bloom throughout the summer almost in any climatic conditions. therefore they are ideal for beginner gardeners and amateurs gardenersnot loving to dig in bed for a long time.

Creating a flower garden from annual colors, you will receive completely different compositions every year for landscape design. How to choose to choose annuals and what activities to plan and care should be carried out to get a magnificent, lush and bright floweruba, blooming all season?

Features of annual plants

Sunlight is the main factor in the right growth and development of annual plants. Because of this, flowerbed for annuals It is important to equip on the sunny side of the sitehaving enough moistened soil. Annual plants can be successfully combined with many years of age or allocate for them a separate flower leaf.

The first condition for which it is worth paying attention to the selection of annuals is the period and duration of flowering. Although all annuals have a rather long flowering period., this period is still limited. Some will make a flower flower with their flowering much earlier than others:

  • petunia and Begonia will bloom already in the spring;
  • velhets, marks and cornflowers will start their bloom with the first days of summer;
  • in mid-July and until the autumn will bloom calendula and asters.

In advance before buying it is worth determining the place under the landing of flowers. Where some will come together well, it will be uncomfortable to others. This is especially true of solar or shaded areas. The effect on the growth of colors also has a state of soil.

Determine the purpose of the plants. If annuals are needed for beautiful decor fence or pergol, prefer fragrant peas or beans. Beautifully will decorate the parressadman of the veleant and nasturtium. Long blooming petunias or geranium are perfect for vases, porridge and suspended pots.

Size annual

With the help of annual colors, you can create a wide variety of interesting compositions: in the form of a lush carpet from low-growing plants, magnificent flower beds or all sorts of multi-level combinations.

In this regard, it is necessary to dwell on the size of annual colors.

Distinguish annual:

  • low;
  • mid-graded;
  • tall.

As a rule, low-spirited or low-growing annuals do not exceed 30 cm. The velvets, lobelia and the alissum can be called shortly. Such annuals play the role of soil plant species and fill the emptiness between tall flowers and shrubs. Low-colored flowers perfectly suitable for the framing of flower beds or flower bedThey can be planted in vases before entering the house or near the local area.

Nephophile night Filieca And Iberis is suitable for the decoration of the entire country area, these flowers will give the brightness and paints. If you need to decorate alpens or rockery, use the ageratum. Daisies perfectly complement the border, framing it with their green leaves.

The lowest annual flowers, unpretentious and bright, fill the whole territory with color and create a beautiful and lush carpet, decorated with different colors.

The size of the average colors is 40-80 cm. The average eligible annual flowers will ideally decorate mixboro or flowerbed. An extended range of meduerial adequates as seedlings and seeds, causing tastes of any flower or dacket.

Any flower bed, flower bed or mountaineering is well complemented by poppy and verbena. Already unpretentious and easy to leaving the flowers of Dorfotheki, Cosmei and Mattiola.

Tall annuals exceed in length 100 cm. These flowers are suitable for both self-flower beds and for a flower arrangement, decorated with all sorts of annual colors. Tall annuals are not so simple and unpretentious in leaving, like others some varieties need a gate to the vertical support. It is worth paying attention to this factor when buying tall colors and when choosing a seat under the landing.

If colors for the mixboarder are needed, you can purchase dahlias, koche, amaranth, fragrant and decorative corn. Give a central place in the flower bed or Arunkus. Flowering Dolphinium and Malva will cope as solo landings contrasting with a green lawn.

Tall curly flowers will ideally decorate an unsightly fence, the walls of the barn and garden buildings and all other vertical planes on your site. To do this, you can use fast-growing liana, nasturing, decorative beans. Tall flowers, as a rule, fill the rear rows in multi-level flower beds. And even by constituting a bouquet as a gift or to decorate the house, you can make an original multi-level composition from the average and tall annual colors.

And now let's stay in more detail on some types of aluminors.

Examples of homing for giving and garden

Ampel Petunia - It is one of the common plants for suspension containers, pots, vases and porridges. Petunia has a high variety of colors, shapes and types of bushes. Every year more and more new and fresh varieties of these annual colors are produced.

Petunia is unpretentious enough, it blooms abundantly, hiding with its flowers a container or pot, which is planted. Blooms already in the spring and keeps his beauty to the coldest. Petunia is a sun-born plant sustainable for drought. A regular fantastic flower will make it bloom brighter and long-term. Plugs only with stalling.

Ampel Lobelia Often form in flower arrangements with petunias. Despite the fine size of flowers, lobelia is one of the brightest one-year plants.Thanks to abundant flowering. She is comfortable both in sunny and in a shady garden. However, in the daytime, when the sun shines too bright and aggressively, it is better to sharpen flowers.

Marigold Do not exceed 70 cm. Flowers of red-brown velvets, lemon, orange or brown shade. The velvetsev seedlings are produced since May, and they are blooming in June. It bloom until the autumn itself, absolutely not picky to the moisture and the state of the soil.

Another long-lasting annual flower is an ampel Verbena. It will bloom from the beginning of summer until the middle of the autumn. Enough hardy, love solar places, but to humble and with a half. Verbena can be used for seedlings in suspended baskets or containers, And you can land out an open area. Will grow in a wide range of temperatures. It can easily cope with summer exhausting heat and the first autumn frosts. By adding a high decorativeness of the flower to these qualities, we will get a great option for adolescent for beginners in gardening.

Calendula It is a plant with a half-meter height and having a varied color consisting of white, blue and lilac shades. Flowers since the beginning of summer until September. Prefers warm and sunshines. Seedlings are produced since May.

Qioney - This is an unpretentious annual, blooming all summer season with colorful buds-baskets of all sorts of colors. The wide palette of the shades of these aluminors gives you the opportunity to successfully combine them with a lot of other flowers. Feel good at the hot season with regular watering. Short-term drought and dry air will be transported calmly.

As a rule, most plants prefer sunny places on the site. However, you should not leave the shady territory of the garden without attention. For decorating and decorating the shaded plot will fit gubastik. This annual prefers the shadow, loves cool and wet air, grows well in swampy soils. Heat, straight sunny rays and beaming, on the contrary, does not tolerate.

Annual flowers are unpretentious in care and cultivation, so ideal for any cottage plot Or a garden and will delight their owners indescribable beauty in the warm season.


Garden flowers blooming all summer - choose with mind!

Annual flowers blooming all summer

There is a lot of different annuals with which you can decorate the garden and make a magnificent flowerbed. Today we will tell you about the most preferred annual colors for your site.

Annual flowers for cottage and garden: photo and name

In anticipation of the new summer season, we start thinking about how to decorate our garden. Of course, the most important thing is to choose flowers, because these are the main attributes of the decoration of the site. We recommend that you pay attention to annual flowers.

What attractive annual flowers for giving? First of all, the fact that they will delight you with their flowering over the whole summer season. They are available, do not require complex care and easily tolerate climate whims. Therefore, the majority of dacnis choose annuals to rejoice in the variety of paints and forms during their flowering. Only the problem of choice becomes the only problem, because the number of homopurodes is striking imagination.

Choosing annual flowers, proceed from the following basic parameters:

  • terms and time of flowering;
  • dimensions - the size of flowers, height, curvature of bushes;
  • place their planned landing.

Choosing annuals, you can be guided and additional criteria, but consider in more detail those of which were mentioned above.

Flowering time

Having planted those or other flowers, take into account the timing of their flowering. In this case, you can get its continuous cycle throughout the season. Almost all annuals bloom quite a long time: they begin their bloom in the second half of June and continue until the end of August, and sometimes bloom lasts until the first frost.

The most long-lasting: velvets, petunias, balsam. For the long-timing - from June to frosts - also includes zinnia. Early and query, although short bloom, give cornflow, Alissa, Mac, Gypsophila, Begonia, Lavaiter. From the middle of summer and to the very late autumn, the asters, calendula, nasturtiums and others are as unpretentious, but bright and beautiful seals can be delighted with their blossom.


Color spectrum

Now that you know flowering time, you should decide on the color scheme. We give only a small part of monochrome and multi-colored seals:

  • yellow and orange: calendula, sunflower, velvets;
  • blue and blue: Vasilek, Ageratum, Bind, Dolphinium, Bell;
  • red and pink: stock rose, Balsamin, Salvia, Kleschevin, Kindergaths, Calceolaria, year;
  • white: Duram, Alissa, Gypsophila, Iberis, Melolepetnik, Balzamin White;
  • multicolored: Flox, Asters, Portulak, Night Beauty, Petunia, Lion Zev. Calendula


The highest annual flowers for the garden-ticklene (grows up to 2 meters high). Also tall are Cosmeya, Malva, Dolphinium, Velhets, Sunflower, Ipomoya (annual liana). The smallest - Portulak, Lobelia, Alissaum, Dwarf Floxes, low-spirited velvets. Most of the other annuals can be attributed to the colors of medium height. Remember that different varieties of plants may have different heights.


Where to plant?

Petunia, Geranium, Balzamin, Begonia are suitable for containers. For the Alpine Gorka - Verbena, the lion's zev, a fluttering immortelle, Verbena, Smolevka, Brachik. For parisades, it is better to plant high velvets, Kleschin, Sunflower, Cosmeu, Mirabilis, Lavatera, Malva. A nasturtium, a low-spirited velvet, Lobelia, Alissa, Asholzia, Iberis, will fit for the curb. For a fragrant flower garden in the country, pick up fragrant tobacco, Alissaum, Iberis, Mattioh. For vertical landscaping, decorative beans, fragrant peas, Ipomea, Nasturtium Curly, Kobei, Tunbergia.

Sweet pea

As you can see, you can choose from the diversity of annuals, without taking doubts. Boldly combine options for annual and perennial colors. Complement the residents of the parksaders and alpine Gorki, sit down next door to lilies and with roses, fragrance along the tracks, go along the fences, and your cottage will be surprised and delight not only you, but also your loved ones and friends continuous blossom And the riot of paints!

Blooming flowers All summer: low, unpretentious, soil

  • 3 Flowers that bloom all summer

What to pay attention to the selection of plants?

Annual plants love the sun, so it is better to plant them on the sunny glade, with a sufficiently moistened soil. If you wish to add flowerbed from perennial plants Annual or want to create a flower garden exclusively of them, you need to pay attention to such factors:

Flowering time and duration

All annual flowers have a sufficiently long period of flowering, but still limited. Some begin to bloom earlier, others later.

  1. From the annuals blooming in the spring, begonias and petunia are distinguished.
  2. At the very beginning of the summer, velvets, zenia, marigolds and cornflowers bloom.
  3. And from the middle of the summer until the fall of the flower beds can decorate asters, lion zev and calendula.

Place for landing

  1. For the colorful design of the parisades are good nastures and velvets.
  2. And if you need to decorate the fence or pergola, you can stop your choice on fragrant peas or beans.
  3. For various VAZ, cheeks and containers are sufficiently flowering petunias and geranium.

Luxury cachet with annual sulfins

Color spectrum

Annual Flowers is a great opportunity to get on your site such a combination of colors and shades, as you wanted.

  1. Bright yellow paints will give you a koreopsis, lion zev.
  2. Blue color - Brachik, cornflowers and basins.
  3. Bright red shades wait from Salvia, Balzine and rose rods.
  4. Geeris and gypsophils will delight gentle white.

Plant size. About what dimensions are in annual plants with a long period of flowering, it is necessary to talk in more detail.

Plant size

  • shortly, such belongs: Lobelia, Alissa, velvets;
  • mid-graded;
  • tall. Malva and Dolphinium can be attributed to tall.

Sharply annuals

The height of the lowest annuals is not higher than 30 cm. Very often they are used as soil-level species, filling the voids between pink bushes and various shrubs.

Non-grade annuals cover the ground with a solid carpet

  1. It is often enough to design a plot use such low-spirited annuals as Iberis, neutophile and night violet.
  2. For Rokaria or Alpinaria, Ageratum is perfect.
  3. Daisy in the frame of its green leaves will perfectly complement borders.
  4. Golden overflows of velvets, blooming from the very beginning of summer to the autumn, will decorate any corner of your garden.

The lowest unpretentious annuals create the impression of a beautiful carpet that covers various shades of the site.

Mattering annuals

The average of the annual plants are considered to be 80 cm in height. They will become beautiful decoration Mixleboard or flower beds, and in Rabatka can serve as the main element of the composition. In a wide assortment of mid-diluted annual plants, there will definitely be the ones that are suitable for you.

  1. Excellent on any flower platinum, Verbena, Anti-Rica, Mac and Salvia are watching.
  2. The gardeners are very popular with the gardeners, cosme and mattiol, which are very beautiful, but are easy to care.
  3. Sophisticated flower beds at the stage of filling voids can be simply seeded by the seeds of the average annuals, and after a while you will be pleased with the bright colors a completely new flower bed.
  4. If you want to get such a result even faster, you can land seedlings.

Tall annuals

This annuals are considered tall if their height reaches one and a half meters. Such flowers look great in solitary versions, and planted by a group.

  • Add Mixborror annolete dahlias, kice, amaranth, fragrant Thaak and corn decorative;
  • specific varieties of tall aluminors require garters to the support, and this factor should be taken into account even at the plant selection stage and places for planting;
  • The central element of any composite flower beds may become Arunkus or datura;
  • For solo landings, especially in contrast with the greenery of the lawn, beautifully blooming dolphiniums and Malva are suitable;

    Tall annuals. Malva

  • well used tall annuals to fill the rear row of multi-level flower beds;
  • tall curly plants can be decorated with buildings and hedges, for these purposes fast-growing liana, peas, nasturtium or decorative beans are suitable;
  • this annuals are notable for keeping their decorativeness even in a bouquet. To compile bouquets, including winter, gelichrim, bristle, and ghombus are often used.

We looked at which annuals are blooming all summer by groups, without going into details and characteristics of colors. Now I would like to tell about some of the representatives of the soil solve this species in more detail.

Flowers that bloom all summer

Petunia is the name is not just a flower, but a whole kind herbatous plants from the parlor family, which are common in South America. Flowers are very unpretentious, bloom abundantly since the spring and before the onset of cold. Petunia loves the sun, and varieties with small flowers are also very drought-resistant. Ampelnaya petunia is perfect for the design of cascade flower beds, it can be used for landing in Kashpo.

Velhets, blooming various shades, have more than 30 species, and even more varieties. They differ in between the height of the bushes and shape.

A remarkable feature of the velvetsev is their ability to disinfect the soil.

They are extremely unpretentious, can grow almost on any soil, love sunlight, but do not like an excessive moisture. Some varieties can reach a height of one meter.

Calendula many gardeners are known as a marigold. It is known as a medicinal plant that helps with many diseases. Light loves light, and the period of her flowering - from July to deep autumn.

The aggregate is forever young translated from Greek. The name is quite true - it blooms surprisingly long, while not losing brightness. Very sun-lunged plant, which calmly transfers the lack of moisture. Does not love acidic soils. In height there are instances from 10 cm to 60, it all depends on the type. It will serve as an excellent addition to any flower beds, but can grow in containers.

The lion's zev genus a plant from America, but has long been living in our gardens, being an unconditional beloved of many. It has a thin aroma, which strongly attracts butterflies and bees. The lion's height can be very small - 15 cm, and high enough - reaches 1 m. Is medicinal plantwhich is used in the form of a beam for the treatment of liver and intestinal diseases. Color range is quite extensive.

Lion Zev - Many Flower Flowers

Enoter is a great annual, which is height from 15 cm to 45. Blossom occurs from or from June to August, or from July to September. Unpretentious flowers that do not have special preferences and in the soil. Lightwater plant. It will be very useful when making a mountaineering. Basically encounters enoter with bright yellow flowers or with gentle pink.

Begonia - a plant about which is not needed. It is difficult to assume that there are gardeners who do not know and never plant this flower. This plant is extremely sunlice and very badly perceives even half-day. It does not tolerate the dampness with the abrasiveness of moisture. Height happens from 15 cm to 25.

Pansies. According to the legend, it was in this flower that a girl appealed, who had long been waiting for her groom out of a hike, but did not wait, and the girl was called Annie.

Pansies pansies are quite well tolerant shadow, love moisture. The soil for planting should be sufficiently nutritious and it must be regularly loosened. Height from 15 to 30 cm. Very bright colors that are of various shades.

Malva is a plant that gardeners use as an annual or twentieth bowl. Malva is tall and in height can be more than 2 m. Extremely unpretentious, very drought-resistant and frost. It does not have any particular preferences. Multicolor, blooms very large and bright colors.

Lobelia is bright low-altar annuals that have abundant flowering. Lobelia is blown in June, and the process continues until September. Blossom abundant. Use lobelia and how soil plantsand as ampel. Based on this, lobelia can become not only a decoration of flower beds, but also perfectly add the design of the porch or balcony, if you plan them in the original suspension vase or porridge.

Queenia is a very bright fast-growing annual plant that loves light and heat, but it is extremely poorly tolerating freezing. Cinema is low and medium height, they can reach 90 cm. Drafting the most different, and sometimes very bizarre.

We listed you only the brightest and well-known representatives of annual plants that bloom all summer. You can issue various flower beds based on our choice, and you can find for your flowerbeds and other, no less attractive options.

Flowerba, even located with the edge of the site, necessarily attracts all the views and becomes the focus of the whole life of the garden. Locking on such a flower bed of annual cultures allows one to make it unusual, in a new one unique and amazingly beautiful. And for the possibility of placing accents and surprise the relatives of the violet of paints and openwork laces of foliage. How to choose annual flowers for cottage, Flowering all summer? Answers to this question will be given in the article.

Annual flowers for summer cottages, blooming all summer

Annual Flowers - What to choose?

Annual flowers are able to bloom all summer, before the onset of the first cold weather, you can carefully plan, where they will grow, thereby correctly decorating and organizing the surrounding space. Correctly calculated the time of their flowering. You can organize your own flowerbed in such a way that cultures in it will be alternately bloom throughout the summer.

Several groups of annual colors are distinguished:

Restaurants used to decorate flower : These flowers will perfectly decorate any flowerub, giving it the necessary shape and structure:

: Flower for a long time, have a variety of yellow shades. This culture is quite unpretentious, grows well on the sunny and in a shady spot.

Petunia: This culture pleases the eyes of a variety of shades of their inflorescences, it beautifully blooms throughout the warm season.

Salvia: These flowers, in the form of candles, decorate with your presence any floweruba. Salvia has many colors, but her purple varieties look especially advantageously.

CalendulaThis: This therapeutic flower Not only will give the joy of eyes, he can give health to the owners who were concerned and in the fall collected it from the flower beds.

Nasturtium: highly interesting flower Yellow and orange shades, with terry inflorescences, grows well in the shade (here it will give more foliage than flowers), and in the sun.

Qioney: Can bloom continuously a little more than a month, the brightness and density of inflorescences depends on the fertility of the soil, which lies on the flower bed.

Annual dahlia: Pretty unpretentious flowers in the care of its lowest varieties bloom pretty early. Georgina is great for the design of borders and flower.

: Singing on your own flowerbed this culture is needed at least because of one subtle fragrance, which it spreads with the onset of twilight. These small dense-purple flowers are abundantly blooming in the sun and in the shade throughout the summer.

Teotelubile annuals : These flowers are usually planted under the trees, where the sunlight does not come. They are rich in not so many inflorescences as thick, emerald foliage:

: This flower resembles a chamomile having different shades from pink to raspberry. In the shade, its white grade is especially attractive.

Browing: Declaring anyone, even the most shaded flower garden. Her low bushes with green foliage, white or blue inflorescences are very refreshing the flower bed.

Curly annuals: The main difference between this culture, from many years, is their rapid growth and development. These flowers can be perfectly decorated to decorate not only the floweruba, but even the wall of the house or gazebo. Such curly annuals are quite popular:

IPOMEY: able to grow season up to three meters in height, most importantly, observe watering regime and provide it enough sunlight. Its color is quite diverse and can paint any boring landscape.

Nasturtium Curly: Creates a pretty much fence in just one season. This beauty resembles a real carpet, richly decorated with compliance with red and yellow colors.

Summing up, it is worth noting that for competent selection in the store seeds annual colors, you need to decorate in advance where the flower bed will be located and which parts of the landscape it is necessary to decorate. In addition, buying annual flowers for cottages, flowering all summerDo not forget about the harmonious combination of colors, paints and shades.

See also Video:

Annual flowers blooming all summer. Name and photo

They will always be loved and every spring we will look for detailed information about them. Annual flowers for giving, blooming all summer, with detailed description, preferably a photo titled. To choose what to put in the new season?

Annual flowers we love for brightness, juicy paints give us them all summer. Perennials in this regard are inferior, although we take less time on the annual landing.

Every year, one-time classrooms annual flowers for giving. Annual unpretentious flowers will help to revive any corner of the garden. They can be placed on the flowerbed, make a beautiful border along the tracks or mixtore.

According to the photos of annual colors for giving, you decide on the name and appointment. You can even immediately pick up the color palette of your future flower garden. This is all the charm of annuals. Another of their big plus that they can be purchased immediately with blooming, and not to disembark, or raise from seeds.

Annual flowers for the garden can serve as an addition to landings of perennial colors or decorative shrubs. Very spectacular look at well-compiled flower beds from annual garden flowers, blooming all summer. Make a plan of flowerbeds preferably in advance to pick up annual growth and color schemes. Here is an example of such a flower beds.

I love to plant annual unpretentious flowers in some unusual containers, you can use baby boots, old kettle or pan as pots, washing machine or whole chest. It turns out an unusual mobile flower garden that can be transferred anywhere.

In mix bears, annuals also look great. They planted in altitude and in flowering timing they all summer replace each other, giving different shades of the garden.

How to choose to pick up annuals?

How do you usually buy colors seeds? That's, I, too, first went to the store and bought the packages, on which there were the most beautiful flowers. Not guided by nothing, did not pick it up. In short, then I have no longer a lot of half of the bags, and the flower bed looked, gently say, sorry. While I did not study all the features of the colors and how they need to be properly chosen.

Annual flowers for summer cottages, blooming all summer, photo titled

Tall annuals

Tall perennials look very impressive, no worse than their perennial fellow. They can be positioned by separate groups in the background, or make the center of flower beds.

Duram-grass or duration Reaching in height more meteron fertile soil. Single spectacular flowerssimilar to the bell, can be yellow, red, blue or white color. Flowers from June to October.

Kleyschevina or paradise will make a note of the exotic in your garden. Top unpretentious plant With big, similar to palm trees, leaves in a short time grows up to one and a half meters. Attention, plant is poisonous, especially seeds.

Malva One-year-old highly unpretentious flowerSeparate varieties can reach 130 cm. Very beautiful inflorescences of terry forms. To prolong flowering, it is enough to remove the shock flowers in time.

Pretty interesting plant With a reddish tint of leaves. It has more than 30 species, some of them are grown on the feed of a cattle, and some are used in food by man. It grows up to one and a half meters, blooming in August-September with red candle sweatshops, up to 30 cm high.

Sunflower - The sun flower has become very popular lately, especially his pomponic varieties. There are flowers with a dark middle and bright yellow petals. Unpretentious in leaving, he has a lot of sun and sometimes watering.

Sweet pea - Annolete Liana, is able in a short time to grow up to 2 meters in height and hide under bright infloresions all unsightly sites of buildings and fences. It can be grown not only by sedale, but also to sow in the ground in mid-May.

The average annual gardens colors for giving

The medium is quite numerous, make a beautiful composition, blooming all summer to late autumn, will not be much labor. The main thing is that the flowers are combined in shape, coloring and not drowned each other.

Salvia or Sageexcept the annime is two-year and many years of. Flowers high, up to 30 cm candles. Unpretentious, combined with many other flowers.

It can be grown both as a perennial, but only in warm climate. She loves the sun very much. It is desirable to grow it through seedlings.

Eshcholce Grow up to 60 cm in height. Lush bush, covered with bright colors, looks great. Flowers from July to October. Very unpretentious, loves the sun.

Qioney Will decorate your garden with bright colors all summer, until autumn. She loves a lot of space and light. The soil will be fertile, the brighter the flowers. Most often grown on the flower beds.

Always give rise to an elegant, festive appearance. Also loves the sun. It is necessary to plant it on the most open places. Perfectly combined with all the garden flowers as annual and perennial. Well looks in separate vases.

Grow up to 80 cm. One of the most unpretentious long-term annuals. More often it is white, pink or purple flowers. Openwork leaves, the plant itself looks easy and fragile. Flower can be planted in a half.

Matiola Curry flower with a height of up to 50 cm. Inconsive, with two horns, the outgrows, the day is always closed. But as soon as the sun sits down, which divine fragrance exudes these flowers. It can grow both in the sun and lightweight, rather frost-resistant. It blooms almost all summer.

Little Annual Beautiful Garden Flowers

The lowest annuals most often reach a height of only 30 cm. They are well filling out "emptiness" on the flower beds, around tall flowers and shrubs. Some of them are soil, many can land along paths or fences as a border, plant them at the edges of the flower.

Tender creation of our flower bed. Whole rainbow coloring. Loves the sun and warm. It is preferable to grow. Flowers from the beginning of summer and to autumn. In crude and cold weather, her growth stops.

Growing a fluffy sharpening bush, the flower love to grown in the suspended pots. Red, blue white or purple small flowers, growing lush bush look beautiful on the flower beds and in curbs. The plant is light-chapter and loves moisture, but not stagnant water. In general, rather unpretentious.

The shortestly achieved in a height of up to 20 cm. Bright stains of terry orange-brown flowers are highlighted in a bright spot throughout the summer, because they bloom for a very long time, from the beginning of June to October. It is possible to plant in a half, to grow well eaters.

An annual plant with a height of up to 30 cm. Summary in inflorescence is predominantly white. It can grow in a half, but preferably the sun and light soils for it. It looks good at the flower beds, in the Rabata, and in the borders.

Unpretentious flowers, nevertheless need your care. They are very responsive to attention. For one season, they grow out of a tiny seed into a handsome flower to bring you joy. Make them short life pleasant and see how they thank you with bright colors and long blossoms.

Best annual flowers for your cottage, video

Pestry and bright flower beds always fill the garden with juicy paints. Annual flowers for giving are good in that they allow every year to create elegant scenic and unique vegetable compositions, which act as a bright decoration of the site. Using such plants, you can update each season appearance Its plot, transformation garden in accordance with the mood and taste preferences.

What flower beds is better to do from annual colors

It is to create a truly luxurious landscape that is in the site. Most often of them form flower beds, modular flower beds and.

The main advantage of the beautiful seasoning annuals is the ability of only one season to pass the whole cycle of vegetation, pleaseing the view of the rapid development and lush blossom all summer

Flower beds are vegetable compositions that have a certain shape and clear boundaries. Mostly flower beds give traditional round, square and rhombid forms

Ornamental arrangement of the club provides for the location of the elements of the composition in the same plane. The main advantage of such flower beds is their mobility: containers can always be rearranged on more highlighted areas, decoring empty places on the platform for recreation, or, on the contrary, decorate them quiet corners in the garden.

Modular flower beds are picturesque vegetable compositions, when the design of all sorts of containers are used.

The peculiarity of mixboraders is the selection and location of plants in such a way as a result, the multi-level compositions are formed, in which other plants are blooming for replacing

What to pay attention to the selection of plants?

Planning to complement a flower garden from perennials by several plants for one season, or wanting to create a flowerbed completely from annuals, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • Flowering period. All annual garden flowers are famous for long blossom, but still one of them ripen earlier, and others later. Among the spring can be allocated: pelargonium, begonia, petunia. From the beginning of June, zinnia, velvets, marigolds and cornflowers will appear. And until late autumn, the decoration of the flower beds will be: Astra, Laviter, Lion Zev and Calendula.
  • Place planting plant. With the arrangement of the palication, low and colorful velvets, nasturtiums and cornflowers are perfectly suitable. The spectacular decoration of the fence or walls of the gazebo can be made: decorative fragrant peas, eggs or curly beans. Geranium, Begonia, Petunia are well suited for landing in the containers.
  • Palette. Choosing beautiful flowers for the garden, each gardener gets a great opportunity to paint your site into favorite shades.

Restores - Sunconium Plants. In all its glory, they are manifested only on a rich, sufficiently moistened area, well-lit by sunlight.

Bring in a flowering green Garden Bright yellow colors can be, disembarking Koreopsis, Calceolaria, sunflower and lion zev

Dilute the composition of the blue tones, you can landing the Eust Russell, Brachik Iberisoliste, Vasilka or Binders

Bright strokes of red are easy to add with the beauty of Salvia, "lights" of balsamine or terry "pumps" of stock roses

Drafting the low-speed annuals

The lowered plants whose height does not exceed 30 cm, against the background of more tallest "fellow" always look unusually elegant. Often they are planted as soil workers who successfully fill the "gaps" between the short decorative shrubs and rose bushes.

The lowest unpretentious annuals blooming all summer - Iberis, forming snow-white "clouds" of inflorescences, gentle blue nephophile, night violet with its unique aroma and extraordinarily elegant dwarf viola

A bright decoration or the magnificent "pillows" of the ageratum. The low-spirited plant forms dense flowering mats of a wide variety of shades, starting with a gentle white, and ending with blue and even saturated lilac.

Like sunny bunnies, sparkling with golden overflows, from the first days of summer and to late autumn decorate the plot of compact bugs of velvets with miniature flowers.

Cute heads of tiny daisy, framed by gentle green foliage or flowers of dwarf varieties of lion zea decorate borders along the garden track

Among the low beautiful combining and at the same time, uncompressive annuals can be allocated and compact varieties of cells of silver, phlox, a cross, forget-me-not, lobelia.

The average grade of annual plants

Flowers up to 80 cm high are good not only for creating mixborls and flower, often they make up the basis of breakdowns, parters and other mixed flower beds. Therefore, choosing plants for mixed compositions, it is important to pick up such varieties that will be harmoniously combined with other plantations in shape and color.

The range of average varieties is quite extensive, which allows you to create the most incredible compositions that will become a real "highlight" of the site.

Decoration of flowerbeds can spherical inflorescences of Verbena, bizarre Flower Flowers Anti-Rica, Scarlet "Caps" Poppy, or Dicky Lilac Salvia Spikelets

Among the average "counterparts", which are popular with gardeners, thanks to the extraordinary beauty and ease of care, you can allocate: dimorfootetuette, cosmeu, exolization, mattyol

When creating complex flower beds, annual plants fill empty places after twisted bulbous or free spaces between conifers. Seeds can be sung directly into the ground in a permanent place, but to obtain earlier flowering it is better to apply a seed basis.

Tall grades

Tall handsome, reaching the height of 1.5 meters, look at effectively both in soliter design and in a group landing.

The original supplement of the mixboarder will serve Georgina, Kozya, Amaranth, tobacco scented and decorative corn. Some varieties of such plants require garters to the support, which should be considered when choosing a place for landing like a closed plant.

The center of any composition can be: Aruncus with white blurred inflorescences, or duration decorated with snow-white flowers, outwardly resembling a bell

For single landings that look most effectively against the background of a bright green lawn, a dolphinium, Klecevine and annual terry varieties of Malv better fit

Tall flowers fill the background in the multi-level flower beds, they decorate unsightly walls of buildings and are used as a living hedge.

Among the extensive family of annual plants there are even fast-growing, capable of changing the unsightly walls of economic buildings, fences and fences in just three to four months.

In areas where perennial lianas are planted, which do not yet give the desired effect, the landing will be excellent fragrant peas, nasturtiums ingenic, sipomey or decorative beans

Restores are universal plants for landscaping and decorating the site. Even after cutting, they do not lose their decorativeness, the breeze, helichrum, bristle, and homophrena. Florist lovers are used to create winter bouquets.