
Care at home for Ehmee: Grow a beautiful tropical plant. Echmea care at home for blooming warrior

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

Echmea - a representative of the family bromiliyev, these plants grow mainly in the territory of Central and South America. Unlike other bromine plants, Echometh does not differ highly demanding. In the wild, she was accustomed to survive in places with pronounced fluctuations in daily temperatures, can grow even in dry microclimate conditions, although it is preferable, of course, a wet tropical one. All this facilitates the care of Echmea and makes it one of the most popular exotic plants.

Echmea: Features of the appearance

The plant is a rosette of dense, leathery leaves elongated formDepending on the type of their length, it can vary from 20 to 50 cm. The leaves are one-photon green or motley, with jarbins along the edges (spiny). A powerful color seal grows out of the middle of the outlet, with a large and spectacular inflorescence. The form of inflorescences and color of petals can be different, ranging from milky white and ending with a lilac.

Echmea can be grown both in a residential room and in greenhouses, winter gardens. Most popular next species plants:

  • Echometh bent - red inflorescences;
  • Echometa Cosmaya - the inflorescences of a saturated yellow color is beautifully shaped with red bracts;
  • Ehomet Vailbach - Petals of tender spectacular look blue color With a lilac, in the frame of bright red leaf bracts;
  • Echmea striped - Petals blue, over time they purchase a red shade, a special attraction of the plant gives long and wide silver-green leaves with a marble pattern.

Landing Echmea

Echmea Growing - the lesson is very exciting. Most often, flower products acquire a small plant in a pot, but considering that after flowering it dies, it will be reasonable to try to propagate it. The reproduction occurs in two ways: seeding and rooting offspring. For indoor flower growing, the second way is suitable.

Sippars from the parent plant is best in March, it is necessary that the plants have a sufficient number of leaves, otherwise it does not fit. Separating the outlet, the location of the cut is definitely sprinkled with a powder of charcoal, otherwise rotting can form. For landing, it is cooked wide, but in the measure of deep container. The substrate can be purchased in a flower shop. A mixture often comes on sale, designed specifically for growing bromiliye plants. If such a soil has not been found, it can be prepared independently using the following components:

  • sheet land - 2 parts
  • fiber-peat substrate - 2 parts,
  • sand range - 1 part.

Echmea prefers loose soils, so you can add chopped bark of trees or small fragments of ceramics. At the bottom, be sure to put drainage from the ceramisit, pieces of foam or river pebbles.

The juice of the plant is poisonous and can cause skin burn, so when contacting a flower, it is recommended to use gloves. The most poisonous leaves of Echmea striped.

Features of the care of Ehmee

Exotic Echmea - care for it is easy, but requires certain knowledge. Only when creating an optimal microclimate plant will delight with bright flowers.


The flower prefers intense, but slightly scattered lighting, from direct sunlight, especially at noon, it should be dialed. To do this, you can use special dampers, light tulle or gauze. But it is best to place Ehmya on the windowsill windows overlooking the east so that she can enjoy the gentle rays of the morning sun. If the plant has long been in the shade for a long time, then it should be accepted as long as long and long-term lighting.

Air temperature and humidity

When growing Echmea, it needs to create conditions as close as possible to the tropical climate. IN summer time The air temperature is desirable to maintain in the range from +21 ° C to +26.5 ° C. Night decrease in temperature for several degrees (+ 16-18 ° C) favorably affects. For the winter it is necessary to place the flower into the cool room, it stimulates the laying of the flower next year. During this period, it is sufficient to maintain the temperature at + 14.5-18 ° C.

Echmea prefers fresh air, so the room is ventilated regularly, but, not allowing drafts. IN summer period She will feel good on the balcony or on the outdoor terrace.

When growing Echmea at home you need to carefully monitor air humidity. The optimal level of humidity is 60%, so it is necessary to often spray the plant, especially in winterWhen the heating devices are dried air. To make it easier for work, you can put a wide capacity with water on the windowsill, evaporated, moisture will moisturize the air around the colors.

Watering and making fertilizers

The tropical plant loves moisture, so you can not allow the substrate drying. To always maintain the soil in a slightly moistened state, it is recommended to spray it from the sprayer. In the spring and summer, the water is poured into the outlet, in winter it is impossible to do this, otherwise the plant can be undermined. Water for watering takes a soft, freed from chlorine, and better than a thawa or rain.

Fertilizers - an integral part of the care of Ehmee. The feeders are carried out only in the actual growth phase (from March to September). Use better mineral compositions designed specifically for bromelian plants. Such fertilizer can be found in the Absolute line, "Flower Happiness", "Bon Forte". Frequency of feeding - every 15 days. If there was no special fertilizer for bromine plants on sale, then you can use a universal composition for blooming species, but reduce the dosage by 2 times.

Diseases and pests of Echmea

Growing Ehmya, it can be found that her leaves began to acquire an ugly brown color. This is the first symptom that the plant begins to rot or suffer from cold. It is necessary to change the conditions of content, if necessary, replace the substrate and clear the roots from rot.

Pests on the flower rarely appear and, most often, it is a shield or a word. They are easy enough to destroy, using modern chemical preparations (insecticides).

How to stimulate the flowering of Echmea?

Many flower shakers complain that even when good care For Echmea, she refuses to bloom. There is a very strange, but effective way to stimulate flowering. Citrus fruits and apples produce a special substance (gas), which stimulates the formation of flowers in bromiliye plants. Therefore, it is necessary to take a large plastic bag, put a pot with echmea in it, and around put several ripe and fragrant apples. Package from above to tie, but loosely. Together with Apples, Echmea should be 10-15 days, after which the usual conditions should be returned. For several months, the plant will definitely release the floweros.

If, after the procedure conducted, the plant never blooms, it is likely to revise the conditions for its content. Most often, Echmea refuses to bloom from lack sunlight Or with too hot air temperature in the room, especially when it is at rest.

Video how to care for echmea

Echmea Striped - one of 250-300 types of tropical plants Echmea (Aechmea) of the family of bromelic, cultivated in bedroom flower growing. The name of his flower was obtained thanks to pointed bracts, like peak tips (from Greek. Aechme).

In the natural environment, the echoma striped is common in South and Central America. It grows as epiphet in the nutritional humus substrate, accumulating in the development of the trunks and branches of trees. The plant has a shortened stem, lanceal leather leaves up to 20 cm long and a width of up to 2 cm, forming the natural vase, in which water accumulates in vivo. Blossom outlet occurs once inflorescence with fast flowing small flowers. The decorative value of the plant gives the inflorescence. After flowering, the mother socket forms vegetative shoots and dies.

At home, echoma striped is grown as ground-based decorative-flowering pot culture. The plant is light-cuply, prefers bright lighting without directing the sun's straight rays on a socket, but takes out and half. Echmea striped is needed regular watering with warm and stretched water, which is produced as the top layer of the substrate in the pot is drying. In the warm season with water fill and the outlet of the leaves. For a local increase in air humidity, the plant is sprayed daily, and is also placed on the pallet filled with a wet clay.

Temperature mode: in summer + 20 ... + 26 ° C, in winter + 15 ... + 20 ° C.

Air humidity: 60-70%.

Modified echoma striped with seeds and kids.

Semyon reproduction is somewhat laborious and long-time process. Seeds collect S. bloweros and plant in the spring in the lightweight mixture of sphagnum / peat / coconut and sand / perlite / vermiculite. Then watered, covered with a film to increase air humidity and placed in a warm, well-lit place. A month after the appearance of shoots, the film is removed. 2-3 months after that, young plants are picked by separate seating capacities.

The reproduction of vegetative escapes formed on the parent plant after flowering occurs significantly faster. Children's rosettes are neatly separated from the parent plant and rooted in lightweight landfits for epiphytes. After rooting the plant, not a disturbance of the earthen com, roll out of the seating capacity in a permanent pot and glorify the usual landfill for bromelia.

Ehmee striped requires an annual transplant to fresh land. A pot for landing should be not too big because root system Even adult plants are small. Increasing the size of the pot is required only if the scorched rosette of the leaves of Echmea striped becomes unstable and can turn the pot. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put drainage, and after the transplantation / transshipment, it is plentiful to pour a plant with warm water.

The composition of the landfill is a leaf ground, humid, cut-off sfagnum (riding / coconut peat), large sand (fine clay / clay shards) in equal proportions.

Separate Ehmeyu Striyu, when young sockets that have grown at the base of the parent plant, the size of approximately 15 cm will be achieved by several leaves pairs and their own root system. The plant is taken out of the pot, separated the outlets, trying to disturb the earth as much as possible, and planted in separate pots.

Echmea Striped is often attacked by pests of indoor plants, like a shield, aphid, mosquito-sciarids, torment Cherver and a red cobweb tick.

Of the diseases, the plant is most often amazed by fungal infections - fusariosis and root rot. In compliance with the rules of departure, the plant is quite sustainable for diseases.

Why does not flower echoma striped?

To do this, there may be several reasons:

  1. Too young plant. A plant grown from seeds blooms only for 3-4 years of life, from subsidiaries - for 1-2 year.
  2. Too big fit for landing. In a pot of large volume, the plant consumes no strength for flowering, but to master the roots of the earth coma.
  3. Insufficient lighting. In the shadow, echoma striped does not bloom.
  4. Lack of rest period. Natural coloring formation stimulation is a decrease in temperature during the winter rest period.

Video of care for echimea striped at home

Echmea always looks decorative thanks to an unusual structure and beautiful leaves. And its bloom is remembered for a long time. Ehmya makes the popular among the flower water and unpretentiousness in care at home.

Origin and appearance of the plant

Motherland - Tropical forests of Central and South America. Echmea is a representative of the Bromeliev family (as well as Pineapple, Gusmania, etc.).

In nature, prefers illuminated places in a dry climate. At home feels great, unpretentious in care. Not only flowers play a decorative role, but also original leaves.

Blooming Echmea - very beautiful sight

Relo-like pointed leathery leaves with spines on the edges are collected in a socket and, as a rule, painted into a pedestrous, grayish-green or monophonic dark green shade. Stems short. Dreaming from the middle of the outlet appears thick blur pink colourwhich is much less bracts in size. After flowering, the socket dies.

On the leaves of Echmea there are spines, the juice of her poisonous. When entering the skin causes inflammation. It should limit access to the plant to children and animals.

In nature, there are more than 170 species of Echmea, 10 of them are grown at home. The most popular among flower products are the following types:

  1. Sparkling. The leaves on the end are rounded, their upper part is green, the bottom is reddish. Flowers small, red.
  2. Striped (Faciata example). Tubular socket is collected from remove leaves. Complicated inflorescence about 30 cm. Pink bracts. Siblings appear on creeping stems.
  3. Curved. Inflorescence about 20 cm long, red. Flowers in April-May.
  4. Cosmata. The outlet is formed by the gossi-collected leaves. Flowers yellow, and bracts are red. Flowers in winter.
  5. Bearded (tail). Golden flowers, red bracts. Coloros are covered with white raid.
  6. Weilbach. Leaves up to 0.5 m in length. Flowers from March to August, sometimes in October.

Photo Gallery: Faciata Example, Striped, Curved and Other Types of Echmea

The inflorescence of Echmea is curved - 20 cm long Echmea bearded flowers Golden color Echmea Weilbach can please be blossom and autumn
Echmea striped - one of the most popular plants Echmea Breakfast Flowers in winter The top of the Leaf of Echmea Sparkling - Green, Lower - Violet Red

Conditions for Echmea depending on the season

How to plant and transplant at home

Echmya needs to transplant 1 time per year - in spring, after flowering. Filing sockets are removed.For Echmea, you will need a shallow wide pot, to the bottom of which should be put drainage (broken shards, clayzit).

Soil: Cherry and leaf land (2 parts), sand and humus (1 part) plus a little moss and charcoal. It will also suit the soil for bromellene.



Watering Echmea is carried out in two stages: first pour water into the outlet, then shed the soil.

Water for watering is needed estimated and warm.

Water in the outlet should be only in warm season

Echmea approves wet, but not too raw soil. It is necessary to water it, when the upper layer of the soil is. In the warm season in the funnel there should be water. It should be changed every 2-3 days, removing the old napkin. After flowering, as well as in the cold season, the outlet must be dry, otherwise rotting. Watering the ground in winter is also reduced to 1-2 times a month


The feeder is carried out in the summer of 1 time in 20 days, in the fall - 1 time per month, in the winter - 1 time in 1.5 months.Use complexes mineral fertilizers In a liquid form, fertilizers for epiphytes (bromellene or orchids) or conventional fertilizers for flowering plants (in this case, the concentration must be twice as smaller than indicated in the instructions). The mixture should not fall into the rosette of the plant.

Blossom - how to make a bloom echmyu

The flowering of Echmea covers the period from April to August. Some varieties are blooming both in winter (for example, echonoma is a duct). In natural conditions, the plant is ready for flowering for 4-5 years of life. This process can be caused artificially. Methods:

  1. Put the apples and oranges next to the pot, cover all the film. Gas released by fruit contributes to the acceleration of the beginning of flowering.
  2. Put in a funnel a piece of calcium carbide. It interacts with water in the funnel, as a result of which the same gas is allocated - ethylene.
  3. Sometimes bloom causes a large daily temperature difference.

After flowering outlets with flowers, you should unscrew or cut.

Period of rest

The period of rest in Ehmy is weakly expressed. However, in winter it is necessary to provide a plant low temperature (16 ° C), reduce watering and feeding.

Table: Why yellow, dry, brighten leaves - care errors and ways to eliminate them

What is happening Cause Options solving the problem
Do not bloomcare conditions are not met
  • adjust the watering mode and feeding;
  • provide a plant with the required temperature and humidity.
the plant has not reached 4 years of ageWait or stimulate blossom.
There is a rotation of the outletexcess polish
  • stop watering;
  • pour water out of the outlet;
  • rearrange in a warm and well ventilated place.
The root rot is foundsurplus moisture, heavy soilTransplant the plant by cutting damaged roots.
Light leavesexcess sunlightRearrange the pot to another place or take a plant.
Brown spots will appear on the leavessunburn
The tips of the leaves drylack of moisture, dry air
  • increase watering;
  • completely spray echmya.
Leaves yellowplant hit the disease or pestssee below

Fighting Diseases and Pests - Table

Pests / Diseases As manifest Measures of struggle
Cobed tickLittle arthropods entangling the leaves of the cobweb. The amazed leaves are yellowing, fall, the plant loses strength.
  1. Prevention measures: regular moisturizing.
  2. Processing of decis or phosbecide preparations (according to the instructions).
ShieldLittle insects that look like dark plaques leaving sticky traces. When defeating, Echmea lag behind in growth, the leaves are yellowing and dry.
  1. Remove insects with a napkin moistened in alcohol or soapy water.
  2. Treat carbofos or accuters (according to the instructions).
MealybugSmall insects damaging ground part of plants. Colonies look like cotton swabs. Echomethae, defeated by Cherver, stops development.
Root CherverForms egg layout at the root neck, which leads to reinforcement of the roots.
  1. Decrease water
  2. Treat carbofos or phacklon with preparations.

With strong damage, the plant is almost impossible to save.

Root rotIt may develop due to the overwhelmed land. The leaves are yellow, they darken, fade and fall.
  1. Get a plant from the ground, wash the earth.
  2. If part of the roots are white and healthy, trim damaged roots and stems, plant a plant into a new substrate, pour a carbandazim solution.

If the roots darkened and soften, then the plant is not saved.

Photo Gallery: Diseases and Pests Echmea


Echmya can be prompted with children or seeds.



The soil should be loose with the prevail of peat.

Note! When breeding Echmea seeds, varietal signs may not be preserved.

Echmea flower today is calmly cultivated by many lover of indoor plants on the windowsill, while a couple of decades ago it could be selected solely in the tropical area. At home, care is not very difficult, but implies compliance with some important rules.

Varieties of Echmea

Echmea is a perennial herbate plant From the family of bromelia, which has more than 300 varieties. They belong to the type of elphite, because they form shoots both in the ground and on the crust and in the roots of trees. Not all kinds of echons are suitable for growing in the apartment. The number of those to pay attention to:

  1. Echmea Weilbach. A flower of tropical thickets of Brazil flowers with large brushes with red or lilac-blue petals.
  2. Echometh curved. She has narrow and long leaves that fasten into one tube and the flowers of the bright red shade.
  3. Echometa is a dusty.Long fine-grained leaves are really sticking in different directions and resemble the hairless hair.
  4. This type of flower has large leaves with thick skin and white stripes and blue-red flowers.

How to care for Echmea at home?

Create a room flower suitable conditions is not difficult if you take into account the features of the Bromelian family. Echmea plant care is recommended to be carried out according to a specific scheme:

  1. Placing a pot on the Western or Eastern window is more profitable than on southern, because in the latter case requires shading.
  2. Bromeliev can be picked up by any fertilizer for flowering plants in a half dose every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer, and in winter - once a month.
  3. To strengthen the flower once every six months, trimming of weak shoots by secateurs are carried out.

Soil for Echmea

Before transplanting or primary planting of the plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance with the desired composition. It should be loose, soft and fertile, without a sublink. The soil is enriched with a mixture of deciduous humus, sand and peat with inclusion in the mixture. If the plant is ill or affected by rot, the soil for Echmea is mixed with chopped moss, sand and broken shards to increase immunity and facilitate air access to roots.

How to water Echmya?

The most important part of the departure for this plant is the right watering. Since in natural conditions it blooms in the tropics, it would be logical that it simply needs large quantities Water I. high humidity. From mid-April to September, watering Echmea is held 3 times a week, in all other months - as the soil drying down, but not more often 1 time in 10-12 days. It is important to take into account such features like:

  1. Water before moisturizing the soil is defended for 2-3 days and change every 7-10 days.
  2. When watering, the flower socket is first filled at a level of about 2.5 cm, and then the remnants of the water are poured under the roots.
  3. In winter, the liquid is poured only into the outlet, not on the soil.
  4. In dry weather, create an illusion of tropical humidity will help the usual finely dispersed sprayer to spray leaves.

How to transplant Echmeu at home?

Bromeliev does not need a frequent transplant, because the root system of the flower gives the trunk only a small part nutrients. This postulate can be broken if we are talking about the cuttings recently transferred to another container. Before first flowering, they are transplanted every year, but with one condition - if they seem too big for the pot. This process consists of three stages.

  1. The choice of wide and shallow containers, which will be rich enriched ground for Echmea transplantation.
  2. Draening bottom pot petty stones in or broken brick.
  3. Transferring cuttings and creating him comfortable conditions For 2-3 days: installation of a container in a dark cool place without irrigation.

How to propagate Ehmyu at home?

Plants of the Bromelian family die after 2-3 years regular floweringTherefore, the issue of reproduction will be relevant for any amateur flower. Give Ehmee new life can be in two ways:

  1. Seeds.They fall after each flowering, but before planting they need to be bludge away from the remnants of the soil and dry. Seeds germinate in mini-greenhouse, creating a warm and wet microclimate with polyethylene film. The seedlings will be processed in 2-3 weeks, and when they have 3-4 sheets, the seedlings will need to dive and send to other pots. Echmea flower obtained from seeds will bloom for 3-4 years.
  2. Processions. The cuttings (they are called children) separated from an adult plant after the flowering period is completed, and planted into the nutrient substrate. The main feature when leaving Ehemee at home, signing that it is time to reproduce the proceedings, dying the main stem. It is possible to separate them from the uterine individual when the length of the cuttings will be at least half the length of the plant.

Echmea - flowering at home

From embraceing babies to a new primer to first flowering takes place at least 1-1.5 years. You can speed up this process with the simplest stimulation: this plant loves ethylene contributing to the rapid ripening of buds. It is necessary for 1-2 weeks to cover the pot with a flower of Echmea with a transparent polyethylene package together with several ripe apples or lemons - fruit separating gas. The timing of the planned appearance of the barriers depend on the specific variety to which the room flower Echmea belongs:

  1. From April to May, buds appear on Ehmee Weilbach, Curved, Bract, Cantina and Luddeman;
  2. Middle of summer - the time of flowering vote and striped plants;
  3. Winter buds are characteristic of Echmea Cosmata, Sky Blue and Orland.

Why does not flower echons at home?

The reason for the lack of inflorescences on the plant can only be a disease caused by disruption of lighting or hazardous pests. Even knowing how to care for Echmea flower, you can make mistakes, because of which the wound will stop to form. You can return this ability to return to him, eliminating several factors:

  1. Lighting shortage.With an insufficient number of sunlight, the normal color of the leaves and the ability to dispose of the booton is lost.
  2. Holding roots. An important symptom of overflow is brown leaves and a rotting flower stem.
  3. \u003e Emei infection by pests like Tlya, or root worm. You can get rid of antibacterial drugs for decorative indoor plants.

Echmea (Achmea) belongs to the Bromeliev family.

Motherland - Tropical forests of Central and South America. Room flower Echmea is an exceptionally spectacular and original plant. The leathery curved leaves are collected in a funnel, from the middle of which the flowers appear. Echmea's indoor plant blooms very spectacular sound inflorescences.

Views of room Echmea

More than 300 species of this decorative blooming Plants. Flowers call such the most popular types:

Echmea brilliant, or sparkling (A. Fulgens). This is the most arrogant and capricious look. Flowers painted in coral color with blue tint at the edges.

Bearded echony (A. Caudata). Differs in long blossom bloom. The inflorescence has the kind of refinery of yellowish-golden color.

Echmea Curved (Aechmea Recurvata). It is characterized by long narrow leaves that fasten into the tube and form a socket. At the edges of the leaves are large spikes, the main part of them has a smooth surface. Aechmea Recurvata has a very beautiful blossom, usually it is bright red. The floweros is located 15-20 cm above from the outlet of the leaves.

Echometa Cosmaya (Aechmea Comata). This plant in the world of flower growing is also known under the same name as Echmea Linden. This type of leaves are long with fine-grained edges.

Sometimes in length they can reach up to 1 m. On the stem leaves are very thick, create a socket. Flowering falls on the winter. Flowers at Achmea Comata Bright yellow, and bracts are red. The inflorescence is very large, has a view of a multi-tiered spoal.

Echmea Weilbach (A. Weilbachii). Sheet plates are characterized by a green color, which the base goes into copper-red.

Echmea striped (A. Fasciata). A distinctive feature of this type indoor plant are blue flowerswhich over time acquire a reddish shade.

Echmea matte-red (Aechmea miniata). It is considered the most endless view of the indoor plant of Echmea. It is characterized by long narrow leaves, a length of approximately 50 cm, which formed a funnel socket.

Aechmea Miniata has a very interesting color of the leaves: they are light green on top, and from below - purple. Flowers matte red two-color. Petals at the type of light blue, and the sewers of matte-red.

Other types of home echometh are known - an example, a two-row echmea (Achmea distichantha), vote.

How to care for flower echimea at home

Echmea's home flower is a thermal-loving plant, but it needs a bright, protected from direct sunlight place. At home, often flower plants create an artificial shadow with a blind or curtains. In the winter season, when the day day becomes shorter, Ehmee may not have enough daylight lighting. Then, when cultivating and leaving at home behind the flower of Ehmee used artificial lighting. Near the pot with a plant put an ultraviolet lamp, which should work for at least 5 hours a day in winter. If possible the best place For cultivation of room Echmea will be the windowsill of the Eastern or Western window.

In winter, the temperature of the content is not lower than 18-19 ° C. In the spring-summer season, the air temperature in the room where Echomethu is located, should not be descended below +20 ° C, optimally +28 ° C. The difference between air temperature during the day and night will go all types of this room plant for the benefit.

How to care for the flower of Ehmee in the spring period? In the spring and summer is abundantly sprayed with extrasted water. Substrate - sheet earth, peat, sand, chopped sphagnum (1: 1: 1: 0.5). For some time, this exotic representative of the flora can carry the dryness of the soil and air, but in this case it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves with clean stretching water.

With the coming of summer, the plant leaves must be moisturized daily. To provide an instance with enough moisture, a pot can be put into the pallet with wet stones.

Rooming the room where this exotic culture is grown is mandatory for all varieties of the species. To provide this representative of the Flora Flora Flood Air, Daily, for a while, open the window in the house. A sufficient amount of oxygen will allow the plant to develop correctly.

Watering soil and feeding Echmea

Unlike many Bromels, Echmea is relatively simple to care. In the spring and summer, watering Echmea should be abundant. In the summer, the water should always stand in the leaf funnel. Watering moderate winter. Supporting the complex fertilizer should be carried out twice a month. To do this, use fertilizers designed specifically for bromelia. If with this frequency you will be made in the ground-floor fertilizer's ground plant, the flower will always remain lush and fresh. In Up. Echmea needs only in spring and summer, in winter and autumn to feed the plant is not necessary.

ImportantTo be regular, you should not wait for the soil drying, the soil must constantly be wet.

Reproduction of Echmea Seeds

Echmea reproduction at home is carried out in two ways:

  • roasting siblings that are formed after flowering;
  • seeds.

When choosing a second method of reproduction of this exotic culture, it should be understood that it will bloom only 3-4 years after the seeds are sown. If you choose the first method - the reproduction of Echmea with the processes, the plant will bloom after 1-2 years.

To propagate echoma seeds, you need to adhere to such rules and recommendations:

  1. Seed seeds need to be in a light peat ground. Soil must be well moistened all the time, the temperature of the air should not be descended below + 23-26 degrees.
  2. From above, the container with seeds should be covered with a film or glass. Every day, such a shelter must be removed for 10 minutes to provide soil and seeds with sufficient oxygen.
  3. Capacities with seeds should not be placed on the windowsill, where direct sunlight fall. Dark room is not suitable for this method of reproduction of this exotic plant, ideal is solar and slightly shaded place.
  4. When 1-2 leaves appear on the sprouts, young plants are divened to separate small containers. When growing seedlings, the air temperature should not be descended below +22 degrees.

Reproduction of Echmea Processes: how to sit down the children

Vegetative reproduction, which consists in transplanting children of Echmea, should be carried out in March. For this, the flower products use both young processes with several leaves, and adults who have formed their roots.

If you do not know how to sit down the children of Echmea, stick to such a step-by-step instruction:

  1. An adult plant together with kids carefully remove from the pot together with an earthy room.
  2. The side processes are separated by a sharp knife along with roots. The location of the cut is poured with an activated carbon.
  3. Prepare containers with a diameter of no more than 7-9 cm. Fill them with soil mixture: 2 parts of the leaf land, part of the peat and part of large sand.
  4. After the kids are planted, they are covered with a small glass container (a glass is suitable) to create a greenhouse effect.
  5. Capacity with kids are placed in a bright and warm place.
  6. When plants are rooted, they are transplanted into a pot of large sizes and care for an adult instance.

How to send echime at home after the transplant of children

Not all novice flower products know how to send Ehmey, and after all, such a procedure may be needed every year. It is important to adhere to one rule - you can only transplant this exotic culture in the spring.

When preparing for Echmea transplant at home, you should choose the right pot. It should not be much more than the previous one, quite a difference of several centimeters from all sides in diameter.

After the pot is selected, prepare the soil for Echmea. For this plant fits such a soil mixture:

  • nerd land;
  • sheet land;
  • humus;
  • sand.

For cooking soil mixture These components must be taken in this ratio - 2: 2: 1: 1.

Experienced flowerflowers to create more comfortable and favorable conditions for homemade cultivation Echmea recommend adding fine particles of charcoal or crushed wood bark in the soil. To exclude stagnation of water at the earth coma level, it is necessary to put a layer of drainage to the bottom of the pot.

Immediately after the transplantation of plants, the pot must be placed in a slightly shaded place. Within 2-3 days after the transplantation, Echmeu does not need to water.

Why does not flower echometh and what to do: how to make the plant blossom at home

Echmea blossom at home when the plant is provided correct care, lasts from May to October. Some varieties of this type of bromilee can bloom in November late.

The flowering of Echmea occurs just once in his life, after that the plant lives from six months and a little longer. Many flower flowers face the problem of lack of flowering of this exotic room culture. There are several reasons why echomethus does not bloom, each of them is associated with the wrong plant leaving:

If you do not bloom, Echmea, the first thing to do is ensure proper care. Also, experienced flowerflowers are divided by small tricks, how to quickly make the bloom of Ehmya:

  1. Near the pot put fragrant apples and oranges and cover everything with a film. It is believed that the gas allocated by these fruits accelerates the flowering process of this exotic culture.
  2. Stimulate blossom sometimes helps the daily air temperature drop. To do this, at night, a pot with a flower can be taken to a balcony or another place where the air temperature is below.
  3. You can put a small piece of calcium carbide. With the interaction of it with water, the same gas is formed, which is produced by oranges and apples - ethylene.

Diseases and pests of Echmea



Measures of struggle

Cobed tick

Processing of leaves and stems of decis or phosbecide preparations. The prevention of damage to the bypass tick is a sufficient level of humidity of soil and air.

Insects of small sizes, which on plants have a kind of dark plaques, leaving behind sticky traces. In the development of these pests, Echmea begins to lag in growth, the leaves are yellowing and completely dry out.

  1. The shield is removed from the leaves with a napkin moistened in alcohol or soapy water.
  2. The affected and healthy areas are treated with carboofos and accuters.


Amazed the ground part of the plant, have the kind of small insects. Outward pests look like cotton swabs. Under the defeat of Echmea, the cultivation of the plant stops.

Root Cherver

At the root neck, this pest is formed by the egg layout, which leads to the roting of the root system.

  1. During the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.
  2. Processing carbofos and phacklon preparations.

With strong lesion room flower Root Cherweets save Ehmeyu.

Root rot

The disease is usually evolving as a result of the overaffect of moisture in the soil. The disease is manifested by yellowing, darkening, fading and falling leaves.

  1. The patient plant is removed from the pot, water room temperature Wash the land.
  2. Crop the damaged part of the roots and stems, and the plant is transplanted into a new soil, after which it is watered with a carbandazim solution.

If the roots are severely sofaked and darkened, the flower does not succeed.

More detailed information about the features of the care of Echmea at home is presented in the video below: