
Need whether to cut off the color of the orchid. Orchid pumped


In nature, everything is interconnected: autumn comes to the summer shift, and then winter comes. By this time, almost all plants are preparing for departure on peace, which affects their appearance. Our beauty is not an exception and after abundant and prolonged flowering flowers begin to gradually die. Many many flower wakes a question, whether it is necessary and how to trim the orchid after flowering at home. I will try to answer this question as accurately as possible, based on personal experience And the experience of my girlfriends.

I hope this article will help you to do the right and you do not make mistakes.

Required Tools for Cutting Floor

It would seem, well, that such a difficult thing in such a procedure - cut it all. However, not everything is as simple as it may seem at first glance. First, during the trimming of orchids, it is possible to make an infection, and secondly, if the procedure is not careful, it can be broken.

Therefore, to avoid various kinds of trouble, well prepare for the procedure, prepare required tools. As for the tools, you will need:

  1. Cepping. Of course, you can take conventional scissors, or a knife, but in this case it is possible to damage the leaves. Yes, and the secateur is most convenient to carry out trimming.
  2. Any des. means. It is possible to wipe the blades of the secateurs with alcohol before the procedure, and you can lower in boiling water and hold for several minutes in boiling water. Perhaps pre-wigure in chlorine.
  3. Gloves - The avoidance of skin burns, which may occur when the plant juice hit the skin.

So, with the tools figured out, let's try to figure out now, and whether we need to cut orchid.

Do I need to cut orchid after flowering

But in this question, the opinions of rags. Some believe that after the blooming trimming must, others, on the contrary, believe that the pruning is not needed. How to understand who is right and who is not. The most interesting thing is that both opinions are true, but in part.

The fact is that there are many types of orchids and each species needs special care. Therefore, some kinds of orchids are trimmed necessarily, as they will not bloom again. And other species at your discretion, well, in circumstances (such species include orchid phalaenopsis).

Since most orchid lovers are bred phalaenopsis, then it will be about this form. But if you have another kind of orchid, then most likely, it needs to trim.

So, as for phalaenopsis, in this case we act in circumstances. For example, your orchid flows and you do not know what to do. If the bloomer is still strong and dense, then it is better to cut a flowerclosure, as new stems can grow from sleeping kidneys, which will soon bloom.

If the floweros began to dry out, it is cut above 0.5 cm. From 2-3 sleeping kidney (if it, of course there is). After trimming, the orchid can bloom in a couple of weeks, and maybe a few months later. It all depends on how the plant is strongly exhausted.

How to cut orchid after flowering

So, you decided that your orchid needs to trim, but you don't know how to start. The first thing you need to do is inspect the plant carefully. If the color is tight and green, then leave it alone and do not touch it. The fact is that the orchid receives extra nutrition from the flowers, and if you do it now, then deprive your beauty of the important nutrient elements necessary for further development.

Therefore, the best thing you can do is leave the plant alone and wait until the stem pleases. If you still do not overtake and remove the green bloom, then I serve your favorite service. Because of this act, the orchid will need more strength and time to restore. As a result, your orchid will bloom after such trimming no earlier than after 6 months, and maybe later. So cut only the dried part.

If you want the old stem again bloomed, then try to trim it with 0.5 - cm above the sleeping kidney. However, this method does not give 100% warranty. In addition, after such a procedure, the plant will begin to spend the forces on the development of the kidney, to the detriment of the general development and the formation of a new bloomon.

How to crop bloom in orchid

So, your orchid blew and you decide that you need to prune. Is it worth cut orchid, we disassembled above. Now let's discuss the steps how to crop the bloom.

I hope the tools are already prepared, you have successfully settled. Now it's time to inspect the plant. What you should pay attention to.

  1. On the color of the bloomon. If it is green and juicy, the plant is better to leave alone. You already know that green blooming cannot be cut.
  2. Look, if there is no swelling kidney on the bluer. If they are, then the plant also should not be touched, as flowers can appear again from swollen kidneys.
  3. If the floweros began to turn yellow and so much, then you can cut it. But it is not completely cut, but to the green part, or leave 2 lower kidneys, and the rest cut.
  4. If there are several shoots from the flowers, then only the part is cut off, which began to fade.

What to do, after cutting a bloomer from orchid

It seems to us that the procedure is usual and there is nothing special in it, but for the orchid itself it is not so, for it, the procedure is true stress. Therefore, at first, try to hardly disturb the plant.

Typically, the cutting of the color saw is carried out in October - November and this time coincides with the period when the plant is preparing for rest.

As for flowering, after trimming orchid, it can bloom in a short period of time, and sometimes it can take quite a lot of time until the next flowering.

Further care The same as before flowering and during flowering. Special attention is paid to watering. It is important that the soil satisfied between watering completely. In some cases it is important to conduct a transplant and during the transplant to examine carefully roots and cut all unnecessary. Next, we will consider the topic in more detail how to trim the roots in orchid

How to trim roots in orchid

Trim roots need only if you transplant the plant. In this case, when you remove orchid from the pot, remove all the roaster with the roots and slip the roots warm water. Next, carefully inspect them. If the roots are strong, green, then they are not necessary to touch them. But all the dry roots ruthlessly cut off with scissors.

If orchids have rotten roots, they are also ruthlessly removed to a healthy fabric. There are cases that the plant is strongly launched because of the wrong leaving she drove almost all root system. In this case, the root system is completely cut off. All cut places sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or lubricated with green. Unfortunately, such an orchid will have no sweet and it will take a lot of time on recovery. Sometimes a few years can be recovered.

From many novice flower flowers had to hear that they were perceived by orchids as disposable flowers. I melt, bought, she stood at home, first the buoy and a long time, and then disappeared. But it was worth expecting it. New kidneys and new flowers quickly depleted the plant. Therefore, to the question, whether orchid to cut after flowering during the rest, the answer is unequivocal: definitely cut.

How to trim orchid after flowering

When there are no buds on the plant, neither boutons nor open colors, it means that it is preparing for the stage of sleep. It is at that time orchid and necessary to trim. As a rule, this procedure is carried out in October-November. But remember: different types Orchids are developing in different ways, therefore the time, and the ways of trimming may differ.

For example, some owners of phalaenopsis are wondering when it is necessary to cut orchid after the flowering of this particular type. After all, it is intended to bloom several times a year. Specialists advise: it is better to do it between the same October and November.

If Phalaenopsis bleaks in spring, and in the spring, boutons or kidneys appeared in the spring, then the trimming is 1.5 cm above - during this period, the re-flowering process of phalaenopsis does not harm. It's just in the near future it is plentiful to water and spray it and spray it, and then new buds are formed. So, not in vain, we first clarified that the unconditional need for trimming occurs in the period of rest.

What tools need to cut orchid after flowering

If you do not have special tools, a regular knife or scissors are suitable. But it is better to buy a garden secateur. He is less injured by orchid stems.

Before trimming the tool, you need to treat a disinfectant containing chlorine.

In which places pruning

Another question, which is asked for newcomers-flower, whether to cut the patterns from orchids after flowering. Most species - yes. This happens in this way:

  • inspect the bloomon - if he began to dry, wait until he pleases;
  • then remove the bloomer completely, leaving at the base of the pasteen of small sizes.

By the way, not only his yellow, and brown, bright purple can testify about fading the stem. In this case, also after flowering orchid, the floweros need to trim. If he still remained green or not to the end of the dried, it is not worth cropping it. Orchid still be able to make nutrients needed for its growth and development. If you hurray - there is a risk that you will not see new flowers for another six months.

Now you know whether it is necessary to cut orchid after flowering and how to do it right. If you follow the tips of the experienced flower water, this beautiful flower It will be for a long time to please your charm and irresistible.

Orchid - amazing, fantastic, magic flowerwho has conquered flowerflowers a variety of species and colors, long blossom and commercial care. There are several uncomplicated rules, when performing the tropical beautiful months will delight you with your amazing outfit. At the same time, flowerflowers face a number of problems when growing a flower. How to trim the shooter's arrow, how to transplant the plant in another pot and take a hundred to do with a plant after the orchid has come time to fonds?

Stages of flowering orchid

The flowering of orchid begins with the advent of the color-point shooter - one or more on which buds are formed. The larger the flowers, the richer and more blossom. Buds are disclosed gradually: the first, close to the base of the arrow opens the pods, then the next. Every day a new flower appears. The blurred inflorescences are large, elegant, with a subtle aroma, are affecting not only lovers, but also people from flower growing.

Flowering orchid phalaenopsis

Flower location in pot

Under the severity of buds, the stems sometimes bent or twisted. That this does not happen, they are tied up to special sticks that are installed in a pot. For this, the twine is used or special clamps for orchids are purchased, which is much more convenient and looks aesthetic.

Fixing arrow orchidis using special clamps

The flowering of orchid lasts about three months, in some varieties up to six months, with a periodicity of 2-3 times a year. Flowering frequency and duration directly depend on the departure and created conditions.

Required conditions for flowering

  1. Light location, without direct sunlight. In case of insufficient lighting, it is possible to freeze the plant of the phytolamma or daylight lamp.
  2. Sit orchid into a transparent pot, because the orchid is a plant-epipheit, through the roots receive not only water, air and nutrients, but also the light, its root system is involved in photosynthesis.
  3. Watering as the substrate is dried, moderate, without oveurgement.
  4. Temperature Mode: For abundant flowering, it is necessary to provide a plant with a small drop between the night and daytime temperatures. Ideally, we must support 20-23 degrees, at night 16-18.
  5. Orchid does not like permutation, and any change in location, even a simple turn, can end up resetting buds.
  6. Weekly making special feed, for example, agricola for orchids, where the composition of trace elements is selected precisely for flowering. In addition, the bottle is supplied with a measuring cup, which makes the use of this fertilizer comfortable.

How to care for a plant after biting

If the conditions for the content of orchids were not broken, then after a few months, bloom ends. The process takes place smoothly: first fades the flower, which was the first to bloom, then dried the next and so on. Sometimes it happens that all the colors are fed at the same time - this is a sign of the error in care. If the orchid from the trunk leaves several color seals, the flowering can be long. When the latter arrow is swinging, the process is finished. Until that time, it is not necessary to rearrange and crop the plant.

Video: Cut the arrow or not?

Practice trimming at home

It must be said that the manipulation with the flowers is directly dependent on the type of orchid. The most common in our houses phalaenopsis, from him and start.

If, after fading the colors, the arrow began to breathe, it is cut as low as possible, trying to keep the sheet. Sing of bloomer, hollow inside, it is advisable to close bee Wax or a garden boiler, otherwise, when spraying in it, water can get into it, which will lead to shockting.

Walking-flower-colored orchid phalaenopsis cut completely

Often, Falenopsis's color, after a bunch of green, remains greine - it is better not to touch it. After the rest period, when the plant will relax, new arrows or children will appear from sleeping kidneys.

Green shootspalienopsis do not remove

To stimulate the appearance of new color seals, a partial trimming is sometimes used. At the same time, the arrow is shortened, leaving 3-4 sleeping kidneys, of which new color pains will appear over time.

Procurement of the outflower shooter stimples the appearance of the newcies

Slices of flowerons when cropping orchids are desirable to sprinkle with thustenance coal - it will keep the arrow from bothering.

Sometimes, the flowers are removed completely from purely aesthetic considerations - sticking sticks spoil the plant's kind. There is nothing terrible in this reception, and proper careFor a long time, orchid will release new arrows. Orchid is quite a hardy plant, and pruning will not lead to her death, if it obtained the necessary care.

Coloring trim from various types of plants

One of the most popular types of orchids, Wanda attracts flowerflowers amazing flowers, which can be monophonic, pinsy and with mosaic patterns. Wanda can quickly bloom at any time of the year one and a half or two months. Flower orchids need to completely cut the flower and cutting the watering and spraying.

The sworded shooter wanda after flowering is cut off

Angania is also a common type of orchid. When maintaining at home, blooming lasts 10-14 days, mostly in the summer. When an agony stops fond, the arrow is cut off, and the plant itself is transplanted if necessary and reduce watering.

Orchid aghanizion after flowering the arrow immediately remove

Other interesting view Orchids - Dendrobium has many varieties. It occurs in it by means of pseudobulb, which should not be removed after flowering, as the plant receives nutrients from them for the formation of new color seals. Crop the pseudobulb can be completed after complete drying and leaves.

Orchids are a dendrobium as a flowers are pseudobulb

Cattleya attracts close to large colors with a thin pleasant aroma. Thanks to a set of arrows, blooms quite a long time. As soon as the first buds, specialists advise to remove emerging new sprouts. This technique will allow the flowers to reveal, otherwise the plant will spend on growing processes, but it will not be able to bloom. Cuttleia's cuttles should be truncated after complete drying.

Smart-echoid cattela is also removed after complete drying


After flowering, the orchids occurs at rest period - a very important stage in the life of the plant. It is at this time that there is a preparation for the next blossom, and, despite the nuances in care separate species, general rules To create favorable conditions of these plants are similar. It:

  • transplantality if necessary;
  • light and warm location, without drafts and direct sunlight;
  • regular, but abbreviated watering - after everyone give the soil to dry;
  • making feeding depends on the time of year - in winter or in summer it is sufficient to feed the plant once a month, in spring or autumn - two.

For feeding during peace, you can use the fertilizer of Bon Forte for orchids - the ratio of trace elements in this drug is suitable precisely for building leaves and roots. It is important to remember that it is impossible to fertilize the risen plant, patient or immediately after transplantation.

How to transplant orchid

Orchids do not like when they are disturbed without need, so they need to replant, if necessary, not more than once every 2-3 years.

Causes of transplant

The reason for such a procedure may become a raised plant, trying to crawl out of the pot, as well as the absorption of the air roots. In this case, the transplant is necessary, but it is important to remember that bloom will then resume in a year.

If the roots of the orchid darkened or began to wither the leaves, this is also a signal to transplant.

How can I do a transplant?

How to correctly transplant orchid? To begin with, you prepare a new plastic transparent pot of suitable diameter, more than 1.5-2 cm. Put the drainage to the bottom of the drainage - clamzite, brick or slices of foam layer 3-4 cm. It is very important: orchid can not be planted into the usual nutritious soil. Special substrate for orchids can be bought in the store or prepare on their own. There are many options, but the main element is the bark, desirable conifer. To compile a mixture of the Cora, pour fluid with boiling water several times to wash the resin, and cut into small pieces of 1.5-2 cm. Then to 3 parts of the cortex add 1 pieces of wood coal, sfagnum moss or coconut fiber and vermiculite. Mix everything well.

How to save the root system?

Gently remove the plant from the pot and inspect it . If the roots are healthy, green and from the substrate there is no heavy, rotten smell, transplant orchid without disturbing the earth coma. We establish a plant in the prepared pot, lay emptiness at the edges of the soil and slightly pressing. Such a transplant will not harm the plant and, most likely, will not have a negative impact on the subsequent flowering.

Orchid with healthy roots can be transplanting without breaking the earth

If the soil is unpleasant smelling, and orchids have fallen or dried roots, we carefully cut them with a secret, pre-freed from the soil. Then the plant is installed in a new pot in such a way that it turned out to be at the same level after the transplantation. Fill the pot prepared by a mixture, laying down the largest pieces of the bark. Carefully adjust the soil.

Dried and fired orchid roots carefully remove

The transplanted orchid is pouring up soft, resistant water through the pallet and remove into a warm, well-lit place.

Video: how to quickly transplant orchid

How to water the flower in rest

An important condition for the flowering of orchid is the right watering. During rest watering should not be abundant - you need soil to dry. For a full saturation of a moisture pot with orchids, we put in deep tank and pour so that the plant is immersed as deeper as possible. Watch that the water does not get into the rosette of the leaves - the drops are removed with a soft napkin. Just just a few minutes so that the substrate moistened, after which we take out the pot and put on the pallet. After all the water holds, we send orchid to a permanent place.

What time is it better to transplant the plant?

When irrigated, it is important to take into account the time of year. So, in winter, with a short light day, all physiological processes will slow down, so we pour less often. In the summer, with abundance of light and warmth, the plant is growing hard and water he needs more.

When growing orchids there is no answer to the question: how many times to water? Everything is individually, and too many factors affect the tillage drying: material pot, the composition of the soil, air humidity, indoor temperature, proximity to heating instruments. Someone has a soil every three days, someone in a week. The pot became light, and the upper layer Snokh - it's time. A transparent pot also makes it easier to task - you can look directly to the root.

Possible problems in the cultivation of orchids

Sometimes when growing orchids, especially those who first acquired this flower, difficulties arise. What should pay attention first?

On the state of orchids are determined by leaves. In a healthy plant, a sheet plate of a homogeneous green color, elastic, shiny, rounded. Changing the turgora, colors, the appearance of yellow or stains, the change in the shape of the leaves should alert the flower.

Dried stem floweros

After the flowering of orchids, the smell of flowers. Sometimes the plant decides otherwise using nutrients that are spent on the vital activity of unnecessary floweros. Cut, as described above, and continue care.

Why orchid quickly plowed?

Most likely, one of the cultivation conditions was broken. You should pay attention to feeding and temperature mode - The difference between day and night temperatures is about 5 degrees.

Orchid does not want to bloom

Possible cause is the same - the lack of difference between day and night temperatures, insufficient lighting, lack of feeding.

Leaves droke

Leaves from orchid lost the tour, became sluggish. Probably flooded the plant. It is necessary to remove the flower of the pot and, if the earth is zakisla (is determined by an unpleasant acid odor), freeing the roots from the substrate, rinse with a light pink solution of mangartee and plant in fresh soil. Follow watering.

Leaves wishes

After flowering in orchid yellow leaves. If one leaf fell off and fell off - there is no reason for experiences, since this is a natural process.

Fast growth of leaves and trunk

Leaves get along and stretched out. Orchid lacks light and it is forced to increase the leaf plate, increasing the absorption area. Rearrange the plant into a more illuminated place or ensure that lamps are shoved.

Orchid - a grateful plant. Contrary to rumors about capriciousness and diligence, it grows well and flows in houses, apartments and greenhouses. Conduct with her, if desired, it is possible to manage both experienced flowers and inexperienced lovers. It is necessary to strictly follow only one rule - to observe the plant, listen to it, be interested in, then the fatal problems will not arise, and the rest are solved.

How to cut orchids and when to do this is determined by the variety of plants. For indoor flower growing adapted different kinds And the varieties of orchids, they all require an individual approach.

What types of orchids do you need to crop bloomons?

The need and technology trimming orchids after flowering at home depends on the type of plant. Some varieties need to remove the flowerons immediately at the end of flowering so that they do not pull the juices and nutrients from the flower. Others do not touch until completely drying the outflower organ. The question of whether it is necessary to cut the stem, solved depending on the situation and state of the plant. Almost all types of these epiphytes take rest period after flowering.

Monopodial orchids, whose shoots grow vertically, and flowers are formed in the leaf sinuses, it is recommended to trim immediately after flowering. But sometimes fresh buds may appear on the same arrow. Therefore, whether it is possible to cut it, judge by appearance escape. If the green twig is fresh and does not show signs of drying, then you need to wait a bit. This species include: Wanda, Faleenopsis, Agania, Brasavol, DR.

The blurred shoots of the dendrobium, cymbidium, cattleia and miltonia relating to the symphodial type of growth are removed only after complete drying of the flower branch. Such orchids have pseudobulb, from which the floweros is formed, and they grow horizontally. The plant gets nutrients from the ending bloom of the stem using them to form new colorless shoots. The late trimming of flower branches depletes the flower, it can cause it significant harm and can even lead to his death.

For competent care for the green pet, it is necessary to know the appearance and features of its content. If the plant is purchased in a specialized store, then when buying needs relevant information from the seller.

The arrow of the dendrobium does not cut down

When do you need to trim the flashing orchid?

Often inexperienced flower is difficult to understand when it is time to cut the epiphyte, because during the flowering it is impossible to do this. Different varieties of this culture bloom in different periods The year and duration flowering is also different. Phalaenopsis blossoms lasts until six months. Others emit fresh blooms several times a year, but the buds themselves live no more than 2-3 weeks. If it is not known when the old branches should be removed, it is recommended to carry out this procedure in the fall (October - November).

Signs of wadering flowers

At the very end of flowering, buds lose elasticity, and the entire flower arrow looks inanger and as if covered with a thin layer of wax.

Regardless of the varietal affiliation of the plant, there are several general signsindicating the fading of flowers:

  • the arrow retains a juiciness and green, but for a long time (several months) is alone;
  • flower escape almost immediately dry out;
  • daughter sockets and fresh shoots are formed in the sinuses of the color-saving shoots;
  • the color of the arrows is changing: the green darkens or yellowes, purple becomes dark pink.

Do not rush with trimming, you need to wait and watch the plant.

How to cut orchid after flowering: instruction

Cutting a bloomer in orchid phalaenopsis or any other variety does not represent any particular difficulties. If you do everything competently, the flower easily transfers a similar procedure. You can use the instructions and perform all actions step by step (in the photo you can see all visually).

If the Falenopsis Flowerines are completely dried, they can be completely removed

Required tools

Orchid is quite capricious and whimsical plant, so all manipulations need to be carried out correctly and extremely neatly so as not to cause damage to the flower. All tools must be prepared in advance.

The following tools and materials will be needed for work:

  1. Cepping, sharp knife or scissors. It is best to take advantage of a small sharp gardener, since they work more convenient, he does not injure the plant and leaves the burrs. You can accidentally touch the knife or scissors and damage orchid leaves.
  2. Disinfecting solution. Any disinfection drug is suitable: alcohol, vodka, cologne, iodine, etc. You can simply hold the tool in boiling water for a few minutes or soak it in a chlorine solution (white).
  3. Pucked charcoal. They need to sprinkle a slice place to prevent the infection and the subsequent rotation of the remaining part of the orchid.
  4. Liquid hot paraffin or wax.
  5. Protective gloves. Dense or waterproof (latex, rubber, etc.) gloves to protect the hands from the disinfecting drugs and plant juice from entering them, as well as reducing the risk of incineration in the flower tissue.

First method

At home, cut orchid after the flowering phase can be 2 ways. The first option provides for a complete removal of the sworded stalks.

Pruning makes the following technology:

  • carefully inspect the flower and designate the location of the cut, there must be a fuken with a height of no more than 25-30 mm;
  • wash your hands and put on protective gloves;
  • hold the disinfection of the tool;
  • carefully and neatly in the designated place at any angle, they spend sharp, trying not to hurt other parts of the plant (leaves or trunk);
  • the location of the cut is treated with chopped wood or activated carbon, a ground cinnamon;
  • if the stem is hollow, then when the moisture is inserted into it, the grinding process can begin, therefore, in this embodiment, the pennies are blocked by natural beeswax or paraffin.

It is always completely cut off dry twigs and stems that are in a frozen state for several months.

Option 2. Crop bloom at the very foundation of orchid

Second method

With a different method, an incomplete cutting of the color saw is made. The stem is shortened by 20-25 mm above the sleeping point of growth (kidney), which subsequently formed fresh shoots with floral buton or child sockets. It is most often removed by about 1/3 old floral arrow.

The process is the following steps:

  • first you need to determine the place of the outbreak (in most cases there are 2-3 lower kidneys);
  • wear on the hands of the gloves and process the disinfecting of the toolkit;
  • a disinfected sharp tool must be cut off the unnecessary part of the stem;
  • cut copper powder (activated or woody), cinnamon, or other means to prevent possible rotting of the remaining branch;
  • the hollow stem is poured with hot paraffin or bees wax.

It is not always the use of a similar method leads to further growth, sometimes the flowers continue to die and turn yellow. In this case, it is cut completely. If the cut-off arrow is green and looks healthy, it is placed in a water container for rooting and the subsequent receipt of a young orchid. Sometimes a stalk gives root, then after a while it can be planted in an individual pot.

Proper care after trimming

A few days after trimming, orchid should not be disturbed, because such procedures are strong stress for the plant. If autumn trimming was carried out, then the subsequent period of care coincides with the time of winter recreation of this culture. Epiphyts are at rest from 2 months and more.

Competent orchid care After cutting flowers, consists in ensuring the following conditions of content and care:

  • moderate moisturizing only after a complete slope of the substrate in the planting capacity;
  • complete cessation of feeding for at least 2 months at rest;
  • the air temperature in the room should not exceed + 24 ... + 25 ° C, in the dark, it should not be descended below + 14 ... + 16 ° C;
  • protect the culture from drafts;
  • good, but multiple lighting, you can not allow the flower of direct sunlight (if the manipulations were conducted in summer, the flower should be given in openwork curtains or matte film);
  • do not place epipheit near the working heating devices.

The blurred branches must be deleted in a timely manner, only so the plant will feel comfortable and will not make long wait for the next flowering. Carefully watching your pet, you can always understand what he currently needs.

As long as we would not please our orchid with your bloom, but sooner or later, Falenopsis begins to drop flowers and blooms dry. Orchid plowed. But what kind ways will go further development decorative flower, I know, perhaps, he is alone. Whether the development of a new piece of leaf will begin, and it can go to the growth of lateral floweros from sleeping flower kidney and flowering will continue. Let's stop more on the question whether crop bloom phalaenopsis?

Flowing orchid, what's next?

In fact, the orchid is a very lively plant with powerful, you can say instincts, and only the owners seems fragile and vulnerable. After the end of Falenopsis flowering, given its condition, view and environmentmay choose several ways to develop:

  1. Save the green blooming and awaken one of the sleeping flower kidney. It forms a small lateral process with flowers. The colors on it will be less, and they themselves will be small, but the home plant will continue to delight the flowerfish with its beauty. This development can very often be found in phalaenopsis.
  2. Gradually will completely dry the floweros and start slowly to develop a new piece of leaf, gradually and by gaining strength. In this case, everything is clear, the drying flower arrow must be cut off.
  3. The simultaneous development of floral and leaf kidneys is possible. True, such a development continues as a rule, long. A decorative flower places priorities over time and slows down the development of one of the directions.

The problem is that the flower living in artificial conditionsmay incorrectly evaluate the surrounding factors. Changes in the night and daytime temperatures of winter heating systems can be perceived by them as favorable spring drops and become a factor stimulating the continuation of flowering.

Therefore, ultimately, it is the flower descendant to make a decision: whether it is necessary to cut a palaneopsis flowers after flowering.

Orchid independently begins to dry the floweros. In this case, you do not need to boost events. Wait until the plant will completely dry the floral arrow, only gently trimmed her dried part. Why don't you need to cut the bloom at once? NutrientsThe accumulated in it will be very useful to relax flowing with a homemade plant.

You have a strong adult plant, which, after flowering, has retained most of the blur green and dense. If there are sleeping floral kidneys on it, then you can wait for repeated bloom. Over time, the kidney will be free from protecting her scales, which will be a sign of the emergence of a new blooming arrow. But it is not necessary to get involved. On the next year Be sure to give orchid to relax. Double annual blossom will quickly drag your beauty.

You are the owner of hybrid and dwarf varieties Orchids. They simply may not have enough accumulated vitality for double flowering. Sange them.

How to fully cut the decoration of orchids.

At the end of September, the flowers on the phalanopsis begin to gradually fade and crumble. And in October, the plant finally passes into a state of rest and gradually restores the forces after flowering. It's time to cut off your bloom.

For trimming the flower arrow is best suited. You can use the usual knife or scissors, but in this case the risk damage the large leaves of the plants above. Wash thoroughly and disinfect tool.

Crop the faded blooming is needed at an altitude of 1-2 cm from the base. Treat cut, beeswax or activated coal powder. Processing is prejudiced home flower From the posting, when moisture gets inside the stem. For the same reason, he does not cut completely.

If your plant is independently started to dry the blooming, then gradually remove the dried areas. While there will be no pasteen 1 cm.

Cropped green blooming.

What can be done with a cut green floral arrow after flowering. Spend fascinating experiment For breeding orchid from bloomon. Put the stalk into the water in which you must add the resulting activated carbon. Do not forget to add water by maintaining a permanent level, compensating for evaporation.

After some time, a new orchid may begin to develop from sleeping kidney. Despite the fact that such a method of breeding is described in almost all articles. Most of the flower water notes that in practice in the flower, there is not enough strength to maintain life in a new plant. He dies earlier than in a new flower, a full-fledged root system has time to develop. Therefore, some resources are even offered to cut the flower on the flowering stage.

In general, the chances are minimal but why not try.

Video with a full cut of Falenopsis flowers:

How to cut the flower for the rapid further flowering of phalaenopsis.

If you still decided to give the possibility of phalaenopsis to extend your bloom, it will be important will take care of his decorative form. Sticky dried stems will not add beauty flower. We define the visual inspection flower kidney, while still covered with protective scales. You can safely try the kidneys. Those who are ready to wake up will be tight to the touch and slightly swollen. Usually there are several of them, but I do not recommend leaving them all. It is enough to leave 3 pieces, and make a slice above the upper kidney at a distance of 1-2 cm. Then trelect the slice. In this case, the processing will not only protect the flower from rotten, but also prevents the evaporation of such a desired moisture and premature drying of the color saw.

Caring for orchid after the removal of bloody.

After removing the flower, the plant care does not change in any way, with the exception of its seasonality. The autumn temperature is below the summer, the substrate dries longer, so the watering period increases. The need for watering is also determined by the color of the roots. Watering need warm water.

Move the vase with a flower in a sharp place for 4-6 weeks.

If necessary, it is time to carry a decorative flower in a larger pot for orchid. The new Vazon "Orchid" should be more than 1-2 cm.

How to trim the bloomer for faster blossoms:

Updated: November 17, 2016 by the author: Elena.