
Geran: care at home, recommendations for cultivation. Regular flowering Geranium: care for her at home, secrets (photo)

Preparing plants for winter

Geranium, she is also pelargonium - beautiful and unpretentious plant. But so that in the winter geranium bloom and pleased the eyes, she needs to pay a little more attention than in the summer.

Criting for geranium in winter

Given that Geranium once came to us from South Africa, it best feels in abundant lighting. If in the winter it gets little sunlight Due to cloudy weather, you need to organize an additional lamp illumination. It is better to use a special, marked "phyto", placed at an altitude of 10 cm from the top of the plant.

For proper care Gerana pleases the eye and winter

The duration of the daytime should be at least 12 hours. With a lack of lighting, shoots will become pale, stretch, foliage crushes.

In addition to lighting, geranium care in winter implies compliance with several more parameters:

  • Temperature mode. In winter, the room should be in the afternoon not lower than 20 ° C, and at night not lower than 16 ° C. And you need to measure not in the room, but on the windowsill, where there is a pot with geranium. If under the windowside is the heating battery is not the best place For Gerani, she reacts poorly to the sleeved air.
  • Oxygen. Regular ventilation of the room are needed, but at the same time the flower should not be on the draft.
  • Watering should be regular and abundant. In winter, just once every 10 days, and even less often. It is necessary to follow the moisture content of the Earth, it should not disappear. With insufficient or, on the contrary, too abundant watering the leaves will begin shirt. Spraying is not a mandatory procedure for geranium, but if it is carried out, water should be purified, soft.
  • The feeding is necessary in the form of potash fertilizers twice a month. If the fertilizer is complex, it should be at a minimum of nitrogen. It causes a rapid growth of leaves, but slows down flowering.

Care for geranium in winter at home also implies a timely trimming of the branches. Without her, the plant will lose its decorativeness and turn into a relaxed low-rotory bush. Thanks to high-quality trimming, many new shoots will appear for the spring, Crohn will become curly, and flowering - more lush and long. Cropped upshids of shoots can be roaming for the reproduction of the plant.

Knowing how to properly care for geranium in winter, you can provide this wonderful plant comfortable conditionsthen it will delight the eye round year.

Well known beneficial influence Many plants per person, including those growing on our window sills. Among the most common domestic drugs are undoubted leadership in Aloe, Golden Usa and Gerani. In addition to the aesthetic pleasure of contemplation of bright, almost all year round fragrant flowers of geranium, generally accepted her healing, almost magical.

Familiar stranger

Meets from South Africa many centuries ago, geranium ancestors, the shape of their fruits were a little similar to the beak of Aist, which was obtained and received the Greek name of Pelargonium, which means "caravalid nose". Geranium complained to us already from Europe, passing through the caring hands of the English breeder of George Tradesska. It is said that thanks to the Ranger Geranium granted to them, the king of England got rid of painful insomnia.

Essential oils contained in the colors and leaves of the plant, in one presence really soothe nervous system, Stress, headaches, clean the surrounding atmosphere, scare insects, neutralize the effects of poisons. Finding a champion of a family hearth that growing in the bedroom, geranium contributes to the establishment of a peaceful family life, and blooming white inspires to acquire offspring.

Homemade tech

Since Geranian Oil Peter I was cured of chromotypes and pains, which were caused by the thorough nail, Geranium gradually became a favorite indoor plant of Russians. The characteristics defended the fruit of a pregnant woman from unclean strength and evil spirits, applying geranium oil to her belly.

If you add honey into anti-water leaves or geranium flowers, then you can clean the mucous eye from a pus. Minting plants, boiling water flooded with a glass of boiling water, are perfect sleeping, enough to drink a third part of a glass of infusion before bedtime.

Geranium oil drops are saved from a cold, soothe pain in the ear, and the leaf attached to the open wound stops blood, removes the pus, heals the wounds.

Plant care

With the onset of autumn, many flowers will require "resettlement" in the premises protected from cold weather. To such gentle plants Refers and geranium, which in the summer perfectly felt on the street. Considering that some geranium varieties bloom almost all year round, plants are advisable to transfer to the room and try to create for him optimal conditions. Right winter Give you the opportunity until January to admire it with luxurious blossoms.

In winter, geranium best feels in the room cool, but for growth and flowering it will need good lighting. If you can - place pots with geranium to the southern windows. Of course, the plant will not disappear and with partial darkening, only in this case with abundant bloom it will not please you.

Competent caring beyond in winter involves cutting watering. Low temperature and strong moisturizing may cause root rotting. But the plant should not be very dry, it will begin to fade, turn yellow, will reset the leaves and lose its decorativeness. Blossom will also stop. Stealing geranium should be cut to 1 time and a half.

Ate in summer geranium was grown in beds, in open soil, it follows it in a small pot, cutting into a transplant approximately the third part of the roots. Coustics itself can also be trimmed. The pot with a flower should be located in a well-lit place. To transplant the plant and put it into the house so that it does not experience stress from a sharp change in microclimate.

For geranium is unacceptable increased humidity Air and unacceptably spraying leaves. She also does not need too spacious pots, in which geranium ceases to bloom. Partial yellowing and dying of the leaves is considered the norm, they simply should be removed, whereas with the dried tips it is necessary to increase irrigate, and the sluggish leaflets sign on the oveurgement.

Geranian breeding

Many peoples consider geranium symbol of vigor and health. So, put on the threshold of the house plant protects the house from the snakes in the east. Slavic girls wore a fragrant leaf of geranium to attract the attention of their chosen one. Growing in the house Gerana is expelled from the family of resentment and quarrels, cleanses and disinfect air, has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Gerany smell relieves fatigue, it is useful to inhale it to people who have suffered a stroke.

You can stick a cutlery into a wet sandy peat mixture, placing in a cool, shaded place, and even better to dip in aloe juice, then sprinkle with activated carbon powder and put in the ground. For good care Geranium can live about thirty years for joy and for the benefit of their masters.

Many reading this article, probably, remember the personification of comfort and heat on the windowsill - Babushkina Geran. This flower in a pot for many generations decorated at home and apartments. Very few of the same beautiful and unpretentious decorative-flowering plants like geranium. In winter, care at home behind it requires more attention, but still quite simple. Therefore, knowing the basic rules for care, you can grow beautifully and long flowering bushes with flowers of various shade. To find out - than to feed geranium for abundant flowering, go through this

The second name of the Pelargonium flower with Greek is translated as "crane" or "stork". We called the plant so because of long, similar to bird beaks of fruits. In England and the United States, the plant is called "chewing", and in Germany - the "nose of a stork". But, no matter how the geranium call, it has more than four hundred species.

Most popular next species Home geranium:

Today in stores for sale a large number of Hybrid varieties that differ in appearance and are suitable for growing at home.

Temperature mode

Comfortable temperature for the plant in the summer in the range of 22-27 degrees of heat, and in the winter is not lower than + 12- + 16 degrees. In the cold season, when heating is included in the apartment, the pot with a flower is better to remove away from the batteries. They are dry air, which dries foliage and buds.

Do not love pelargonium and drafts, although the repair of the premises are good.


When maintaining geranium in winter, home care implies the backlight of the plant with daylight lamps. Otherwise, with a lack of lighting, the bush will stretch, and the leaves pale. The renewal of the day to twelve hours will well affect the development of the plant:

  • shoots will grow efficiently and evenly;
  • the shape of the bush will continue;
  • foliage will remain bright and juicy;
  • stems will get a saturated color.

In the summer, Pelargonium can be put even on the windowsill with straight sunshine. They will not harm the flower. But if the light is not enough, then the foliage becomes, and the bushes do not bloom.

Watering and feeding

When nearing geranium, a rich regular watering is needed, as the culture loves moisture. As soon as signs of dryness of the soil appear, it is immediately moisturized. In winter, with a geranium content in a cool room, the intensity of irrigation decreases. Soil is moistened not more than once every 7-10 days. Before this should be checked so that the soil in the pot is completely.

After irrigations, it is necessary to ensure that the water in the pallet is stored, otherwise the roots can start garn.

Pelargonium room can do without additional humidification. She does not need both spraying.

In the midst of active growth from March to September, fast-growing geranium need to feed mineral fertilizers . For supporting lush flowering Twice a month, watering should be produced potash fertilizers. Nitrogen in complex compositions should be as little as possible. Its large amount in the soil contributes to building the foliage, which slows down the formation of buds.

Proper transplant

How to care for geranium at home If a large bush is tugged, there are practically no land in a pot, and the roots have already beyond whom?

The answer is one - the plant requires a transplant. Pelargonium will get less stress if you do not transplant, and the transshipment at which the roots do not need to be touched. A bush is gently getting out of the old pot and planted in a new on a layer of drainage and soil. On the sides and on top of the plant, the plant is falling asleep with fresh soil, which is a little tamples and is fading well.

The new pot must be about 3 cm more than the previous one. In too spacious tanks, the first time will develop for a long time root system And only then will begin to grow and bloom geranium. The substrate can be purchased in the store or prepare independently, mixing for this in equal parts:

  • ferrous land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand.

When and how to trim geranium for winter

The photos presented in our article and in the Internet, show what lush and beautiful chests of Pelargonium. At home, they are often pulled out, the lower leaves dry and fall. As a result, a long naked stem is obtained, with the leaves and buds located at the top. It looks not very beautiful.

You can refresh and achieve the line of the bush using trimming, which even inexperienced flower deaf can be performed. The procedure is made in the fall when the plant is fighting (if the bush looks too scary, the trimming procedure can be carried out at any time of the year).

It is not necessary to be afraid of deep trimming, because at the bottom of the bare stems necessarily there are sleeping kidneys. Some flowerflowers regret trim the flowering plant and do this winter or even tolerate the spring procedure. Do this not worth it, as you should have time to form flower kidney. That is, from trimming to flowering should be left for at least three months.

It should be noted that the royal varieties have another agrotechnik, so the pruning procedure is carried out no earlier than the second year after disembarkation. And you need to do it very carefully.

Reproduction of geranium room and care at home

After trimming, the cuttings are not discarded. With their help, you can get a new bush of Pelargonium. Each cutlets must have at least three leaves and be from 10 cm long. Thorn of miniature bushes can be only 2 cm long.

Segments put in water until the roots appear. A stalk with strong roots landed into the filled ground pot.

Reproduction of seeds

Geranium reproduction at home seeds are used to obtain new plant species. Sowing is made from the beginning of March in the purchase of soil for seedlings. It is pre-processed from diseases with a weak solution of manganese.

The seeds scattered over the surface are sprinkled with water, spray with water and covered with the film. In the greenhouse effect, sprouts appear in a few days. They need attentive care so that the ground does not stop, and the seedlings did not fade. With the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, the sprouts are divered in separate containers. For young plants need careful standard care.

Homemade Geranus Care - Diseases and Treatment

The plant is very unpretentious and not subject to many diseases and attacks of pests. The causes of its bad growth and diseases may be improper care:

  1. Big magnificent geranium bush does not bloom If in the soil the oversupply of nitrogen fertilizers. Potash fertilizers will save the situation.
  2. Flowering delay, bare bottom of the stem and flipping leaves They talk about insufficient lighting. A pot with a flower should be rearranged in a lighter place.
  3. Dish leaves With normal irrigation, if it is too hot in the room. In this case, regular ventilation or plant can be helped to another, a cooler room.
  4. Bottom leaves are often yellow With irregular watering or overaffect of sand in the ground. Pelargonia care is worth reconsider.

From pests, geranium may be exposed to attacks of Tly or whiteflies. In any case, when insect detection, the bush requires processing with special insecticides, which can be bought in a flower shop.

As can be seen from the article, it will not cause difficulties to care for home geranium. Diseases, transplanting, reproduction, feeding and watering when growing many tropical colors for many flower products is a problem, since they are very capricious. Pelargonium is completely unpretentious and willingly blooms for a long time and beautifully flowers, decorating the apartment with colorful flowers.

When you look at bright inflorescences, carved geranium leaves, filling a specific aroma room, you begin to believe in the magical forces, which, creates this flower. Maybe therefore it is now used when cooking different options The potions of modern witch living not only on the distant homeland of the plant. The case is personal, believe it or not. But you can admire the plant not only looking at the strangers, but also at home.

There are no big problems in the cultivation, acquiring any geranium variety called geranium homemade.


An existing manifold room geranium required work carried out by breeders different countries. Thanks to them, our windows are decorated not only by geranium varieties grown by our grandmothers, but also, for example, the Multicolored balls of Gerani Royal. Otherwise, it is called noble, royal geranium. Bustards, about 50 cm high, have original leaves with an oval dark spot in the center and a strip along the leafy of the plant.

Geranium inflorescences consist of five petal colors of different shade. Among them, bright red flowers are especially impressive. If you wish, you can buy the most common type of Gerani Kalachik, the pelargonium zonal. As well as room View Gerani plush with beautiful hanging shoots, allowing to grow geranium as an ampel plant. Succulent geranium, curved stems, which, resemble a womb baobab and give space to implement any fantasy bonsai style. Angel, flowers, which, resemble the plants of Pansies. Unicum, characterized by spicy aroma and highly dissected form of leaves.

In addition, home can be admired by the gentle inflorescences of Gerani field, ordinary. The birthplace of plants is in the conditions of our forests, gardens, fields.


Geranium homemade is able for many years to delight us with its colorful outfit. And, of course, this will not happen arbitrarily, despite the simplicity of cultivation. The main nuisance that preserves long-term preserving flowers in Gerana is the appearance of naked, untidy stems, small single inflorescences, yellow dry leaves. But if you fulfill the simple requirements of agrotechnics of growing geranium, it is very easy to avoid such a situation.

The question is not on the topic ... Question for giving

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Read ...


Start the landing of geranium from the choice of pot, preparation of the desired composition of the soil. Too fertile composition of the soil can slow down the beginning of flowering. Therefore, the entire necessary organic for the flower is made in the mixture with the turf of the earth only at the beginning. In the future, it is not used as feeding the organizing agent. Plant pot is better to buy ceramic. It lasts longer stable conditions for temperature, humidity, uniform air distribution. Good drainage due to large clay, the drain hole must be sure to be.

Basic Secrets of Growing Pelargonium

Lighting, temperature, watering

The wildlife of South Africa, the birthplace of the ancestors of many hybrid species of modern Gerani varieties, excluded the possibility of problems with warmth, lighting, moisture.

Distribution of a flower in territories with different climatic conditions He taught it to evolve in conditions of a wide 8-26 ° temperature range. What corresponds to the conditions in our apartments really existed during the year. This is the second homeland of plants. A place on the windows overlooking the southern, the west side of the house can be highlighted for a pot. Instead of Shelting Gerani from especially burning sun rays, hot summer, the flower can be put on the balcony that he really likes. In winter, it feels comfortable at a temperature of about 10 °, but not lower.

Watering geranium should be abundant, without overvalued. Therefore, even in the summer months it is necessary to look at the condition of the soil in the pot. It should not be wet, but slightly dried. Constantly wet earthen command provokes the rapid appearance of root rot.

Together with watering, the flower feeding with mineral fertilizers is carried out. It is recommended to feed geranium twice a month in the period from spring to November. Some flower products use a solution containing iodine for this purpose. In a liter of estimated water, one drop dissolves. Consumption is 50 ml on one bush.

An important agrotechnical admission, allowing, to preserve the decorative qualities of Gerani for a period of up to ten years is the mandatory trimming, the formation of the bush due to pieces of shoots. Pruning is recommended to do in the fall. At the same time, all the shoots that appeared from the sinuses of the leaves are removed. Root sprouts are saved. Stems are shortened. They leave 5, 7 leaves. Sliced \u200b\u200bparts are used as cuttings for breeding. The first trim is made on bushes that have reached 15 cm in height. If a big bush rose for winter, then in February it can be cut, while saving several kidneys on the stems. For this, they simply shorten all the tops of the plant. In the period from December, January, the pruning, the sepure of geranium, is alone, is not recommended.

Multiply indoor plant You can throughout the year. The easiest method of stalling allows you to use your billets that appear during trimming. Part of the topless escape with two, three leaflets, put in a water vessel, quickly turns young roots. Putting them to a permanent place, you can easily grow careful geranium bushing revealing beautiful flower, in the same season. Seed reproduction of this species is considered more complex.

How to grow a lush and healthy pelargonium?

Diseases, pests

All kinds of geranium are resistant to pests, diseases. Most often, unwanted problems are associated with errors during the care of it. The appearance of black rot, for example, is the result of the convergence, unnoticed temperature decrease. ambient. This disease is not treated. It is necessary to destroy geranium, to disinfect the soil, pot. With the advent of aphids, ticks, whiteflies should urgently use the help of the preparations of the "bison", "confident", "Akttellik" and "Fufanon". Experienced flowers not only admire, but also carefully consider flowers, stem. Drying edges of geranium leaves standing near heating equipment, It is said that the flower is hot. In the summer, in such a situation, Gerana is not enough moisture. If the leaves are sluggish, then it is necessary to eliminate its excess. White spots on green plates talk about sun burns. In case of insufficient lighting, the lower leaves are falling.

Properties of essential oils contained in Pelargonium, for a long time were used in recipes folk Medicine. With their help, they got rid of the head, strong dental pain, the old cough, the unpleasant feelings in the throat. Help reduce blood pressure from hypertensive, facilitate the suffering of a person with a radiculitis, otitis can be done with the help of bravery, infusions. For this you need to make leaves to the patient. With this you can cope even without the help of witches, yourself. As the prevention of possible diseases, you just need to prepare fragrant tea, thoring several petals of the fragrant flower. And together with the whole family drink it once a week during a friendly dinner.

And a little about the secrets of the author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pains? And you do not care what you know what:

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ATTENTION, only today!

Geranium is considered a peculiar symbol of a family hearth and is widely known all over the world. In addition to aesthetic, it has a large number of other valuable qualities. The official name of this room flower - Pelargonium is rarely applied and almost no one knows .

A distinctive feature of Gerani is a simple care for her at home. At the same time, he has its own characteristics and features. It depends not only appearance Plants, but also the duration of his life, which, with a competent approach, is able to exceed ten years. Geranium has not only bright beautiful flowers, but also a characteristic pleasant smell, which is different from her species.

Fragrant pelargonium shares bactericidal substances that have a disinfecting and cleansing effect on air. In addition, they are attributed to the harmonizing effect on the room.

Principles of care for geranium at home

With proper care, the plant is able to bloom throughout the year with the periods of a small rest. Otherwise, despite unpretentiousness, it can be destroyed pretty quickly.

The rules of care are as follows:

  • during watering, the liquid should not fall on the leaves and stem;
  • place the flower is preferably on the south side of the building, slightly dim windows in the summer;
  • pots for geranium choose small sizes;
  • the transplant is performed only in extreme cases;
  • the room temperature is maintained at no lower than 10 degrees;
  • to improve the branchiness of the plant, its shoots should be segged;
  • all types of pelargonium need regular trimming;
  • dried inflorescences need to be deleted.

In addition, it is important to ensure a good drainage in the pot and the moderately fertile composition of the soil, which is fertile as necessary. It is recommended abundant watering, but without constant excess of moisture.

Attention! Spraying should be avoided: the leaves are careful, wiping them from dust. It is impossible to place a plant in the wind or draft. To provide fresh air access to roots, land in flower pot You need to loose a month twice a month.

Consider each of the growing stages.


This plant is usually cut into autumn. At the same time, they leave the stems with 6-7 leaves and remove unnecessary shoots that come from leafy sinuses. Do not cut geranium in winter, especially in the period from December to January. If, as a result of this, the flower grows again, the spring procedure is repeated, leaving only a few kidneys on the stem.

Fragments of cut branches are used for reproduction as cuttings. To make a bush more dense, after every 4-5 leaves, shoots pinched.


The frequent transfers of this flower should be avoided, which is particularly not required by it. For him, this is a whole test that is subjected only in the case when the roots of the plant begin to look out of the drain hole. This is usually happening every 2-3 years.

The best time is early spring. Capacity takes only 2 centimeters more than the previous one. In the opposite case, there will be many branched shoots, but there will be no colors.


In the period from March to November, Pelargonium feeds with liquid fertilizers. It should not be applied for this purpose a liquid organic that is not transferred to geranium. Good to a tool It is a solution of 1 drop of iodine in 1 liter of water. 50 ml of such fertilizer is carefully poured along the pot walls. After its introduction, geranium will bloom abundantly and for a long time, an example of what can be seen in the photo. Too much solution can burn roots.

Tip! When the plant remains in the process of active flowering, it is very useful in water for watering to add fertilizers based on potassium or phosphorus.


For planting, a stalk is used with a length of about 10 cm with four - five leaves. It is put in a glass with water and wait for the appearance of roots, after which they transplanted into the pot. For landing, ordinary garden land will be combined. It is well suitable for her mixture with peat and sand taken equally.

Preferred pots of natural materials, for example, from burnt clay. If the selected capacity is made of plastic, then it is necessary to closely closer. Since in such pots, the earth dries much slower, the roots can occur.

At the bottom it is necessary to lay out a good drainage, for example, from clay. Optimal size Dishes - 13-15 cm in diameter with a height of about 12 cm. In such a vase, several geranium bushes can be attached.

More simple way Dilution is disembarking directly into the soil. For this, the cuttings plug immediately into the wet peat-sandy mixture immediately, after which the pot with it put in a cool shaded place. It is useful at first to dip the cuttings into the aloe juice, then sprinkle with powdered activated coal, and then put it in the soil.

Another reproduction method is seed. It is considered more trouble-free compared to those described above and is applied only by prototypes.

Features of the content in winter

Often the question arises, how to care for geranium in winter? First of all, it should be placed in the place protected from cold. If in the warm time it grown on the open soil, then for the winter it needs to be transferred to a small pot.

The best plant will grow in a cool, well-lit room. The optimal place will be the southern windows. The flower will not die and with a small darkening, but there will be no abundant flowering. The main feature of the lack of light is that the leaves fill up and lose their rich color.

In winter, it is necessary to cut watering, since intensive moisturizing, combined with a low temperature, can cause the root system. But, if the plant began to turn yellow, wither, drop the leaves, which means that he does not have the incoming moisture. Feeding in the winter is also reduced by spending it 1 time in a month and a half.

Tip! Since during this period, geranium flows into a short hibernation, should not trigger shoots.

Diseases and treatment

Pelargonium is very rarely sick, and all of its diseases are considered a consequence of care errors. The main disease is black rot. When it appears, the stem begins to gradually black, and all the plant is to get quiet. Since this disease is not amenable to treatment, the patient flower is simply emitted.

In order to avoid this, it is important to carry out thorough prevention and follow the degree of moisturizing the soil, preventing excess of moisture in it. Before transferring the land, it is advisable to shock boiling water or warmer in the oven.

A serious problem is to attack Tly. Consider modern pharmacy preparations and folk remedies - solution of household soap, chamomile, tobacco dust.

Geranium can be subjected to such a disease of fungal nature as "rust". Initially, it is manifested by brown stains on the surface of the leaves, which continue dry and fall. In this case, the treatment consists in processing the plant by bordeaux liquid or phytoosporin, which is repeated after 10 days.

If the yellowing of the leaves is observed, then this may be caused by a disadvantage of moisture. This plant requires abundant watering. The opposite state, consisting in the mooring of the soil, is also manifested by this symptom, but then the leaves differ in softness and easily separated from the stem.

The yellowness and dryness of the leaves are sometimes observed in the case of a close pot or insufficient lighting. The reason for the poor condition or death of the plant can be non-compliance temperature mode. Its wilt can be caused by unwanted location changes. If it is noted that the flower began to look worse in a new place, - you should return it to the former.

Attention! In some cases, the yellowness of the leaves is not considered a sign of the disease, this is the usual process of life, as a result of which the tested tissues are reset.

No flower

A long lack of flowering is not a disease, but it is also impossible to call it norm. Causes may be as follows:

  • transplantation in too free pot;
  • irregular feeding;
  • excessively high soil fertility;
  • long absence of trimming.

Too loose pot and fertile soil have an overly stimulating effect that flows flowering. Therefore, when replanting, they take dishes in size only by 2-3 cm superior to the previous one, and a peat-sand mixture is used as a soil in the absence of colors.

If geranium is lacking light, then provide additional lighting with daily lamps. So that she pleased with a lush color, it is necessary to cut it regularly and trimmed.

Growing exquisite pelargonium, it is important to comply with all the requirements for how to care for geranium at home. It should always be remembered that an individual approach is needed to each flower, like a living person. It is not always enough to be guided outlined by capital truths, you need to show genuine attention, in fact, noting that it is well affected on your plant, and what - it affects it unfavorable.