
What to fertilize tomatoes and cucumbers folk remedies. Folk remedies for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers

Answers to gardeners

Folk remedies For feeding tomatoes and cucumbers.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be fed not only with ready-made fertilizers based on chemical compounds. Natural feeders have also been well established, thanks to which the plants give a good harvest. The application of fertilizers contributes to the right growth and development of tomato bushes, abundant flowering, high-quality binding of fruits, their rapid ripening and increasing the amount of crop.

The first time tomatoes feed 14-16 days after the seedling plant. This applies to plants grown as in open soiland in the greenhouse. After that, fertilizers are carried out until mid-July with an interval of 2 weeks.

How to feed the tomatoes with iodine
Iodine not only accelerates the ripening of fruits, but also warns the development of a dangerous disease - phytoofluorosis. In 10 liters of water, 4 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine are dissolved, which is sold in any pharmacy. The resulting liquid is poured by tomatoes at the rate of 2 liters per plant.

How to feed the tomatoes ashes
The rally solution is used as: in 10 liters of water, 1 cup of ashes and the resulting liquid waters the beds with tomatoes. Undoubted ash simply pour under plants.

Ash can be applied for extra -orn subcortex. For this, 300 g of ashes are dissolved in 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. After that, 5 hours insist, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 liters and add a bit of a lot of economic soap to the liquid feeding to the leaves better. Then the solution is filtering and sprayed by the tops of tomatoes.

How to bother tomatoes yeast

For feeding tomatoes, you can use both fresh and dry yeast.

Fertilizer from bakery yeast can be cooked two ways:

1. One package of dry instant yeast is mixed with 2 tbsp. Sugar and add some warm water so that the mixture becomes liquid. The resulting substance is then dissolved in 10 liters of water and used 0.5 liters per plant.

2. The three-liter jar on 2/3 is filled with black bread, covered warm water with fresh yeasts dissolved in it in it (100 g) and put in a warm place for 3-5 days. After that, infusion is filled and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. For a young tomato bush, 0.5 liters of solution are used, and for an adult - about 2 liters.

And there is still the easiest recipe for yeast fertilizer: 100 g of fresh yeast is thoroughly dissolved in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid immediately pour tomatoes.

On a note! There are no major elements in the yeast of plants, so the yeast solution is rather a growth stimulator than fertilizer.

How to feed tomatoes chicken litter
Chicken litter acts on plants no worse than complex mineral fertilizer: There are many nitrogen and phosphorus in it.

Extremely efficiently used water diluted with fresh chicken litter. For this, the bucket (10 L) is filled with chicken litter to the edges of the container, the water is tank, insisted in the open air for 7-10 days, after which 0.5 liters of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid shed aide from calculation of 5-6 liters per sq.m.

Make sure that the chicken litter solution does not get on the leaves of tomatoes, because it can cause their burns

Dry chicken litter can also be used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. For this, 0.5 kg of litter is poured 10 liters of water, the tank is tightly covered with a film (so that nitrogen does not disappear) and the fertilizer insists 3-5 days. At the same time, every day is stirred. After that, diluted with water with water in a ratio of 1:20 and poured 0.5-1 liters to each plant.

How to bite the tomatoes with a cow
The cow's solution is better alternating with other folk remedies. Prepare this fertilizer is also quite simple: 1/2 bucket of manure is poured with water to the edges of the container, covered with a lid and put in a warm place for a week. After this time, the infusion is thoroughly stirred and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. On each bush consumes 0.5-1 l feeding.

How to feed tomatoes nettle
Infusion is prepared from young leaves nettle: many nitrogen, potassium and iron accumulates in them. Capacity (its size depends on how much fertilizer is needed for your garden) 2/3 fill the nettle, then water is poured there, but not to the top itself, covered with a lid and insist 7-10 days in a warm place.

When the nettle wanders, 1 liters of infusion is bred in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid pouring tomatoes under the root at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant.

Important! Such fertilizer cannot be abused. Per month spend no more than 2 feeding nettle.

Instead of nettle, you can use any fresh young grass. Dandelion and Lucerne fit perfectly suitable for this role.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes, which is poorly growing

Tomato seedlings are often feeding by the same folk remedies, in particular, chicken litter and ash.

Fertilizer is chicken litter Cook like this: 2 parts of the litter are mixed with 1 part of the water, cover the capacitance with a lid and insist within 2-3 days. Before the introduction of infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Such fertilizer is used as the first feeding of seedlings so that it began to start rapidly grow green.

Wood ash - an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, and therefore helps to stimulate the flowering and fruiting of tomatoes. 1 tbsp. ash dissolve in 2 l hot water And insist during the day. Before applying infusion is filtered.

In addition, dry ashes poured into the wells when landed seedlings

It is also helpful to feed tomato seedlings. banana skins (They are rich in potassium). Fertilizer is used like this: peel from 2-3 bananas are placed in a three-liter jar with warm water, insist for 3 days, after which the plants are filled with the resulting liquid.

Eggshell also proven itself as good fertilizer For seedlings. The chopped shell from 3-4 eggs is soaked in 3 l warm water, the container is closed with a loose lid and put in a dark place for about 3 days. When the infusion is likening and starts to publish nasty smell (This is a consequence of the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide), they are watered.

Cucumbers feeding with folk remedies - 7 "working" recipes

Fertilizers for feeding cucumbers, which can be prepared independently, have a certain advantage: their components you select at your discretion.

What do not feed the dackets of cucumber landing? Yeasts, ash, bread, chicken litter, leek husks, as well as different infusions. And, most interesting, such feeding works perfectly. Here are some proven recipes.

1. How to feed cucumbers yeast

A yeast feeding for cucumbers is used quite often, because it has a mass gain:
- increases the endurance of seedlings with a lack of light;
- improves root formation;
- is a source of natural bacteria that increases the immunity of plants;
- It is an excellent plant growth stimulator.

Prepare yeast feeding is very simple:
1. Take 10 g of dry yeast and dissolve them in 10 liters of warm water;
2. Add about 2 tbsp to the solution. Sahara;
3. Let it breed 2-2.5 hours and dilute 50 liters of water.

Make such fertilizer is best after watering cucumbers. On one bush should have 0.5 liters of feeding. This fertilizer not only stimulates the growth of cucumbers, but also protects them from pests. The cucumbers respond well to yeast feeding, after their use, they quickly increase the vegetative mass and fruit margins.

For all the time of cultivation, use such fertilizer no more than 2 times:
1) in about 12-14 days after transplanting seedlings in the ground;
2) After phosphate feeding.

So that the yeast worked to feed them cucumbers are recommended after the soil on the site warms up

2. How to feed cucumbers ash

Wood ash - no less valuable fertilizer for cucumbers: it contains all useful elements that are so necessary culture over the growth and formation of fruits.

Feed the cucumbers ashes two ways:
1) dry ash. She arbitrarily sprinkled with the soil under cucumbers before irrigated.
2) Influence of ash. For its preparation you need to mix ash with water and insist 2 weeks. On 1 liter of water should have 2-3 tbsp. ash.

You can carry out any of these feeds 5-6 times per season. The rate of consumption of infusion is 0.5 liters per bush.

On a note! The composition of ash largely depends on what it is obtained. For example, the ash of hardwood is rich in calcium, in ashes of bark and straw more phosphorus, and the ash meadow grass is characterized by a high content of potassium.

Tips for practitioners for feeding cucumbers ash:
● Any feeding cucumbers spend only in warm weather after watering plants so as not to harm the root system of plants.
● It is impossible to make ash and nitrogen-containing compositions at the same time - a lot of ammonia will be separated, and plants may die.
● For feeding, categorical is forbidden to use ash, resulting in the burning of polymers, rubber, paper, garbage, etc.

3. How to feed cucumbers with bread

Up baking cucumbers bread is an excellent alternative to yeast fertilizers. To cook bread fertilizer for extractive use, It follows in a bucket of water to soak loose bread and insist the night. In the morning, the bread must be used and add 10 ml iodine to the container. Next, the resulting mass is bred by water at the rate of 1 liter of fertilizer on 10 liters of water and spray cucumbers.

If you insist bread week in closed lid. bucket and in a warm place, then you will get a good root feed. For it, it is possible not to use a whole loaf, but a stale crusts taken in arbitrary quantities. For watering cucumbers, such a "starter" is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio. One bus must have 0.5 liters of bread fertilizer.

Water with fertilizer, the cucumbers can be 1 time in 5-7 days. Starting the feeding should be when the cucumbers begin to form a wound. You can continue to the very end of fruiting.

On a note! Bread starter has a sour reaction, therefore it is especially well suited for alkaline soils. To neutralize the acid, you can add to the solder before diluting with water chalk or dolomite flour.

4. How to feed cucumbers chicken litter

Despite the fact that chicken litter - organic fertilizer, It contains iron, copper, sulfur, manganese zinc and cobalt. Therefore, it is not only the cucumbers, but also other garden and garden crops.

To prepare an infusion of chicken litter, it is necessary to pour the organic water in the ratio of 1:20 and leave for several hours, interfere with it. Next, the resulting solution must be strain. After that, it is ready for use. On one plant, it is recommended to bring about 0.5 liters of chicken litter, on the garden - at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 sq.m.

It is possible to apply this fertilizer both in a diluted form and in dry. Experienced dacnis They advise using fertilizer based on chicken litter 3 times per season:
- the first time - in May-June (at the beginning of the vegetation);
- the second time - during flowering;
- For the third time - during active fruiting.

You can use a whole or fragmented litter. Make it in the soil under the poppople at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq.m.
In order for chicken a litter to be faster than, you can add to it Tamir or Baikal-M preparations (at the rate of 1 pp. L. Preparation on the water bucket).

5. Undercoupe cucumbers onion husks

Fertilizer is low husk It is good because it can be used for both root and extractive feeding. At the same time, spraying and watering cucumbers with the onion of the onion husk - this is not only a complete feeding, but also protection against diseases.
Especially relevant such feeding, if the plants begin to shut up the leaves.

To cook the infusion, pour the glass of the onion husk of 8 liters of water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cover the lid. Let the mass be mixed for 3-4 hours. Then strain the infusion and pour them the cucumbers under the root. If it is such a composition to irrigate the plants, then you will get an excellent extraordinary feeder, which, besides, protects cucumbers from various diseases.

Another option: infusion is prepared from 20 g of husk and 5 l warm water. The mixture should be for 4 days, after which it should be strain. Such feeding is useful not only to cucumbers, but also to many others. vegetable cultures, in particular, tomatoes.

6. Undercumbers of cucumbers with green and iodine

In search of safe and effective solutions, daccias find unusual applications usual means and things. Thus, experienced gardeners successfully use iodine and green to combat various diseases of cucumbers.

In order to get rid of root rotFirst, take 10 drops of the greenstone in the water bucket and span the plants with this solution. Then divert 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of water and also spray the shoots and leaves of cucumbers.

Another option of using these funds also allows you to protect the plants from the root rot: 1 part of iodine or the greenfront, in 2 parts of the water and lubricate the cucumber stem with a 10 cm solution from the ground. Just just two such treatments to get rid of the fungus causing the disease.

The secret of the greenstone and its antiseptic properties in copper, which is part of the drug. Copper not only protects plants, but also is an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers. Especially useful such fertilizer will be on swampy soils.

From muced dew On cucumbers can save a simple recipe: Mix 9 liters of water and 1 l of low-fat milk, dissolve 10-12 yeod drops in them and process the plants with the resulting solution.

7. Means against the yellowing of the leaves of cucumbers

● From premature yellowing of the leaves of cucumbers can protect the solution of ordinary soda. Just split 1 tbsp. l. Soda in 10 liters of water and paint their landings with a solution.
● If 1 tsp. Soda dissolve in 1 liter of water and spray with this composition of cucumbers, then you will get an excellent prophylactic agent against mildew.
● Stop the yellowing of the leaf of cucumbers can also be kefy. To do this, tell 2 liters of kefir in the bucket of water and spray your plants with the resulting composition.

How to properly feed the cucumbers with infers and champs

● Since infusions and decoctions are most often concentrated to pour or spray cucumbers, fertilizer should be dissolved with water.
● Cucumbers can be watered in two ways: directly under the root and to the groove, carried out along a row of plants at a distance of 6-7 cm from them.
● For the whole season, this culture is recommended to feed 3-4 times.

Tomatoes can be fed not only with ready-made fertilizers based on chemical compounds. Natural feeders have also been well established, thanks to which the plants give a good harvest.

The application of fertilizers contributes to the right growth and development of tomato bushes, abundant flowering, high-quality binding of fruits, their rapid ripening and increasing the amount of crop.

The first time tomatoes feed 14-16 days after the seedling plant. This applies to plants grown both in the open soil and in the greenhouse. After that, fertilizers are carried out until mid-July with an interval of 2 weeks.

How to feed the tomatoes with iodine

Iodine not only accelerates the ripening of fruits, but also warns the development of a dangerous disease - phytoofluorosis. In 10 liters of water, 4 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine are dissolved, which is sold in any pharmacy. The resulting liquid is poured by tomatoes at the rate of 2 liters per plant.

How to feed the tomatoes ashes

The rally solution is used as: in 10 liters of water, 1 cup of ashes and the resulting liquid waters the beds with tomatoes. Undoubted ash simply pour under plants.

The ash can be used for extractive feeding. For this, 300 g of ashes are dissolved in 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. After that, 5 hours insist, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 liters and add a bit of a lot of economic soap to the liquid feeding to the leaves better. Then the solution is filtering and sprayed by the tops of tomatoes.

How to bother tomatoes yeast

For feeding tomatoes, you can use both fresh and dry yeast

Fertilizer from bakery yeast can be cooked two ways:

  • One package of dry instant yeast is mixed with 2 tbsp. Sugar and add some warm water so that the mixture becomes liquid. The resulting substance is then dissolved in 10 liters of water and used 0.5 liters per plant.
  • A three-liter jar on 2/3 is filled with black bread, covered with warm water with fresh yeasts dissolved in it with fresh yeast (100 g) and put on a warm place for 3-5 days. After that, infusion is filled and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. For a young tomato bush, 0.5 liters of solution are used, and for an adult - about 2 liters.

And there is still the easiest recipe for yeast fertilizer: 100 g of fresh yeast is thoroughly dissolved in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid immediately pour tomatoes.

There are no major elements in the yeast of plants, so the yeast solution is rather a growth stimulator than fertilizer.

How to feed tomatoes chicken litter

Chicken litter acts on plants no worse than integrated mineral fertilizer: there are many nitrogen and phosphorus in it.

Extremely efficiently used water diluted with fresh chicken litter. For this, the bucket (10 L) is filled with chicken litter to the edges of the container, the water is tank, insisted in the open air for 7-10 days, after which 0.5 liters of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid shed aide from calculation of 5-6 liters per sq.m.

Make sure that the chicken litter solution does not get on the leaves of tomatoes, because it can cause their burns

Dry chicken litter can also be used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. For this, 0.5 kg of litter is poured 10 liters of water, the tank is tightly covered with a film (so that nitrogen does not disappear) and the fertilizer insists 3-5 days. At the same time, every day is stirred. After that, diluted with water with water in a ratio of 1:20 and poured 0.5-1 liters to each plant.

How to bite the tomatoes with a cow

The cow's solution is better alternating with other folk remedies. Prepare this fertilizer is also quite simple: 1/2 bucket of manure is poured with water to the edges of the container, covered with a lid and put in a warm place for a week. After this time, the infusion is thoroughly stirred and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. On each bush consumes 0.5-1 l feeding.

How to feed tomatoes nettle

Infusion is prepared from young leaves nettle: many nitrogen, potassium and iron accumulates in them. Capacity (its size depends on how much fertilizer is needed for your garden) 2/3 fill the nettle, then water is poured there, but not to the top itself, covered with a lid and insist 7-10 days in a warm place.

When the nettle wanders, 1 liters of infusion is bred in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid pouring tomatoes under the root at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant.

Such fertilizer cannot be abused. Per month spend no more than 2 feeding nettle.

Instead of nettle, you can use any fresh young grass. Dandelion and Lucerne fit perfectly suitable for this role.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes, which is poorly growing

Tomato seedlings are often feeding by the same folk remedies, in particular, chicken litter and ash.

Fertilizer is chicken litter Cook like this: 2 parts of the litter are mixed with 1 part of the water, cover the capacitance with a lid and insist within 2-3 days. Before the introduction of infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Such fertilizer is used as the first feeding of seedlings so that it began to start rapidly grow green.

Wood ash is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, which means it helps to stimulate the flowering and fruiting of tomatoes. 1 tbsp. Alas are dissolved in 2 liters of hot water and insist during the day. Before applying infusion is filtered.

In addition, dry ashes poured into the wells when landed seedlings

It is also helpful to feed tomato seedlings. banana skins (They are rich in potassium). Fertilizer is used as: the peel from 2-3 bananas is placed in a three-liter jar with warm water, insist 3 days, after which the plants are filled with the resulting liquid.

The egg shell also proven itself as a good fertilizer for seedlings. The chopped shell from 3-4 eggs is soaked in 3 l warm water, the container is closed with a loose lid and put in a dark place for about 3 days. When the infusion is thrown and starts to make an unpleasant smell (this is a consequence of the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide), they water seedlings.

Take these note simple recipes Natural feeding - and your tomatoes will give much more fruit than you expected!

Undercine tomato and pepper is the fill in the missing vital important elements in the soil.

The type of fertilizers will depend on the growth, flowering and fruiting of plants during the growth, flowering and fruiting of plants.

Use feeders need competently. Otherwise, you can get a well-developed plant, whose forces will go to the green mass, but the crop will be scarce.

Than feed the seedlings of tomato

Undercalinking seedlings Tomato is produced three times:

First feeder seedlings

When 2-3 real leaves appear. At this stage, a young plant is needed nitrogen for the formation of green mass. For feeding, the urea solution is taken (15-14 g per bucket of water), ammonia nitrate (6 g per bucket of water) or liquid fertilizer "ideal".

The second feeding of seedlings

It is produced in a week after the first ("Unifloor Growth", "Effectton", "Kemira Lux", "Gumi Kuznetsova", "Signor Tomato"). You can prepare a nitroposk solution (spoon of fertilizer per liter of water).

In addition, the better to feed the tomatoes, you can determine by appearance Seedlings:

  • if the plant is strongly stretched - you should be filled with superphosphate (4 g per liter of water);
  • if the plant grows slowly - growth stimulants (such as "energy") are used to feed tomatoes.

Third feeding of seedlings

It is produced after peering the plant with a solution of nitroposki (spoon per liter of water) or a few days before landing.

Feeding pepper seedlings

Peppers begin to feed when 2 leaves appear. The feeder produces every 7-10 days before plant disembarking into the open ground with the following solution: superphosphate (3 g), ammonia nitrate (1/2 g) and potash fertilizers (1 g). Everything is divorced in a liter of water.

Feeding seedlings of tomatoes and pepper by folk remedies

Bird litter (1.5 kg) divorced in a bucket of water and insisted 4-6 days, you can add a manganese and copper vigor to the solution;

: Spoon manure per liter of water;

Used the entire season of vegetation. It improves the taste of fruits. In addition, the plant receives easily accessible potassium and other minerals.

Used as:

  • - infusion (a glass of ash on the water bucket);
  • - in a dry form poured into the hole.

Banana peel Enrich the soil of potassium and various trace elements. Used in the form:

  • - infusion (peel from two or three bananas for 3 liters of water to insist 3 days),
  • - powder that earth sprinkles,
  • - Skuffed in the holes.

Eggshell Used in the form:

  • - infusion (sex of the shell bucket on the water bucket, is 3 days);
  • - When dive is placed on the bottom of the pots as a drainage.

Long husk It helps to fight pests, and is applied in the form:

  • - infusion (10 g of husk per liter of water insist 5 days);
  • - in a dry form is spread under plants or burst into the soil.

Coffee gum Mixed with soil before sowing seeds for bursting and enrichment with nutritional trace elements and nitrogen.

Leaves nettle Used in the form of infusion (1 kg of green part on the water bucket) and enriches the soil with useful trace elements.

Feeding seedlings of tomatoes and pepper yeast

Each hostess in the refrigerator will have yeast. Yeast is the perfect view of the feeding of tomato and pepper seedlings, because vegetables that fell like a similar organic, I will never bring harm when eating.

How do yeast affect the growth and development of seedlings?

  • When feeding seedlings of tomatoes and pepper yeast:
  • You will be able to raise pepper seedlings and tomato faster, because under the influence of yeast mushrooms that will become direct antagonists of pathogens, planted young bushes will receive protective properties (immunity) and more active to form green leaflets.
  • Root system will become more powerful
  • You will immediately see that seedlings are coming out in bed faster and much easier to transfers the pickup
  • You will be less water, as the yeast can delay moisture in the soil and increase these droughness of tomatoes and pepper. With the same, vegetables will be easier to transfer excessive wetting with rainy summer, as all excess moisture will be held in the soil.

Yeast is an excellent plant growth stimulator.

For feeding of tomatoes and peppers, both fresh and dry bakery yeast are used.

To prepare fertilizer from fresh yeast, first make a concentrated solution: dissolve 200 g of yeast per liter of warm water. Give 3 hours. Immediately before entering into the soil, this solution must be diluted - 1 part of the concentrate per 10 liters of water.

For the preparation of fertilizer from dry yeast, 2 bags of bakery yeast are stirred with 1/3 tablespoons of sugar and dissolve this rash mixture in a bucket of warm water. After they insist for about an hour and this concentrate already before entering into the soil is divorced in 5 parts of water.


It is not necessary to get involved in yeast feeding, 2-3 times will be enough.

Undercalinking tomatoes iodom

Perhaps the most affordable feeder chemical fertilizers Tomatoes and pepper will be iodine. After all, he will be found in every first-aid kit.

What is the importance of feeding the seedlings of tomatoes and pepper iodine?

  • When processing iodine seedlings, affected by the pathogenic fungus, the further spread of the disease will no longer be so inevitable.
  • Also, the iodine solution with its microbiological properties at times increases the number of fruits on the bush and contributes to their accelerated maturation.

How do iodine use for tomatoes seedlings?

  • Dilute 2 drops of iodine per liter of water and watered with pepper and tomatoes seedlings to prevent diseases and treatment. You can add another 100 ml of dairy serum to this solution.

  • Good every 14 days to fertilize the seedlings of tomatoes iodine in a complex with mineral fertilizers. In this case, 10 grams of iodine and phosphorus are taken by 10 liters of water, 20 grams of potassium. Watering is performed at the rate of floor liter solution for each bush.

What to feed the tomatoes in the open soil

Supporting the Open soil tomatoes is four times over the growing season:

  1. It is produced 3 weeks after disembarking seedlings in a soil with a cowboy or bird litter solution.
  2. At the beginning of flowering, the ammonia-siere and potassium sulfate is fed. You can use ash, litter or manure.
  3. After 1-2 weeks after the second feeding, mineral fertilizers are added (nitroposk,).
  4. During the period of fruiting, an extractive feeder is carried out with a solution of superphosphate. It is sprayed at the plant itself.

All proportions and preparation of solutions are indicated above.

How to determine the plant in what feeding it needs

  • The brittle and curved edges of the leaves are lack of magnesium. Spray Magnesium Salt (0.02 g per bucket of water) or add ash to the soil.
  • Slisp leaves are a lack of copper. Spray copper vitriol (0.05 g per liter of water);
  • Slowing the top of the stem, whitewashing or yellowing of the leaves is a lack of iron. Make a salt of iron (0.05 g per liter of water);

  • The blackening of the fruits and the tops of the stems is a lack of boron. Watering with a solution (150 g boric acid On the water bucket) or making mixed with sand borax (15 g per 10 acres).

  • Ring of the top is the lack of calcium. Make a solution (1 g of calcium fertilizers per liter of water) or add to the soil lime flour or lime.

  • Purple veins on the leaves are the lack of phosphorus. 50 g of phosphoric fertilizers in a liter of water insisted during the day and divorced in a bucket of water, 10 m 2 is used.

Folk remedies for feeding tomatoes

06/27/2016 Lina Naumova

Magazine "Garden RU"

Folk remedies for feeding tomatoes - the best recipes

Tomatoes can be fed not only with ready-made fertilizers based on chemical compounds. Natural feeders have also been well established, thanks to which the plants give a good harvest.

The application of fertilizers contributes to the right growth and development of tomato bushes, abundant flowering, high-quality binding of fruits, their rapid ripening and increasing the amount of crop.

The first time tomatoes feed 14-16 days after the seedling plant. This applies to plants grown both in the open soil and in the greenhouse. After that, fertilizers are carried out until mid-July with an interval of 2 weeks.

How to feed the tomatoes with iodine

Iodine not only accelerates the ripening of fruits, but also warns the development of a dangerous disease - phytoofluorosis. In 10 liters of water, 4 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine are dissolved, which is sold in any pharmacy. The resulting liquid is poured by tomatoes at the rate of 2 liters per plant.

How to feed the tomatoes ashes

The rally solution is used as: in 10 liters of water, 1 cup of ashes and the resulting liquid waters the beds with tomatoes. Undoubted ash simply pour under plants.

The ash can be used for extractive feeding. For this, 300 g of ashes are dissolved in 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. After that, 5 hours insist, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 liters and add a bit of a lot of economic soap to the liquid feeding to the leaves better. Then the solution is filtering and sprayed by the tops of tomatoes.

How to bother tomatoes yeast

For feeding tomatoes, you can use both fresh and dry yeast

Fertilizer from bakery yeast can be cooked two ways:

  1. One package of dry instant yeast is mixed with 2 tbsp. Sugar and add some warm water so that the mixture becomes liquid. The resulting substance is then dissolved in 10 liters of water and used 0.5 liters per plant.
  2. A three-liter jar on 2/3 is filled with black bread, covered with warm water with fresh yeasts dissolved in it with fresh yeast (100 g) and put on a warm place for 3-5 days. After that, infusion is filled and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. For a young tomato bush, 0.5 liters of solution are used, and for an adult - about 2 liters.

And there is still the easiest recipe for yeast fertilizer: 100 g of fresh yeast is thoroughly dissolved in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid immediately pour tomatoes.

There are no major elements in the yeast of plants, so the yeast solution is rather a growth stimulator than fertilizer.

How to feed tomatoes chicken litter

Chicken litter acts on plants no worse than integrated mineral fertilizer: there are many nitrogen and phosphorus in it.

Extremely efficiently used water diluted with fresh chicken litter. For this, the bucket (10 L) is filled with chicken litter to the edges of the container, the water is tank, insisted in the open air for 7-10 days, after which 0.5 liters of infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid shed aide from calculation of 5-6 liters per sq.m.

Make sure that the chicken litter solution does not get on the leaves of tomatoes, because it can cause their burns

Dry chicken litter can also be used as a fertilizer for tomatoes. For this, 0.5 kg of litter is poured 10 liters of water, the tank is tightly covered with a film (so that nitrogen does not disappear) and the fertilizer insists 3-5 days. At the same time, every day is stirred. After that, diluted with water with water in a ratio of 1:20 and poured 0.5-1 liters to each plant.

How to bite the tomatoes with a cow

The cow's solution is better alternating with other folk remedies. Prepare this fertilizer is also quite simple: 1/2 bucket of manure is poured with water to the edges of the container, covered with a lid and put in a warm place for a week. After this time, the infusion is thoroughly stirred and diluted with water in the proportion of 1:10. On each bush consumes 0.5-1 l feeding.

How to feed tomatoes nettle

Infusion is prepared from young leaves nettle: many nitrogen, potassium and iron accumulates in them. Capacity (its size depends on how much fertilizer is needed for your garden) 2/3 fill the nettle, then water is poured there, but not to the top itself, covered with a lid and insist 7-10 days in a warm place.

When the nettle wanders, 1 liters of infusion is bred in 10 liters of water and the resulting liquid pouring tomatoes under the root at the rate of 1-2 liters per plant.

Such fertilizer cannot be abused. Per month spend no more than 2 feeding nettle.

Instead of nettle, you can use any fresh young grass. Dandelion and Lucerne fit perfectly suitable for this role.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes, which is poorly growing

Tomato seedlings are often feeding by the same folk remedies, in particular, chicken litter and ash.

Fertilizer is chicken litter Cook like this: 2 parts of the litter are mixed with 1 part of the water, cover the capacitance with a lid and insist within 2-3 days. Before the introduction of infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Such fertilizer is used as the first feeding of seedlings so that it began to start rapidly grow green.

Wood ash is an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus, which means it helps to stimulate the flowering and fruiting of tomatoes. 1 tbsp. Alas are dissolved in 2 liters of hot water and insist during the day. Before applying infusion is filtered.

In addition, dry ashes poured into the wells when landed seedlings

It is also helpful to feed tomato seedlings. banana skins (They are rich in potassium). Fertilizer is used as: the peel from 2-3 bananas is placed in a three-liter jar with warm water, insist 3 days, after which the plants are filled with the resulting liquid.

The egg shell also proven itself as a good fertilizer for seedlings. The chopped shell from 3-4 eggs is soaked in 3 l warm water, the container is closed with a loose lid and put in a dark place for about 3 days. When the infusion is thrown and starts to make an unpleasant smell (this is a consequence of the decomposition of hydrogen sulfide), they are seedlings