
From garden ants. How to get rid of ants in the garden and vegetable garden

Garden furniture

With the arrival of the spring-summer season, owners of household plots are fighting for future harvest... And often their opponents are insects, which in the wild are restless workers and bring many benefits. Ants are the orderlies of the forest. At the dacha, they also bring some benefit, but the harm from their activities turns out to be much more. In the article we will tell you how to deal with ants in the country, folk and by chemical means, as well as methods of protecting trees from insects.

On the one hand, ants in the country are beneficial because they control the population of other harmful insects. Goose bumps eat them themselves, the larvae and eggs, but along the way they cause more damage to the crops planted on the site.

Problems arising from their activities include eating sweet fruits and berries. But at the same time, insects spoil a small amount of the crop. Pests also carry plant seeds, including weeds, into their holes. Therefore, goose bumps contribute to their spread in the garden. At the same time, a large number of weed crops are spread both by the wind and by humans.

The most significant harm, as a result of which ants should be fought on summer cottage, is the spread and protection of aphids by them, the milk of which they feed on. Insects are able to transfer aphids from plant to plant, which helps them to reproduce. Aphids, in turn, suck out the juice of young shoots, weakening them and reducing productivity. It also spreads diseases of horticultural crops. In the fall, ants hide aphids in their shelters. So that with the arrival of spring, transfer it to plants again. There are known varieties of aphids that spread goose bumps on the roots of vegetable crops.

Pests also break through complex communication systems underground, thereby harming lawns and beds. To the question of how to get rid of ants in a summer cottage correctly, experts answer unequivocally. It is necessary to protect trees from their penetration, to destroy anthills with the help of folk remedies and to carry out a merciless struggle with radical chemicals.

Video "Harm and benefits of ants"

In this video experienced summer resident will tell all about ants, their benefits and harms.

Ant control methods in the country

Ants have been around in home gardens long before chemicals were invented. Therefore, people are used to fighting them with folk remedies. There are many ways in the gardener's arsenal, some of which we will consider below.

Pouring boiling water over the discovered anthill can be considered inhumane. This is best done after sundown, when the entire ant colony is assembled, or at dawn. Celandine, garlic or tobacco can serve as an addition to boiling water. Such infusions will destroy the queen with larvae and workers. Hydrochloric acid is often used instead of boiling water. Having filled it with an insect dwelling, slaked lime should be poured on top.

Sometimes the ground around the nest is sprinkled with ground pepper, which is found in any kitchen. The fact is that goose bumps are intolerant of strong smells, so they tend to leave the old place. Along with black, red pepper is also used, which is sprinkled on ant paths and the anthill itself. It is also good to plant garlic in their habitat.

Such a remedy for ants in the country as vegetable oil works great. If you treat them with the places of deployment of pests, then after 2 - 3 procedures they will be defeated. Vegetable oil can be mixed with 2 cups of inexpensive shampoo and dissolved in 10 liters of water. Instead of shampoo, use dishwashing detergent. An anthill is poured with the finished mixture, where a stick is stuck to heighten the effect.

Some people prefer to pour a mixture of 10 tablespoons of kerosene and 10 liters of water into the insect dwelling. It is recommended to cover the top with polyethylene.

Simple table salt also performed well. To destroy the colony, you need to scatter a couple of kilograms along the paths and holes.

Can be used wood ash... It is used in the same way as salt. Along the way, it is also an excellent fertilizer for the soil. Other repellents include lime, ash, tobacco dust, bone meal, and soot.

Gardeners often sprinkle minks and paths with ground cinnamon. Or they make a decoction of tomato tops, the smell of which is also unpleasant to ants. Practice shows that the more his concentration, the more effective he is.

The use of grain is acceptable for everyone. Burrows and numerous paths fall asleep with them. It causes inconvenience to pests who seek to leave for a new place.

Poisonous baits are also popular among gardeners. They are made on the basis of boric acid(she is Borax). Take 1 teaspoon and add minced meat, egg yolk, honey or sugar for sweetness. With such a mixture, they must work with gloves for their own safety. Make sure that poisonous baits do not attract your pets brought to the country.

Folk remedies such as scents are widespread. Garlic, onions, anise, valerian, marigolds, laurel, cloves will help to get the ants out of the area. Pieces of onion, garlic, anise, ground cloves are usually laid out in places where the pest moves and near the anthill. You can soak an orange or lemon peel in a bucket of water overnight.

Interesting withdrawal method garden ants by delivering their relatives from the forest to the site. To do this, they bring an anthill to the site with red goose bumps, which drive away the garden ones and return to the forest after a couple of weeks.

For the fight against insects to be effective, you need to clear the area from rotten stumps, half-rotted boards, weeds. Fallen fruits and berries should be removed in a timely manner. All this attracts insects, don't give them a chance!

The modern pesticide market offers gardeners a wide range of products. They are available in the form of powders, pastes, gels, granules. Each has its own application characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Chemicals should be applied along the ant paths or directly to the nest. Popular means include "Anteater", "Absolute-gel", "Muratsid", "Great warrior". For example, diazonin is a part of "Anteed". It is an insecticide that has a contact-intestinal effect on insects.

There are two ways of poisoning - the first manifests itself upon contact with a substance or an infected individual. In the second version, the poison is eaten, it enters the bloodstream, as a result, inhibition and destruction of cholinesterase. The latter is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles. The ant develops paralysis and subsequent asphyxia. The drug works for 3 hours. According to the instructions, you need to dissolve 1 ml in 10 liters of water. But it is better to first pour this volume into one liter, mix and gradually introduce another 9 liters.

How to prevent ants from entering trees?

In order not to wonder how to deal with ants, it is enough just to protect the trees from their possible invasion. For this, mechanical methods have long been invented. To create a reliable barrier from ants for tree crowns and roots of seedlings will allow water barriers, trapping belts, skirt-barriers.

Water barriers are created with old car tires. They are cut into two parts and placed in the form of a groove in the near-stem circle. Water is poured there. And then the trees will be protected not only from ants, but also from caterpillars, aphids, spiders. Sometimes insecticides are added to the water. But remember that beneficial insects, for example, bees pollinating plants, can also drink from such a drinking bowl. For large bushes, gutters are used, laying them in a square. It is permissible to create an obstacle from a polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride film.

Skirt belts are an old and effective method of protection. They are created from rigid materials - thin sheet metal, plastic or PET bottles, foil, thick film. A section of the trunk at a height of 20 - 40 cm from the ground is cleaned of bark, smeared with plasticine or clay in combination with a mullein. Next, a tapered collar is wound on the leveled area with the bell down. You will need twine or wire to fix it. The sealed strip of rubber will allow the structure to be sealed. The insects will not be able to get past the hem of the skirt and will fall to the ground. The belts are best placed before the first buds open. During this period, many overwintered pests rise to the crown from the ground and damage the buds. The result is a decrease in yield.

Ants are dangerous garden pests

Summer residents and owners of private houses ask themselves the question: how to deal with ants in the garden, and is it worth doing? Definitely worth it. Insects can cause significant harm to garden crops, orchards and flower gardens. Let's figure out whether their presence on the site is necessary, and it is worth getting rid of them or not.

Do you need ants in the garden or is it worth fighting with them

Some gardeners speak positively of these insects. They argue that black garden creeps benefit both soil and plants:

  • building passages in the ground, they loosen it, supplying the roots of plants with oxygen;
  • pollinate plants and flowers;
  • in the process of protein extraction, they fight many other pests, larvae and caterpillars;
  • are food for birds.

The benefits of ants in the garden: reality or myth

Like other insects, ants cause irreparable damage to the site by feeding on plants and fruits. But the main reason to get rid of them forever is to breed aphids. Ants feed on the products of its vital activity - a sticky liquid saturated with carbohydrates. In this case, aphids are used as a dairy cow: they are raised, bred, and even grazed on plants, protecting them from other insects.

The reasons for the appearance of the pest on the site

To get rid of ants in the garden, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. The first signal of a threat is aphids. The presence of these inhabitants of the garden precedes the appearance of garden goosebumps. The waste products of aphids are a source of sweet carbohydrates for them. In order to expand the "pasture", they can move aphids to other plants, providing them with food and protecting them from other insects.

Having found a sticky bloom on the leaves of plants, one should not only carry out measures to combat aphids, but also think about how to get ants out of the garden. If you deprive the ants of food in time, they will leave the territory themselves.

How to get rid of ants in the garden forever

Insect control chemicals

The "Anteater" is very popular. The active ingredient diazinon is used against aphids, bears, weevils, bedbugs, ants, and moths. Absorbed through the skin, it causes paralysis of insects within 2 days after treatment.

No less effective are drugs: Kombad, Fitoverm, Intavir, Aktara. Before you get the ants out of the garden, you must carefully study the instructions for the selected tool. The drugs are used strictly according to the indicated dosages. Not only plants infected with aphids are treated, but also neighboring ones. Even when there are no visible signs of insects at the moment, there is no guarantee that the crop is not infested with pests.

Fighting ants in the garden with folk remedies

The use of chemicals is not always convenient, because when processing cultivated plants they can absorb toxic substances. There are many proven recipes. They will help if ants appear in the garden, how to get rid of folk remedies and what mixtures to use for this, we will consider in more detail.

The easiest and safest way is to use a soapy solution. As you know, aphids breathe through the skin, and a soapy film will block the insect's access to oxygen.

Soap solution is an excellent remedy for ants in the garden

For preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 0.1 l of liquid soap in 10 l of water. Spraying of affected plants is carried out in the evening at sunset. The liquid soon dries up, leaving an impenetrable crust.

Such treatment will help get rid of aphids - their main source of food. Soon, unwanted insects will leave the site on their own. It should be remembered that it is necessary to process plant leaves both from above and below, since aphids most often live on the underside of the leaf.

You can scare off pests with a pungent smell. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of onion or garlic in advance. A folk remedy for ants in the garden is prepared as follows: the fruits are crushed and poured with water, covering the pieces, then tightly closed with a lid or corked.

After 7-10 days, the product is ready, but it must be used with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting infusion is sprayed on all plants to scare off aphids and other unwanted guests.

Ant control products in the garden

Trees and shrubs are also under threat. Folk remedies from ants in the garden are also suitable for orchard... Plants are treated with the same infusions and solutions. Tree trunks are carefully whitened.

Another effective way is ALT garden insect glue. The stem is wrapped with foil and an adhesive solution is applied. Goose bumps, in an attempt to transfer the aphids to a new place, get stuck in the glue and die. Also, ordinary foil will help in the fight against insects: tree trunks are wrapped in foil, raising the edge and forming a skirt. The ants are not as flexible and will not be able to get past the sharp edge of the foil.

Many summer residents prefer to fight the anthills themselves: dig them up and move them beyond the site, fill their tunnels with special gels: the Great Warrior from Leroy Merlin, Absolute, Raptor, or soapy water. But if there are aphids on the territory of the garden and garden, the insects will return.

Protecting flower beds from ants

Pests often inhabit flower beds. Most often, flower beds are sprayed. Effective drugs such as Thunder-2 or Anteater are suitable for this.

You can scare off pests without harming plants with the help of infusions on citrus peels with a strong aroma, or celandine (a bunch of flowers is insisted on water for 2 days).

Household flowers in pots on the veranda can be protected with tobacco smoke: the plant is placed in a plastic bag and fumigated, left overnight. The aphids die, and the ants leave.

An easy way to get ants out of the garden with folk remedies and not harm them is to install a sweet bait. Just dilute the old jam with water or make sugar syrup and leave it in several places on the site. Insects will feast on the treat, and there will be no need to breed aphids.

In pest control, ammonia is often used. Anthills are poured into them (0.1 liters of substance per 1 liter of boiled water).

A solution with ammonia from ants

In 10 liters of boiled water, dilute 1 tablespoon ammonia, add 2-4 tablespoons of sugar. After half an hour, the mass will become homogeneous, and it will be possible to spray the plants with it. The crops themselves will not receive any harm due to the insignificant concentration, and the insects will die.

Boric acid from ants in the garden is an effective and very effective and safe for plants, beneficial insects, and animals. The powder is mixed in equal amounts with sugar, and sprinkled on the near-stem circles of trees, anthills, flower beds and beds. Over time, insects leave the site.


In the fight against ants, it is necessary first of all to get rid of the cause of their appearance - aphids. Protecting the garden and vegetable garden from pests is a long and laborious process, so it is easier to prevent it. To do this, it is necessary to take preventive measures against the re-colonization of insects, using gentle methods and folk recipes for this.

Small-sized insects - ants belong to the order of Hymenoptera. Their genus numbers more than 6 thousand species. The annoying guests of the garden plots are red, black, yellow ants. Redheads are forest dwellers who sometimes run into garden lands. They feed on small insects, so they do more good than harm. Yellow and black ants are a scourge for gardeners. Let's see why these pests are so dangerous and how to deal with them.

Why are ants in the garden dangerous?

According to hymenopterologists (specialists who study insects), ants are the most common useful hymenoptera. However, their presence in large numbers can cause serious damage. The peculiarity of garden ants is that they locate their homes under bushes of cultivated plants. Ants feed weakness to strawberries, currants, plums, apple trees, pear. By laying their tunnels underground, insects oppress newly planted plants. This applies to crops of open and closed ground.

The main harm that garden ants do is the breeding of aphids, which emit sweet juice, which is an ant delicacy. Insects not only protect, take care of her, but also contribute to the reproduction of this pest. The danger of aphids is that they settle on young twigs, feed on plant sap, weakening them and infecting them with viral diseases.

Ants also contribute to the reproduction of leaf beetles, worms and some species of caterpillars. The insects themselves feed on small seeds, do not refuse fruits and berries. They have a special passion for garden strawberries... Ants contribute to the growth of weeds on the site, because they store their seed stocks underground.

Effective ways to get rid of ants in the garden forever

The main methods of dealing with ants on garden plot associated with their destruction and disposal of aphids, which is the food base of pests. To defeat this army of insects, you will have to be patient. To get rid of ants will help folk remedies or specialized preparations in the form of powders, gels, solutions of pesticides. If the first option only scares away, but does not harm the population, then the second and third will help to destroy the entire family that has settled on the site.

Biological ant control methods

The most humane way to get rid of garden ants is to use the biological method, which involves the use of plants that repel pests. Natural remedies help avoid unnecessary casualties, and chemicals can kill other creatures who accidentally taste the poison. Basically, these crops include aromatic herbs and spices: tansy, mustard, parsley and tomato tops.


One of the most effective folk ways to fight ants is the use of tansy. To prevent pests from settling next to the currants, scatter tansy flowers, their aroma will scare away uninvited neighbors... A remedy prepared using dried parts of the plant has shown itself well. For him, take 0.8 kg of dry tansy branches, pour 10 liters of water and leave for two days.

Then boil the infusion for half an hour, strain, add the same amount cold water, add 50 g of laundry soap. With the resulting product, treat areas of accumulation of pests, including plants. You can prepare such a decoction from fresh plant parts. In this case, take 2 kg of tansy for the indicated amount of water. It will help scare off pests and a growing plant. To do this, plant tansy near the crops that ants love.


Ordinary dry mustard helps to save the garden from ants. It is the simplest and most affordable tool that does not require the preparation and use of any spray solutions. To get rid of ants, cover the areas of their accumulation and paths of movement with a thick layer of mustard powder. The smallest particles will clog the spiracles of insects, which will cause pests to escape.


One of the most effective eco-friendly ant ant controls is the use of parsley. The smell of the plant scares away insects, makes their presence near her unbearable. Pull the leaves of the plant, mash lightly to enhance the aroma, and spread them near the nests. The smell of parsley will not kill the ants, but will cause them to massively migrate to more favorable places.

Tomato tops

Coping with the invasion of garden ants helps tomato tops... Its effectiveness is due to the presence of a toxic substance glycoalkaloid - solanine, which is found not only in tomato branches, but also in green fruits. Any vegetative parts of the plant that are not affected by fungal diseases are suitable for fighting ants. Fresh and dry tops are used, which are stored for the purpose of further use for future use. The placement of stepchildren of tomatoes located under bushes of horticultural crops will contribute to protection from ants.

As a remedy for ants and aphids, a decoction of tomato stems and leaves has proven itself well. To prepare it, take 4 kg of crushed parts of the plant, pour 10 liters of water and leave for 4 hours. The infusion is boiled for half an hour over low heat, cooled and filtered. Before use, the resulting product is diluted in proportions 1: 4.

If dry parts of the plant are taken to prepare the product, then the broth is prepared according to this recipe:

  • 1 kg of dry crushed tops is poured with 10 liters of water and insisted for 5 hours.
  • Then they boil for three hours in a bowl, closed lid, over low heat. If the water boils away strongly, you need to add about the same amount of boiling water.
  • The cooled and strained solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  • The resulting mixture is used to treat the places where aphids and ants accumulate.
  • To make the solution stick better, add 30 g of green soap to it before use.

Chemicals for the destruction of ants in the garden

The most effective means of protecting a garden from pests, including ants and aphids, are chemicals. Their use contributes to the destruction of the settled insect family. However, these remedies will not help you get rid of the ants permanently. The use of chemicals should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions attached to them in order to avoid negative effects of the funds. The most popular ant drugs are: Thunder-2, Muratsid, Anteater, Delicia.


Thunder-2 is considered one of the most effective professional drugs. It is a suspension of small granules containing diazinon, an active poisonous substance from garden pests (mushroom mosquitoes, soil gnats, flies, ants). Thunder-2 is classified as a moderately hazardous drug for animals and humans. When released into water bodies and aquariums, it causes the death of fish. When working with the product, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment - glasses, gloves, respirator. Do not drink, smoke or eat while processing.

To fight ants:

  • The substance is scattered in places of their accumulation and movement.
  • The drug works for two to three months.
  • To destroy the anthill, first remove the top layer of soil (2-3 cm), then scatter the poison on its surface.
  • Places where Thunder-2 was used should be sprinkled with soil or covered with roofing material.
  • After applying the drug, the ants will disappear after 3 days.


The tool used by gardeners to kill ants is called Muratsid. It is effective not only from garden species, but also from insects that have entered living quarters. The drug is a liquid of contact-intestinal action, which must be diluted in water before use. One milliliter of the product is enough to prepare 10 liters of solution. After spraying muracid, insects die within 2-4 days.

The protective properties on the treated areas are retained for 3 months. If it is not possible to process the habitats of ants due to the danger of getting poison on fruits and berries, the drug is added to baits, which are placed in non-food containers. A remedy with muracid is prepared as follows: 100 g of sugar, 20 g of honey and one drop of poison are dissolved in 100 g of water.


Liquid preparation, packaged in capsules. It is used to kill garden ants. Used as a watering agent for insect habitats. To prepare a working solution, take 1 ml of the product and dilute it in 10 liters of water. This volume is enough for processing 7-10 anthills. The drug does not affect earthworms and soil microorganisms, does not accumulate in the ground.


Effective remedy from ants from Germany called Delicia. Supplied in powder form. Use the drug both in dry form and for the preparation of an aqueous solution. The powder is scattered in a thin layer in the places of nests of ants and along their paths. Crevices and cracks in the ground should be sprinkled with a generous amount of product. It is recommended to use 10 g of powder for one square meter... The agent is actively eaten by ants, which causes their poisoning. Insects transfer it to their pantries, where the queen and offspring eat the powder.

The effect occurs 14 days after treatment. It is allowed to use the drug for preparing a solution: 10 g of the product is dissolved in 5 liters of water. The resulting suspension is used to treat insect nests, cracks in the soil and all paths of ants' movement. The first method of application is considered the most effective, because it causes the death of the entire colony. The product must not be used on lawns. While working with him, you can not eat, smoke, drink.

Folk remedies for the destruction of ants in a personal plot

The safest, most humane methods for treating ants are folk. Most of them are aimed at repelling insects without harming the entire colony. Ants do not only harm the garden plot, but also benefit. By destroying these insects, you destroy other representatives of the animal world that depend on them. Folk ways will not have a negative effect on cultivated plants. Let's take a look at the most popular and effective ant control methods.


Garlic is one of the most effective ant repellents. To this end, many gardeners plant it in the aisles of plants that are of interest to insects - strawberries, currants, cabbage and others. Arrows of garlic, exuding a pungent aroma, are laid out near the nests of ants. If you rub the crown of trees with them or with cloves of garlic, then the insects will not be able to reach the aphids.


Wood ash helps scare off ants from the site. It is used to dust the plants on which aphids have appeared, and the habitats of insects. You can drive them out of the nest with hot ash. To use it to repel insects, stir up the nest, cover it with ash (directly from a stove or fire). The ants will not like this interference, they will rush to leave your garden.

Boiling water

An effective but cruel ant repellent that should not be used near garden plants is boiling water. To do this, you need to take ordinary water, bring it to a boil, pour it over the anthill. For greater efficiency, before applying the method, you need to stir up the nest. Sometimes a boiling solution is prepared by adding some aromatic plants - garlic, lavender, tansy, or ammonia. Their use complements the unpleasant sensations of insects.

Black pepper

Black pepper helps scare off ants from the orchard. Its effectiveness is due to the odor, unpleasant for insects, and dusty consistency, which clogs the respiratory organs of pests. It is used in the form of ground powder, which is thickly sprinkled on ant paths and nests. To enhance the effect, gardeners add ash to the pepper and use the resulting remedy not only for ants, but also for aphids. This method will not kill the insects, but it will force them to leave your garden.

Sugar syrup

Ants are famous for their sweet tooth, so sugar syrup will help get rid of them. To prepare it, you will need 100 g of water and sugar each. Dissolving sugar in water, get a thick syrup, which should be poured into small containers, place them near the anthill. Insects attracted by the delicacy will not be able to get out of it. Sometimes poison is added to the syrup.

Boric acid solution

This tool is used as part of the bait. To prepare it, you will need pharmaceutical boric acid, which is dissolved in a small amount of water. The solution is poured into containers, placed near the nests. To make the liquid more attractive, a little sugar is added to it. This remedy helps to get rid of the queen herself. Garden ants feed her with a treat, from which she dies. Yeast enhances the action of the agent, which is taken in proportions with boric acid 1: 2.

Kerosene solution

Kerasin will help drive ants out of your garden. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of 10 liters of water, 10 tablespoons of kerosene. The resulting product must be poured into a previously stirred up anthill. So that the smell does not disappear, it is advised to cover the treated area with a film. The ants will not die, but they will no longer live in such an uncomfortable place.

Shampoo and vegetable oil

Safe for environment a remedy that will help drive ants out of the garden is shampoo and vegetable oil. To prepare the solution, you will need 10 liters of water, a bottle of vinegar, half a liter of oil and an inexpensive shampoo. You can substitute dish soap for the last ingredient. Mix all the ingredients, pour onto the anthill. To penetrate the water deeper, pierce the nest.

Prevention of the appearance of pests in the garden

To avoid the appearance of ants in the garden, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness, remove weeds and dead plants in time. It is necessary to monitor the appearance of the favorite delicacy of these insects - aphids. Aphids that appear in the garden should be mercilessly destroyed. Promotes the appearance of garden ants in the area by eating food. Bread crumbs or bits of food falling on the ground attract insects. To avoid the appearance of ants, do not eat in the garden.

Video: how to get rid of garden ants in a summer cottage

The main concern of gardeners is not only to preserve the harvest, but also to extend the life of cultivated plants. However, the appearance of ants interferes with these plans. There are many methods to help you get rid of these pests in your garden. You will learn about the most effective ones by watching a series of video clips below. Professional gardeners, including the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Magic Garden", will share how to protect garden plants from ants, how to poison them in the beds, how to cope with insects that have settled in the greenhouse.

Protecting garden plants from ants

How to poison ants and aphids in the beds

What are red ants in a greenhouse afraid of?

Fighting black ants in the vegetable garden

Good morning, beloved readers! Summer turned out to be very hot and aphids appeared in my garden, and then ants settled. Some people began to tell me that these are hardworking insects and should not be removed. They supposedly supply root system plants with oxygen.

Since I am a beginner gardener, I obeyed and did not do anything with the ants. And when there were several hundred more of them, I realized that I needed to do something. I got rid of aphids a long time ago, so I only had to deal with the anthill. I began to look for a suitable method of struggle, after many unsuccessful attempts, turned to the neighbor of Aunt Zoe. She told how she took him out of her site a couple of years ago.

Indeed, everything that she said works. In this article, you will learn: how to get ants out of the garden, the basic rules and tips in the fight against insects, prevention is the key to success, which drugs to give preference to.


Ants are found in any summer cottage, because they are one of the most common insects. And although in nature they are considered useful, in large quantities ants can cause serious damage to the garden and vegetable garden. In some cases, they can ruin the harvest.

How to get ants out of the garden

Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they do not multiply beyond measure. Next, you will learn how dangerous ants in the garden are and how to get rid of them. Coping with these insects is not easy, because their larvae and uterus, as a rule, are safely hidden in the depths.

And we come across ordinary workers, the number of which is easily restored.

To destroy an ant settlement, you need to get to the queen or make the ants move their home to another place. There are many ways to control these insects. These are both time-tested folk remedies and modern drugs that can be bought in stores. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to destroy an anthill with folk remedies

If you are determined to get rid of ants in the area, then do not waste a lot of time on individual individuals. It is necessary to look for a nest or anthill and destroy it so that insects cannot or do not want to restore it. Garden ants are more likely to build small nests that are not conspicuous.

To find them, watch the ants for a while, follow their paths. You can mark them so that you do not lose or forget later.

The most humane way to get rid of ants is to dig up all of their dwellings, collect them in a bag and carry them away from the site. In a new place, insects will be able to rebuild their home. But this activity is quite laborious, because sometimes you have to dig more than a meter deep.

And garden ants do not belong to the Red Book insects in order to protect them so. More often, the nest is simply destroyed. Most affordable way- Thoroughly stir up the anthill to the full depth and pour boiling water over it. After a while, the procedure must be repeated in case some of the insects survived.

Please note that sometimes, if the night is cold, all the inhabitants of the anthill can crawl out to the surface to warm up. This is a great opportunity to get them out.

In addition to boiling water, you can use other poisonous or strong-smelling agents. Here are three proven recipes.

  • In a ten-liter bucket, mix 2 cups each of vegetable oil and cheap shampoo.
  • Instead of shampoo, use dishwashing detergent or diluted laundry soap. Then add more vinegar, preferably a whole bottle. Add water and splash this solution onto the nest. To penetrate deeply, poke a hole in the middle with a stick.

  • Simpler but no less effective recipe.
  • Take the same bucket of water and pour 10 tablespoons of kerosene into it. Cover the nest with foil to ensure that the smell permeates the entire nest.

  • Dissolve over-the-counter boric acid in a glass of water.
  • Add a few tablespoons of sugar to make the liquid taste more appetizing to the ants. This remedy is good because it does not work immediately and can destroy the uterus. The ants feed her with this solution, after which she dies. Boric acid can also be added to the meatballs.

Also, anthills are sprinkled with ash, watered with infusion of tops from tomatoes, or garlic is thrown with the already mentioned arrows. The oil left over after frying works well too, but the fresh one is not so effective.

You can soak lemon or orange peels in a bucket overnight and then pour them onto the nest. And another good and affordable remedy is plain ground cinnamon. Ants can't stand her.

Herring heads at the top of the nest will not be to their liking either. Even plain sugar syrup or sweet juice is said to help. When it enters the ground, it causes the development of yeast bacteria in the soil.

They begin to spoil the ant supplies, and the insects leave. There is another fun and sustainable way to breed the most troublesome garden ants.

To do this, it is enough to go to the forest, find there an anthill with forest insects, tear off its top and put it in a bag, which then needs to be tied well.

At home, the contents of the bag will remain to be poured onto the scattered nest of harmful neighbors. Forest ants, which will be in the bag along with the soil, will easily drive the garden ants not only from this nest, but also from the entire site. They themselves will not stay for long either; in 2-3 weeks they will return to the forest.


Insecticides containing the active ingredient diazinon, which, in combination with other components of the drug, affects the nervous system of insects, causes paralysis and death, allow you to fight ants in the garden and in the garden.

Approximately 48 hours after contact with the chemical, insects die. As for the consumption of the insecticidal substance, it is minimal. In certain cases, 10 ml of the product is enough to treat 50 sq. m of land inhabited by ants. Such drugs are capable of destroying not only adults, but also larvae.

Most effective method, which allows you to quickly remove ants from the garden, is the use of insecticidal preparations that will destroy all harmful insects in the garden. Destruction of pests chemical means produced with the help of various poisonous drugs that are commercially available in garden and hardware stores.

They come in various forms: tablets, granules, gels, powders and liquids. The most popular drugs: Phenaxin, Muravyin, Muratsid, Aktara, Grom-2, Summer resident, Muratoks, Fitar, Death to pests, etc.

The consumption of the insecticidal preparation is minimal: 10 ml is enough to poison ants on an area of ​​50 sq. m of land. All of these drugs effectively destroy both adults and their larvae, with a guarantee that pests will not appear in this area within the next 3 weeks.

When using chemicals, you should observe personal safety measures (clothing, gloves, respirator), and also make sure that poisons do not enter the body of people and animals.

If there is a body of water nearby, then you need to take care that toxic substances do not get into the water. It should be remembered that after the use of strong insecticidal agents, not only harmful insects will die, but also useful ones. In addition, the poison for ants will get into the soil in the cultivated area of ​​the garden, which cannot have a beneficial effect on the plants.

In order for the garden to be productive, and all vegetables and fruits to be as useful as possible, it is better to carry out pest control by non-chemical methods. Getting rid of ants with the help of special preparations is perhaps the easiest way. Just note that not all poisons will work.

After all, ordinary chemicals will not be able to infect a womb hidden under the ground. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to products designed specifically for ants.

As a rule, they do not act immediately, giving the workers the opportunity to feed the female with a tasty poison. Usually these are gels or granular grains, less often powders for solutions. They can be applied directly to the nest or along paths. Liquid formulations can be used to water nests and plants with aphids, where ants regularly visit.

The affordable "Anteater" shows itself quite well. The insect that eats it dies only on the second day. The composition of this agent includes the substance diazinon, and other preparations for insects are made on its basis. It is also worth paying attention to the absolute gel, which is sold in a syringe.

There is also liquid Muratsid, powder for breeding Delicia, pasty Great Warrior and other means. Almost all of them last up to three weeks.

Special adhesive belts such as Aeroxon can provide good protection for trees. They prevent ants and other harmful insects from climbing up the trunk. The pests either stick or unfold. The color at the belt is such that it does not attract beneficial insects. There are no poisons that could get into the wood and fruits either. Alt glue works in a similar way.


There are many folk remedies. For example, pouring boiling water over holes and anthill passages. The black garden ant is not very fond of ash or the smell of chopped tomato leaves. Of course, in such ways they cannot be completely defeated, but you can drive them away from some places.

There is another way, by the way, quite effective - flooding the habitats of these insects with urine or, as they say, the contents of a chamber pot.

As a rule, after such a "fragrant treatment" insects leave this place. There are methods of destruction with poisoned baits. It's over effective ways than those described above. You can make such baits yourself, but you should be very careful not to get poisoned yourself.

To do this, we use boric acid, mix equal parts either with honey, or with jam, or with sugar, that is, with something sweet. I usually use a mixture of boric acid powder with granulated sugar. Sprinkle with this mixture the places of the greatest accumulation of insects.

For me, these are most often the trunk circles of fruit trees - they especially like to settle under pears. After a while they disappear, I think they just leave this place.

There is another not quite usual way to drive ants out of your area. Not so long ago I learned that if you put ordinary dry millet or semolina on top of an ant heap, then they leave this place. Sprinkle regular millet or semolina over insect sites.

Why - I don't know, but black pests go away. One tip: so that the sparrows do not gnaw this millet or semolina before it works, sprinkle some dried grass, straw or foliage over the sprinkled cereal - this is not a hindrance for insects, and the birds will not notice.

If your area is very creepy, it makes sense to use stronger control methods. The goal of stronger methods is to destroy the "ant queen".

While she is alive, working ants will definitely be on the site. The "ant queen" lives underground - the depth is more than one and a half meters. It is difficult to reach it even with a shovel. In our struggle with the "ant queen", we go two paths.

The first is sweet traps around everyone fruit tree or berry bush from sweet syrup or fermented beer - this is for the worker ants to reduce their number. The second - protective belts made of adhesive tape, on top of which we apply a gel - poison bait.

Ants will carry her inside the anthill, feed her "queen" with it.

Garden insects can sometimes arrange not only anthills in a strawberry garden, but even nests inside strawberry bushes. Most often, this leads to the death of plants. How can strawberries help in this case? To choose a means or method of assistance, one must take into account at what stage of development the plants are now.
Source: ";;"

Usually ants settle in places where the soil is rarely cultivated. Therefore, the first rule of dealing with these insects includes regular loosening of the earth, which will reduce the chances of ants for strengthening their housing.

You can save the roots of a tree from insect infestation by using lime, which is used to treat its trunk and water the ground around it. The soil around the trees can be sprinkled with wood ash and baking soda - the substances help fight due to the fact that they greatly dry out the soil.

If an ant nest is found in the garden, then it must be destroyed. For this purpose, not only the nest is dug up, but also the area surrounding it.

The dug ground is flooded lime mortar and covered with a layer of ash. Then the soil inhabited by ants is dug up again, after which the ants will leave their dwellings, but they can immediately find a new one nearby, so you need to observe their actions during this period.

You can get rid of ants forever, but for this you need to destroy the queen - she is the "queen" of ants. By the way, if there is nothing for ants to eat on the garden plot, then it is possible that insects will not populate such land.

In this case, we are talking about aphids living on plants. If you constantly poison it, then the insects will have nothing to support their vital activity.

But do not get too carried away with hunting ants, because if they completely disappear from the site, then other pests that are afraid of ants will fill the garden area, for example, caterpillars. Therefore, if the ants do no harm, that is, they do not spoil the beauty of the lawn and flower beds, then maybe it is not worth touching them?

It is difficult to get rid of ants in the garden forever. This factor is due to the multi-tiered shape of the anthill and the fact that only hardworking insects come out to the surface of the earth, and their uterus remains in its underground kingdom all the time.

The destruction of working groups of ants will not give the desired result, since they will be quickly replaced by other insects.

A remedy for ants in the garden will help to achieve the effect, which workers will unconsciously deliver on their paws to their nest, where the uterus and larvae will eventually be destroyed. In this case, it will not be possible to do without the use of a highly effective modern drug.
Source: ""

Popular folk remedies

It is not worth using chemicals to destroy pests in the garden and in the garden. If possible, it is better to remove them mechanically or biologically, since insecticides carry great harm plants, earth and, accordingly, man.

For example, here is one of them - at first glance, troublesome, but effective method:

  1. Make sweet syrup: water, sugar and honey;
  2. Put a thin groove, pour syrup into it;
  3. After the insects are trapped, collect them and destroy them;
  4. The procedure must be repeated after a few days, but the groove must be installed on the other side of the anthill.

You can drive ants away from your home, drive them out of the garden or vegetable garden forever with the help of plants that insects cannot tolerate. If ants appear indoors, it is recommended to spread parsley or tansy sprigs in their habitat, sprinkle with grated bay leaves or mustard powder.

Also, ants do not tolerate the smell of valerian and mint, so these plants are recommended to be planted in the garden and close to the house. In the garden along the beds, you can also sow parsley and garlic.

Folk remedies for ants involve the use of baking soda, which is abundantly used to crush ant hills and passages. Instead of soda, you can use wood ash or dry lime, which is poured into anthills and sprinkled on the land around them.

Places in the garden where ants live can be poured with a compound of boric acid and granulated sugar (1 tbsp. Substance + 4 tbsp. L. Sugar). Sweet boric acid will destroy all ants, because they will feast on it. The same solution can be used to treat the ant path, and they will spread it throughout the anthill.

In the garden, the habitat of ants can be covered with a composition of oregano and sulfur (1: 2) - such a mixture will only be harmful to insects.

The method is suitable if you need to process a large part of the garden - then using this mixture, the entire area is deeply loosened. Some gardeners flood ant hills with a compound of ordinary water and sunflower oil, which does not always lead to the complete destruction of ants.

If in the evening, when all the ants are in their dwelling, you dig up an anthill and pour a bucket of boiling water over it, then you can expect that all ants, along with the queen and larvae, will be destroyed. Ants are organized insects that bring not only benefits, but also harm to the garden.

Every summer resident knows that a large anthill causes huge problems. Ants in the garden are looking for food, and when food becomes insufficient, they begin to spoil plants and trees.

And how many times have ants climbed onto the table set for outdoor recreation? It is not necessary to put up with this state of affairs - the army of insects can and should be rebuffed! Aphids are another garden pest. It destroys entire plantings of vegetables, but not everyone knows that ants breed it.

They provide her with protection, let her into the anthill for the winter. In return, aphids provide valuable "milk" rich in carbohydrates. The symbiosis is more than amazing, but it remains undeniable. Is there an anthill on the site? Aphid infestation is guaranteed! So, deciding to do away with harmful insects, it is important to remember that each colony has up to several million individuals.

Those ants on the site that move in an organized stream around the site are workers. They are just the tip of the iceberg and the lowest position in the hierarchy of the anthill.

By destroying only them, you will not be able to achieve tangible results. Even strong losses of several thousand individuals, the anthill compensates for in 2-3 weeks. In other words, physically killing workers is a pointless exercise.

It is not always possible to remove ants from the garden with folk remedies or aggressive chemicals. Only an integrated approach to business will get rid of the problem for a long time. As you know, elimination methods are divided into 2 types:

  • aggressive chemical destruction;
  • environmentally friendly folk remedies.

Let's start with the fact that every experienced summer resident and gardener knows about the need preventive measures... Among them:

  1. Spreading ash over the site;
  2. Growing strong-smelling plants;
  3. Digging a vegetable garden.

These measures are effective if carried out in late fall or early spring. And now about the methods of struggle.

Fill the nest with mortar

How to get rid of ants with folk remedies? There are many recipes, but which ones won't harm pets and birds? If we set aside the options for poisonous baits, then all that remains is pouring solutions deep into the anthill.

The recipe looks like this.

  • 20-30 grams of boric acid powder.
  • Dilute with 1 liter of water.
  • Add 5 tablespoons of sugar to the solution.
  • Pour in 50-100 grams of vegetable oil (preferably used).
  • Add a few drops of essential oils.
  • If desired, you can pour another glass of vinegar into the solution to enhance the effect.
  • Punch a hole in the anthill as deep as possible.
  • Empty the contents.
  • Cover the hole and a small area around it with plastic.

If desired, boric acid is removed from the ingredient list. It can be replaced with safer substances, for example:

  1. 200-300 grams of laundry soap;
  2. 300 grams of a decoction of pine needles, tops of tomatoes, parsley, and other spicy herbs;
  3. 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda; lime; salt (from 100 grams per liter of water);
  4. 50-100 grams of shampoo (preferably pine-scented);
  5. Ash.

After 2-3 days, the procedure is repeated. Since the layout is relatively arbitrary, in the case of low efficiency, the main active component is replaced. This is also done to improve the effect. To enhance the effect, they take warm water for the solution - you can even use boiling water.

Boiling water and its effectiveness

One of the most simple ways ant control - pour a lot of boiling water over the nest. This method has shown high efficiency in the destruction of small anthills. It is impossible to fight an overgrown colony in this way - the uterus and clutches are protected, often its dwelling is located at great depths and at some distance from the entrance to the anthill. In other words, water will fall on it, and the population will be restored.

Deterrent smells as a remedy

It's no secret that ants, like most other garden pests, cannot stand the smell of many herbs and trees. Among them:

  • parsley;
  • tomato tops;
  • needles;
  • garlic;
  • narcissus;
  • elderberry black;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • marigold;
  • mustard;
  • sagebrush;
  • Red pepper.

If you regularly cover the anthill with these plants, then the garden ants will not die, but very soon they will begin to look for a more attractive place to live.

The greater the amount of herbs used, the stronger the effect - you cannot get rid of insects with a couple of pine branches.

In addition to covering the ants' den with herbs, you can make a decoction. Daily watering of the anthill, adjacent territories, and sprinkling of the area will be enough for the little workers to feel tangible discomfort.

Digging up an anthill and moving it

You can fight garden ants with folk remedies more aggressively. One example is digging up an entire anthill and taking it out of the site. This is how it is done.

  1. Dig the anthill as deep as possible.
  2. Transfer contents to a wheelbarrow or bucket.
  3. Carry the cargo away from your site.
  4. Pour in the place you like.

Such an event is usually carried out in cases where no manipulations on the site can solve the problem. So that the work is not in vain, the dug out funnel is covered with salt, ash or lime in large quantities. Carefully dig up the nearest territory and mix the substance with the soil.

Aphid extermination is a solution to the problem of growing an anthill

As already mentioned, aphids provide ants with a lot of food rich in carbohydrates. If it is not there, then the number of individuals in the colony will grow much more slowly. In combination with the destruction of ants, this will consolidate the result, and slow down the recovery of the population.

So, to cope with aphids you need:

  • lure birds to the site;
  • create barriers to transportation;
  • destroy aphids on plants.

It is very simple to lure birds to your site: crackers in the garden, feeders, birdhouses. Ants are unable to protect their wards from representatives of the feathered community.

To prevent insects from grazing aphids on useful plants, create special barriers. Such barriers are:

  1. Small ditches with water poured into old car tires;
  2. Lime-treated tree trunks;
  3. Adhesive tapes and insect glue strips;
  4. Foil with curled edges (ants cannot climb up).
The use of such mechanisms will help protect the garden from pests. Aphids will feed on weeds and unnecessary plants. It is not so difficult to destroy aphids on the leaves.

This insect does not have the same powerful collective intelligence and adaptability as its host. For the fight, cool decoctions of the plants listed above are used. The best works are wormwood, needles, tomato tops. They are absolutely harmless to humans, and it is very easy to wash off the broth from the fruit.
Source: ""

Black and red ants

Garden ants are black in color and small in size, which distinguishes them from red forest workers. In addition, unlike their relatives, garden insects do not live in an anthill, but they equip their nest right in the ground. You can spot the ants' habitat by looking at a small mound.

Often, such ants make their home in the garden in the rhizomes of plants, garden shrubs and trees.

The food of garden insects is aphids, which they help to reproduce by carrying other plants along the branches. Ants protect their food or "herd of aphids" from other insects, which are also not averse to feasting on the liquid secreted by aphids.

Ants transfer aphids only to young plants, from which they suck out cell sap, after which the plants quickly become weak. Often on plants affected by leaf aphids, you can see curved tops, deformed young leaves and shoots that have stopped growing.

This suggests that aphids, feeding on sap, emit a poisonous substance, due to which the normal vital activity of the plant is disrupted.

Moreover, aphids can be a carrier of the virus, which causes large-scale damage to garden plants. For this reason, the fight against ants in the garden or in the garden should be complex, that is, you need to know how you can get rid of aphids and ants at the same time.

After all, if you do not apply any measures with respect to aphids, then the pest can give about 50 generations over the summer, which will seriously affect the quality and quantity of the crop. If pharaoh or red ants are bred on the garden plot, then they are even worse than black ants.

Not only do such insects harm all plants indiscriminately, it is also difficult to corrode them not only with folk remedies, but also with special chemicals, to the components of which they quickly get used.

Insects quickly re-establish their colonies. By the way, it is not uncommon for red ants to take a fancy to a place in the underground of a residential building, and then come out to the surface. Red ants bring great harm to shrubs and plants, in the rhizomes of which they form their nests, so they must be dealt with first of all.

Typically, a strong ant colony of 5 to 8 million workers is capable of destroying a healthy mature tree in a couple of years. This type of insect loves the liquid secreted by aphids. There is even an assumption that they themselves know how to "milk" tiny insects.

Do you need ants in the garden or is it worth fighting with them

Some gardeners speak positively of these insects. They argue that black garden creeps benefit both soil and plants:

  • building passages in the ground, they loosen it, supplying the roots of plants with oxygen;
  • pollinate plants and flowers;
  • in the process of protein extraction, they fight many other pests, larvae and caterpillars;
  • are food for birds.

The reasons for the appearance of the pest on the site

To get rid of ants in the garden, you need to find out the reason for their appearance. The first signal of a threat is aphids. The presence of these inhabitants of the garden precedes the appearance of garden goosebumps.

The waste products of aphids are a source of sweet carbohydrates for them. In order to expand the "pasture", they can move aphids to other plants, providing them with food and protecting them from other insects.

Benefit and harm

Like other insects, ants cause irreparable damage to the site by feeding on plants and fruits. But the main reason to get rid of them forever is to breed aphids. Ants feed on the products of its vital activity - a sticky liquid saturated with carbohydrates.

In this case, aphids are used as a dairy cow: they are raised, bred, and even grazed on plants, protecting them from other insects.
  1. In search of sweet nectar, insects often damage plant flowers;
  2. They damage ripe sweet fruits and berries, such as poured pears, cherries, currants and strawberries;
  3. They can feast on seeds and young seedlings;
  4. When building underground passages, they can damage the root system of plants;
  5. Inhabiting the hollows, insects gradually turn trees into dust.

The most important "sin" for which ants deserve to be banished from the garden is their love for aphids. She is able to secrete drops of sweet juice, which ants willingly feed on.

They not only accumulate in those places where aphids have appeared, but also protect it from other predatory insects. And if under other circumstances ladybugs could protect your beds, then they cannot cope with ants. Moreover, harmful ants themselves carry aphids to new, not yet infected branches.

And some species plant pests on the roots of cultivated plants. For the winter, ants carefully hide aphids in their nests, and in the spring they bring them back to young shoots. And the fight against aphids itself in this case will be ineffective, because the inhabitants of the anthill are able to quickly restore its numbers.

This is the main reason to get rid of ants, but there are others.

Scout ants may well find their way into your home, which is very unpleasant. And some of them build nests in wooden buildings, turning wood into dust. For those who have beauty and exemplary order on the site, ants can spoil the view with their nests.

On a lawn or rock garden, they are striking like mole bumps. Only the nests will gradually become larger and larger, and over time, their inhabitants will begin to build new dwellings. It can also be added that these insects often store weed seeds underground, facilitating their germination. For example, because of them, the entire area can be overgrown with celandine.

These insects can also feed on fruits and berries from our garden. They can often be found in strawberry beds, currant bush, plum or pear tree.

Perhaps, they will cause even more damage to the crop if they arrange their nests in the roots of plants. In this case, in a couple of years, they can easily destroy a young tree, and the strawberry bushes will wither in the first season. It should be said in defense of ants that they are also beneficial.

Indeed, their diet also includes harmful insects, the number of which is thus reduced. Also, with their nests and underground passages, they perfectly loosen the soil. And yet, in large quantities, the harm far outweighs the benefit. Therefore, it is better to get rid of ants if you come across their dwellings too often.

A large number of insects, both useful and harmful, always live in the country house and garden.

On the other hand, they can harm plants: they spoil the root system, gnaw the ovaries and eat sweet berries. But the main trouble from them is the cultivation of aphids, which they specially breed on the stems and leaves of garden crops, in order to then feed on their delicious nectar.

The fight against red ants that contain aphids on the farm should be carried out in conjunction with the destruction of "sweet cows".

Therefore, many owners of summer cottages and vegetable gardens are forced to deal with a large number of these insects and they need to know what means can be used to reduce their number and how to poison ants that can harm beneficial plants.

Often, ants that have settled in a garden or vegetable garden cause a noticeable decrease in the yield of fruit crops. Some species of ants spoil the roots of plants, while others gnaw ripening fruits and vegetables. In addition, ants contribute to the appearance in the garden a large number aphids (they colonize aphids, feed on its honeydew), and aphids damage the ground parts of plants and their roots. Folk remedies for ants in the garden allow you to get rid of pests with minimal cost financial resources and physical strength.

Site protection

To protect gardens and orchards from ants, you can:

  • Drive them away from the site or summer cottage. Ants settle more often where there is enough food and a calm environment. In the case of ants that have settled in the beds, it is necessary to dig up the top layer of soil several times in the place of their settlement and destroy the aphids, which they diligently breed. This reduces the number of ants in the garden and forces them to leave in search of a more suitable place.
  • Relocate. If there is an aboveground anthill on the site, instead of destroying it, it is better to move it outside your garden or vegetable garden. For this, the upper part of the anthill and the soil are removed for 2 bayonets of the shovel under it, and transferred somewhere outside the site, preferably behind some natural body of water. The ants will quickly settle in a new place, and those working individuals that remain on the site will die in a few days.
  • Scare off strong odors. Ants do not like the smell of wormwood, lavender, garlic, tansy, mint, marigold, and various spices. Where their aroma is felt, insects prefer not to settle, therefore such herbs become an excellent prevention against ants and can be used in the spring-summer period, when ants are actively looking for places for settlements. But leaving these plants next to an active anthill is useless - workers will carry them away from their home.

The ant's brain consists of 250,000 cells, which is why the ant is considered one of the most intelligent insects.

Destruction methods at the site

You can remove ants on the site with the help of improvised means and substances that are probably in the kitchen or in the medicine cabinet in every home.

Can be used:

  • Baking soda and boiling water. Two tablespoons of soda are diluted in 1.5 liters of water and poured inside the anthill (the upper part of the anthill must be removed or opened). This mixture will not kill all insects, but it will give them a lot of unpleasant sensations. After several such procedures, they will start looking for another place to set up their home. Ordinary boiling water can be used to water the beds in which ants are bred only if no plants are planted there.

  • Borax or boric acid and sugar. A third of a teaspoon is mixed with a tablespoon of sugar (or honey, jam) and dissolved in several tablespoons of water. The finished liquid is poured into small plates and placed in places where ants congregate. The dosage should be observed clearly, since the bait is designed not only for working individuals, but also for the larvae that are inside the anthill. If the dosage of the poisonous substance is increased, the worker ants will die before they have time to bring pieces of food into the anthill. Caution: This bait can be harmful to all pollinating insects.

  • Meat bait with boric acid (brown). Mix two tablespoons of minced meat with a teaspoon of borax, roll into small balls and place in places where ants congregate. This bait works similarly to the previous one.
  • Yeast. Unlike boric acid, yeast is absolutely non-toxic and safe for humans and pets, but for ants it is destructive. Yeast is mixed with water to a pasty consistency, honey, sugar or jam are added. The mixture is laid out near the anthill, for some time all adults and larvae will be poisoned by it.

  • Using forest ants to control garden ants. This is an unusual and not entirely humane way. In the forest, they find an anthill of forest ants and remove part of its upper layer along with insects, placing it in a tight bag. They bring garden ants to their site and pour them onto the anthill. The ants begin to fight among themselves, as a result of which all garden ants die (they are weaker). But this method leads to the death of many forest ants, and they play an important role in the forest ecosystem.

Folk remedies do not allow immediately, sometimes the whole process stretches for 2-3 weeks, or even more. But most of them are safe for humans and have a gentle effect on the soil, since they do not require the use of potent toxic agents.