
Do I need to bring down the temperature of the flu. High body temperature (hyperthermia) in adults and children with flu, colds and other diseases

Fences, fences

Of course, we all want disease to bypass us and our family. However, a cold or flu does not ask us about our desires, and we still have to fight the disease. Consider how you can reduce the temperature, what temperature is considered high, how many days the temperature lasts with the flu.

Revealing the causes of the temperature - task number 1

The main diseases that people are susceptible to during the off-season are acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, although these ailments are often called simply the common cold among the people. Influenza and SARS are viral infections, so their symptoms are similar. In this case, influenza is one of the representatives of respiratory infections under the general name ARVI. Consider the difference between influenza.

Firstly, within 7-10 days after suffering ARVI, a person usually no longer remembers about a recent illness: there is no fatigue or weakness anymore. After the flu, the consequences of the illness may appear within a month. Temperature for flu and SARS also behaves differently:

  • with flu, the temperature rises rapidly, after one or two hours it can reach 39C degrees and even higher, and hold for at least three days, without succumbing to a decrease by any means;
  • with ARVI, the temperature usually does not exceed 38.5C, and after a few days it decreases without additional measures taken.

Moreover, the flu can not only unsettle you for a long time, but also have complications. The flu is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. a severe headache appears;
  2. muscle pain;
  3. increased photosensitivity;
  4. Pain in the eyes.

A runny nose with flu, as a rule, does not happen, or it disappears in the first days, a dry cough appears, children may experience vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea. A high temperature with flu lasts up to a maximum of seven days, after which it passes by itself, although the person still feels sick for a long time. It should be noted that no doctor will undertake to distinguish a cold from the flu without laboratory tests, because these are types of viral infections.

Flu temperature - what to do?

Experts call a normal body temperature 36.6C, however, this is a very relative indicator. For each person, the normal temperature can be different and depend on the individual properties of the organism. For example, experts have long determined that food intake, bathing, exercise, and even emotional experiences can affect temperature fluctuations. And in children, the temperature is always slightly higher than that of an adult. At the same time, according to generally accepted standards, an increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees is considered increased, and an increase to 38C and above indicates a very high body temperature.

An increase in temperature is the body's response to illness. The temperature rises when the fight against the germs that caused the disease begins. At the same time, someone already at 37C begins to urgently reduce it, and some, even at 39 degrees, do not think about ways to lower body temperature. What measures should be taken, and what temperature to bring down with the flu - let's try to figure it out.

Of course, at elevated temperatures, you feel unwell, activity decreases, and a feeling of fatigue appears.

Temperature about 37

A temperature of 37 with flu may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, however, in some cases, this may indicate a banal overwork. To diagnose the presence of a viral infection, you must have data on other symptoms. In this case, it will be possible to determine the cause of the disease and determine the optimal treatment methods in order to prevent the development of possible complications or minimize their occurrence.

They are most difficult to tolerate by children and the elderly, because in children the immune system has not yet been fully formed, and in the elderly it is weakened by chronic diseases. Therefore, the temperature with influenza in children may differ in the absence of a bright temperature reaction, while severe intoxication is observed, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and chills.

Many parents begin to give their babies antipyretic drugs, even with a minimal increase in temperature. Parents should know that an increase in the child's temperature indicates that the child's immune system begins to recognize viruses, defining them as foreign microorganisms, and is involved in the fight against them, therefore this is a completely normal reaction of the baby's body. And the temperature with flu 5 days in a child is the characteristic duration of an increase in body temperature in infectious diseases. In this case, the increase can reach from 37.5C ​​to 41C, which may be accompanied by febrile seizures. And just the lack of reaction of the body to the presence of the virus speaks of malfunctions in the immune system and the inability of the body to fight the infection itself.

How long it lasts - we found out.

And what are the dangerous symptoms of high fever?

You must immediately call a doctor in the following cases:

  • a child under four months of age has a high fever;
  • a high fever in a child is accompanied by convulsions or delirium;
  • with flu, the temperature does not go astray for more than five to seven days;
  • increase in temperature to 39 degrees under any conditions.

It is also very difficult for adults with cardiovascular or respiratory diseases to tolerate high fever, which lasts for a long time, so they may need urgent medical attention.

When is it necessary to lower the temperature?

Experts have determined at what temperature the influenza virus dies. It turned out that the virus begins to partially break down already at a temperature of 37.5 degrees, at 38.5 C, pathogenic microorganisms begin to die en masse. It turns out that the disease destroys itself. Some adults, having accepted, calmly go to work. This is a big mistake, because the body stops fighting the infection, it continues to multiply and has a destructive effect on a person, while the patient infects others.

The transfer of a viral disease on the legs can lead to the development of various complications. In addition, over time, the immune system will weaken and will not be able to cope with even the mildest cold without taking medications. It turns out that when using means that lower the temperature, the duration of the disease increases, and then a person is worried for a long time with weakness, drowsiness.

However, many people are wondering:

Should the temperature be brought down for the flu if it is below 38 degrees?

The fact is that in this matter it is important to take into account the individual properties of the organism. The body's response to high temperatures can vary significantly for each person. Not every person can normally tolerate an increase in temperature up to 38-38.5 degrees. If a person has chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, heart or kidney diseases, or a child or an adult is characterized by convulsions, delirium, then a temperature of 39 with flu will cause an additional load on the organs and aggravate the already serious condition of the patient. Therefore, in these cases, it is better to take the necessary measures to lower the body's degree.

Pregnant women need to take the issue of fever with all seriousness and responsibility, and be sure to inform the doctor about it - he will pick up an antipyretic agent for the woman that will not harm the fetus. Also pay attention to perspiration: if you or your child sweat at high temperatures, it means that your body is fighting the disease and removing toxic substances outside. However, if the temperature with influenza in adults is higher than 38C, and the body remains dry, even with plenty of drink, it is necessary to take an antipyretic agent and be sure to call a doctor. If you have a high fever, but you are not sick with a cold, this is an alarming symptom and may indicate the presence of serious inflammatory processes in the body.

How to bring down the temperature

Photo: medicine for flu and colds

To get started, you can try to lower the temperature using the following methods:

  • vinegar wrap;
  • wiping with a cool damp cloth;
  • take air baths;
  • drink tea with raspberries, lemon, or herbal pharmacy antipyretic tea.

Consider how to bring down the temperature with the flu, if these funds do not help:

  • you can take any antipyretic agent: aspirin, nurofen, paracetamol, fervex. The effect of taking is observed in about half an hour;
  • you can prepare a lytic solution from papaverine or and diphenhydramine. After the introduction of this mixture intramuscularly, the temperature usually decreases rapidly, muscle and headache disappears, the person calms down and falls asleep;
  • if, in this case, relief did not come, an ambulance should be called;
  • any physician will say that it is desirable to take drugs with antiviral action for flu with fever: Antigrippin, Cold-Flew, Rimantadin, Tamiflu. The destruction of the virus also leads to a decrease in temperature;
  • plentiful warm drink helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

For children, antipyretic drugs are produced in the form of suppositories, syrups and tablets: Panadol, Efferalgan,. It is convenient for very young babies to put candles on - their child will not spit it out, they will not have a negative effect on the stomach, the effect manifests itself very quickly. Older children love syrups, unlike bitter tablets, they are much more pleasant to drink.

The main thing is not to exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor and do not forget that Aspirin and Analgin are categorically contraindicated for children.

Every year, with the onset of cold weather, along with bad weather comes a flu epidemic. This viral disease is one of the most dangerous and insidious. It is characterized by a severe course, many unpleasant symptoms and a high risk of serious complications. High temperature is one of these manifestations. Actually, the disease itself begins with a sharp increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees, as well as fever and weakness caused by it. Strong fever and intoxication quickly weaken the body and worsen the patient's well-being. Therefore, many patients and their relatives are interested in how long the temperature lasts with the flu, when can it be brought down and what medications should be used for this?

Why does the temperature rise with the flu?

Typically, a high fever during an influenza infection lasts no more than 5 days. Its sharp jump above 38 degrees indicates that the immune system has entered into a fight against viruses attacking the body. How long a fever with flu will last depends on several factors, namely:

  • the influenza strain that caused the illness;
  • the patient's immunity, his age, body characteristics;
  • compliance with doctor's prescriptions;
  • timeliness of the start of treatment.

In most cases, high thermometer readings are observed in the first few days, however, in case of a severe course of the disease, the temperature above 37 degrees can persist for 17-21 days. Usually, this phenomenon is observed in infected patients who, during the flu, did not comply with bed rest and ignored the prescriptions of the attending doctor, and also did not strengthen the body's defenses and burdened it with physical exertion.

Important! If the high temperature lasts longer than three weeks, and other symptoms slowly fade away, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Perhaps the development of one of the complications of a viral infection - pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis media.

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature with the flu

Fever and fever are normal reactions of the body to the invasion and spread of a disease-causing virus. You should not bring down the temperature with the flu, if it keeps within 38-38.5 degrees. A moderate increase in it is very important for a sick person, since it stimulates:

  • the production of antibodies by the body;
  • oppression by the body of harmful viruses and bacteria;
  • antitoxic liver function;
  • elimination of decay products and toxins by the kidneys;
  • increased activity of various enzymes.

And vice versa, if the temperature is kept low during the development of the disease, this contributes to the rapid spread of infection and the soonest intoxication of the body.

Important! It is recommended to lower the temperature for influenza if it exceeds 39 degrees. This condition is very dangerous for the patient, since at high temperatures hallucinations, delirium, convulsions, increased blood pressure, and respiratory failure can occur.

This should be done with the help of antipyretic drugs:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Fervex;
  • Panadol;
  • Ibufen.

Such medicines are based on 2 main active ingredients: paracetamol and ibuprofen. First of all, you should understand which of them helps the patient better. You can check this empirically or empirically.

How to alleviate the patient's condition

Many people ask themselves what temperature is safe for life and how long can its effect on the body last?

An increase in temperature forces all organs and systems of the human body to work in an enhanced mode. Moreover, the longer the high temperature remains, the more energy is required for the immune system to fight the virus. In order to alleviate the condition of the sick person and bring down the temperature with the flu, some rules should be followed.

  • Give the patient more to drink. Any drinks are suitable - mineral water, tea, herbal decoctions and infusions, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, warm milk. You can even give ordinary boiled water. It is not recommended to consume carbonated drinks with essences and dyes, as well as coffee, which stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Reduce room temperature to 21-22 degrees. This is the best option for the patient's normal well-being. At the same time, regular ventilation of the room will provide an influx of fresh air and reduce the concentration of the virus in the infected room.
  • Strict adherence to bed rest. Minimal physical activity allows you to save the body's strength to fight the disease. In combination with drug treatment, this will enable the sick person to recover faster.

But what if the temperature suddenly rises to critical levels of 39.5-40 degrees? In such a situation, before the ambulance arrives, you can give the patient Nurofen, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. Additionally, you can apply a rubbing with vinegar solution. You can prepare it like this:

  • 1 part 9% vinegar to 1 part warm water for adults
  • 1 part 9% vinegar to 2 parts warm water for children.

You should soak a cotton towel or napkin in the solution and wipe the patient's hands, chest, forehead and legs without effort. At the same time, you can cover it with a sheet, but in no case wrap it up.

Important! Fever during the flu is one of the main symptoms of the disease. If you follow her and start treatment on time, you can avoid dangerous complications and severe consequences of a viral infection.

Not everyone knows how to lower the temperature with the flu correctly. At the time of infectious diseases, many are in a hurry to stock up on antipyretic drugs, anticipating a flu epidemic in advance. Initially, it seems that the condition after taking such pills instantly improves and the disease recedes faster, but studies conducted at the Canadian Scientific Institute have shown that when taking antipyretic drugs, the infection in the body spreads even faster.

Causes of a rise in temperature with flu

In the scientific literature, temperature is called fever. It can be infectious and non-infectious. In the case of infectious fever caused by viruses and bacteria, it serves as a defense reaction of the body.

Fever is divided into types depending on the temperature:

  • subfebrile - up to 38 ° C, or mild;
  • febrile - 38 ° C - 39 ° C, or moderate;
  • pyretic - 39 ° C - 41 ° C, or high;
  • hyperpyretic - above 41 ° C, or critical.

An increase in temperature brings with it the following changes in the body:

  • increased production of antitoxins by the liver;
  • increasing the efficiency of enzymes, which are catalysts, or accelerators, of all processes;
  • slowing down the reproduction of bacteria and viruses;
  • stimulation of the production of antibodies and other functions responsible for the body's defense;
  • there is an increase in the bactericidal composition of blood serum;
  • increased renal activity, which contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins.

Such auxiliary moments in the body occur only at subfebrile body temperature. During this period, lowering the temperature means depriving yourself of protection. How can you help yourself with a mild fever?

Drinking plenty of fluids promotes blood thinning and the rapid elimination of bacteria due to the fact that a person sweats.

The more water you drink during such a period, the more the process of heat transfer takes place and sweat comes out, removing both viruses and bacteria. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to reduce the temperature with the flu, drinking plenty of fluids. This applies only directly to subfebrile fever (up to 38 ° C).

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Temperature above 38 ° C

If the temperature is high, there is no need to wait for it to subside on its own. Letting things go on their own, you can get serious complications such as hallucinations, delusions, damage to the central nervous system, difficulty breathing, poor circulation and seizures.

Now more and more people are trying to bypass medicines if they are not urgently needed. An increase in body temperature is no exception. In most of all manifestations of fever, if the mark on the thermometer does not rise above 40 ° C, it can be eliminated or minimized without medication.

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How to bring down the temperature with flu without medication

The coolness in the room will be not only useful, but also pleasant for the patient. Therefore, by adjusting the air temperature in the room to 18-21 degrees, you will create a favorable atmosphere. If a person freezes at a high temperature, this does not mean that by heating the room, you will relieve the condition with fever. Even in the bath, a person with a high temperature will still chill.

The second step to improving the condition is to apply cold compresses. After wetting a towel, put it in the freezer for 10 minutes, then on the patient's forehead. Cold compresses work well if they are also applied to the legs, armpits, neck, groin area. You can use a regular rubber heating pad: pour water into it and freeze it. For lack of a heating pad, freeze water in a plastic bottle, wrap with a cloth and give to the patient. He will, at his own discretion, regulate the process of applying cold compresses.

Rubdowns should not be used. If only periodically wipe your hands, feet, forehead and neck with cool water.

If the patient is uncomfortable with this and cold, then it is better to refuse the procedure.

If after these procedures the temperature does not move from its mark, then give the patient hot tea with lemon, put on cotton clothes and cover him with a blanket.

In 90% of cases, this gives a result. Within half an hour, the temperature drops.

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How to bring down the temperature of a child

If an adult drank tea, slept, sweated and the temperature subsided, then with children, especially small ones, everything is much more complicated. Firstly, children under one year old do not have heat transfer, and if you put the child under a blanket at a high temperature, the condition will only worsen. Children with fever should not be wrapped up. Secondly, organs in children under six are still developing. For example, the immune system is fully developed by the age of six. Therefore, folk methods, in most cases, can at least be powerless and, at the most, lead to serious complications. If your child has a fever and you suspect he has the flu, see a doctor right away.

If the child is over six years old and the temperature does not rise above 39.5 ° C, then you can try to overcome the fever on your own. Hot unsweetened teas can be used for children over the age of six.

These can be herbal preparations: raspberries, currants, mint, eucalyptus, rose hips. Or weak green tea with lemon. Bed rest and sleep also help to lower the temperature.

Give your child more water. Make sure to urinate frequently.

If the child has seizures while the temperature rises, call an ambulance right away. If convulsions have been observed before, then do not allow the temperature to rise to 38 ° C. In this case, antipyretic drugs may be required.

In this article, I would like to summarize the entire arsenal of available means for lowering body temperature in case of flu, colds and other diseases that have already been mentioned on different pages and in different sections of my site. Also give characteristics to various types of fevers (red and white) and talk about ways to lower the temperature in adults and children, as well as during pregnancy, since this topic is interesting to many people and especially to parents.

Let's immediately attend to the terminology, because an increase in body temperature in a person can be called both hyperthermia and fever. So here is the term fever can be used only when the temperature rises and thermoregulation changes as a result of the development of an infectious disease. And the term hyperthermia used globally for any other non-infectious cases of temperature increase (this can be observed with heat stroke and overheating, with malignant tumors, disruption of the thermoregulatory center of the brain, radiation sickness).

In general, fever is a protective reaction of the body against the introduction of an infectious agent (virus or bacteria) into the human body. When an alien enters our body, hordes of protective blood cells called leukocytes and macrophages immediately rush to this place, which release endogenous pyrogens (interferons, cytokines, interleukins) into the blood - special substances that in themselves are stimulators of leukocytes and macrophages ( this process can be considered as a way of transferring information between these cells about a foreign agent that has entered our body), that is, they stimulate the body's defense against viruses and bacteria, they also cause an increase in body temperature.

Based on the foregoing, fever is a normal reaction of the body to the penetration of foreign agents and it is necessary to fight it when the temperature reaction exceeds a certain limit and becomes pathological and dangerous for humans. It is definitely not worth getting carried away with antipyretic drugs - this only increases the recovery time, since we are fighting with our pyrogens, which stimulate the protective cells of the body. Hence the long periods of recovery from commonplace infections, and poor health in combination with low-grade fever (around 37 degrees), both during and other infections. And all because of the passion for powders and tablets from temperature.

Fever stages

Any fever goes through three stages in its development:

  1. Temperature increase.
  2. Keeping the temperature at a certain level.
  3. Decrease in temperature.
First stage- temperature increase. At this time, an imbalance begins between heat transfer and heat generation in the patient's body. Normally, it looks like this - the heat generated in the body as a result of vital processes is balanced with the processes of heat transfer to the external environment. As a result, the temperature balance is maintained. Due to this, the human body temperature is approximately at the same level - the notorious 36.6 ° C. As a result of the penetration of a foreign agent and a violation of thermoregulation, this ratio changes. As a result, we have:
  • in adults - the body follows a more economical way of thermoregulation and reduces heat transfer to the external environment without significantly increasing heat production, that is, in adults, the temperature rises mainly due to a decrease in heat transfer to the external environment;
  • in children, on the contrary, heat production increases with a relatively stable heat transfer, that is, in children, the temperature rises mainly due to heating.
This is the fundamental difference between the organization of thermoregulation in adults and children in the development of pathological processes, which will be discussed below.

Thus, in adults, for the implementation of the mechanism of heat conservation in an infectious disease at the first stage of the development of a febrile process, a spasm of peripheral vessels occurs, a decrease in sweating. The skin turns pale. There is a spasm of the muscles that lift the hair, hence the so-called "goose bumps" appear. A shiver or chill appears (the mechanisms of the center of thermoregulation of the brain are turned on).

Then comes second stage- keeping the temperature at a certain level. That is, when the temperature reaches a peak and the processes of heat transfer and heat generation balance themselves, but at this high point, not at the normal point. At the same time, chills or tremors disappear and a feeling of heat appears due to the fact that the spasm of peripheral vessels passes and the blood rushes to the surface of the body. The skin turns pink, becomes moist. Daily temperature fluctuations persist, but at the same time they occur within the limits of the exceeded temperature, that is, they decrease to 37 degrees or higher and then rise to their highest values. Usually the temperature rises in the evening.

When you recover, comes third stage, which is characterized by the normalization of thermoregulation processes and a decrease in body temperature. It can be gradual or abrupt. The amount of pyrogens in the blood decreases, our brain perceives the temperature as elevated and begins to connect the factors to lower the temperature, that is, to increase the heat transfer of excess temperature. To do this, the system for removing fluid from the body is enhanced - sweating increases (so-called torrential sweats), diuresis (urination) increases. The temperature is gradually returning to normal.

Thus, having familiarized ourselves with the processes of thermoregulation during the development of infectious diseases, we can understand why in the first days of a rise in temperature, we do not sweat, and when we recover, even squeeze a shirt and we can move on.

Types and classification of fevers

According to the degree of temperature rise, they are distinguished:

  1. Subfebrile fever (subfebrile condition) means an increase in body temperature not higher than 38 ° C.
  2. Mild fever - an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 ° C.
  3. Moderate fever - an increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C.
  4. High fever - a rise in body temperature up to 41 ° C.
  5. Hyperpyretic or excessive fever - an increase in body temperature of more than 41 ° C.
By the nature of fluctuations in daily temperature:
  1. Persistent fever - long-term sustained increase in body temperature, daily fluctuations do not exceed 1 ° C.
  2. Remitting fever - significant daily fluctuations in body temperature within 1.5-2 ° C. But at the same time, the temperature does not drop to normal values.
  3. Intermittent fever - characterized by a rapid, significant increase in temperature, which lasts for several hours, and then gives way to a rapid drop to normal values.
  4. Hectic, or debilitating fever - daily fluctuations reach 3-5 ° C, while temperature rises with a rapid decline can be repeated several times during the day.
  5. Perverted fever - it is characterized by a change in the circadian rhythm with higher rises in temperature in the morning.
  6. Irregular fever - characterized by fluctuations in temperature throughout the day without a definite pattern.
  7. Recurrent fever - characterized by alternating periods of increased temperature with periods of normal temperature, which last several days.
The above types of fevers can occur not only with acute respiratory viral infections or other colds, but also with malaria, typhoid fever and other diseases for which self-medication is unacceptable. Hereinafter, we will consider the standard variant of remitting fever, with temperature rises more often in the evenings and a decrease in the morning hours, which is characteristic of the common cold in its various manifestations.


  1. Red or pink fever (aka "hot").
  2. White fever (aka "cold").
The fundamental point, especially in children, is that with white fever there is a spasm of peripheral blood vessels and arterioles. That is, the process develops as an adult. In children, as mentioned above, an increase in body temperature with the development of an infectious pathological process occurs due to an increase in heat production, and not a limitation of heat transfer (the latter type is found in adults).

Management of the patient and manifestations of red and white fever will differ.

Red fever (which is more common in children) is characterized by:

  • the skin is hyperemic, warm and moist to the touch;
    limbs are warm;
  • increased heart rate and respiration correspond to an increase in temperature;
  • the child's behavior is normal, despite the rise in temperature to high values;
  • there is a good effect from the reception;
  • when rubbing the skin with vodka or cool water, the symptom of "goose bumps" does not appear.
White fever is characterized by:
  • the skin of the child is pale or cyanotic (bluish tint);
  • cold to the touch and dry (especially hands and feet);
  • the child is lethargic, low in activity, even despite the low temperature figures, incomprehensible excitement, delusional states are also possible;
  • there may be tachycardia (increased heart rate), inadequate fever and shortness of breath;
  • chills;
  • weak effect of taking antipyretic drugs.
What to do and how to reduce fever

From all the material, you already understood that it is better not to reduce the increased body temperature, since this is a natural protective reaction of the human body to the ingress of viruses and bacteria into the body.

When it is necessary to lower body temperature:

  • body temperature above 38.5 at any age;
  • body temperature above 38.0 in children;
  • body temperature is higher than 38.0 in pregnant women;
  • body temperature above 38.0 in patients with epilepsy, convulsive syndrome, with increased intracranial
  • pressure, heart defects;
  • at any temperature with white fever.
Naturally, this applies to relatively healthy individuals who do not have chronic and other aggravating pathology. There are people who cannot stand a rise in temperature, above 37.5 they almost faint, they develop convulsions, such people need to lower the temperature at lower values.

The same applies to pregnant women, high temperatures can harm the baby in the womb. So long-term high temperatures can have a teratogenic effect and lead to violations of embryonic development (in particular, the child's cardiovascular and nervous system suffers). In the later stages, a prolonged increase in temperature can lead to changes in the placenta and premature birth. In any case, it makes sense for a pregnant woman to see a doctor (call at home) with high numbers on the thermometer. Pregnant women should definitely not allow the temperature to rise above 38 degrees, and it is necessary to start reducing it at lower values.

This does not apply to cases when, due to our natural love for ourselves, we are drawn to antipyretic drugs, even if the temperature has not reached its peak and is balancing around 37-37.5. We must endure. Yes, it will be bad, but there are enough physical methods of lowering the temperature that allow you to lower the body temperature by a couple of degrees without chemistry and this is enough to alleviate the condition, but the healing process will not be inhibited by external factors (taking pills, powders and tablets).

Physical methods and chemical methods (use of drugs) can be used to lower the temperature.

Physical methods to lower body temperature

Their essence is to increase the return of excess heat by the body to the external environment. How can this be implemented:

  • do not wrap a person with unnecessary feather beds and blankets;
  • dress cool enough, in light natural fabrics that will absorb sweat and not disrupt heat transfer;
  • you can use rubdown (vodka or cool water with vinegar (1 tablespoon of 6 percent vinegar per liter of cool water)). We moisten the sponge in liquid and wipe off the patient, paying special attention to places where blood vessels are close: wrists, neck and joints of hands and feet. Naturally, we do this not in drafts, so as not to freeze the patient. You can put a napkin dipped in ordinary cool water on your forehead (no vinegar is needed so as not to irritate delicate skin).
Despite the apparent simplicity, these methods allow you to reduce the body temperature by 0.5-1 degrees and this is enough, in addition, they do not inhibit the development of the body's defense reactions, do not rudely intrude into the processes of thermoregulation. They can be repeated over time and used more frequently than drugs over the same period of time. In addition, they can be used at lower temperatures, not just above 38 degrees and above, thus alleviating the suffering of the patient.

Medicinal (chemical) ways to lower the temperature

Currently, a huge number of various antipyretic drugs are represented, in more detail the tactics of their use, the composition and mechanism of action of popular antipyretic drugs, I indicated in.

Just remember that you should not use aspirin to lower the temperature with flu, especially in children - it can cause a dangerous complication of Reye's syndrome. In general, it is best not to use this medication for fever in children and adults for colds.

Also, at elevated temperatures, you should not use such folk methods as tea with raspberry jam or steam in a sauna or bath, this is an additional load and additional degrees to an already warmed up body. These procedures will not bring any benefit to the body, it will cope without them, responding to the infection with an increase in temperature.

The need for a sufficient water regime is a common thread throughout the article. You need to drink a lot and enough (watch out for edema in persons predisposed to them, and especially in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is best to look at the legs, where they appear faster and are easier to diagnose). Children can be drunk forcibly against their will, for this you can use any liquid (just not soda, rich in chemical sweeteners and flavors), but plain water, tea, with or without lemon, compotes, fruit drinks. Salt solutions such as rehydron (available in pharmacies) can be used.

And finally, I will describe the tactics of behavior for white fever in children, since the topic worries many and the approaches to stopping this condition differ from those for standard pink fever:
  • use the same antipyretic drugs as with standard pink fever (paracetamol and drugs derived from it) in an age-specific dose;
  • it is necessary to use antispasmodic drugs to eliminate spasm of peripheral vessels. No-shpa, which is so advised to use for white fever on the forums, should not be used, since it is necessary to relieve spasms of internal organs and deep vessels, it is better to use drugs such as Papaverine or Nikoshpan (a mixture of no-shpa and nicotinic acid);
  • hands and feet must be warmed with a heating pad or rubbing;
  • give plenty of fluids without fail, while controlling urination.
If the temperature does not decrease within an hour after the above procedures, this indicates serious violations and you must consult a doctor (call an ambulance).

Such a protective mechanism as fever is discussed in the article. Now you know what types of fevers are and what needs to be done to lower the temperature in adults, children and pregnant women.