
The main enemies of health. Enemies of health

Garden buildings

From year to year in Russia there are less and less healthy children. Studies carried out by the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS, showed that over the past 10 years the number of children with chronic pathology has increased 2 times, and those without deviations in health has decreased 3 times. According to the RAMS, there is not a single absolutely healthy child among the graduates of Russian schools. The incidence rates of adolescents, according to the Ministry of Health, are now 42.5%. The number of diseases turning into chronic pathology is steadily increasing. Among them, diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, allergic diseases of the skin and digestive organs prevail. The number of children with diabetes has increased in recent years by 80%, with diseases of the endocrine system - by 8%. There is an increase in oncological diseases, and malignant neoplasms of the blood are most often recorded.

And one of the main reasons for this misfortune, doctors are increasingly calling the use of palm oil in the Russian food industry, which has long been abandoned in all developed countries. Today it is "slipped" to us almost everywhere - but especially often in dairy and fermented milk products, which make up an essential part of baby food. By the way, during the Soviet era, palm oil was also actively purchased, but exclusively for the production of ... soap!

What is the main problem? Fatty acids contained in palm oil are poorly absorbed by the child's body. Therefore, children fed with artificial mixtures do not receive enough calcium and fats, which are necessary for normal development, suffer from reduced bone mineralization and digestive problems. Children's stomach is simply not able, so to speak, to "melt" palm oil, and even more so to extract useful substances from it. But at the same time, the "delicacies" containing it have a significantly enhanced pleasant taste, and therefore the child develops an addiction. As a result, you will be forced to buy a certain product, increasing the profit of the manufacturing company.

Is it a secret? Not at all. But in our cynical and practical time, children's health cares for manufacturers much less profit. A striking example of this is, for example, the PR campaign of the Danone company, which openly advertises its products with palm oil, arguing that its cheapness is perhaps the main argument. ( And all this is presented in a kind of mentoring tone: the Russians, they say, are poor, they cannot afford natural products - it’s better to let them buy ours than nothing at all. And the harm from them, they say, is just a prejudice, out of habit ...

And an undeclared war against children is also a "prejudice" ?!

More than half of men sincerely believe that women have a prostate! And 70% of them are unlikely to be able to recognize the symptoms of testicular cancer. In addition, all men in the world are ashamed to talk about their illnesses, they are embarrassed, missing precious time.

The sad fact is that because of this shy silence, people are dying without receiving timely treatment. Men's health is at risk.

Research results

A new international study, which involved more than 2,500 people from five countries, shows the catastrophic ignorance of the male half of the world's population. Given that the number of urological cancers is growing, these are extremely disturbing facts.

According to the study, 40 percent of the respondents do not know what a urologist does, ten percent said they had never heard of such a specialist at all, and 15 percent said they believed they were a doctor treating bone diseases, nervous or systemic disorders. But only at an early stage can a deadly disease be cured.

On average, men die six years earlier than women.

Sarah Coghlan, director of health promotion at Movember, a movement in support of men's health, told The Sun: "Every effort must be made to improve men's health and ensure a longer, happier and healthier life for the stronger sex."

The aim of the study was also the intention to "reach out" to men, to appeal to the consciousness and common sense of a strong half of humanity. The person himself must want to help himself.


What it is? The Movember movement was founded with the goal of raising awareness of men's health globally. Their motto is: "Stop people dying too young." The charitable organization is engaged in education in three directions, each of which affects one of the key diseases of the strong half of humanity. She spreads information about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and also covers everything related to men's mental health and suicide prevention.

Thus, Movemver's charity work is aimed at raising public awareness of cancer, as well as supporting men who are facing these terrible diseases. Each November, as part of the Mo Bros campaign, the company organizes a number of sports-related events by collecting donations. Movemver runs jogging and cycling activities, encouraging as many people as possible to get involved and be part of the team.

Prostate cancer

As the population grows in Europe, more and more men are exposed to the dreaded disease of prostate cancer. To defeat it, you need early diagnosis.

Only every fourth man from the surveyed was able to correctly determine where the prostate is. Moreover, the women who took part in the experiment were more likely to locate her.

The statistics are disappointing. In the UK, one person dies of prostate cancer every 45 minutes. Pathology develops slowly, and it is almost impossible to diagnose it by symptoms until stage 3-4. In Russia, among oncological diseases, this type of cancer, according to 2018 data, ranks second after lung oncology. In terms of mortality rates, prostate cancer is in third place. The risk group is made up of men from 50 to 70 years old.

Prostate cancer symptoms

  1. I want to go to the toilet more often in a small way, especially at night.
  2. The urge is strong, there is a desire to quickly run to the toilet.
  3. A man has difficulty urinating.
  4. Weak stream when urinating.
  5. When you urinate, it is stressful and takes a long time.
  6. There is a feeling that your bladder is not completely empty.

Testicular cancer

This terrible disease affects mainly young men from 16 to 44 years old. Recognizing symptoms early will help prevent death. The results of the study are shocking: 43% of men do not go to the doctor immediately if they find blood in their urine, 23% wait about a month before the first visit to the doctor if they notice that they have started urinating more often than usual.

What are the symptoms of testicular cancer?

  1. A lump or swelling in the testicle. This is the most common symptom. The lump can be the size of a pea, but is often much larger. You can also notice the difference between one testicle and the other. Feel each egg carefully, but don't panic if you find a pea. Remember: only four percent of new growths are actually cancerous, but everything should be checked.
  2. Heavy scrotum. It is normal for one testicle to be slightly larger or lower than the other. But a noticeable change in the size or weight of one of them should alarm you. Doctors can do a simple test where they check the testicles for lumen. The light will pass through the liquid inside, but if it stumbles upon a cancerous solid tumor, then it will not go further.
  3. Sharp pain in the testicle or scrotum. Testicular cancer usually does not hurt, but for 20% of patients it is the first symptom.
  4. Change in the shape or texture of the testicle.
  5. Cancer can release hormones - your breasts can become tender or swell.

More about cancer

In addition, if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and glands. You may have difficulty swallowing, breathing, coughing, back pain, lower abdominal pain, neck or collar pain. The disease also spreads to the brain.

Globally, one in 20 men now die of testicular cancer.

In Russian statistics of oncological diseases, the diagnosis of "testicular cancer" is given to approximately two percent of patients. But the disease is extremely aggressive, and death occurs terribly quickly, if you do not see a doctor in time.

There are funded innovative projects around the world today that will try to solve a dire problem - from early detection to diagnosis, treatment and support.

Oncology is not a sentence!

In 2017, encouraging news spread around the world. Three-year-old Jason Thakor from Bristol, England, became the youngest patient ever diagnosed with testicular cancer in the history of the world. And the baby defeated the fatal illness.

The mother of three-year-old Jason found a tangerine-sized seal on her son and immediately consulted a doctor. The boy was sentenced horribly. It turned out that the tumor had already metastasized to the kidney. The baby was considered to be at increased risk due to his young age, these cases are very rare. With the help of operations, chemotherapy and radiation, Jason managed to defeat the disease. Now the family really needs a lot of money for rehabilitation treatment after therapy.

Do not be shy!

Dear men, we love you very much and we care for you. Take yourself seriously. Remember that your health problems are also related to the health of your sexual partners. Dear women, if you are even a little worried about your partner's health, look for any tricks so that he does not hesitate to discuss this topic with you. And at the slightest suspicion of a disease and the occurrence of the above symptoms, immediately call the doctor, and it is better to go with your spouse to the doctor. In this case, your man will have no choice whether to be treated or not to be treated. After all, in fact, it is a choice between live or die.

The recipe for healthy longevity is simple. And to begin with, everyone needs to reconsider their life and get rid of what is slowly crippling us, making us sick and slowly killing us.

Improper breathing.

Yes, it turns out that you can not only eat badly, but breathe badly, or rather, breathe incorrectly. Breathing is the basis of our energy, if there is no air, there will be no life. Few people now practice correct breathing, except for breathing practices in yoga classes, and it is necessary to breathe correctly every day.

With the help of breathing, you can stimulate the immune system, make the body younger, cleanse it and remove toxins, and you will also strengthen the muscles of the lungs and the diaphragm.

Here is one exercise that will give you a full day of energy.

1. Inhale through your nose in 5 counts (the shoulders should not rise)

2. Hold your breath. The first time on 10 accounts, after a week you can increase to 15 accounts, for the third week it can be delayed by 20 accounts. Then repeat the delay of 20 bills every subsequent week.

4. Exhale through the pursed lips for 10 counts (so that the abs are tightened).

5. Perform 10 of these cycles.

After a week, you will look and feel like after a few weeks of rest.


Movement is life. This expression has been familiar to us since childhood and should remain a credit for life forever.

Just think what might happen. if you restrict your body in motion.

    you will sleep poorly despite fatigue, insomnia will begin to torment you;

    you will look bad physically and feel bad emotionally;

    decreased sexual activity, and the energy level in general;

    you will start to hurt, the pressure will constantly increase;

    reduce the life resource at times;

    you will also suffer financially as diseases will have to be treated.

We think you can choose what kind of physical activity you will do today. And there is plenty to choose from, morning exercises, yoga, jogging, cycling, or you can even go a few stops earlier before work / home for a walk. It is important to walk at least 10,000 thousand steps per day.

Poor nutrition.

Often we eat what is easier and faster to buy, or what is easier to prepare and do not understand the foods we consume every day.

Before you buy a product, you need to ask yourself one question about it. Will this product make me healthier and more beautiful?

We give a hint. These are the poisonous foods that are slowly killing us:

1.animal proteins;

2. dairy products;

3. "bad" fats;

4. acidic additives.

Perhaps you will say that only meat contains amino acids essential for the body, but you will be wrong. Meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products are full-fledged proteins, but if you combine plant foods correctly, you will not experience a deficiency of those unique amino acids. The need for dairy products and animal proteins is only standards in society and in your head.

Bad fats are unsaturated fats and trans fats. Their use increases the chances of getting heart disease. By adding liquid vegetable oils, beans and nuts, you will prevent the body from lacking unsaturated fats.

We are used to measuring food in terms of calories, but every food still has an acid load. Depending on what foods we eat, the body receives either acid or alkali. Food may not be all "alkaline", but there should be more of it in the diet than foods that acidify the body. That is, there should be more vegetables, fruits, roots.

Habits are hard to change, but diseases are even harder to cure. Start small, limit the toxic foods from your life and the lives of your loved ones as much as possible.

Lack of fluid in the body.

Water should not be drunk in large quantities, but in the required volume, based on how much weight you have. A person with an average weight of 60 kg should drink 2 liters per day, and evenly throughout the day. Due to lack of water, food is not completely broken down and remains as fat in our body. Water flushes out toxins and excess salt. And remember to replenish your water supply every time you have a cup of coffee or go to the bathroom. But at night it is better not to drink anything, this is an extra load on the kidneys and heart, and besides, you will wake up swollen. At night, the body must rest and recuperate.

Nobody can make you healthy except you. So start applying the guidelines today to bring health, energy, and happiness into your life.

The article was written on the basis of the book "" by Yitzhak Pintosevich.

Every day we use a huge number of different items in the kitchen, at work and on the street. We do not even suspect what harm some of these things can do to our health. In this article, we want to talk about some of the items used daily, which are the hidden enemies of our health.

The first enemy of health is plastic
Containers for storing water, drinks and food are made of plastic. Water, juices, or any other beverage in plastic bottles will absorb the substances released from the plastic. These substances are called phthalates. Their mechanism of action is as follows: at the moment glucose enters the bloodstream, the human body begins to produce insulin. Insulin is needed to "unlock" the cell and as a result, glucose can enter the cell. Glucose enters the muscles, the brain - a person can live and work. Due to the action of phthalates, the body does not recognize glucose and does not produce insulin, the cell cannot be opened for glucose to enter. There is no saturation of glucose in the body, and the glucose that is not absorbed by the cells accumulates in the form of fatty deposits. Phthalates also have a carcinogenic effect on the body, there is a threat of cancer.

In order to maintain health, slimness, it is necessary to abandon the storage of food in plastic bottles and containers. It is necessary to switch to glassware. You can also use metal containers and bottles.

The second enemy of health is sugar sweeteners.
In some products, sweeteners are added to the place of sugar. These are products such as dietary Coca-Cola - with zero sugar content, various sauces, for example, ketchup, salad dressings, etc. The brain requires glucose to function. The feeling of hunger occurs when the blood glucose level drops. Using sweeteners instead of sugar, the body does not get glucose - the taste is sweet, but there is no saturation. The brain cannot form a signal of satiety, and we continue to eat and eat. There is little glucose and the brain signals: "I want to eat." And such a sweetener like fructose, when ingested, is immediately processed into fat.

Hence the conclusion: you cannot give up sugar, you just need to consume it in limited quantities, this will support the system of the brain, and you will not gain weight. Sufficient sugar is, for example, one teaspoon per glass of tea.

The third enemy of health is Teflon pans and pans.
In general, Teflon dishes have nothing to do with health. Teflon contains substances harmful to our body, which, when heated to a temperature of 200-260 degrees, are released and absorbed into products. These are carcinogens that provoke cancer. In addition, these substances impair the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas. With long-term use of Teflon pans, the activity of the thyroid gland is inhibited, hormones are not produced in the required amount, and metabolism is disrupted. Lack of hormones causes a state of weakness, a complete absence of life, there is no desire to do anything. Deterioration of the pancreas and thyroid glands and leads to obesity.

To maintain health and beauty, it is necessary to abandon the use of Teflon dishes. The modern coating for pans and pans is a thermal bath. Thermalon is a ceramic coating consisting of water and sand; when heated, such dishes do not emit anything into the food being cooked. Therefore, it is safe for health.

People are capable of living much more than they are now! This is confirmed by numerous examples that seem surprising only at first glance. So, a resident of France Pierre Defournel at the age of 120 was able to marry for the third time. But something else is striking. His sons were born in three different ages! The Hungarian married couple died in 1925, when the husband and wife were 172 and 164 years old, respectively. And they have a 116-year-old son.

Here's another case. A resident of Turkey Fatima Edirger managed to give birth to twins at the age of 95 to her husband, who was 127 years old. According to media reports, a certain Seid-Ali lived in Iran, who was able to work without using glasses at the age of 195. And in Bolivia there was a woman who was still working in 203.

The main enemies of health and longevity

In fact, the real age of a person often does not correspond to the official metric. It all depends on the state of the vessels. Therefore, it is possible to be an old man at 35 years old or to feel young when being the same age as the century. People have so many blood vessels that they literally permeate every corner of the body. If they are stretched in one line, it will be possible to gird our entire planet 2.5 times. They help carry out the metabolism, providing human organs with the necessary nutrition - amino acids, fats, oxygen. vitamins. At the same time, harmful waste products are removed through the vessels.

The first enemy is smoking

Wide, unobstructed vessels give a good chance of longevity, and their narrowing leaves little hope for a long life. What affects the state of blood vessels and, as a result, destroys our health? One of the main evils of our time is smoking... Tobacco borrowed its name from the Cuban Tabago Valley, from where it was exported to the Old World. The famous diplomat J. Nico presented it to Catherine de Medici, who allegedly treated a headache with tobacco. In terms of the degree of harm, this substance is usually identified with hydrocyanic acid, just one drop of which can kill a person in 15 seconds. This substance literally binds hemoglobin, with the help of which oxygen is distributed. In such a situation, there is simply no chance of survival.

In general, hydrocyanic acid has left a very “good” mark on history. It is known that they wanted to send a large dose of this poison to the world of another famous Grigory Rasputin, but a misfire came out. The king's favorite took a potion along with a sweet cake, and glucose neutralizes this poison well. The attackers had to shoot the unfortunate man, after which they dumped his body under the bridge on Malaya Nevka.

The brilliant commander and the first French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte also had an episode in his biography associated with the adoption of potassium cyanide. And he also survived. He was lucky because he used a substance two years ago, which managed to lose its destructive properties. But Hermann Goering managed to accept death from this poison. According to Boris Polevoy, who described this episode in the book “In the End,” on the eve of the execution, the spouse passed the capsule through a kiss from mouth to mouth, which the Nazi leader had bitten through and died. True, according to other versions, he was poisoned by means of coffee or soap, but in any case, the slightest dose was enough to take a person's life.

Meanwhile, the destructive doses of nicotine and hydrocyanic acid are the same - about 0.08 grams. But trouble awaits us elsewhere. When cigarettes are consumed separately, there is a false sensation associated with the absence of poisoning. After all, no one smokes 25 cigarettes at a time, which is why intoxication can occur after 15 seconds. But the harmful substance is slowly making itself felt. The pathologist from Odessa Kozdoba empirically proved the harmful effect of nicotine on the state of blood vessels. Introducing tobacco smoke into the rectum of the experimental rabbit, he noticed a sharp narrowing of blood vessels associated with an increase in their inner layer. Similar things are observed in the body of a smoker, which, in the end, can lead to disaster. In addition, inveterate smoke lovers, the acidity of the stomach increases, the nervous system degrades and the cardiovascular system is destroyed.

Do not forget about the dangers of secondhand smoke, which is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women.

Despite all the warnings, there are many stereotypes in society associated with the beneficial properties of tobacco. Allegedly, he helps to forget about troubles, establishes communication and gives self-confidence. But the cost of such a benefit is incredibly high. Realizing all this, millions of people around the world have decided to give up this habit forever.

The second enemy is alcohol

Another enemy of blood vessels is alcohol... In small doses, it dilates blood vessels, creating a warming effect. However, with an increase in the volume of drunk, the opposite occurs - the vessels begin to narrow. The lungs are involved in the release of alcohol vapors, which from this begin to work intermittently, as a result of which gas exchange is disrupted and the body begins to experience oxygen starvation. Such processes are not at all beneficial, contributing to a steady decline. And here's an interesting example. Wheat seeds found by archaeologists in Egyptian tombs have sprouted in our time, despite their more than three thousand years of age. But wheat seeds, previously soaked in vodka, do not germinate.

Unfortunately, alcohol is gradually addictive, which is especially damaging for women. This happens because the effect of strong drinks in small doses (due to the activation of reserve vessels) relieves excessive tension, gives vigor, helps to relax and overcome fear. After that, it is not at all surprising why, after the end of the global flood, the righteous man, but at the same time the great drunkard Noah, managed to survive. But over time, while maintaining the accepted volumes, this effect begins to disappear and to maintain it, large volumes of alcohol are required. This is how physical and psychological slavery is formed. Alcoholism begins to develop with all the grave consequences.

It is no coincidence that alcohol is called "the great deceiver" - from pleasant relaxation and spontaneous gaiety, to sudden anxiety and depression, there is only one step. Excessive consumption of spirits leads to more and more frequently recurring depressive conditions. All this prevents a person from fully fulfilling his social roles, family, work, friends recede into the background. As a result, complete destruction and degradation of the personality begins.

There are many explanations for why a person became addicted to this addiction. One of the most common is difficulties in communicating with other people. Sometimes complexes are formed that interfere with full-fledged communication. Indeed, over a glass or two it is easier to establish contact and organize interaction. Stiffness is overcome, topics for conversation appear, the interlocutors begin to seem like nice and nice people. The degree of revelation is increasing. Social differences (mental, age, professional) are leveled, status boundaries are erased. Even the timid and shy ones develop an extraordinary talkativeness, so that later it is very shameful for everything said. After all this, he begins to pull on exploits in defense of the "respected friend".

Meanwhile, there are many good alternatives to such dubious leisure. One of them is sports. Active workouts help relieve nervous tension, stimulate good sleep, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and reduce the risks of obesity and many diseases. You can express yourself and show yourself in clubs of interest, of which there are a large number today. They have a completely different atmosphere, not conducive to taking alcoholic beverages. Here people have common hobbies, they unite them and direct them to joint activities.

We all remember how street children in the colony of A.S. Makarenko burned old clothes in public, hoping to forever tie up with a dubious past. Why not arrange a similar goodbye to alcohol. A person only needs to be pushed towards the awareness of the problem. To outline a future for him without drinking, to show life from the other side and ignite with new interests. As in the well-known parable, advising to help a constantly stumbling horse to raise its head higher, and not to whip it with all his might in the hope of a miracle.

The third enemy is stress

The next enemy of blood vessels is stress... Unlike smoking and alcoholism, which kill the body relatively slowly, it kills us much faster. This state can take different forms - great resentment, gloomy mood, deep jealousy, wild fear, anger, powerlessness, brokenness ... One has only to imagine what happens to our body during tyrannical and aggressive speech, coming, for example, from the boss. At this time, the vessels are strongly compressed with incredible speed, so that sometimes the blood simply cannot circulate. And without this, a person is doomed to certain death.

Wanting to prove the harmful effects of stress, the famous medieval physician Avicenna (Ibn Sina) cited an interesting case as an example. Two sheep were placed near the wolf. One of them knew that a predator was nearby, and the other was not. The first of them quickly died, experiencing terrible fear, and the second survived. A huge vulture, seeing a wolf from a great height and folding its massive wings, headlong attacks the animal, breaking its spine. Cases are described when people, for example, deprived of their strength during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, suffered from the attacks of these birds.

The eagle has a paralyzing effect on the victim. Attacking a flock of crows, he makes them scatter, and then chooses a victim and begins to chase her. This chase does not last long and ends in the inevitable death of the bird, before it loses consciousness due to terrible fear. Scientists have noticed that despite living in their natural habitat, animals in nature often live much less than in captivity. And one of the main reasons for this situation is the systematic stress that their enemies make them feel.

A stressful state leads to a rapid vasoconstriction, which is facilitated by adrenaline, which in this state is in excess. He is able to lead to a clouding of consciousness and provoke severe mental anguish. How can you not remember Othello, struck by the "poison of doubt" and who killed his beloved with the words "It is easier to lose than to doubt."

However, not only extreme conditions, such as anger and fear, damage the vessels. Even simple worry and frustration contribute to this. The great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov argued that over a long life, stable connections are formed in the human brain, simply put, their own views, principles, beliefs, and ideals are formed. At any moment, these connections can be broken, which leads to a change in reference points and a reassessment of values. And if earlier, for example, you liked the impressionists, now you are already crazy about the surrealists. At the same time, fundamental changes in life attitudes and attitudes, as a rule, do not occur. Most often, we are talking about attitudes towards changes in the behavior of people around them, which were not previously noticed.

Deep disappointment with past ideals leads to intense shocks and excruciating experiences, accompanied by depression and emotional pain. At the physiological level, this process is often accompanied by vasospasm.

The rejection of everything new in some people is caused by unusually strong neural connections that prevent the adoption of everything progressive. To exclude vain experiences and not poison yourself with “emotional poison”, you should take a broader look at life and find in it what seems beautiful. In a dynamic information age, major changes are inevitable and our brains must correspond to this.

Develop your imagination, think variably, do not let yourself be constrained by stable connections and stereotypes. Otherwise, you risk turning your life into a monotonous set of events, depriving yourself of the delights of existence.

The article is based on the materials of the book "Health, emotions, beauty", written by the honored doctor Stepan Gaykovich Airapetov.

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