
Sweet pepper in tomato juice - recipes for cooking. Pepper in tomato fill for the winter

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

Very little effort, patience and delicious pepper In tomato pouring, it will take not the last place on the pantry shelf. Of the products listed below, one half-liter bank is obtained.


  • Sweet pepper - 350 g
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Tomatoes - 350 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 ppm
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


Portions - 0.5 l
Cooking time - 1 h

Pepper in tomato fill: how to cook

Pepper, tomatoes, garlic to go through, withdraw unquidic vegetables. Tomatoes and pepper wash under the running cold water. Clear garlic. From the teeth to remove the film and wash. Preparation of pepper: garlic to recycle with garlic.

Pepper cut into four parts, remove the seed chamber with seeds, wash, lay out in any capacity.

On tomatoes make a knife shallow cuts and to quote them with boiling water. Carefully remove the peel with tomatoes and wipe them through the sieve. Alternatively, you can use the juicer or, if there is ready-made tomato juice, take it - 300 ml. In a saucepan, pour the tomato mass and put cooking. From the moment of boiling, cook on a slow heat 2 minutes, constantly removing the foam.

After the specified time, pierce the pepper sweet, black peas, salt, sugar, garlic and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour in the last turn vinegar and turn off. Pepper twist: in hot jars decompose the pepper and pour the resulting tomato fill to the top. Then immediately spin the vacuum cover. Turn over, bite and leave to complete cooling. Store canned pepper in place with continuous ventilation. Near the devices that highlight heat should not stand.

Preparation of containers: Check the neck of banks for cracks or jar - such a container cannot be used. The lid must be smooth, without rust. Remove all signs of pollution with rod with soda. Glass container sterilize for a couple of 7 minutes. Cover to peck in water for 5 minutes. Cooking nuances: tomatoes for tomato choose uniform red, fleshy and fully overwhelmed, then tomato mass will be saturated color. Not recommended to apply tomato paste Instead of tomato juice or tomato - it is already a canned product, there are stabilizers and flavors in its composition. Tomato juice can not cook for a long time - it takes a brown color with a long cooking and loses its useful qualities. Add salt and sugar carefully - so as not to overdo it. Depending on the variety of tomato, neither salt nor sugar may not need. It is better to try again and adjust personal preferences. Covers use with a twist - they have several advantages over conventional tin lids. There are no rubber bands - it increases the shelf life of conservation, they are also suitable for any species of spins, and they have a low price. When choosing, you should pay attention to the inner coating on the lids - it must be lacquer. Pepper choose meaty and multicolored - in the jar it will look more beautiful than one-color. Pepper canned in tomato and bright fill, ready. Bon Appetit!

Recipes of vegetable blanks quite a lot and every hostess chooses what is most like in her family. But at the same time no one prohibits experimenting and trying something new for himself.

For example, if you have not yet tried the Bulgarian pepper in tomato dressing with garlic, this year we advise you to prepare it for the winter. The recipe for the workpiece is extremely simple, and with it the most inexperienced hostess can cope. This option is similar to Lecio, but because of garlic has spicy a little islated taste.

Just follow our description and at the exit you will get wonderful, delicious salad of bulgarian pepper Which at the right moment will be an excellent addition to any garnish.

From such a number of ingredients, we came out two jars on the floor of the liter, and there was still tomato refueling. If you are not so tightly put the Bulgarian pepper in the jar, then all three jars of delicious billets will come out.

How to make Bulgarian pepper in tomato fill for winter quotaopters with garlic

Let's start with the selection of ingredients. The main, of course, is the Bulgarian pepper, and the first recommendations will be on its acquisition. In order to get a delicious workpiece, we will not need any Bulgarian pepper, but only a large meaty or as it is also called thick-walled. In color, it can be any, the main condition: thick walls and sweet taste.

On the preparation of tomato refueling, we need delicious ripe (soft) fleshy tomatoes. It is from these output of tomato juice that will be maximal.

We have 1 liter of juice from 1.1kg. Therefore, it is better to take a quality product immediately.

Now let's start directly to the realization of the planned, that is, we will begin to make a blank from Bulgarian pepper in tomato refueling with garlic for the winter.

First, prepare tomato juice. We did it with the help of a meat grinder, you can also use a blender, juicers, in general, as you are convenient. But before recycling, we need to remove the shawl with tomato. We do this as follows.

Tomatoes do a cross-shaped incision, as shown in the photo.

Then immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes. After which we get a spoon and shift in cold water. After such a procedure, we easily remove the shawl.

Grind tomatoes, turning them into tomato juice, and put the fire to boil. Boiling about 15 minutes.

In the meantime, tomato juice is preparing and cleaning from the inside of the Bulgarian pepper. Cut it with halves or quarters (it all depends on the size).

We return to Tomato, it is already ready for further actions.

Suck salt and sugar to it and be sure to taste, make it as you like (someone loves someone's sorry). We gave the basic alignment of salt and sugar.

Bulgarian pepper is loaded into the resulting tomato refueling.

Until full readiness, we need to slaughter it for 15-20 minutes. A couple of minutes to the end, add garlic, passed through the press or finely disturbed.

Finished fragrant blank from Bulgarian pepper, load in hot sterile jars and ride. Wrap and leave in this form for a day. After that, we send it into a secluded storage.

Bulgarian pepper in a spicy tomato fill for the winter is ready, stored as usual in a dark storage room.

Spare hostesses in their diversity recipes have many billets from sweet bell pepper. This set includes recipes for lecture, marinades, salads. But in the very center of the workpieces are peppers in tomato juice for winter.

This kind of pepper is riveted with various additives of the type of onion, garlic, carrots, greenery of dill and parsley, all sorts of spices. Preparation of such a dish is quite simple, and the taste is excellent.

Sweet pepper in tomato sauce - recipe for the winter

Ingredients needed to prepare this type of workpiece:

Tomatoes wash well, blanch, cut a little, clean from the peel and grind in a puree. Purl the tomato puree into a deep enamelled container.

Carrots are also cleaned, well washed out, it is cut and crushed to the state of puree. Carrot puree add to the container with tomato puree. Stir everything well. Capacity put on the stove and turn on moderate fire. Wait for boiling mass.

Wash eggplants, cut off the fruit and cut them into parts, convenient when used. Multicolored pepper rinse, cut out fruit and seeds from it, cut down.

When carrot and tomato mass boils, lay out eggplants in it and steal a few minutes At minimal fire. After put in the mass of the pepper slide. Stew to that moment until the pepper becomes soft. While the mass is stealing to clean the garlic from the husk and squeeze it into the capacitance with the harvesting of garlic catcake.

Add sugar sand, butter of vegetable origin, salt stone, melted black pepper and seasoning at your discretion. Mix everything thoroughly to a homogeneous mass. Cover the saucepan with a lid and at minimal boiling touch for 45 minutes. Do not forget to mix.

While the mass is in the process of cooking, prepare the container for conservation. Banks need to be perfectly wash with detergent or soda solution, good rinse and sterilize In the way, which is more convenient for you;

In sterile banks, lay out the finished salad and hermetically sunk lids. Turn the banks with salads up the bottom and wrap them up to complete cooling. Then rendered for further storage for the winter.

Recipe for canned pepper in the pouring from tomato

You will need the following components:

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Pepper was well wash, cut out fruit and remove all seeds from it. Cut the fruits on the slices.
  2. Cook the fill. To do this, in cold water, put tomato sauce (if you use the paste, then we will slightly split it with water), sugar sand, stone salt, butter vegetable and vinegar. Bring to a boil.
  3. When the fill boils, immerse the slices of prepared pepper into it.
  4. Cook for 25 minutes, sometimes stirring.
  5. While cooking vegetables. Cook jars for twist. Wash and sterilize them.
  6. Hot prepared vegetables in the pouring spread into jars and tighten them with a special key. Turn over and snatch in a warm robe. Wait for the full cooling of the workpiece and take a cool place for further storage for the winter.

Bulgarian pepper recipe in tomato fill

To prepare this type of workpiece, take the following products indicated in the recipe:

Preparation of pepper on this recipe includes such steps: rinse the pepper under cold water, remove the seeds and fruit. Cut thin straw.

Clean the garlic from the husks and put it with thin plates. Cook the fill. To do this, tomatoes are chopped into a puree mass. Put on fire and boil for 7 minutes. After that, skip the mass through the sieve.

Saw juice in the container and add sugar-sand, stone salt, apple vinegar and vegetable oil. Bring to boil fill and boil for another 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, fall asleep into the tank with the pouring of the punch and garlic plates.

Cook on moderate heat for 15 minutes. The finished blank will fall asleep into the banks prepared in advance and rolled out. Then turns over and coats until the moment of complete cooling. After enduring for storage for the winter.

Pepper recipe with garlic in tomato juice

To prepare a sharp workpiece for this recipe Take the following ingredients:

Preparation of the workpiece for this recipe lies in the following steps: Wash the peppers carefully, cut the fruit from them and remove the seeds. Cut them on 6 pieces along. Tomatoes are washed away and crushed into a puree mass. Then passes through the sieve to separate the seeds from the juice.

Cleared from the husk garlic and passes through garne dust. Tomato juice is poured into the cooking capacity. It is added to her and garlic. The container is placed on the stove and is boiled 5 minutes. After oil, salt, sugar-sand is added. Everything is pretty mixed and boiled another 5 minutes.

After another 5 minutes, pepper falls asleep in the container. The billet is mixed by I. slowly boils 20 minutes. When the vinegar is passed 20 minutes, the mass is mixed and still boiled for 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir the mass during this time.

Finished dish decompose on sterile jars and good procure. Turn over, burst and cool. After that, make it for storage for the winter.

Bell pepper In Tomat -highly tasty harvesting for winter. An incredibly fragrant pen! Tomato can be used to prepare booster and filling. Recommend! The calculation is given to 4 half-liter pepper jars.

For the preparation of sweet pepper in a winter tomato, you will need:

pepper Bulgarian sweet (preferably red) - 1.5 kg;

garlic - 1 head;

plant oil refined - 0.5 glasses;

tomato juice (freshly squeezed seeds and peel) - 1 liter;

salt - 1 tbsp. l.;

sugar - 0.5 glasses;

vinegar 9% - 60 ml.

Tomatoes skip through the juicer so that the skin and seeds were not. We need 1 liter of juice. Pour it into a saucepan.

Pepper washed, remove seeds, cut into large pieces (on 4-6 parts). Clear garlic.

Cook pepper 10 minutes from the moment of boiling on a small fire. Pepper In the process of cooking, you need to mix several times so that all the peppers is well suited. More than 10 minutes cook should not - the pepper will digest.

Ready sweet pepper decompose on sterilized jars, pour tomato.

Immediately banks roll out, turn over and put under the "fur coat" to full cooling. Keep the delicious sweet pepper in tomato in the conditions of the urban apartment. In winter, this fragrant blank will be a wonderful reminder of summer.

Enjoy your meal!