
How to make beautiful alpine slides. Alpine slide in the country do it yourself


Alpine Gorka. What a romantic name! From him literally blows freshness and even fits the smell of emerald green grass, which the mountain slopes are covered. The atmosphere of primeval-clean nature can be successfully recreated on cottage plot. And will help in this mountaineering - the original composition of stones and plants, which has been very actively used by masters lately landscape design.

Features of the Alpine Gorka

It can be said that the projects of the Alpine slides are absolutely unique design solutions. Exist general rules Their arrangement, but the embodiment of the idea is completely creative activities. From the same set of source materials, you can create an infinite set of interesting variations.

Mandatory attribute Alpinaria is a large stone (one or more). This is a mountain peak symbol. And its conditional slopes are planted with low-spirited shrubs and plants that most correspond to the mountain climate.

It should not be naive to believe that a bunch of stones and breaking in vegetation can claim the proud title of alpine slide. On the arrangement of such landscape composition There will be a lot of strength, financial investments and a flight of fantasy. So that she looked natural and harmoniously, a space is needed. The more large-scale - the more organically, as if in a natural environment.

From the history of Alpinaria

The birthplace of stone gardens is considered Japan. Pra-Alpinariums there began to build a thousand years ago. On the islands of the country of the rising sun, there was always a deficit of the free space of the Earth - it is probably why that's why I liked to create beauty on small sites. According to Japanese canons of excellent, true value is contained in natural phenomena. The combination of solidness of stone and tenderness of flowers creates an unusually gaining duo of true beauty.

In European countries, alpine slides appeared only in the XVI century. Then such flower beds were grown by oscillation plants, transplanted from the natural mountainous medium. Fashion for Russia came to them in the XVII century. Today, many gardeners think about how to build a Alpine slide with their own hands on their own sect. After all, this is a very unusual decoration of any summer cottage.

Alpinarium and rockery: similarities and differences

Very often there is a confusion between these two concepts. Tell me why. Alpinarium and rockery are two different types of flower beds. More precisely, two methods (or principle) of the setting of flower beds. In both cases, stones and plants are used.

However, the rocarium can be called a stone garden in a classical understanding. The predominant part of such a composition is the stone. Moreover, an exceptionally one breed is used.

Stones are laid out with parallel stripes or in any order. Such a chaotic technique allows you to create the illusion of the natural environment. Rocariums are also complemented by vegetation, but here it acts as a background, performs a secondary role.

In Alpinearia, flowers and grass always in the foreground. They are pregnant with a variety of paints, surprised by a combination of opposites.

How to choose plants for mountaineering

We have already said that planted on the alpine slide better unpretentious plants. In that decorative corner The garden will most harmoniously look at flowers that do not need careful care.

Indeed, in the mountains of the harsh atmosphere, and each individual stem has to fight for their place under the sun. Under the streams of wind or blows of heavy rain, only strong plants are survived, which can be struggling for their own existence. Planning to break the mountaineering, think what colors and shrubs you would like to decorate the cottage.

If you want to update the appearance of the flower bed every year, put this apartment. And to get a stable result, prefer perennial herbs Bright coloring. Think also about changing the season of flowering, because some plants please us before, others later.

We give a few specific examples. These plants for the Alpine slide literally created by nature itself:

The symbol of the Alps, which fits perfectly into the Russian landscape. This perennial is frost resistant, no fit to him. Edelweiss wore the slopes of alpine slide mats, the diameter of which reaches 20 cm. Flowers in June-July.

There are several species of this modest plant. Absolutely unpretentious, securely fixes on any soil with its crawl stems. Under the influence of sunlight, the leaflet is becoming more bright, as if sunbathe. It can be used to decorate the alpania edging, since it destroys weeds within the radius of your "rug".

The most popular inhabitant of alpine slides. His fleshy leaflets themselves will decorate any flowers, and light-purple flowers can compete according to humble beauty with many of their relatives.

In the spring, these cute mats are literally covered with small flowers. The plant prefers darkened areas, even stones covers with their green networks.

The perfect perennial for the alpine slide of the Lutikov family. In the people, it is called sleep-grass. Blooms one of the first in early spring. For embarrassing, drainaged soil is favorable, in such conditions it is actively growing.

Alpinaria shrubs and flowers are suitable for mountaineering:

Combining various types of plants, you can create alpine slides design that will be absolutely unique. It is important to create an effect of the atmosphere of the mountains at the expense of a multi-tier. For example, this option is the location of shrubs and colors can qualify for the title of classical.

An ideal place to arrange a mountaineering

After making the decision to build a mountaineering, try to critically inspect your phasenda. Of course, the flower garden can decorate any of his corner. But in this case it is necessary to choose a spacious plot that is well lit down by natural rays.

It is also important to think about how future alpi-clubs will be viewed. After all, such beauty created own handsYou will probably want to show guests.

Choosing a place, consider the character of the soil. On sandy soil, the arrangement of the Alpine slide will be less problematic, because it can be broken right on the ground. But for clay or fat soil it will be necessary to carry out additional work - prepare drainage.

Indication to the drainage of the site is not only the nature of the soil. Mountain plants do not like when water is stirred and to avoid it, experienced designers recommend for the mountaineering must make a special basis. It is necessary to remove the upper soil cover, but it is not worth it to deepen more than 30 cm.

You can do not solidly cut, but a few holes. Then fill them with rubble (as an option is excellent, construction trash, broken brick, small gravel). Then the sand is falling asleep, earth. Each layer of the base should be pouring and give dry.

Soil mixture and laying of stones

For the formation directly, the mountainaria is needed to prepare a specific mixture. In equal proportions, clean soil are connected, coarse sand and crushed humid.

By the way, so that the alpine slide in the garden is really the most natural as possible, as the soil, use the ground that takes the mole on the surface. Such black hollys are often found in forest stations, in abandoned areas. On the scheme of Alpinaria in the context, you can see a holmik from soil mixture.

It is marked yellow. As a rule, the slide height is an average of 1 meter. Guided by this picture, you can create a multi-tier flower leaf using multiple stones.

After the drainage is made and a holmik is formed, you need to take a break in construction work. Two or three weeks should pass so that all the layers slowly touched and gave shrinkage. Stones are located in a longstone manner. They must create the illusion of rock output to the surface.

To achieve this, you need to bury them into the ground at least one third. So you will get an amazing effect of the meeting of the strength and tenderness that the stone and flowers symbolize.

The size of the tiers is reduced from the bottom up, according to the principle of the pyramid. At the bottom point of each individual tier should be laid a massive stone so that the design is strong and small stones do not roll down the slope. Making alpine slides with their own hands, amateur designers form an odd number of tiers. Schematically, the location of the stones looks like this:

The figure shows that stones should not be laid symmetrically, because in the natural medium of such geometric accuracy we do not observe. The space between them will be occupied by flowers, so try to leave a sufficient distance. Alpine painting will look organically, if used similar by texture and color stones.

Construction of the peak of Alpinaria

There are two options for the vertex of the Alpine Hill. In the center of the composition you can waters large, the most massive stone. Such a simple reception will protect the alpinarium on the soil erosion under the influence of precipitation. Or lay a peak with several small stones. They can be firmly attached closely, and also - to build a pyramid.

Registration of vegetation

Working process - the creation of an alpine slide - ends with magic. And how otherwise it is possible to call the amazing action when the land of the land "populates" a plant life! It is possible to carry out this procedure in the spring, and in the fall, right up to frosts. Previously need to add soil mixture and gently make landing shrubs or colors. Here it is necessary to be guided solely by the rules of one's own taste, each in its own way sees color solution Alpinaria.

Finally, I would like to note that both flower bed, the Alpine slide cannot be decorated with artificial accessories. For example, glass or plastic, as well as various garden figurines will simply not be appropriate here. Remember that the flower garden in this style is designed to create a natural atmosphere of mountains. Stones and plants are completely self-sufficient decor elements in this case, and do not need a variety of Mishura.

Now it is very fashionable to have an alpine slide on the summer cottage. The fact is that this design pleases the eye of a person who loves to relax after working in the country, for example.

As a rule, alpine slides are created using professionals. Obviously, this good way Get a high-quality alpine slide. But you need to keep in mind that the work of professionals will cost expensive. Therefore, more and more often, many dackets create mountaineering on their own. In fact, there are no difficulties in the work. In two days you can create an excellent alpine slide with your own hands. It is only necessary to know some subtleties of work.

Alpine slide is created in several stages. So first choose appropriate place On the plot for her. Then create a drainage system. As soon as these works are made, put the stones and smell the earth. At the end stage, plant landing is carried out. And now we will tell you in detail about each stage of work.

For the Alpine slide, a place is selected, which is noticeable at the entrance to the site. It is important that there is a lot of light. Stones and plants need to be placed so that everything looks extremely natural. Shaded plot is not suitable. Alpine slide is created in order to see it all. In addition, you need to maximizely choose a flat place.

So that the alpine slide constantly had a wonderful look, you need to create the basis, so that the design did not give up. And the drainage system helps in this. So, we break down the pit. The depth of the pit can reach two meters. For drainage, use sand, gravel or crushed stone. But it is impossible to use sawdust. Ultimately, lay out the land and tamper it.

Stones for alpine slides are laid out by tiers. Below we put the largest boulders, downstairs - small stones. The smaller the alpine slide, the less stones should be. In all respected proportions.

It is noteworthy that there is no definite scheme for placing stones on the Alpine slide. The main thing is to make everything so that you like. The rest is a trifle. Any design will be considered correct. It is best to use homogeneous natural stones so that the alpine slide seemed natural. Alpine slide must be beautiful even without plants. Stones are laid out with such accounting that plants will be planted on the hill. Use fertile soil.

The soil on the Alpine slide is prepared independently. You can use peat, black soil, clay, organic fertilizers, sand and much more.

It is important to choose the right plants for the alpine slide. An important condition is unpretentious. In addition, it is necessary to use only such plants that are found in wildlife. So the alpine slide will look as much as possible. You can buy even evergreen bushes that will delight you round year.

Alpine hill do it yourself for beginners

Alpine slide can have a height of up to three meters. It is very difficult to build it. In Eastern culture, alpine slides exist for more than three thousand years. In Western countries, the construction came not so long ago from China and Japan.

Finally, important condition When - the maximum approach to natural nature. Only natural stones are used, which are not laid out strictly, as during the construction of the house, and more chaotically.

Today on the Internet you can find a variety of alpine slides for different areas. There are simple designs, as well as complex slides, which will clearly create a professional.

You can always hire specialists who will create a masterpiece called "Alpine Gorka" on your site. Design, first of all, should please not only you, but also guests who can come to the cottage or vacation home. Caring for a small slide will be simple. As a rule, the same works are performed as on. Plants are fertilized, watering, transplanted on time.

Wanted to pump skills in landscape design? Try to make an alpine slide with your own hands. We warn you: without confident skill, it is better not to take a better job, otherwise you risk to grow a mess on a flowerbed, laughing neighbors and disappointed in design. The editors of the publication understand what the benefits of the mountaineering and how to do it independently.

Alpine slide: photos, ideas, combinations

The basis of this exterior element is a combination of mountain plants with a stone. Alpine slide is a serious and confident competitor to traditional flower beds and gypsum sculptures. The latter is already difficult to surprise someone, not to mention the creation of a unique atmosphere in the exterior.

Photo 1 - Composition from Debora Carl Landscape Design

Alpine slides are used to decorate:

  • private houses;
  • country estates;
  • squares;
  • gardens;
  • lawns of office buildings;
  • territories near cafes and shopping center.
Photo 3 - Landscaping Design from Landarh Studio

Alpine slide construction multi-level construction. There are many schemes for beginners that help not get confused in the location of design elements.

Alpine slide plants: photo and titles

Mainly use coniferous plants And flowers. At cost and practicality, leaders become:

  • juniper;
  • spruce (dwarf);
  • dryad;
  • molded;
  • short-sensitive carnation.

IMPORTANT! The main rule of plant selection - competent combination All elements of the mini ecosystem.

Photo 5 - Composition from Petriv Landscape Design: Coniferous Plants and Wild Flowers

How to make an alpine slide? Preparatory work

Photo 6 - Exterior from the Designer Group of Marianna Notkina & Khomjakov Stanislav

Several tips before the development of the Alpinaria:

  1. take care of it - soil;
  2. consider that the design should provide imitating natural areas characteristic of rockstone;
  3. composition base serve stones, as well as plants of a small height and a fluttering character.

IMPORTANT! It is this vegetation that is typical for the Alpine Mountains, the atmosphere of which has become the basis for the described landscape element.

"Warranty Garden" "Warranty Garden"

Creating a mountaineering provides for the presence of such elements in it as:

  1. sole;
  2. the slopes leading to the top;
  3. vertex.
Photo 9 - Exterior Project from Landscape Workshop Alena Arsenyeva Photo 10 - Design from Studio Skyline Ridge Landscape

Therefore, if you want to build a alpine slide, take care of these elements.

Photos Alpine slides in the garden: choose View

Photo 11 - project author: Mary-Liz Campbell Landscape Design

Before creating on garden plot Alpine slide, you should familiarize yourself with their views. It will enable to equip everything as much as possible and thoughtfully.

Photo 12 - Exterior from Huettl Landscape Architecture Photo 13 - Project Banyon Tree Design Studio

Views of the Alpine Slides:

  • rock cliffs - a hill, which provides for the maximum of rock boulders and the minimum amount of vegetation;
  • the slope of the mountain is a composition in which the stones of a wide variety of sizes are combined with numerous vegetation. It is high enough, which is its basic feature;
  • the mountain valley is a slide consisting of massive stones peeking out of the soil. Stones surrounds vegetation;
  • gorge - Alpinarium, placed in a native housing. The slopes are pulled out by stones, plant plants are planted, which belong to the rocks of the flora.
Photo 14 - Flowerba design from Aaron Gordon Construction, Inc.

The arrangement of the Alpine slide of this type is more complicated than in previous versions. But there is an opinion that such a mountaineering is visually the most spectacular.

Photo 15 - Alpinarium from the studio Case Design / Remodeling, Inc.

There is another kind of landscaped elements that stand along with the Alpine slides in popularity, but differ from them. This rocarium is a garden consisting of stones speakers as a background for decorative vegetation.

Photo 16 - Exterior Project from Designers The Philbin Group Landscape Architecture

Although it is not an alpine slide, however, it has a fairly important positive feature. It can be equipped on a completely flat terrain.

Alpine slides: photo of landscape design and step-by-step instruction of creating a mountaineering

Photo 17 - Draft Bureau Calvin Design

We decided not to complicate and smashed for convenience the process of creating an alpine slide with their own hands on the steps.

Alpine hill do it yourself: step-by-step photos

Photo 18 - Exterior from the Designer Group Imagine Design & Construction Pty Ltd
  • Step 1. Develop Sketch

Draw a sketch that your alpine slide should be. Making full drawings optional. The main thing is to calculate the number of tiers and think about vegetation. This approach will give the opportunity to avoid misconceptions.

Photo 19 - Multi-level flower bed from Remick Associates Architects + Master Builders
  • Step 2. Determine the place

At this stage, it is important to remember the decorative functions of the mountainaria and that they will look at it from different angles. Planning the location of the Alpine slide is necessary so that it is interesting to look at different angles.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget about planning a place to relax near Alpinaria. Nearby you can arrange a small flat platform where you can put a chaise longue, a table, chairs and even set the gazebo.

Photo 20 - statue in composition. Idea: Westover Landscape Design, Inc.
  • Step 3. Create conditions for vegetation

So that the plants feel well in the ecosystem, the slopes to the east and the south should be located. So vegetation will get enough sunlight And heat.

Photo 21 - Exterior's idea from Designers Neumann Mendro Andrulaitis Architects LLP
  • Step 4. Consider the natural irregularity of the relief

If there is a lot of natural irregularities on the site, the best place for the mountaineering is not found. Located on natural slopes, the alpine slide will look organically. And the stones and plants will become a wonderful decor.

Photo 22 - Landscape Design by Kimberley Bryan
  • Step 5. Note Lines

Lines from the sketch in the appropriate scale are transferred to the site, so that you can designate which item and where it should be located.

Photo 23 - Landscape design idea from Princeton Scapes Inc.
  • Step 6. Install the first boulders

The first large-sized boulders should be installed around the perimeter. So that everything looked organically, they can be somewhat deepen into the ground. Such a solution will allow visually to ensure that the stones are perceived as a natural and integral part of the existing landscape.

Photo 24 - Exterior Project from the All Oregon Landscaping Designer Group
  • Step 7. Create space for plants

When the boulders around the perimeter are laid and there are clear outlines of the slide, you should take care of the preparation of plants. To equip it, put a suitable soil in the inner space and plant vegetation.

IMPORTANT! The soil of each previous tier becomes not only the habitat of vegetation, but also the base for the previous one.

It should be done soaply and gradually, each tier slide separating stones. Otherwise, you will have something like "inclined flower beds."

Photo 25 - Landscape Design Project from Porebski Architects Chippendale
  • Step 8. Top decoration

When tiers are ready, time comes to form a vertex. As this element, one large stone or a pair of small pyramid can be installed. In addition to the fact that the peak has a decisive importance in the formation of a visually completed appearance of the composition, it also protects against the blurring of the soil.

Alpine slides at the dacha with their own hands: photos and best ideas for exterior

Photo 26 - Recreation Area from Designers Studio Cording Landscape Design

When flower beds and flower beds cease to surprise with originality, mountaineering becomes an excellent option. If you figured out in a simple algorithm for creating a composition, you can try to make an alpine slide with a waterfall with your own hands. It may not only be with a waterfall, but also with a fountain.

Photo 27 - Design project from the studio HUETTL LANDSCAPE Architecture

Alpinarium with a waterfall is more complicated, but it costs all the invested efforts, because it looks more spectacular.

Photo 28 - Succulents in the design of Alpinaria

The sequence of its creation is as follows:

  1. we break down the pity after the marking of the mountainaria;
  2. fill out the future pond with water;
  3. the space around fall asleep sand, water the edges with water, make several layers, which are then tamped;
  4. for a cascade, we take stones with a flat surface - their installation is made easier;
  5. we til back the design so that it is not noticeable;
  6. making fastening with mounting foam or cement mortar;
  7. we remove excess building materials;
  8. mount to the bottom of the pump (the power is chosen accordingly with a cascade height);
  9. we bring the hose to the top of the mountaineering and we disguise it between the stones.

When all these actions are made, the fountain is ready.

Photo 29 - Alpinarium in the exterior from Envision Landscape Studio

Alpine slide: photo and editorial choice

Photo 30 - Stones in the design of the exterior from Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design

If you do not have ideas for self-development of the alpine slide sketches, the design of beautiful mountaineering, whose photos can be viewed below in the gallery, come across interesting ideas.

Thoughtful and stylish landscaping With luxurious flower beds and mountaineering - the pride of the owner. Especially impressive design of the territory, if the alpine slide is made with their own hands. After all, most people are confident that such work is only a professional designer. But in fact, if there is a small amount of time, desire, as well as plants and the necessary materials, you can create an interesting alpinary.

Piece of the Alps on the country

Alpine slide at the cottage is becoming an increasingly popular element of the decor even small on the area of \u200b\u200bhousehold plots. After all, beautiful stone elevations look spectacularly, fit perfectly into any stylistic design of space. Any alpine slide is a unique designer object. There are certain rules for its creation, but the style, dimensions, features of the hills depend directly from taste and creative ideas of the creator. Probably even if used to create an alpine slide with your own hands step-by-step photos, two different designers will have different outcomes.

The base is a stone. But not all piles of stones with breaking among them are called alpine slides. There must be aesthetic attractiveness and harmony. Alpinariums allocate several species:

Alpine slides do it yourself - where to start?

Before you begin directly to the creation of a mountaineering, you need to prepare for such work. After all, only in the photo Alpine slides in landscape design with their own hands are created quickly and simple. The creation process is usually preceded by careful preparation, which includes several stages:

  1. We select a place to accommodate. The choice may fall on an uneven surface or a smooth area, if there are no natural irregularities. The magnitude of the alpine depends on the size of the site. But it is better if it is possible to choose a spacious and bright place to create a landscape design element.
  2. Sketch the sketch of the future mountaineering. To do this, you can use the photo of the Alpine slides at the cottage created by your own hands. The sketch will eventually get the result that was originally calculated.
  3. Purchase everything necessary materials To create a slide. Stones, land, plants and other decor elements are better to prepare immediately so that the work does not stop due to the lack of one or another component.

When choosing a place to locate the future Alpinaria, try to pick up favorable angles. Such beauty can not be hidden from everyone, it is important to exhibit at the bottom!

Choose stones and alpinaria plants

Any alpine slide on the cottage with your own hands is created from several basic elements:

How to make an alpine slide yourself?

So, everything is ready for creating a beautiful mountaineering. It remains the most difficult - the performance of the slide on its own. In order for the result soon pleased with its beauty, you need to follow simple recommendations:

When placing large boulders, do not forget to leave a little space between them, as the plants have taken place for the development of the root system.

Starting the creation of an alpine slide with their own hands is best in autumn. For the winter, the Earth will take place, so in the spring it will be possible to glue the emptiness and plant plants. A competent approach will allow you to create a beautiful alpine slide on your household plot.

Master class creating an alpine slide - video

Secrets of successful creation of alpine slide

Each landscape designer has certain secrets that help him create stylish, spectacular and unique elements when designing a garden or park area. But all these nuances can be used and beginners. It is only in the photo Alpine Hill with their own hands for beginners seems like a simple and concise structure. In fact, it consists of selected elements, competently planned accommodation and several subtleties, which help to achieve a stunning external view.

To the first mountaineering, created by their own hands, looked excellent, share several secrets of his harmonious look:

  1. To create an elevation of stones, it is better to choose one breed. Only, in this case, it is possible to achieve a natural appearance of the slide.
  2. The size of the stones must correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Alpinaria. The larger the size of the alpine slide, the larger boulders can be used.
  3. When choosing plants, preference is preferred by evergreens and low-speed species. In this case, the slide itself will not be lost in a few years behind the brown greens of the scratched colors and shrubs.
  4. Ideally look among the stones, as well as the cover and creeping species. Flowering plants are better to choose with small flowers that will not distract all attention.
  5. Plant plant is better in small wells and fall asleep the ground with a small stone. This will help warn the growth of weeds.
  6. Plants need to be placed so that they do not block the stone mounds.

Despite the fact that the grass and flowers should not block the stones, in Alpinaria, vegetation is always in the foreground.

The selection of plants to create an alpine slide gives space for fantasy, because this element of landscape design allows the riot of paints, variety of varieties up to the connection of opposites. Alpine slides imitate rocky areas that differ in nature variety. The main thing is that the slide has a realistic appearance, and how cool, rocky and blooming will be its slopes, depend only on the author's imagination. And it was in this versatility that the very "highlight", which made alpine slides in modern gardens so popular.

Create an alpine slide yourself - video