
How to distinguish between one-bedroom and dysdootilic plants. Monocoom class family


Plants are one of the most numerous and varied in the forms of the kingdoms of wildlife. They give all living beings the opportunity to breathe clean air, producing oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. Provide people and many animals with food and useful substances, decorate our life and make it beautiful. One of the most diverse departments of this wonderful kingdom are about them and talk on.

Covenate: Classification

This department includes two huge class in its composition:

  • monocycle;
  • dichomotic.

Each of them is valuable not only for nature as a whole, but also for people especially. After all, it is worth only to call at least several representatives who have one-bedroom and examples in their composition will immediately confirm their enormous practical role in a person's life. So, they include:

  • rye, wheat, oats, rice, buckwheat;
  • rosehip, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and other cultures;
  • a huge number of medicinal herbs.

In general, the variety of coated bridges is calculated by hundreds of thousands (about 350,000). At the same time, one-bedroom, and dysotic plants, examples of which can be given for a very long time, have their own characteristics in the structure, lifestyle, life processes. We will look at one of the classes - Dwallery. We will understand what characteristics these plants have, which include their meaning.

Favoric Plants Class Family

Classification can be different. There are several options:

  • takhtajian system;
  • rIVIL system;
  • Dalgren and Thorn;
  • Kronkin.

Everyone took on the basis of certain signs and shared the whole class on orders of magnitude, family or subclasses. For ordinary people more familiar with school bench such a taxonomic unit as a family. Therefore, these are the most common and numerous groups that are part of the class under consideration.

  1. Motomy, or legumes. What plants are bombing here? For example: peas clover, peanuts, rank, acacia, astragal, nut, ceratonia and others.
  2. Rose colored. Examples: Rosehip, apple tree, pear, plum, strawberries, raspberries and others.
  3. Cruciferous, or cabbage. Typical representative - cabbage. An example of which can still be attributed to this family - radish. And also: Mustard, Freard, Opechaig, just about 3 thousand species.
  4. Composition - include in their composition a large number of weed, medicinal, fodder and food plants. Representatives: Chamomile, Dandelion, Astra, Vasilek, Sunflower and others.
  5. Polenic. A dietary plant, an example of which can be brought here - tomato. And with it, most of the important vegetable crops cultivated by a person (potatoes, eggplant and others). The same family includes very poisonous belladonna.

Less known for our country are such families as:

  • Laurels;
  • Tolstanka;
  • Portulakoe;
  • Grape;
  • Mirty;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Begonia;
  • Nut;
  • Yves;
  • Umbrella;
  • Birch and others.

In fact, there are quite a lot of them, so it is difficult to list everything. Consider now what common features All representatives of the bipathicians possess.

Features of the structure of dwoom

Like all higher plants, they have stem, leaves, root, flower. If we are talking about woody forms, that is, the trunk and branches. In general, the structure of the bipathic plant is no different from any other. However, there are also its own characteristics that make it necessary to attract certain species to this class.

These characteristic data are their distinctive feature from one-bedroom, because all the flowering in the main parts are similar, it is difficult to correctly relate to taxa species, if you do not know special signs.

Basic signs

So, these are the following parameters:

  1. In most cases, mesh.
  2. Root system - rod, most often long-term.
  3. Flower structure formula: h 4 l 4 t 2 + 4 p 1. In general, the number of parts should be multiple or 4 or 5.
  4. A layer of Cambia is located between xylem and the Floem, so many forms have a decisive stem.
  5. Sheet plate often strongly dissected.

These signs of dicotyledonous plants do not speak at all about the fact that all representatives are arranged only, and not otherwise. As everywhere, there are also exceptions here, some combinations.

However, the most important feature is that the seeds of dietary plants have two semilaries, located against each other. On the example of peanut or beans, this can clearly consider the naked eye. This feature is characteristic of everyone without the exception of representatives of dwoom. It was for him that they received their name.

Double plants: examples, photo

We have already given a lot of examples of various representatives of this class. However, mostly stopped only on those species that grow in our country. Below you can see photos of some foreign endemics, which climatic conditions Russia is not at all suitable. This, for example:

  • laurel;
  • delonix Royal;
  • sundew;
  • sarration;
  • non-tent;
  • black and red tree and others.

The photo shows that they all have beautifully and brightly colored whites. In general, almost all the disadvantages have spectacular flowers. However, there are exceptions among weed herbs.

Interesting magnolias. Each species is a dysdootilic plant. An example of a representative of this family - Magnolia star. Very beautiful and fragrant plant of the East. It is consistent with unusual and romantic legends. Magnolias are part of the culture of many southern countries.

Spicy plants

Representatives of the most fragile, fragrant species are also spicy. For example, such as:

  • cinnamine;
  • laurel;
  • coriander;
  • caraway;
  • anise;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • easy pepper and others.

Of course, their role in the food industry is great. After all, in addition to direct destination - improve the taste of the dishes prepared and give them a special flavor, they are still used both as dosage forms.


Class Divorny plants include in its composition such a family as umbrella, or celery. Their main distinctive feature is a characteristic inflorescence in the form of an umbrella. Small collected in beams of flowers pale, rarely bright coloring. However, that they really highlight are the smell. All representatives contain a large number of essential oils, tanning substances, alkaloids. Therefore, the aroma of umbrellas is spread far in the area in the place where they grow.

Representatives are as follows:

  • coriander;
  • carrot;
  • azhgon;
  • celery;
  • fennel;
  • parsnip;
  • boligols;
  • borshevik;
  • water;
  • astranition;
  • feverweed;
  • dish and others.

There are both poisonous and very useful plants for humans. Also, many are decorative.


The most popular representative is a rose rose or rose. This is a dysotic plant, the example of which always leads, barely comes to talking about but, of course, not only it is part of this tasty taxon. Why tasty? Because it is here here:

  • raspberries;
  • cherry;
  • plum;
  • quince;
  • fig;
  • apple tree;
  • irga;
  • rowan;
  • apricot;
  • sweet cherry;
  • almonds and other very appetizing representatives.

In addition to taste, they are also valuable vitamins, useful macro and microelements and various compounds.

There are among representatives and ordinary herbaceous forms: typical, nettle, cannabis, gravel and others.


This family includes grassy, \u200b\u200brarely rustic perennial plants. There are so many representatives that they are found almost all over the globe. Composition is also in the tropics, and in the Arctic. This is the most numerous and diverse group of all dicatular.

Examples can be given hundreds. Let's call the most famous to become clear what particular plants are we talking about:

  • aster;
  • sunflower;
  • dandelion;
  • dahlia;
  • chicory;
  • marigold;
  • chamomile;
  • daisy;
  • serpuha;
  • ambrosia and others.

The most interesting representatives are:

  • blind's scalies;
  • brachylene Merana.

They are interesting in that they are very powerful trees tall up to 20/40 meters, respectively. Skalzia has very fragrant yellow flowers collected on the tops of the branches. Many such trees form whole forests in the Galapagos Islands.

Brachylene Meran grows in South Africa and Madagascar. Up to 40 meters high. Flowers are very large, collected in panicles on the tops of the branches.

Detailed decision Paragraph § 16 by biology School 2100 for grade 6 students, authors Lovyagin S.N., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. 2015.

Question 1. Do you agree with the explanation of the biologist? What other arguments can you bring? Yes, I agree (-I). It is very important to be able to distinguish and know those or other plants. Even near some plants, it is dangerous - Borschevik Sosnovsky - when contacting with skin, a strong burn occurs with a skin.

The reason for discussion what problem can the Dialogue of the Antoshki and the biologist? Compare your version with the author (p. 141). What are the signs and why distinguish plants?

Question 2. What is the view? (5th grade)

The view is the historically established set of populations, the individuals of which are similar in the morphological, physiological and biochemical features, are adapted to certain living conditions and occupy a certain area in nature - the area, as well as are able to cross each other with the formation of fruit offspring.

What is a sign? (Life experience)

The sign is an indicator, sign, a sign for which you can find out, determine something.

What form are leafy plates? (§ 11-12)

The form sheet plate Determined by the ratio of length and width and by what part of the plate it accounts for its largest width. There is a rounded, oval and oblong; Broad-way, egg-shaped and lanceal; Armchair-like, conversely and frantic and frantic. Linear. In addition to these ten basic forms, some non-standard types of leaves are distinguished, which do not fit into the above classification of sheet plates on the ratio of length and width. Among the baked plants is the leaves of scaly (Western Thuja), needle (spruce, pines, juniper), heart-shaped (linden), rhombic (bearded abandon) and triangular (gently sweet-bitter, currant).

On the form of the top plate, the sheet may be: stupid (1), acute (2), pointed (3), pointed (4), leaked (5).

The base of the sheet of sheet is: wedge-shaped (6), rounded (7), heart-shaped (8), sweatshop (9), spear (10), unequal (11), cut (truncated) (12) and narrowed (13).

On the shape of the edge of the plate distinguish the leaves: Open-Running (1); gear when both sides of the teeth are equal to (2); Pilly, when one side of the teeth is longer than the other (3); Golden - with rounded teeth (4); Loved (5); Wavy (6). If the teeth of different sizes are distinguished by the leaves of dual-ray (7) and bicopylene (8).

What is Sejdol? (§ five)

Sejdoli - the first leaves of the embryo that may contain a stock nutrients.

What kind of forms do you know? (§ 11-12)

The types of leaf housing are arc, parallel, mesh (or peristole), palpat.

What systematic groups are you known? (5th grade)

Similar species are combined into childbirth, childbirth - in the family, family - in orders (in animals - detachments), orders in classes, classes - in the departments (in animals - types), departments in the kingdom.

Question 3. Choose the most convenient feature for distinguishing bipartal and monocotyledonic plants.

One characteristic is not enough to distinguish bipathic and monocotyledonic plants.

Conclusion: Dichomotic and Monocoons flower plants differ next to signs (in the table).

Question 4. My biological research

A solvent portrait of a dismissed plant (description of the appearance of a dicrentional plant according to plan).

1. Personal stem.

Question 5. Tell about the form of these leaves.

Types of leaves: 1. Sheet is simple, deltoid. 2. The sheet is simple, all-wear. 3. Sheet is simple uniform. 4. The sheet is complex, trochy. The complication of the separation of the sheet plate is traced.

The outline of the leaves: 5. Sheet is simple, lanceal. 6. Elliptical or oval. 7. Ophitoid. 8. Frequency-shaped. 9. Heat-shaped.

The edge of the leaf plate: 10. Gorious-toothed. 11. Received. 12. Pilly.

Form of horses: written in the picture.

Jobs: 17. Mesh. 18. Parallel. 19. Arcuate. 20. Palc.

Question 6. Task. Describe the appearance of the plants depicted on the plan. Write only about those signs that are distinguishable in the figure.

St. John's wort.

1. Personal stem.

2. Simple, whole leaf. An oblong-egg-shaped or linear-oblong form. His tip is sharp and the base is a wedge-shaped. The edge of the sheet is solid. No horses, leaves are opposite, seating.

3. Flower. Double break, separately. The flower is correct. Went of 5 petals of golden-yellow color. The stamens are many, they grow up threads of three beams. Cup with separate five cups. Pestik one. The type of inflorescence is a wide sweeper or almost shield inflorescences.

Celebration of medicinal.

1. Strenging escape. 2. The transverse form of the stem is rounded.

3. Leaves are solid, opposite. There is an oblong-ovoid shape, its top is stupid, and the base is the heart-shaped. The edge of the sheet is gorgeous. Hosts are not. Curly hills.

4. Flower is incorrect, Obroat. Double dual. Corn agriculture tubular. A cup is single, solid, out of 5 cups. Stamens and pestles are not visible. Flowers are collected in a co-shaped inflorescence.

Chernogolovka ordinary.

1. Strenging escape.

2. Leaves are solid, opposite. There is an oblong-ovoid shape, the top of the stupid and the base is a wedge-shaped. Open or unclear. Hosts are not. Curly hills.

3. Flower incorrect. Double dual. A crumpled tubular corolla, double, longer cup, with a straight tube. A cup of double, with short sharp cloth. Stamens and pestles are not visible. Flowers are collected in the top, dense, corpid inflorescences.

Celebrated big.

1. Strenging escape. 2. Root rod, branched, with short root. Stems branched.

3. Leaves are the next, complex, dissected on uniform-blade fractions. The leaves segments are egg-shaped or rounded, at the base with an added leave in the form in the form of an ear, unevenly circular, solid or on the bottom of the outstand. Curly hills.

4. The flower is correct, double. The crown is correct from 4 bright yellow, inversely lobes. A cup consists of 2 cups. The stamens are numerous, shorter of the bunny. Pestik one. Flowers are collected at the ends of the stem and branches in umbrella inflorescences.

Creeping believer.

1. Color-bearing stems upright.

2. Leaves are simple. Shopped (oval), with wavy latched and short-toothed edges. Burnt leaves are collected in the outlet. Leaves in sockets - with long cutters, leaves on stems - seating; Color leaves - egg-shaped, solid, lower long flowers, upper shorter. There are no horses, hills.

3. Flower incorrect, Double Double. The flowers are double, are in the sinuses of the leaves, are collected in the dwellers at 6-8 pieces. Corn agriculture tubular. The cup is pubescent, bell, with five triangular teeth. Stamens and pestle are not visible in the picture. Break-shaped inflorescences.

Clear yellow.

1. Strenging escape. 2. Leaves: Solid, cunning edges have gear edges. Curly hills.

3. Flower is incorrect, double. The crown of the aging tubular, has an ovoid upper Guba And pointed, three-blade bottom. Cheschka one-piece. Yellow flowers are collected in false mutations at the ends of the shoots. Stamens 4, pestle one.

European swimsuit.

1. Form of escape (shortened, reprehensive, lying, ascending, hanging, pawing, curly, meaty).

3. Complex leaves, finger-separate, seats with a gear edge. Palcant's jilk.

4. The flower is correct, double, single. Antenseepe's veins, with 10-20 cups. Many stamens and pestles.

Orcity ordinary.

1. Sustal plant. 2. In the acidic, the leaf looks like a leaf of clover - troil, but with a clear notch at the end of each of the three leaves. The sheet is complex, dissected. Each plate is an across-shaped sheet, the top is laid and the base is wedge-shaped. The edge of the sheet is solid.

3. The flower is correct, double. Antenseeperate curious with five petals. A cup single with separate five cups. Stamen 10. Pestik one.

The flowering plant department is divided into two classes: single-bedroom and digestive. Differences:

  1. One-bedroom in the seed is one of the SemiLon (germinal leaf), and in two-charts - two.
  2. In monocoons root system Urocheted, but in bombing - rod.
  3. At one-bedroom housing of the leaves parallel and arc, and in two-colon - the mesh (peristole).
  4. There are no Cambia in one-bedroom, so they cannot grow in thickness and all are herbs. Dicotomic has Cambier, so they can be herbs, shrubs and trees.
  5. The number of elements of the flower (stamens, petals) in one-bedroom multiple of three (3,6,9 ...), and in two colors - five (5, 10, 15 ...)


  1. Family of cereals (rye, wheat, drinking) - Skell Solmin, inserting growth, inflorescence complex spicy, fruit grain.
  2. Filler family (onions, tulip, lily of the valley) - have rhizomes and bulbs.


  1. The family of cruciferous (radishes, cabbage, coat) - 4 petals, fruit pod.
  2. Bean family, they are moths (peas, clover, beans) - fruit bob, nodule bacteria.
  3. Family Polenic (Potatoes, Tomato, Pepper) - Comedy Chassels and Petals, Poisonousness.
  4. Family complex color (sunflower, chamomile, dandelion) - small flowers are collected in the inflorescence basket, the fruit is a seed.
  5. Family rosetic (apple tree, strawberry, rowan).

Thus, the division of flowering plants into classes occurs on the basis of the structure of the root system, the number of seedlings, the housing of the leaves, etc. division on the family is based on the structure of colors and fruits.

1. Select three correct responses from six and write the numbers under which they are specified. For plants having the leaf depicted in the figure, the following signs are also characteristic:
1) two seeds in the seed
2) the number of flower parts is multiple to three
3) diffuse structure of the conductive system
4) Cambia Ring is absent
5) rod root system
6) Flower with a double perianth


2. Select three features characteristic of the body shown in the drawing.
1) Vegetative reproduction
2) parallel savings
3) double fertilization
4) four-colored flower
5) Stem - Solmin
6) Fruit - multi-way


1. Select three correct responses from six and write the numbers under which they are specified. What signs are characteristic of the plants of the family, the representative of which is shown in the picture?
1) Fruit seed
2) Skell Solmin
3) inserting growth
4) complex leaves
5) Mesh leaf housing
6) Inflorescence Complex Colos


2. Select three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What signs are characteristic of the specified organism?
1) parallel leaf housing
2) Skell Solmin
3) Availability of Cambia in Stem
4) Fruit - seed
5) urine root system
6) Vegetative reproduction


Choose one, most proper option. In complex flowers
1) Grain
2) Semyanka
3) Kostyannka
4) Oreshk


Choose three faithful response from six and record the numbers under which they are specified. What features are characteristic of plants of the class Dobolic?
1) Mesh leaf housing
2) root system urine
3) root system rod
4) arc leaves leaf
5) two seeds in the seed
6) parallel leaf housing


1. Set the correspondence between plant classes (1-dvoobolny, 2-monochetles) and their signs. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) urine root system
B) rod root system
C) leaves have arc or parallel housing
D) number of parts of the flower multiple 3
E) leaves have a peristry or palpal dwelling


2. Install the correspondence between the feature of the coated plants and the class for which it is characteristic: 1) digestive, 2) monocycle
A) the presence in the seed of one semi
B) urine root system
C) presence in seed of two seedlings
D) mesh leaf housing
E) rod root system
E) parallel or arc leaves leaf


3. Set the correspondence between the feature and class of flowering plants, for which this feature is characteristic: 1) one-bedroom, 2) digestive. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) rod root system
B) one cotyledon
C) arc housing
D) parallel jilk
E) trek-type flower
E) five-membered flower


4. Install the correspondence between the symptoms and classes of plants of the coated bridge, for which they are characteristic: 1) one-plank, 2) digestive. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) rod-type root system
B) leaves with parallel housing
C) number of flower parts multiple 3
D) the growth of the stem in the thickness due to Cambia
E) characterized inserting growth
E) most species double perisher


5. Install the correspondence between the signs of the coated plants and the classes for which they are characteristic: 1) one-bedroom, 2) digestive. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) leaf housing mesh
B) leaf housing parallel
C) stem thickening due to Cambia
D) urine root system
E) trek-type flower
E) leaves are simple and complex


We form 6.
1) Lack of Cambia in Stem

Set the correspondence between the signs of classes and plants: 1) the shepherd bag, 2) wheat. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) Flowers are pollinated by the wind
B) has a urine root system
C) leaves have developed vagina
D) Conductive beams have Cambius
E) the number of parts of the flower is multiple of four
E) seed has two seedlies


Set the correspondence between the plants and the families to which they relate: 1) cereals, 2) rose colored. Write down the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) bamboo
B) Pearra
C) Rye
D) strawberry
D) peach
E) Oats.


Select one, the most correct option. The fruit is characteristic of family representatives
1) Rose colored
2) legumes
3) Parenic
4) Conductors


Select one, the most correct option. The fruit of Bob occurs in the plants of the family
1) complex color
2) Parenic
3) Zlatkov
4) Motylkovy


Select one, the most correct option. Why shepherd bag, wild radish, mustard belong to the cross-color family (cabbage)
1) have a rod root system
2) have mesh leaves leaf
3) their four-colored flowers, form a computery brush
4) their five-type flowers, form a compliance with a basket


Select one, the most correct option. The main sign that covered plants are divided into classes is a structure.
1) Flower
2) Futal
3) Semen
4) Stem


Select one, the most correct option. In plants of the family of cruciferous: cabbage, radish and turnip fruit
1) Semyanka
2) Box
3) Pod
4) Oreshk


Select one, the most correct option. The main feature by which flower plants belong to one class -
1) Fetal structure
2) a method of reproduction
3) the structure of the seed
4) joint habitation


Select one, the most correct option. A characteristic sign of a plant of a family of comprehensive (astera) - inflorescence
1) Head
2) Sophisticated umbrella
3) Simple umbrella
4) basket


Set the correspondence between the sign of plants and the family for which this feature is characteristic: 1) cabbage, 2) moth. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) fruit pod or pod
B) inflorescence brush
C) inflorescence brush or head
D) Flower Flower FL4L4T2 + 4P1
E) Flower formula h (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1
E) fruit bob


Consider the drawing and define the type of the depicted fetus, (b) the family for which the figures depicted, and (c) its representatives. For each cell, labeled, select the appropriate term from the proposed list. Write down the selected numbers, in order corresponding to the letters.
1) Pod
2) beans, acacia, peanuts
3) Bob
4) Zlakovy
5) Cabbage, Peas, Belen
6) Motylkovoy
7) Conductors


Install the correspondence between the family of flowers and their characteristics: 1) comprehensive, 2) cereals. Record the numbers 1 and 2 in the order corresponding to the letters.
A) single-bedroom family
B) small flowers are collected in large inflorescences - baskets
C) fruit - seed
D) have a special cylindrical stem with well-developed nodes
E) flower consists of two flowering scales
E) Fabricated class family


Consider the drawing with the image of the plant and specify the class (b) the type of root system and (c) the fruit. For each cell, labeled, select the appropriate term from the proposed list. Write down the selected numbers, in order corresponding to the letters.
1) Monodernoye
2) Grain
3) Rod
4) Dichomotic
5) Semyanka
6) Urochka
7) Coppool
8) cereals


Select one, the most correct option. What role plants of the legume family play in nature
1) serve food for man
2) enrich the soil nitric salts
3) are a full feed for livestock
4) Nodule bacteria live on their roots


Find three errors in the given text. Specify the suggestions of the offers in which they are made. (1) The Division of the coated bridges divide the wadlock classes and monocoons. (2) For dicotyledonous plants, the presence of two cotyledons in the seed is characteristic. (3) The monocarbon plants in the stem is a ring of Cambia. (4) The urine root system is usually characteristic of bipartite plants. (5) Plants of family of cereals and lilyers belong to the class of one-bedroom. (6) Plants of plants Roses and legumes belong to the two-class class. (7) In bipartite plants, as a rule, the number of flower parts is multiple of three.


© DV Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

We live in vegetable world Nature, where harmony and beauty reigns. We are amazed by the diversity of trees, herbs, flowers on our planet. The entire plant world scientists of botany and biologists were divided into types, departments, classes, detachments, families, childbirth, species. Such a systematics makes it possible to better understand the diversity of plants and systematize the knowledge of each vegetable subject. Consider the basic concepts in the world of plants - the classes of dietary and monocotyledonic plants, features, differences, distribution on the globe and their role in our lives.

The plant of plants relating to the coated brine or flower consists of two significant classes: Dichomotic and Monocoan. The class of dietary plants includes a numerous variety of plant specimens that appeared on our planet for a long time. Dicotomic in quantitative ratio is much higher than one-bedroom plants.

On the globe there are more than 300 families of dietary plants and about 180 thousand their species. IN former USSR There are approximately 15 thousand species of plants belonging to this class. Dicotomic arose on the planet much earlier than one-plan. It has been proven that the latter occurred from dicotyard after a long time. We list the main signs on which plants can be attributed to the class of dicotyledan representatives.

Two seeds in seed - One of the main indicators of the plant belonging to the class of dwoom. A nutritional supply for the development of a future tree, a grassy or flowering plant is located in a seed seed embryo, either in the cloth surrounding the embryo - endosperm.

Rod root The system is formed from the germs of the seed root. It consists of the main root and more subtle - side and apparent roots. Such a strong underground part reliably holds the plant in the ground, ensuring the suction of the necessary nutrients and moisture, so necessary for the vital activity of the plant.

Palchaty and Curious jilking Sheet plate is another feature of the plants of the class of dietary. The edge of the sheet may have Whole structure, so I. rated. Divorce plants can be found with simple and complex leaveshaving several simple leaves on one hand.

Channels stem Bicycle plants have a ring structure with a layer cambiawhich allows the stems or trunks to grow into width and attach a powerful plant structure. The stalk is transported by organic and mineral components. The trunk and stem create depot of nutrients and water throughout life cycle plants. On the stems and branches of the double-dollar leaves are arranged ordered.

Four-five-colored flowermore often S. Double perianth Characterized for dicatoral. Fallen bombing plants are pollinated by insects.

All vegetable life types (From herbal to woody) inherent in this class.

What signs are characteristic of monocotional plants

One-barrel class It was formed much later than two collapsion and is not so numerically in the plant world. One-bedroom includes about 80 families and a little more than 60 thousand species of plants. There are signs that characterize single-bedroom plant representatives.

Germ with one cotyadal - The main indicator of the difference of the class. The depot of nutrients is located in a nearby space - endosperm or sparkling fabric.

Urocheted root The system is characteristic of monocoons. The embryonic root of this class is weakly formed, so in an adult plant forms a variety of apparent roots forming the urine formation of roots.

Parallel and Arc jilking Sheet plates are another characteristic feature feature. Leafy Cherces usually not developed, and are formed in the form of a vaginal termination, covering the stalks of plants. Leaves Monocotional plants - simple with a smooth edge.

Conductive stem fabric formed by separate beams Without a concentric growing layer of Cambia.

Three-colored flowers with a simple perianth - Another important sign of monocotional representatives. Flowers of this class of plants are mainly pollinated by the wind.

Herbate plants as Zlatkov and lukovichny Presented in the life plant forms of monocotyledonic plants.

Table One-Oedasic and Divorce Plants Grade 6

This table clearly demonstrates the main distinguishing features of the two large plants classes: dicotyled and monocoons.

Differences of monocyan and dicaric plants

Recall the differences between the classes of monocotyled and dietary plants:

  1. Semen: At the class of monocotional representatives, the seed contains one of the seedlings, two semi-siardolis have two semi-colors.
  2. Root systemsa: Urochkah - in one-bedroom and developed rod root from dicotomy.
  3. Residential leaves: parallel and arcomes in monocoons, mesh and filament have dysotic plants.
  4. Flower structure: Odnochlennaya - Petals Three-heeded with a simple perianth, diototal - four-five-year-old flowers with a double perianth.
  5. Life form: The prevailing wood and grassy in two-bedroom and grassy in one-bedroom.
  6. Pollination of flower: Mostly by the wind - single-bedroom grassy plants and pollination in the insects - in disadvantaged representatives.

Signs of single-bedroom and dicotyled coated plants

Covenate or Flower Green representatives of higher plants are distinguished by a huge species diversity. Flower, as a breeding organ - distinctive feature These beautiful Flora representatives.

Scientists Botany and Biologists set a number of signs that characterize the belonging of a vegetation instance to dicatular or monocotal representatives in the field of flowering plants. There are many families with distinctive features of the root structure, stem, leaf plate, flowers, fruits and seeds. In the present period, scientists have identified more than 300 thousand plant species from the flowering department.

Signs of single-bedroom coated plants:

  • one cotyledon;
  • rod roots;
  • parallel or arc housing;
  • more often herbian life forms;
  • the flower has a simple perianth with three-six floral petals.

Signs of dicotyled coated plants:

  • two seeds in the seed;
  • taproot;
  • curly or mesh leaf housing;
  • herbaceous or woody vitality;
  • the flower has a complex structure with a double perianth and a four-five-layer whisk.

Comparative characteristics of single-bedroom and dicotyledonous plants

The table is clearly represented characteristics Two classes of the kingdom of higher plants: dicotyledan and monocoons.

Comparative signs of two classes of plants demonstrates video:

Monocoor and dicotyledonous plants examples

The flora of monocotted coated plants is represented by numerous families and is distinguished by a species variety of plant forms. Monocoan plants include such plant families: Lilyna, Zlakovy, Lukovy, Asparagus, Orchid, Single, Aoid, Palm and etc.

Lily of Maysky - Aromatic gentle plant With many snow-white bell flowers on a long blur. The plant can be found in the spring in shady wet forests. Species latin name The flower gave Karl Linney, which is translated as "Lily Dolin". Breeders brought beautiful garden species Lily of the valley with the brushes of numerous terry flowers. Even there are garden species of valley with pink flowers.

Lily of Lily is medicinal plant and included in the pharmacopoeia different states. Cardiac glycosides of the plant are used for pharmaceutical production of heart medicines. Medical properties Plants and extraordinary beauty in bouquets were a reason for mass extermination of the plant. Many regions of Russia included the valley in the Red Book.

Lily - bulbous plant of unique beauty. Lilia flower always attracts universal attention to its exquisite shape and extraordinary color gamut shades. Wild-growing lilies grow on sudidal fields and meadows, and during flowering, a fabulously unique spectacle is produced.

The bulbs of wild lakes are edible. In places of mass grown plants, the local population still uses bulbs for food and as a drug from dental pain. Cultural hybrids of garden lilies occupy a leading place in flower beds.

Venus Bashmock - the disappearing flower in many countries, which meets in the forests is less and less. The flower of the plant has an unusual shape and various staining of petals, perianth, with bright yellow lip and red splashes. Forest beauty can be found in the shaded wet corners of the forest. The ancient representative of the orchid family is valued by decorativeness and massively exterminated by a person.

Venerine Shoe, like all the yatryshniki, is included in the security books of many states. In Russia, this plant is recorded in the Red Book and is under guard. VERERINE The shoe has long been applied as a medicine in Tibetan medicine, and Siberian signs often used ragners of plants for the treatment of nerve disorders and headaches.

Wheat - Mistress of our fields, one-year grand culture. On the long floor, the stems are narrow lancing leaves coming from the vagina. Long colosum of inflorescence as it turns into storage of full grains, which are used to prepare flour and cereals.

Yarovaya or winter culture Almost everywhere grows in all regions of Russia, except for the northern latitudes. Moreover, many territories have their own wheat varieties adapted for cultivation in this climate segment. In many countries, wheat is a culture of strategic value and the subject of export.

Onionvegetable culturewithout any table. Everywiths it is grown on industrial plantations, in the sections of summer houses and is found in a wild form in the shady wet corners of the forest throughout Russia.

The bulbous plant contains phytoncides, vitamins, and others. Useful substances. Onions are used in medical and cosmetics purposes, and also is a good honey plant during flowering.

The kingdom of dietary flowers is most numerously and varied, includes more than 108 thousand plant species. The largest families of this class: Rosicular, Composition, Polenic, Motalky, Croft and etc.

Whitewaters - Decoration of our reservoirs. Has a second name - Nymphi and translates as "doll". The yellow "heart" of the flower is as if burning in the frame of snow-white gentle petals. Around the flower float huge shiny dark green leaf plates round-hearted shape.

The leaves are attached by long stems to a massive rhizoma containing starchy substances. Previously, from the root of white pita, they made flour and starch. And from roasted seeds aquatic plant Molley, pitiful coffee, which to taste resembled a natural drink.

Poppybeautiful flower With large petals of the bunny. There are many types of poppies that differ in size, shape, color and sizes of petals. Garden forms are represented beautiful species with large terry flowers. The flower stem contains milky juice. After a bunch of a flower place, a fruit box is formed with numerous small seeds.

In the wild poppy, the poppy is distributed in the countries of Central Asia, forming unique scarlet curtains on huge steppe spaces. The poppy seed of many types of poppy is used in the food and confectionery industries to obtain poppy oil and tasty baking filling. Of the boxes of opium poppy make narcotic painful drugs. In Russia, there is a ban on the cultivation of this type of Mac since 2004.

Daisy - gentle beautiful plant Small sizes growing in gardens, parks and wildlife - on mountain slopes and large glades in the middle and southern part of European territory and Mediterranean. Garden daisies have multicolored terry inflorescences that attract many insects to the site.

Mallow Grows in a wild form and cultivated in our gardens. Herbate plant with large-playing flowers of different colors and shapes. Forest Malva can be found in our forests and on open glades. In the gardens they grow elegant terry malva all sorts of shades on long stems. Infusions and decoctions from Ferry Mallow flowers take off cough and widely used to treat catar and hoarse voices.

Apple tree - representative of the bombard wood plants. It is found in wild and cultural form everywhere, except for the northern latitudes. Fragrant apple gardens attract many insect pollinators.

And ripe fruits are one of the most delicious fruit deals. Apples are useful in fresh formSince they can accommodate a whole breeding of vitamins. Recycled fruits are used to obtain juices, compotes, jams, pastes. Decorative species Apple trees are decoration of our gardens and parks.

Fedrol plant root

The germ root of dysfotrol plants is strong and hardy. Subsequently, a strong powerful taproot. In case of subsequent growth of the plant develops a stable durable rod root system.

Singlean plant root

The root germs of monochetical representatives is poorly developed. During the growth of the plant, the main root does not gain strength and at some stage of development ceases to grow. But accumulate the power of the apparent and side roots, forming uriscouched root system. Hard roots firmly cover the surface fertile layer of soil and power supply and water supply of the plant.

Divorny plants in human activity

Falotian class plants represent an invaluable role in human vital activity. Let us list some of the main directions of using these plants.

  • The floral world of dysfotical and other plants is "Light" land. Participation in photosynthesis leads to the improvement of our planet. In addition, many plants produce unique substances - phytoncides that can destroy many pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.
  • Trees, shrubs, herbs, flowering plants adorn our environment. Many of them are good honey plants.
  • Food qualities dicotyledonous plants allow a person to get delicious natural foodsaturated with vitamins, mineral components and vegetable fiber.

  • Medicinal properties Plants have long been used by humanity in the cure of many diseases.
  • Favoric representatives are used as feed For herbivores and.
  • Construction and fuel production do not cost without use wood materials and woodworking waste.

Monocoor rod root system

The rod root is not characteristic of monocotyledonic plants. The video explains: what types of root system from dicotyledan and monocotal representatives and their roles in the life of plants.

Double rod root system

The class of dietary plants in the process of its formation has formed a steady powerful rod system of roots. Main taproot It is capable of reaching large soil depths in search of moisture and nutrition, showing strong resilience.

From the bottom of the stem often formed Putting rootswhich enhance the power of the root system, and in case of damage, disease or death of the main root - replace it and do not give the plant to die.

Side roots are born from the rod root, they are departed at an acute angle and distributed in the soil at a distance of 60-70 cm. Side roots are thin and play a greater conducting role in nutrition and water supply plants. Thus formed a rod root system of plants of the vocabulary.

Careful attitude towards the plants around our life, it is necessary to carry throughout their life. In addition to decorative and aesthetic value, Green Friends, thanks to photosynthesis, utilize carbon dioxide And enrich our planet with oxygen, give humanity a lot of food products, create a special world and harmony on Earth.

Why do you need plants, video:

Flora is accepted to divide on monocoa and dysdootilic plants, differing mainly by the structure of the embryo. Nevertheless, these classes of plants have other differences in the structure of vegetative and generative bodies.

Class of dismissal, or magnoliopsis: the structure of plants and their brief characteristics

To date, this class is considered quite large, as it includes about 200 thousand species. His representatives have a number of very characteristic distinctive features.

Divorny plants are represented by different forms - it is trees, bushes, and herbs. In rustic species inside the stem, there is a fairly powerful layer of Cambia - special fabric, which ensures its growth in width. Leaves of plants can be both simple and complex, but almost all kinds they are twisted - seating leaf plates are not characteristic of this class. The housing of the record in most cases is mesh. Mostly rod - has a primary, main root, from which side, small sizes grow.

Another feature is the structure of most species large flowers With bright color. They have a double periantole (cups and petals), flowers are predominantly five- or four-membered. Divorous plants are most often pollinated by insects.

And, of course, the structure of the embryo is very characteristic, which has two sidelines. By the way, it is with this feature that the name of the class is connected.

Divorny plants: the most common types

This class includes a huge amount of species that are included in several thousand genera and three hundred families. The most famous are the following.

The family of cruciferous - representatives of it are distributed mainly in the planet. Most of his species are herbaceous forms or small shrubs. Everyone knows such representatives of cruciferous as cabbage, radishes, horseradish, turnip, mustard and radish.

The Pink Family combines trees, shrubs and which are mainly common in a moderate or subtropical climate. For example, all known hips and decorative roses are treated just to this group. This includes most including apple trees, a pear, cherry, rowan, raspberry, cherry, blackberry.

Family legumes - its rustic forms and shrubs are distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical countries, and herbaceous prefer a more moderate and even cold climate. All representatives of the group are characterized by a specific wedge of the "moth" type. This group includes the following well-known plants: peas, beans, alfalfa, beans, soy. By the way, some species are actively involved in the nitrogen cycle.

Class a brief description of

This group is presented mainly. herbatous plants - Trees and shrubs in it are extremely rare. Their stalks, as a rule, do not contain Cambia and, therefore, are not capable of growing in thickness. Sheets are simple, with whole edges. They do not have a stuff and attach to the stalk of the edge plate, which is why they are called seating leaves. Residential in most cases parallel or arc.

Another feature is the urine root system in which there is no main root. In the embryo there is only one semilar, as evidenced by the name of the class.

Most of the monocotional plants are pollinated by wind. Therefore, their flowers are small, inhabitant, with a single perianth, mostly three-strange.

Typical representatives of this group are cereals: wheat, oats, corn, rice and others.