
A short bridle of the language: what does she threaten the child when to cut? What is cutting the bridles of the upper lip and why you need plastic.

Fences, fences

Each of us under the tongue is a special membrane. This is an approximate bridle. It connects the bottom of the oral cavity and language. It has its own individual length. Most often, this length corresponds to the norm. Then a person does not have any discomfort. With a normal length of the bridle, nothing prevents normally move the language or lips. The person is correctly formed by the speech apparatus, there is no additional load on the teeth and the jaw. But sometimes it happens that it turns out to be too short. In such cases, an easy operational intervention is required - cutting the bridles. We will consider in detail what it is for the procedure, how to cut the bridles of the tongue, how to properly prepare for it.

The bridle is a fairly thin fold, which consists of a mucous membrane. It provides the correct location of the language and lips. In our mouth such bridles are as many as three:

  1. Lower lips;
  2. Top lips;
  3. Language.

All these folds have high elasticity. They are easily stretched, which provides us with the opportunity to speak, put your tongue, pull the lips, articulate. Each of us brings are unique. They possess such parameters as elasticity, length, position. These characteristics are individual and can differ quite very different. As the child develops, such problems with its bridle may arise:

  1. Low degree of elasticity and elasticity;
  2. Excessive proximity to the tongue of the tongue;
  3. Too short bridle.

All these problems are fraught with violations in the subsequent development of the baby. They need to be corrected. Most often is an operational intervention. If the baby is too short, the pupping bridle is too short, it will not even suck the chest.

Bridle can spoil bite

Oddly enough, but a short bridle can spoil the bite. This will affect the aesthetics of the face, smiles, as well as on the health of the oral cavity. A short bridle under the tongue is able to overly pull back the cutters on the lower jaw. But correctly made plastic mentioned bridle is capable of solving these problems once and permanently. It is best to fulfill it from 5 to 9 years. At this age, the dairy teeth have not yet changed, and the anomaly will influence the bite. And if this defect prevents the child to suck the breast, the operation is shown immediately after birth.

What to do if the newborn has a short bridle

A short bridle is an anomaly, which is quite often happening in newborns. When it is reported by young parents, they can be confused and even frightened. After all, they perceive this procedure as surgical intervention. How to be? How to do it? How does this anomaly manifest?

But you do not need to be upset immediately! It is very easily corrected. Install such a vice is simple enough. It can be seen from almost the first days of the child's life. Because of the short bridle under the tongue, he will not be able to properly take the nipple and effectively suck the chest. Mom will immediately notice that her baby takes her breasts with difficulty, sucks it much longer than it happens. He can also bite her gums. Because of this, feeding will be significantly tightened. Naturally, such discomfort is unpleasant for a newborn and can provoke a disorder in nutrition. Due to constant discomfort in the process of sucking, the newborn can very quickly throw the chest. Because if your child put a similar diagnosis, then it will be necessary to cut the bridle. No need to be afraid of this procedure! Believe that it is much safer than a starving baby. The next day you do not even remember that the doctor's help took. The main thing is to feed the baby well after the procedure is performed.

Boys have a short bridle problem more often than girls. Often this anomaly is inherited from parents. If someone from the parents had a short sub-positive bridle at birth, then the likelihood that she would be and their child increases. But this is not a reason for panic! The fact is that too short bridle is not a disease, but only a small defect. Such an anomaly is corrected very quickly, easily and practically painless for the baby. If it is, the parents about it are necessarily reported in the maternity hospital.

If the doctors have discovered such a defect in a newborn, they can almost immediately eliminate it. The main thing is the consent of the parents. Here you do not need to think for a long time, because from a quick solution depends on how successful you can immediately establish breastfeeding. Now the level of development of medicine allows you to cut the bridle of the language quickly, painless and safely. Therefore, obstetrics try to immediately notify parents about this small problem and send them to an experienced dentist.

How do the cutting of the bridles

First of all, you do not need to perceive this procedure as serious operational intervention. The main thing is to turn to an experienced dentist in time, which will fulfill the entire simple procedure. If you worry, be sure to ask him more details about what manipulation it will perform whether the period of rehabilitation is needed, as you can make breastfeeding. Also consult with him, how best to keep the bridle to your baby. There are two options: a traditional scalpel or a modern laser. A little later, we compare these two methods and tell about the pros and cons of everyone.

If you are afraid that the newborn will need to do anesthesia, then we hurry to calm you. Anesthesia will not need. After all, it is best to cut the bridle of the language to the child best in the very first days of life. The thing is that for a newborn it will pass almost painlessly, since there are no nervous fibers in its tiny membrane. That is why when eliminating a short bridle, the newborn does not need to enter anesthesia. Yes, and bleeding should not be strong, as in the first days of life in babies there are too few blood vessels.

For cutting, the doctor will have to take advantage of special scissors. With their help, he will slightly dissect the bridle. This is done so that it does not restrain the language. At the same time, small bleeding will still be. But it is easy enough to stop. To this end, the doctor will recommend immediately to attach a child to his chest. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then parents will need to immediately give it a bottle. Because if your baby is on artificial feeding, then before the cutting procedure, the bridle needs to prepare it a dairy mixture and keep it ready.

If you need to fix the bridle is not a newborn, but an older baby, then the dentist will definitely execute the procedure under anesthesia. Until the age of 9 months, local anesthesia is quite suitable.

If you are tormented by doubts, and you decided to wait until the baby is growing a little, then we hurry you to warn you. It is better not to miss the time. If your child has discovered this defect in the maternity hospital, it is better to eliminate it during the period when it is considered newborns. These are the first 28 days of life. During this period, the procedure will pass practically painlessly, and everything will quickly heal. Sometimes it is necessary for some reasons to postpone this event. In this case, it is still necessary to try to fix everything in the first nine months. The thing is that as the child will grow up, the bridle will increase. Nervous endings will appear in it, the number and size of blood vessels will increase. This means that after nine months it will be more difficult to cut the bridle of the language of the language. It will become thicker. Therefore, the scissors will not be suitable for its dissection. The dentist will have to take advantage of an electrocoagulator or electronics. In this case, the incision will be performed in the transverse direction. But in this case, the operation will be considered not difficult, and the wounds will heal almost immediately. Already the next day your child will not feel any discomfort.

If the newborn took the nipple badly and with difficulty he sustained the breast because of the short bridle, then after it is cutting, everything will be corrected and the feeding process will quickly come back to normal. It is very important, since the newborn must quickly gain in weight. It was in the first months of life that the food should be as intense as possible. In the first three months, the child should almost double his weight. After eliminating the short bridle, the infants usually improves the appetite, they begin to suck themselves, it is more convenient to capture the mother's nipple with the tongue. It is important to understand that the baby sucks breasts or a bottle with a nipple with the help of the language, not the lips. If he has a short bridle, then it is difficult for him to turn the tongue, and also problematic to move them.

How to recognize the child a short bridle

Even if the child has revealed a short bridle, its cutting is not always required. It is usually performed only if it prevents baby breastfeeding. But sometimes due to a short bridle at a later age, problems with speech and diction can appear. It is also an indication for cutting it. But if, despite this small defect, the baby freely sucks the chest, then the cutting is not made and mother with a baby is discharged from the maternity hospital. But at the same time, parents need to be observed for their baby. If they notice that the movement of the language does not correspond to the norm, then the cutting is still needed. Since the tip of the language will be delayed down and keep a short bridle, then the baby often does not even have a language to get out of his mouth. In this case, he will fold the tongue as if the groove. This will be accompanied by a characteristic click.

Even if the baby is normally feeding, and it turns out to take the breast, despite the short bridle, then with time other problems may occur because of it. Very often, such children do not work out the sound "P", as well as hissing sounds. Therefore, there are problems with speech. In more complex cases, these children becomes very illegible and almost impossible to understand what they say. Due to the abnormalities of the bridle in a child, the lower jaw may even be formed. The fact is that due to the short bridle, the language center can shift. This affects the formation of a speech apparatus and jaw. Therefore, it is still important to fix this defect. After all, such defects can lead to serious problems with the jaw and teeth. It can even develop gingivitis, periodontitis.

Sometimes parents may not even suspect that their child was born with a short bridle. If your baby turned 5 years old, and there are problems with the pronunciation of hissing sounds and sound "P", then it is necessary to make sure that it was not a given anomaly. Ask your child to open a wider mouth and laugh tongue. It is possible that it was the short bridle that became a guilty of problems with diction. Also, with such an anomaly, the child will hardly be able to raise the tongue up. At the same time, he will not be able to reach the upper heaven. You need to know that by the five-year-old age of your child, his bridle should be quite long. Normally, this length should not be less than 0.8 cm.

Another sign of a short bridle is if the language during its lift up as it were to split and forms a heart shape on the tip. This means that the tip of the language is kept too short bridle. Normally bridle the front edge should be attached just above the base of the papillary gums. Also, the front edge should not be too close to the end of the tongue.

There are methods that will help even more accurately reveal a short bridle near the child. For example, you need to take a saucer and ask you to lick it. You can also ask him to get off the tongue. If both of these actions do without difficulty, then the reason for the problems is not in the bridle.

But if you still have a problem with a short bridle, the surgeon is not always taken to eliminate it. For example, if the child is already 4 years old, and he has problems with a speech, then the dissection of the bridle will not solve them. Speech defects from this will not disappear anywhere. Such surgical intervention is considered already belated. That is why it is so important to diagnose this anomaly as early as possible. The less the age of the child, the more successfully cutting. If you tighten with it, then, due to the short bridle, the jaw may incorrectly develop, teeth, and also often arise with diction.

But even if you were tightened with surgery, and the child has already been four years old, it is not necessary to let everything on samonek. If you notice that the child does not cope with the hips and sound "P", you need to contact the speech therapist. Be sure to consult him how to solve this problem. The fact is that a short bridle, except for cutting, can still be stretched. For this speech therapists are armed with special exercises. It is important that the child performs them correctly, systematically and under the control of an experienced specialist. Then it is likely that the bridle will be able to stretch. These exercises are quite simple. For example, you need a tongue tongue to reach the tip of the nose, as well as to its chin. Another exercise will be that you need to carefully lick the saucer. And here's another exercise that will help perform a stretching short bridle. The child needs to open the mouth slightly and move the tongue to the upper lip left and right. It is important that the lower jaw at this point remains absolutely fixed. Parents need to closely monitor the kid to perform these simple exercises correctly. There are quite a lot of such techniques, but it is important to make them quite often. Only subject to regularity can be achieved. The child will be difficult at first, therefore you need to start with a small number of repetitions. Then gradually the exercise duration increases. So you still achieve the cherished result without any operation.

These classes also need to start as soon as possible. The earlier you proceed to them, the more effective and faster their result will be. At the older age, children prescribe a special speech therapy massage. But this procedure is not pleasant. It is quite painful, because the children treat it extremely negative.

The better to cut the bridle - a laser or scalpel

Previously, scalpel or special scissors were used to cut the bridle. But medicine is developing rapidly and a modern laser came to replace these instruments. As soon as parents face the need for plastic bridles, they are wondering how much this operation will last, will the child be painful, and also, the better to do the cutting?

Operation itself will take a few minutes. It is almost painless, because in the sub-speaking bridle of nerve endings is practically no. Now we'll figure it out, the better to perform it. The choice of the tool will depend on which the doctor elected the doctor. In our time, the doctor performs this simple procedure in two ways:

  1. With the help of a traditional scalpel.
  2. Laser.

Operation using scalpel

it traditional way cutting. It is carried out using local anesthesia. It will take this procedure until half an hour. The doctor uses a scalpel in order to perform an incision. Then he imposes neat seams. It may be slight bleeding, but it stops quickly.

After the operation, a child may have a small swelling, discomfort and slightly painful sensations. A small scar will resemble about the operation, but he will heal in a week. Over time, it is completely absorbed.

While the wound will not delay finally, the child is better to abandon solid food. In order not to develop inflammation, the doctor prescribes rinsing with special disinfecting solutions.

Laser Operation

In this case, the duration of the operation will be shrinking twice. It will take up to 12 minutes. Such a procedure will be absolutely bloodless and painless. The whole secret is that for its implementation will be used a special laser that is used by dentists. It affects the tissue in such a way that it almost immediately soldes them. For example, it soldens the vessels, because bleeding will not be at all. Also, the doctor will not need to put the seams. Yes, and anesthesia will not need. It will be possible to limit the dental spray or gel.

Already after half an hour after the procedure using a laser, a child may carelessly deal with the usual affairs. The wound in this case will heal much more - in 1-2 days. The healing process will be painless.

As you can see, the benefits of laser operation are indisputable. The only minus is the price. But the difference in price between these two methods is not so great. Solve parents, but it is better not to save on the health of the crumbs.

Consequences of cutting bridle

An experienced dentist will force a short bridle in a few minutes. As we mentioned, if the operation is performed by the newborn, it does not even need anesthesia. It will be necessary only for older children. It is important that the doctor will responsible to its choice and eliminated the possibility of an allergic reaction. If you are worried about how a child will feel after surgery, then there is no reason for excitement. It is moved well. Almost you can immediately drink, eat. No restrictions will be required. Parents must support the child morally. If the doctor advises, then you will need to visit the speech therapist, an orthodontologist or dentist.

So, if your child has revealed such anomaly, go to the dentist. Let a specialist tell you whether you need to resort to an easy operation or can be limited to special exercises. If there is still an operation, it is better to do it as early as possible until it affected the child's speech and his speech apparatus. If you do not know which dissection method is better to choose, then consult your doctor. It may consider that the dissection with a laser will be less traumatic.


At the birth of a child, the apgar is evaluated - this is a special score system with which the state and functioning of a certain group of organs establish.

One of the components of the assessment is the characteristics of the bridle of the language. This is the fold of the mucous membrane, connecting the tongue with the bottom of the oral cavity. It is a necessary element in the process of sucking, with proper pronunciation of sounds and even when receiving food.

In some kids, the bridle is formed too short, causing some inconvenience.

The reasons

The short bridle of the language is a congenital defect, so the causes of its occurrence are determined by the following provisions:

  • Heredity. If one of the parents has a similar anomaly in childhood, the probability of the formation of an incorrect bridle in a child rises.
  • Features of the course of pregnancy and development of the fetus inside the womb. In this case, a significant impact on the health of the future child has diseases of the mother who are somatic and infectious.

    The risk of the manifestation of the defect is especially great in the first and third trimesters. In addition, an unsatisfactory environmental situation, abdominal injury, chronic diseases of a woman and its age more than 35 years old affect the likelihood of occurrence.


Timely detection of a short bridle of the tongue avoids the inconvenience and the risk of what it can break. Therefore, it is an important knowledge of the basic signs of this defect:

  • Tongue it has a heart-shaped form.
  • It is impossible to pull the tongue so that his tip became sharp since he bends down.
  • In newborns, kids violated sucking function.
  • Older children arise difficulties when swallowing or chewing food.
  • Pathology of bite.
It is not always possible to accurately establish the presence of the violation under consideration, since the signs may be unfair due to a slight shortening of the bridle. Therefore, in the event of a doubt, it is recommended to contact a specialist - a dentist or pediatrician.

At what age you need to correct

In practice, the correction of the bridle in a child is distinguished by two main age torches:

  • Up to 1 year. A short bridle can adversely affect the sucking function even during breastfeeding. Therefore, it is obvious that the operation for cutting it is necessary as early as possible.

    But it is worth considering that the correction of the bridle under the age of 1 may require a new surgical intervention. The reason for such a need is a scarsing, which can cause a relapse.

  • After 4 years. In this case, the operation may become relevant due to the active development of the child's speech apparatus. Obviously, too short bridle affects speech function, causing discomfort and violations in diction.

    Cutting contributes to getting rid of this ailment and its manifestations.


The cutting procedure of the bridle does not oblige any measures to prepare. For some patients, it may be necessary:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Blood test for clotting.
  • Fluorography.

Often there is no need for such events, since the operation is a small-acting intervention.

But still it is worth considering the emotional state of the child, so it is recommended feedits before the procedure, give sleep. This will allow you to better cope with stress, which causes the operation, and eliminate additional discomfort.


As for the contraindications to carry out the operation under consideration, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Some blood diseases. For example, hemophilia - it does not give blood cloud.
  • Bacterial-viral diseases.
  • Defined dental lesions.

But it is worth knowing that contraindications are individual, so you need consultation with your doctor.


The need for a cutting operation is caused not only by unpleasant sensations, but also some subsequent physiological changes.

For example, if timely not to appeal to a specialist, then it may occur violations in the correct construction of the dentition, as well as the development of speech therapy problems: insurance of speech, non-dislicency of individual sounds.

It should be borne in mind that the optimal age of the child for this procedure is in the interval from 0 months to 5 years. In the future, it is possible to occur certain complications.

At the moment there are two techniques that allow you to get rid of the defect of the bridle: cutting with scalpel and laser.


Conservative method, the essence of which is to perform small dummy bonding Using the scalpel and subsequent imposition of seams.

The whole operation passes fast enough - no more than 30 minutes. This technique is considered obsolete, and many experts prefer cutting a laser bridle.

During the recovery period, a small swelling of tissues around the bridle and some discomfort is possible.

Also as a result of the procedure there is a small scar, healing throughout 7 - 10 days. Over time, it fully passes. Prior to his healing, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with a special solution to prevent infection.

In addition, it should be refracted from solid food.


Operation occurs using a special dental laser, which performs incisive and wherein immediately saves The resulting wreck.

As a result of such an effect, bleeding is almost no observed, so the need to use seams disappears. As for local anesthesia, a dental spray or gel is usually used.

Operation passes B. as soon as possible and takes no more than 12 minutes.

The procedure under consideration is distinguished by the almost complete absence of painful sensations and bleeding after the completion of the end. An hour later after cutting, the patient may return to a normal lifestyle. Rubet himself heals for a period of less than 48 hours.

It is obvious that the operation using a laser has significant advantages in comparison with the procedure with a scalpel. Unfortunately, not any medical institution has the necessary laser equipment, therefore the surgical method is still relevant and used.

This video shows the real operation:

Each operation involves the subsequent period of recovery with the prescribed specialist recommendations:

  • Take food You can only in two hours After grappling.
  • For 3 - 4 days It is necessary to exclude child is sharp, fried and salty products.
  • Follow refrain from conversations.
  • In a week It is worth carrying out the processing of the oral cavity antiseptic solutions.
  • In the future you need to do a certain gymnastics languagewhich contributes to the restoration of mobility.

What to do if the child does not eat

It often happens that the child refuses food due to the presence of some discomfort in the oral cavity after the operation. Then it is recommended to feed the baby in such a way that he does not need to suck or eat from a spoon. Food must be liquid to exclude chewing.

Newborn after cutting the bridle should be fed up with breast milk, which acts as an antiseptic.

It should be understood that the hygiene of the child's oral cavity plays a significant role in preventing the emergence of complications. Children older 2 - 3 years After each meal need to brush your teeth and process mouth with anti-inflammatory effects.

If pain appeared

If the operation on cutting the bridle with the use of anesthesia was carried out at a later age, then the likelihood of some pain of pain is high. It is necessary to refer to the doctor who will appoint preparations of anesthetic spectrum - This will allow you to get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

Appeared inflammation, pus

After the procedure, within a few days you can observe white flag around the wounds. It should be borne in mind that such a manifestation is not always pus - this may be a consequence of the formation of a new mucous membrane. In this case, to get rid of it, it is necessary to regularly rinsepurph cavity.

Pump and inflammation may arise due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. In particular, poor MT's hygiene contributes to the formation of such manifestations. This situation requires a consultation with a doctor who will prescribe the treatment of the oral cavity with a special antiseptic.

The temperature has risen

At first after the procedure for cutting the bridle it is possible to rise temperature Patient's bodies. In this case, you need to give light child febrifuge.

Such a reaction can be quite adequate - after all, each organism is individual and has its own manifestations on this or that process.

If after a few days the temperature does not pass, then you need to visit the doctor. Possible reason such a state can be concluded in the infection.

Seam soldered

If the seams were separated, then a medical institution should be visited immediately, where they will conduct an additional operation for re-imposing seams. If you look at this, the wound can infant scar.

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Often, parents face the problem of not enough long bridle under the tongue from their babies.

Pathology, as a rule, notice immediately after the child appears to the light, but not always such a defect is diagnosed in such an early age.

Dentists recommend parents immediately when the problem is found to carry out the cutting of the bridle under the tongue. Proper length and location will prevent possible unpleasant consequences associated with a violation of the position of the language and its mobility.

In medical language, pathology is called ankilosion and is diagnosed quite often. Experts allocate several reasons for the occurrence of the problem.These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathology during the toaling of the baby;
  • birthfolds that provoke the deformation of the head and face.

The hereditary factor is considered the most likely cause of ankylofloss.

Genetic predisposition is more often diagnosed in boys.

The formation of the bridle affects the lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy. A huge percentage of children whose mothers have taken narcotic substances, this problem was found.


Do not always doctors immediately notice the child's inconsistency in the norms of the length of the bridle under the tongue. But for a number of signs, parents can determine violations on their own already in the first days after birth.:

  • the tongue of the baby is not output from the mouth;
  • breastfeeding passes long and with interruptions;
  • drying chest, rejection of it, whims when applying.

A short bridle in infancy leads to a violation of the reflex of the sucking of the chest, a weak weight set, damage to the chest and, accordingly, lag in development and growth.

At the older age in the child:

  • when pulling the tongue, it becomes an arc;
  • when the language is racing to the upper sky, the tip of the tension resembles a heart shape;
  • if you fold the language, the clicking sound is heard;
  • visible incorrect bite;
  • problems with the pronunciation of a number of letters;
  • frequent periodontitis.

Noticing one or more such symptoms, it is worth consulting to a children's dentist for joint decision-making.

Optimal age for surgery

Parents are not solved on cutting the bridles under the tongue at the breast aged child and postpone the operation at a later period. Although it has been proven that the infants transfer the operation is much easier.

Cutting the bridles under the language up to a year is carried out by a dentist after inspection of a pediatrician neonatologist. In the structure of the refill of newborns, there are practically no nerve endings and blood vessels.

This makes it possible to operate even without the use of anesthesia. In addition, the procedure will pass with a small blood loss.

Sometimes after the procedure, a rough scar is formed in infancy. In this case, you will need re-plastic of the bridle, but at high age.

If before a year, the cutting did not spend, then up to 4 years old parents are observed, whether the short bridle affects the speech, nutrition, a baby's bite.

Work begins with a speech therapist, which solves the problem of a short bridle through special exercises, massage and stretch marks.

If all actions do not give results, then the speech therapist recommends an operational intervention. But the operation will be carried out under local anesthesia with the imposition of seams in the seams. The older children change the structure of the bridle. It is compacted and filled with blood vessels.

The optimal age for the correction of the bridle is obvious. The best way - carrying out the procedure back in the maternity hospital.

Preparation for the procedure

The correction of the length of the bridle under the tongue relates to small-acting operations, so no special preparation is required.

To verify the condition of the body, the kid gives up general analysis blood and hemosinder, as well as urine analysis. It is required to make fluorography.


Despite the ease of correction of the length of the bridle, there is still contraindications. It is impossible to carry out the procedure if present:

  • oncological diseases;
  • blood disease;
  • infectious diseases of any kind;
  • pTA cavity infections, stomatitis.

If oncology and other incurable diseases are absolute contraindications, then after curing infectious diseases, the operation can be carried out.

Methods for carrying out

The correction of the length of the bridle is carried out by a surgical traditional method or laser. The choice of a method of cutting is determined by a specialist depending on the general condition and age of the child.


The classic operation includes:

  • franulotomy (dissection of the bridle)it is carried out by surgical scissors at a distance of a third of the total length of the bridle closer to the bottom. The first cut dissect the mucous membrane, and then there are cuts in the hustle. After that, the seams are applied to the mucous membacity every 3 - 4 mm;
  • franuloplasty It is used for complex forms of ankyloglossee and is a more serious type of cutting operation of a bridle. It is done by cutting the tissues and laying the seams.

Franuloplasty is carried out in several ways:

  1. Removal - the triangular incision is made, the bridle is clamped, and the wound along the edges is sewn by self-dissolving material;
  2. Changing attachments - the strip of the tissue between the transitional fold and interdental papillas is transferred to the edges of the wound, pre-reduced seams;
  3. Cutting - The fold is cut and tightened by seams, capturing the deeper layers of the fabric.

In detail about Franuloplastics, you can learn from the video.

The entire process of plastic includes:

  • time - about half an hour;
  • the postoperative period is often accompanied by edema and unpleasant feelings in the field of operation;
  • the postoperative scar remains, but it is delayed and disappears over time;
  • the period of tightening the scar requires special care and refusal of hard food.

In the process of conducting the procedure, monitoring the condition of the salivary glands is required to eliminate their damage during cutting and ears. Injuries of outlines can break the outflow of saliva.


Conducting a laser procedure

Medicine uses methods using modern technologiesTo which the laser belongs. The peculiarity of the laser method is to burn out excess fabric, seating and sterilizing the edges. That is, the seams on the remote parts of the bridle are not superimposed.

The operation lasts no more than 15 minutes and an hour later, the child can return to the normal image of its existence. The entire scar is drawn in 1 - 2 days.

The main advantages of the laser method are:

  • lack of blood during cutting;
  • seating and sterilization of tissues;
  • no seams are superimposed;
  • cuts are tightened faster;
  • minimum risk;
  • high speed procedure;
  • low pain;
  • it is easier to suffer a small patient.

Doctors prefer the laser method of correction of the length of the bridle.

To avoid postoperative complications, you should adhere to some rules for the care of the kid:

  • 2 hours after the child's procedure should not be fed;
  • 4 days to exclude from the diet Products irritating the mucous membrane, namely salty, sour, sharp, as well as solid food;
  • do not allow the child to talk a lot;
  • a week after eating ringed mouth with antiseptic solutions;
  • make special exercises with baby to restore language mobility.

Sometimes after operation, some problems may arise that can be corrected independently.

What if the child does not eat?

Kid refuses food after surgery? This may be due to both discomfort in the mouth and fright. In this case, it is worth trying to feed it from a syringe without a needle, either in a different way so that he does not bother himself.

Painful feelings

When anesthesia stops acting, the baby can feel pain. They can last a few days while the seams are tightened. The doctor is appointed innocuous to the children's analgesic agents.

Inflammation and right

After the procedure in the language may appear raid, which indicates the formation of a new mucous membrane. Over time, he disappears independently. Some parents confuse him with a pus.

If the pus appears, then you should contact the doctor to identify the cause and treatment of inflammatory processes. Most often, they arise due to non-compliance with the rules of the oral cavity.

The temperature has risen

If 2 - 3 hours after the operation, the child rises, do not panic. This may be a response of the body to intervention. The child will help gentle antipyretic agents.

In the case of a longer high temperature duration, specialist help is required. There is a chance that in the process of the correction of the bridle, infection was listed.

Seam soldered

There are unexpected situations when the toddler diverges the seams. This may be a consequence of injury, falling or other factors. With such a problem, you should immediately seek help to a doctor for re-imposing seams. Otherwise, the dissection can be bored.

Language bridle correction is the only procedure that allows you to fully restore the functions of full nutrition and speech. The earlier pathology will be discovered, the painless and easier will be easier.

The video tells in detail about the procedure of the Language Bridle Plast.

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Language bridle is a small elastic film that connects the tongue with the oral cavity. It is she who is responsible for all the movements of the tongue, swallowing, breathing and pronunciation of sounds.

But in some cases it may arise that may have unpleasant consequences for a person. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the proceeding procedure.

When and in what cases is needed plastic

The pathology of the development or form of the bridle is called ankilosses. With normal development, this meter begins at the root of the language, it passes exactly in the center of the language and ends at the level of the base of the lower cutters.

There are several types of ankilosses:

The cause of ankylogloss is most often becoming congenital pathology. Doctors noted that if parents faced such problems, children will have a similar violation. Much less often the cause is a number of problems during pregnancy.

If the bridle of the language has wrong shapeSuch complications may occur:

  • difficulties with swallowing in children, and as a result is a bad set of body weight, slow growth and problems with digestion;
  • lower jaw growth delay;
  • the development of incorrect bite, most often the front teeth are inclined inside the oral cavity;
  • dickey problems - moldability, whisper;
  • different problems with teeth - increased sensitivity,
  • the formation of a fitted stone, periodontal diseases.

The doctor makes a decision to carry out the plastic of the bridle of the language under a number of indications:

  • orthodontic;
  • speech therapy;
  • pararadontological;
  • gastroenterological.

At what age is the best operation

Cutting the bridles under the tongue is carried out at any age when indications arise to such a procedure, but the sooner it is to carry out, the easier the operation itself, less consequences for the body and fewer complications may occur. From the age of correction depends on the method of cutting.

The optimal option for plastics is considered, but in this case it is necessary to reinstalize the correction procedure at the age of 5-6 years.

At an early age, the procedure takes just a couple of minutes and does not require anesthesia and the imposition of seams. In adulthood, local anesthesia is already required and superimposed seams to avoid bleeding.

Features of plastics in adult age

Most often, ankilosion is found in the maternity hospital, but in some cases problems arise in more adult age or not everyone managed to cut into infancy. Then plastic spend as far as possible.

Language bridle plastic - operation is simple and non-hazardous, it applies to small-acting and almost no contraindications. The main difference of its adult age is the need for local anesthesia.

Unlike a baby, in the language of an adult, quite a lot of blood vessels, which implies the imposition of miniature seams to stop and preventing bleeding.

There are practically no contraindications in this procedure, but in some cases, plastic is recommended to postpone or do not carry out:

  • severe defeat;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood pathology, such as low coagulation;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • osteomyelitis.

Varieties of operation

There are several techniques for the operation depending on the form of pathology:

  • frateectomy (removal of part of the membrane);
  • franotomy (dissection of the film);
  • franuloplasty (moving the place of attachment of the root of the bridle).

Surgical incision is used for the correction:

  • straightused with light pathologies of the bridle;
  • Z-shapedwhich is used in cases where the film is too dense and thick;
  • V - Fumewhich is used for too short refill.

Laser surgery is considered a more modern method of correction of the sub-surgery bridle.

How the plastic of the laser bridle is carried out:

How is the operation going

Conducts a dentist-surgeon procedure that is in each clinic and a dental office.

The patient is first introduced by a local anesthetic drug, with the help of a special tool fix the language, make the necessary incision before the appearance of blood and tighten the edges of the cut by several miniature seams.

After such a procedure, there is a small discomfort in the mouth and light pain, but they quickly pass.

The incision is covered by the epithelium after 2-3 hours. There is a small scar, which finally disappears in 7-10 days. The duration of such an operation rarely exceeds 30 minutes

The laser correction method goes like this:

  • a tampon with a local anesthetic is applied to the sublard part;
  • the syringe introduces a stronger local painkiller;
  • the laser is corrected.

The duration of the procedure rarely exceeds 20 minutes. Features of laser surgery is the speed of the operation, the absence of bleeding and the need for seams, very weak pain and rapid restoration of the body after the procedure.

How to cut a bridle a small child

The pathology of the bridles most often found in the maternity department. They manifest themselves in the fact that the baby cannot normally clamp the nipple and swallow food. Diagnosis is carried out by examining the oral cavity.

Features of such an operation is that it is much easier in infancy than more adult age. Performs an operation as a dentist surgeon and a simple surgeon or an obstetrician.

It is necessary to conduct it, if there are problems with food intake - for a baby, it is fraught with a slow set of weight and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which can be expressed by colic, gases, a liquid chair.

However, modern specialists increasingly declare the inappropriateness of such an operation without a special need, because it has to be repeated aged 6-7 years.

Apply most often surgical operating method. Depending on the severity of pathology, dissection of bridles, excision, or move the attachment point in the sub-band part.

How is the operation going

In infancy in the language has not yet been formed. a large number of Vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, the procedure is carried out without anesthesia and laying of seams.

The doctor simply fixes the language, makes an incision with special scissors or scalpel. The baby does not feel any pain and there is no subsequent bleeding, so no one imposes seams.

After the operation, it is enough just to attach a child to the chest - it quickly stops the speaking blood and soothes the baby.

In the older age, anesthetics are already used and tighten the edges of the cuts of the seams. Optimally carry out the operation when you begin to fall out. In this case, the child must feed before the operation.

Language bridle after laser plastic

A few words about complications

The plastic of the bridle refers to simple operations, so complications occur extremely rarely. Most often the formation of a too rude postoperative scar, which further reduces the mobility of the tongue and requires re-operational intervention.

Cases of poor quality operation is extremely rare, but the errors include random injuries of the gum, mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

With the right operation, the recovery period lasts a few days. What would this period be reduced by:

  • refuse hot food and drink;
  • carry out hygienic procedures of the oral cavity;
  • do not talk too much;
  • conduct special gym for language in order to reduce postoperative scars;
  • conduct several classes with a speech therapist to adjust the diction.

At the birth of a child, our nobody said to us that he has a short bridle under the tongue. None of the doctors at the inspections of this noticed. And I, given that the child is the first, I didn't hear about this, we didn't have such a problem in the family. And here, when inspected per year at the dentist (apparently more competent than those who examined the child earlier), we reported that the son had a very short bridle, so much that he did not reach the sky. We were explained that it was necessary to do this (to cut it) to 3 months, when there are no vessels in a child and it is literally 2 minutes, and for a child painlessly. At the same time I learned that it turns out when feeding the child with breasts, he experiences inconvenience and because of this long sucks the chest. So, however, we had and I could not understand why he eats for 2 hours, especially excessively it was at night. And it turns out that the case was in the bridle. And none of the pediatricians, even paid, at that time I did not say that the reason for such a long feeding could be exactly the short-speaking bridle. We were also warned by a dentist that the child could have a moldability due to this and the lower jaw did not develop, and if not to trim on time (it turns out there is still such a time) (that is, in 3-4 years), when the teeth grow, then grow, they will grow crookedly and in two rows. In general, we were waited for the 4th years, when you can agree with your son and explain why we need such an operation. By this time, the son is talking very well, but the problem with pronunciation is the letters "P" and "L". The speech therapist worked with us a year, trying to stretch the bridle, but all to no avail. She told us simply - the bridle is short and probably you still need to go for a consultation in a dental surgeon. We went. And we thought that only a consultation would be, but she insisted immediately make this mini operation, says, then drag again, and later it will be too late and then he, they say, thanks will not say. Our son, together, together, we certainly persuaded. He is obedient with us, and agreed. Assured that it does not hurt. It was wrapped in a blanket. And here he was frightened. He began to cry. We were allowed to stay. For support. To say that he was not hurt, I can not. When she slipped a tongue, he was very painful, he shouted very much, and when there was a tongue of numbness, the operation was made quickly, ten minutes, cut the cuts, put the seams. And they let go with the recommendations not to eat and not drink 3 hours, after giving a nooofen age dose, in the morning (we did in the evening) to give a nourofen. Rinse with a chamomile or calendula after meals and immediately treat Mirismine - 7 days. 4 days do not give hard food, only everything is liquid, puree. Neither sharp nor sweet, nor salty, too, 4 days. Do not jump and do not run so that the seams do not disengage. The child jumped off the chair satisfied. But after three hours, anesthesia moved away and began ... He was so roared. Nooofen, which I gave him an anesthesie, of course, for 4 hours a maximum, did not sleep all night, in general. We cried and slept only in our hands, in turn with my husband changed. This is some horror. I waited for the morning and gave nooofen again. When the pain passed, the sons were revived, but he could not eat, even in the form of mashed potatoes, he could only drink. I could not talk, although he had a bolt, but I could not at all. That was a torment and for him for us. I bought him a custard porridge, spread it with liquid, like when I first babies and he gave him to drink from the mug, but even his drinking was hurt so hurt that he cried, complained and refused, persuaded all the differences, for he wanted, but fear of pain , pain from liquid or semi-winged him interfered. The child was hungry all day. Quietly drank only water and compote. Rushed the mouth willingly, I gave the processing of Mirismine. And this song lasted 3 days !!! He lost weight, the ribs were adagging. Pale was. Gave him polyvitamins, which dissolve in water. And the chocolate topped to give at least a little energy. At night did not sleep, he went to sleep, periodically woke up from pain and roared. Nooofen gave two days in total, then they said that it was impossible more. Saved that drank willingly milk, especially for the night. That's how our first three days passed after cutting the bridle under the tongue. Painfully. It was especially painful son. On the 4th day agreed to eat mashed potatoes, and even a cake, pasta even ate. On the fifth day began to make a special gym for language. And dripping sea buckthorn oil. Now the 10th day. He does not remember the pain of that, but eats carefully anyway. Although everything healed there, the strings dissolve. About speech. Improvements for the 7th day were noticeable. He first time "Lake" said clearly. Other words with the letter "L" also utters clearly. And he likes it. For comparison, he used to say "Eyka", "Yyuk" and TP. But with the letter "P" so far there are no changes. The speech therapist said that in a month and it will speak, you just need to help, work on it. I hope. I want to say that I read a lot about cutting the bridles of the tongue and write everything that this is not hurt (as for children is 4-6 years old). I do not know for what purpose they write it. I say that this is painful for the child and hurt the first 3-4 days for sure. Painfully for parents. And to this you have to be ready. Of course, it is better to pay attention to the bridle of a child at birth, and solve this problem to 3 months. But if it turned out that they missed this time, it is necessary to cut it from 3 years, since the consequences you know may not be very, if you leave as it is. Again, on the recommendation of the specialists all this is done. And if the recommendation is received, do, and be prepared for such the moments described by me above. I also heard that the bridle is cut by a laser. Quickly and heals quickly. But there is one point in such an operation, it can be improper, the scar is formed and then decide this in the usual way. For such an operation, a proven and experienced doctor is needed. We were doing an experienced doctor, but she does not accept laser cutting, says that 90% after that children will cut again and already as usual because of the formation of scars. I do not know whether it is true. No doctor dentist I. But tend to believe specialists. She is the doctor of the highest category and the reviews about it are good. I hope our experience is useful to someone in the same situation. Be healthy.