
Cat diet for every day. Natural food for cats


Pregnancy and feeding kittens - an important and responsible period not only in the life of the cat, but also its owners. It is from their competent actions and a skilled selection of a diet for a nursing mother directly depends on the well-being of the entire cat family. The more diverse and full of fooling on the lactating cat, the healthier of her kittens, stronger their immunity.

Newborn kittens are applied to mom, almost every two hours. Together with milk, they "suck out" from the feeder of calcium, vitamins, mass of trace elements. Due to this, they grow and develop. But mom, not to lose weight and not lose your beauty, you need all these losses to constantly fill. This can be done only at the expense of special nutrition - reinforced and balanced. Therefore, the feed of a nursing cat should be rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, saturated with calcium, minerals and microelements.

It is interesting! The cat actively feeds its kittens about 2 months of age. At this time she spends 3-4 times more energy than usual.

During the lactation period, the cat is fed often and small portions. In essence, its feeding mode becomes similar to kittens. The main principle at this time is to ensure the mother regular replenishment of energy reserves so that it does not feel feelings of hunger. But the food must be not only nutritious, but also a variety of, easily-friendly, enriched with vitamins and contain a sufficient amount of fluid.

Rules of healthy nutrition

Rules of healthy eating Cats before and after childbirth are similar. Only small amendments are needed that take into account the features of the new status - a nursing mother.

In the downturn during this period 3 tasks.

  1. Restore animal forces after childbirth.
  2. Stimulate the production of milk.
  3. Comply with the increased energy costs during feeding.

Moreover, feed nutrition must be such that it is enough for the replenishment of the organism for future pregnancies. And although it is achieved not only by increasing the volume of food, but it is precisely the volume that needs to be adjusted first.

The size of the portion and the total amount of daytime diet during the feeding period depend on three factors.

  1. Number of litter.
  2. Own weight of the animal.
  3. Animal age.

Important! On average, it is believed that the cat's challenged is 2 times more feed.

It is noticed that some cats immediately after childbirth are badly eaten. Often they change taste addiction. They refuse the usual feed and begin with pleasure there are crude fish and drink milk, from which before that resolutely refused. The owners should be understood to treat such "shogids", trying to make more diversity in the diet of a nursing mother so that the animal appetite was all the time.

The first two weeks after the generations of the menu, the cormilites are made up of easily digestible products - milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, cereals and boiled low-fat meat. The second half of the feeding period is marked by the transition to the "usual" products.

The diet becomes more meat and fish. All the time, while active lactation goes, the cat needs abundant drinking and reinforced replenishment of calcium and magnesium. Their deficiency is fraught with problems with teeth, joints, wool in a nursing mother.

As a result, the correctness of the nutrition of a nursing cat will say its appearance and weight after this responsible and stress stage is completed. Ideally, the animal, after the kittens acquired autonomy, should weigh as much as weighed to pregnancy, and look no worse. And there will be a frustrated, healthy offspring.

Natural nutrition

The diet of a nursing cat may consist of both special industrial feeds and from dishes prepared by the host independently. If all the proportions are already adjusted in finished feeds and balanced by the manufacturer, then, with natural nutrition of the ward, this owner will have to be performed by itself.

There are several rules of natural nutrition of a nursing cat:

Stimulation of lactation.

  • The first 25 days after the birth of milk in the cat is intensively. Then its quantity is reduced. Sometimes it, even with good nutrition, is not produced enough. Therefore, products that are stimulating lactation are needed. This is usually milk and broths. For a larger effect, her herbs champs are added in them - Anisa, Melissa, souls - on a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening.
    It should take into account the subtle smell of cats and make a decoction of weak concentration (1 teaspoon of grass on 3 glasses of boiling water). The decoction should not be pattering.

Freshness and naturalness.

  • All products must be fresh and do not contain chemical additives.

The presence in the diet of protein products.

  • It is a marine fish, chicken, turkey, beef, liver, eggs. All this is given in the boiled form.

The presence of carbohydrate components.

  • They are provided with cereals in the form of a porridge. Good buckwheat, oatmeal, barley cereals.

Milk products.

  • Cottage cheese, goat or cow's milk - they should be at least 1/3 menu of nursing mom and is given 3 times a day.


  • They are added in chopped state to cooled to room temperature porridge soup. For these purposes, suitable: pumpkin, leaf salad, cucumber, Beijing cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower.
    Problems may arise if the animal before that was not accustomed to vegetables. Refusal from vegetables - the reason to grind them in a blender and try to begin to mix them to eat, on a teaspoon in every meal, gradually increasing this amount.

Vitamin supplements.

  • You can give specialized vitamin supplements of industrial production, and you can add germinated wheat grains, oats, millet, or give a cat grass, grown from these cereals.

It is interesting! The convenient option is a semi-half-half-up. For its preparation in meat or fish broth (with pieces of meat / fish) add a cereal and weld as it should be added.

To replenish the stock of proteins and fats, the cormal is added to the food of 1 teaspoon of bone flour per day and a few drops of fish fat once a week.

Dry and / or wet food

If the cat is used to the finished dry feed, it makes no sense to "move" it and make there is another food. But, given the features of the period, to industrial feeds it is necessary to prevent more stringent requirements.

Food must be specialized

These are lines designed specifically for nursing cats. The series "For pregnant cats" and "for kittens" are also suitable. All of them contain proteins, have a balanced composition of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are necessary for successful milk generation.

Food must be high quality

Specialized series usually have a premium labeling, "Super Premium" or "Holistic". This means that the manufacturer did not use artificial additives, preservatives and dyes and made a bet on high-quality natural raw materials.

Abundant drinking

Feeding dry food must be accompanied by a permanent presence of fresh, clean water in an animal access area.

To raise nutritional value, milk, meat or fish broths, fermented milk drinks can be added to dry stern.

Important! Specialists advise on the lactation period to translate a cat from dry food to wet. It has more fluid, it is more calorie and easier is absorbed. In the dry stern, a lot of salt and little water is not the best ratio for active lactation.

Milk, Broths and other liquids

The need for fluid in a nursing cat increases sharply. Therefore, in its diet must be: water, broth and.

  • Water -fresh, clean, filtered or saturated day. But! Not boiled! From boiled water to the proc. It reduces the content of salts, which badly affects the dental enamel.
    A bowl with water should be in the free clock access of the animal.
  • Broth - Meat or fish, low-fat, better warm, with the addition of vegetables for greater vitaminization. For the base of the broth, chicken, turkey, beef are suitable. But! Not pork! Broth are not solid and spices do not add.
  • Milk- Warm, cow or goat. As a source of calcium, milk is especially necessary for a cat during active lactation.

He is beginning to give a cat on the third day after childbirth, gradually increasing the amount if there is no diarrhea. If the animal is eagerly drinks milk, and the body takes it, after a week this drink should become daily.

Important! Milk and fermented milk products remain in the diet of the cat as early as 20-30 days after the lactation is completed.

In the company with milk should be liquid milk products - kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka. If we are talking about cream, the fat content should not exceed 10%.

Podle line of feed

For different breeds of cats exist special line of feed. All of them belong, as a rule, to premium class and are produced by leading manufacturers with world name.

When it comes to special situations in the life of the cat - pregnancy and feeding offspring, then it also works, first of all, the quality factor.

Specialists and lovers of cats among the best cat feeds during lactation are called: "Hills", "Royal Canin Queen" or "Royal Canin" (production of France), "Acana", "IAMS", "Nutra Gold", "Bosh".

What are they good?

  1. In addition to guaranteed quality natural raw materials, vitamins, trace elements, these feeds often include anti-inflammatory natural components, such as aloe vera and chamomile, helping the cat easier to transfer the postpartum period.
  2. They are strong in them the antiallergic component, which is important for many artificially derived rocks. Dyes, preservatives, chemical taste additives excluded.
  3. These feed are cooked and, at least, by a third consist of protein.
  4. In them - an increased calcium content required by a trace element for a nursing cat in general and especially for some breeds. For example, there is a lot of calcium in the mother's milk, such a lot of calcium in the maternal milk so that their ears have purchased their cute bent shape.

Cute and fluffy cats have become the most adored homemade pets in different parts of the planet. And how not to fall in love with the charming creation, in a soft lump of happiness and heat? Few people think about the fact that the irrepressible energy and cheerfulness of the pet is not the norm, but the result of good care and constant care. The main question that should ask yourself the owner of the animal - how to feed the cat? What products are raw meat (natural plate) or dry food?



The expanses of the Internet are filled with bright photos with thick cats, lazily collapsed on the sofa. They are funny and cute, but only suffer from obesity, which has become a common assistant disease. Excess weight has abnormal pressure on joints and internal organs, causing sharp liver problems. The reason is quite simple - the animal consumes much more energy than using. Only the correct power supply eliminates the possibility of obesity, strictly determining how many times a day feed the cat.

Small kittens are better breeding in small portions of 100 grams to 5 times a day. When the fluffy becomes enough adults, it is necessary to increase the amount of food to 400 grams per reception. The daily rate for the cat is two or three feeding per day only in a strictly defined quantity. In addition, the favorite must have free access to clean and fresh water. The daily rate also depends on activity, so it is better to take into account the individual features of the animal.

What to feed your beloved pet?

Why is it worth pouring the fluffy by a natural plate or is it better to give preference to dry feeds? What should be the right nutrition and is it possible to simultaneously give different products? Tips of the owners are quite diverse, because everyone tries to convey their point of view or the norm. Before deciding how many times a day, feed the cat, you need to accurately assimilate that it is better for the animal. Only learning the difference between a natural plate and dry food, you can decide on the choice.

Natural nutrition involves a separate cooking for octatics in the required quantity. It is mistaken to assume that food from the table is suitable for powering a cat at home. No matter how tasty it is, the dish includes several grams of spices and salts that are unsaluable with the pet's body. Boiled or raw meat, ocean fish, cottage cheese, oatmeal, rice, carrots, apples are the main components of the labels. You can also give special grass or sprouted oats grain.

Dry feed already includes the necessary protein complex, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. They are stored for a long time, do not require additives and are intended for animals of different ages: kittens, adult cats and elderly pets. It is easy to choose a good food, the main thing is that he only emerge to taste fluffy. With dry nutrition, it is necessary to monitor the presence of fresh water in the drinking - to digest food the animal will need more fluid. It must be remembered that feeding the pet simultaneously with a natural plate and dry food can not be.

Why do cats like grass? One of the theories - in green stems contain vitamins A and D, as well as some macroelements required for the purr.

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Cat feed: choose the best

Food manufacturers for coarse congestion uninterruptedly advertise their goods. Decide among the wide range is difficult, so attention is best to pay the description of the feed. Ingredients should stand in descending order of their number in the composition. In the first place - only meat, indicating the accurate name - beef, rabbit, fish or lamb, and not meat flour. The phrase "by-products" often assumes ground hooves or skin.

Well, if in the description of dry feed there are such cereals, like rice or hammering corn - they are absorbed better wheat. It is necessary to avoid the presence of flavors, artificial dyes and preservatives. Each ingredient of dry feed should be clearly listed, for example, if "minerals" is written, then their list should go. The best dry food is the composition of which the least short and understandable to the right buyer. Why and it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the original text of the manufacturer - the translation is sometimes different from the source.

It is possible to feed the congestion at the same time both wet feed, which is no less useful than dry species. It is stored not so long as dry, but cats love him for the unsurpassed fragrance and a soft structure. Feeding with wet food, the animal immediately gets the required amount of water to digest. According to veterinarians, such food eliminates the possibility of obesity - the protein quickly saturates the pet. As with the choice of dry feed, the composition should be carefully studied, paying attention to the number and name of the components.

Tip: Under any circumstances, it is impossible to feed the kitten dry or wet - in animals a different protein need.

Meat and fish in the diet of Murlyk

Meat and fish are the main products of a balanced diet, the norm of good nutrition. In the daily menu it is better to turn on beef, rabbit and bird meat. The raw meat contains more protein and nutrients, but it must pass pre-processing. The product needs to be left in the freezer for several days to destroy foreign organisms.

Pork is preferably excluded completely - under the influence of low temperature. The boiled pork clipping is not saturated with the necessary vitamins and can cause animal problems with the stomach.

Veal is better preferred beef - it is a unique protein supplier. Before feeding with raw meat, it must be cut into small pieces and only to scream with boiling water. The minced meat is not considered permissible food for fluffy - it goes too quickly through the intestines, without leaving the saturation feelings. In addition, the cat as a predator must be bought and chewing meat using the cutters in the process. You can feed not raw meat rabbit or birds, but boiled, but without bones, which only injure the stomach of the animal.

Giving a fish is best just once or two a week. Long-term food fish provokes avitaminosis, allergies, urolithiasis and low blood intake.

What can not be given?

Forbidden products for assistants and why they are harmful:

  • chocolate - the presence of caffeine and theobromine, stimulating the work of the nervous system and cardiovascular;
  • alcohol - causes disorientation, loss of coordination, vomiting and severe poisoning;
  • coffee - causes hyperactivity, rapid breathing and heartbeat, and in the end - hypertension;
  • avocado - the presence of toxin causing vomiting, poisoning, in rare cases - a fatal outcome;
  • onions and garlic - contain harmful substances causing people to anemia;
  • legumes - do not absorb normally in the stomach of the animal, often lead to bloating;
  • tomatoes - provoke severe pain in the intestine and stomach, deadly cases are known.
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Video "What to feed cats?"

From the roller you will learn how it is necessary to feed the animal, hear a few tips for choosing feed for a pet.

There are three options for feeding a cat: a natural meal that you will prepare themselves, industrial feeds, as well as mixed food, which includes both natural nutrition and feed. Which of the ways to choose to solve only you.

Finished feed

Feeding dry and canned food is very convenient. It has all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it does not need to be prepared.

However, such food should be high quality. Always remember that there is no good food cheap. Choose a super-premium feed and class holistic.

Do not buy industrial production for weight. It sparkles quickly in stores, as it is constantly in open bags. Choosing your cat's food, consider its individuality: age, lifestyle, physical condition.

It is impossible to mix dry food in one day and natural food, since neither the other food will not be used normally. If you feed the animal combined, then alternate days, do not at the same time feed and natural food.

The cat should always stand a plate with clean and fresh water. You must give her the opportunity to thicken thirst when she wants it. Do not give a cat tap water. Water should be either bottled or boiled.

Natural feeding

If you have the opportunity to prepare a cat full-fledged food, then it will be the best option for her. Cat food base is the protein food of animal origin. In addition to meat, the cat's diet should include vegetable food (vegetables, porridge, bran, vegetable oil, gentle by oats) in small quantities, as well as fermented dairy products.

In nature, wild cats feed on small rodents, birds, and eat them together with the skin and contents of the stomach - grains and herbs. Sometimes small birds come across in their menu, the fish almost does not get it.

Under household conditions, as sources of protein in food, a beef, chicken, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, chicken eggs (boiled).

It makes it possible that meat and fish are much more useful in the raw form, as it is more like a diet of a wild cat. Meat, the liver is really better to give in raw form, with fish - more difficult.

River fish is very often infected with gloves. In the tissues of some marine fish there are harmful substances that destroy the vitamins of group B, the so-called antivitamins. Any fish should be booked before you feed the cat and give no more than once a week. The diet of the cat may not include fish at all.

Meat products are cut into small pieces, approximately 1-2 cm so that the animal faded them for a while, and did not swallow the whole. The bones and fat are removed, and the tendons and the membrane are cut. Welding bones do not represent any value. The tubular bones simply are dangerous for the animal. In the process of cooking, the bones lose all the most important nutrients. The tubular bones are very fragile, especially the bones of the bird, it is easy to crumble, forming fragments that the cat can swallow. In this case, urgent veterinarian intervention is required.

Despite the rooting belief that cats love milk and dairy products, one should not give an animal whole milk, as it contains a lot of lactose. Not all cats can absorb lactose, many animals cause diarrhea milk. Instead of milk, cats give fermented dairy products, such as kefir and sour cream.

Cats, especially young and growing, vegetable fats are needed. They have favorably affect the state of the coat. Vegetable oil should be added to food 2-3 times a week of 5-10 g, stirring with the main feed.

Many cats eat fresh vegetables and fruits, depending on individual addictions. Also, cats can be chopped with carrots, beets, cauliflower, rub or finely cut, and then mix with meat. Do not give a cat beans, peas, corn.

Food should always be fresh and room temperature. Frozen and hot products are harmful to the animal.

It is recommended to include fresh grass in their diet. Pet shops sell wheat seeds and oats. They are germinated at home. Animal with pleasure eating young shoots, which contain a large number of vitamins.

Since cats have a rather small stomach, feed them should be 2-3 times a day, and the portions must be small, and the food is quite nutritious. On average, in order for the cat to feel comfortable, about 30 g of food, the daily energy need for females 250 kcal is required for 1 kg of its body, for males - 300 kcal. However, there are cats, which is less or, on the other hand, is less or, on the contrary, a larger number of food. It is necessary to select the daily food rate in each case individually, but not forgetting to take into account the average rate, so as not to reconcile the pet or leave it every time hungry.

Castrated and sterilized animals differ from the boring offspring not only the peculiarities of physiology, but also a lifestyle. The first rule feeding the neutered pet is not to overflow it. Otherwise, the cat may begin obesity. A castrated animal (both the male and sterilized female) requires less meal than cats-manufacturers and capable of confusion cats.

How to determine without weights how much is the cat and does it suffer over weight? It is necessary to spend your hand over her back and thighs and feel the bone: under normal weight, they must be good forgiven, but not to come.

After eating a cat, you must need peace. If you carelessly take the animal immediately after eating, it can snatch.

Cats are conservative in food (and not only in food). Therefore, the diet of cats should be thoughtful, from the very beginning to deal with a cat home to a variety of nutrition (the tastes of the cat are formed to 6 months), otherwise it will be impossible to agree with your pupil.

The illuminated story about the cat and the old woman: in the diet of the cat entered only Mintai, the cat selflessly ate him, and he take and the prosperity of the "troubled time." Cat quack in front of her eyes, because everything else she did not count food, but the old woman calams, looking at the cat.

"In general, everyone died", and everything could be different if the old woman gave a cat in childhood and soups, and vegetables, and different fish. Because the answer about the correct feeding is unequivocal: the same products that eat themselves, the main thing is to take care of the diversity of the cat's menu and cook these products is necessary otherwise.

By making it a menu for a cat, you need to know a little bit and respect, of course, in reasonable limits, her tastes (however, their home too), it will facilitate your cat (and domestic) mutual understanding.

Is it worth going from a cat on?

A domestic cat can be considered a meal boiled fish and fully ignore the crude, and it can be the other way around, the same problems habits. Cat capricious in food. The fact that a domestic cat, urcha, ate yesterday, may not be interested in today. Do not rush to replace one delicacy to others. Cat diet should remain stable, do not go for her. After a while it is hungry and change their attitude to eating.

Do not indulge whipping, however, and to starve the animal hunger if it flatly refuses the proposed one. Look for the golden middle. If the cat refused flatly from the proposed food (very expressively "instilled" it - it is understandable in any language), it means that it is inedible, you should not wait for everything that everything is finally, you still have to throw away.

How to deal with overeating?

Cats sometimes greedy in food. They never, like dogs, will not hide a piece of "for a black day," they will eat at once as they can, especially the kittens are especially unrestrained. As a result, vomiting and banal overeating are possible. If this becomes the norm of life, then everything and the completely human set of diseases arise.

Often, visiting, seeing the host cat, we will fail, what is he dredged and gentle. All such a plunder and attendant. How, Gentle! He is a neutered fat quotes, which shoves without a measure, and the owners can not refuse him. After all, the cat is constantly hungry and demands that the food is always present in the bowl.

Withstanding the cat diet, be sure to follow the number of food eaten, especially putting her favorite dishes, overeating the home cat is the whole "merit" of the owner. Not in food happiness, and not in her quantity - cat loves you.

From time to time the cat is useful to fast. In nature, predators eating not every day, but how lucky. Solving, the better feed your cat and make up her diet, try to arrange her post once a week.

Your domestic cat will easily stand it. At the same time, warn the home and neighbors that the animal has a unloading day today, otherwise it will go theatrically asking for a challenge. Feeding after a unloading day should be sustained within the framework of the usual diet and volume, but no more, otherwise vomiting is possible and inexpensive.

What do you need to feed the cat how often? Usually cats are fed twice a day. If once, then it is better in the evening. The inscription on the packages with the finished feed, that the food should always be in the trough, it is beneficial to the manufacturers of feed (and cockroaches), the cat is better to arrange a break - 30 minutes after eating the remnants removed. If the owner itself feeds on non-stop, then it's time to stop and think about the soul and health.

Dry cats for cats

Let us now find out the attitude towards dry feeds. The counters of stores are replete with chips, chipses, chipsons, crackers ... Do you yourself consider all these elegant bags with their contents? Even fast food is suitable only for snack and is not considered a full-fledged meal. Normal balanced nutrition for a person is something else and let's not stop in detail. Why should a cat be powered by "breadcrumbs"? Yes, it is convenient for the owners. Moreover, advertising from producers is put on a wide leg. This is a business and an integer industry.

The cat would never have these crackers, do not interfere there the manufacturer of various flavors imitating appetizing smells. Cats with pleasure shovel feline vitamins. Did not think about why? Again all the same flavors! But here at least the real benefits of them are, otherwise there will not make the cat voluntarily eat. I solve the question for yourself, the better feed the cat, give up dry feed, is not food for your pet. Use such food can be used only in exceptional cases and not often. The cat should have the same full-fledged food as her owners: fish, meat, vegetables, liver, eggs, soups, etc.

Attitude towards fish

In nature, the cat does not catch fish, it does not tolerate water. Pipes in cats congenital. But the domestic cat most often adores fish, sometimes to such an extent that everything else does not consider food. Therefore, a fish becomes the basis of the diet. Try to mix vegetables, porridge, soups into the fish.

If you put in a cat bowl all this separately, the cat will pull out the fish from the bowl and eat, the rest will not touch. You can cheat the cat, recking and mixing all the ingredients. Try not to give a cat raw fish. It is known that when eating raw fish, the animal suffers from a lack of vitamin B, which affects its health and condition of wool.

Healthy food for cat

When a charming purr appears in the apartment, the caring owner thinks about what food is included in its daily diet. There is always the choice. It may be the usual food that the owner itself uses, and food for cats, such as dry pads with filling. How to determine the useful products in the feline menu?

Nowadays, the concept of "natural products" is quite fashionable. They are considered a 100% quality guarantee, because such food is many times more useful than the best catfish, even if it is not suited and widely advertised.

Surely sellers consultants in the pet store will assure you that natural foods will bring to your pet only harm, and it is impossible to feed them in any way. But can you remember at least one cat from the street, even if you are living in the city, who has serious health care? These saturated tramps are sick or already in old years, or from injuries inflicted by people, dogs or their own relatives.

It is impossible not to mention what mature cats are in particular those who live on the street. This is a mobile creation until the last day of your life, unlike people of old years.

But they have such strong immunity and health tempered by physical exertion, which in general their condition is fine. From this we can conclude that whatever poor-quality food from the gateway, the health of the yard cats can only be envied. Defining word here - Food! Thanks to her, Murlyak is saturated with energy, and even the most tall frosts are terrible.

If we talk about fluffy houses, then they, of course, live in comparison with the vagabonds in chic conditions. And, as a rule, many owners prefer to feed them with special feeds for cats. Inventors of such food were very far from, because it is ideal and practical for "Caskets".

  • First, it is very convenient. Cats are very picky in food. And not everyone even the most patient owner under the power to force the pet is what he does not like.
  • Secondly, to prepare a special cat food for a very long time and troublesome. But the apartment cats are not able to rise to the future, unlike the courtyard fellow, they feed often and slightly.

And therefore, it is likely that the food that carefully cooked the food remains untouched for several hours. During this time, she is most likely dried, and will not only just convince the favorite that there is a decent delicious food in a blue. Dummary cats do not differ similar to the challenge.

But cat crackers remain attractive for a long time. You can not even doubt that they do not drown. In addition, the special smell (flavors!), Which is attractive for the cat, attracts it to a bowl. But, from such a feed, the purr wants more. Therefore, it is very important that your pet at any time of the day has been enough fresh water - it is necessary to change it daily.

Thus, pamper a cat with special feeds is undoubtedly convenient for the host itself. But are they so useful for a pet? After all, the production of finished feed is a gigantic business that brings a tremendous income. Therefore, it is likely that the distributed information about the benefits of such food is very different from reality, it may be a policy of manufacturers.

But this does not mean that special feed is not worth buying. You just need to remember that natural food can be much more useful than "crackers." Only you need to learn how to cook it and serve to the cat.

Dry feed: to be or not to be?

There is another advantage of special feeds that you need to mention. They are given, as a rule, the cats that all year round live in the apartment are rarely walking down the street and, as a result, are sedentible. Such pets are sterilized or neutered, which contradicts their natural essence. All this contributes to the fact that domestic pets need to use more trace elements and vitamins, on the absence of which they usually do not suffer freely walking animals.

In order for natural nutrition to bring the maximum benefit to a fluffy favorite, you will have to analyze enough information about the products themselves, in what proportions they need to be mixed and the like. Pets are subject to different diseases, and this is also taken into account in the production of feline food - specially designed foods are produced, which will be useful to different categories of sick purr.

Accordingly, choose than feeding your fluffy pet - natural products or finished feeds - you can only.

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Made in the feline food of various classes do not require special temporary costs of their cooking. This is particularly important with the intense work schedule of the hosts of Murlyk. But, it is impossible to neglect the fact that most of these factory products can accommodate the health of your fluffy pet. Therefore, there are currently more and more homemade pet owners prefer natural nutrition for cats.

Specially cooked natural food for cats should become the main diet of your purr. Natural food is much more like a natural diet of cats in comparison with the widest assortment of products offered in pet stores and media advertised.

Before comprehending than you should feed a cat living in natural homemade foods, the owners will need to find out the nutritional needs of these animals, which, by itself, differ from human. It is necessary to clearly plan the meal diet, relying on certain norms and requirements for age-related, sexual (cats during pregnancy and lactation requires a special diet) as well as breed categories. The cat, first of all, needs protein food, that is, in meat and dairy products, which should be approximately 85% of the total diet. Everything else is cereals, vegetables and other sources of fiber.

"Taboo" in feeding cats

So, what you can't feed the purr.

  1. Baking.
  2. Chocolate and other sweets (this is fraught with the appearance of worms).
  3. Too sour, salted or bitter food.
  4. Pork.
  5. Raw milk (so that there is no diarrhea).
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Raw eggs.
  8. Without past heat treatment with raw meat and fish.

Natural feeding of cats

Of course, it is impossible to accurately balance the percentage of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in physical feeding of cats. But if the natural type of food is selected, here the main thing is to remember that the feline diet should differ from the human.

How to properly feed the cat?

Cat is a predator. The main food is meat, as well as meat offal (meant lungs, heart and stomach).

Meat - low-fat frozen or boiled beef, rabbit either bird. Meat should be given by a cat approximately 150-200 grams. Not less than once a week.

Sub-products - Raw or a little coiled.

Vegetables - Raw or boiled carrots, sparky beans and cauliflower can be giving a cat 2-3 times a week. It is permissible to mix them with meat.

Kashi. - buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, serving well, after which it is mixed with vegetables and meat. This recipe can perform for more than one year as a main dish.

Equality products (low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or ion) You can feed the cat a couple of times a week.

Vegetable oil - add 3-4 times a week to food 2/3 teaspoon to normalize the work of the cat's intestine.

Vitamin complexes containing glucosamine, arginine, arachidone acid and taurine should certainly be included in the feline diet.

Grupped by Oat - This source of vitamins. He perfectly cleans the intestines.

Cut the cat correctly

It has already been written above that cat food should be extremely natural. In cooking, choose recipes rich in squirrels. Loving owners of fluffy pets always with ease will be able to choose and prepare simple available dishes that can make a full and balanced diet for your cat.

Cat - Capricious and cautious eater. Therefore, no one can ensure that all your culinary sings will fall to taste. The main thing is to start with what your pussy loves and what appetizer smells. If cooking at the same time use various types of meat, it will contribute to a more complete balance of nutrients.

How often feed the cat

The feeding frequency of the purr and the amount of food consumed depends on its age, the state of health and culinary addictions.

An obesity is threatened with a crowned cat, and unoccuping - anemia. Therefore, loving cats establish an acceptable feeding mode and in the future they try to adhere to it. Kittens to half aighed permissible to feed three times a day. From the six-month-old pussy you can feed twice a day, provided that she has no diseases that would require changes in power mode.

The only thing that your purr should have unhindered access is water.

If a seeding is used during feeding, it is permissible to give it at approximately 30 to 70 grams of feed per kilogram of the animal weight.

Inadmissibility of mixing feed

Many cats are interested in: is it possible to mix dry food bought in a pet store, with natural meal? On this question, all veterinarians definitely respond negatively. The fact is that when digesting the cats in cats is formed by one type of digestion, and when digesting dry industrial feed - other. With a frequent change of type of power, the stomach and intestines of pussy does not have time to adapt to it. This, in turn, makes it difficult to work digestion. A frequent change of the type of feeding threatens the emergence of chronic gastroenteritis, copostases and other serious diseases.