
How to keep tomatoes all winter. Ripe tomatoes: how to keep them fresh and recycled for the winter

Landscape garden design

The preservation of taste and nutrient properties of tomatoes for a fairly long period of time is quite possible. So that the tomatoes lay for a long time, it is necessary to comply with the simple rules for their storage.

How to store tomatoes

First of all, it is necessary to sort out those tomatoes that will be stored. For a fairly long time, only whole vegetables that have no damage and rot. At the same time, you need to sort good tomatoes According to the degree of maturity: than they are ripe, the less time is stored. Before booking, you can not wash tomatoes before booking.

Fresh tomatoes are very well stored in the refrigerator. Put them in a box for vegetables and fruits with one or a maximum of two layers. They can be stored in other compartments of the refrigerator, in which case you need to pre-put them in plastic bags so that the vegetables are not lost moisture.

You can put a tank with tomatoes in a dark storage room or decompose tomatoes under the bath

If tomatoes are very much, and all of them do not fit in the refrigerator, put them in one, maximum two layers in the box, a pelvis or a basket and remove in the cooler place in the apartment. It is necessary that the vegetables are stored at a temperature of not more than 10-12 ° C. Before laying the tomatoes, it is advisable to put a straw or burlap on the bottom. Tomatoes must be arranged with a fruit. Each row is recommended to be suspended by sawdust. So that the tomatoes did not fall light, which reduces their storage, you need to cover them with a dense dark cloth.

How to store green tomatoes

Green tomatoes can be stored until winter, in this case a lot depends on their degree of maturity. They are stored in the same conditions as ripe tomatoes: - put in one, maximum two layers as possible on sawdust or on a straw; - placed in a cool place; - covered with a dense cloth so that they are stored without access light.

Periodically, it is necessary to inspect tomatoes for damage, if you do not remove the rotten vegetable on time, other tomatoes can be spoiled.

Tomatoes are loved by many vegetable used as the main component of salads and as an addition to hot dishes. At the end of the season, I really want to find the best way to keep tomatoes so that they longer remain juicy and tasty. In our article we will tell you how to properly save the harvest of ripe tomatoes at home, as well as let's talk about the storage of green fruits at the ripening stage.

Storage conditions

To save tomatoes for a long time, you need to create right conditions. Without complying with certain requirements, for example, in the package in kitchen cabinet, tomatoes lie just a few days, after which they start quickly.

For many, habitually store tomatoes in the refrigerator, where they can go to 10 days. But if you want to save tomatoes longer, for example, before the new year, you need to consider the following factors:

  • choose for storage only whole fruits, without the slightest damage and traces of damage;
  • prefer unreasonable Tomatoam, and not ripe copies;
  • take care of suitable temperature mode . It will depend on the degree of ripeness and a specific storage method;
  • provide regular air ventilation in room.

Methods for long-term storage of tomatoes

Each of the methods below is suitable for tomatoes of varying degrees of maturity - from completely green to ripe and surround fruits. For savings will suit both homemade tomatoes, only collected from the bed and bought on the market.

At least twice a week check the tomatoes in the storage location. It is not only possible in possible damage to fruits, but also at the speed of their ripening. Ripe (or already seen) tomatoes are isolated ethylene, which activates the process of ripening the rest. Therefore, instances begin to blush, it is necessary to remove from the repository as quickly as possible. For the same reason, it is impossible to keep apples or pears of autumn collection next to tomatoes.

Ripe fruitperfectly stored in clean lattice boxes made of plastic or wood. Shipped the bottom with clean paper / parchment and spread tomatoes on it, additionally shifting each row paper or wrapping vegetables into it. When all tomatoes are laid, pour the contents with peat or sawdust. In such a form, tomatoes may chase a few months if maintaining the temperature in the room no more than + 8 ... 12.

To preserve tomatoes with fresh for the winter, it is important to collect a crop at the stage of dairy maturity. If the weather allows, green fruits are best removed from the garden as possible, for example, in October. Wrap each vegetable in thin black paper and gently lay out in the lattice box, shifting each row straw. Store the blank follows in a dry dark place with a good ventilation system at a temperature of +10. Under all the conditions of tomatoes, they gradually arm and persist until January.

To destroy the microbes and extend the storage of tomatoes, before bookmarking the boxes need to be treated with pharmacy alcohol and dry.
  • in vegetable oil. Fold the tomatoes in glass jars and pour sunflower or other vegetable oil so that it is completely covered with vegetables. The oil layer from above should be at least 1 cm. Close the harvesting by iron or plastic lid;
  • in brine. Mix the water, salt and vinegar in the proportion of 8: 1: 1. Washing tomatoes fold into the container and pour the cooked solution.

For rapidly ripening Green fruits (5-10 days) decompose tomatoes on the floor in a well-lit place with a temperature around +25. You can fold the fruits directly with the fruits and stems and hang in the ventilated room. A small amount of unripe vegetables can be laid out in the apartment right on the windowsill so that they blush.

In order for tomatoes longer than fresh, do not wash them before booking on the savings.

Verified method for storing ripe tomatoes - slash. Select strong red fruits for the workpiece, free them from the fruits. Separately prepare overripe tomatoes: they need to cut into large parts. In a saucepan or a jar, lay out a layer of crushed tomatoes with a thickness of 8-10 cm, slide a little, lay the layer of whole fruit over the top and pour salt again. Fill the cutting to the top so that the last layer is salt. Sealantly close the dishes and put it on storage in a cool place.

Detailed recipes of tomato blanks for the winter, see this section of our site.

Where to keep tomatoes in the apartment?

Do you still think how to keep tomatoes at home in the apartment? If in rural areas there is almost always a cellar - the best place To save tomatoes, - then urban residents have to choose between storage in the refrigerator and storage at room temperature. Decide S. optimal option The following principles will help:

  1. For storing tomatoes designed for use in the near future, suitable any Sun protected place. Spread the tomatoes with a flat side down on the windowsill or kitchen table. For a couple of days, they will become more delicious and will not lose their fragrance.
  2. To keep ripe red tomatoes for 5-7 days, place them on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator Closer to the door.
  3. Slightly misappropriate fruits are recommended to hold at room temperature so that they do loose, and then move the refrigerator.
  4. In the fall and in winter it is convenient to save ripe tomatoes on a glazed balcony or loggiawhere the temperature rests in the range from +10 to +20. In such conditions, tomatoes sufficiently lay out one layer on the floor or another smooth surface, covering the top with a dense cloth to avoid direct sunlight on them.


Regardless of where and at what temperature you decide to save tomatoes, some tricks can extend their storage time:

  • tomato varieties are important (planning storage still at the seed selection stage);
  • keep ripe tomatoes separately from dissolved and at different temperatures;
  • consider that major fruits are ripe faster than small;
  • when sorting tomatoes, spend a thorough inspection of each vegetable, because even the slightest traces of phytophulatoons can lead to a damage of the whole harvest;
  • remember that tomatoes are longer stored without fruits;
  • before bookmarking for storage, dry vegetables;
  • fresh tomatoes are preserved longer, treat them with 0.3% solution boric acid or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).


From the next video library you will learn about three different methods Tomato Storage:

It has a considerable experience of garden work - starting with sowing seeds and seedlings and ending with the harvest and storage. Each sowing season begins with the search for new methods of cultivation, because the cucumbers can be collected not only from the garden, but also, for example, with ... barrels and even grow in winter on the windowsill. Plant care considers one of best ways Removing stress.

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Collect dosage flowers and inflorescences are needed at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of the useful substances in them as high as possible. Flowers should be ripped by hands, overclocking rude flowerwomen. The collected flowers and herbs are dried, scattering a thin layer, in a cool room with a natural temperature without access of direct sunlight.

One of the most convenient methods to prepare the grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries - freezing. Some believe that freezing leads to the loss of nutritious and useful properties plant products. As a result of the studies, scientists found out that the decline in food value during freezing is practically absent.

And humus, and the compost is rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil increases the crop significantly and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. According to the properties of I. appearance They are very similar, but it is not worth confused. Humus - overwhelmed manure or bird litter. Compost - overworked organic residues of different origin (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). The humus is considered to be more high-quality fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing on next year (If the grade really liked). And with hybrid it is useless to do this: the seeds will turn out, but they will bear the hereditary material of the wrong plant from which they are taken, and its numerous "ancestors".

There is no natural protection for tomatoes from phytoofluorosis. If the phyotophtor attacks, any tomatoes (and potatoes too) are digested, whatever it is said in the description of varieties ("varieties resistant to phytoophluorosis" is only a marketing stroke).

Compost - overworked organic residues of different origin. How to do? In a bunch, a pit or a large drawer folded everything in a row: Kitchen remnants, tops gardening crops, bevelled to flowering weeds, thin twigs. All this is overlapped with phosphoritic flour, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some dackets add special composting accelerators.) Clean the film. In the process of overheating, a bunch periodically grinding or poured for the inflow of fresh air. Usually the compost "Ripen" 2 years, but with modern additives can be ready for one summer season.

Farmer from Oklahoma Karl Burns brought unusual variety Multicolored corn, called Rainbow Corn ("Rainbow"). Grains on each cob - different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved by many years of selection of the most painted ordinary varieties and crossing them.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on the removal of sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, Ferenz Croat (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia already from Bulgaria, because he received his usual name - "Bulgarian".

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celeryAll the types of cabbage, pepper, apples) have a "negative calorie", that is, when digesting, more calories are spent than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of calories obtained with food are consumed in the digestive process.

Collecting generous yield from pricework, we try to preserve the fruits of our work as long as possible. This also applies to the crop of red berries - tomato. And everything would be nothing when there is a private houseBut, for example, how to keep tomatoes in the apartment, and if they did not have time to mature, what to do with green tomatoes? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

What varieties are suitable for long storage

Choosing a variety of tomatoes, pay attention to the period of its ripening: there are early, middle-air and late. Late varieties are suitable for storage.

Did you know? In late varieties, the RIN gene contains: it slows down the ripening of the fetus, stretching the metabolism. Therefore, the pulp and crust in such varieties of tomatoes remain juicy and elastic.

Late are a series of varieties and hybrids: Giraffe, New Year's, large tomatoes Long Keper, F1, Leisebeck and masterpiece, Khututor and Hybrid Crustics.

Such varieties like Cherry Red, Cherry, Cherry Likopa, can be stored for 2.5 months. Cystic varieties are very good characteristics For long-term storage: intuition, instinct, reflex. Similar features are also inherent in the following hybrids: Monica, Master, Brilliant, Viscount, Trust, Resente.

How to collect yield of tomatoes for storage

To save whether you will save tomatoes with fresh for the winter, the condition of their collection is affected.

  • Collect tomatoes for storage to frosts (the night temperature should not fall below + 8 ... + 5 ° C).
  • Collect tomatoes for storage in the afternoon when the dew gone.
  • Take only intact and dense tomatoes.
  • Sore the size.
  • Distribute to maturity.
  • Remove the frozen from each berry, but do not pull them out. So you can damage the fruit itself. If the fruit is not separated, leave it on tomato.

Did you know? Large vegetables ripen faster than small.

What conditions are needed for storing tomatoes

The room where tomatoes will be stored, should be clean, ventilated, dark. Tomatoes for storage are placed in 2-3 layers in the boxes after preliminary sorting.
To keep all the useful substances in tomatoes and do not give them to spoil, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime. For tomatoes of different maturity, different temperatures are suitable: 1-2 ° C - for ripe, 4-6 ° C - for slightly twisted, and for green - 8-12 ° C. The maximum permissible temperature should not exceed +18 ° C.

Humidity is also not worth neglected: Ensure a sufficient level of moisture in the room, but do not move it. It is necessary to inspect the bookmarks for storage every day.

How to store ripe tomatoes

Experienced agronomists always knew how to keep fresh tomatoes longer. They advise you to prepare the gelatin not concentrated solution or put the wax layer on the fruit. After such manipulations, the fruits dried and sent for storage. It is said that it is possible to extend storage, using alcohol / vodka, 0.3% solution of boric acid or a light pink potassium permanganate solution. All this will allow completely destroying microbes on tomatoes.

Temperature affects the shelf life of ripe tomatoes. Mature tomato fruits can be preserved until one and a half months at a temperature of 1-3 ° C without loss of their quality.

Ripe tomatoes can be stored in banks, falling asleep fruit with mustard powder or by spending "dry sterilization" with alcohol. You can store mature fruits in paper bags, cardboard boxes, plastic bags, refrigerator or in any ventilated room.

Green Tomato Storage Conditions

In folk practice there are many ways to keep green tomatoes to ripening. In order for everything to work out, it is important to comply with temperature conditions. In order for tomatoes to remain green as long as possible, the temperature should be within 10-12 ° C with air humidity - 80-85%.

For storage, choose the small fruits of green, milky pink. Put the fruits in 2-3 layers, "ass" top. You can store in cardboard boxes, plastic ventilated boxes, on the shelves in the basement. If you store tomatoes in boxes, then pour fruits low husky And hold the temperature -2 .. + 2 ºС - it will prolong storage.

Materials that prolong storage:

  • sphagnum peat;
  • wood sawdust;
  • long husk;
  • vaseline and paraffin (apply to every fruit);
  • paper (you need to wrap each individual tomato).

It turns out that there is a proven way how to store green tomatoes so that they flush. No need for any special treatments or paints. Add some red tomatoes in the boxes, hay if you want to speed up the ripening process. Also suitable for these purposes and banana: ripe tomatoes and ripe banana highlight ethylene, which speeds up maturation. Take the ripening tomatoes to light - it will accelerate the "painting" of fruits.

You can store tomatoes with a whole bush. You need to freeze a healthy bush with green tomatoes to hang in the room where dry, warm and sufficiently light. Such a position upside down will provide useful elements All fruits.

If the room temperature exceeds 30 ° C, they blush not at all mature tomatoes, their taste will be sour, although it will be a red tomato. The tomatoes do not affect the tubed air and high temperature: fruits will be wrinkled with a modified pulp structure. And if, when storing tomatoes, there will be crude air and low temperature - tomatoes may not redden, diseases will develop, and the fruits will be unsuitable for use.

Performing so simple conditions, be sure that the tomatoes will remain up to 2.5 months and longer.

Where is the best to keep tomatoes

Asking how to keep tomatoes, we should think about where to save them. Storage location is very important for this berry. If you live in a private house, keep tomatoes in the cellar, garage (if there is enough moisture and there are no harmful substances). In the apartment, many people do not imagine how you can save tomatoes with fresh for the winter. Balcony or bathroom is suitable for storage.In both embodiments, it is necessary to maintain constant moisture, ensure the absence of light (in the light of tomatoes ripen faster) and moderate temperature. And, of course, do not forget to periodically examine the fruits for damage or manifestations of possible diseases.

Why can not be stored tomatoes in the refrigerator

Important! Store in the refrigerator you can only ripe fruit.

Green tomatoes keep in the refrigerator inexpedient - they will not divert. There are certain conditions for how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

  • Store only ripe berries.
  • Place the fruit in the bundle for vegetables.
  • You can wrap each tomato into paper.
  • You can keep tomatoes in the refrigerator up to 7 days.

If you store tomatoes over this time, they will lose their taste. Also, the pulp will begin to undergo changes in its structure until the fact that you cannot use tomatoes, and they will have to be thrown.

What to do if tomatoes start rot

No matter how you try to keep fresh tomatoes longer, some of them can still deteriate them. Therefore, it is important to inspect the fruit daily. The most common diseases of tomatoes are phytoofer and bacterial cancer.The first manifests itself in the form of blurry subcutaneous spots, and the second - strikes the fruit. The spots of brown color with white halo on the edges have a black kaym.

Vegetables and mushrooms

Tomato or, as it is also called, "Golden Apple" is one of those fruits that are associated with the summer, sun and lightweight dishes. An unusual taste of tomato acquires as a result of a combination of sugars and acids with volatile substances. And the latter, as you know, are extremely susceptible to low temperatures.

That is why the fragrant tomato in the refrigerator loses its taste properties and smell fresh vegetable. How best to keep tomatoes so that they do not turn into fresh tasteless fruits, and as affects the conditions of storage the degree of their maturity - many hostesses want to know about it.

Therefore, this article is devoted to how much, where and how to store fresh, dried, dried and canned tomatoes.

How and where to properly store fresh tomatoes

French scientists have long studied at what temperature to store tomatoes so that their structure is not destroyed and the beneficial properties were not lost.

So, at a temperature of 20 ° C, the very volatile substances that have already been discussed, not only did not destroy, but also began to be produced even more intense. That is, the tomato became more fragrant.

And when it was placed in conditions, where the temperature did not rise above 4 degrees Celsius, the volatile compounds were allocated immediately, and those present in the composition of the tomato - instantly began to collapse.

Dairy tomatoes should be stored at 8 - 10 degrees, red - from 4 to 6 degrees, but the best cold tomatoes will carry the brown tomatoes - it is better to store them at 0 - 2 degrees above zero.

Storage conditions depend mainly on the degree of maturity, that is, the dosing temperature will be determined on the basis of which tomato is green, milk, red or brown.

For example, green tomatoes certainly do not dare at low temperatures.

So, how to keep tomatoes in the apartment before processing? As a rule, green tomatoes can fly from 21 to 70 days, but we have timedered - from 7 to 10 days (of course, if you know how and where to store tomatoes).

You need to store tomatoes in one layer, it is better to lay them with a touch of the bottom of the container. By the way, few people know that the red tomatoes allocate ethylene, thanks to which you can accelerate the ripening of the rest of the fruit.

How to Store Green Tomatoes

So that green or blanzing tomatoes are more likely to leave them in a room where the temperature ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius, if it exceeds the upper limit, the fruits will stop producing liquid (main color component). In order for tomatoes to remain as long as possible, the room temperature should be about 13 degrees.

How to store dried tomatoes

Drier tomatoes are very interesting wayHow to store tomatoes in winter. Ready dried tomatoes can be placed in dense cotton bags like dried fruits.

You can also use a hermetic food container to store them, pre-bay them with olive oil. Such a container should be stored in the refrigerator.

You can store dried tomatoes in freezerBut it is necessary to consider that when defrosting they will lose color.

How to store dried tomatoes

Dried tomatoes can be stored in the same way as dried, that is, in a cotton bag. You can put them in glass jars, which must first be sterilized and dry.

It is desirable to add spices there, garlic, greens, salt and only then dried tomatoes.

Then, in the bank you need to add refined oil so that it completely covers the tomatoes, and the tanks are tightened with a food film and a clean polyethylene lid.

Another way to store dried tomatoes is to put them in banks, close with speckled paper or fitting plugs, can also be pouring the wrair, resin or wax.

And still dried tomatoes are packaged in wood boxes, plywood, cardboard, dense fabric bags, carton boxes, Sieve, baskets, etc.

They will be well kept if the bottom of the container is fastened with tight paper, and put it in a cool ventilated room, where the temperature is in the range from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius.

It is also allowed to send dried tomatoes for storing in the refrigerator.

How to store canned tomatoes

Many believe that canned tomatoes have no storage period. However, it is still desirable not to store them for more than 12 months. The fact is that even with the vertical position, the acid can join the reaction with a metal lid, and harmful connections will penetrate there. Sauced tomatoes In the barrel, it is impossible to store more than 8 months so that harmful bacteria do not penetrate them.

Canned tomatoes can be stored at room temperature, for example, in the storage room or under the bed, and the sauars need lower temperatures. Such tomatoes are properly stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

How to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

If it happened that this fruit is required to cool, then you need to know how to store tomatoes in the refrigerator.

It is better to put them in a special compartment for vegetables - the so-called freshness zone, where supported optimal conditions For the long storage of vegetables.

Fresh tomatoes should lie in a box in one, maximum - two rows so that the lower row is not suppressed. If the tomatoes are put on the shelf of the refrigerator, it is better to put them in a plastic bag.

By the way, the practice has shown that tomato, which has broken in the refrigerator for almost a week, resumed the release of fragrant substances when placing it into favorable conditions. Currently, scientists are trying to bring new tomato varieties, which would be resistant to low temperatures, and while this breakthrough in agronomy did not take place, it is necessary to take into account all the features of storing this fetus.

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How to store red brown and dairy tomatoes?

Many hostess do not understand why to know how to store tomatoes, if today this fruit can be purchased at any time of the year in the supermarket or on the vegetable market. But the real connoisseurs of the product understand the difference between the imported proposal without pronounced taste and the margin of tomatoes made at the peak of the season.

Storage such a perishable component is really not the easiest thing, but with the right approach, even at home will be able to pick up effective method. It is only necessary to conduct high-quality preliminary processing of elements and find a suitable place to store reserves.

Preparation of tomatoes for storage

To preserve vegetables for the winter in an optimal condition, they need to be collected on time. The first harvest is removed in July and so continues until the first frosts. If there is a decrease in the temperature at least to zero, the tomatoes are collected even in unreliable. Deletion will lead to the fact that the frozen blanks will quickly turn.

Products that will be allowed for prolonged storage are subject to the following processing:

  • We sort them by dividing into groups in varieties, size and degrees of maturity. Large and small tomatoes need different time to ripen, and red and green - also different temperatures.
  • Only dense and beautiful components without dents, cracks, traces of damage are subject to storage. Even a small dark spot on the surface of the vegetable can chase all the masonry!
  • How to save tomatoes for a maximum time? They must be left with frozen, then the fiction processes will noticeably slow down.

Tip: In order to keep the Cherry Variety Tomatoes at home, you do not need to resort to some tricks. They are enough to dry, lay out in plastic container Without lid and remove in the refrigerator. From time to time, the bookmark is swore, launching the crown of the pastry.

  • Regardless of where and how to store tomatoes, they need to be thoroughly cut before the bookmark. Moisture can cause the appearance of mold.
  • The chances of achieving the desired result will noticeably increase, if each fruit is wrapped in a cloth moistened in alcohol or vodka. Disinfection will help get rid of microbes, will reduce the risk of rot.
  • There is another preventive manipulation, which is at home, contributes to the preservation of tomatoes in perfect condition. We prepare a 0.4% solution of food gelatin and omitted each vegetable alternately. Products will cover the film that performs the protective function.
  • No less effective, the use of 0.1% of the solution of manganese or 0.3% solution of boric acid. We proceed one of them tomatoes before bookmarking and dried.

Of course, you can not follow the recommendations, but in this case the vegetables are long at home will not lay. After a few days, rot, rot or mold. The process will develop so quickly that it will not be possible to allow tomatoes in a timely manner for cooking and the laying will have to be completely thrown away.

How to keep tomatoes for the winter in the basement?

The room in which the storage of tomatoes should be cleaned and to clean well. Optimum humidity - 80-90%, temperature - up to 12ºС. It is impossible to reduce the temperature below zero. If products are shrivened after some time, it is the result of excessive dryness. The appearance of mold is the result of high humidity.

  1. Red tomatoes lay down in the boxes in layers, sprinkled with sawdust. Couples at the same time should look up. We form no more than 2-3 rows. Additionally, vegetables can be wrapped in thin paper so that they do not come into contact. Top tensioning one layer of food film. At a temperature of 1-2 ° C, the components will be saved for 1-2 months.
  2. Brown tomatoes store in the same way, but at a temperature of 4-6ºС, then they will slowly divert, but not to deteriorate. After the billets are blocked, the temperature should be reduced slightly to slow down biological processes.
  3. Storage of green and dairy tomatoes is carried out on racks, each fruit turns into paper and lays out in the box. Vegetables are saturated with sawdust or onion husks. In such conditions, they can lie up to 3-4 months.

Masonry are regularly checked for the appearance of damage. When identifying such, you need to go through the entire reserve, to re-wrap the fruits or coat them with the selected protective composition.

How to keep tomatoes for ripening?

Collected green tomatoes for ripening are transferred to a warm room. To the desired state, they reach about 3-4 days. It is better to keep vegetables in the dark. With this approach to redness of products, it will take a little more time, but they will take evenly.

If the situation allows, the ripening of tomatoes is carried out directly on the garden on a simple scheme. Here, most importantly, think about how to keep tomatoes from freezing:

  • The backups we remove, the bushes are decorated on a straw or similar warm litter.
  • We cover the blanks with a film, creating peculiar tubers.
  • Do not stop watering, providing tomatoes moisture. At the same time, it is necessary to act carefully in order not to wet the fruit.

Vintage remove as it risen. It is not necessary to wait until tomatoes redden, they can be removed by brown.

Store tomatoes in the refrigerator and on the balcony

By organizing the storage of tomatoes in the apartment, it must be remembered that the red fruits will be larger at room temperature for no more than 3-4 days, pink - up to 5 days, brown - no more than a week, green and dairy - about 10 days. True, dairy specimens can be laid out in a cool and dark place, for example, under the bed. In this case, they will continue much longer.

In general, at home the process is organized in such ways:

  • In a refrigerator. Optimal place - camera for vegetables. Furious fruits are placed here without damage. First, lay out one series of tomatoes, placing their tails up. Cover it with paper and make the same masonry. Fully off the compartment, we leave a little space. If you add each product to paper, it will be even more reliable.
  • On the balcony. If the room holds the temperature in the range of 5-12ºС, then the vegetables simply lay out the clean boxes with a cloth or paper. Between the layers of vegetables, we make gaskets from the same material. Boxes can be put on each other. The top is covered with a cloth that prevents sunlight falling, but not blocking oxygen access.

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How and where to store fresh tomatoes

In the spring and summer, we work hard on our sites, so that with the arrival of cold weather on our tables there were fresh and delicious natural products.

By the time of harvesting, gardeners and gardeners are increasingly beginning to think about how to properly save what they managed to grow, and especially the hostesses are worried about how to preserve tomatoes at home.

On the most acceptable ways to store them and whether it is possible to keep gentle fruits in the refrigerator, read further.

What varieties are stored longer than just

If you are going to hold the harvest for a long time at home, it is better to choose a variety for landing, distinguished by high efforts. So, the grade "Giraffe" and "Long Keper" can be stored until spring, the fruits of the variety with the speaking name "New Year" will decorate your winter holiday table.

Experienced dacities know that with the beginning of the ripening of tomatoes, the main thing is not to peck the moment when the fruits begin to acquire a gentle milky pink shade. It is in this stage that it is better to collect tomatoes for long-term storage of the house. Try to collect them together with the fruits - so they will lay longer.

Storage at low temperatures

About why it is impossible to keep tomatoes in the refrigerator for a long time, any hostess knows: the fruits quickly lose their taste, become loose.

The fact is that fresh tomatoes are obliged to their saturated taste of a special combination of volatile substances, acids and sugars. The volatile substances are very sensitive to the temperature effects, and if the air around is heated below, as in the refrigerator, or much higher than the norm, the aroma of tomatoes is lost.

A group of French scientists conducted research on the effect of low and high temperatures for the taste of tomatoes. It turned out that at 20 ° C, the development of fragrant substances is enhanced. Tomatoes become even more fragrant. And with a standard for refrigerator, a temperature of 4 ° C, on the contrary, the destruction of already existing volatile compounds begins. Moreover, the substances responsible for the very fresh grassy taste are lost, for which we love tomatoes.

In addition, with a long stay in the refrigerator in tomatoes, harmful elements accumulate. Of course, it should not fully reject this method - it is quite suitable for short-term storage of the product. It is desirable that fresh fruits do not spend in the refrigerator more than a day. For prolonged crop storage, we advise you to use one of the following methods.

Method number 1.

In pure disinfected boxes with lattice walls and bottom. Do not forget to start it with clean paper. Tomatoes need to be placed correctly: shifting each row paper or wrapping fruit into it, as well as speaking layers of wood sawdust or peat.

In the room of your house where tomatoes are stored, good daily ventilation should be provided for weathering. carbon dioxidewhich highlight the fruits. At least once a week, check their condition: in no case should you keep spoiled fruits next to healthy.

Method number 2.

Tomatoes assembled at the stage of dairy maturity, in late October, it is better to wrap in a thin black paper And put in a laid box. Each layer put the straw. At home this method is most effective if you put the containers in a dark place with a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius and good ventilation. With careful compliance with the recommendations of tomatoes can be stored before January.

As the tomatoes are needed, it is exposed to a well-lit room with an air temperature about 25 degrees. The process continues from 5 to 10 days.

Method number 3.

Tomatoes, which need to ripen, tear together with the fruits and hang in a cold-thought out place. You can also simply decompose the fruits in a light cooler place for slow wood.

Method number 4.

If you still break your head over how to store tomatoes, which have already managed to mature and ready to use, you can use the following instructions:

  • Folded the washed fresh tomatoes in the dishes and pour the composition of water, vinegar and salt in the ratio: 8: 1: 1.
  • Pour the fruits with vegetable oil so that its layer closes the tomatoes from above by 1 cm.

Method number 5.

My strong red fruits, we exempt from fruits and we sort according to the degree of maturity and the magnitude.

Overripe will also come in handy: they cut into large pieces.

In a jar or a saucepan, we lay out the sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes with an 8-10-centimeter layer, slightly salt, on top. Place the layer of whole fruits and again squeak salt. We repeat the scheme until the dishes are filled.

What if the tomatoes started to deteriorate?

Even if you are all done correctly, the likelihood that the crop will start rotten. Why is this happening? The most common cause is illness, such as bacterial cancer and phytoofer. The fact that the fruits begin to hurt, says the appearance of brown spots. Salvation is the pasteurization procedure.

IN hot water (55-65 degrees) Immerse tomatoes and hold them there a little more than two minutes. The main thing in this matter is to observe the measure and do not redeem the gentle tomatoes, otherwise they soften. Then dry the vegetables on paper in a dry well-ventilated room.


How to store tomatoes

Some think that such a perishable vegetable maintain in excellent condition is unrealistic. But it is enough to remember that in the market even in winter you can buy ripe, strong tomatoes, to understand - it is possible.

The main thing is to properly approach the choice of vegetables and find an optimal place to store them.

What tomatoes can be stored

Tomato collection starts at the end of July and continue until frosts. As soon as the first decrease in temperature is below zero, all tomatoes, regardless of the degree of maturity, are removed.

Because even a slightly frozen tomatoes are not subject to storage, since in places of contact with frosty air they begin to black.

But even if, at first glance, tomatoes were not injured, they will start quickly in the storage.

The middle-aid and late varieties of tomatoes are best stored: De Barao, San Martzano, Kumato, Zhanina, Giraffe, Masterpiece-1.

How to prepare tomatoes for storage

  • Tomatoes are sorted by the degree of ripeness and the size of the fruit, because the red and green tomatoes are stored with different temperature. BUT large tomatoes During the ice, they sleep faster than small.
  • Tomatoes should be strong, without dents, damage to diseases. After all, even a small speck of phytoophulas on one fruit can destroy the rest of the tomatoes lying in the same box.
  • It is necessary to leave the fruits if possible, because such tomatoes are stored much better.
  • Tomatoes must be completely dry.
  • Before folding the tomatoes in the boxes, sometimes they are gently wiped with alcohol or vodka and dry well. With the help of such simple manipulation, microbes on the surface of tomatoes are destroyed, which also prolongs the storage time.
  • Tomatoes are alternately lowered for a few seconds in a 0.4 percent aqueous solution of gelatin, and then dried. The subtle gelatin film will not give tomatoes to deteriorate during the move.
  • Tomatoes are well stored if they are treated with a 0.3 percent solution of boric acid or a 0.1 percent aqueous solution of potassium mangartage.

How to store tomatoes in the cellar or basement

The cellar for these vegetables should be clean, well ventilated.

It is important to establish the optimal humidity in the room - 80-90%. If in the repository of raw, then the tomatoes are molding, and because of dry air, they gradually begin to shrore, dry and do not ripen.

The temperature in the cellar must be no higher than 12 ° heat.

How to store red tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are stacked up in shallow boxes in 2-3 rows. Each row is shifted with in myak or sawdust.
  • So that tomatoes do not come into contact with each other, they are wrapped in soft paper.
  • Boxes are covered with fine film. But you need to follow that fresh air access to tomatoes will not stop.

Store red tomatoes at a temperature of + 1 ... + 2 °. Shelf life - 1-2 months.

How to store brown tomatoes

  • Tomatoes are stacked up in pure boxes of 8-12 kg.
  • So that they do not come into contact with each other, they are shrinking with sawdust or wrap in thin paper.
  • Close the lid and stored at a temperature of + 4 ... + 6 °.

How to keep dairy and green tomatoes

It is best stored - up to three months - it is such tomatoes, since even the ripening process continues in the torn fruits.

Method 1.

Green tomatoes are stored on racks in complete darkness. In November, the fruits wrap in soft wrapping paper and put in boxes covered with sawdust, burlap or sneaking. Boxes are cleaned into the room with low temperatures. Store before January.

Method 2.

Tomatoes are folded into the boxes, speaking each layer with a ball or sawdust. If there are no pile or sawdust, then they can be replaced with onion husks.

Stored at temperatures from -2 to + 2 °.

Ripening of green tomatoes indoors

So that green tomatoes quickly become red, they are transferred to the warm room, where they are repeated after three days.

If the green tomatoes are in these days in the dark, redness will pass slowly, but the color will turn out to be more uniform than those who will be in the world. But the latter will drive faster.

Ripening of green tomatoes on the garden

When there is no room for ripening tomatoes indoors, they can be left to diverge on the garden.

  • For this, the backups are removed, and the bushes themselves are laid on a straw-plated.
  • From above, tomatoes are covered with a film, making a kind of greenhouse.
  • Water carefully, so as not to wet the fruit.
  • Remove the crop as it is ripening.

How to keep tomatoes in the apartment

Trying to keep tomatoes in the apartment, you need to know that at room temperature, red tomatoes can lie no more than four days, pink - five days, brown - week, and green - about ten days. And then they will begin to deteriorate.

But if tomatoes are in the stage of milk ripeness, they can be laid out in a cool storage room or under the bed. Without light access they will be stored for quite a long time. True, in taste they will give up to tomatoes that are stored in the cellar.

So if there is no cellar, and tomatoes need to be saved as long as possible, then them need to be removed in the refrigerator or take it on a glazed balcony.

How to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Tomatoes are stored in a compartment for vegetables. For storage are strong tomatoes without sampling.

They are placed in a box, laying up in one row tails up. Then pave up with soft paper and put the second row. For better storage Each fruit can be wrapped in soft paper. Then tomatoes will not touch each other. And if one fruit starts to deteriorate, this will not affect the quality of other tomatoes.

But there will have to forget about polyethylene packages, since in them tomatoes without access of fresh air quickly disappear.

How to store tomatoes on the balcony

If the balcony is glazed and the temperature on it holds within + 5 ... + 12 °, the tomatoes are placed in boxes covered with burlap or paper. Each layer of tomatoes is separated from each other with the help of the same gasket material. Boxes put stacks and close with a cloth that does not transmit light, but not preventing the stream of fresh air.

  • In order for green tomatoes to ripen faster, you need to take a few pieces, fold into the paper package and put an apple there. The gas ethylene, allocated by this fruit, will contribute to the rapid ripening of tomatoes. The same effect has a ripe tomato.
  • Tomatoes in the storage are periodically proceeding. Rednecking tomatoes are transferred to a cooler place or used in food, and the beginning to be cleaned to deteriorate. If necessary, the sawdust and litter change.


Since the beginning of the spring and until the end of the summer, many hostesses work hard on their gods to grow delicious, useful and most importantly - natural products. Several beds certainly takes and shared favorites - Tomato!

Its bright, ripe and incredibly fragrant fruits, tomatoes, rich in the hormone serotonin, giving us a feeling of happiness, vitamins C and A, as well as a whole list of organic acids.

Of course, finding beautiful, smooth tomatoes can be in every store and supermarket. Fortunately, they are full of them all year round.

But will you compare the store copy with home? Grown with care, unusually useful, fragrant and well delicious!

It is not difficult that the goal and the dream of many dachensons - to save gentle multicast berries to deep autumn. But is it possible? And if so, how to keep tomatoes at home?

Surprisingly, but the fact ...

From the point of view of botany tomatoes, nothing else like berries. But in the 19th century, the US Supreme Court ruled that, when charging the customs duty, Tomato fruits should be equated to vegetables.

It is this discrepancy in the views and was the reason for the so often asked today, to which kind of cultures belongs to the tomato.

What varieties remain fresh longer than all

The most discerning for any mistress is to throw the product grown with love due to the fact that it spoiled. And this, unfortunately, happens, and often. It is better to progress in advance and choose to land that the variety of tomatoes, which will definitely fail. As one wise saying says:

"Better one day to think about what a whole week is wasted."

Moreover, choose in our time there is from what. The number of tomato varieties derived by breeders reaches 25 thousand among them there are medium-stage, and later. And even the wonderful novelty - "Lice", i.e. Special long-stored varieties.

Perhaps many have already happened to meet some of them:

  • "De-Barao" - rounded, slightly oblong fruits of a wide variety of shades: red, green, yellow, black.
  • "San Martzano" - fleshy bardery fruits having a form of drain.
  • Long Keper - Fruits will remain juicy and fresh until February.
  • "Giraffe" - round juicy fruits. They can decorate the table even on March 8th.

Of course, you can choose one of these varieties. But what to do when so I want to plant some special, too beautiful or too delicious and attractive varieties?

Try to create for storage best conditionsSo you will at least make your life as much as possible.

How to keep tomatoes useful and fresh long

Try to find in your apartment a secluded dark place, the temperature in which always remains stable and is within 10 ° C. The humidity is 80%, and the air is well circulating.

It can be a basement, cellar or room, but in no case the refrigerator. In it, tomatoes will lose their herbaceous smell, for which they love them so, and taste.

And the thing is what! All the taste of tomatoes give acids, sugars and special volatile substances. This whole complex is extremely sensitive to temperature. ambient. If it will be lower necessary, fragrant berries will become non-fragrant and less tasty.

Recent studies of scientists from France showed that optimal temperatureat which the production of volatile fragrances is intensified, equal to 20 ° C. It is in such warm conditions that tomatoes are left for full ripening 5 days before consumption.

However, not necessarily forget about the refrigerator. This is a great and easy way to save beautiful berries if you intend to emit them for several days. Or cool before cut into a salad.

What else is important to know about multi-berries to keep them fresh to the maximum for a long time:

  • Be sure to reimpted your crop. It is impossible to store entire and damaged, surpired and green fruits together.

The tomatoes of "dairy ripeness" are best kept when they have reached them inherent in size, but not matured. As a rule, at this moment the berries acquire a pale pink shade.

  • Cut tomatoes from the bush before the night air will become colder than 8 ° C. If ripe fruits will move right on the garden, they definitely do not break long.
  • It is better to make a gathering day when the berries have been dried after morning dew.
  • Wash tomatoes in front long storage It is not necessary, it is better to wipe each fruit with a flushing with alcohol. So you get rid of all microbes at once.

The fruit of tomatoes must be cut directly before cutting!

How to save tomatoes in trays and drawers

If you have already decided on the place allotted for the storage of fruits, it is time to prepare boxes for them. Ship them with clean paper or pour with sawdust.

Then wrap the fruit paper, each individually, and put them with rows. Not more than 3 in one box. Each layer also shook the paper or spray sawdust.

Do not forget to leave small empty gaps between fruits for free air circulation. No need to put them too tight.

Wherever your berries stored, at least occasionally visit them. Check the condition of each fetus damaged to keep away from healthy. No need to regret them, otherwise you can lose the whole crop.

The solution to taste delicious tomatoes, take in advance. A week before, rendered selected fruits into a bright and warm room for complete, final ripening.

How to keep tomatoes in jars

Increase the shelf life of the berries up to five months, by placing them into simple glass jars. Such the method will suit And for mature, and for dairy fruits.

1 option. Rinse and carefully dry tomatoes. Fold them into a sterilized jar, but do not press too tight. Add a few alcohol spoons and cover the cap frone.

Screw the jar in your hands. But you do not need to break and damage, thereby tomatoes. Follow the operation carefully, so that all the fruits are wet.

After that, impose inside the guards of the wick and burn it from the outside. As soon as the alcohol in the jar will light up, quickly and gently sunk it.

Option 2. It will take about 6 tbsp. l. Dry mustard. The first 2 pumped on the bottom of the sterilized bank immediately. Then decompose tomatoes, speaking each layer. At the end, pour 1 l. Mustard and roll the bank.

3 option. In a sterilized jar lay 9 mm. Layer of crushed tomatoes and salt. Following the whole fruits, to the end of the bank, speaking each of the layers of salt. We ride.

How to maintain completely matured and ready-to-eat tomatoes

It also happens that the red berries have already been overrere, they don't want to eat them, but sorry to throw out. In this case, use the following way.

Mix the water with salt and 9% vinegar in the proportion of 8x1x1. Place clean tomatoes in a jar or pan and fill the resulting mixture.

Top pole vegetable oil So that it covers 1 cm. Products.

How best to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Keep the fruits in the refrigerator should also be able to. In any of them there is a special shelf for vegetables, then there are them and need to put them. The cuttings should look up, and between each fruit it is necessary to leave a very little space for air intake.

Each layer necessarily cover the paper, and even better - to wrap it with each individual fruit.

Store tomatoes in the cold can not be more than 3-4 days, otherwise they will become useless and tasteless.

How to save tomatoes that started to deter

The first sign of the "disease" of tomatoes is the appearance of brown or other spots.

But you can fight with them. True, more radical way - by pasteurization.

Heat water to 60 ° C. It will become approximately 7 minutes after boiling. And immerse tomatoes in it literally for 3 minutes. After that, dry the wet fruits in the fresh air.

Take care of your work and store products correctly. Enjoy natural, tasty and fragrant tomatoes All year round!

Summer is beautiful not only warm weather, but the ability to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh tomatoes in the winter can be purchased in the store, but the taste remains far from the taste of those juice fruits that are available in summer. Marinated vegetables are familiar with the winter. But in the cold time you can please yourself with a salad of fresh vegetables.

  • tomatoes need to be washed and dried on a paper towel;
  • banks need to be sterilized and dried;
  • dry washed tomatoes add up to the jar, poured with alcohol;
  • the alcohol is set down, the bank is quickly closed with dry sterilized metal covers, turns over and covers;
  • store such tomatoes in a cool dry place.

For this embodiment, 2 kg tomato will need 50 ml. alcohol. As long as possible, the absence of oxygen in the bank, which goes to the burning process of alcohol, is helped. After the air ends, the fire goes out, and tomatoes remain in airless space.

But the results of such experiments are not always pleased. Still, there are other methods for storing fresh tomato.

How to save fresh tomatoes longer?

Here are some more tips:

  1. For storage for the winter, thick-walled tomato varieties are chosen. There are also specifically derived for long storage tomatoes. For example, grade Giraffe was created by geneticists as a resistant to frosts, but it was precisely a variety for long storage. Long Keper and Masterpiece-1 tomatoes are also suitable.
  2. So that tomatoes are kept longer, you need to choose absolutely green or semi-art, so-called brewness, tomatoes for billets.
  3. Tomatoes are checked for integrity, thoroughly wipe away from moisture and laid into the container with one next to the fruit up.
  4. Store containers with tomatoes need in well-ventilated dry rooms. The air temperature should not exceed 8-10 degrees.

Of course, to keep so tomatoes in the apartment is impossible. First, in ordinary apartment It is very difficult to create suitable temperature conditions for this, because people need warmer air indoors. Secondly, it is difficult to maintain the necessary level of humidity in the apartment.

How to store tomatoes in the apartment?

  1. Preparation of tomato. Tomatoes are also taken by green or harsh. Tails need to tear off and warm up tomatoes in water for 2-3 minutes. The water temperature should not be higher than 65 ° C. Warming protects tomatoes from phytoofluorosis.
  2. After warming up tomatoes, you need to dry. You can lay them on the towel and then wipe thoroughly.
  3. Tara. It is better to use shallow boxes. They must be carefully cleaned, the bottom of the newspaper moistened in vodka.
  4. Before putting a tomato in container, it is necessary wipe with a mock moistened in alcohol. Thus, all microorganisms are killed, which could contribute to the damage of tomatoes.
  5. After the packaging is filled with one layer, another one is put on it Sheet of a cleaned newspaperAnd the second layer of tomato is stacked on top. The maximum possible number of layers in the container is three.

Another option involves wrapping every tomato in a newspaper moistened in alcohol. Each bundle is laid in the box, also layers. Then everything is shown by sawdust or peat. For an apartment is not the most convenient option, because after removing the tomato from the box with peat, cleaning may be needed.

Where exactly keep tomatoes in the apartment, it is best to determine independently, based on the features of ventilation indoors. Most often, tomatoes are stored under the bed: so their integrity is not at risk, and the humidity in this place is low.