
How to plant hydrangea in spring in open ground. Hydrangea: reproduction with cuttings in the fall


Shining is the easiest way of reproduction of hydrangea of \u200b\u200bany kind. Warm cuttings are poorly rooted, so it is better to use annual green shoots. In the article, we will tell you in detail how to grow a spectacular hydrangea of \u200b\u200ba cutter.

It is possible to reproduce the hydrangea with cuttings and in the spring, and in the summer. But the most appropriate time for this business is the middle of summer (shortly before the start of flowering). Therefore, it is recommended to cut a cut from the bush at the moment when buds only began to be tized. But at the same time, it is important not to reach the decoration of shoots, otherwise the cuttings are rooted with difficulty.

Soothes are best cut off early in the morning. So that they do not start, until the darkness, keep the cuttings of hydrangea in water.

What should be the cuttings of hydrangea?

For the drawing of hydrangea in spring and summer it is necessary to cut the top of a young side escape with 2-3 pairs of leaves. At the same time, two lower sheets should be removed and make a spit cut (at an angle of 45 degrees) on a cutlery just below the node. The upper cut is made straight and half shorten all the remaining leaves.

If buds have already formed on the shoots of hydrangea, then the top with inflorescence needs to be trimmed.

So that the rooting has passed successfully, the cuttings are recommended to soak in the growth stimulator solution (epin or HB101) - according to the instructions.

After that, to disappointed the bottom cut in the root formation stimulator in the form of a powder or granules (for example, rhoin).

How to root the cuttings of hydrangea?

In addition to the Cherenkov themselves, prepare the container, substrate and water (in the watering can and pulverizer).

To roighten the hydrangea, a mixture of coarse sand and peat is suitable in a ratio of 1: 2.

Soil moisturize and smash.

Then the surface of the soil is sprinkled with wet sand (layer 2 cm).

Hydrangea cuttings are planting at a depth of 2-3 cm.

The distance between them should be such that the leaves of the cuttings do not touch each other. Usually it is at least 5 cm.

Cuttings spray clean water Using a spray gun.

Then covered with a polyethylene package or a glass or plastic cap (you can use a cropped bottle).

The container is placed in a warm and privided place. Cuttings regularly water: at least once a week, and in the heat - every day. Optimal temperature Air - 18-25 ° C. In such conditions, the hydrangee cuttings are rooted after 3-4 weeks. The signal to this will be the appearance of new leaves on them.

Care of cuttings after rooting

After the appearance of the roots of the covering material is removed, the cuttings are planted in a separate pot, filled with a mixture of garden land, peat and sand (in the ratio (2: 2: 1) and continue to grow in a shady spot. At the same time, they do not forget to regree.

On permanent place, hydrangea, grown from the cuticle, is planted only next spring, and pre-harden on the balcony. In addition, if the plant is silent, it is better to first settle it in a shkula-shkolka until it becomes strengthened.

Hydrangea is a flower that is storming associated with the classic English villages from an old postcard. Single-storey stone houses with low ceilings and small attic. And obligatory busts of hydrangea on both sides of entrance door. In our latitudes, this wonderful plant also gothes perfectly and managed to love flowers. But, despite the fact that the hydrangea has long been the normally of our flower beds, many have questions about its cultivation. On the most frequent of them we will try to answer in our material.

1. Where to plant Hydrangea?

Contradictive hydrangea categorically does not accept moisture stagnation, but at the same time he loves moderately moistened soil and soft sun. Therefore, it is better to choose a place where she can take sunny baths in the morning and in the evening, and in the middle of the afternoon will be resting in a half.

Do not forget that the branches of this plant during the flowering period become quite severe, and therefore often inclined to the earth itself. If you want to turn the Hydrangea bushes garden tracks, then you should retreat from them at least on the meter. Otherwise, in the future you will have to say goodbye to the beautiful blooming branches or put backups, which does not always look aesthetic.

Plant plant better spring, away from large trees. To do this, you can use cuttings whose cutout is desirable to handle the root formation stimulant. In addition, hydrangea is perfectly multiplied by the division of the bush. The cultivation of hydrangea of \u200b\u200bseeds is a process of long and time consuming.

2. What to add to the landing point?

For planting a seedling of a tree hydrangea, it is necessary to dig a hole with a size of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m. Of course, the diameter and depth may vary, because depend on the size of the root seedlock system and the characteristics of the soil. If the Earth in your garden is not perfect for hydrangea, and it will be necessary to make sand, humus or additional fertilizers, the pit will have to make deeper and wider. For young (1-2-year-old), the seedlings are quite suitable for a 30 × 30 × 30 cm.

Hydrangea prefers soils with 4.5-5 pH acidity. If the soil in your garden is not sufficiently sour, it is necessary to add a coniferous filament litter into the landing pit, overwhelming sawdust coniferous rocks Or riding (brown) peat. And if the land on the plot is severe and non-homing, each pit fill in a special nutrient mixture:

  • 2 pieces of leaf land
  • 2 pieces of humus
  • 1 piece of river sand
  • 1 part of the riding peat

When landing hydrangea to the soil in no case can lime or ash impose.
After planting the soil around the seedling, it should be closed with a 5-7-centimeter layer of peat, sawdust or crushed bark. This will protect the plant from dehydration, as well as additionally acidify the soil.

3. How to water Holtenzia?

The second name of the hydrangea is Hydrangea. And in Japan, it is sometimes romantically called "wilderness". No wonder this beautiful flower So loves watering. Stability is the main principle when caring for hydrangeas, so you should not water it too abundantly, but rarely. Better once a week pouring under the root of about one and a half buckets of water. This is usually enough to maintain normal soil moisture.

4. What and when to feed the hortensia?

If the nourishing soil mixture was used when boarding the hydrangea, then the plant will not need to be superficial. If the land is not sufficiently fertile, then the hydrangea "signals" to you with the help of small inflorescences.

For feeding plants, it is possible to use drugs manufactured by industrial method (agricults, aqua, crystal). At the same time, it is quite simple to prepare fertilizer on your own. For this, in 15 liters of water, 10 g of urea, 15 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate should be dissolved. The first feeding is recommended to conduct in early spring. The second - after the appearance of buds (20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate by 15 liters of water).

During the summer (once every 3-4 weeks), the hydrangea can be watered with a cowboy. Recipe You will find in our publication Korovyak - an indispensable fertilizer for a garden and garden

5. How to deal with diseases and pests of hydrangea?

Sometimes on the leaves of hydrangea appears puffy dew. It is possible to fight with it using a burglar liquid. You can read the features of the preparation and use of this popular fungicide in our article borodic liquid - how to make it properly and apply. To combat threes and other sucking pests, these drugs such as phytodeterm or accomplishing can be used. In general, hydrangea is quite successfully opposed to diseases and pests on their own.

6. How to trim the hydrangea?

Without cutting the hydrangea quickly begin to look untidy. Therefore, it is desirable to form a bush from 2-3 years. It is necessary to do this in September or in the spring before the start of the sludge. At the same time, each type of hydrangea has its own features of trimming.

W. tree hydrangea Delete all weak and tweed shoots to the base, as well as three-year branches. Young gains are shortening, leaving only a few kidneys. The weaker escape, the shorter it is cut.

W. miscellaneous hydrangea In the spring, they remove shoots growing inside the crowns, and young growths are shortened by 1-3 kidneys.

Some experienced gardeners Forms a strambl tree based on the strongest escape of the messenger hydrangea. It is expelled to 70-100 cm, removing all the side shoots, and then form a spherical crown.

W. Large hydrangea In September, slightly shorter shoots that interfere with the plant hinder, and in the spring spend sanitary trim, cutting out all the frozen, broken and thickening bush shoots.

7. How to hide hydrangea for the winter?

The tree and buggy hydrangea usually tolerate the winter, so it is enough to simply protect them with the roots using mulch. Large hydrangea is more heat-loving. Therefore, immediately after the feast of the leaves, the branches are gently bend to the ground, putting a napnik under them. From above are also covered with sweetheart or dry leaves. Above the bush is better to additionally install a rigid frame, covered with polyethylene, while leaving the vent hole. In the spring, the protective layer is removed gradually so as not to expose the plant with additional stress as a result of temperature fluctuations.

If your site was chopped by slugs, then before shelter the land around the hydrangea it is worth sprinkling a mulch from pine needles or treat special drugs (slug, meta, thunderstorm, bros). Otherwise, the spring young shoots of the plant may be damaged.

8. How to change the color of hydrangea?

Not only chameleons are able to change color depending on the circumstances. Some plants also possess this amazing ability.

If the ground is under large-scale hydrangea with pink flowers to acidify with the help of red (upper) peat, alumokali or alumoamonium alum, citric acid Or another similar matter, her flowers will get a blue shade. To form a blue pigment, plants need aluminum. It is usually sufficient on most of the plots, but aluminum becomes available for the plant only as a result of a chemical reaction under the influence of an acidic medium. Thus, hydrangea can be not only a decoration of your garden, but also indicator of the level of soil acidity.



Hydrangea - decorative garden flowerwho loved many gardeners. All varieties of this shrub are moisture. Flowering hydrangeas in a group landing is very willing to decorate borders and lawns. And in order to create this beauty in its garden, it is necessary to reproduce the hydrangea, and best of all - cuttings.

Grade Hortensia

The most common types of hydrangea are:

You just look at the photos of these amazing varieties. Their stay on garden plot Creates indescribable beauty and contrast.

A little about Hortensia

Adult plants are considered more frost-resistant than young. They need a rich and well-moistened soil. Long shading adversely affects this flower. Therefore, to land the bush, you need to choose the right place.

Hydrangea Planting B. open sad It is recommended to exercise in the spring. Just at this time, the soil should exhaust, and the plant will not yet release the first kidneys. Before boarding, the holes are pulled down by a depth of 50 cm. In general, the size of the pit will depend on the size of the root system of the shrub, as well as the fertility of the soil. Each wells must be filled with a mixture of peat with humus and add 50 g mineral fertilizer.

The bush is digging along with an earthen room. All damaged branches are removed by the secateur. Then the hydrangea is lowered into the dummy pumpers and spread root system in different directions.

For a full growth, the root neck of the plant is allowed to burst out, but only a few centimeters. Then the plant is sprinkled with the earth, they fit tightly so that the emptiness is not formed in the roots. Watering a planted flower must be abundant, so that the soil is impregnated by 40-50 cm.

Care, feeding and drying of hydrangea

The subsequent stage of plant care is the soil mulch. It is necessary to protect the root system from overheating, as well as to remove weeds. To do this, you can use a bark or peat. They are poured with a smooth layer around the shrub. The mulching process is recommended to be carried out at the end of spring when the soil is good. Such a procedure is made in the fall, during the occurrence of sustainable frosty days.

Organic and minerals will become the most ideal fertilizer for active growth and rouse flowering of hydrangea. Making feeding is carried out before landing, as well as in the period of intensive growth.

The first fertilizer consists of bird's face And water in the ratio of 1:10, as well as complex mineral fertilizer. The composition of mineral feeding includes: superphosphate - 20 g, urea - 10 g and Potash Selith - 10 g. All subsequent feeders that make every two weeks are prepared in the same way. And only at the end of August they are stopped, in order for the branches of the hydrangea to warm to winter cold.

Almost all grades of hydrangea need pruning. Well, first - it is necessary to create decorative view Shrub, and secondly - to remove broken or grown branches for hygiene purposes. The edges of the shoots are recommended to produce in spring for the formation of a beautiful crown of the bush. Crimping damaged shoots is carried out in the fall.

Young Sadovaya Hydrangea Bushes, unlike adults, is very poorly tolerated cold and frost.

Therefore, such plants require shelter. For this, shrubs are mulched with foliage, smelter branches, sawdust or straw. Immediately after the first frost, in dry weather, plants are covered for the winter.

How to propagate hydrangea?

The reproduction of hydrangea is carried out by several methods at home: cuttings, tanks, seeds, dividing bushes and vaccination. Consider more detailed hydrangea with cuttings, seeds and dividing bush.

Division bush and seeds

The reproduction of hydrangea division of the bush is carried out in spring or autumn. The bush is digging, divided into three parts so that each plant contains several kidneys for recovery.

Grow the hydrangea seeds perhaps, but quite difficult. This method is unsuitable for varietal plants - seedlings do not inherit parent qualities.

Shining Hydrangea

The reproduction of hydrangea with cuttings is the most productive and easy way. For this, any cuttings are suitable, but it is best to take small one-year shoots that are plenty of every plant. Such shoots should not break when flexing. Much worse root and weathered cuttings are rooted.

The process of rooting shoots is recommended to do in the middle of summer. It has a positive practice of rooting cuttings before the start of flowering period. Then cut escape contains part of last year's cuttings. As for the soil, the reproduction of cuttings is quite successfully occurs in a well-humidized substrate, which contains one part of coarse sand and two parts of the peat. The substrate surface is sprinkled 2 cm layer of sand. And the weakness of the peat reaction contributes to the rapid growth of the roots of the cuttings. Before releasing in the soil, cutting cuts are treated with root for successful rooting. In order to disinfection, the upper cut cutter is recommended to lubricate with green.

The cooked shoots deepen into a substrate to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between the sled cuttings should be at least 5 cm. After planting the branch, it is necessary to cover with polyethylene. Further care It is regular watering, no less often 1 time in two weeks. For temperature mode 18 degrees, in pronted place, after 3 weeks the shoots should be rooted. Then you can remove the covering material.

Very important care for young cuttings in winter. The pots with squeezed shoots need to be protected from cold with newspapers or transparent polyethylene. The main thing is that under the shelter did not form a lot. With the arrival of spring plants should be taken to the balcony for hardening. The landing in the open ground is carried out after twisting and hanging the leaves in the cuttings. Read more about stallion in the next video.

Hydrangea Sadovaya has a property of changing the color of the inflorescences for the following reasons:

  • If you make a metal chips in the ground under a bush, then the inflorescences will become a blue shade.
  • Regular watering the bush of hydrangea by manganese can contribute to the fact that white inflorescences will acquire a pink color.
  • Folding flowers of plants over time become brown. They are very willing to use various crafts.

Among flowering shrubs, hortensia enjoys great popularity and in demand, many gardeners lovers dream of diluting and put it in their garden. They are engaged in the cultivation and reproduction of the shrub on their own, without resorting to buying a ready-made seedling.

Hortensia can be propagated at home and grow in several ways:

  1. Green cuttings.
  2. Diggers.
  3. Siblings.
  4. Resetting or dividing the mother bush.
  5. Seeds.

How to propagate seeds

The optimal way is to reproduce seeds. For this, seed seeds in the prepared boxes with damp soil. It is not worth deepening. Lay on the surface and cover with glass or film.

The first shoots appear in a month. Seedlings need to be transplanted into individual pots and grow in them for 2 years.

Planting in open ground for permanent place Recommend from 3 years of age, Sprouts should reach 40-50 cm in height.

This method may come for growing simple garden hydrangea. For derived varieties, this method is not suitable, they lose their decorative qualities.

Green cuttings (stalling in water)

The most common way is to reproduce with green cuttings - Shining. Bottles begin to harvest in July, when buds appear on the bush.

The cuttings are better to cut with young side shoots, about 15 cm long. Cut shoots should be immediately placed in the water in a dark place. From them we harvest the cuttings.

For this, the top with a bud is cut. Escape himself is divided into several parts, so that it remains 3- 4 pairs of leaves. Bottom leaves need to be removed, and the remaining trim half.

Next, finished cuttings should put for 3 hours in a special solution of Kornin. Put the cuttings in the prepared soil mixture From peat and sand, slightly moistened. For quick rooting, they can be covered with packages or banks.

Watered 2-3 times a week. Within a month, new leaves should appear on them. Banks and packages must be removed from Chenkov. But it is recommended to cover the material when the frost occurs.

For the winter, rooted cuttings are covered with dry leaves, grass, and then by observing material.

How to multiply hydrangea cuttings:


Gorishton's reproduction with letters worth starting since the beginning of springuntil the kidneys were blocked. Around the main bush you need to explode the earth. Next, make small recesses, approximately 2 cm.

In them lay lower side shoots and sprinkle the earth, so that the top of the escape is sticking out. You can fix shoots with wire. It should be crushed around the escape and start to the ground.

Watering follows dailySo that the earth is constantly wet. By the end of the summer, young shoots are formed on the tanks. When the tanks reach a height of 20-25 cm, they should be dipped.

In October, when the seedlings reach half a meterThey should dig and separate the shoots from each other. Next, the seedlings are cheered, in the spring they sit on the bed.


Hydrangea is also perfectly multiplied by offspringBut for this should be paid more attention.

In the fall, around the main bush, it is necessary to push the earth, carefully, not to damage the rhizomes of the uterine bush and separate the rigs. Next, they should be planted for beds so that they do.

Already a year later planted for a permanent main place.

To raise bush

Bust division is best to start in spring, before swelling the kidneys. This the method will suit For all types of hydrangea.

To do this, it is necessary to abundantly pour a bush with water, pull it out of the ground and rinse the roots. Next, the bush is divided into several parts so as not to damage the root system, and each landed in its place.

When is it better to multiply: in the fall or spring?

As for many plants, there is optimal and best time For breeding. For each method, the method is suitable.

  1. In the spring it is best to multiply hydrangea to the division of the bush.
  2. The reproduction of cuttings is better to produce in the summer in mid-July.
  3. The optimal time for planting seeds is the spring period, March month.
  4. Reproduction can be produced both in spring and autumn.
  5. The optimal time for dividing hydrangea siblings is autumn.

The reproduction of the buggy hydrangea is best to produce in the second half of summer, since after the winter period most of the cuttings die. In the spring and autumn, they do not recommend multiplying it.

It is necessary that water constantly stood around the bush.

Bushes to the winter period are well accepted and grow.

If in the fall of transplanting hydrangea, she will not have time to fix And it may die in winter in severe frosts.

The reproduction of hydrangea is a matter of troublesomerequiring big attention. But instead of his works, she will decorate the garden with its beauty and fragrance.

Even newcomers will be interested to try to multiply a blooming shrub on their own.

An amateur of garden shrubs, once having seen flowering Hydrangea, will certainly be set as a question: how to get in its plot this is a beautiful plant. The shrub is unpretentious and subject to the conditions of wintering in the vegetative period it has abundant blossoms. Modifying the hydrangea varied ways.

In contact with

Rules of growing hydrangea

This shrub prefers abundance of the it is recommended to plant it on open place. But provided that it will be protected from wind and drafts.

No special care does not require hydrangea. It is only important to choose the right composition of the soil for it - it prefers weakness, loose formulations And perfect does not tolerate lime impurities. Not suitable for her and sand, because of it at high speed is washed out nutrients.

Further care consists of watering and feeding. It is necessary for the winter bushes stupidSince they are heat-loving and do not tolerate a significant decrease in temperature.

Spring trimming is needed to stimulate flowering shrubs. Crop the tops of shoots, leaving on every three or four floral kidneys.

How is hydrangea multiplied?

If you or your friends on the site grows hydrangea, you can get additional bushes with the help of vegetative ways.

Division bush

Such a way can even be a novice gardener.

The procedure is carried out springas soon as the plant will awaken from winter hibernation And starts to dissolve the first leaves. The bush is digging and divided into several parts. The separation must be done in such a way that on each instance was kidney rooting.

Separated roots sprinkle with coal for disinfection. The bushes are planted into the wells, without blocking the root neck, they are poured and mulched.

After planting the plant, it should be signed so that they come around.


Formation of messengers - the most common wayreproduction. To obtain a new plant from an adult bush at the very beginning of the summer, extremely developed escape is chosen. Next to the bush make a hole (20 cm. Depth), watered it.

The intended escape is flex and placed in the hole, the earth is sprinkled. For reliability, it is necessary to fix the escape by a wooden slingshot or bracket from the wire. This is your future sapling. Moisture and nutrients are obtained by watering and feeding the main bush. Watch the soil in the first few weeks all the time is wet.

For the formation of the roots, the part that will be placed in the ground, sharpen or make cuts in a circle. The surface is treated with growth stimulant.

The top of the touch escape is vertically, tied to a stuck peg peg. Processura spend before the start of flowering.

Closer to the fall, when the hydrangea is swinging, the tanks are neatly cut off from the bush. Do not dig it immediately after cutting off - Let me get used to an independent existence.

Experienced flowerflowers advise to transplant the chain only on second yearWhen he picks up the root mass and gives shoots. The bush dug together with a lore of the earth and transplanted into a separate well. As a result, it turns out a ready-made seedling from which next year A full-fledged plant is formed.

Flowers on the instance obtained by the gauge will appear on the third year.

Getting hydrangea

This method of reproduction is considered most affordable and productive. With the help of the shilling, you can get a lot of seedlings from one uterine bush.

Stacking time is suitable any. Only the sealing of hydrangea in the fall implies the cultivation of planting material at home, followed by disembodied in open ground. Reproduction with cuttings consists of several stages:

- Preparation of material.

Proper cutting blanks - half of success. It is recommended to produce cuttings in the morning or on a cloudy day. Suitable exclusively Annolete The shoots from which ten-centimeter cuttings are separated by a secitor or garden scissors.

From cuttings remove the lower leaves, leaving two shortened upper and two or three kidneys.

Cut billets are binding to a bunch of three or four pieces. The lower cut is processed by the root - an exemplary, upper - disinfectant solution (manganese, green).

For landing, a mixture of durna, peat and sand (1x3x4) is prepared, which is treated with a ferry for disinfection. This substrate is plugged with 5 cm. Several times a day, the cuttings spray from the sprayer.

Rooting blanks should be covered with transparent caps. Once a week, landing is ventilated. Sprouts give roots in about a month. At this time, the caps are removed from them.

As an option, the formation of the roots can be carried out in water. Water should be defeated to remove calcium salts. When the roots grow on the cuttings 2-3 cmThey are seated in pots with soil.

- landing sprouts.

If the pavement was carried out in spring or summer, they can be immediately planted at the prepared place. Once in a separate well, the sprout begins to quickly form the root system. Young seedlings carefully help for winter.

With the autumn stalling, the blanks are seated in pots and fuse room conditions. Planting into the open ground is carried out after the threat of frosts.

Planting hydrangea seeds

From your own bush get seed material pretty problematicSince infrequently they have time to ripen in short summer.

The most suitable period for crops - fall. This is due to the fact that the seedlings will be prepared for the occurrence of heat on the street.

For crops prepare flat containers filled with a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil. Seeds, dry or pre-germinated, are distributed over the surface, not sprinkling. Sowing moisturizes with a spray gun and covered with glass.

For the extension, the boxes are placed in a light, warm place, but not under the sun.

If straight sun rays fall on the bin with crops, the greenhouse effect will be created under the glass and the seeds will die.

Glass with containers should be removed as soon as the first sprouts appear. Usually, shoots appear cheaply, so it is not rare to sow them.

The sprouts are picked 2 times - in the phase of the dissonilating phase and after the appearance of 4-5 of the present leaves. During the second dive, the sprouts are searched by separate pots. After they get, you need to start hardening plants. To do this, on the warm days they are put on the street.

Make sure that the sun does not fall on the plants, keep them exclusively in the shade.

Hydrangees grown from seeds, in open soil is recommended to plant only for the third year. Young specimens do not break, so they are entered into the winter. By the third spring, bushes will operate a good root system, and they can be planted.

If the sprouts in the first year will raise buds, they need to be removed.

Babes of hydrangea

Children call side shoots on the main weeds of hydrangea. Such a process that has grown out of the kidneys is quite quickly developing the roots and turns into a full-fledged bush. Put kids are recommended in a mixture of turf soil, sand and peat. The mixture must be acidified.

For hydrangea perfectly suitable ready shop soil for Azalei (Rhododendrons).

The baby is neatly separated from the main stem, handle the bottom end with the root-former and plant in a pot. The procedure is carried out in autumn and turn the copy of the house. Young bush can be planted in an open ground for the second year, after quenching in the first vegetative period.

When the flower buds appears on the bush, they are immediately removed, not letting them dismiss. In the process of rearing, the baby should be picked up with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Gardening hydrangea - a process that does not require special knowledge or special efforts. Even the gardener will cope with it - a novice.


More photos Hydrangea See More:

Useful video

Learn more secrets of breeding and growing hydrangeas in the garden: