
Persimmon: Useful properties and interesting facts. Persimmon - food gods facts about persimmon

Doors, windows

The Latin name of the persimmon is translated as "Food of the Gods", and lovers of this fruit agree: the taste of him is the truth of the Divine.

The persimmune is considered by the National Fruit of Japan, although in fact its homeland is China. Today, this tree is also grown in Korea, Burma, India, Pakistan, Europe, Australia, in the south of the United States. That is, the persimmon - the "inhabitant" of warm countries with a dry climate. It is frightened by cold winters, but at the same time drought kills a tree.

general characteristics

Young foliage on a terrible tree, as a rule, a salad color, more mature acquires a rich dark shade. By the way, on the homeland of persimmon, the leaves of this tree (fresh or dried) are used to brew healing tea. Flowers of this culture are divided into female and male. Women - single, creamy color. Men's pink, in inflorescences.

More often on the same tree there is only one type of flowers, although some varieties are two-mounted. Ripe fruits - from bright orange to red-brown, juicy and sweet. Unreasonable, as a rule, tart and very sour. The diameter of the ripe fetus, depending on the variety, can be from one and a half to 9 centimeters.

There are many types of persimmon in the world. According to external and flavors, different varieties can differ significantly, but the basic beneficial properties of them are common.

The nutritional value

One average fetus of persimmon contains about 120 kilocalories and almost 20 percent consists of carbohydrates.

Also, this Chinese delicacy is capable of providing an approximately fifth part of the daily tissue rate, and the content of vitamin C in it equals approximately 110 percent of the daily minimum. In addition, the persimmon contains minerals and vegetable compounds useful for humans, such as Zeaxanthin, Luthein, Licopene ,. The latter give an immature fruit tart, bitter taste. Among other important components are Kakhetny (strengthen capillaries), betulinic acid (antitumor substance), as well as carotenoids.

Nutritional value (100 g)
Calorie 70 kcal
0.6 g
0.2 g
18.5 g
3.5 g
80 μg
7.4 mg
0.74 mg
2.5 μg
0.05 mg
0.04 mg
0.3 mg
0.1 mg
8 μg
7.4 mg
7 mg
0.16 mg
9 mg
16 mg
160 mg
0.9 mg
0.13 mg
0.11 mg
0.3 mg
0.5 μg

Beneficial features

The useful nutritional components that are part of the persimmon affect the entire body:

  • support the health of the nervous system, bones, teeth, leather, eye;
  • contribute to the development of erythrocytes;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • regulated in the bloodstream;
  • protect cell membranes from damage;
  • slow signs of aging;
  • prevent different types of oncological diseases;
  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen bones;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • enhance the cognitive functions of the body;
  • improve digestion;
  • contribute to the effective restoration of the body after disease.

Role in the body

This exotic fruit is something more than just a delicious dessert. The persimmon has many advantages to human health.

Control over cholesterol

Laboratory studies have shown that persimmon is able to influence the blood level. The results of nine-week experience confirmed: the daily consumption of the fruit reduces not only the "bad" cholesterol in the bloodstream, but also, as researchers noticed, other types of lipids. Biologists say that tanning substances (tannins) are part of the berry are the cause of such an effect. At the same time, in less mature fruits of these substances more.

Cardiologists for their part, referring to the results of the experiment, made persimmune to the list of products that reduce the risk of cardiolastic development.

Visual acuity

The persimmon is an important eye health product.

Vitamin A, Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Licopene, part of the fruit, contribute to improved vision. These components help prevent the degeneration of yellow spots and cataract - disorders leading to blindness. Studies show that Lutein and Zeaxanthin can fully cure some eye diseases.

Antiviral agent

The antiviral effect of persimmon is achieved at the expense of tanins that block viruses, preventing the spread of infection. Researchers say that this fruit is able to destroy intestinal viruses. The results of scientific experiences allowed biologists to conclude the effectiveness of persimmon as a natural antiviral agent.

Antitumor impact

These exotic fruits contain a huge amount of anticancer. They protect the body from free radicals that are by-products of cell metabolism. Free radicals cause mutation of healthy cells. As a result, a malignant tumor grows in a damaged tissue. Personal persons prevent and stop these dangerous processes. Phenolic compounds, vitamins A and C, contained in high quantities in persimmon, are extremely important for efficient cancer protection. Considering all this, it becomes clear why persimm is called medicine from cancer tumors.


This orange fruit is one of the leaders in the content of ascorbins. Only in 1 fruit contains a daily portion of vitamin C. And it is known, stimulates the immune system, activates the production of white blood cells (leukocytes), which are for the body of the "defense line" from microbes, viruses, fungi, toxins, foreign bodies.


Persimmon, like most fruits, excellent source of fiber.

Food fiber enhances the intestinal peristalsis, improves the secretion of gastric juice, and also eliminates diarrhea or constipation. It is also believed that the fiber rich in fiber serve as prevention against colorectal cancer and other colon diseases. And people with overweight fiber from persimmon will help to lose weight faster.

Potion from old age

This "food of the gods" is rich in different useful substances, especially beta-carotene, lutein, lycopin. All of them function in the body as antioxidants, and therefore can prevent signs of premature aging. Frequent consumption of fresh persimma will protect against early wrinkles, age spots, alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue, vision loss and other unpleasant symptoms.

Normalization of blood pressure

Potassium was also found as part of persimmon, and in considerable quantities. It will be worth reminding that this mineral has vasculating abilities, which means it effectively reduces blood pressure. Thus, persimmon is an extremely useful fruit for hypertensive. In addition, the chemical composition of the exotion is not devoid of copper, and it is an important element for the production of red blood cells. And this ability of persimmon is important not only for persons with high pressure.

Metabolic processes

Such as pyridoxine, vitamin B9, thiamine is an important composite majority of enzymatic processes in the body. The normal level of these substances is the key to the fact that the process of processing food proceeds adequately. And the correct digestion is a healthy metabolism. In addition, vitamins of B-groups, which can be drawn from the tender pulp of persimmon, are important for maintaining muscles in the tone, strengthening immunity and body supply required energy.

Side effects

Allergic to persimmon arises extremely rarely - and this is a pleasant news. But there are not very joyful news. This fruit contains a lot of fiber, but in immature fruits contain specific nutritional fibers, which in the stomach are knocked in unsecured lumps. Doctors call these formations with without membranes. They slow down the process of normal digestion, as well as block food at the top of the digestive tract.

On the other hand, large portions of ripe fetus can cause meteorism. Therefore, people prone to the blown of the abdomen, it is not desirable to be overly carried by this sunny fruit. A similar warning concerns both hypotonists, since this fruit reduces blood pressure.

In addition, it is not advisable to use many persons to persons with diabetes (as it is very sweet fruit), with chronic intestinal diseases and on an empty stomach (can cause diarrhea).

Medical properties

In traditional Chinese medicine, persimmon is used as a means of Icotes. To get rid of the unwanted diaphragm reduction, oriental characteristics are used by 9 g of persimmon and 3 g of ginger. Products are crushed, add a little water to Cashitz and bring to a boil. Then the delicious medicine should be quickly eaten.

And the dried fruits The same oriental doctors were used to get rid of asthma, infections in the respiratory tract, diarrhea. To do this, there are still green fruits (as soon as you begin to glare slightly), we are dried with trees, clean from the skin and dried under the sun before the appearance of white glaze. After that, the fruit turns into a medicine.

But Japanese researchers offered cosmetologists to use only the skin of the fruit. In their opinion, in the fetus shell contains the maximum amount of substances that are important to combat aging. And European cosmetologists advise to apply Cashitz from persimmon and egg yolk as a mask from acne and extended pores.

How to choose persimm

The fruits of these trees can be used raw, dried, in the form of jams. Mature fruit fleshy and sweet. Too soft fruit - a sign of starting rot. Such fruits in food are no longer suitable. Do not have any unripe fruit - they are tasteful, tart, can be harmful to health.

Here are some tips, how to choose the most delicious persimmon:

  1. All attention to the form! Flat-base fruits resembling tomatoes, as a rule, always sweet. Extracted as acorn - tart.
  2. Little persimmon fruits are almost all tart.
  3. Fruits with cracks - a sign of rotting.
  4. Properly matured fruit should be orange or reddish, dense consistency. Excessively soft - overripe.

The most common way to eat persimmon - raw in the form of a dessert. (2 slice);

  • carnation (2 carnations);
  • thyme (0.5 hp);
  • cinnamon;
  • red pepper;
  • salt.
  • How to cook

    Purified and divided into pieces of duck carcass to choke for 4 hours. Marinade make out of Luke, ginger, carnations, thyme, red pepper, vegetable oil and wine. Then the pieces of meat lay on the baking sheet and bake until a golden crust.

    During this time, heat the butter and put the persimmune chopped into it with slices, cinnamon, red pepper. Fry about 3 minutes. After that, the persimmon slices take out, and add the remnants of the marinade into the mixture. To stew until the fluid is halved. Finished duck with persimmon lay out in the sauce and stew another 5 minutes.

    Royal snack

    To lay out several salmon slices. Near the fish on the leaf - cut along the boiled egg. On each half of the squirrel put on a teaspoon. Soft melted cheese mix with ginger and salt. I will put the finished mixture on salmon slices (you can culinary syringe), and from above - a slice of ripe persimmon, purified from the skin.

    Homemade cookies


    • flour (2 glasses);
    • walken chopped nuts (1 cup);
    • (1 cup);
    • chicken egg (1 pc.);
    • butter creamy (100 g);
    • baking powder (1.5 h. l);
    • nutmeg;
    • persimmune (2 pcs.)

    How to cook

    Eggs to be confused with sugar and butter, pour into flour with a tearful and puree from persimmon. Stir thoroughly. Add nutmeg, cinnamon, finely chopped walnuts. Mix. On the tray laying out a tablespoon or with a confectionery bag. Bake for about 15 minutes.

    Different nations of "food of the gods" call different products. If you collect them all together, it can even get a good "divine menu". And if seriously, all these products are not only delicious, but indeed have a delightful effect on the human body. And the persimmon is one of them.

    Persimmon - Wood Plant Tropics

    The genus of the persimmon plant whose Latin name Diospyros is part of the Ebenic family. This is the main generation of the family, which includes from 500 to 700 species. Such an inaccurate figure is associated with many subspecies of different types of persimmon. Some biologists allocate subspecies into separate species.

    For the genus the persimmon, the absence of grassy forms is characteristic - all representatives of the kind of trees or shrubs. There are evergreens and deciduous views with the leaves of a simple form. The fruits of juicy are called "berry" and contain from 2 to 10 major brown seeds.

    The distribution area is very wide, which is mostly tropical areas, only a few deciduous representatives grow in a temperate climatic zone. There are several perspective varieties that can withstand frost -15-20 degrees, though very short time.

    Evolutionary Rod comes from the southeastern areas of Asia, where the greatest species diversity of this kind is noted. Theses then spread to Africa and America. After eviluring the wild species of persimmon, people contributed to the expansion of the range of these plants. Currently, the persimmon is growing and cultivated on all continents, except Antarctica.

    Features of growing persimmon

    Plants are grown for the sake of edible fruits, which are usually orange, but there are species with red, brownish and chocolate color.

    The trees of the Phahhhrum family live 200-500 years and many species have the most valuable wood, like a black ebony tree and a cowandel black tree.

    The peculiarity of the cultivation of the persimmon is that the tree loves stony well aerated soils, with a reduced oxygen content in the soil, the persimmon quickly ceases to be fruit and quickly agrees.

    Almost all types of persimmon prefer high air humidity and a large amount of precipitation, and light, bulk, well-airing soils do not allow the root rot.

    Interesting facts about persimmon

    The taste and beneficial properties of persimmon are known since the times of ancient Greece, and the scientific name Diospyros originates from two Greek words and translates as "divine fire";

    In the Middle East, the fruit of persimmon symbolizes wisdom, and is considered a fruit of the prophets;

    South American persimmon, which is called "chocolate pudding", can have a weight of 500-600 gr, during the ripening period it becomes dark, reminiscent of black chocolate with color and taste;

    The Japanese call the persimmon "fruit of fruit" and symbolizes the victory;

    The dried fruits of Caucasian persimmon to taste resemble dates, so the Persians called them "Hormal" - the palic plum, then the name from Farsi fell into other languages, transformed into the "persimmon";

    The Arabs and Persians believe that Gins live in the trunks of the persimmon, who give the orange fruit a part of the fire;

    In many countries, persimmon is used to prepare alcoholic beverages: wines, beer and even sake;

    North America's aborigines used the small fruits of wild persimmon for the preparation of peculiar bread;

    The fruits of all types of persimmon contain tannins and can cause digestive problems.

    Another very, very winter fruit is persimmon! We have already asked - what kind of fruit can be called the most winter? In the first place of course - Mandarin! Read,

    Well, in second place among the most winter fruits on our table is of course persimmon. Do you know that the persimmon is "food of the gods"! Yes, it is this way - "Food of the Gods" - the scientific name of this berry translates from Latin. So,

    Persimmon the most interesting facts top 10!

    1.Hurma does not happen much!

    You know. That in the world there are about 725 species of persimmon, which grow in different parts of the world and do not necessarily have a bright orange color. For example, the persimmon mushmulumoid from African savannah in diameter up to 30 mm and has a magenta tint with full ripening.

    2. The persimmon is a berry, not a fruit!

    It is also called winter cherries, Chinese peaches, a plot of gods, a heart apple and the fruit of the sun, well, "Food of the Gods"! Motherland persimmon - China. But thanks unsurpassed Taste I. healing properties, persimmon quickly spread throughout Asia and around the world! Cutting the persimmune you will always see the flower in this berry!

    3. The persimmon is better than vodka!

    Persimmon The best antidepressant! The persimmon is better than vodka and alcohol, helps to fight depression. There is a lot of magnesium in the persimmon, and it helps to calm the discharge nerves, as well as glucose and fructose - source of good mood.

    4.Hourma not only berry, but also flower!

    The persimmon has an unusually beautiful bloom! It is a pity that florists do not use Persimmon flowers!

    5. Lose weight with persimmon!

    The persimmon is perfectly quenched hunger. In addition, it is low-calorie (in 100 g contained only 60-70 kcal - depending on the variety), so it can be turned on in the menu to those who seek to lose weight. That is, the persimm can be really noted and lose weight!

    6. The persimmon is most advantageous - the whole pharmacy in one berry !!!

    Because of your rich chemical composition, persimmon is two times superior apples by the number of vitamins. The persimmon is useful than apples. It contains more sodium, calcium, manganese and iron. And also twice as much dietary fiber. Thanks to them from the body, all slags and toxins are derived. Simply put, the act of persimmon can be compared with activated carbon. But, persimmonit has not only a lot of vitamins , but also amino acids and antioxidants, which have amazing impact on the the whole organism of man. Persimma contains a large amount of beta carotene. His persimmon is more than in pumpkin, sweet pepper and tomatoes, and therefore persimmon is useful for sight and skin. And also to those who abuse nicotine. In other words, the persimmon is the entire pharmacy in one berry!

    7. Persimm in cooking?
    In the cooking persimmon, it is usually in itself - it is not added anywhere and not used. The persimmon is usually used in cooking as a self-sufficient fruit, from the pulp sometimes prepare marmalands, jelly, molasses, wine, cider and even beer. Few people know that fried persimmon seeds use as a coffee substitute!

    8. The persimmon is better from Bodunya?

    Persimmon the best remedy for "Bodun" and alcohol poisoning! one.Persimmon "overwhelmed" antioxidantswho help in the process of detoxification (important for the liver ). 2. The persimmon contains manydietary fibers. Thanks to them from the body, all slags and toxins are derived. Simply put, the act of persimmon can be compared with activated carbon. 3. The persimmon is an excellent antidepressant.

    9. The persimmon is a magical fruit or a medal for victory?
    For many peoples, persimmon is not just a berry. In Japan, the fruit of persimmon symbolizes victory. In the Middle East the persimmon - the symbol of wisdom, the berry of the prophets. The Arabs and Persians were not at all that Ginones dwells in the trunks.

    10. Guiter diet and cosmetology.

    The persimmon really helps to lose weight. In addition, we have already said that xthe urma is perfectly quenched hunger. And besides, it is low-calorie (100 g contained only 60-70 kcal - depending on the variety), so it can be included in the menu to those who seek to lose weight. That is, the persimm can be really noted and lose weight!Fibers in persimmon, called pectin, helps control appetite. it helps adjust the level Sugar in blood . So persimmon can really reduce inaSh belly. Besides the persimmon it has properties gastrointestant. Thus, persimmon helps with stomach constipation and inflatation.
    Persimmon is great for anti-aging Masks on the face. Take the pulp of persimmon, add yolk and lemon juice and apply on face. Also persimmon helps andfuel from cellulite. Need to make a combination of puree persimmon with rough ground coffee and use it as Scrub against cellulite. The course of treatment is repeated three times per week for about three months.

    Here is such a persimmon berry and the "food of the gods"!


    Poems about persimmon
    "Red jam"

    A myself came to visit us
    Bright redhead persimmon.
    Turned thick sideways
    And said: "I see, by the term

    I came to the babies pale -
    Tasty breakfast brought -
    Soft, juicy, gentle, sweet,
    Eat, cute guys!

    Fragments from the book
    "Fairy Tale Handbook of Health" Volume 1

    Parable "Tart Guiter"

    Tale of the healing properties of persimmon (fragment)

    Gardener, having listened to the story of the tree, said nothing, but he did not cut the grove of persimmon. Soon he went to him at the persimmon an old man. Gardener was delighted, showed the best trees to the buyer. The old man tried all the varieties, and none approached him. Then he noticed the old tree, grew up on the outskirts of the garden, and decided to try his fruits.

    You will not like it. It is an old tree, and his fruit knit so that the language is trees, "the gardener explained.

    But the old man still told one persimmon. By cutting the fruit on the slices, he walked him for a long time and suddenly said:

    I buy the whole harvest from this tree.

    Seeing the surprise of the gardener, he explained:

    The more persimmon knits, the more thyanids in it. To me a doctor, tiannides are helping to fight a terrible ailment - atherosclerosis.

    Before the oldest, a gardener came to ...

    Health recipes with persimmon

    "Orange Salad"

    Persimmon - 2 pcs.
    - Carrot - 2 pcs.
    - Apple - 2 pcs.
    - Mandarin - 1 pc.
    - Almonds (crushed) - 2 tbsp. l.
    - Sour cream - 2 tbsp. L.

    Clean from the peel and seed apples and persimmon. Cut them with thin rings. Turn the carrot on a shallow grater. Mandarin Clear, remove seeds and cut into pieces. Add sour cream and mix everything. Sprinkle with chopped almonds from above.

    Above the recipes and fragments of Proverbs about Persimmon
    from book
    "Fairy Tale Handbook of Health" (Children about Fruit)

    The benefits of persimmon

    The persimmon as soon as appears on our tables - certainly pleases everyone with its unusually gentle and sweet taste. It is also known that this fruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances that nature presents us as a gift on the outcome of the fall. As can be seen from practice, it is enough to eat 2-3 fetus to quench your hunger, so the nutritionists of many countries recommend the use of persimmon with a wide variety of diets - the figure will not suffer from this, but the body will be much benefit.

    The persimmon contains in large quantities, magnesium and carotene, which are effective cancer prevention. According to them, it is not inferior to even such well-known fruits as figs, grapes and an apple. In its pulp is up to 15% of fructose and glucose, vitamins A, C and P are present, supporting the elasticity of blood vessels. More in this fruit there are many proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannings, calcium, manganese, iron and sodium. On the content of antioxidants, it is not inferior to green tea.

    What is the useful persimmon? All the beneficial properties of this healing and delicious fruit are difficult to count. It is pectin substances that actively affect the intestinal microflora and providing a fastening effect. They give the pulp astringent taste. It also contains a lot of iron, which is especially useful for anemia. The use of persimmon is recommended for pregnant women. When coughing and cold, it is good to rinse the throat with juice of one ripe fetus, divorced in 100 grams of warm water.

    The persimmon has a tonic and a tonic effect, improves performance, improves appetite, soothes the nervous system. It actively nourishes the heart muscle and strengthens the cardiovascular system. All this is possible at the expense of monosaccharide fruits. At the same time, in contrast to cases of refined sugar, glucose levels in the blood does not reach the critical mark. In addition, the daily use of ripe pulp (in the season) will allow you to fill the deficit of organic iodine, very useful for our thyroid gland.

    Those people who are forced to regularly take diuretic products will agree with the fact that they provoke the washing of potassium from the body and to replenish its stocks require special potassium-containing drugs. At the same time, the reception of additional drugs can be avoided if the persimmon is included in its diet, alternating it with apples and apricots.

    This unique product is valued in cosmetology. The derivatives are often part of the shampoos, creams and masks. If you wish, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin and at home. To do this, the flesh of ripe berries should be applied for 8-10 minutes on the purified face, after which it was washed with warm water.

    Vitamins in persimmon

    This fruit is one of the richest vitamins. It includes: vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamins A, P, lemon and malic acid, as well as a number of other useful elements. Due to the high content of provitamin A persimmon is a very valuable food product. The presence of beta-carotene in ripe fruits contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin, allowing it to remain soft and silky as long as possible. In addition, provitamin A improves the sexual functions of a male body.

    In the fruits of persimmon, high concentration contains carotene, which, in combination with vitamin C, more effectively improves eyesight. The fruits of this healing plants are recommended to use as often as possible, since the groups contained in them are stimulated by the human immune system, allowing you to avoid a whole list of diseases. For example, vitamin A has long been observed by scientists as an effective prophylactic agent from, and vitamins C and p significantly reduce the fragility of the vessels.

    Official science is proved that when using products containing beta-carotene, smokers significantly decreases the risk of lung cancer, and the content of beta-carotene persimmon leaves far behind many berries and fruits. Among other things, the presence of vitamin with well tones the body and improves performance.

    The persimmon is rich in iodine, although not as nautical cabbage. His deficiency in the body can lead to a number of severe diseases, up to the deterioration of mental activity. In addition, iodine is one of the main components that stabilize the functions of the immune system. Itself is not produced by the body, so the persimmon can become an indispensable source of this useful element.

    It is also worth noting that it is due to the high presence in the pulp of fruits of iodine their use of a beneficial effect on the work of the thyroid gland.

    Harm persimmon

    By itself, this food product is not harmful, it is only necessary to take into account the recommendations of the physicians in some diseases. The persimmon should be used with the caution of those people who suffer from constipation, a bowel atony, the spikes of the abdominal cavity after surgery.

    Moreover, the fruits need to choose enough ripe so that the number of binding substances is minimal in them, since the immature persimmon in large quantities contains a tannin acting like flour and, as it were, a gluing particles of digested food among themselves.

    You should not use this fruit patient with, as a lot of sugars in fruits. However, a small amount of juicy and ripe pulp sometimes you can pampel yourself.

    The persimmon will not be useful in diseases of the kidneys and bladder at the stage of exacerbation. It is capable of causeing frequent urination, which will be an additional and unnecessary load on the distinguishing system of the patient. In addition, this fruit does not combine with milk, which should also be considered when choosing a diet for a day.

    Persimmon for women and children

    In particular popularity of the fruits of this plant in women, because it is no secret that their caloric content is small, so they will not harm the slim female figure. And the pulp of fruits is useful for the skin, since it contains in a large number of antioxidants, slowing the aging processes.

    The persimmon flesh is recommended to mix in the ratio of 1: 1 with milk or cream and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse the face with warm water. The mask is good for aging and fading skin. To achieve a persistent effect, a course of 20 procedures will be required.

    Another mask recipe: the pulp of one fetus should be pulled and mixed with starch or the belonging, the resulting mixture is on the face for 15 minutes, after which it was washed off with cool water. This tool effectively affects any skin type.

    Persimmon during pregnancy

    When pregnant, many women review their diet to include products with sufficient content of vitamins and bioactive substances useful for their baby. And in this case, you should not leave such a useful fruit as a persimmon. It fills the need for the body into calcium, necessary to form a bone skeleton of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of pregnant women and contributes to the elimination of harmful substances.

    However, this is not all the beneficial properties of persimmon! It helps to fight the swelling, removing the excess fluid from the body, fills potassium losses and other vital trace elements, normalizes metabolic processes and serves as a preventive agent for anemia. Also, this fruit can be used for cosmetics, because pregnant women often torment the problems with the skin of the face. This is a good remedy for the narrowing of the pores and the elimination of acne.

    For a mask, mix the flesh of the whole fetus with egg yolk and apply for 20 minutes to problem areas of the skin.

    Is it possible to nursing a persimmon?

    Not only during pregnancy, but also when breastfeeding, many women adhere to a special diet - and it is correct, since products rich in vitamins and microelements may, in addition to the benefit, cause the baby and harm. In this regard, the persimmon is also a product ambiguous. On the one hand, it contributes to the prevention of Malokrovia and restores the immunity of the mother after the birth of a child, on the other, can cause an allergic reaction from the kid.

    How to be? It is unambiguous that it is not necessary to completely eliminate this useful fruit from a woman's diet, just need to be used with caution and small portions. However, in the presence of diathesis in a child, the possibility of consuming fruits should be consulted with a doctor.

    Persimmon children

    Before reaching a child of a three-year-old age, there can be a speech about the introduction of this fruit in his diet. In the still not fully formed the gastrointestinal tract, the baby due to the binding substances of these fruits may form a sticky com, which will lead to intestinal obstruction.

    After three years, the child can be given a day just one ripe fetus of medium sizes, but it should be started at all with small portions. If the children's body reacts normally to this fruit, the portions gradually can be increased. Of course, it is best if the child begins to eat persimm to eat from ten years.

    If someone doubts whether persimmon is useful to children, it is always worth remembering that excessive use of any products can harm the human body.

    Persimmon with diabetes

    The glycemic index index is 45 - this is the average in the Table GI, in some cases it can be recommended during diabetes, but in very limited quantities, since it is high enough to sugar.

    Persimmium for weight loss

    In the process of studying persimmon, it turned out that it is a very valuable product in nutrition. Her fruits make it more efficiently and without prejudice to health, reset extra kilograms. Nutritionists argue that only one fruit supplies approximately 60 kcal, pectin and fiber, which allows you to feel the feeling of satiety and greatly fit hunger. Support the body in the starvation process will help in the fruits of this healing plant vitamins A, B, C and a number of useful trace elements.

    Very often used by a diet in which the persimmon replaces one reception of food a day, first it will be breakfast, then lunch, and at the end and dinner, it's easier to mention that it is used from food only a persimmon. Next, the alternation again begins in a circle. The remaining meals should be filled with low-fat products: fish, cottage cheese, boiled meat and others. Such a diet will be useful for people who are unable to withstand strong restrictions in food. It should be used for a week once a month.

    It is also very useful to arrange the so-called unloading days in which persimmon will be the main food product. This will help withdraw various toxins and excess liquid from the body. With such a diet, you should eat one fruit at the first sense of hunger, but it is not recommended to use more than 2 kg of fruit per day. Diets involving persimmon will be especially useful to sweet. They will help not only lose extra kilograms, but also clean the skin.

    Calorie persimmon

    Despite the large number of sugars in persimmon and a fairly high degree of its son, the caloric content of fruits is relatively low. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend people suffering from overweight to include this useful fruit in their diet. Esing only 2-3 medium fruit (150-170 grams), you can feel fast saturation, without without worrying about extra kilograms. Fruits, of course, should be in the stage of complete ripeness.

    If you still purchased immature persimmon, then try to freeze it. After thawing, fruits will definitely become sweeter and softer. In addition, astringent taste goes - the result of the surplus of tannins and Tanin. Immature fruits can be held in warm water 10-12 hours or put in the package together with apples, which will also accelerate their maturation.

    How many calories in persimmon? In 100 grams of persimma, it is contained from 53 to 60 kilocalories, of which carbohydrates - 16.9 g, proteins - 0.5 g, fat - 0 grams. In its pulp: water - 81.5 g; Food fibers - 1.6 g; beta carotene - 1.2 mg; potassium - 200 mg; calcium - 127 mg; Magnesium - 56 mg and iron - 2.5 mg. A small portion of this useful fruit is able to put in order nerves, improve performance and improve mood.

    How and where does the persimmon grow?

    At the sight of persimmon on the shelves of stores or markets, many people are interested in the question: where is this unusual fruit grow? This plant is a deciduous tree that grows mainly in countries with a warm climate. And in the fall, after the leaves begin to fall, the fruits of this medicinal plant remain to divert on the tree. More Indians told the first European conquerors that persimmon is not recommended to use to the first cold.

    Despite the fact that the plant prefers a warm climate, it does not require a large amount of moisture, quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. Some varieties are able to withstand temperatures up to -20 ° C. The only requirement for persimmon is a special composition of the soil. Like all fruit trees, the persimmon blooms pretty late and brings the first ripe fruit at the end of the autumn (depending on the variety - in October-December).

    Nowadays, the plant is widespread in China, Japan, Indonesia, Northern India, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Australia and the Philippines. It is also grown in Italy, Algeria, France, Vietnam and a number of other countries.

    How to choose a good persimmon?

    Persimmon "Korolev"

    One of the most favorite perspective varieties has always been the "king". It is easy to determine by a little flattened form and orange skin of the peel. The pulp of the fetus has a brownish color, from where and the second name of this variety is "chocolate". By the way, the darker the flesh, the minor the taste of this fruit. A feature of the variety is that after its use in the mouth does not arise a feeling of viscosity.

    "The Korolev" is not only one of the most delicious, but also one of the most useful persimmon varieties. It contains a significant amount of pectin, dietary fibers and slow carbohydrates, which makes this fruit a good assistant in the fight against digestive disorder. In addition, this persimmon grade is a valuable dietary product. Thanks to its diuretic properties, it is used by traditional medicine to eliminate cardiac and renal enemy.

    "The Korolev" is actively grown in Japan, China, the countries of the Mediterranean, and in addition - in South Africa, Central Asia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

    Persimmon from bone

    Among the many different methods of breeding the plant, one of the most popular and effective is considered to grow a bone tree. This method was often used in the old days and can be successfully used to get young shoots at home. And it does not require any excessive effort.

    How to grow a persimmon from the bone? To grow persimmon from the bone, it is necessary to do the following: Immediately after eating the fruit, rinse and thoroughly dry the bones, then put them in a pot of the ground about 2 cm deep into the pot, cover with a cellophane film and put it in a warm place. In the winter months, a hot battery is quite good for these purposes.

    Seeds will give the first shoots about two weeks - more keep them does not make sense. Cleaning the pot is used to periodically ventilate and not forget to pour water as the soil grain. Cellofan can be removed after the appearance of the first sprouts. Young shoots can reach fifteen centimeters in height.

    In some cases, a bone may remain at the end of the sprout. Since its sash is very closed, the plant can die if the bone does not disappear within a few days. If this does not happen, it is necessary to remove it with thin scissors or needle yourself. If the bone does not succumb, then it should be unpaved, after that it is removed much easier. It is sprayed with water for the sparking and placed on the night in the cellophane package.

    It should be remembered that persimmon sprouts grow quite quickly and after some time they need to be transplanted into large pots. The lack of space negatively affects the root system, so the plant may die.

    Contraindications to the use of persimmon

    Despite all its beneficial properties, persimmon has a number of contraindications. Because of the large content in it easily sugared sugars, it is forbidden to use people suffering from diabetes.

    Also, this fruit is not recommended in large quantities, as this can lead to the formation of damasters (solid stones), and in the future and to obstruction of the intestine. Persimmon fruits should not be eaten with cold water and milk. Among other things, in some cases individual intolerance of the product is possible or.

    Education: Diploma RGMU them. N. I. Pirogov in the specialty "Therapeutic case" (2004). Ordinature at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, a diploma in the specialty "Endocrinology" (2006).

    As soon as the persimmon is not called - and winter cherries, and the Chinese peach, and the drain of the gods, and a heart apple, and even the food of the gods (this is exactly what its name is translated from Latin). The persimmon does not become less delicious. In addition, the benefits are even greater than taste!

    The persimmon is useful than apples. It contains more sodium, calcium, manganese and iron. And also twice as much dietary fiber. Thanks to them from the body, all slags and toxins are derived. Simply put, the act of persimmon can be compared with activated carbon.

    You know. That in the world there are about 725 species of persimmon, which grow in different parts of the world and do not necessarily have a bright orange color. For example, the persimmon mushmulumoid from African savannah in diameter up to 30 mm and has a magenta tint with full ripening.

    Contains a large amount of beta carotene. Its is more in it than in pumpkin, sweet pepper and tomatoes, and therefore persimmon is useful for sight and skin. And also to those who abuse nicotine.

    The persimmon is perfectly quenched hunger. In addition, it is low-calorie (in 100 g contained only 60-70 kcal - depending on the variety), so it can be turned on in the menu to those who seek to lose weight.

    Rich in vitamin C and can be a tasty medicine from a cold. Some even manage the persimmon juice to rinse the mouth, mixing it with a small amount of water. The presence of potassium in the fruits has favorably affects the work of the heart, the vessels and the nervous system.

    Helps fight depression. There is a lot of magnesium in the persimmon, and it helps to calm the discharge nerves, as well as glucose and fructose - source of good mood.

    Uralny persimmon has a fairly unpleasant feature - the astringent effect, which is formed from and the content of Tanin. But it is easy to get rid of it: it is enough to put the unripe persimmon in the freezer for several hours or a few days in a plastic bag together with apples. The neighborhood with the latter contributes to the release of gas ethylene, which helps persimmon to grow faster.

    Determine the ripeness of persimmon easily in appearance: the peel should be solid and smooth, but it should be seen through it that the pulp is glad. The sides must be soft to the touch, and the fruit is dry and dark.

    In addition to ordinary persimmon, there is also a kingdom and Sharon. How to distinguish them? The king is the same persimmon, but with a bone, as the fruit grows out of a male polished flower. The main plus is the lack of astringent effect. The pulp of the king is brownish, with streaks, which is why such persimmune is also called chocolate.

    Well, Sharon is a hybrid of the Japanese persimmon and apple. It is less viscous, and therefore more tasty. There are no bones in Sharon, and skin is thin and shiny. From Apple Sharon received something like a consistency flesh - more solid than in ordinary varieties.

    The persimmon is not just a delicious fruit for dessert. In the cooking, it is open to experiments! For example, persimmon slices can be sprinkled with lemon juice, pepper, wrap a chicken fillet fried on the grill and serve with a salad leaf.

    You can add a persimmon in vegetable salads - it will add a dish of piquancy, makes the taste more original, and the appearance is bright! Moreover, persimmon can and cut, cutting with plates, and after to give to tea instead of candy.

    For many peoples, persimmon is not just a berry. In Japan, the fruit of persimmon symbolizes victory. In the Middle East the persimmon - the symbol of wisdom, the berry of the prophets. The Arabs and Persians were not at all that Ginones dwells in the trunks.

    Legend of persimmon

    The Caucasian legend narrates about the mother who has grown three not beautiful daughters. The poor widow was crying and grieved: after all, the daughters were adjusted, and in their direction nobody looked even. How to marry them?

    One day, a woman dreamed of a strange dream, a young unusual beauty girl appeared to her and stretched the fruit of persimmon, saying that she would help her daughters.

    Waking up, the woman went out on the porch and saw that three ripe fetus hang on the old, dried trees. I understood the widow that the spirit of the tree came to her.

    The delighted mother, threw them and hurried to her daughters. Every day she cut off a piece from each fetus and gave the girls.

    And a miracle happened - her daughters became good in front of her eyes. The skin became smooth, like ripe persimmon, hair, became shiny, like persimmon seeds, girls were slim like young Persimmon Treet.

    Soon about three beauties knew the whole edge, the grooms came from distant and close villages.

    The daughters successfully married, and the old mat was happy and until the death of the tricks of the rustic Turg's Furma.

    Until now, in Georgia and Armenia, they remember this legend and, knowing the beneficial properties of persimmon, always give it to daughters. It is believed that the fruits give the beauty and happiness in family life.

    33 Chose

    Once the gardener decided to cut out all the grove of persimmon. And yet after the story of the tree he changed his mind. A little later looked at the gardener. Buyer. The old man tried all the grades of persimmon, but everything continued to swing his head. Noticing the old tree at the end of the garden, he decided to try again and his fruits. The old man cut the fruit on the slices and for a long time eating them. And suddenly he said: "I buy the whole harvest with this magic tree!" The buyer clarified the surprised gardener: "The more persimmon knits, the more Tanyn in it. And he helps to fight atherosclerosis." By the way, I heard from the neighbor, that you can get rid of the binder, if the unrivaled persimmon put together with apples to the plastic bag and remove for several hours into the freezing chamber. The misappropriate persimmon is better not to use at all so that there are no problems with the stomach. And on the hungry stomach is also not recommended. It contains such vitamins: a, s, r, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, glucose, sucrose, apple and citric acid. The 100 g of persimmon contains only 70 kcal. It improves performance, improves appetite and soothes the nervous system. I love it in my natural form, make jelly, puddings, jams, marmalade, add to salad, ice cream and in baking. And with a cold and cough, weeding the throat with a ripe persimmon juice. Strank persimmon in the refrigerator a few days.

    To date, there are 500 species of persimmon in the world. I suggest to consider some of them:

    Bull Heart - A large, very tasty variety, has no stones. The pulp of orange color, soft and tender.

    Honey - The sweetest grade, has no stones. The pulp of bright orange color, very gentle.

    Queen - Sweet grade. The flesh is dark with a chocolate tint.

    Sharon. - Very sweet grade. Bright orange fruits. The flesh is gentle and soft.

    Russian - solid fruit, yellow-orange with a wax rode. Weighing 60 g. The flesh is orange, sweet. Very sweet taste with a thin aroma.

    First we will prepare amazing sandwiches with refueling from persimmon. Baister!



    • 3 Sweet Peppers (2 Green, 1 Orange)
    • 4 tbsp. Curd cheese
    • pern Chile
    • persimmon
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 2 tbsp. Lemon juice
    • pinch of salt
    • pinch of smoked paprika
    • fresh Tarkhun

    Green peppers clean from seeds, cut into circles (1 cm thick). Stash on slices of bread. Orange pepper cut, remove seeds, grate on medium grater. Grind garlic. Next to wash the persimm to well, remove dry inflorescence, clean. Take the pulp with a fork and remove bones. Mix persimm, grated pepper, curd cheese, lemon juice, garlic and salt. Mix well. Fill this rings of pepper. Sorry smoked paprika and sprinkle chile with chopped pepper. Serve sandwiches on the table, previously decorated with sprigs of fresh tarhuna. Bon Appetit!

    Meet - the nivest salad with persimmon.

    Salad with persimmon


    • persimmon
    • red onion
    • 100 g goat cheese
    • 100 g lettuce leaves
    • 30 g of pecan nuts
    • 1 tsp. Honey
    • 1 tbsp. White wine vinegar
    • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil

    Cut the persimmon with slices. Clear onion, cut off by half rings. Nuts large chop. Salad leaves break hands. Share all the ingredients on a plate and sprinkle with goat cheese.

    Preparing refueling: mix vegetable oil, honey and white wine vinegar.

    Hiding a salad on top of refueling. Our salad is ready! All excellent appetite!

    Vegetable snack


    • 2 persimmon
    • 1/2 White Luka.
    • 2 tbsp. Lyme juice
    • 4 twigs of Kinse
    • 1/4 coffee spoon of ground ginger
    • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
    • salt and pepper to taste

    Purpel wash, remove dry inflorescence, clean. Green wash. Clear onions. All finely cut. Add ginger, salt, pepper, lime juice and butter. Mix. Enjoy your meal!

    It's time to prevent cooking chicken with persimmon.

    Chicken with persimmon


    • 1.5 kg of chicken
    • 4 persons
    • 2 Lukovitsy
    • salt and black ground pepper
    • greens to taste
    • a bit of vegetable oil

    We are preparing marinade: cut the persimmune on the quarter, cut the peel and remove the bones. Clear onions. All cut into small pieces. Add finely disturbed greens.

    Separate the chicken on the portion pieces, graze salt and pepper. Fold in a bowl, fill out marinade and remove in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil, lay out pieces of chicken and bake to a golden crust. Excellent appetite!

    And today we will make jelly from persimmon.

    Jelly from persimmon


    • 2 persimmon
    • 20 g gelatin
    • 2 tbsp. Honey
    • 100 ml of boiled water

    Soak gelatin in warm water, stir up to complete dissolution. Clean the persimmon from the peel, remove the bones. Take the pulp with a fork. In the scenery mix the flesh of persimmon with honey and gelatin. Heat on fire 1 minute, constantly stirring. In the cups pour the mixture and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Enjoy your tasting!

    Smoothie from persimmon


    • 2 persimmon
    • 2 banana
    • juice with orange
    • 8 tbsp. Natural yogurt

    Clear persimm and bananas. Remove bones from persimmon. Cut all slices and beat the blender. Pour orange juice and yogurt, continuing to beat. Pour the mixture into cups. Excellent tasting!

    I advise you to cook you any of the above-listed dishes from the persimmon and surprise your loved ones!

    Which of the dishes described above will "write" in your kitchen? And what original dishes from persimmon do you know? Share with us ...

    Yurkova Loya especially for the site

    Photo:, Li-Best.Ru,,,,,,,, Ivona.,,,,


    There were those times when overseas fruit were in the wonder. And now from bananas, oranges and pineapples, store counters are breaking, pushing our modest apples. And with the onset of frosts, a fruit resembling an orange tomato fruit appears everywhere, the benefits and harm for the body of this product, perhaps little known to his fans. Therefore, we will try to open the veil of secrets and figure out whether the persimmon is useful to whom it is contraindicated, how many kcal in persimmon and that it is still interesting in himself.

    Winter in full swing. So the new year is already quite close. The holiday is waiting for everything. For all this is the most beloved, magical and beautiful holiday. It is winter that winter fruits appear on our tables. It appeared now on the shelves of our stores and fruit persimmon.

    How the persimmon is growing

    The Greeks called the persimmon of the food of the gods (Diospyros), and the Persians of the deck plum (Khrmall). Countries from where they grow and where the persimmon is growing to this day - this is China, Japan and Indoalayan areas. Cultivation is engaged in America, Australia, European countries. There are places where persimmon grows in Russia: as a rule, these are areas with a warm climate - the Black Sea coast.

    In general, the persimm is called the genus of trees (and deciduous, and evergreen) ebenic families, whose wood is quite valuable. The persimmon (tree), the photo of which from afar can be taken for an apple tree splashing, can live up to five hundred years! More than 700 species of this plant are known, but not all of them are fruit.

    Especially good in the spring, when blooms. Those who have repeatedly seen the persimmon growing, the photo of the blooming tree is unlikely to surprise, but these flowers are interests: pale yellow under the fleshy sewer. Women's flowers are large, single. Male - smaller, located 4-5 pieces nearby.

    How does the persimmon grow: photo

    But see how the Persima photo flowers:

    Persimmon: varieties

    In the people of Persimm, it is customary to call exactly the fruit, and the persimmon is, the persimmon is a fruit or a berry, quite not easy. On the one hand, it has all the signs of a fruit - grows on a tree, quite large, but also signs of berries - a juicy flesh under thin skin and the presence of seeds - she does not take away. The form depends on the variety, it happens to a spherical or oval-elongated, angular or dropped. Yes, and the color is different - from yellow-orange to red.

    The most common varieties:

    • Russian woman derived by Crimean breeders with rounded berries moderately tart and at the same time sweet taste, ripening by November. The variety is frost-resistant and distinguished by a stable harvest (50-70 kg from a tree).
    • Chocolate (or Zengiara), a variety, loved by many for excellent flavoring properties - sweet and without tart aftertaste.
    • Chinese easy-finding due to a form with a deepening and thick peel. The taste of it is not too high.
    • Virginsky, variety from the US state of Virginia, but ideally suitable for the warm regions of our country. This is a tall (about 10 m) view with good flavors of berries.
    • Fuyu is a raven variety, distinguished by abundant fruiting. The flesh is brown, and the external sign of Fuyu is the separation of the fetus as if slices of the furrow on the peel.
    • The queen - medium-sized rounded with a distressed pulp and bones of fruits that sleep by November. If you compare, the persimmon and the "kings" - what is the difference, one essential feature can be distinguished: "The kings" goes well in food and without additional ripening, while the usual persimmon loses tart bitterness after standing in frost or warm. But the most interesting thing is that the "kingdom" itself is often a neighbor of an ordinary persimmon, often growing on one tree with her, but received when pollination of inflorescences, therefore in the "Rabbles" necessarily there are bones.

    There are still many exotic varieties - both South American "black apple" with a weight of fruits up to 900 g, and the Caucasian tiny variety of up to 3 cm, and a flat Paraguayan, and brightly old Filipino, and Israeli "Sharon", a hybrid with an apple, very gentle on taste.

    What else is valuable persimmon?

    In addition to delicious and fragrant fruits, it gives people:

    • wood (ebony tree), from which furniture and sports accessories are manufactured, as well as musical instruments;
    • the leaves that traditional medicine considers biologically active, that's why tea from the terrible sheet is shown to the elderly and suffering anemia, and the sparkled leaves have antiseptic properties and are used for the treatment of wounds and injections.
    • seeds that in a fried form are quite replaced by coffee;
    • fruit-tilt, decoction of which get rid of the enurraw.

    But, perhaps, the maximum benefit is the fruit.

    Persimm: Composition

    Supporters of healthy nutrition will undoubtedly interest what vitamins in the persimmon there are and what is contained in it useful yet. So, from vitamins in the highest concentration (half of the daily volume in 100 g of fruit) are contained by, that is why it helps to strengthen the immunity and resist the attacks of viruses, strengthen the walls of the vessels, the functioning of bone and connecting tissues, and also takes an active part in metabolism . What vitamins are contained in persimmon besides with? These are vitamins A, group B, PP.

    Although there are many sugars in the persimmon, they affect the glycemic blood index. In general, the glycemic index index is 50, while high is considered from 70. And fat per 100 g is less than 1% of the daily rate of consumption. The fiber and pectin in 1-2 persons of persimmon by 15% cover the daily rate in these substances.

    Many beta-carotene (hence and orange color) and flavonoids. There are in significant quantities of iron, iodine, magnesium, copper, manganese, chrome, potassium. At the same time, there is no starch, but the content of panthenic acid (vitamin B5, necessary for metabolism) by 150% covers the daily need of an adult in it.

    Why persimmon knitting

    No matter how tasty the food of the gods, but quite often the persimmon knits the mouth. What to do to eliminate this drawback?

    Due to immaturity in the fruits, there are many tanins - natural phenolic compounds - this is why persimmon knits the mouth. In nature, these substances are designed to protect plants from pathogenins and eating their animals. Taste, of course, it is not very pleasant, but not poisonous!

    And what to do to the persimmon do not knit? Everything is simple: to withstand it a few hours in hot water or, on the contrary, in the freezer. And high, and low temperatures destroy phenolic ties, and the tartness disappears.

    Persimm: Useful properties and contraindications

    Without exception, all products can go not only for good, but also to harm if it is wrong. Persimmon - no exception.


    Let's notify immediately: there are benefits and harm from the fruit "persimmon". Contraindications mainly relate to:

    • persons with severe form of diabetes;
    • undermining the operation on the gastrointestinal bodies;
    • suffering from hemorrhoids and constipation.

    The fact is that at least a glycemic index is in average values, it is impossible to abuse diabetics with these delicacies, some doctors are completely contraindicated persimmon with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

    Due to strong binding properties, it is not used in pancreatitis. Is it possible to eat a persimmon in the wipe processes of the intestine and can there be a persimmon when gastritis? Definitely, no, since the use of fruits, and especially, especially unrite, due to the high content of Tanin, can lead to acute intestinal obstruction, then without an urgent operation can not do. And those who are tormented by hemorrhoids, should I remember, the persimmon is fastened or slack? All due to the same tannin and a large number of tannic substances in persimmon, in the composition of immature fruits, a fastening property is manifested, which can exacerbate a state with hemorrhoids. However, this property of Tanina goes and benefits: stops bleeding. That is why immature persimmon in constipation either will not benefit either. However, with a ripe case, it is different: pectin and fiber have a soft lifting effect.

    And now about the benefits

    What is useful, and what treats?

    • Fights with atherosclerosis.
    • Eliminates the body from arrhythmia.
    • It has a good effect on blood vessels.
    • Prevents the formation of stones.
    • Improves digestion.

    Everywhere where it grows up time imperts, there are their traditions of use in medicinal purposes. For example, in the Caucasus, it is strongly consumed at the early stage of the development of "goiter", and in Japan - with the initial form of atherosclerosis; The Phager juice is the Chinese to treat cing, and Thailates are struggling with gloves; Koreans worship persimmon as a means from dysentery and bronchitis, and in some countries, half the persimmon cut down the cut down to burns and wounds as a bactericidal agent.

    It is especially good. It helps people with kidney diseases and cardiovascular system. Official dietology recommends include persimmon to the diet to people with the problems of the cardiovascular system, liver and jellets. A moderate diuretic property allows you to get rid of excess fluid without flushing potassium, and iron-rich in iron is beneficial to the patient anemia. Such patients are forced to receive diuretic drugs. Applying these medications, potassium is washed with the body. So, it needs to be fill in the body. Output one- or apply drugs containing potassium, or eating fruits and vegetables with a large content of mineral potassium.

    Who needs to withdraw excess water from the body, can do it with the help of persimmon. What does that require?

    • You need to use 10 days three fruit per day, then proceed to use one. Personma treatment will be noticeably almost immediately. Literally a few days later, the body will feel a decrease in swelling. The consumption of other products during treatment must be reduced to a minimum.

    Packers are perfectly helping patients with night incontinence of urine. To do this, cook a decoction of them.

    • Take one teaspoon of persimmon stuffing, add 300 ml. Water, boil on a water bath for 10 minutes. Let break one hour. Use a decoction twice a day, 100 ml.

    It will come to the aid of immunity during the epidemic, it will help to avoid viruses, it fills the lack of important elements during exhaustion and the body is working faster with nervous overvoltage.

    • From persimma you can squeeze juice. Successful people's method for the treatment of cough and. The squeezed juice of one fruit is mixed with 3 spoons of boiled warm water, use well when rinse the throat.
    • It helps not only for colds. Phahch juice will help you cope with intestinal disorders. You need to take a few persimmon fruits, cut them on slices. Add 500 ml. Water, close the lid. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and strain decoction. Use half a glass, every 4 hours.

    Individually reveals the persimmon useful properties and contraindications for women and men, as well as children.

    What is useful to persimmon women

    The benefits of persimmon for the body of a woman are invaluable: there are necessary to maintain the health of the substance.

    1. Potassium. This element is particularly important during menopause. It reduces the risk of stroke, so the benefits of persimmon for women after 50 are very obvious. In addition, potassium eliminates swells, removing excess water from the body.
    2. Magnesium. This component, which in large numbers enters the persimmon, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, optimize reproductive functions. And if the woman uses oral contraception, estrogens in tablets, leaving the body, grab and magnesium, which is why it is necessary to replenish it regularly. Magnesium allows you to cope with stress and eliminates insomnia.
    3. Iron, which falls into the body of amateurs to enjoy "food of the gods" - this is what the persimmon of the body is useful for the body, especially childbearing age.
      In addition, Vitamin A, belonging to persimm, it is vitamin youth, it gives the elasticity of the skin, beauty of hair and nails.

    Is it possible to pregnant persimmon

    Especially carefully consume persimmon during pregnancy - the benefits and harm here are perhaps equivalent. To say "yes" persimmon, it is already because it is a source of vitamins and microelements, which are important and mammage, and the baby. However, in favor of "No" say:

    • high allergic;
    • knitting property: persimmon Lact or fastening a chair - it is worth remembering for pregnant women suffering from constipation.

    Refuse and not to use it and mammies, sick diabetes. But if the persimmon during pregnancy can be dangerous, after childbirth, without fear, you can pamper yourself in the case when the baby does not manifest on the allergy fruit. After all, strong immunity and healthy dream of a young mother will not interfere at all.

    What is the useful persimmon for men

    And how is the persimmon useful for the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity? In addition, it helps to work immunity and cardiovascular system, regular use of persimmon reduces the risk of prostatitis. And the kidneys are worked even smoothly, the digestion is being established, sleep is stabilized - all this is necessarily observed in those in whose diet regularly it enters. Benefit and harm to health should be adequately appreciated if there is contraindications (diabetes, gast-illness, etc.).

    From what age you can give a child persimmon

    Solving when you can give the child the fruit of persimmon, you should not hurry. The fact is that it can cause allergies. And it is still worth remembering: persimmon attacks or lowland intestines? If the child is prone to constipation, the use is uniquely contraindicated.

    In any case, up to 3 years old, while the digestive system of the baby is not strengthened, it is contraindicated - the delicacy can cause intestinal obstruction. For more older, persimmon fruits are introduced gradually, following the organism and his reaction.

    Persimmon when weight loss

    We are useful to know about the fine waist, whether it is possible to have persimmon when there is a slimming, does not threaten the snack by extra kilograms and the calorie of Lee Persimm at all.

    How many calories in persimmon exactly depends on a certain variety and the degree of maturity, on average, persimmon (caloric content per 100 grams) has about 60-70 kcal. And if you consider the average mass (150-200g), it turns out that persimmon, calorie content of 1 piece of which is about 120-140 kcal, sufficiently satisfying. Calculate how much persimmon can be a day, easy. If it is a mondue or a unloading day, boldly turn on the use of up to 10 persimmon pieces, the main thing is that the body adequately responded to such food. And the constituent menu can include 1-2 pieces.

    Mask from persimmon

    This is not only a healing agent. Do you want to stay beautiful longer? Perhaps you will be interested in such a fruit mask, which will help to stay long beautiful and attractive. Persimmon mask for face-lifting for tired skin, refreshing and tones your face. Well suited for fading skin. Beauty and shine skin guaranteed!

    • Scroll down the fruit to the state of the pulp, add the same amount of milk or cream, apply for a face for 15 minutes, remove and slip face with cool water.

    How to choose persimmon

    To convey the beneficial properties of persimmon for the body in full, it would be nice to know how to buy it right.

    It is worth knowing that the fruits of persimmon with a bone (like a variety of "kings"), not even dissolved, not so strongly knit as flageless varieties. It is worth paying attention to the persimmon leaflets: light green suggest that she did not dose, so preference needs to be powered with foliage.

    Small brown specks should not scare - this is a sign of ripeness, but large spots, soft to the touch - a sign of damage damage.

    Often, persimmon fruits are sold on the street. Frost She is not terrible, it is not a reason to pass by the cherished delicacy, but it is worth paying attention to the shopping point to be away from the road, and the seller was tidy and contained a workplace in the appropriate condition.

    Well, if it turned out that the purchase turned out to be unworthy - not trouble, it is fixable.

    How to carry persimmune at home

    If the purchased persimmon knits what to do? Pereret it yourself! Methods are several:

    1. Left at room temperature, coming up by approximately
      in a week. How to keep persimmon so that she puts it independently? Away from the foci of heat and straight rays of the sun, otherwise the peel will become a flabby.
    2. A day of excerpt in the freezer and gradual thawing in the refrigerator, and here the persimmon, the benefits and calorieness of which were not affected, ready to use.
    3. If you put persimmary to the package for two days, adding a pair of apples in the neighborhood, a natural ripening will occur.
    4. You can pierce the skin with a needle, moistened with alcohol, in several places, will then divert quickly.

    With these methods, the usefulness of the persimmon does not disappear.

    How to keep persimmon

    Got a big harvest or on the occasion bought it a lot? How to keep persimmon at home correctly?

    To persimmon, the benefits and harm for the body of which are sufficiently studied, did not deteriorate, you need to follow several rules:

    • to preserve in a fresh form, take the obvious (removable maturity), at temperatures from 0 to + 40, it is stored up to 3 months;
    • can be stored on the balcony in the boxes, putting fruit no more than 2 layers;
    • in the freezer is stored about six months - pre-washed and packed in polyethylene;
    • it is possible to dry the fruit of persimmon in the oven, better - slices, after removing the peel.

    For drying it is better to take the unimportant fruits, and for frost - ripe.

    How to eat persimm

    The persimmon, the benefits and harm for the human body of which we have already considered, should be eaten correctly! Like this?

    Healthy people will safely eat up to 3 pieces per day. And it is better to be touched by them in half an hour before the main meal, or in an hour after - it does not break the digestion.

    There are products, with persimmon incompatible - this is milk, barley and oatmeal. In the day diet, these antagonists should stand away from each other, otherwise problems will begin with the gastrointestinal tract.

    And, most importantly, can I eat persimm to night? No, and this rule concerns not only losing weight: pectins and tanning substances can cause the formation of gastric stones - insane. After all, the metabolic processes slow down at night, and the delicacy will simply do not have time to digest.

    What to cook from persimmon recipe

    We need:

    • 1 Fruit persimmon
    • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar,
    • 200 grams of cottage cheese,
    • half cup flour,
    • 1 egg,
    • oil for frying

    Sugar and cottage cheese rub together. Add to them purified and grated persimm, flour and vanilla sugar. All the mass is well mixed. We start frying, fry pancakes on oil from 2 sides. Pancakes are well served to the table with jam or sour cream. Try it really delicious!

    As you can see, this orange sun is very useful for saving our health. Therefore, eat persimmon with health benefits! No matter how tasty is it, it is worth remembering: everything is good and useful well and useful in moderation! Good health, mental peace and happiness in the new year!

    10 interesting facts about persimmon 1. The persimmon is useful than apples. It contains more sodium, calcium, manganese and iron. And also twice as much dietary fiber. Thanks to them from the body, all slags and toxins are derived. Simply put, the act of persimmon can be compared with activated carbon. 2. Contains a large amount of beta carotene. Its is more in it than in pumpkin, sweet pepper and tomatoes, and therefore persimmon is useful for sight and skin. And also to those who abuse nicotine. 3. The persimmon is perfectly quenched hunger. In addition, it is low-calorie (in 100 g contained only 60-70 kcal - depending on the variety), so it can be turned on in the menu to those who seek to lose weight. 4. rich in vitamin C and may be a tasty cure for colds. Some even manage the persimmon juice to rinse the mouth, mixing it with a small amount of water. The presence of potassium in the fruits has favorably affects the work of the heart, the vessels and the nervous system. 5. Helps fight depression. There is a lot of magnesium in the persimmon, and it helps to calm the discharge nerves, as well as glucose and fructose - source of good mood. 6. Uralny persimmon has a fairly unpleasant feature - the astringent effect, which is formed from and the content of Tanin. But it is easy to get rid of it: it is enough to put the unripe persimmon in the freezer for several hours or a few days in a plastic bag together with apples. The neighborhood with the latter contributes to the release of gas ethylene, which helps persimmon to grow faster. 7. Determine the pelicity of persimmon easily in appearance: the skin must be solid and smooth, but it should be seen through it that the pulp is glad. The sides must be soft to the touch, and the fruit is dry and dark. 8. In addition to the usual persimmon, there is also a king and Sharon. How to distinguish them? The king is the same persimmon, but with a bone, as the fruit grows out of a male polished flower. The main plus is the lack of astringent effect. The pulp of the king is brownish, with streaks, which is why such persimmune is also called chocolate. Well, Sharon is a hybrid of the Japanese persimmon and apple. It is less viscous, and therefore more tasty. There are no bones in Sharon, and skin is thin and shiny. From Apple Sharon received something like a consistency flesh - more solid than in ordinary varieties. 9. The persimmon is not just a delicious fruit for dessert. In the cooking, it is open to experiments! For example, persimmon slices can be sprinkled with lemon juice, pepper, wrap a chicken fillet fried on the grill and serve with a salad leaf. 10. You can add a persimmon in vegetable salads - it will add a dish of piquancy, makes the taste more original, and the appearance is bright! Moreover, persimmon can and cut, cutting with plates, and after to give to tea instead of candy.