
Maple silver: height and trunk of a tree. What is the name of the fruit of maple? Maple: landing and care, types and varieties, photo

All about Alpinaria

Acer Saccharinum L.

It is found in the southeastern part of the Atlantic coast of North America.

Photo by Alexander Nikitin

A tree is up to 40 meters high, with a very picturesque, wide, crooked and slightly diluted branches on the branches on the trunks of a beautiful light gray color, young shoots bright red. Remote deeply dissected, five-eyed leaves on long cutters, up to 8-14 cm, top-green top, and silver-white or bluish-gray, which looks very impressive at the slightest blow of the wind, when the krona begins to silver. In the autumn period, the trees from afar stand out with their light yellow outfit. Greenish-red flowers bloom until the leaf deployment, giving the tree a very peculiar look. The winters up to 7 cm. When landing "on the stump" quickly grow, acquiring a spectacular coast shape.

Having moisthed, lightly, better development reaches on well-drained rich soils, gas, dust and smoke-resistant. Grows quickly. Durable. Winter films up to -40 degrees. However, annual shoots in the context of the Moscow region can freeze. More suitable for landings in the southern regions of Russia. Successfully grows on asphalt and paved streets. Lack of species - fragile branches are round from strong winds and abundant snowfalls.

A feature of the species is the early ripening of seeds, quickly losing germination, if their humidity falls to 34%, so the seeds obtained from the side often do not give germs. In the case of seeds onto a well-moistened soil (for example, after dropping rain), they germinate during the day, while seedlings reach 30-40 cm. It is easily multiplied with green cuttings, the period of rooting which is 8-10 days, rooting to 72%.

Seeds do not have peace and retain the germination of up to 1.5 months. Spring immediately after collecting, they give shoots 13 - 15 days. Laboratory germination 85%, primer - 75%. The sealing depth of 4 - 5 cm.

Recommended for group and single landings, creating alleys, landscaping streets. Very effect on the shores of the reservoirs. The branches of this maple are fragile and often ripen from strong wind gusts and nagwed snow. In culture since 1725.

Has decorative forms: Viera (f. Wieri) - with deeply dissected leaves and drooping branches; disclaimed (f. Heterophylla) - with non-paroles on the blades of the leaves; three-part (f. Trifida) - with three-bladed leaves; plakuchech (f. pendula); pyramidal (f. Pyramidale) and a number of others.

Acer Saccharinum "Laciniatum Wieri"
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatiana

"LuteScens.". A large tree with a height of up to 25 m. Its leaves in blooming bronze or orange-yellow, then get yellow color. The first 25 years is growing. A tree, at 34 years height 7 m, the diameter of the crown is 3 m. Vegetation from the end of April to mid-October. It does not bloom. In winter, it is partially frozen.

"Pyramidale". In the GBS since 1958 1 sample (3 copies) was obtained by seedlings. Wood, at 34, height 13 m, the crown diameter is 5-6 m. Vegetation from late April to mid-October. It grows quickly. It does not bloom. Winter hardiness Full.

"Wieri.". Elegant high-size tree, height 12-15 m, width 8-15 m; Croon asymmetric, free; fast-growing. Flowers to damage; Breasts are reddish-brown. Fruits are unspecific. The leaves are strongly cutting, in the time of dissolve Light green, the bottom side is whitish, in the autumn pale yellow. Root system Surface, can raise the road surface, for this reason it is not closer to 3-5 meters to the tracks and leave the rolling circle not planted. Winter hardy, stable in urban conditions, requires wind protection. Soil from weakness to neutral, fresh or wet, fertile; Easily adapts to different soil conditions, but can turn yellow during an excess of lime. Do not trim in winter or spring (due to flowering).

In the GBS since 1938, 4 samples (26 copies) were obtained by seedlings. A tree, in 14 years height 3 m, the diameter of the crown is 1.5-2 m, with low waste branches. Vegetation from late April to mid-October. Grows quickly. Do not bloom. In winter, it is partially frozen. 60-82% of summer and spring cuttings are rooted.


Maple silver (A. Saccharinum). A tree is up to 40 m high with a very decorative, openwork, wide crown and slightly diluted branches. Bark of silver maple light gray, young shoots bright red. The leaves are five-weddable, deep-developed, bottom of the nuclear or whitish, the autumn is light yellow. Flowers of silver lemon-yellow maple, bloom until the umbilion. Durable, frosty, moisture and lightweight. In nature, grows in the south-east of North America.

Life form Large tree

Crown: Rounded, dense
Growth rate: Fast. Annual increase is 50 cm. Height and 40 cm. In width.
Height 15 m., Crown diameter 12 m.
Durability: 100 years old, but can reach 150 years.
Flowers: flat rounded, reddish, from 0.4 to 0.7 cm.
Leaves: Palc, summer green, from the bottom side of silver-white, autumn yellow, orange or wine-red from 10 to 15 cm.
Decorativeness: During the entire vegetation period of the crown form. Especially beautiful maple silver during autumnal leaves coloring.
Using Single landings, decorative groups, alleys.
to the Light: Shadow
to moisture: moisthed
to the soil: demanding
to temperature: Frost
Motherland: North America

Growing conditions

Maple Ginnala, Dlanid, Red, Fortaliable, Manchurian, Meltslit,
ostrolistic 'Globozum' 'Dermoni' 'Royal Red',
field, Silver, Tatar, Yashenanel's 'Flamingo'

Maples are usually shadowing, but it is better to develop on the illuminated areas. Usually maples are undemanding to soil conditions, do not tolerate compacted and heavy soils. The type of soil and the degree of fertility differs depending on the type of plant. Most maples are demanding of soil and air humidity. Maple is a frost-resistant tree and, as a rule, wind-resistant.

Features landing: Planted by open places or in half. Plants with decorative coloring leaves when landing in the shade losing color.
Root neck at ground level. In plants giving a rich root piglet, slightly bueled - up to 5 cm.
If the groundwater is close, the drainage consisting of a rubble layer is 10-20 cm.

Soil mixture: Humus or peatpost, nervous land, sand - 3: 2: 1.
For Maple Field and Silver - Sheet Earth, Peat, Sand - 2: 2: 1.
IN landing pit Perhaps complete mineral fertilizer (120-150 g nitroammofoski)
Optimal acidity - pH 6.0 - 7.5, for maple red - pH 6.0 - 7.5

Podkord: If there were no fertilizers at the landing, the next day after the landing of the year contributes:
urea (40 g / m.kv),
potash salts (15-25 g / m.kv),
superphosphate (30-50g / m.kv).
In the summer, when loosening and irrigation, Kemir is made (100-120 g / m.kv).

Watering: After landing - 20 liters per plant. Most maples can carry soil dryness, but better grow when watering.
The rate of watering on the dry season of the season is 10-20 liters per plant once a week.
With normal rainy rain 10-20 liters per plant once a month.
Loosening: Shallow, regular, during weeds, and after watering to avoid soil seals.
Mulching: After planting the soil near the plants, the peat or the ground layer 3-5 cm is molded.
Trimming: Cutting dry and sick branches.

Maple is a very popular decorative decorative deciduous leafy tree. Today, the fascination of maples is only growing. Many species have appeared on sale. What should be purchased and planted - the purpose of this article.

The variety of species of decorative maple is large, some of them are heat-loving and in middle lane do not winter. But there are frost-resistant maples that proper care Well grow many years.

Popular species of Clane

Maple isolate

The sharp monster is the most popular species, grows 15 - 20 m high. Frost-resistant. Its barrel is straight, and the crown is widely rounded. The leaves of the maple of the ostolistic five blade, green. Yellow-green flowers of this maple are collected in shields. Flowers at the beginning of the dissolution of foliage.

Ostromal maple has various varieties: With red foliage - varieties "Rubload", "Krimson King", "CRIMSON CARY", "FAASENS BLK", "Deborah".

With Yellow Foliage - Sort Golden Glove (when he bloomed pinkish, and at the end of the summer yellowes), "Pretton Glob".

With Variant White-Green Foliage - Maple Ostrolest Sort "Drummond" With forms: White Camered - Albo Marginata and motley - Albo Variagrata. The maple is inactive with a variety of crown shape: there are varieties with and spherical "Globozum" and conical "Column" Form of the crown. All of the above-mentioned Maple Maple Maple Sources.

Maple ashrenanese

Very popular and common ceremony in landscaping. The height reaches 20 m. Maple leaves of ashenseid complex unparallers, resembling ash leaves. Simple form With green foliage is not decorative, but so stable that used in the gardening of cities.

As decorative shrub Used beautiful varigatically painted shape - Maple Yashennel Flamingo with white-green foliage and pink stains, also species with yellow foliage of several forms "Aureum Variagatum" - Golden-motley and "Aureum-Marginatum" Golden-bordered. Also decorative varieties "Auratum", "Elegance" And other, variegated forms.

Maple varieties are very winter-hardy. There are varieties of this maple that do not bloom. Maple is multiplied with a clente and vaccination. There are other forms with purple foliage, with silver-motley leaves and with fluffy branches or with curly foliage.

Maple Tatar

Tree or shrub 10 m in height, rounded crown. Maple foliage Tatar gear, egg-shaped. Autumn with red or yellow color. Maple Tatar is very decorative during flowering period - inflorescences with cream or white colors.

It has a beautiful shape with red to autumn leaves. Winter articles. Maple is multiplied by Tatar stalling and seeds. Shadowish.

Maple Falseboldov

The maple of the Falseboldov is one of the most decorative maples of 8 m high, foliage is rugged, palpat, green, in the fall she is yellow, then pink and blushes.

Excellent replaces non-wintering Japanese species of maples. Large cream flowers of the Maple Falseboldov are assembled in a cysterious inflorescence. Shadowish, winter artist. Unpretentious. The maple of false bonds is multiplicated.

Maple Ginnala

Tall maple up to 6 m height. Ginnal Maple Crona is wide. The foliage leathery, elongated, green, blushes in the fall. Yellow fragrant flowers are collected in inflorescences.

Red or green wings are very decorative. Maple Ginnal winter-hardy. Well multiplied with stalling and pigs. It gives up a haircut and forms thick hedges.

Maple field

A low tree is 10 m high, with very decorative narrow and small leaves. Not very frost-resistant. In the first years, it is necessary to cover and mulch.

There are many beautiful forms with purple or vargear leaves. It rarely appears on sale.

Maple Mono

Tree 15 m in height, wider crown. Maple Mal Green foliage, small.

Frost-resistant look, but young seedlings are better to cover the bagnit. Maple mono shadowy. It is rarely found on sale.

Maple silver

The decorative tree is 30 meters in height with dumped branches and five-wing leaves, covered in the bottom with a silver bloom, it looks beautiful when the leaves are dried in the wind.

Maple silver frost-resistant, but after the landing at first it is better to mulch and cover with a snack. It has beautiful shapes with rugged foliage - "VIERA", as well as with a pyramidal and weeping of the crown shape. Does not tolerate lime soils and groundwater.

Maple sugar

Distributed in Canada, but well winter and in the middle strip. 20 m height, green leaves yellow. Requires high potassium content, prefers lime soils. We do not bloom, slowly grows. Shadowish. Maple is multiplied with sugar shine.

You need to mention the types of maples that adorn magazines by landscape designBut, as a rule, we are not suitable because of the non-frost resistance - the maple is red, the maple is dlenoid, the maple is falselyat. And the winter hardiness of some species and varieties with extraordinary foliage, we still need to find out.

Maple silver - Acer Saccharinum L. occurs in the southeastern part of the Atlantic coast of North America.

A tree is up to 40 meters high, with a very picturesque, wide, crooked crown and slightly disruptive branches. The bark on the trunks of a beautiful light gray color, young shoots bright red. Remote deeply dissected, five-eyed leaves on long cutters, up to 8-14 cm, top-green top, and silver-white or bluish-gray, which looks very impressive at the slightest blow of the wind, when the krona begins to silver. In the autumn period, the trees from afar stand out with their light yellow outfit. Greenish-red flowers bloom until the leaf deployment, giving the tree a very peculiar look. The winters up to 7 cm. When landing "on the stump" quickly grow, acquiring a spectacular coast shape.

Having moisthed, lightly, better development reaches on well-drained rich soils, gas, dust and smoke-resistant. Grows quickly. Durable. Winter films up to -40 degrees. However, annual shoots in the context of the Moscow region can freeze. More suitable for landings in the southern regions of Russia. Successfully grows on asphalt and paved streets. Lack of species - fragile branches are round from strong winds and abundant snowfalls.

Leaves Flowers

A feature of the species is the early ripening of seeds, quickly losing germination, if their humidity falls to 34%, so the seeds obtained from the side often do not give germs. In the case of seeds onto a well-moistened soil (for example, after dropping rain), they germinate during the day, while seedlings reach 30-40 cm. It is easily multiplied with green cuttings, the period of rooting which is 8-10 days, rooting to 72%.

Seeds do not have peace and retain the germination of up to 1.5 months. Spring immediately after collecting, they give shoots 13 - 15 days. Laboratory germination 85%, primer - 75%. The sealing depth of 4 - 5 cm.

Recommended for group and single landings, creating alleys, landscaping streets. Very effect on the shores of the reservoirs. The branches of this maple are fragile and often ripen from strong wind gusts and nagwed snow. In culture since 1725.

Has decorative forms:

    Viera (f. Wieri) - with deeply dissected leaves and drooping branches;

    valid (f. Heterophylla) - with unequal on the blades of the leaves;

    three-part (f. Trifida) - with three-blade leaves;

    mold (f. pendula);

    pyramidal (f. Pyramidale) and a number of others.

We recommend to experience the form "Wieri". Elegant medium-size tree, height 12-15 m, width 8-15 m; kroon asymmetric, free; fast growing. Blooms to damage; Inflorescences are reddish brown. Expressive fruits. The leaves are strong cutting, during the blooming bronze-green, summer light green, the bottom side is whitish, the autumn is pale yellow. The root system is superficial, can raise the road surface, for this reason it is not closer to 3-5 meters to the tracks and leave the rolling circle not planted. Winter hardy, stable in urban conditions, requires wind protection. Soil from weakness to neutral, fresh or wet, fertile; Easily adapts to different soil conditions, but can turn yellow during an excess of lime. Do not trim in winter or spring (due to flowering).