
Main types of lawn herbs. Lawn for lazy: sowing and care


The green lawn near the house has magnetism, it gives the territory of well-groomed and says that the owners love order. If you decide to make the arrangement with your own hands, learn what should be the grass for the lawn when it is planted, in which the pros and cons of different varieties, as well as the difference in annual and perennial plants. Despite the set of nuances, the use of seeds of the right composition is the best solution, because from ordinary herbs it is very difficult to get a smooth thick coating.

One culture or grass: what is better

Herbal lawns are different and depending on their species choose seeds. Let's deal with what grass and monocultures are suitable for the lunas in the household sections.

Well-kept lawn - courtyard decoration

Main types of lawn

All lawns can be divided into two groups - decorative and special applications. Specialgazones are football fields, sports platforms, Golf courses, roadside sites and airfield lawns. Such coatings must withstand the intensive load associated with active movement on the grass. The second, decorative, group includes:

  • standard lawn;
  • partner;
  • mauritanian;
  • english;
  • meadow.

Mauritanian meadow

Since the appointment of sports and decorative herbal covers is fundamentally different, seed seeds for them also have significant differences. Grass on a football field, like on a golf course, should be of high quality, have a strong root system and special leaves that do not turn into porridge at the first hit shoes. For this purpose, the monoculture is more suitable, and not a mixed lawn from different seeds.

Features and differences in monocultures and grassmes

Clean crops consisting of one varieties of plants are most often used for lawns at sports grounds, football fields and other special coatings. For the organization of homemade pools, they are too demanding to lighting, watering, soil type. Not every dachnik will be able to satisfy these whims, especially if it is not possible to provide regular watering and care. In addition, such seeds are characterized by a high price.

For household plots and garden lungs, a long-term lawn from a mixture of seeds will be very advantageous - it remains green longer and does not require an annual landing. Unlike herbs-perennials annual plants Quickly fading after the ripening of seeds, and even watering cannot help in preserving greens - you will not go against nature. Perennial herbs will bloom and fruit again if they provide proper care.

The stores provide a fairly large selection of travelers from several varieties. If you want to get a flat coating for a lawn, which can well adapt to the climate and will be resistant to diseases, unambiguously choose mixed compositions. Components in the national landing material are selected so that they do not compete, and complement each other.

Mixtures of perennial herbs

How to be busy gardeners who do not want or can not distinguish time for the troubles associated with the sowing lawn? For them, there is a great option - a ready-made turf of clover with small leaves. Such "carpets" is sold in rolls, which should be spread to the prepared ground no later than 1-2 days after cutting. The first two weeks the lawn should be abundantly watered so that the plants take root.

Selection of grass for lawn: Main nuances

Bright green, soft grass for lawn - the dream of owners of private houses. To obtain this result, it is recommended to use perennial herbs with a rhizable-busy growth character.

Landscape of Garden

Required grass qualities for lawn

The grass for the lawn should be chosen by guided by its appointment. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of the sowing material and the type of soil so that the plants can grow smoothly and beautiful on it. There are other seed selection criteria that relate to the site:

  • height of groundwater breaking;
  • terms of Use;
  • purpose Lawn (for sports games, decoration of a plot or other);
  • climate;
  • solar Activity;
  • frequency care frequency.

Moorish Blooming Lawn

If you want to create a real oasis on the plot, you will need grass for lawn with flowers. It is beautiful, and also useful for the garden - flowering plants attract bees and other insects involved in pollination. For these purposes, a mixture of cereal, herbs and wildflowers will fit. It is preferable that they bloom at different times, then the lawn will delight the house as long as possible - up to the autumn itself.

In the creation of Moorish meadows, it is important to combine plants with the same stems in height so that they do not score each other. Herbs that use landscape designers in their work are a mixture of cornflowers, flax, calendulas, daisies, nemesia, forget-me-not, primroses, meadow clover, camneur and a kilnovnik. These are perfectly suitable such cereals like a thin field and mint and oatmeal. Choose the grass, based on these recommendations on the composition.

Grass Selection Rules for different lawns

Herzimmes for the site can be chosen by certain signs:

  • sunny - suitable for growing outdoor sites, well tolerate warm climates;
  • shadow - consist of herbs, fully adapted for growth in shaded places;
  • universal - with the properties of the solar and the shadow group;
  • fast - to restore damaged areas of the lawn in short term Due to the rapid germination.

Mixture of slow-growing species

The following are the features of the choice of herbal cover for different sites, given all the above requirements. Preference is given to the mixtures of several plants. Each type of cereals has its pros and cons, therefore, it is recommended to use grasshose. Plants that include its composition, with growth will compensate for the weaknesses of each other, creating an excellent result.

Lawn coating on the playground

To the herbal carpet on which children will play, the requirements of wear resistance and softness simultaneously are presented. The best choice For this purpose, to plant a lawn of white clover with the addition of cereals, which will ensure the density of the coating.

You can also use red, white creeping, pink and other varieties of clover - they will all give the desired softness. Blooming clover will add coziness by the courtyard kindergarten.

Time for sowing is a long period from the second decade of May until mid-September. To obtain thick beautiful vegetation, 40 g of seeds for each meter of the square should be seen. If necessary, the lawn can be "repaired", subsidence of seeds in places with formed proposals. As for the composition of the grass site for the playground, it can include the following plants:

  • cocksfoot;
  • oatman Red and meadow;
  • rags;
  • timothy grass.

Traditional lawn coverage on the playground

Features of choosing a mixture for special purpose lawns

We are talking about green sites and alleys on the territory of the resorts, airfields, on the slopes of road surface and other areas, where the herbal coating should purify the air, absorb noise. Decorative purpose is moving into the background. The main thing is that the grass in such sites can withstand the gas and heat of sunlight. For these purposes, it is suitable:

  • fireboard;
  • rags;
  • bluegrass;
  • polevitsa Waying.

The same herbs can be used for sowing along the fence, if the site is close to the railway or the route.

Choosing and seeding grass for sports field

Optimal species Herbs for the Lawn of Sports Purpose are varieties withsting intense loads, soil breaks, pulling out and other damage to the mechanical type at any time of the year. Such sites are organized for golf, football and other sports games, as well as for active events in schools and kindergartens.

Seed seeds follows in early November or late October with the norm of 40-50 g per 1 square meter. m. In places with the highest load, the norm doubles. The zone of high load, for example, is a plot from a football gate. Herbal mixes for sports grounds are often consisting of such cereals:

  • english or long-term rags;
  • mattik meadow;
  • meadow or red oatman.

Grass on the golf course should be flawless

If the climate in your area is cold, choose the time of sowing lawn grass, based on the average daily air temperature. Outside the window should be not lower than 6-8 degrees of heat, otherwise the sprouted sprouts would not have time to grow and get used to weather conditions before the onset of this winter. If you do everything right, in the spring you will please uniform thick germs.

Choosing and sowing herbs for decorative lushes

How do you know to decorative coatings Believe gardening, parter, meadow, Moorish and English lawns. The load on such cleans is minimal, their main feature is the decoration of the site. The main criteria for choosing the grassmery - the aesthetics of the green carpet and the brightness of the color. And for Mauritan lawn, it is also important for flowering plants A variety of colors accents.

For a party lawn, you need a couple of varieties of herbs, whereas for the rest of the decorative lawns you will need more seeds. Landscape designers recommend best varieties Grass for lawn:

  • woodwind noise-forming and gigantic;
  • rags (suitable annual and long-term variety);
  • oatman meadow and sheep;
  • mattik meadow;
  • fireless fire;
  • all types of clover (preference to pink hybrid, meadow, white crawling).

Decorative lawns are perfectly combined with flower beds

For seeding, 20-40 g of seeds per 1 square meter. m, which is quite economical. If there is a lot of clover in the grass, which has high branchiness of the stem, you can use 20 g of seeds, if more than other herbs, it is better to quit 40 g. Optimal time To do this, cool autumn or spring. Summer months are suitable for "savage" properin in lawn grass. As for the height of plants, it is not recommended to scam them below 5-7 cm.

Types and grades of lawn grasses: short description

A popular light clover remains a popular lawn plant, because it decorates the plot and smells perfectly perfectly during flowering. There are other herbs that are most often used in lawn blends.

Traditional choice - Mattik meadow

It is fervor-resistant and frost-resistant perennialwhich is good care Quickly green, but also quickly loses beauty with insufficient watering and weeding. Yes, in the first year of growing lawn from Metalik, you will have to actively remove weary grass, but in a year you will get a smooth and dense layer, through which it will be difficult to break through weeds. It is not as beautiful as a decorative lawn from clover, but very practical.

If your site is in the shade, choose a forest or squat, because the meadow fellow will suffer in such conditions from malievous dew. Perhaps this is the first of the substantial minuses of using this plant as a monoculture.

The second is demanding in care. Plus the meadow of meadow in a long period of life and the early appearance of greenery. Your plot will start green immediately after the module of snow!

Mattik meadow during flowering

Riped Pressure - "Fast" Lawn

Ripeda is a plant that is distinguished by a unique viability in a warm climate. That is why it is also used for sowing pastures (by the way, another variety name is pasture). If this ceregus prevails in your grassmery, the site will be green until the end of November, right up to frost. All care for the ricon is a moderate watering and a haircut, after which it is rapidly restored.

Pluses of a rayon in resistance to diseases, pulling, in the excellent speed of germination and lifetime up to 7 years. The lack of cereal - in a fairly large percentage of the freezing of the seeded site. Camimates about 60% of this lawn grass. For comparison, the matstick even does not extinct in the most severe winter (losses are less than 3%). Therefore, in the cold regions, the rags will have to leave.

How does the rags look like a long-term

Fation Red - Grass without Caprises

The main plus of this kind of grass for lawn is its unpretentiousness to the conditions. Even without proper leaving the lawn will have a beautiful appearance, and the grass on it will be silky and tender. In the first place according to the characteristics of the oatmeal, it is drought resistance and shades. If you need a cereal that will be green, even if you were absent, feel free to choose a red oatmeal.

Seeds of oatmeal

You can combine it with a mint that the lawn remains green as long as possible. In the arid periods to delight the eyes will be unpretentious oatmeal, and in the cold autumn period, up to strong frosts, the frost resistance of the grass of the mint is useful. As for the overwhelming, the long-term oatman in the spring is rising by 90-95%. It is practically not necessary to learn it.

Oatman - a unpretentious plant

Clover and its varieties

Clover, or shaded, is a find for plots under the lawn of a large area. This long-term grass is characterized by a beautiful carpet and the presence of many patched leaves of emerald color. There are more than 300 types of clover in the botany, but not more than 20 are used to decorate the landscape. One of the most popular is the white, meadow and red clover for lawn, as well as several decorative speciesReleased specifically for decorating areas.

Clover perfectly combined with other plants

Up to sowing herbs, it is necessary to destroy weeds so that they do not score young plants. With this task, the carpet from the clover will cope independently from the second year of life. You will even have to keep it within the same area, otherwise it will spread throughout the courtyor. Because the tribal is still wild plant, most of his species do not need special care.

Clover loves fertilizer and reacts perfectly to feeding by manure that can be made in autumn. Once every two months, feeding with potash-phosphoric drugs is also allowed. If the site is located on a podzolista soil, you will have to spray the landing by boric fertilizers when the first signs of flowering appears. You do not need other means for feeding.

Unusual clover will decorate the plot

If you plan to grow grass not only for decorative purposes, but also for feeding rabbits, you can combine the lawn from alfalfa and clover, since there is a lot of fiber and protein in Lucerne. You can also add a little Esparcet seeds, which also applies to unpretentious cultures. Please note that Lucerne will become faster than the triligent, so the percentage ratio of its seeds in the mixture should be lower.

The choice of grass for a beautiful lawn is a matter of responsible, because it does not immediately correct the errors. If you doubt whether a herbal mixture is suitable or a monoculture for your soil, watering conditions and climate, consult with a specialist. It will help create a green carpet that will decorate the yard for several years and will create a wonderful mood.

Hello! Tell me, please, what is the best grass for lawn? I finish the layout of the site and will soon be sowing herbs, but I can not decide on the choice. I want not very expensive and unpretentious. There are a very large range in stores, and how to understand what landing such a mixture, the lawn will be green and soft?

Hello! You did the right thing that we decided to acquire a mixture of grass for lawn, and not one grade plant. All grass seats sold in stores are already selected for a certain type of lawn. Therefore, when choosing them, you need to understand what result you want to get. Consider the main types of gems for lawns.

Luxury mixes

Of them grow smooth, saturated green lawn. Such a lawn is a dream of every gardener. But so that it remains always beautiful behind her need careful care and if possible not to go through it. Usually, the composition of the decorative mixture includes three grades of oatmeal:

  1. Long-term;
  2. Red rigid;
  3. Sheep.

Also, lawns based on these herbs are called partner. The grass on them is dense, low and velvety.


  • Grass of emerald color;
  • Slow growth.


  • Regular care;
  • High price;
  • Do not mask the unevenness of the soil.

Universal mixes

They also require a certain care, but on the grew of laws you can play with a dog, run barefoot and arrange picnics with the whole family. Such mixtures contain multi-year pasture rags, meadow mint and red oatmeal.


  • Quickly board;
  • Remove weeds;
  • Low cost.


  • Frequent haircut;
  • Do not create velvet effect;
  • You can not short.

Mixtures shadowish

Great for sites, where many trees and buildings. The main composition of the mixture:

  • Wildfish thin;
  • Oatman red;
  • Long oatmeal.

Floral mixes

Green coatings grown from such blends are more like a flowering meadow. The composition includes wildflowers and cereal cultureswhich bloom alternately all summer. Conditionally such grassmes are divided into two groups:

  1. Moorish lawn. Comprises annual seeds Flowers and perennial thin-scale herbs.
  2. Meadow lawn. The composition includes red and white clover, meadow mint, colors seeds, grazing and meadow Timofeevka. If you want to arrange a plot in a rustic style, then you need to sow tall greens.


  • Resistance to weeds and diseases;
  • No regular watering is required;
  • No need to additionally feed.


  • Irregularity of lawn;
  • Insects;

Universal answer to the question: "The grasshose for the lawn - what better?" does not exist. It is not necessary to rely only on the functionality of the desired lawn, you need to pick up the seeds under your site.

The beauty of the lawn affect the following sections of the site:

  • Ground water level;
  • The composition of the soil;
  • Illumination.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a hincer with the greatest plant content that suits your site:

  • Clover white. It is bad for the soils with increased acidity. Sustainable frost and drought.
  • Riped. It does not take root in dry terrain and with severe frosts, but resistant to physical effects and is growing well in the shade.
  • Sheep oatman. Perfectly carries out on sandy and arid areas and in the shade. Need additional feeding.
  • Mint meadow. Frost resistant does not need regular irrigation. 14 years old growing on fertile soils.
  • Oatman meadow. It grows very long, not intended for outdoor activities.
  • Oatman red. Frost resistant, not afraid of the convergence.
  • White wilderness. Loves wet fertile lands. Frodules are stable.

With a properly selected herbal mixture, the lawn will delight a dense malachite carpet.

Dacha I. purchase areas Can serve not only for planting potatoes and constant labor. In the country, you can simply relax from the city bustle. And to decorate this unforgettable rest will help a beautiful lawn, planted with her own hands.

A little about lawns

The green lawn at the dacha will definitely please the eye. But the view is that the lawn once planted and forgot, mistakenly. Behind him, too, you need to take care and follow, and this is not easy work. In many ways you need to be able to understand. But if for some reason or on our own laziness, there is no opportunity to care for grass - it does not matter. There is salvation for the lazy.

Dwarf lawn

A good advantage of such a lawn is unpretentious. You do not need to care for him. The basis for it is the lowest, they do not require careful care, weekly haircut and alignment. Such a lawn grows by itself, expecting when the host will have time to visit it. The lowest lawn herbs, as seen from the name, are not distinguished by special growth up. They possess all the necessary qualities.

So that the lawn was saturated and beautiful, it is important to choose the right varietal grass composition. It is from what grass is part of the seed, the future green cover depends on. It is best to acquire in specialized stores for florists and landscape designers. It is there that you can ask the consultant to pick up the seeds of lawn herbs that would be more suitable for the conditions of the required green flooring.

What should be lawn grass

Lawn herbs were selected by generations of florists. The bred plants possess all the required qualities: bright and rich color, softness, and so on. First of all, the lowest lawn herbs should form the so-called dense carpet. Indeed, if you look at the lawn, it seems as if it is just a green carpet. It is this quality that is very important. Because without this there will be no full-fledged lawn. It will look like a carpet with holes. So, it is important that the lawn grass stood the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country area.

Resistance to physical damage and pulling. If it is planned to arrange all sorts of picnics and goulns, then the grass must necessarily be resistant to this kind of damage. Even to just take a walk in his area and do not harm his mind, it is important to know that planted grass is resistant to pulling out.

Drought resistance - the main factor in grass durability. Those shorty lawn grasss that by nature are not resistant to high temperatures and long drought, are theoretically not suitable for planning in the country area. Such plants quickly dried, and all work will pass in vain.

Typically, the seeds of lawn grasses do not require much care. But if there is a desire to quickly see the fruits of your work, you can add special fertilizers that speed up the process of seed germination. And so they may well and themselves grow.

In addition to various aesthetic qualities, plants must have resistant to diseases, otherwise some epidemic firms them no worse than the lawn mower. From this principle it follows that every two or three years need to be changed. After several years, the lawn becomes more vulnerable to diseases. To avoid this, you need to pull out old once a few years and sow new grass.

Perennial or annual

Distolled single and lawns are best suitable for perennial herbs. Since after winter they are another year or two will delight the eyes. They also grow much slower than their annual fellows, namely, such quality and must be present little herbal. By choosing in the direction of perennial herbs, you can provide yourself with a lawn for another couple of years.

Lawn grass: Price

It is very important to buy a good sowing material. The future of lawn depends on this. Lawn grass, the price of which depends on the composition and proportions of seeds of various herbs, can hesitate from six hundred and three thousand rubles. Depending on the variety, weight and quality of seeds.

Grass against weeds

Lawn grass that destroys weeds is not fiction. It is very unpleasant when some burly grows in the middle of a beautiful green carpet. Most the best way Wrestling weeds - frequent misement. You can manually pull them. If there is no time to resist independently such an attack, then it is worthwhile to give nature a chance to fight her.

Lawn grass that destroys weeds should consist of a mixture of certain plants. Such a set should contain in itself which is very well coping with its task. It requires frequent moisture for fast and normal growth, so it is better to plant it in wet and shady places. Also, the meadow meadow will go well and these cereals look perfectly in the overall composition. Landing such a mixture is an excellent way to forget about the weed grass on its plot.

Lawn in spring time

Spring is a period of flowering and plant growth. In all parameters it best time years for planting a new lawn. Before boarding, it is worth decreasing, which grass you need to sow. It is also required to purchase seeds, and if this lawn is first in life, then some inventory.

The next step is to prepare the Earth. If the landing of the lawn has been planned for a long time, it is better if the earth will be prepared in the fall. So during a short gap of the weeds that survived the winter will go, and they can be easily removed. Before sowing a new lawn, you must take care so that the earth is as much as possible. After all, the future view of the country area depends on this.

The lawn grass in the spring is frozen in the second half of April - the most suitable time. It is by this time that you can already prepare the land after the winter, and she herself will be saturated with water from the monstering snow.

By the summer, adult green shoots will already be on the site. Then then you can appreciate your work.

How to sit down the lawn grass

Before that, as already mentioned, it is necessary to cook the Earth: align and remove all weeds. Before landing, you can make fertilizers to accelerate plant growth. So, everything is ready, it remains only to sing seeds.

The easiest way to split the plot to the sectors. Singing one sector, you can start another. It is necessary to sow so that the earth is evenly covered with seeds. Then you need to sprinkle their ground and pour water.

How much lawn grass is boiling

After the grass, you can already wonder how much the grass will be. So that the lawn climbed in the first two weeks, you need to carefully take care of it: water no less often than every other day. Yes, it is necessary to dry, but with regular watering, the grass is closed in one and a half or two weeks (depending on the variety).

Mixing lawn herbs are akin to Alchemy ...

For various purposes - for a decorative lawn, partner, park or sports lawn - it is necessary to choose the various ratios of the main types of herbs.

  • What kind of types is it?
  • What are their properties?
  • When it is better to choose a lawn mixture with a predominance of mint, and where to prefer rags or oatmeal?

You can find answers to these and other questions in this article ...

Lawn mixes can usually be purchased ready. In this case, you need to know well the properties of each herbal type and composition of the mixture. Then you can decide how to choose the right seeds of lawn grass for landing at the cottage.

In addition, the grasses seeds can be mixed alone.

Major Popular Types of Herbs for Sowing Lawn

The basis for all lawn mixes forms:

  • oatman red;
  • mattik meadow;
  • wildfish thin;
  • perennial or pasture rags.

The properties of the lawn, in essence, are determined by the presence and proportions of these species in the composition of the mixture of seeds.

We will consider them more details, provide you with advanced information about each form, with latin names separate species Lawn herbs and photos.

Oatman Red (Festuca Rubra Sensu Lato)

Oatman Red can be scarfged often and briefly (from 20 to 40 mm on decorative and sports lawns). Adapted to moderate load.

It is the basis of all decorative lawns. This is an unpretentious type of lawn grass, in which three subspecies differ: red red oatman (Festuca Rubra Rubra) with long rhizomes, hair-shaped (Festuca Rubra Trichophylla) with short and hard (Festuca Rubra Commutata) without rhizomes.

This is a low grass from rich green to gray-green. Burnt leaves are narrow and long deep groove shapes, up to 1 mm in width. The stem leaves are usually wider - about 2 mm, flat and corrugated.


  • Oatman relatively undemanding to care. Sufficiently resistant to pullout, although inferior to the mint and riot.
  • After sowing, the sprouts of the oatmeal make their way for two to three weeks.
  • In the spring, the sprouts make their way early, and it is good that the grass is very resistant to adverse climatic conditions and weather changes.
  • The gas layer germinates evenly and rooted at moderate speed.
  • Top grades give a thick and very soft lawn turf.
  • Fatizer red is little susceptible to common fungal lesions.
  • Successfully resists drought when the leaves are temporarily zoomed, but the plants themselves are regenerated very well.

In Russia, 41 grades are used to compile lawn mixes. You can learn more about the varieties in the article dedicated to this type of lawn grass.


Rykhlocustone and rhizable-rylocker The grade of oatmeal is the basis of the best decorative lawns (in such mixtures to 60-70%) due to the dense, very tender fir. Luxury grade of oatmeal is also used for golf lawn.

Rhizovy The varieties give a rare rig, but better fill the spaces in the pigs. They are preferred in the compositions for commercial and parking or landscape lawns, especially on poor and dry soils.

Due to the stability of the lack of light, oatmeal is used for sowing on shaded areas, in the shade of fences, trees or bushes.

Mattik meadow (ROA PRATENSIS)

Mattish can be fascinated even lower than the rags pasteure (up to a height of 10-30 mm)

The glitstic forms of fruits grow on fertile meadows and pastures, with moisture, from low-rise to the subalpine zone. A narrow-grade form meets more often in dry steppe meadows, along the roads, on overgrown slopes and fuses.

This is a perennial plant with long underground rhizomes, medium height, dark green.


  • The scaffolding mint is formed by a thick lawn of medium softness.
  • Dern is resistant to mechanical damage and perfectly regenerates due to underground shoots forming a thick underground turf.


  • Mattle after sowing sprouts very slowly, for three to four weeks.
  • Dern develops and rooted too slowly, and reaches full development in the subsequent (after sowing) years.
  • For some varieties of mint, you can expect late spring growth.
  • It is characterized by susceptibility to certain diseases of foliage - especially in the fall.


Mattik is a necessary ingredient to create high loads of landscaped and sports lawns. Increases the density of herbal coating and its resistance to mechanical loads.

Its increased ability to regenerate helps to quickly overcome damaged places.

Luxury varieties with a narrow sheet can also be used in mixtures for decorative lawns.

Polevitsa Thin (Agrostis Tenuis Sibth.)

Badly resist loads, if you do not mow regularly and very low (5-10 mm)

Low grass with short roots. Stems thin, smooth, straight. Flat or semi-width sheet plates with a width of about 2 mm.

Positive traits:

  • The main advantage is undemanding, grows on poor and dry soils.
  • Forms a dense high-quality gas carpet.


  • It is characterized by extremely slow germination after sowing (21-30 days) and slow initial growth.
  • Late spring vegetation.
  • Requires a lot of moisture and frequent low mowing.

Lawns with a large fraction of the fields are prone to the formation of lawn felt, they need a verticulation - the cutting of the rod to a small depth.


Polevitsa thin is suitable in a mixture with red oatmeal to prevent the best decorative lawns. Used in mixtures for golf lawns.

Perennial Rights (Lolium Perenne)

Pasture rags require frequent mowing. But attention! It is impossible to mow it too low (minimum 25-30 mm)

Zlak, also called Russian or pasture rags, is one of the most beautiful perennial herbs.

This is a dark green, low denser. He has straight, reddish stems, leaves with blades up to 6 mm wide.


  • It grows on heavier soils with a compacted surface.
  • Required to supply moisture and nutrients.
  • Pasture rags is a fundamental component of mixtures for English lawn.


  • Of all lawn grasses, it gives germanies faster and grows. Soft, elastic turf develops and rooted in the year of sowing.
  • Very resistant to mechanical loads and perfectly regenerates after damage.
  • Perfectly competes with weeds.


  • It is sensitive to temperature drops, ideal for a mild climate is unsuitable for continental. Sucked to freezing. After the misunderstanding winter, your lawn can "bald."
  • Susceptible to fungal infection. Especially in areas where the snow is lying for a long time, is amazed by a snowy mold.
  • Poor tolerate extreme droughts.


Pasture rags is the basis of mixtures for sports and park lawns, in which it provides resistance to heavy loads and the rapid regeneration of damaged areas.

It is also part of the mixtures designed to quickly update green areas and regenerative crops.

Due to its viability, it is necessary to make mixtures so that in the early stages of the lawn development, he has displaced other grass components with slow motion.

Additional types of grass for lawn mixes

To the main composition lawn mix You can add herbs that feel confidently in our region.

Requirements for them:

  • Good frost resistance.
  • Unpretentious care.

Walf Single (Agrostis Stolonifera)

  • Rights rapidly.
  • Cutting shoots can be somewhat lighter than the main green greenery. From this glade is a motley.

For a classic lawn, this is an undoubted marriage, and for the country lawn is absolutely not scary.

Poa Angustifolia (Poa Trivialis), Spleasing (Poa Compressa)

  • Fast growth.
  • Good occupancy rate area.
  • A plant with uneven Sizay in color, so suitable only for "country" use.
  • The shoots are too harsh. Walking on it will not be very comfortable, so it is more suitable for "visual beauty."

Dubray or Borovy Mattik (Poa Nemoralis)

  • Perfectly feels on the shaded platforms. It is logical to plant where there is little light: under the fence, near buildings, under garden trees.
  • This plant is weak root systemTherefore, the pulling and frequent mesh is contraindicated.

Swamp Mint (Poa Palustris)

  • Well grows in the territories with high humidity. Therefore, if you have a lawn on the plot without a preliminary drainage, swamp blowing is what you need!
  • Grown into a dense green carpet with powerful roots. Hence the conclusion - it will withstand multiple ramp.
  • The life expectancy of this grass is a maximum of 4-5 years. He has to constantly hurt.

Festuca Pratensis

It can be planted as a temporary lawn, although it will last 4 years at least.

  • Fast growing - 2 months and lawn ready!
  • Excellent addition to the main grass: while it will gain strength, the oatman closes empty places.
  • Already in the first season, a dense green carpet will delight the owners.
  • But on next year The main grass will strengthen and gradually displace, replace this cereal.
  • Weak roots, who are afraid of the pulp, so this grass must be planted as an extra.

Polevitsa Dog (Agrostis Canina)

There are not only lawns on which you can walk, but also the so-called parter or English, solely decorative.
Here for the latter it is perfectly suitable wildlife dog.

  • The name may be not very attractive, but the grass has a completely amazing emerald color.
  • The outer velvetyness of gentle blades from far away resembles a solid fabric.
  • Lives no more than 5 years.
  • Weak roots do not tolerate pulling.
  • Grow enough slowly.

In addition to the good germination, they have a relatively uniform color, they are frost-resistant and not too demanding to the nutritional of the soil. It is not surprising that all these cereals are in varying degrees in any grassmes for lawns.

Depending on the designation of the lawn, the specifics of the terrain and personal preferences, various compositions of the grasses are selected that they call grassmers for lawn. Whether this is a platform that does not require haircuts, or a dull-resistant, the composition of grassmes for lawns will differ in each case.

Garden Park Lawn: The composition of herbs

Care for gardening or ordinary lawn does not require constant intervention. Herbal coating is obtained dense and hides the random presence of wild cereals, in particular, crazy. Therefore, some special lawn grass is required - broad-sized cereals are suitable with the addition of oatmeal, wildfish.

What grass to sow for garden-park lawn?

Forest Mattik (Poa Nemoralis)

Perennial grass for lawn forming loose soft turns. The height grows about 30-100 cm. The width of the sheet plates is 1.5-2 mm. Flowering falls on May-June, the size of the pancake is 10 cm.

This Zlak is usually part of the grassmes for lawn, Bounced at the foot of the treesdoes not require good light. Suitable wet, sour primer. But frequent haircuts of forest crumples lead to its drop-down and exhaustion.

Mattik Lugovy (Poa Pratensis)

Decorative grass for lawn, a perennial, grows up to 100 cm. Ruffy turns make up narrow leaves. June-July - flowering period. The plant prefers meadows, fields, steppes, lit edges, not afraid of pulling out.

Ordinary lawns, especially on light stony soils, shady areas almost always contain. It should be borne in mind that this grass for the lawn is unsuitable for landing on the chalk and excessive moistened soils. In addition, it is contraindicated in a frequent low haircut.

Among the varieties of mint meadow, the most suitable grass for lawn:

  • 'Andante' - squat plants are distinguished by increased resistance to such a disease as spotted leaves.
  • 'Connie' - Durns are lowered, painted in a rich green color. Growing thick. The variety is resistant to many diseases and pulling.
  • 'Compact' - Representatives of this variety with narrow leaves are also resistant to mechanical effects, differ in rapid growth, well tolerate dry periods.
  • 'Balin' - increased endurance, disease resistance, rapid growth - the main characteristics of this variety.
  • 'Meak' - Pretty attractive and very resistant variety.

Annua Mint (Poa Annua)

Usually one-year, but occasionally and a long-term grass. Dernins from 5 to 35 cm. Height, melts are small - no more than 1 cm. The plant prefers to settle near the road, hides in the dials, quickly fills the wipe places. If ordinary lawns only benefit from the presence of an annual crown, it is considered a weed plant in the partner.


The view grows on any basis, is great for low haircuts. At high temperatures, the leaves are yellow and the lawn grass can fall.

Poa Triviales

Forms turns with short creeping rhizomes. Stem size 20-120 cm. Width of smooth leaves up to 6 mm, color - bright green. The species is characterized by the ability to quickly root, prefers heavy and limestone soils, like to settle on wet areas. However, the plant does not differ in particular frost resistance. In addition, the mint of ordinary loses an attractive view with prolonged pulling and unstable to drought.


Rights Perennial (Lolium Perenne)

A distinctive feature of this species is a pink shade at the base of young leaves. The leaf plates are light green, 4 mm thick. Some varieties are characterized by even more narrow leaves, slow growth and good tolerance of low haircuts.


The plant is a frequent component of the composition of grass mixture for garden-park lawns. It tolerates heavy soils, resistant to pulling, is able to quickly grow. Popular rapid grades Perennial:

  • 'Figaro' - Multipurpose use, increased resistance to pulling, thick cover and immunity to many diseases - the main differences of the grade rags of many years of Figaro.
  • 'Taya' - Used when creating a multipurpose lawn, providing a dense and a healthy type of coating. Main characteristics - drought resistance, endurance, increased resistance to pulling.
  • 'Sakini' - Plants of this variety are characterized by slow growth, but quickly rooted. Wear-resistant.
  • 'Juventus' - This variety was declined specifically as decorative grass For lawns, creating thick covers from green, medium in the thickness of the leaves. Plants distinguishes increased resistance to stress, in particular - elevated temperatures, fungi, causing rust leaves.
  • 'Sleep - Representatives of this variety are rapidly rooted, forming a thick thunder-resistant density.
  • 'Danilo' - Herbs suitable for the formation of beautiful lushes, with narrow green or dark green leafy plates. Growing densely, to wear is stable.

Festuca Pratensis

Another long-term grass for lawns equipped at the mid-selling sites. When flooding with thawed waters can grow about a month without prejudice to his health. In height, this meadow plant can reach 140 cm., But usually much lower (30-100 cm.). Narrow leaves, flat. Flowers fescue meadow in June, the size of the pancake is up to 18 mm. Sustained to pullout.


Timofeevka meadow (Phleum Pratense)

Plants form loose bushes, the height of the stems swap at the base, from 15 to 120 cm., Green / gray-green leaves width to 10 mm. Added to grass and parking, meadow lawns.

Timofeevka Lugovy Dernovina is not afraid of the pulp, prefer wet heavy soils. Low haircut is contraindicated, as well as landing in sandy soil.


Common Grebenchik (Cynosurus Cristatus)

The height of the stem is from this perennial of 20 to 75 cm., Leaf plates are very narrow. Flowering falls on June-July, while thick-shaped blizzards are formed.


It grows well on the light soils, in nature, his usual habitat is a meadow, glade. Sustained to pullout.

How to choose grassmes for partare lawns?

The emerald green greenery is distinguished by uniform painting and perfectly smooth surface. To achieve such an effect allows the presence of a field of fields as part of grassmes different species, Oatmeal. But Rygrance pasture, cereals with wide sheet plates, the entrance is contraindicated. On the territory of Russia to create a parter lawn usually use a meadow meadow. And of course, such a plot requires a regular low haircut.

The best grassmes for the partner (or as it is also called the "English lawn")include next species Grass:

Ovinta Sheep (Festuca Ovina)

Perennial grass for lawn, forming dense turf or bumps. The height of the stems from 20 to 40 cm, the leaf plates are very narrow - no more than 0.7 mm. Meadows, sands, boron, cutting, glades - the plant in Russia is common everywhere. It is characterized by good tolerance of regular spacing, to drought steadily, wear-resistant.


In addition to the lawn, use when creating rocky gardens, mixed borders.

Top varieties:

  • 'Discovery' - Hair-shaped leaves of dark green, form thick herbs. Compared with other varieties of sheep's sheep 'discovery' most resistant to drought and the soil salinity is carried better.
  • 'Triana' and 'Rid' - a distinctive feature These varieties are increased drought resistance and ability to quickly adapt.

Oatman Red (Festuca Rubra)

The rhizomes of this perennial form loose turns. The base of flat leaves is painted in red with a brown color color, the width of the sheet plates up to 2.5 mm., The maximum height of the stem is about 80 cm. Flowering falls on June-August, a coole-shaped bubber size up to 10 cm. In nature prefers a glade, meadow, sandy soils . It is distinguished by frost resistance, it is well tolerating pulling, not afraid of shaded places. This species is part of almost all popular lawn grass.


Oatman Red Substitch Red (Festuca Rubra Subsp.ruBra)

Rhizome cereal grass. Leaves are very narrow, grown with beams. The plant dough- and frost-resistant, well feels like a light soil. It grows sufficiently slowly, so it can be mixed with other slow-growing fabrics. It is found in both partner and sports lawns.


  • 'Pernillle' - It is appreciated due to narrow very durable leaves, dense cover and increased resistance to diseases.
  • 'Diego' - glossy gentle green leaves please gaze the entire period of vegetation.
  • 'Lacxton' - This variety is distinguished by thick cover and increased rust resistance. At the expense of its glossy leaves looks good on home lawns.
  • 'Rapid' , 'Rubin' , 'Echo' - The most famous varieties are popular as drought-resistant and reliable in the cultivation of grass.

Oatman Red Substitch Changeable (Festuca Rubra Commutata)

Parter's lawns do not cost without this species. Without problems, it gets around with the rest of cereal herbs, the most aggressive of which can iss the red-changing oatmeal. The plant is rapidly rooted, forming a dense derm without shoots. It is well refer to a low haircut, perfectly withstanding drought, prefers light soils.


Polevitsa Dog (Agrostis Canina)

The height of this perennial grass is no more than 30 cm. Rhizomes are thin, short, shoots are rooted on the surface, forming elastic dense turf saturated green shades. The plant loves to settle on the converted peat soils, but the other types of soil is well mastered. It is distinguished by frost resistance, well transfers the lack of lighting.


The first year is growing in a small pace, the formation occurs on the second, more often - on the third year.

Polevitsa Thin (Agrostis Capillaris)

Short rhizomes of this perennial are formed into a loose turf coating. The height of the stem is 10-60 cm., Width of gentle bright green leaves - up to 4 mm.

Prefers clearing glads, sandy soils, divergent low-spirited meadows. The cereal is characterized by slow growth, the regular haircut allows you to form a neat herbal dense by structure of the canvas. Resistant to frequent cropping, but does not tolerate pulling.


White wilderness (Agrostis Alba)

A distinctive feature of this lawn grass is the ability to form numerous offshore shoots, as well as a branched root system, good-bonded soil. At the same time, a durable elastic turf is formed. Dark green leaves reach a width of 2 mm.


Zlak is growing slowly a year of planting, loves light soil, but it is not bad to carry the soup and loam. To the pulling and frequent trimming is stable. Decorative for proper care up to 10 years old. Applied in the lawns of various purposes.

Walf Single (Agrostis Stolonifera)

Perennial rich-deep cereal grass with length of sharpening shoots up to 40 cm. Flat short sheet plates are painted into light green, in length reach no more than 5 cm, in width - up to 2 mm. As can be seen from the name, it is capable of giving long side shoots that are easily (and most importantly - on their own) are rooted in the event of damage to the parent plant. This property often attracts inexperienced gardeners and often leads to an uncontrolled growth of the cereal with the capture of any less free space.


The plant prefers loamy, samp and sandy soils, but he is also not afraid saline and sour sections. Frost-resistant, resistant to spring spare. However, in the fall requires as low as possible haircuts, - otherwise the spring will be a fool.

Walf varieties Single:

  • 'Prominent' - High-length herb, narrow dark green leaves allow you to use this grass in particular and to arrange golf courses. The variety is distinguished by increased resistance to pink spot.
  • 'Croming' - forms magnificent lawns, suitable for the formation of the cover of a golf course. Provides thick heaven and resistant to low misery. Differs in winter hardiness.

Herbs suitable for meadow lawn

The meadow is a plot with herbal plants whose stalks are relatively tough. Strong pulling to such a lawn is contraindicated. Exactly as a frequent haircut, which is enough once a month.

The composition of grassy lawn for meadow lawn should include a flora characteristic of the local natural zone. In particular, it may be:

Puffy Dunny (Deschampsia Cespitosa)

Light green leaves with a width of up to 3 mm. and stems from 30 to 100 cm long. Forming turf. Very decorative grass, prefers wetlast meadows, reservoirs, is characterized by the ability to form whole thickets. Well suited for mixboraders.


Pussinellia Distans)

Perennial turf grass with stems from 15 to 50 cm long and dark green leaves about 55 mm. width. In nature, Zlak can be found on the shores of the reservoirs, along the dirt roads, salted soils. In culture is not observed.


Bonfire soft (Bromus Mollis)

Annual, rather decorative grass, not demanding as soil. Flowering lasting - May-September. It reacts well to mowing.

ON THE PICTURE: Bonfire soft.

Bromopsis Inermis)

Perennial grass, has a cord-shaped rhizome with corneupry shoots. The stem grows up to 100 cm., Dark green leaves are quite wide - from 4 to 10 mm. Grand habitat - sparse forests, meadows, stripped sands. Wildegram's fire is distinguished by unpretentiousness, resistant to wratching and pulling, is not afraid of shaded and overwhelmed areas. It reacts well to the application of nitrogen fertilizers.


Hedgehog team (Dactylis Glomerata)

The shadowing long-term grass, height grows by 35-120 cm. Leaves, in width reaching from 5 to 20 mm., Light green color. Prefers meadows, can settle along the roads. Hedgehog the national team grows well on fertile soils, but with sufficient aeration it feels good in heavy drum and moderately acidic.

ON THE PICTURE: Cocksfoot.

List Choler (Alopecurus Geniculatus)

One- or twin with a height of up to 40 cm. With green leaves. Due to painted in purple color of anthers, blooming flasher crankshaft is particularly decorative. The shores of water bodies, wet wetlands - it is usually possible to find representatives of this species.

Locking meadow (alopecurus pratensis)

Perennial lawn grass forming loose turns. The height of the stems from 50 to 120 cm, the width of juicy green leaves from 4 to 6 mm. Cylindrical Cylindrical Inflorescences Whole-pink, flowering period falls on June - At this time, the plant has the most decorative appearance.


Locking meadow prefers sandy poor soils, it is not afraid of long flooding with rain and thawed waters, well refers to screaming.

Dross creeping (Elymus RepenS)

The perennial has very long branching rhizomes and stems from 50 to 120 cm long. Leaf plates up to 10 mm wide. Prefers clearing glads, meadows, coastal sandy soils. The plant is not suitable for partner and garden-park lawns, there it is considered weed. The component of grass mixes for special purpose lawns, a component of the lungs.

The grass is polymorphic, there is a sizy and green shades, pouring and naked. For its cultivation, any soils are suitable.

The correct composition of grassmes for lawns: prepare yourself

Usually manufacturers sell ready-made mixtures of grafts for lawns with a balanced ratio of various types. But, having the necessary planting material, you can mix the seeds yourself. We give examples of the most common grassmery for various lawn classes.


  • Polevitsa thin - 1 part;
  • Oatman Red - 2 parts;
  • Food with red changeable - 3 parts;
  • Mattik meadow - 4 parts.


  • Oatman Red - 2 parts;
  • Polevitsa thin - 8 pieces.


  • Oatman meadow 1 part
  • Oatman Red 3 parts
  • Raigrance Many years of 6 parts.