
Canned flowers in glycerin. Making a magic bowl with snow - a little miracle with her own hands

Decorative trees and shrubs

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Christmas tree in a jar. You have seen, probably there are such Christmas toys: glass bowlfilled with liquid, and inside some snow-covered panorama, house or tree, and there is imitation of snowfall. Something similar can be made with your own hands.
The project is called "Christmas tree in a bank", well, just in my bank there will be a Christmas tree, and you can, something else.

For the project we will need:
1. Bank with lid.
2. Water distilled.
3. Glycerin (sold on any pharmacy).
4. Ceramic or plastic figures of animals, trees and figures of people.
5. Artificial snow crumbly or sequins.
6. Epoxy resin and hardener (you can buy a set in the store).
7. Paper emery.

First of all, you need to make sure that the bank is clean, it is possible if there is a lot of different forms to take a rounded bank now, I will have a conical shape bank. Next, you need to glue figures, in my case the Christmas tree to the bottom of the lid. We clean the bottom of the sandpaper for better clutch and glue an epoxy-resin Christmas tree. Resin is resistant to water and will last long, though the smell of it is specific, but nothing, will weaken.

The bank itself is filled with distilled water (do not fill in the bank to the top). We add a little glycerin to the water, a little bit (although I don't know what you will have for glycerin, add a bit if you need to add it yet). Glycerin changes the viscosity and density of water, he will suspend our sequins, our artificial snow, will not let them fall on the bottom and guarantee our toy the effect of snowfall. Now add our sequins, or artificial snow to the jar (very small one does not need a good effect from large sequins).

Then screw the cover with our Christmas tree, turn the jar and shake well. All, Christmas tree in a bank - the snow goes.
You can give the toy an additional design to install on a pedestal, such as a sheet in the form of wood heap. Add to that a couple of features of animals or fabulous characters. The lid can also be decorated to paint or dry something, it is desirable to be able to open it, suddenly you decide to modify the toy, and so in principle, everything.

Magic is always present in our lives, you just need to believe it. Take at least New Year's snowball, filled with liquid, shaking which you can watch some time as snowflakes dancing inside it, is it not magic?! Do you know that such a ball can be made it yourself, from a simple jar with a swirling lid. So, the topic of today's article: "How to make a snow ball with your own hands."

For the first time, a snowy ball was presented in 1889 at the Paris exhibition, it was a small size, about the palm, and a miniature copy of the Eiffel Tower was installed inside it. The ball was filled with water, and the role of the snowflakes performed crumbling porcelain and sophisticated sand.

How to make a snow ball at home.

To recreate this magic item, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. A jar with a twisting lid, it is better to select a small capacity (ideally it is better to use a rounded vessel, but it is also quite possible to use a conventional jar elongated form);
  2. Plastic figurine or even several tiny plastic figures;
  3. Adhesive gun or waterproof glue;
  4. Artificial snow and a few shades of sequins (you can use sequins for nails);
  5. Glycerin (sold in pharmacies, is inexpensive);
  6. Clean, filtered water.

Master class: how to make a snow ball.

Remove the cover with the can, on its inner part of the adhesive gun glue a pre-selected figure. So that the composition inside the bank looked spectacularly, you can use many different small items: houses, Christmas trees, shops, shrubs, etc. This item is essentially to depend on your imagination. In this example, the Queen Elsa Figure was used from the cartoon "Cold Heart".

In a clean bank, we pour water, add glycerin here (you can even pour out the entire bottle). The more you add glycerin, the more smoothly spinning snowflakes and sparkles.

Here in the bank are sprinkled by the prepared sequins, too much do not spare, everything should be moderately, to start in the water, add half a teaspoon of each shade of the prepared sequin, then you can still add if you consider that this is not enough. Instead of sequin in water, you can pour artificial snow.

Close the can with a cap with a glued figurine, and so that the water during operation does not leak, we recommend pre-process the inside of the cover with glue.

Snowball is ready, shake it and enjoy the snowfall raging inside it.

Snowballs do it yourself, a photo.

Below are various variations snowballsMade by personally, pay attention to all sorts of spectacular compositions inside them, perhaps some kind of you will enjoy, and you will try to make a similar snow ball.

How to make a snow ball with your own hands:

Today we showed you how to make a snow ball, the process of its creation is absolutely not complicated, and the result is very impressive. Snowflakes danced inside it calm down, immersing in bright thoughts and dreams. In addition, such a ball would like to children, try to make it easiest with my child, he will be quite accurately delighted. Moreover, the whole process of creating such a ball and can be completely trusted with a child, he will cope, you will only be observed from the part, as your child deftly copes with the task.

Many of you have seen a souvenir in the form of a transparent jar or a bottle, inside of which live flowers, petals and herbs are bugged. Today we will tell you how to make such beauty with your own hands. You will be surprised how easy it is.

Even children will cope with this master class. By the way, in art schools, they often learn this technique. And this is understandable: simple harmless components and a completely stunning result.

Those who love flowers take care of them and always very hard part with gift bouquets, our tips will especially like. Now you have a chance to save the dear heart the flower is very and very long. Not in priority form, of course, but still it is better than sending plants into the trash can.

What do we need?

  • clean transparent capacity (better glass - so more effectively)
  • hot water
  • glycerin (it can be found in the departments for creativity or even in a pharmacy)
  • petals, Flowers, Grass
  • wooden spanca
  • water soluble dyes (optional)

How to preserve flowers in glycerin?

The bottle must be pretty wash and dry. If plants have stalks, their ends should be split in half into several centimeters (or millimeters, if short). It is necessary so that the solution is better penetrated into the flowes.

Tip: Do not use plants with damaged leaves. Also do not take too thin, almost transparent petals.

In a separate tank, we mix water with glycerin in proportion 2: 1 (two parts of boiling water, one - glycerol). Let's cool the mixture to cool room temperature And pour it into our transparent container.

Immerse in a bottle of petals, herbs and flowers. With the help of a wooden spat "Seep" them as like.

If you want to give an accessory of some color, water can be used in advance with a natural dye (necessarily natural, since the flowers do not tolerate chemistry). If the uniformity of staining is not fundamental, but, on the contrary, you want a kind of bizarre drawing, add the dye after the water was mixed with glycerin and the solution was poured into the container.

Close the craft cover. In this form, it will be kept for at least a month (if inside only herbs and dried flowers - much longer). Then the solution is clown, and it will need to be replaced. To do this, just pour the contents of the container in a bowl, carefully separate the plants from the liquid. Prepare a new solution, fill it, and the flowers can leave the same.

New Year Very bright and fabulous holiday. On this day, it is customary to give all the gifts and most of us are accustomed to buying them in stores. But how nicer to get original gifts from the loved ones they did themselves with their own hands. Especially appreciated gifts donated by children made by them personally. Original gift for the New Year can serve a souvenir - a snow ball. Especially fabulously he will look under the fluffy tree.

Even a child can make such a souvenir, and it looks very worthy and symbolic. Such a gift can be given to a person of any age. And a little smoking, and at all, do something unique. Instead of the figurines inside the jar, you can immerse a cable photo or another small significant subject. If it is destroyed in water, cover it with a water-repellent varnish. How to make a New Year's snow ball? Everything is very simple.

To create it, we will need:

  • Beautiful small bank with a tightly closing lid.
  • The items you want to immerse in the bank.
  • Artificial snow, which can also be made with your own hands.
  • White paraffin candle.
  • Sequins.
  • Waterproof or silicone glue.
  • Distilled or boiled water.
  • Glycerol.

First of all, we prepare the scene that will be inside the bank. To do this, we have and glue with silicone glue all objects on the inner side of the lid. If the shapes need to be immersed in drifts, we apply glue to the lid and sprinkle with artificial snow. Replace it with a white paraffin candle.

To do this, cool the candle in the refrigerator and three on the fine grater, after which it sprinkled with a dense layer on glue and fit well. Thus, it is possible to make the desired number of layers and get a conceived result. And if the paraffin is heated to a soft state, then you can immediately make the necessary drifts, cool them and glue the lid on the inner side along with the other objects.

Silicone glue dries sufficiently for a long time, so so that the snapshots of the snow ball, it turned out to be high-quality and durable, it is worth the patience and give the adhesion to dry completely.

fig.1 Figurine for the Snow Bowl

At that time, while our composition dry, prepare the jar for the snowy ball. Wipe it with alcohol. This is done so that water is not cloudy with time, but remained transparent.

Then in a separate container we divor warm water and glycerin. The greater the glycerin, the thickness there will be a solution, and snowflakes will fall slower. If you want snowflakes to fall very slowly, use glycerin without water. The resulting mixture is poured into the bank, but not to the edge.

It should be borne in mind that the compositions on the lid also need a space in the bank and the extra liquid is poured over the edges.

fig.2 Cooking a solution for a snowy ball

After the glycerin with water was poured into the jar, we fall asleep in it artificial snow and sequins. Try first to throw a few snowflakes and see how they will fall on the bottom. If they drop too slowly, pour some water. If too fast, please glycerol. Artificial snow for the snowy ball can be replaced with white sand or finely shedding paraffin. Shine can be bought in the store "All for nails" or "Everything for creativity." White sand is sold in a pet store, in the fish department.

Try not to pour a lot of gloves and snow, as during turning the water may seem muddy, and the snow ball will be spoiled.

fig.3 Fall asleep sequins for a snowy ball

When blasts and artificial snow are added to the bank, the most responsible moment comes. It is necessary to verify that all the figures were well glued to the lid and only after that immerse them into the solution. Excess fluids will begin to pour out the edges, so we advise you to substitute the saucer. If after you lowered the cover with the figures in the solution, a free place remains in the bank, pour a solution. It is better to do with your own hands with a syringe.

Now that everything is ready, carefully wipe the excess liquid with the car's thread and apply glue on it. Then tighten the lid tightly. Do not immediately turn the container. Wait when the glue dries under the lid. When everything dries, you can see what happened.

If air bubbles remained in the bank, try removing them with a syringe. The syringe can also pour fluid if it is missing. If water leaks from under the cover, you need to flip into the can, wipe dry and wash with a re-glue, and then let it dry.

fig.4 Ready Craft - Snowball

Your snowball is almost ready, it remains only to make a beautiful cover. To do this, you can use multi-colored foil, openwork ribbons or beads. You can also enclose the polymer clay cover and paint acrylic paints. This will be the final part of the work. Now you know how to make a snowball at home. It is absolutely simple, and the gift is very original and unique. Decoking them a house, you will create a unique New Year's atmosphere.

Hello everyone! And again we will create! Today, in front of me and my karapuz is a challenge - a snaps of a snow ball with your own hands. And you know, we are happy to rub his palms in anticipation of a miracle! And this miracle we will do themselves! I suggest all of you to be witnesses and accomplices. We will create all together!

What are we talking about in the article? At first I will voice some details regarding required tools and material. Then subtleties for the manufacture of a ball. And at the end I prepared you a master class. The program is extensive and developed taking into account the help of the karapusov! It seems that everything is so serious that there is nothing to trust them. But, I think that we will find something that the kids will be able to do! Here we go?!

Required Material for the manufacture of crafts

When you hold this ball in your hands, it seems that the only thing that you need for its manufacture is magic. A little shook him, and suddenly it was scattered in a charming snowy day. True riddle! And really, this mystery can be done at home? Yes! Can! And you need!

For this we need:

  • Bank
  • Water - 5 parts
  • Glycerin - 1 part
  • "Snow"
  • History in the plot

Is any bank suitable? Does any material become snow? And what story to choose? Let's answer these questions!

Bank. We need to be clearly clearly visible in the bank. And therefore, plastic or a bank with a pattern, a pattern, sticker or edges, will not fit.

Water. Of course, everything will be much easier without water. But our goal is that the snow spin and slowly fell. Therefore, water is needed. And without it in any way! That's just how to make the snow do not swim on the surface and saddened slowly? It is for this that it is worth making a solution from glycerol.

Glycerol. It should be quite a lot, then the snowflakes twist. Ideally, the proportions of glycerin and water should be 1 to 5. Without glycerol, the ball can be done, but the snowflakes will quickly fall on the bottom. From quantity glycerin It will depend on the speed of rotation of snowflakes than it is more, the slower they will spin. Many are interested in the question can Lie to dosnow ball without glycerin Just on the water? We answer, no, without glycerin Snowflakes will immediately fall on the bottom.

"Snow". What is suitable? Sequins, sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of thin plastic or foil, artificial snow.

History in the plot. Here it is worth thinking. First, what should be the plot? Best of all, if it is thematic. After all, the ball can be made on any holiday as a gift. You can take plants like decorations, figures, like heroes, etc. It looks original with a photo inside. But the photo is worth preliminary or covered with scotch.

And you can even make as a gift - key chain with flying snow.

Tricks that help make a cool snow ball

Now I will continue the topic started. I just show how you can make a "ball" in different versions.

First of all, who said that you need to be puzzled banks? They can be any shape and sizes. The main condition is to the toy beautifully looked inside the jar, the container must be either slightly convex, and / or be sure to 2-3cm above the figure.

Our New Year's story suggests that there will be snow. I offered a choice of several options. But this is mainly ready-made products. How to make artificial snow with your own hands at home? Yes, you can cut, as I said, plastic. But you can grab the candle or solid soap on a small grater. Only in this or different case, the water very soon will like. There are 2 more options for the manufacture of snow alone: \u200b\u200bthe egg shell, which was dried, and then crushed; Or, the filler of diapers. It should be removed and smoother. And not to distinguish from natural snow.

And then I will answer the question that may have arisen with you. Is it possible to make a ball without glycerol? Easily! It is replaced by a very sweet syrup or vaseline oil. Some take instead of glycerin refined vegetable oil. This idea also take note.

And one more nuance. For complete sealing, a silicone tape is needed or, thin rubber, as it can be used a medical glove, sliced \u200b\u200bwith ribbons.

Without glue design camsulate! Look for glue that the water was not afraid. And it is desirable to quickly frozen.

Last thing. The lid itself does not look at neither presentable, nor elegantly. It is worth "disguise". Than? Ribbon, bow, paper stripe.

Let's get together a new year craft

Since holidays are near, my baby decided to make a snow ball for the new year. At first they wanted to buy figures of festive heroes. But went over everything we have, and found everything you need. Therefore, they did not postpone the creative process while there is time and a suitable mood.

Set of materials and tools for making crafts:

  • A tightening lid bank;
  • Figurine frog-santry frost with a red cap and skiing;
  • Twigs of the Christmas tree and juniper;
  • Rain;
  • Glue "moment";
  • Silicone tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Water;
  • Glycerol;
  • Tape;
  • Bung;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Foil balls.

First of all, we do neat holes in a tube from a 5-liter water bottle, and insert decor from plants into the holes.

After when we fill the whole cover with glue, the design will become completely stable. But now it is worth trying so that the holes are small, and that the plants deeply enter them.

We fill with the cover with glue and install the Figure "Santa Claus", lay out "drifts" from foil balls. And in the spaces between them glue the pieces of foam.

Design ready. Fix it on the lid of banks. We carry out glue along the bottom of the lid. And when we put it in place, additionally fix glue droplets from all sides.

Plug the lid tape.

Cooking water. We pour it first half, then add glycerin. If you need, even pour water, but remember that some place will take our design.

Fully remove the air from the bank is not always possible. And no need to do this, no.

Cut from the rain "Snow", and slightly crumbling foam. Here is the last - I liked it very much. So much liked that it was imperceptible from him the part of his "work" to catch and remove from the bank, and otherwise everything would be in the snow by the most riz.

Before connecting the lid and banks, take care of complete sealing. Plug by silicone tape threads.

Everything! The last stage is to spin the lid and turn the jar! And we really like it!

Snow is spinning

And settles.