
Detachment Primates General features. Detachment Primates. What we will do with the resulting material

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Animals (vertebral subtype). The class of mammals is peculiar to fatigue, breastfeeding milk, to wear it in the uterus. All representatives of this class are homoothermal, that is, the body temperature is constant. In addition, the metabolic rate is high. In addition to the average and internal, all mammals also have an outdoor ear. The females have dairy glands.

Paleanthropology is a branch of knowledge that studies the origin and evolution of the hominid, which in the past were presented various species. This includes the study of the first monkeys, although most of the attention focuses on the period from which our ancestors were distant from monkeys. Currently it is believed that this separation occurred between 6 and 8 million years ago.

Differences between monkeys and people. Anatomical differences between great monkeys and man are limited mainly by the proportions of various parts of the body. Among the characteristics of this culture is the exquisite ability to do dishes. Formation of arches along and across.

Primates (semorestation and monkeys) from all mammals are perhaps the greatest wealth and variety of forms. However, despite the differences between them, many features of the structure of their bodies are similar. They developed in a long-term process of evolution as a result of woody lifestyle.

Primate limbs

Primates are animals having a five-table grabbing limb, well-developed. It is adapted to the lasagna of the representatives of this detachment on the branches of the trees. All of them have a clavicle, as well as the elbow and radiation bone completely divided, which provides a variety of movements and the mobility of the anterior limb. Big finger is also moving. It can oppose many species in the rest. Nails are equipped with end phalanges of fingers. For the forms of primates with cogtevoid nails, or those who have claws only on some fingers, the thumb is characterized by the presence of a flat nail.

This is determined by the climate, the more. The clothes he wore, he could lose more hair on his body, his skin color was. On the other hand, people. They differ from modern monkeys, because they are well accepted. For two-legged locomotions and have already lost the ability to help.

The position of the skull, which is now more or less concentrated on top. This rearrangement occurred in human forms. I had better support to the skull and facilitated the vertical position of the entire body. Tests for antigen antibody to determine the similarity between serum proteins show that all monkeys and monkeys of chimpanzees and gorilla have the closest resemblance to people. The amino acid sequence of hemoglobin chimpanzees is identical to the amino acid sequence of a person; Gorillas and monkeys differ from human hemoglobin by 2 and 15 amino acids, respectively.

The structure of primates

When moving along the surface of the Earth, they rely on the entire foot. Primates with woody life is associated with the reduction of smell, as well as good development of hearing and vision organs. They have 3-4 nasal shells. Primates - the eyes of which are directed forward, the near-eyed ring from the temporal pockets are separated by the eye (Lemurs, Tupayy), or a bone partition (monkeys, long adversies). At the lower primates on the face there are 4-5 groups of vibrass (tactile hair), at the highest - 2-3. In monkeys, as well as in humans, skin scallops are developed on the entire plantar and palm surface. However, the semi-essayans are only on the pads. A variety of functions that have the forelimbs, as well as the active life of primates led to a strong development of their brain. And this means an increase in these animals of the cranial box. However, only higher primates have large, well-developed hemispheres of the brain with a multitude of souls and furrows. The lower brain is smooth, there is little convolutions and furrows.

As for biochemistry, the difference between people, gorillas and chimpanzees is less than the difference between them and monkeys. Errors of interpretation of evolution relations between man and monkeys. It is mistaken to believe that people originate from being similar or identical to modern monkeys. Actually happened that people and monkeys occurred from the general ancestor, the appearance of which almost certainly differently different from external view Modern monkeys if some specific characteristics were considered.

Monkeys and people evolved about 8 million years ago. Many unfriendlies of evolutionism suggest that this theory postulates the idea that the monkey, similar to the current gorilla, spawned a person for several years. Another false idea, which usually goes hand in hand with the above, is that evolution always occurs in a straight line, from the ancestral form to a well-adapted organism. In fact, the evolutionary process is interrupted, and in most cases the lines are developing like shrubs, not trees.

Hair cover and tail

At the species of this squad of the hairproof thick. The semi-chain has undercoat, however, most of the representatives of primates are weakly developed. Wool and leather in many species are brightly painted, eyes of yellow or brown. They have a long tail, however, there are also taped and short-tired forms.

In the case of people, the Hominide line produced several clans and species that could coexist for a long time. Of course, at the same time, various groups of monkeys follow their own evolutionary lines, some of which led to modern monkeys, while others are extinct.

Another mistake is that all characters associated with hominids began their development at the same time. Apparently, such characters like a vertical posture were installed long before the appearance of others. distinctive features hominid. Owen thought that there was no reason for which this ball would be unprofitable for people, so if the monkeys were true ancestors of a person, the cough would still be present in all varieties, living or extinct, man.


Primates are animals that feed on the main mixed food in which plant prevails. Some types of insectiva. Primate stomachs, due to mixed type of food, simple. They have 4 types of teeth - fangs, cutters, large (molar) and small (premolars) are indigenous, as well as molars having 3-5 tubercles. The complete change of teeth occurs at primates, it concerns and constant and dairy.

Workers in a quarry discovered the bones of a man inside the cave in the Nender Valley in Germany. Neanderthal had a very expressed superlord cough. There are also several skeletal deformations. Although the detection of many other Skeletons of Neanderthal showed that these people had such a posture, like a modern person, the supuraorbital cough resist the test of time as a distinctive feature of these people; Along with the virtual lack of chin and the presence of a much larger skeleton as a whole.

The size of the neanderthal man's brain is the same as a modern person, even a little more. However, the forehead was much lower than that of the current person. However, this name was not first. Even before fossil bones, a German evolutionist was already offered a scientific name so far unknown hominid, establish a connection between man and monkeys. This evolutionist would never have the right to discover the remains of this monkey man; The story would have reserved this opportunity for Dubois.

Body sizes

In the sizes of the body of representatives of this detachment there are significant variations. The smallest primates are mouse lemurs, while the growth of gorilla reaches 180 cm and above. The mass of the body of males and females varies - the males are usually larger, although there are many exceptions from this rule. The family in some monkeys consists of several females and male. Since body weight is an advantage for the latter, there is a natural selection associated with its magnification. For example, Khanuman's male can assemble a whole harem consisting of 20 females - a very large family. Primates are forced to protect their harem from other males. At the same time, the owner of the family has a body weight reaches 160% of the mass of the female. In other species whose males usually mate only with one female (for example, gibbons), representatives of different sexes in size do not differ. Very weakly expressed by Lemurov.

Despite his French surname, Dubois was actually a Dutchman. Although he studied at the doctor, Ambition Dubua, was to open Peteitront. Dubois is enrolled in the Dutch naval fleet and received an appointment to Polynesia as a military surgeon. There was no much of this hominid because you barely found the top of the skull, the femoral bone and the two you feel. The hips was something like modern hips. Thus, most of the remains were discovered in Polynesia and China, but also in Africa and Europe. The thumbs are also similar to this chimpanzee by the fact that it is located much closer to the wrist than to a person.

In the fight for paternity, an important role is played not only the sizes of the body in such a detachment as primates. These are animals whose fangs serve them with powerful weapons. The males use them in aggressive demonstrations and fights.

Reproduction of primates and spodes

Primates are breeding round year. One young one is born (the lower forms there may be 2-3). Large types of primates breed less often, but they live longer than their smaller conifers.

He had an outstanding face, without chin and supurabital cough. Darwin and his followers suggested that the human race has its origin on the African continent, this proposal that is not consistent with Dubois, but was supported by the Australian President Raymond Darth. The first fossils found in this place were watched by tradition, on Neanderthal, but a completely different creature was found: a child whose teeth are comparable to the teeth of modern children over 6 years old.

Many years passed before this hominid was better understood and, in fact, much remains to be learned. This femoral joint was enough to determine that Australophecus could walk straight. This gominid has a heavier skeleton, very large jaws and dental signs that his food was very heavy. This opinion is confirmed by the fact that the similarity between chimpanzees and human proteins is significant. Conclusions are limited to East and South Africa. The fire could be used as a weapon not only against animals, but against the cold.

Already at the age of the year are able to multiply mouse lemurs. Every year two young appears on the light. The mass of each of them is about 6.5 g. Pregnancy lasts 2 months. 15 years - the record of longevity of this species. The female of the gorilla, on the contrary, it only becomes half the old age. One cub is born, whose body weight is 2.1 kg. Pregnancy lasts 9 months, after it re-pregnancy can only come after 4 years. Usually the gorillas live up to 40 years.

Now he could travel in previously hostile media, his horizon expanded. The fire was used in several important ways. The man from Beijing used him to keep the bears of a caveman who fought with him for the protection provided by the caves. Over time, he completely eliminated the bear from the caves, a man developed the best ways Shooting. The fire also prepared food, which was once very difficult to eat. Prepared food used for the smallest use teeth and jaws, led to their reduction.

Common for various with significant species, is a small ratio. The growth rates of young people from representatives of this squad are very low, much lower than those observed in other mammals with a similar body weight. It is difficult to say what is the reason for this of their features. It is possible to look for it in the size of the brain. The fact is that the most energy-intensive in the body are exactly the tissues of the brain. In large primates there is a high level of metabolism, which reduces the rate of development of breeding bodies, as well as body growth.

This is an excellent example of the ratio of cultural and morphological evolution. Here you can see the beginning of the culture. Persons gathered for some information exchange events. Thus, the methods for creating tools can be transmitted from one generation to another, gradually improving them. They possess an approximately half of the centered brain ability of a modern person.

The earliest fossils were found in Europe and Africa. The European population was likely to go south for frozen extensions, and in the next interledstate period this first European group was replaced by Neanderthal. Neanderthal had more primitive features, such as big jaws, a long, small encephal box and without chin.

Template to infanticide

Primates, due to the low breeding rates, a tendency to infanticide is expressed. Often, males kill the young, whom the female gave birth from other males, since a nursing individual cannot conceive again. The males who are at the peak of physical development, in the attempts of reproduction are limited. Therefore, they do everything possible in order to maintain their genotype. The male monkey, for example, Hanuman, to continue the genus there is only 800 days from 20 years of life.

After the next glacial period, a modern man appeared throughout the old world, invading the Middle East and North Africa. Gomococyal groups were interrelated, resulting in several relatively similar groups of the population, among which there could be a cultural exchange. Possible garrotto, found near Kalabo Waterfall in Africa, and spear found in England is one of the most convincing evidence that the hunt was carried out, although plant-based food still prevailed.

A wide variety in Africa may assume that modern populations arose on this continent. This sensational perspective does not contradict the evidence of fossils, but even if it existed, we would only get the minimum part of our genetic inheritance.


The detachment of primates, as a rule, lives in trees, however there is a midnight and terrestrial species. Representatives of this detachment of the day of life. Usually it is old, less often solitary or pair. Mainly they live in subtropical and rainforests of Asia, Africa and America, and are also found in highly mountainous areas.

The possibilities of finding traces like this are very scarce, given that for many millions of lost traces only one will remain as a permanent trail. Most sand traces or clay are rapidly erased. In this case, the hominids and other creatures walked along the thin layer of volcanic ash shortly after its deposition. Then, with rain, the ash tempered as cement. Such traces were discovered in Kenya, in sediments with a million years.

The most common evidence of the existence of the first samples, reminiscent of modern people, occur from Europe of the ice age. Obviously, anatomically modern people developed earlier than outside Europe. A modern man developed with the first neolithic cultures determined by the appearance of agriculture as a lifestyle. They develop the first villages, pets, onions and arrows, etc. The first farmers were found in the Middle East, between Turkey and Israel in the West, and Iran - in the East.

Classification of primats

Approximately 200 species of modern primates are known. There are 2 sub-traines (monkeys and semi-chains), 12 families and 57 genera. According to the classification, the most common currently, in the detachment of primates includes Tupayi, forming an independent family. These primates together with long hence and lemurs constitute the semi-essayn subverse. They bind through lemurs with modern primates, recalling what ancestors were in antiquity in the latter.

Wild ancestors and barley, sheep, goats, pigs and cows lived in this area. A man Cro-Manon decorated his caves by interpretations of animals, a pointer that culture and communication progressed, a person used symbols. He also decorated his body with clothes and decorations, a symbol of self-consciousness.

The morphological evolution of the human species demonstrated its cultural evolution; Their own survival depended on the culture. Hunting methods were so successful that some types of mining were extended, which probably stimulated the development of agriculture and domestication of animals. The form has lost freedom of movement, like his nomadic precursors who collected pieces of hunting, because the harvest was supposed to be obtained and assembled.

Primates: Evolution

It is believed that the ancestors of modern primates were insectivorous primitive mammals, similar to the stupid, existing in our day. Their remnants were found in Mongolia, in uppermal sediments. Apparently, these ancient species lived in Asia, from which they settled into other places of North America and the old world. Here they developed to long-shifts and lemurs these primates. The evolution of the original forms of monkeys of old and new light, apparently, was from primitive long-shifts (ancestors of monkeys, some authors consider ancient lemurs). Regardless of the monkeys who met in the old world, American primates arose. Their ancestors from North America penetrated the southern. Here they specialized and developed, adapting to an exclusively woody lifestyle. In many biological and anatomical features, people are higher primates. We make a separate family of people with a family and only one species - a modern reasonable.

Practical importance of primates

Modern primates have a very large practical value. For a long time, they attracted human attention as funny living beings. Monkeys were the subject of hunting. In addition, they were exhibited for sale for home entertainment or in the zoo, these mammals. Primates Nowadays are even used in food! Aborigines and today eat meat many monkeys. The meat of semobesyans is also considered very tasty. Skury separate species Used today on the release of various things.

Detachment Primates B. last years becomes increasingly important in medical and biological experiments. These animals detect a large similarity with a person on a variety of anatomy-physiological signs. And not only human primates have this similarity, but also the lowest. Representatives of this detachment are even subject to the same diseases as we (tuberculosis, dysentery, diphtherite, poliomyelitis, angina, measles, etc.), which flow as a whole as well as we. That is why some of their bodies are used today in the treatment of people (in particular, the kidney of green monkeys, macaque and other monkeys - a nutrient medium for growing viruses, which, after appropriate treatment, are then converted into a vaccine against poliomyelitis).

PRIMATES detachment

Primates It is placed with zoologists usually somewhere in the middle of the list of mammalian detachments; Predatory and empty beasts are undoubtedly better adapted to life. However, many primates are distinguished by the highest mental level among animals. The name of the detachment comes from the Latin word prima- "First", "best."

The size of the body of primates fluctuate from 15 cm to 2 m; weight gorilla Can reach 200 kg. Hair cover is well developed. The tail is long, but there are short and tailless forms.

The head is relatively small, especially the facial part, large in the volume of the cranial box. Primates are well developed hemispheres front brain , the bark of which forms numerous flesting, gyrus . In connection with the adaptability to life on trees from the senses, vision is best developed (monkeys - color binocular) and rumor, but the smell is weakened. Five-plated limbs grass type , with well-developed fingers, big opposed The rest, on the fingers there are nails. For all primates, the presence of a clavicle and the full separation of radiation and elbow bones, which ensures the mobility and variety of movements of the front limb. When moving on the ground, primates are based on the entire foot.

The eyes are more or less directed forward, and the sockets are separated from the temporal pit by a near-eyed ring ( tupayi (1), Lemurs (4-6) ) or a bone partition ( disclaimers (9-10), monkeys ). On the face of the lower primates there are 4-5 groups of tactile hair - Vibribuss.

Well-developed large brain hemispheres with abundant furrows and convolutions are characteristic only for higher primates. The lowest representatives of the brain detachment smooth or has little furrow and the sorus.

Primates are mainly powered by mixed foods with a predominance of plant, less often - insecto. In connection with the mixed nutrition, they have a simple stomach. Four types of teeth - cutters (2 pairs), fangs, small (premolars) and large (molar) are indigenous; Molars with 3-5 tubercles. There is a complete change of teeth - dairy and constant.

Primates are multiplied all year round, the female is usually born one (at the lower forms - sometimes 2-3) the cub. As a rule, Primates live on trees, but there are terrestrial and midnight views. Lifestyle of primates day, old, less frequently pair or single; They dwell mainly in the tropical and subtropical forests of Africa, Asia and America are also in high-altitude areas.

The detachment includes two sub-trainers: semobesian and monkey. To the first of the families tupayvy (1) , Lemorovye (4-6) , indries (2) , Rokeozkov (3) , Loriev (7,8) and dolglyatovy (9-10) .

Everything semobesian (1-10) They have a primitive brain and are not very similar to real monkeys. They are numbered about 50 species in Madagascar, in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia. Tupai (1) some zoologists refer to insectivore or allocate in a separate detachment.

Monkey (about 170 species) dwell in rainforest South America (wide-up monkeys; 2 families - redeys (11) and toraggy (12, 13) ) and Africa and Asia ( facility monkeys). The latter are divided by martyshkovy (15 -26) , Gibbone (27, 28) , pongid (man-like monkeys ) (29-32) and hominid .

Family Marty-shaped monkeys (15 - 26) - The most numerous in the detachment. It includes macakes (17), Martyski (25), pavians (21 - 23) and others. Martyrs and McAki live with groups, they face trees well and run on the ground. They are roasting, have latal bags. Pavians are large animals with a long muzzle. Most of the time they spend on Earth. Live with pridesses (groups), in which a strict hierarchy (coented) is existing. Well developed ways to communicate: sound signals, facial expressions, gestures.

Family Manoid monkeys (pongy) (29-32) combines species having the greatest resemblance to man: Such chimpanzee (31, 32), Gorilla (30), Orangutan (29) . They have a wide flat face and small oars, well-developed and similar to human mimica . Many common features and in the inner structure. For example, skeletons of chimpanzees and humans consist of the same bones that have a similar structure. Like a person, these monkeys have 4 blood groups are known.

Manoid monkeys feed on the main vegetable food. Move on four limbs, relying on the rear side of the palms. Rear limbs are permanent. When exciting and the threat often raised to the hind limbs. At night, arrange from the branches of the nest. Live in groups of 15-20 individuals. In these groups there is a strict hierarchy. Breeding begin at the age of 8-12 years. God give birth to one young who remains with his mother up to two years. Life expectancy is 35-40 years.

A person in many anatomical and biological features belongs to the highest primates, where it makes a separate family of people (Hominid) with native man (Homo) and one kind - modern reasonable person (N. Sapiens Recents) .

The ancestors of primates were the insectivore chalk period, similar to tupayy (1) . The monkeys themselves occurred from dolglyatov (9, 10) (And independently in the old and new light). Fossil human monkeys appeared in oligocene.

The practical importance of primates is very large. Like live and funny creatures, monkeys have always attracted human attention. They were the subject of hunting, they were sold in the zoos and for home entertainment. Meat of many monkeys and are now eating aborigines. Meat and semolstery are considered very tasty. Some types of primates are used on the release of certain things.

In recent years, monkeys are increasingly acquired in biological and medical experiments. According to many anatomy-physiological signs of monkeys (not only humans, but also the lower) detect the striking similarity with man. They are even subject to many inherent diseases (for example, dysentery, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtherite, measles, angina), in general, the person flowing as well as in humans. Sometimes man-like monkeys die from appendicitis.

All this indicates the morphological and biochemical similarity of blood and tissues of monkeys and man. That is why some monkeys are used in the treatment of people (for example, the kidney of macales, green monkeys and some other monkeys serve as a nutrient medium for growing viruses, turning then, after appropriate processing, in a vaccine against poliomyelitis).

Human DNA I. chimpanzees They coincide almost 100%.

The high level of mental development of man-like monkeys makes it easy to tame them and train. So, chimpanzees (31, 32) Curious, amenable to learning based on imitation, differ in developed public behavior. In communication, they use a variety of facial expressions and gestures, as well as about 30 sounds. Chimpanzees can be learned to use the simplest instruments of labor.

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