
Discworld chronology. Terry pratchett reading order

Doors, windows

“It was a us-that-yaschi newspaper with 96 pages of private announcements. It was there that I learned the basics of mas-terts-tv, trick, greasy shu-toch-kam, som-ni-tel-no folklore and strain-pamre- hy-onal-noy journal-on-fox-ti-ki. And that was our education. When you are a journalist, you very quickly understand that there will be no creative crises, because as soon as you fall into kri-zis, not-slowly-appearing-la-e-sya-koi-no-be-n-p-yat-ny idiot and starts yelling at you, demand-buya submit text " Translation by N. Ep-ple..

Journal-of-the-list-skill says-it-is in the tech-no-ke of the letter - far from all the books of Prat-chetta are from-whether-cha-yut-sya deep , but unconditionally weak with a "tech-no-ches-ka" point of view (com-position, language, dia-logi, ha-rak-te-ry) - they are not. Pain-shins-your pre-ten-ziy vys-ka-zyva-is in the address "Tsve-ta vol-sheb-stva", the first book about the Plos-kom world, on quick-to-remember collection-nick ga-gov Gag(from the English gag) - a joke, a comic episode. to all possible topics, than the purpose of the production, and the last three, where too much haste is noticed: the author was rushing for -to finish the work until death, to which he has been prepared since 2007.


Iro-nic-something fan-te-zi Prat-chetta na-pom-na-et so-qi-al-sa-tiru Jo-nata-na Swift-that, which, in turn, is -Ho-dit to the gu-manis-ti-ch-ch-koi tradition of Eraz-ma Rot-terdam-sko and To-mas Mo-ra The most striking examples of this tradition are Eraz-ma's "Po-khva-la-glu-pos-ti" and Mo-ra's "Utopia" -nu-ty ha-rak-tern for gu-manis-tos with-unity-co-zer-ts-tel-ness-ty and striving for ne-re-us-tri-dey -stvi-tel-nos-ty.... A ha-rak-terny example - a description of the method of managing a city and a human society as a whole pat-ri-tsi-em Ankh-Mor-porka lor-house Vi-tina-ri:

“In order to govern the city, like Ankh-Mor-pork, you need to give a special mindset, and Lord Vy-tina-ri ob-la- gave. The pat-ri-tiy was generally a very good person.
He did not fool and infuriate the main merchants and traders of Ankh-Mor-pork, but he achieved such heights in this that they had already given -was-long-but-given-away from any torture to kill him and now they were-nimated by the fact that they fought for a place under the sun was-key-but together. And everything is the same, yes, if there was a dare-chuck, trying to bite on the life of a patr-tion, he would have to pretty much sweat, you-is-ki-vaya area-current of the surface is exactly big, so that you can stick a knife-sting.
Other gos-po-da ub-la-zhali zha-raven-ka-mi, fars-shi-rovan-mi pav-lin-with their tongues, but Lord Vy-tina-ri only - yes, I thought that a sta-kan of ki-pyache-noy water with a chunk of black bread is ele-gan-tno and nourishing " “Guardians! Guards! " Translation by S. Zhu-zhun-vy..

Humor Prat-chetta is partly na-pom-na-et ka-pust-nik, and in An-glia it is a bla-city tradition, in which co-sess-tvu-yut “” and already mentioned Swift. Sa-tira here go-once-to-shi-re "just humor-ra": she you-ras-tats to philosophical heights, often turns to Iro-ni, not afraid to touch the sacred - gods, life and death, - but not from an easy thought, but on-revolving, therefore, what is relevant to them and to the possibility of talking about them very seriously.

Terry Pratchett via Twitter

Yes, Prat-Chett turned his own death into a pro-nick-well with light humor at-trak-tsi-on. At the time of his death, in the office-tsi-al-nom tweet-ter-ak-ka-un-te pi-sat-la, the following dialogue was published (Death speaks -loss, which is not to be confused with anyone else, - in the letter of his rep-li-ki is transferred to the cap):

“Finally, Sir Ter-ri, we have to go.
Ter-ri took Death by the hand and followed him through two-ri, leading to the dark pus-you-nu, oku-tan-ny endless night " Translation by N. Ep-ple..

The fascination of Prat-Chett's books is to a huge extent rested on the language game. The text is pro-nizan with humor at different levels: this is not only jokes and mischievous table-knocking of motives and plot lines, but also something -yan-naya game. What are the only spoken names: ar-kanzler Na-vern Chu-dakul-li - Mustrum Ridcully, incarnation of du-ha mo-shen-ni-chas-tv and the pre-acceptance of the Se-by-Re-zhu-Without-No-zha (S.R.BN) Dos-table - Cut-Me-Own-Throat (CMO T) Dibbler, the embodiment of du-ha zhur-na-lis-ti-ki Ville-yam de Slovv - William de Worde.

Here it’s worth to remember the good word of Russian translations Prat-chetta: Alek-san-dra Zhi-karen-tse-va, Svet-la-nu Uv-barh (Zhu -juna-woo), Nickolay Ber-denny-kova, who love Prat-chetta and understand what they have de-lo with. Highest pilo-tazh - Russian translation of the language into the kind of figs Fig-ly- a flat-mir-sky analogue of folk-clor-peaks, mischievous spirits, inhabiting the hilly places in the South-West of An-glia. from the sub-cycle about Tif-fa-ni Bo-len. In orig-gina-le, it is a mixture of Ir-land-sko-go and Shot-land-sko-go languages, itself-ma-se-be-sated-naya with language-games So, the house of Nanny Ogg, the name of Tir Nani Ogg, in the language of figs, is from the name of - to the edge of eternal youth in Celtic my-folology.... In the Russian translations of Na-tali Al-lu-nan, this language is blessed-cha-shche vos-pro-iz-ve-den as a dialect, built in the ev-fe language -miz-mov about-scene-noy and other kind of lower-female lek-si-ki:

“Once-yes-els ti-hoe 'chpok', and behind him gurgling sounds. Jin-ni pro-pull-la mu-zhu small-hot-ny wood-sta-kan-chik. In the other hand, she held a cro-hot ko-jean flask-gu.
Is-steam-rhenia from sta-kan spilled-out in the air.
- These are the rest of the remains of a special sheep-her pri-tyr-ki, that your mal-mal gra-maz-da kar-ga gave us for a wedding-boo, - ska-hall Jin- neither. - I saved them for an ok-heaven-ny occasion.
- She's not my little gra-maz-da kar-ga, Jin-no, - Yavor did not even look at the sta-kan. - She's our little-little gra-maz-da kar-ga. And remember my word, Jin-ni, she's a way to become all-kar-goy. She has inside-re juice-ry-that might-gut-ness, about whatever she is not boom-boom. But ro-ev-nick that can-gut-ness feels.
- Ax-ha, but whatever you call it, and the poop is the poop, right? - Jin-ni conducted a hundred-kan to-da-sy-da before-ed-no-som mu-zh.
He sighed and came back. "


Tek-sts Prat-chetta is a special fusion of fan-tasti-chi ideas of the 1960s, the time of his youth, and ki-nema-tog-ra-fiches-coy re-al-nos- tee 2000s.

The main hero of the ro-man, "Mort, the disciple of Death" half of his responsibilities. Having decided to arrange himself an exit, he falls in love with a girl, whom he has to lead into another world. A young man wants to save his beloved, taking her killer to the next world. So-kim-ra-zom ge-roy raz-ru-sha-e the fabric of re-al-nos-ti, and that, co-against-la-yas, ras-ka-lyva-et-sya two of the measurements. Re-al-ness, in which the de-vush-ka is dead, develops-grows, striving for you-to-thread re-al-ness - break-tel-ni-tsu in a row of things. The description of the ghostly wall, dividing two parts of the world, is one of the most impressive ones in Prat-Chett.

Us-trinity of books about the "Flat World"

The laws

The world of Prat-chetta only seems easy-to-think. If you look attentively, it follows the strict laws: fi-zico-magical-kim (in the Plos-com world these are the laws of one -row), these-ches-kim, lit-tera-round-ny and mi-folo-gees-kim. These laws can be violated, but it is impossible to avoid the aftermath of such a violation. As it is said in one of the books: “People are no more able to change the course of history than birds are not. All they can do is use the mo-ment and insert their little pattern. " It is in this that the lineage of the Prat-Chetta books with the "high" fan-te-zi and serious lit-tera-tur in general. Middle-dizemie Tol-ki-na you-mouse-le-but only at the level of ge-og-ra-fi and the peoples that inhabit it. The is-tory of this world and the plot of "Vlas-te-lina ring" is developed according to the universal laws of eth-ki (in in the case of Tol-ki-na - eth-ki chris-ti-an-skoy), and the "prik-ladnaya" magic is only a special-tsef-fect, not opposing them, but on -ob-mouth, enhancing their action.

The farther, the more confident Prat-chett uses the same motive: okay-go-ahead before an impossible task (usually this salvation of the native tree-rov-no, re-the same world-ra), the hero is ras-lost exactly until then, until the probe is assigned his role, "the logic of mi-fa". After this, he begins to believe in himself in this role, and the plot (myth) begins to act. Oso-ben-but clearly you can see it in "Witches abroad":

“Fairy tales are a very important thing.
People think that fairy tales are created by people. At the very same de-le, everything is in-turn.
Tales-ki su-shche-tvu-are absolutely not dependent on their ge-ro-ev.
The su-chess-tau-vation of these very tales on the which represents all-Lena history. Tale-ki pro-tachi-va-yut in it binky-hollows, to-that-exactly-but-deep and in-call-ly-ly-u-dyu-dyam to follow along them. Exactly the same water pro-tachi-va-et se-be rus-lo in the mountain slope. And every time, when new acting people and heroes pass through the Russian fairy tale, it becomes deeper and deeper.
This is called the-ori-it-by-weight-causation and it-na-cha-it, that the tale, it’s worth it to start , when-about-re-ta-e form-mu. She instantly absorbs the vibrations of all her previous then.
That is why the is-that-rii all the time in the second-ry-ia-sya.
Thou-syacha ge-ro-ev has been hunted by the gods fire. Thousands of wolves are fat-la-ba-bush-ku, a thousand princess have been able to kiss. Mil-li-ones without weightless ak-te-dov, who do not know, walked through the pro-toren-ny tales of the paths ka-mi.
In our time, such a person simply cannot be, so that the third, the youngest, the son of someone who is king, let him go to pod-wi-gi, until this eye-s-shi-e-e is not on the shoulder of his elder brothers-yah, would not pre-sang in his-n-chin-ni-yah. "

For Prat-chett, a tale is the or-ganic part of the literary-round tradition in a broad sense of the word: the ethnographer would call it mi-family, and is-to-rick li-tera-tours - wandering stories. In the book "Ladies and Gentlemen", Prat-Chett places ge-ro-ev into suddenly emerging from the coast and breaking through into the reality of Plos-ko-go the world is plotted by the shek-spirov-sko "A dream in a summer-ny night", in "Carpe Jugulum" from the shores comes the plot of ro-man about you-pi-rs, in "The amazing Mo-Rice and his learned gry-zunah" - le-gen-da about the Hameln-kry-solo-ve, and in "Mas-ka-rada" - the plot of the ra-ke of the opera-ry.

Discworld map. 1995 year Stephen Player to the directions of Terry Pratchett and Stephen Briggs / Corgi Books

Magiya and eti-ka

For Prat-Chett, it is very important to think that magic is influenced by a som-ni-tel-ny way. In the Plos-com world, only very average magicians run to magic in pure form, and, after all, we are “re-mes-lenni-ki ", But not us-present mas-te-ra. Re-al-naya same os-no-va magi - "head-logic", knowledge of man, his way of thinking and feeling “We-that-yasch-yascha-gia-gia-rit-sya in the heads of people”, - says one of the witches in the book “Leading sess-tich-ki”.... In order to turn a person into a la-gush-ku, do not just wag-wag a magic stick, but put him in to believe that he la-gush-ka - and de-lo done. Therefore, the main task of the witches, according to Prat-Chett, is not at all the number of dozens, but the help of people and the keeping of the boundaries of re-al-nos-ty:

“We attend to what is going on… on the border, on the edge. There are a lot of bounds, go-times-to-more than people think. Between life and death, this world and its neighbor, night and day, right and wrong ... And you need to fucking get them. So we steal them. We keep the essence of things " "Little free people"..

In-te-res-but, that all-len-naya Prat-chetta works according to the moral laws: in the end, in the end those can-em-be-be-ta-vat-sya-me-me.

“For this, we walk along the ok-ru-ge, we treat people and everything is like that, - pro-du-la-la gos-po-zha Vet-ro-wax. - Well, for the fact that people would be a little easier, of course. But the main thing is that it can always stay in equilibrium. As long as you can help people, you know for sure where the main thing is, where is your middle, your center. And so you stand in this gray-near-not, as if-to-le-en-naya, not to-leb-lesh-sya-da-sy-da. Was-ta-eat-a-man-lump and do not try-and-eat-spite-but hee-giggle " "A hat full of sky.".

This course of reasoning is deeply close and Ches-terton-well, and Tol-ki-nu, and L-yu-isu (remember his es-se “Good and evil as a key to in the name of all-len-noy "), and Do-ro-ti Say-eers Do-roti Lee Say-eers(1893-1957) - eng-gli-satel-ni-tsa, author of popular de-tec-tive romans, work-bot in the genre of chris-ti-an -skoy apo-logetics and plays on evangelical plots.- all that-mu that can be called "an-gliysk this-chesky tradition."

Other books

Gollancz / Orion Publishing Group

Prat-chett is not only a book about the Plos-com world. Sir Ter-ri also wrote three children's romans about tiny creatures no-m "Ugon-shchi-ki" ("Truckers", 1989), "Zem-le-cops" ("Diggers", 1990), "Wings" ("Wings", 1990)., under-growing trilogy about Joe-not McSwell-le "Only You Can Save Mankind" (1992), "Johnny and the Dead" 1993), "Johnny and the Bomb" (1996).... In the last four years of life, Prat-Chett, together with fan-tast Ste-ven Buck-steer, you-start-up five pretty boring romans in the spirit of Cliff-Ford Sai-ma-ka about the paral-lel-worlds The Long Earth (2012), The Long War (2013), The Long Mars (2014), The Long Utopia (2015), The Long Cosmos (2016).... There are also several books outside the series. The most curious of them are the ly-rico-philosophical under-growing ro-man “Narod, or Kog-yes, then we were del-fi-nami " "Nation", 2008., as well as written in co-authorship with his friend Ni-Gay-man "Good signs" Good Omens, 1990.- li-te-ra-tour-naya game with the cult film "Omen" Ri-char-da Don-ne-ra. Not long ago, Gay-man announced that the one-named six-serial serial, according to his script, will be released in 2018.

Evolution of Prat-Chetta: from journal-to-lis-ti-ki to literature

Perhaps the most curious thing about Prat-Chetta is the evolution that goes with him from the first books about Plos-com- re to the last. It’s hard to find a better il-lus-tra-tion of that, as the work of the cultural and literary-tour-naya tradition is a kind of it is clear that in front of us it is not a professorship of phi-lology, but a journal-on-sheet. Prat-chett himself more than once acknowledged that writing was for a journalist by other means. “Writing romances about the Plos-kom-mi-re is akin to a magazine-on-fox-ti-ke,” he says in an interview with the 1999 Locus magazine. - It may be, it is a journal-on-fox-ti-ka, describing the facts of two or three years ago, but the last ten books were in some -th degree-of-penny to-ve-yana from-but-to-so-re-me-ny-with-being. " But over time, in the books, it becomes less and less from ka-empty-nik and a collection of ge-go and more and more gar-mony, they are less and less they depend on the "evil of the day", taking on their own hu-doges-tven logic and energy of literary tradition. In-te-res-but nab-lu-give, as if thrown, walking in the early books, those-we are -ver-hnost li-tera-round al-lu-sii us-tu-pa-yut the place is thought-out-but and with the knowledge of de-la is-pol-zo-van folklore motives.

Take a meme for an example of the early-nude and late-nude books of Prat-Chett. "The color of magic", the first romance about the Plos-kom world, written in 1983, like a good-looking product -mesh-lenni-ka: in essence, the book-ha is almost completely consisted of beating out-of-weight (and even too much uz-na-va -mem) fan-tasti-ch-ki-works, abundantly baked, not always good luck-minded jesters. In the film Back in Black, Neil Gay-man says that part of the problem with Terri's books is that many people start reading him from Tsve -that magic ":" But this is an ab-so-lut-naya me-shani-na and a terrible from-right-naya point. This is all the same as trying to understand Wood-ha-usa, starting with his school races, is a collection of shu-points, moreover, in „ The colors of the magic are "they are not especially ben-but-ho-roshi."

"Little free-ness". Illustration by Paul Kidby for the cover of the first edition. 2002 year Paul kidby

"Little free-for-all" "The Wee Free Men" is the first romance from the very last days of the series about Tif-fa-ni Bo-len, written in 2003.- a book, recollecting relatives for Prat-Chetta, a place in which para-rhodium and sa-tira are no longer the main thing. Prat-chett be-re-tales about free-to-be-kind figs, mixes folklore com-po-en-you with lit-tera-round-s Spiteful fairies who lead people into their networks are images from the Middle Ages An-Gli and French in um., add-on-la-et Oks-Sfordshire re-aliy (Be-laia lo-shad, Kuz-nitsa Velun-da, Reed-zhu-hey-horny), revive all this descriptions of sledges of chalk hills, dab-ri-va-et with a pseudo-shot-land-thief and rough shu-points of figs and burghers em in all the laziness of his Plos-ko-th world. These kom-na-n-you-do-ra-zu-are mischievous, but very gar-mon-nich-n-lo whole with an unshakable system of my values. Strikingly like god-gobo-rez Prat-chett "Small gods", it seems, is one of the weakest books of his name because he is very direct It has its own pre-tensions in the address of the religion. prac-ti-tch-ki creates a textbook of Christian ethics, which teaches humility and self-sacrifice, and kazy-va-et that magic is only a special-tsef-fect, while the magic of us arises from the unity of the mind (as we have -that-go-go-gli-chani-na, mind at Prat-chet in the first place), love-vi, cunning and (again, very in-an-gliy-ski) practicality.

In the books about the Plos-com world Ter-ri Prat-chett on-a-half-ny-is with fresh blood the tradition of fan-te-zi, which is us-pe-la-met-no "Wash-up" after the era of fathers-os-but-vateli, Tol-ki-na and L-yu-isa, in the middle of the XX century, na- chav you-be-born-give-Xia in the epi-gon-sky "magic fan-tasti-ku". The genre that is too far away from it, returning to the earth, adding from-sy-lok to ak-tu-al-ny so-being-y and ok-ru-zha -that chi-tate-la re-al-nos-ti, he at the same time takes him back to the source, questions about good and evil and -that man is in the world. The more important thing is that the author, who himself came to this genre, could do it, in order to beat and parade it, but in the end speaking his tongue seriously. “Feng-te-zi is not about wizards and stupid magic sticks,” said Sir Terry in a speech given to him. Kar-ne-gi (among those who received it was KS L-yu-is) - this is an opportunity to see the world from a different angle. " Not-ass-la-bevayu-si-te-res to his books says that he succeeded.

Chi-tai-te so-the same ma-tery-aly Nicholas Ep-ple about that, and.

Terry pratchett

Great Britain, 28.4.1948

Born in Beaconsfield. In 1959 he entered the Wycombe High Technical School. The first story "The Hades Business" was published in a school magazine in 1961, and in 1963 the same story appeared in a professional edition. In 1965 he left school for journalism. In 1971 he published his first novel "The Carpet People". The real success came to Pratchett in 1983 with the publication of the brilliant comic-fantasy novel "The Color of Magic", from which began the grandest bestselling cycle "Discworld" ("Discworld"), now numbering more than 20 books. Currently, Pratchett is one of the most widely read British writers, for his contribution to literature he was awarded the Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 1998.

According to statistics, Pratchett is the most widely read author in the UK during the 90s, with his hardcover books sold more than any other living writer. By some estimates, his books make up about 1% of all books sold in the UK.

Without Discworld, the fantasy genre would be different. The wonderful Englishman Terry Pratchett did not just write a series of fascinating books about the inhabitants of a bizarre wizarding world - oh no! Readers have got hold of a real encyclopedia of modern society, depicted from a different angle. And to look at yourself from the side is worth a lot! And who is the person who provided us with such an opportunity, who opened the door to the flattest of worlds?

Terrence David John Pratchett was born on April 28, 1948 in the south-east of England, in the town of Beaconsfield (Buckinghamshire county - in Russian-language sources you can find the name Bucks, as the English abbreviate it). To become a creative person Pratchett, as they say, was written in the family. The fact is that Terry's parents are from the Welsh city of Hay-on-Wai. This place in Powys county is called "the city of books" - many dealers of antique editions are based there, and there are more than thirty second-hand bookshops for every two thousand inhabitants! It is no wonder that bibliophiles from all over the country come to the city to get their spoils. It got to the point that in 1977 the owner of the largest local rarity store, Richard Booth, declared Hay-on-Wai an independent book kingdom with himself as monarch. True, he did it on April 1, the "day of fools" ... In general, David and Elaine Pratchett had a love for books in their blood, and they passed it on to their only child in full.

Free journalist

At first, Terry wasn’t particularly fond of reading, spending time playing games. However, the parents slipped their fidgety son Kenneth Graham's fairy tale "The Wind in the Willows", after which the boy, as they say, "disappeared." Soon science fiction turned into a favorite reading of Terry, he especially admired the books of the classics - HG Wells and Arthur Conan Doyle. However, the boy readily read both the adventurous fiction of American writers, and fantasy, of course. In addition, David Pratchett, being an active radio amateur, attracted his son to this - they even had their own Home-brew R1155 radio wave. Another hobby of the boy is astronomy. For hours he could stare at the starry sky through a telescope, studied special literature, even collected thematic insert cards about space from packs of tea. And he dreamed of becoming an astronomer, but because of his poor knowledge of mathematics, his dreams were not destined to come true.

By nature, Terry turned out to be a pronounced humanist. In addition, he was never particularly diligent in his studies, later declaring that his main "university" was the Beaconsfield Public Library. However, this did not prevent Terry from successfully graduating from the John Hampden Elementary School of Grammar in High Wycombe, where the Pratchett family moved after a two-year stay in Bridgetown (Somerset County). At the age of 11, Terry moved on to the next level of education in his "alma mater" - the Higher Technical School. There he actively collaborated with the Technical Cygnet magazine, where in 1961 his first science fiction story, The Hades Business, appeared. Two years later, a markedly revised opus was published by the professional journal Science Fantasy; with his first £ 14 fee, Terry bought his own typewriter. In those years, his fascination with science fiction grew into a true passion - he even became an active member of the fandom. However, after a couple of years there was simply no time left for intellectual "pampering" - when Terry turned seventeen, he dropped out of school and went to work.

The decision was not easy, but Terry made it consciously - albeit after consulting with his parents. It should be noted that David and Elaine reacted to the son's act with understanding - after all, Terry wanted to devote himself to practical journalism, wanting to earn experience in the "field", and not in the audience. However, the guy did not neglect special studies either - while collaborating with a small edition of Bucks Free Press, he regularly attended journalism courses along the way. And at the same time he wrote his first fantasy novel "Carpet People".

The year 1968 was especially significant for Pratchett's later life. First, he had an interview with the director of a small publishing house Colin Smythe Limited, Peter van Duuren, whom Terry made a good impression and he agreed to look at the novel of an ambitious newcomer. In addition, during his reporting exploits, Terry met a sweet girl, Lin Marian Parvis. Their relationship developed dynamically and in October the twenty-year-old journalist became a married man.

Pratchett's debut novel seemed to Van Duren worthy of attention, but he still hesitated, so he put the manuscript and its author into the hands of the owner of the publishing house Colin Smythe. Another fateful event - after all, it was Smythe who soon became the main lobbyist of the future best-selling author and his close friend. In the meantime, after some revision, careful editing and addition of illustrations, "People of the Carpet" saw the light - and it happened in 1971. Not to say that the book was a great success - despite the very flattering reviews in the press, it was still far from many thousands of copies. But the initiative was laid!

Terry went to work for another newspaper, the Western Daily Press, moving with Lin to the Somerset town of Rowberrow. Then, over the course of several years, Pratchett changed his field a couple of times - he returned to the Bucks Free Press, moved to the Bath Evening Chronicle. In 1976, Terry and Lin had a daughter, Rihanna, so they needed more money. Continuing to engage in journalism and literary creativity, Pratchett found a more faithful piece of bread, becoming the press attaché of the Central Electricity Generating Board, a nuclear power company (now PowerGen) in 1980.

During this time, Pratchett published several more books ("The Dark Side of the Sun" in 1976 and "Strata" in 1981), but he still could not get out of the scope of the "promising" author.

In 1983, The Color of Magic appeared - the very first book in the Discworld series. And although this novel (in all fairness, rather a collection of stories) did not make a splash at all, it still became a kind of springboard in the literary career and life of Terry Pratchett.

Works by Terry Pratchett
"Discworld" (by chronology)


The Color of Magic (1983)

The Light Fantastic (1986)

Spellmakers (Equal Rites, 1987)

"Mort, the disciple of death" (Mort, 1987)

Wyrd Sisters (1988)

Staff and Hat (Sourcery, 1988)

“Guardians! Guards! " (Guards! Guards !, 1989)

Pyramids (1989)

Moving Pictures (1990)

Eric (1990)

Witches Abroad (1991)

Reaper Man (1991)

Small Gods (1992)

Ladies and Ladies (1992)

“To arms! To arms! " (Men at Arms, 1993)

Interesting Times (1994)

"Rock music" (Soul Music, 1994)

Maskerade (1995)

Feet of Clay (1996)

"Santa Pig" (Hogfather, 1996)

Patriot (Jingo, 1997)

The Last Continent (1998)

Carpe Jugulum. Grab by the throat! " (Carpe Jugulum, 1998)

The Fifth Elephant (1999)

The Truth (2000)

Thief of Time (2001)

Night Watch (2002)

Monstrous Regiment (2003)

Going Postal (2004)

Making Money (2007)

Unseen Academicals (2009)

Stories and stories

The Troll Bridge (1992)

Theater of Cruelty (1993)

The Sea and Little Fishes (1998)

The Last Hero (2001)

Death and What Comes Next (2002)

"Discworld" for children

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (2001)

The Wee Free Men (2003)

A Hat Full of Sky (2004)

Where Is My Cow? (2005)

Wintersmith (2006)

I Shall Wear Midnight (due 2010)

Additional materials

The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking, A Begginners Guide (1998), co-authored by David Hodges

Death's Domain: A Disсworld Mapp (1999), co-writer Paul Kidby

The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (2002), co-authors: Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen

Medical Notes (2002)

Thud - A Historical Perspective (2002)

The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch (2005), co-authors: Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen

A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices (2005)

The Unseen University Cut Out Book (2006), co-authors Bernard Pearson, Alan Batley

The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (2007), co-author Stephen Briggs

The road of valor and glory

At first, Pratchett's books came out in paperbacks in small editions, which made the first edition of The Color of Magic go almost unnoticed by the general public. However, Colin Smythe managed to interest in the work of Pratchett the editor of the more respectable publishing house Corgi Diana Pearson. In 1985, Corgi successfully republished the novel: again in paperback, but in a fairly decent amount. The staging, which managed to break through on the fourth radio channel of the BBC, also helped solid sales.

In Britain and the United States, book publishing is divided into several streams. The most prestigious is the release of expensive hardback books, although their circulation is not too large (however, bestsellers in this form are sold in tens of thousands of copies). The next step is books in standard format paper covers: the price is lower, but the circulation is larger. Finally - pockets: paper cover, pocket size, low price. However, the circulation here can be in the millions. For example, now every new book by Terry Pratchett is sold out in his homeland like this: bound - about 100 thousand, in different types of paper covers - about half a million copies. And this is just the starter edition! With additional copies and reprints, over 2.5 million copies of Pratchett's books are sold annually in Britain.

Carpet we are!

In 1986, "Mad Star" came out, and it became clear to Smythe and Pratchett that in order to promote Terry as a writer, he needed to interest a serious company in his books. This is the only way to become a real best-selling author. Pratchett himself really wanted to break into Gollancz - but there was a problem: they had never released a fantasy there before. But Smythe tapped into his friendships - as a result, Pratchett's three subsequent Discworld books came out under the joint patronage of Gollancz and Colin Smythe. The rise in Pratchett's popularity led to the fact that Colin ceased to be his publisher, while remaining in the role of a literary agent. In the end, everything was decided amicably: Gollancz published books about Discworld in hardback, and Corgi - in paperback.

But let's leave the publishing business and go back to Terry itself. In September 1987, a new change happened in his life - he left his permanent job for free writing bread. Pratchett even agreed to lose in income and tighten his belt for the first time, but this did not happen - the books sold well, his popularity grew. Consequently, there were no problems with money. You could just write, write and write! And Pratchett caught his rhythm: an average of two books a year. With each new volume, his fame grew - first in Britain, then abroad.

The turn came to the awards. Already published in 1987, Spellmakers were nominated for a Locus magazine award. Two years later, Pyramids won the British Fantasy Prize. Pratchett's books more and more often hit the first lines of the British bestseller list, cartoons, television and radio shows, and games were created on their basis. Annual calendars were hugely popular, audiobooks, pseudoscientific works about Discworld and a variety of related products were successfully sold - in general, Terry Pratchett gradually turned into an incredibly hyped best-selling author. His exploits, of course, faded against the background of the Harry Potter phenomenon, but Rowling's success is more likely not a literary, but a social phenomenon. But in terms of the number of first places in the book charts of the British Isles, Terry Pratchett still holds absolute primacy - regardless of genre. He is the real national treasure of the Kingdom!

Since the second half of the 1990s, Terry Pratchett's fame spread overseas - although in the States he is not as popular as at home, in America, books about Discworld regularly make it onto the bestseller lists. Pratchett knows and loves the entire English-speaking world, continental Europe, and, of course, Russia. The total circulation of his books has already exceeded 50 million copies. In 1998, Queen Elizabeth II awarded Terry Pratchett the Order of the British Empire, and in February 2009 he was knighted.

In 1993, the Pratchett family left the Rowberry and moved to the Domesday estate in the vicinity of Salisbury, Wiltshire. Apart from their daughter, Terry and Lin had no more children. Curiously, Rihanna followed in her father's footsteps. True, she writes mostly not books, but scripts for fantasy computer games: Mirror's Edge, Dungeon Hero, Overlord series, dialogues for the new version of Prince of Persia. Rihanna is also engaged in journalism, regularly collaborating with periodicals on game topics.

It is interesting
  • Terry Pratchett is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes. The most significant are the 2002 Carnegie Medal for the children's story The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, the 1990 British Science Fiction Award for the novel Pyramids, the 2005 Mythopoetic Prize for A Hat Full of Sky, four Locus magazine awards in various nominations ... Pratchett was recognized several times in Britain as "author of the year", where he is second only to Joan Rowling in terms of circulation. In the United States, Pratchett is the seventh most popular non-American author.
  • In 2008, Terry Pratchett became a Knight Bachelor - this is how people in Britain are called by the will of the monarch, but who are not members of the knightly orders of the United Kingdom. The title of Knight Bachelor is only given to men; women have the equivalent title "Lady of the Order of the British Empire". The bachelor knight has the right to be titled "sir", and on special monarchical holidays he must wear a special badge. The title is given only for personal merit, not hereditary.
  • Pratchett is one of the founders of the Orangutan Foundation UK. It is not for nothing that one of the most popular characters of the "Discworld" librarian of the Invisible University belongs to this species of primates!
  • 15 of Pratchett's books have been reworked by Stephen Briggs into plays, three of which, Ladies and Gentlemen, Masquerade and Pyramids, have been embodied on stage.
  • Johnny and the Dead in 1995 served as the basis for a television miniseries on ITV. In 2006, the BBC released Johnny and the Bomb, a three-hour television movie. For the satellite channel Sky One, the TV films "The Color of Magic" (2008) and "Santa Hryakus" (2006) were produced. On Thames Television and Channel 4, the animated mini-series Fatal Music, Prophetic Sisters and Nomes were released.
  • The novels "The Color of Magic", "Mad Star", "Pestilence - the Apprentice of Death" and "Guardians!" Guards! " converted to comics.
  • Pratchett's works served as the basis for games - text GURPS Discworld and GURPS Discworld Also, computer and console The Color of Magic, Discworld, Discworld 2: Missing, Presumed ...!? and Discworld Noir.

From great to ridiculous

Why is the Discworld cycle so popular? At first, Terry Pratchett composed a frank parody of genre clichés and some of its most famous representatives (such as works about Conan the Barbarian, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouse-Man, the dragons of Pern). But Terry quickly abandoned the path trodden by others.

Discworld began as a kind of antidote to bad fantasy - the fantasy boom was growing in the 1970s, and the mass of books was frankly second-rate stamping. Therefore, my initial books were filled with small references to the work of other writers - and good ones at that. I have connected several typical fantasy universes together. I remembered Mad magazine's characterization of the Flintstones series: "Dinosaurs 65 million years ago in the same world as modern idiots." And I tried to do something like that with my Discworld. Not every character shown there is truly modern, but they are recognizable to us, because their views and actions are more like the views of our contemporaries ... Writing about Discworld is almost the same as being a journalist.

Terry Pratchett

Only Pratchett's first two books on Discworld had a semblance of a cross-cutting plot. Fearful of conveyor creativity, Terry focused on showing different corners of his universe in subsequent volumes. And he was right! However, Pratchett does have cycles, but some atypical ones. Yes, several groups or individual characters move from book to book, or at least are mentioned in them. However, if Pratchett wants to speak out about any modern problem that interested him, he is able to forget about the most popular heroes for a long time, no matter how annoyed readers may object to this. Many of us love to read about virtually the same characters. And the Discworld demiurge from time to time completely forgets about Rincewind's fool, and about the gallant old man Cohen, and about the guard of Ankh-Morpork. In return, it seems that he promises - now I will such I'll tell you! Another author would long ago have been allowed into sausage for such things, and Pratchett gets away with it. A real master!

Pratchett managed to avoid the trap of too many writers who have tasted the sweetness of victory. Under pressure from publishers and readers, such authors begin to scribble endless sequels, prequels, sidequels of books that brought them recognition and checks. And abundant seriality too often buries talent and clarity of thought. Having succumbed to this misfortune, the author turns into a prisoner of his popularity. He is constantly tormented by disturbing thoughts: what if the readers do not like the new characters and plots, what if the publishers do not want to print "non-format"? Under such a burden, you see, another potentially brilliant author's idea is covered with fake gilding. Shine on the outside and absolute emptiness on the inside ...

But the main advantage of Terry Pratchett is that he is not just witty, he is really smart. Perhaps he can even be called a sage. But not sadly pompous - absolutely not! His wisdom is from the category of those that arouses sincere respect, at least among intellectually developed people. Pratchett can be called the Jonathan Swift of our time: his books suitably combine a sincere smile (sometimes turning into hysterical laughter), deep penetration into the secrets of the human soul, and the ability to empathize. Pratchett is able to understand himself and show others what lies in the heart of an ordinary person. All in all, Terry is a damn talented and intelligent writer whose books can easily be re-read several times. This rarely happens in genre literature.

The flattest of the worlds

We talked about some of the details of the Discworld cosmogony in a special article (MF, No. 5, 2004), so we will only briefly recall. Before us is a world flat as a pancake, lying on the backs of four giant elephants, which stand on the shell of a gigantic turtle A "Tuin, swimming in endless space. The flat world is full of magic, although there is also a kind of science. , after all, Pratchett's ironic arrows hit a variety of targets.Heroes of this world, despite a fair touch of caricature, look like living.

Discworld books vary widely as well. Here are reflections on true and imaginary heroism, and the problem of freedom of thought and speech, and research into the essence of power ... Religion and journalism, law and order, fairy tales and equality, the magical power of art and thought about death, Shakespeare and the Phantom of the Opera, vampires and dragons, xenophobia and patriotism, Death and faith ... Sometimes it seems that Pratchett in his series has touched absolutely all aspects of human existence. Of course, this is not yet the case, but Sir Terry is persistently trying to fill in the gaps. So, he devoted his most recent novel to the phenomenon of big sport - more precisely, football adored by the British. It turned out that the inhabitants of Ankh-Morpork are also crazy about him!

In addition to the main series, Pratchett wrote several more "flatworld" books for children, there are also illustrated books, and pseudoscientific works written mainly by Stephen Briggs, and gorgeous guidebooks. In general, Discworld is a place where you can dive seriously and for a long time.

School of Life

A significant layer of Terry Pratchett's creativity is dedicated to the younger generation. His debut novel "Carpet People" was designed for young readers - a fantasy about a magic carpet, inside which there is a whole world. In 1992, the book was published in a heavily rewritten version - almost a new novel appeared. Other early novels by Sir Terry ("The Dark Side of the Sun" and "Strat"), now, perhaps, are of interest only to science fiction scientists. It’s hard to believe that they were written by the demiurge of Ploskomirie. However, in "Strat" ​​there are some ideas that Pratchett actively used in his subsequent work.

At the turn of the 1990s, Pratchett released a trilogy about nome- a small people who once flew to Earth. Under the pressure of circumstances, the remnants of the nomes went in search of a new home. As in many of his other books, Pratchett brilliantly balances on the brink of wit and tragedy. Moreover, Terry's "children's" books are so rich in semantic and emotional terms that they are completely free to read by adults.

A trilogy has been written for children about the adventures of a simple English schoolboy Johnny Maxwell. Something always happens to this calm and cute boy. Now he comes into contact with the characters of a computer game, then he becomes a friend of the cemetery ghosts, then he is transferred to the years of the Second World War. With surprising tact, Pratchett manages to strike up a quite appropriate dialogue with the teenagers. On the one hand, the cycle openly parodies the cliches of teenage fiction, on the other hand, at times Pratchett's story looks frighteningly serious, without any discounts on "children's" entertainment.

Finally, one of the last works of the writer "The People", which has collected an impressive number of various prizes this year, is plotted by Pratchett to start a new teenage trilogy (for more details, see a traditional book review in a foreign language).

But Terry Pratchett has a few "adult" fantastic works, except for books about Discworld. The most famous novel is Good Omens, co-written with the then not so famous Neil Gaiman. The action of this humorous fantasy takes place in the modern world on the eve of the probable Apocalypse. The demon Crowley and his old rival friend, the angel Aziraphale, are very well settled on Earth as field agents of Hell and Paradise. However, the top management has already announced Armageddon ... The novel is written in the best traditions of the Discworld with the addition of the scary soulfulness inherent in Gaiman.


Alas, not everything is rosy in the life of the famous writer. At the end of 2007, it became known that Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer's disease. So far, everything seems to be fine, with the exception of a slight forgetfulness, but this summer Sir Terry has already stated that he would rather die by his own hand than turn into an idiot insanity. Let's hope that one of the sharpest minds of our time will be able to avoid such a sad fate. And we will receive many more funny, wise, entertaining books, and the "knight of the cheerful image" Terry Pratchett will remain in our memory forever. After all, real geniuses do not die, they just pass into another form of existence!

The question is, why write about Pratchett, about whom many correct and clever words have already been said before me? And yet I will try. But I'll start not with Pratchett, but with those kind people who, working in publishing houses, write annotations to books. One gets the impression that they are all united in a secret order of reader-haters. They do everything so that a person, after reading the annotation, either put the book aside in disgust, or starts reading it in anticipation of something that it really is not in any way. This is exactly what happened to Pratchett. The point is that Pratchett is not Petrosyan. and not Zadornov. He's not a humorist at all. Yes, he is to some extent a satirist, but this is also only one facet of his works. The closest to him, perhaps, is Swift. But not Belyanin and other authors of the "rzhaka". Besides, Pratchett is not a fantasy writer. This is not Perumov, not Tolkien and not even Zykov. He is no more the author of "humorous fantasy" than the fabulist Krylov, the author of stories about animals. Then who is he? First of all, Pratchett is a thinker. Philosopher. Humanist. Classic. And humor, fantasy is just a tool that allows you to convey complex philosophical concepts to a normal person, who immediately plunges into a healthy sleep at lectures on philosophy. This is Pratchett's genius: he managed to make complex things fascinating and tasty. Without puffing up your cheeks, without piling up complex, contrived designs. His recipe is simple to, I repeat, genius. A fantasy setting is taken. In it, a simple plot is invented for a number of permanent heroes. Here and there, handfuls of English humor are scattered ... and then the magic is read. Philosophy, like octarine - the eighth color of the rainbow - permeates the work, shining in short author's digressions, sparkling with pearls in the lips of the heroes. And as a result, two books are organically connected with each other: one is a pleasant entertainment, the other is a reason for thought, a means of educating the reader.

Small gods. This is essentially a treatise on the origin and properties of religiosity in human society.

Pyramids. The relationship between religion and the state, the fate of theocracy.

Patriot. Handbook on xenophobia, racism and the global "politics of state interests".

Interesting times. Psychology of a citizen of a totalitarian society.

True, Moving Pictures, the series about the guard - these are all serious and wise books.

Pratchett's fantasy and humor are just a bonus. And therefore, if you expect only laughter from his books or only waving swords, you can safely put them aside, you will not like them.

But Pratchett is also a response to the arrogant "official" philosophers who are ossified in their abstract, contrived worlds, showing off to each other with clever phrases and logical calculations. Doesn't it remind anyone? This is the Invisible University in all its glory, in which only young enthusiasts are engaged in business under the leadership of Doomming Toops and the Librarian (just don't call him a monkey!).

So from my point of view, Pratchett is a reading for those who keep a fig in their pocket, flipping through the works of Bertrand Russell.

P.S. But the regiment of philologists will not convince me that Death is a feminine noun.)))

Score: 10

INSTRUCTIONS for the use of a medicinal product for medical use Terripratchit

CLINICAL-PHARMACOLOGICAL GROUP. Nootropic drug with increased humorous and ironic activity.

FORM OF ISSUE, COMPOSITION AND PACKAGING. The most common option is small black books, with an average of 400 pages. There are also omnibuses with a double, triple or xix dose of the drug. On the front side the thematic drawing and the inscriptions "Terry Pratchett" and the name of the specific medicinal product are necessarily applied. The pharmacological properties are indicated on the reverse side. Each book contains 10% of an interesting plot, 25% of irony and apt expressions, 20% of the presence of pleasant characters and 45% of humorous situations.

PHARMACHOLOGIC EFFECT. The drug has a sedative, anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect, without causing unwanted hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Improves the tolerance of psycho-emotional stress. It has a stress-protective, nootropic, neuroprotective, antidepressant effect.

DOSAGE. Intracerebral. At one time - 1 or 2 books. Take 2 times / day for 10-20 pages; if necessary, increase to 4 doses / day. The course of treatment is 1-4 weeks; if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended up to 2 months or repeated after 1-2 months. If there is no persistent improvement in the condition within 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

DRUG INTERACTIONS. Terripratchit is incompatible with other drugs of its clinical and pharmacological group, such as Asprin and Pirsentonitis.

PREGNANCY AND LACTATION. The safety of using Terripratchit during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If necessary, taking the drug should take into account the risk / benefit ratio.

SIDE EFFECTS. When used according to the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages, side effects were not revealed. Possible reactions of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

STORAGE CONDITIONS AND TERMS. Keep out of the reach of children, dry, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 451 ° F. Shelf-life Unlimited.


States of despondency, melancholy, sadness;

A sharp feeling of the "dullness of everyday life";

Stress disorders with increased nervous tension, irritability, anxiety and autonomic reactions.


Children under the age of 16;

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Available without a doctor's prescription in most bookstores.

Score: 8

To begin with, I really love Pratchett's "Discworld", and reading reviews on some of his, in my opinion, very interesting and deep novels, I often draw attention to the range of ratings from 10 (which by the way prevails) to 2. I tried to figure it out why do people still give such low marks along with such high, accompanied by admirable reviews. And this is what I noticed: those people who put the "top ten" are delighted not only with humor (which, it seems to me, is specially set out in a vernacular form), but also with the philosophy of works, imperceptible and subtle, which is the essence of the novel, but people who gave low marks only said that the humor was too flat and monotonous, not looking into the subtext of the works ("Dear, you did not buy a book with jokes! It's a ROMAN!" - my inner voice shouted.)

By writing this, I hope to somehow influence the reader who is not yet familiar with the work of Pratchett, and, having seen enough superficial assessments and reviews, will change his mind to start reading his works.

I would like to believe that all the same, in the near future, a stream of enthusiastic visitors from the "Spherical" world will pour into Discworld

Score: 10

Friends advised me to read the cycle "Discworld". They enthusiastically told me, who did not understand anything, about some crazy barbarian and loser magician, and I thought, "What the ...?" but then, after much persuasion, I nevertheless decided to borrow one of the books in this series from the library.

And so I began to read it. On the second page, I could hardly restrain a smile. On the third, he laughed openly. On about the fifth page, I lost track of these very pages. I woke up after realizing that I was reading an annotation on the cover of a book ...

Never before this moment have I read anything more interesting. Since then, I consider these books to be one of my favorites. Therefore, my rating is 10.

Score: 10

Flat world. What can you say about him, besides a lot of words of praise and admiration?

The main thing you need to know about the Discworld is a cycle that raises contrast to the absolute. Humorous - and at the same time very serious, talking frankly about people, about the world and about good with evil. Characters who are not at all beautiful in appearance and not very pleasant in character - but who invariably turn out to be the focus of truth, justice, duty and order. Making fun of a phenomenon - and at the same time describing it with all possible respect. Deliberately, deliberately unrealistic and fabulous - and frighteningly authentic at the same time. Telling about a completely unfriendly world - and at the same time you are surprised to find in yourself the thought "but I would have been there." Banter and drama, sarcasm and real pain, irony and real feelings, comedy and tragedy in one bottle.

Plots are perhaps the biggest drawback of Discworld. No, they are not bad at all, they are very solid - but let's just say, "unpredictable plot twists", "twisted intrigues", "unexpected ending" - all this is not for the Discworld.

Also, claims to the cycle can be presented by ... let's say, certain people. Sir Pratchett laughs at religion and patriotism, rejects pathos, opposes racism and nationalism in any form, is generally tolerant and therefore may even seem too one-sided (although Pratchett's self-irony is all right in these matters too).

Unfortunately, the cycle will not have some kind of ending. Yes, it is possible that Discworld will have its own Brandon Sanderson, and other writers, as a sign of respect, will create a collection of their fanfic stories, or something like that will happen ... But it is unlikely that it will already be the same, unique and inimitable Discworld ...

Bottom line: one of the greatest cycles in the history of fantasy and humor - and perhaps literature in general. Perhaps one of the best examples of how to create your own worlds and write books.

Score: 10

Despite the fact that Pratchett managed to create very colorful, original, not unlike heroes, I did not see two very important things here. First: a clear plot. Of all the books I read about a flat world, not one of them had a normal intelligible plot. Constantly some kind of ragged pace of the story. And yes, not one of the stories, precisely in terms of the plot, does not hold to the end, it is corny boring and at the same time confused. And the second is just the same sparkling humor. There is no sparkling humor. There is more irony to everything that happens, and not like humor. This is for my personal taste, of course)

Rating: 5

Terry Pratchett is an incredibly talented person.

It will remain a mystery to me how he has managed, for more than 30 books, to create light, fresh and incredibly funny works, surpassing himself over and over again. With the help of a subtle, truly English sense of humor, he was able to transfer our world in all its diversity to the pages of his books. And then he gave us the opportunity to look there, as in a distorting mirror, and see all the absurdity of the reality around us. See, laugh and, perhaps, understand. Understand how funny we are sometimes. And laughter at oneself is the highest form of comedy. Art.

They say that laughter prolongs life. Personally, after getting acquainted with the work of this great writer, I extended my life several times.

Score: 10

Discworld = Terry Pratchett

Although he wrote many other books that do not belong to the Discworld in any way, Pratchett will be remembered precisely for this cycle.

Rincewind, City Guard, Witches, Death and Susie, Moist von Lipwig, a dozen separate story books, many pseudo-documentaries, guidebooks and cookbooks - all this creates a true epic, one of the outstanding works of world culture.

A sea of ​​satire, many beautiful unusual characters, a great bunch of various paradoxes that reflect our life with you. The Flat World featured football, newspapers, telegraphs, movies, rock music, post offices, railways, and more.

Rincewind, Chest, Cohen the Barbarian with the Silver Horde, Sam Vimes, Carrot, Angwa, Detritus, Sicklehead, Willikins, Shnobby, Colonne, Death, Susie, Moist, Tiffany, Esme Vetrovosk, Geeta Yagg, Gribo, Patricius Vetinari and his secretary Knock, many, many, many others. They are remembered once and for all.

Terry Pratchett won't write another book. We will not see new applications of Mother Windwax's headlogs, Vimes will not reveal any more cases, Lipwig will stop promoting novelties in the life of society, Rincewind will forever freeze in his eternal escape from danger to boredom, Carrot and Angwa will never get married, and Death & Susie's confrontation with higher entities order will be left without completion. And I will always regret that Patricius Vetinari never got his own, solo book, which he clearly deserved.

All unfinished plots are cut off, there will never be new ones again. I sincerely hope that it will remain so - I do not want Discworld to repeat the fate of Sherlock Holmes, Conan the Barbarian, Lovecraft and others. Better to let it freeze forever and live only in the imagination of the readers than get bogged down in talentless sequels of literary vultures.

P.S. I sincerely hope that our publishers will not delay and publish, within a reasonable time, all of Pratchett's remaining untranslated books.

Score: 9

The subtlety of humor reaches transcendental heights. I reread a lot of foreign humorous literature, but this author is a unique master of irony and joke. The uniqueness lies in the fact that all the works of the author capture and do not leave the reader indifferent. The deep philosophy of life is played out as if by notes and forms from the sometimes everyday intricacies that we sometimes do not understand, a simple but very clear truth that constantly flashes before our eyes, but remains unnoticed. If you want to laugh very loudly, read The Color of Magic, want to think, read The Grim Reaper, please make yourself new acquaintances with whom it will be fun and interesting to spend time, READ THE WHOLE FLAT WORLD.

The color of magic (1983)

This is the Great A'Tuin, the Universal Turtle, which furrows the endless comos. These are the four elephants that hold Discworld on their backs. And this is Rincewind, the cowardly wizard on the Disc, and Twoflower, Discworld's first tourist. Innumerable trolls, dragons, wolves and Death (one piece) await them in their wanderings through a fabulous universe hitherto unknown to us.

Mad Star (1986)

He hung over precipices, fled from the evil gods and fell from the Edge of the Discworld. But nothing can destroy the glorious Rincewind, the most inept and cowardly wizard of the Disc. Also starring: Twoflower (tourist), Octavo (magic book of spells), Chest (chest), Cohen (barbarian), druids, heroes and other inhabitants of the Discworld.

Spellmakers (1987)

As for things like wine, women and songs, wizards are allowed to kick the hell out and bawl as much as they want. But women ... Women and real magic are incompatible. The Magical Law will never allow the appearance of a female person in the Invisible University, the center and stronghold of magic on the Disc. But if suddenly this happens ...

Mor, apprentice of Death (1987)

The village boy Mortimer (or Mor) was born, as they say, out of this world. On his father's farm, he clearly has nothing to do and the parent decides to send his son to study the craft. Ironically, the mentor is DEATH himself. After a while, the TEACHER decides that the student is sufficiently prepared and takes the first day off in his life. But things are going badly for Mora ...

Staff and hat (1988)

In Discworld, it is believed that when the eighth son has an eighth son, he will certainly become a wizard. Wizards are forbidden to marry without giving up their pursuits of magic. The wizards themselves explain this by the fact that family life is not conducive to practicing magic.
Once one wizard, the eighth son of the eighth son, disdained all prohibitions and, contrary to the magic Law and all reasonable arguments, "left the magic walls, fell in love and got married (and not necessarily in the above order)." He had seven sons, each of whom, according to the laws of magic from the cradle, was at least as powerful as any other wizard in this world. And then his eighth son, Coyne, was born. “The magician in the square. The source of miracles. The Miracle Man. "

The Prophetic Sisters (1988)

The king is dead, long live the king! ... However, what kind of king is alive? The one that turned into a ghost? Or his killer, an impostor who seemed to be slightly moved by his mind? And then the earth came to life ... And the witches ... And the prince-heir, moonlighting as an actor ... No, that's it, we wash our hands. Read it yourself.

Pyramids (1989)

Your father is a pharaoh (actually he wanted to be a seagull, but that's not the point). And you are the son of Pharaoh, sent to study in the famous Ankh-Morpork. But what profession would suit the future tsar most of all? It is the one that implies delicate work with people, the constant resolution of complex issues and the elimination of unnecessary problems. That is, the profession of a hired killer. The flattest world in the entire multiple Universe returns in all its splendor (the set includes: elephants - four pieces, Great A'Tuin, the universal turtle - one piece, the insane inhabitants of the Disc - the number is constantly growing).

Guardians! Guardians! (1989)

"Twelve o'clock in the morning, and everything is calm!" - this is the motto of the Night Guard of Ankh-Morpork, the most glorious city in the entire Discworld. And if “not everything” is calm, it means that you are simply walking the wrong streets. In general, it takes a lot of effort to become a real night guard.
First, you should learn to run not too fast, otherwise you will suddenly catch up! Secondly, you need to grasp the basic principle of survival in fierce battles - just do not participate in those. Thirdly, do not shout too loudly that "everything is calm" - you can be heard.

Eric and also the Night Watch, the Witches and Cohen the Barbarian (1990)

He is back! No, you don't seem to understand. HE IS BACK!!! He is Rincewind, the most unlucky wizard on the Disc. True, this time Faust Erik, a novice demonologist, who summoned the walking embodiment of all the troubles and troubles of the Discworld to himself into the magic circle, was much no longer lucky.

Moving Pictures (1990)

Get ready, worthy residents of Ankh-Morpork, for the most unusual sight in the entire Discworld awaits you! Moving pictures are here! So stock up on some pop-grain, sit back and listen to the true history of Hollywood. Wizards and trolls, hot sausage vendors and talking Wonder Dog Gaspod, Creatures from the Underworld and a brave librarian from the Unseen University. And also - a whole thousand elephants!

Grim Reaper (1991)

Death died long live Death! Rather, he did not quite die, but became mortal, and the time in his life-measuring hourglass is rapidly running away. But just imagine what will happen: the old Death is no longer there, and the new one has not yet appeared. Mess? Mess. You have an appointment with Death, and suddenly take the Grim Reaper and do not appear. The soul has to return to its former body, even though it is already dead ...

Witches Abroad (1991)

Imagine you are walking around, not bothering anyone, and suddenly a farmhouse falls on your head, which brought a hurricane from nowhere ... Or you are an honest wolf who hunts piglets and gray goats, but suddenly an absolutely crazy idea comes to your mind - to go for distant lands and devour some sinewy, tasteless old woman. And latently, you feel that for this you will be skinned, but you still follow this strange, as if imposed on you, desire. This is what happens when evil forces begin to play with fairy tales from which the fabric of the Universe itself is woven.

Small Gods (1992)

This story happened a long time ago, when burning bushes were still wandering in the desert and talking with random passers-by (a person who has a habit of walking in the desert will not be surprised if a lizard, a cobblestone, and even more so a bush suddenly speaks to him).
It was then that the church of the Great God Om was waiting for the coming of the next prophet, who was about to appear, since the prophets are very obligatory people and strictly follow the established schedule. It was then that a young novice named Bruta discovered in the garden a small turtle, which in fact turned out to be the very Great God Om & In general, this story is about turtles and eagles, and also about why turtles cannot fly.

Ladies and Gentlemen (1992)

Our consciousness creates the most unimaginable things with us. We only remember the good. Here are dragons, for example. Very romantic, beautiful, full of dignity beasts. But we forget that to these features must be added absolute gluttony, instant flammability and extreme toothiness. And the elves? Yes, they dance in the moonlight, sing songs in general, funny, cute creatures & But will you be glad when they come back? Oh yes, elves are very fond of different games only to have fun for them, not for you.

To arms! To arms! (1993)

Listen, recruits, you have a great honor - you, all sorts of ethnic minorities such as gnomes, trolls and women, are joining the Night Watch! And this is your club! You will eat it, sleep with it, and when they tell you to jump, you must answer: "What color?" And yet, in the pocket of every soldier there are field marshal buttons! And now - ten circles around Ankh-Morpork!

Rock music (1994)

This is music in which the voice of Rock sounds, listen now, or it will be too late later! She will pull out your soul, shake it out like a rug, and hang it on the fence to dry! She will drive the whole Unseen University crazy, forcing the wizards to sew leather robes for themselves and repaint the walls of the bedrooms black! It will spawn a guitar epidemic in Ankh Morpork and host the Freestuff Festival Discworld has ever seen in Gad Park!
For your reference: these are not all the problems. Death, meanwhile, again went to the people ...

This is not a new book by Terry Pratchett, and, in fact, no one expected it. An albatross from the Agate Empire did not fly to Ankh-Morpork at all and did not deliver a letter demanding that the Great Wizard be sent immediately. As a result, Rincewind (a very rare, endangered species of cowardly wizard) is not sent to the Counterweight Continent with a secret mission (absolutely impossible, especially since we are talking about Rincewind).
Also, the great Cohen the Barbarian (legend during life, life under the legend), who gathered a huge (total of seven people) Silver Horde and moved to Gunkung, the capital of the Agate Empire (population of about a million people, of which forty thousand were guards), has nothing to do with the narration. ...

Masquerade (1995)

Show must go on! Hahahahahaha! (Note: hereinafter, the insane laughter belongs to the Phantom of the Opera.) Even if someone died (Hahaha !!!), you need to drag him aside and still continue the show. And in no case should you occupy box number 8, because it is intended for the very Ghost who gives successful singers stems from roses and in between times kills people for some reason. (Hahaha !!!) What if he was chased through the streets of the city and thrown into the Ankh River, so that the villain was discouraged? (Hahaha !!!)

Clay Feet (1996)

Golems are killing people! How they jump out of the fog, how they pounce! Exactly, exactly I'm telling you! Surely this jump is to blame, Commander Samuel Vimes. I recruited all species of minorities to the City Guard ... Yes, these gnomes shouldn't be given an ax at all! Just look, the whole of Ankh-Morpork will be chopped off by feet ...
And by the way, patrician. Most likely, it was the same Sir Samuel who trawled him. Barely survived, poor fellow. But not the same, not the same ... It would be necessary to look for a new ruler. And execute Vimes! The very first decree! By the way, there is a rumor that the real heir to the throne is serving in the City Guard. No, not that fool Carrot! The real heir is Corporal Shnobby Shnobbes, Earl of Ankh! So what, what a uniform rat? And where have you seen normal kings?

Santa Boar (1996)

Ho, ho, ho. Hello little individuals. Have you behaved well in the past year? Yes, yes, I am that Santa Pig. And this is my elf Albert. And these are my faithful horse-horses: Tooth-tooth, Dolbila, Dash and Mordan. Spit? No, this is my staff. Bones? I just lost a little weight. Pale as death? I told you I’m Santa Pig, not death.
These are persistent little personalities ... And I'm not your dad at all. Do you think your dads only dream of how to climb the chimneys? In general, gifts in a stocking, and I went. I still need to fly around half of the flat world.
And I warn you: if you hang a pillowcase on the fireplace again, you won't get anything at all.
Happy fear! Everyone. Everywhere.

Patriot (1997)

Dear fellow citizens and all those who accidentally wandered into Ankh-Morpork!
Of course, all of you have already heard that the primordial Ankh-Morpork land, a glorious island named Leshp, rose from the sea. However, the well-known grand-nephews of the jackal, living on the other side of the sea, brazenly lie, as if this is their ancestral land, although the documents signed and certified by our venerable historians, whom we, Ankh-Morporkians, have always trusted, - so these documents unambiguously confirm: Leshp is ours! Let's not give our homeland an offense! Are we patriots or not ?!

The Last Continent (1998)

It happens that people are unlucky. And it happens to whole continents. It was created last. Even the name fell to him some absurd Xixx. But many, many years later, Rincewind, the most unlucky and cowardly wizard on Discworld, fell on him. And it is Rincewind who is entrusted with the great mission of saving this unfortunate continent. True, in order to assign this mission, one must first catch up with Rincewind ...

Carpe Jugulum. Grab by the throat (1998)

They are vampires, and that explains a lot. Yes, they sleep in coffins, yes, they feed on blood, however ... it's not that simple. Down with hardened legends and prejudices! New world - new habits! Temper yourself with holy water! Religious symbols are just pictures and wearable jewelry! Garlic? The usual seasoning! Boldly look into the eyes of the coming day! They are the new vampires. They will live in a new way. And you, too, will live in a new way. You will be forced not to be afraid. You will be forced to remove the bars from the windows. You will be fine. Humans and vampires - friendship forever!

The fifth elephant (1999)

Welcome to Uberwald! To a country famous for centuries-old traditions, where they still play such wonderful games as "try to run away so that you won't be eaten" and "make it home before the sun goes down." Here you will be greeted by affectionately smiling vampires, cute playful werewolves and welcoming, sympathetic gnomes.
And here is also the legendary Fifth Elephant, which once fell on Discworld and caused a monstrous disquake. And there are also many iron, gold and fat deposits - in general, the very things that such a civilizational city as Ankh-Morpork needs to the bone.

True (2000)

You will find out the whole truth about how the woman gave birth to a cobra! Ankh-Morpork's famous Talking Dog will open its face! People abducted by elves and flying saucers - eyewitness accounts! Werewolves in armor - a werewolf is serving in the City Guard ?! Well, all sorts of patrician killers, funny vegetables, dog rains, falling meteorites and much more!

Thief of time (2001)

The auditors are muddying the waters once again. Metaphorically. Since relying on people is useless, there is only one way out - to put on human bodies yourself. Well, good luck. You will need it. Especially when Susan StoGelitskaya comes across to you with a question - who is acting outrageous here? It also explains Rule One in detail - it's important to always remember Rule One! Vital. And in some cases, it is fatally important.

The last hero (2001)

Once upon a time, the great Hero stole Fire from the gods. Since then, everything has changed. Heroes have become ... obsolete. They are still invincible and all that, but they are becoming less and less ... and less ... And new ones are not born. And then one day Cohen the Barbarian looked from his throne of the Agathean Empire at his subjects, at the great and terrible Silver Horde, and realized that they were the last. And after them there will be no one. So, it is on them that the Last Duty of the Heroes lies - to return the Fire to the gods. With interest !!!

The amazing Maurice and his rodent scientists (2001)

Everyone knows the story of the Pied Piper from Gammeln. The story is very simple - a magic pipe lures hordes of rodents into the water, and they drown. Meanwhile, everyone forgets that rats swim beautifully.
The fairy tale came to life in one of the cities of the Discworld. But it all started with the fact that the rats living in the basements of the Invisible University suddenly grew wiser, learned to talk and formed a Clan. Then, these Educated Rats met Maurice the street cat, who turned out to be a cat unusual in every way. Firstly, he also knew how to talk (the consequences of living on the territory of the Invisible University), and secondly, he had an amazing business acumen. Maurice found a boy who can play the pipe, and the tale came to life.

Night watch (2002)

Sam Vimes ... Ah, sorry, Sir Samuel Vimes can finally breathe easy. The city slowly ceases to boil, there are no dragons on the horizon, no wars, and even the Guilds are happy. Little Vimes Jr. is about to be born ... You can relax, in memory of old times, put a flower in your buttonhole and ... Find out that you are transported into the past. To that Ankh-Morpork, where the Guards are not what they are now, but a sump for losers ... But this is still HIS city. And HIS Guard, no matter what she is. And if Sam Vimes could seek solace in a bottle, then Sir Samuel Vimes is deprived of such a right.

Little free people (2003)

Nine-year-old Tiffany Bohlen did not like fairy tales. Rather, she did not trust them. Why is the prince always called beautiful, and the princess behaves stupidly and almost faints? Why is everything so and not otherwise? It seemed to Tiffany: fairy tales just want to be believed, and fool people ... But one day, on a wonderful summer day, the girl met a fabulous monster on the bank of the river. It actually existed and was definitely going to eat someone. It soon became clear: this monster is not the only one ... Well, Tiffany just decided to become a witch, which means that dealing with such things is her concern. After all, a witch does not have to be old and evil at all!

Infantry Ballad (2003)

What is a peaceful country surrounded by treacherous, vicious, warlike enemies? That's right - to call on your faithful sons to defend the Fatherland. But what to do if there are practically no sons left, and those that exist, as it were, were missing limbs from the last campaign. So Sergeant Jackram and Corporal Strappi have to recruit anyone who fell into the glorious regiment "Tudoy-syudoy" - after all, the Fatherland also has daughters, since the sons ... are over. In short, go ahead, guys, to victory! .. Uh-uh, that is, girls!

A hat full of sky (2004)

When you become an apprentice witch, you expect to be taught to do magic. Boil potions. Make up spells. To fly on a broomstick ... But, as Tiffany Bohlen found out, this is not entirely true. For the most part, witchcraft is just boring, day to day activities with nothing magical about it. And if the main thing in magic is not to use magic, then Tiffany succeeds very well. After all, the girl cannot even weave a muddle-headed, the simplest magic instrument ... True, she still succeeds in one trick. When there is no mirror at hand, Tiffany leaves the body and looks at herself from the side. It is very convenient if you want to know if a new dress suits you ... And it is very dangerous if you do not know how to protect yourself. And Tiffany doesn't know. And that means that very soon she will have to learn to be a witch in extreme conditions!

Keep your brand! (2004)

“An entertaining fact about angels is that sometimes, very rarely, when a person has stumbled and is so confused that he has turned his life into a complete mess and death seems to be the only reasonable way out, at such a moment an angel comes to him or, better to say, an angel appears to him and offers to return to the point where everything went wrong, and this time to do everything right. "
It was with these words that Mokritsa von Lipwig met his new life. Before that, there was theft, fraud (in different sizes) and, as an apotheosis, death by hanging.
Not that Mokrits did not like the new life - he was used to finding a way out of any situation and from any city, even such as Ankh-Morpork. Rather, he did not like the position of Chief Postmaster. Mokritz von Lipwig is a decent swindler, after all, and the word "work" is definitely not about him! But does a person have a choice, whose personal angel the patrician Vetinari himself becomes?

Shmyak! (2005)

In the most brilliant city of the Discworld - Ankh-Morpork - it is restless again: the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Qom is approaching. It was in the Kumskoy Valley that one unfortunate day either the gnomes secretly attacked the trolls, or the trolls secretly attacked the gnomes. No, they have been at enmity since the creation of the world, but it was this battle that gave official status to mutual hatred. It has become a historical explanation of why these little bearded / big bumpy bastards cannot be trusted.
This means that additional patrols must be introduced on the streets of Ankh-Morpork.
However, saving the world and maintaining order is a routine job for the inimitable Duke of Ankh. Oh yes, you still have to investigate the murder of the deep gnome, deal with new drugs on the streets of the city and, most importantly, at exactly six in the evening read Young Sam "Where is my cow?" The last one cannot be missed in any way.

Mr. Winter (2006)

Tiffany stepped where she was ordered to step. She became part of a dark dance that marks the arrival of winter, and now the young witch is the embodiment of the Summer Lady herself (the one who sleeps in the underworld in winter and rises to the surface in spring, bringing warmth and fertility). Now Zimovoy himself fell in love with her - the spirit of winter, who wished to become a man on this occasion. Now only Mother Windwax knows what to do, and only Nac Mac Feegle can carry out her plan. Otherwise, the master of the Winter Affairs will bring eternal winter to the Discworld.

Make money (2007)

Oh, Ankh-Morpork, the great city of contrasts! What are you doing with your faithful sons?
Mokritz von Lipwig is in deep thought. On the one hand, the life of an honest person who (horror!) Regularly pays taxes leads to a certain longevity. On the other hand, such a life is boring to the gnashing of teeth, which is especially clear in light of the new proposal of the patrician Vetinari - to start reforming the city's banking system.
However, Mokrits remembers too well that the life of a decent swindler is not only cheerful and perky, but also regrettably short. Having chosen the path of a pious city dweller, the chief postmaster does not yet know that he is going to become the owner of the charming Naughty Dog - a cute dog who owns a majority stake in the Royal Bank of Ankh-Morpork.

Invisible Academicians (2009)

Hard times have come for Arkchancellor Probably Chudakulli.
Just think, his dean has left the Invisible University! Oh no, he did not die at all or fell victim to a magical experiment (although this often happens among wizards). The vile traitor ... changed jobs, tempted by a large salary (everyone knows that wizards are not interested in money ... well, almost ...) and a "guaranteed social package" (ugh, what a disgusting word!).
In addition, a goblin lives in secret in the Candle Basement, and how do you order to explain to everyone what exactly this ... hmm, an individual does not have the habit of ripping off people's heads for breakfast?
Moreover, this is a question of patrician Vetinari ... Shouldn't the great wizards play football? “Ole, ole, ole, ole! Magicians - go ahead! "

Midnight Dress (2010)

Traditionally, it is believed that a witch can only be raised on good old stones. Therefore, it is doubly difficult for Tiffany, since the local population dislikes witches, believing that they are only capable of performing evil magic, stealing babies and giggling disgustingly.
Tiffany Aching is a witch. And she believes she is doing the right job for the people of Mel. Although this job includes bandaging and trimming the toenails of the older ladies, there is not much ... witchcraft in it. As well as time for sleep.
But somewhere I woke up from a long sleep and for the time being hides a tangled tangle of anger and hatred. And with him all the old tales wake up - tales of evil witches. And her tiny allies, pugnacious Nac Mac Feegles, only complicate matters.

The Tobacco Case (2011)

In the life of Samuel Vimes, hard days have come: he is sent on vacation. Just think about it! He, who devoted his whole life to work, was treated so ungratefully.
Moreover, the fearless commander will have a trip not to a resort (oh, golden sand, azure waters), but a family trip to Ovnets Hall, to the village. But everyone has long known that the village is so called because, apart from trees, there is nothing there! Moreover, crimes so dear to Vimes' heart ...
However, a good guard (if he digs very well) will always find some lurking criminal. Does anyone doubt the abilities of the Duke of Ankh?

Give me a couple! (2013)

Mokritz von Lipwig is more than ever satisfied with his life. After publicly admitting to fraud, he is still alive. The Post Office, Mint and Bank work like clockwork. Wife Mokritsa still does not like him in semaphores. And it seems that there is not only room for boredom, but even time ... And yet, when the first steam engine conquers Ankh-Morpork, Mokritz von Lipwig is again in the thick of things and again on horseback!

Shepherd's crown (2015)

This is the last novel by the great Terry Pratchett, completing the Discworld cycle. This is a story about a young witch Tiffany Bohlen, who suddenly turned out to be the one who must protect the boundaries of her world from insidious and evil guests from the outside. And this despite the fact that she has more than enough ordinary witch duties and concerns ... The story is that anyone can determine their own destiny, and that it retains its value at all times, allowing people to remain human.