
Is bathing in the hole for the feast of baptism? Swimming in the hole: more harm or benefit.

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On January 19, Orthodox and Grequocatolic Christians celebrate baptism. Early in the morning on this day it is customary to shit water. It is believed that she acquires healing properties And retains them throughout the year. Also, another tradition is connected with this day: in the olden, on the eve of Yordan, the big cross cut into ice and installed it vertically next to the hole. The Ice Cross was decorated and poured by a beet kvass, from which he became red, and everyone died in his hole. This tradition has survived to this day. The one who dared to this believes that healing baptic water will give him health on whole year. There are mobblers, which even in a heavy frost jump into ice water. We will tell you how you do not need to behave if you decide on this feat.

10 Anti-Soviet Wizard-novice

No preparation

Baptism occurs once a year, and nothing terrible will happen if you dangle without any preparation. Only the real bores are pre-snowing and poured cold water in the shower. But they receive pleasure from swimming in the hole, not inflammation.

Sit in standing

No hats, more buttons and fasteners - let everyone see what your good taste is. In the meantime, you will pull and fasten all this beauty - necessarily freezing to the thread.

Go dive hungry

Although the food you adopted will go to heating the body and give energy to transfer cold stress, but why spend an extra time for food?

Come alone

Then no one can file you a towel and call "ambulance" if you suddenly become bad.

Drink aperitif

Alcohol contributes to the rapid supercooling and will give an excessive load on the heart, and therefore pneumonia and other inflammations are not far off.

Immediately in water

Duck-snapped and ready! And at the same time, the blood flows to the heart and the brain, threatening you with infarction and stroke.

Do not remove smelting

Why deprive the surrounding opportunities to admire your swimsuit, which you will shoot for a long time in the cold and unscrew, losing precious minutes.

Sit longer - get ready for

Following such logic than the longer the exposure to holy water, the more diseases you can heal. But it is enough for 10 seconds - just enough to plunge three times, as expected by tradition. If you sit longer, the body may not bear the supercooling.

From the water - on the ice

After the hole, jump straight on the ice, because you forgot to bring a rug with you. Just do not stand for too long - wet heels quickly stick to ice.

Out of once

I do not have enough trouble - buttoning buttons and comb your hair on frost. Of course, the wet body under the clothes will quickly freeze, and the cold is guaranteed you.

Opinions of specialists

Alexey Ivaknenko, Neurologist, Director of the Medical and Diagnostic Center for the International Institute of Biological Systems:

"In fact, nothing terrible for health in such a ritual is not. If we are talking about short-term immersion. The stress that receives the body for a rather short period of time, does not have time to hurt human health, rather, on the contrary. A sharp immersion in cold water is a strong stress (not only physical, but also mental), a kind of shake for the whole organism. There is a powerful emission of adrenal hormones. And, as you know, hormonal therapy is considered one of the most powerful funds in the treatment of many diseases. With short-term immersion in cold water, only outdoor coverage is cooled, internal organsMoreover, the brain will not have time to feel the effect of cold. And to enhance your "frost-resistant", you can eat a tablespoon of fish fat with a slice of well salted black bread.

But if you sit in the hole to goosebumps, it will not lead to anything good, even if a person is absolutely healthy. Blood rushes to the heart and brain, stimulating the work of these organs. Due to the spasm of vessels, the risk of heart attack, stroke, cramps and rapid development of pneumonia arises. In addition, the reproductive function suffers, as well as digestion. It should also be remembered that swimming in the hole is categorically contraindicated in cold allergies, inflammatory gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, impaired kidney, pregnancy, epilepsy and diseases of the heart and vessels. "

Igor Pashko, Orthodox priest, the protoier of the temple of the introduction into the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

"Unfortunately, many people perceive swimming in a hole for baptism as a sacred ritual. But it does not have anything to do with faith or god. This is an old pagan tradition destroyed in the framework of Orthodoxy. With the same success, you can plunge into the hole on any other day and get a wellness effect according to the laws of molding. The composition of water on baptism does not change. Her properties change, after being consecrated in the temple. Water is connected to the divine energy and acquires healing force. And you can plunge, the main thing is the right attitude. After all, cold water is a strong stress for the body, if you add more fear to him - the body is ill. After all, stress and fear are single-roof words that have the same energy nature. Moreover, the ablution in baptismic water does not clear from all sins "automatically", for this purpose you need to go to confession and communion. But the sanctified in the temple water really heals. And it is impossible to explain this phenomenon of a miracle with physical terms. The effect of rehabilitation occurs through faith, through collective prayers. Such water is stored for a long time, and you can use it when you get sick.

In the Church of Baptism, water is sanctified twice: on the eve of the holiday - January 18 and the 19th. The first portion of water is usually used for the abyption of premises, animals, cars, etc. The second is used for drinking in health. And it is not necessary to dare, having taken from the temple on this day a canister on a dozen-other liters. Sanctified water can be added to a simple clean, and the whole it will also be full of grace and not spoil. Therefore, it is enough to take a small bottle - and the water is enough until the next baptism you and your loved ones. "

A prostatitis, impotence, infertility, herpes, and sometimes instant death. However, ice bath lovers boldly jump behind them ...

Asked somehow a familiar doctor as he belongs to winter swimming. I liked his answer. If now throw 100 people in a hole, says the doctor, then 95 will die immediately. Four will be sick for a long time, but they scroll. And one will not be alone. And this one will sit down to write a book about how long he walked to it.

Swimming in ice hole in Russia - Ancient occupation. But recently, the movement of the walrus began to put up and multiply in its composition. And thus made experts will think about the benefit and possible harm to pagan.

There were few arguments in favor of molding. Honestly, just one. The body really gets a challenge effect. Nobody argues with that. But, calculating how much harm to organs and the body systems does such a hardening, doctors quite rightly decide that we need such good and nothing. And that's why.

Everyone has long been known that even in the summer you need to be safely. Most often, during swimming, a sudden stop of the heart occurs due to the temperature difference.

Therefore, to immediately dive in the reservoir. In the water you need to enter slowly so that skin receptors get used to changing the body temperature gradually. If the water plunges instantly, there may be a spasm of vessels of the whole body, muscles, skin, subcutaneous fiber. Because of this, blood circulation increases, and the heart simply may not cope with this stream. And then the trouble occurs in the form of a angina rope, heart attack, stroke, and someone and someone and the stop of the heart can be.

In such cases, again, the heart is very hard. This is how you will confirm any ambulance hospital. But in the summer bathing we are talking about the difference in the temperature of just on some couple of degrees, and the advantages. What is there to talk about swimming in ice water and even in the froze? Yes, even if you consider that there is no connection to long wait, while the body becomes accompanied to the water, and drive quickly to plunge and instantly get out of the water. The load on the body falls apart overmower. And stress is the strongest. By the way, another well-known fact is to find in water at a temperature plus 12 degrees for 5 minutes leads to the supercooling of the body with fatal exodus.

Cardiovascular catastrophe is not the only danger that lies in the new walrus. And worse there is a shroud of male. Because of the stress, which is experiencing the body, men decreases the amount of spermatozoa. This has already been proven. An American doctor Moskovts reported about it at one time, the Russian scientists were confirmed. Moreover, domestic Andrologists believe that stress should generally put in the first place among the causes of infertility.

The fact is that when stressing in the body, glucocorticoid hormones are produced, as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine. They oppress spermatogenesis. No wonder they say that animals do not multiply in captivity. And why? Yes, because the capture for them is constant stress. And for breeding need favorable, comfortable conditions. Find them in ice-hole - the greatest absurdity.

The next argument against molding also concerns men, but expressed him already urologists. Men's prostate - the organ is very gentle, fragile, and therefore brittle. And he can break from any silence. Especially prostate is afraid of supercooling. Inflammatory disease, which can be obtained against the background of supercooling, is a prelude to impotence. This is now, in my opinion, even schoolchildren know. Among the disease is the most harmful to conception, it is chronic prostatitis! Rather, not even the disease itself, but its consequences. Chronic prostatitis in the hole can be obtained easily.

The same troubles with childbearing bodies are also in women wiring: inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or appendages, obstruction of pipes. And in perspectives - long-term treatment with an impevement outcome. True, women in this sense are lucky a little more than men. Their organisms are stronger, and they are cured more successfully.

With ORVI, the winter divers is also not safe, contrary to emerging opinion. The walruses are ill during the year with colds of approximately 2-3 times. It is a bit, consider scientists. However, it was found that colds for walrus, unlike ordinary mortal citizens, lasts much longer. Moreover, many of them have long residual phenomena after transferring viral infection, such as weakness, fast fatigue. Moreover, women are sick of ARVI more often and harder men.

Many scientists noted: Yes, the incidence of walrus is low, but they are thoroughly tormented by bacterial infections. Moreover, such diseases are proceeded not typical, that is, do not correspond to classical symptoms. And after the disease, the walrus can have a greater number of complications than ordinary citizens. By the way, people also suffer from the same scheme, for a long time living in cold climates, as well as the indigenous peoples of the North.

The more walrus experience, the greater the troubles falling on their heads. For example, people engaged in winter swimming for over 5 years, much more often sick herpes. They have much longer than that of ordinary people, wounds are healing and cuts. And newcomers are more likely to be sprinkled skin diseases.

From here there is a completely reasonable question: Well, it was worth it all such torment? Moreover, the same result is less to hurt the cold - you can get so harmless and very pleasant hardening method as a "comfortable bath". You sit in hot bath, take a book in the hands and read, or listen to music until the water cools. Then get out of the already cool water and face a terry towel to skin browse. That's the whole tempering procedure. And you can also temper the contrasting feet. First pour out of the shower to your feet warm water, then cool. And so repeat the procedure several times. This will take even less time. And the effect is the same. But only without extreme, herpes, chronic prostatitis, infertility and impotence.

This year, Epiphany festivities, all Russia, together with the capital, decided to celebrate with even greater scope than in the past years. In Moscow alone, 70 foxes were prepared in 56 places of the city. Where there are no natural reservoirs with drive, there put Lohani. In general, dive everyone who rested. And after all dive, although the unrestrained courage has long been identified with stupidity ...

Harmful or useful? ..

Swimming in ice hole in Russia - Ancient occupation. But recently, not only the rite in the Epiphany font, but also the movement of the walrus generally began to grow up and multiply in its composition. And thus made experts will think about the benefit and possible harm to pagan.

Arguments in favor of bathing in ice water found a little. Honestly, just one. The body really gets a challenge effect. Nobody argues with that. But, calculating how much harm to organs and the body systems does such a hardening, doctors quite rightly decide that we need such good and nothing. And that's why.

Heart - Stop!

Everyone has long been known that even in the summer you need to be safely. Most often, during swimming, a sudden stop of the heart occurs due to the temperature difference.

If the water plunges instantly, there may be a spasm of vessels of the whole body, muscles, skin, subcutaneous fiber. Because of this, blood circulation increases, and the heart simply may not cope with this stream. And then the trouble occurs in the form of a angina rope, heart attack, stroke, and someone and someone and the stop of the heart can be. In such cases, again, the heart is very hard. It will confirm any "ambulance" reception. But if with a summer bathing we are talking about the difference in the temperature of just in some couple of degrees, and the positive, then what is there to talk about swimming in ice water, and even in the cold?

Yes, even if you consider that there is no connection to a long expectation, and drive quickly to plunge and instantly get out of the water. The load on the body falls apart overmower. And stress is the strongest.

Cardiovascular catastrophe is not the only danger that lies divers in the icy water.

ORVI and others

Big problems arise from winter divers with ORVI and other diseases. In general, in recent decades, domestic researchers are quite closely followed by the state of health "walrus" to understand how the impact on the body affects the body.

And it is not by chance. Most of the population of Russia has constant contact with cold, and in the widest range, experiencing from one to several dozen degrees of frost. And winter swimsters are an excellent model for studying the condition of the body and its reactions in cold conditions, since "walkers" expose themselves to extreme cold effects.

Almost all researchers came to the same conclusions. "Warrow" during the year ill disperse with colds by approximately 2-3 times. It is a bit, consider scientists. However, it was found that colds from "walrus", unlike ordinary mortal citizens, lasts much longer. Moreover, many of them had long residual phenomena after transferred viral infection, such as weakness, fast fatigue. Moreover, women were sick and heavier than men.

Many scientists noted: Yes, the incidence of "walrus" is low, but they are thoroughly tormented by bacterial infections. Moreover, such diseases are proceeded not typical, that is, do not correspond to classical symptoms. And after the disease, the "walrus" has a greater number of complications than ordinary citizens. By the way, people also suffer from the same scheme, for a long time living in cold climates, as well as the indigenous peoples of the North.

The more the "walrus" experience, the greater the troubles falls on their heads. For example, people engaged in winter swimming for over 5 years, much more often sick herpes. They have much longer than that of ordinary people, wounds are healing and cuts. But the newcomers are more likely to be sprinkled skin diseases.

Men's burger

After swimming in the ice fancy you can become fruitless. And this is not a horror, but a scientifically proven fact. And this problem can be in both sexes.

Because of stress, which is experiencing an organism in ice water, men decreases the amount of spermatozoa. This has already been proven. An American doctor Moskovts reported about it at one time, the Russian scientists were confirmed. Moreover, domestic Andrologists believe that stress should generally put in the first place among the causes of infertility.

Upset men's organism is able to generally any sharp temperature fluctuations.

The fact that the sauna is harmful to childbearing authorities is a scientific fact. Moreover, it is interesting, it fell literally once in the steam room, stolen in the ice hole, and the deterioration of the formation of seed fluid continues for still 2 months after dubious pleasure. Then the peak of the deterioration of spermatogenesis occurs, after which the recovery process begins. And the normal formation of sperm will be restored only 3 months after the peak. That is, at least in 5 months!

The next argument against bathing in ice water also concerns men, and they expressed their urologists. Prostate - the organ is very gentle, fragile, and therefore brittle. And he can break from any silence. Especially prostate is afraid of supercooling. Inflammatory disease that can be obtained against the background of hypothermia is a prelude to impotence. This is now, in my opinion, even schoolchildren know. Chronic prostatitis in the hole can be obtained easily.

Flesh without flesh

The same troubles with childbearing bodies are also in "Women's Women": inflammatory diseases of the ovaries or appendages, obstruction of pipes. And in perspective - long-term treatment with an impeverate outcome. True, women in this sense are lucky a little more than men. Their organisms are stronger, and they are cured more successfully.

Tradition not to cancel!

From here there is a completely reasonable question: Well, is it worth the tradition of such torment? Why is it necessary to dip in ice water for ritual ablution? After all, it can be made safe for health. Sanctify water and sprinkle for people, for example; Or just wipe the face or hands. I suppose that the holy effect of water will not decrease, but it will be no extreme - without a heart attack and a heart stop, without herpes, chronic prostatitis, infertility and impotence.

On January 19, Christians of the whole world celebrate the Great Holiday - the Baptism of the Lord. Catholics also have this celebration, only it is timed to other days. Before the adoption of the reform (the Second Vatican Cathedral), baptism was celebrated on January 13, after it - on the first Sunday after the sacrament of the Epiphany.

In all these traditions, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is associated with the New Testament, namely with a moment in which the rite of baptism of Jesus Christ is described. This happened to achieve Jesus already adult. The rite took place on the sacred river Jordan, where all Christians were baptized at the time. The baptized Son of the Lord is a faithful Christian and the famous Baptist John.

The uniqueness of this sacrament is expressed in the accompanying special phenomena. During the baptism of Jesus from the sky, a snow-white dove sank. In this image, the Spirit of God appeared in front of people, at the same time examined that Jesus is his son.

Does it be sure to dive into the baptism

The holy fathers of the church are unanimous in this matter: it is not necessary to baptize, that is, it is not necessary to dive into the water. Each Christian in Children's or Already adult age takes the sacrament of baptism, plunging into the church font. One single immersion is enough to examine its belonging to the Lord.

If a person plunges into the hole to the baptism of the Lord, he in no way wash off his sins and, of course, is not baptized again. Previously, I didn't do this at all, and the church does not require this. It is much more important that all water is consecrated during this holiday, including in rivers. This deeply symbolic gesture resembles people about the Great Essence of God: The Lord is everywhere, in Heavenly, and in the depths of the seas, filling the entire universe.

For each person individually, it is much more important for this day to serve in the church, and most importantly, think about the meaning of the great holiday for all Christians and personally. Like any Christian holiday, baptism more calls on the spirit than to the body, therefore, bathing in ice water does not matter for spiritual cleansing.

On the other hand, orthodox Church There is nothing against this relatively young tradition. She tempts, strengthens the immune forces of the body, which means it is beneficial, and not harm. But you should not sacrifice your health, wanting to "achieve spiritual purification" by bathing in the hole. If a person is sick, he has a temperature or some other not quite a healthy state, it is not worth dipping into ice water at all. This will only bring a new ailment, but it does not contribute to internal cleansing.

Harm from bachechen bathing

Despite the generally loyal attitude of the church to this new-fashioned trend, the tradition to dwell on baptism has a negative sides. Many people first actively participate in all sorts of pagan playing (guess the Christmas Eve or rust in the beasts and go home with songs and dances), and then after that one bathing in the hole they want not only to remove all sins from themselves, but also to get some special blessing. This is a big misconception and sin from the point of view of Orthodoxy.

Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky (Krasnogorsk) condemns this trendy tetree. He explains that all water consecrated to baptism brings grace. You can drink it and drink to join everything celebrating christian peace. Deeply naaven who thinks that he dippeding in ice river water receives a greater blessing. By this, he even in some extent flows into the sin of pride.

Moreover, the mixing of the deep meaning of the Baptism of the Lord to one by one by dipping into the ice hole alone is something pagan. This is especially detrimental if the person after swimming goes home, sits down festive table And drinking vodka. This is the most real language, the highness of the holiday is only a narrow external attribute. It is assumed to open his soul to the Lord and to be fulfilled by the reverence of its greatness, and not to demonstrate his own piety around.

According to the tradition of baptism, believers plunge into Jordan - a special hole for swimming and water binding. If it is good to prepare for immersion, then there should be no health problems with health. But if you dive without preparing, then the next day you can pay for it.

They say that baptism Night (from 18 to January 19) All water in water bodies allegedly becomes saint. Everyone who on this night is three times over with her head, will be healthy all year and may even be treated from diseases. But there are clergymen who believe that swimming in the hole on baptism is just entertainment. Help wash the sins and correct health can only swim in riverJordan. And for this you do not need any sacrifices, the water is almost always warm there. There is another opinion on this subject: bathing is useful only to those who were engaged in a fortune in the Christmas week - swimming in the hole Saves precisely from this sin. Howbeit, immersion in Jordan It has already become a tradition for our people, from year to year those who want to dive into the hole becomes more and more. But the ability to heal, the miraculousness of this ritual no one has yet proven.

Ancient times coldtried literally all the diseases. Seven troubles - one answer: ice. For example, the ice was applied to the head with hemorrhages in the brain, cold compresses were treated with bruises, bruises, diseases of the skin, a bag with ice was stopped by pulmonary bleeding, and from excess weights were prescribed every day before eating and after taking it to swallow several pieces of ice or drink cold water. And all this really helped.

Today, doctors also use a cold for treating a variety of diseases: from acne to chronic hymorite. Recently, scientists find out that the body of the walrus copes with microbes by 20% faster than that of ordinary people. But it is important to understand: one thing is regular hardening, and another - plunge once in cold water to baptism. Here just there is a catch. Just so neither to eat in the ice water is very risky. If the water plunges instantly, even completely healthy people may have spasm of coronary vessels, muscles, skin, as well as subcutaneous fiber. Because of this, blood circulation is accelerated, the heart begins to fight rapidly and in the end may simply not cope with the increased pressure. And then it is possible a stencardic attack, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, and someone has a heart to stop at all.

Bathing in the hole is categorically contraindicated in cold allergies (as a rule, manifests itself in the form of urticaria), diseases of the genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of appendages), tuberculosis, impaired kidney function, epilepsy, diseases of the cardiovascular system (transferred myocardial infarction, hypertensive disease ), gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative illness of the stomach, cholecystitis), people suffering from chronic hymorite or bronchitis and, of course, during pregnancy. But even completely healthy people (and they are not so many now) still have to consult your doctor before dipping, to pass the survey.

Many drags with them into the icy water of children. Doctors advise this in no way do. The fact is that young children have a imperfect thermoregulation system. The supercooling in ice water may occur in a couple of seconds of stay in it, and parents simply will not have time to notice it. A child can get sick with pneumonia, meningitis.

But this does not mean that it is worth abandoning swimming in the hole at all. Just healthy assess your physical strength and come to swim with the mind. A few hours before diving, it is necessary to eat tightly - this "fuel" will go to the organism heating, will help better move the cold. Drinking alcohol is not recommended - this is an extra load on the heart. Immediately before diving, you will move well: Make tilts and squats. It is best to enter the water. Gradually, you can pre-wash your face, knees and hands with water. It is enough to be in the hole for 7-10 seconds, that is, literally dive and immediately emerge. As a result, the feeling should arise, as if you were burned with fire. But if you feel the chills, then this is already a sign that the body has become hypother and you need to dry.

Immediately after you leave the water, put on a warm hat, woolen socks or felt slippers (rubber or rags immediately freeze), and the body is well laid out with a terry towel. Be sure to capture comfortable clothes with you - without fasteners, buttons and strings (a regular terry bathrobe is suitable) so that you can quickly throw it on yourself.

And, finally, the most important thing is: swimming in specially designated places and only where you duty ambulance doctors, divers and specialists of the rescue service, so that in the case of which there was someone to help you. With special accuracy you need to fit into a thaw - note that fragile ice can not withstand the mass accumulation of the people, which is usually celebrated in the Epiphany night.

Alina Bavina, Telendel LLC, Moscow (especially for "sn"), photo photoxpress