
What is natural gravel and its characteristics. Gravel crusp


Under gravel is a sedimentary breed of inorganic origin, consisting of rolled pieces of minerals and mountain breeds. it natural materialFormed under the action of weathered and erosion occurring in rocks. Particle size U. different types Gravel can be from 1 mm to several centimeters.

Typically, deposits are found on river terraces, floodplains of rivers, in glacial sediments, coastal zones of coasts. The formation of this material is associated with the activities of rivers, seas, glaciers.

Depending on the origin of gravel, there is a river, sea, mountain, glacial. River and marine gravel formation (pebbles) are associated with exposure current water. On the coasts of the seas, it is formed due to the action of waves, tides and sings. The arising friction of pebbles about the sand particle, as well as each other, plus the grinding effect of the aqueous streams lead to the fact that over time they acquire a rounded shape and a smooth surface.

Mountain gravel is formed with the natural destruction of rocks under the influence of wind, rain, air temperature fluctuations, frost cycles and water defrosting. It consists of pieces of rocks of various shapes and has a rough surface.

Mountain Gravel

The glacier variety is associated with the movement of glaciers. This process is somewhat and now, but in the past, when the spread of glaciation, he was observed in many areas.

Particles of river and marine gravel can be representatives of completely different rocks and minerals, so they have different color and different properties. If the mother breed was characterized by greater durability, then the gravel particle will be more solid and less rolled.

Among the gravel gravel it is impossible to detect Galite (sodium chloride mineral) and other rock soluble rocks and minerals that will be simply blurred by water flows.

Close analogue of gravel, but only with a smaller particle size, is sand.

Properties Gravel

Small gravel
  1. In the size of particles, small gravel (1 - 2.5 mm) are isolated, medium gravel (2.5 - 5 mm) and large gravel (more than 5 mm), that is, a small, medium and large fraction. Depending on the size of the fraction, the bulk density of the material changes. If gravel is small, it is equal to 1,700 kg / m3, and for a large - 1500 kg / m3.
  2. Hardness and strength. Determined by the degree of abrasion and fragmentation. They depend on the composition of the particles and are of the greatest meaning when using this material in road construction.
  3. Temperature stability. It depends on how much freezes and the dimensions are able to withstand particles.
  4. The number of impurities. Most often undesirable are clay and dust. Less than all impurities in gravel formed by water streams, and their largest amount is observed in the mountain varieties of this material. Just as unwanted include such impurities as plaster, silica, pyrite, pieces of tight clay, Zheleznyak.
  5. The prevailing form of green. It can be rounded, lamellar, rounded corner and angular.
  6. Moin gravel. It is obtained from ordinary gravel with a thorough wash, in connection with which, specific gravity impurities in it is minimal.

How gravel is mined


Gravel mining is carried out open way using special technique. Gravel, mined on mountain careers needs flushing. This material is transported by various types. terrestrial transport. At short distances, conveyors, trolleys can be used.

Where gravel is used

The availability and prevalence of this material makes it using mass and widespread. Main directions:

  1. Making concrete.
  2. Road construction.
  3. As a decorative material.

For the manufacture of concrete, a mountain, glacier or mixed gravel is suitable. Thanks to the roughness of the particles, such a material creates a better grip with cement than smooth particles of water gravel. Another condition is the resistance of particles to the action of alkalis.

In road construction, the basic requirement for the material is the strength of particles. Some regions matters and frost resistance.

Gravel is increasingly used as a decorative material. Small gravel is suitable for tracks, mini beaches, resting places. For this purpose, water types of gravel are optimal. Larger gravel found an application when arranging artificial reservoirs and in creating a landscape on a nursery.

Gravel and crushed stone

Gravel and crushed stone are pretty familiar materials, but they have significant differences. Gravel is formed in natural conditions, and its particles have a softer outline. Crushed stone is obtained by artificial way - when crushing a solid rock. Therefore, its particles have sharp outlines and sharp protrusions. Crushed stone gives a stronger grip with cement, so the concrete obtained from it has a higher level of strength. At the same time, the cubic meter of gravel will cost an cheaper meter of rubble and is quite suitable for the construction of small designs.

Natural gravel is a bulk natural material that was formed as a result of the destruction of rocks.

Get it from gravel rocks by sorting and sieving through special sieves. Gravel is the stones of a rounded shape with a rough or smooth surface.

The difference of rubble from gravel

Crushed stone is obtained by fragmentation, followed by sorting by fractions, durable rocks, large butt stones, slag or concrete garbage waste.

Unlike gravel, it is a pointed form with a rough surface. In connection, the industrial production in the crushed is practically absent, therefore it is considered an ideal building material. In natural gravel may contain impurities in the form of fragments of various minerals, up to one centimeter.

The use of gravel and crushed stone in construction is regulated by GOST 8267-93 "Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Technical conditions. "

Natural crushedbon, is an acute-angular fragments of rocks formed at the expense of natural erosion from wind and water, it is rare in small quantities and, as a rule, industrial value does not represent.

Natural gravel, in contrast to rubble, the first class on radioactivity is assigned, so it can be used without limitation in any areas of construction.

Types of gravel

Depending on natural origin and production method, several types of gravel distinguish:

  • mountain;
  • cut;
  • river;
  • nautical;
  • glacial;
  • lake.

Natural gravel has a loose structure, inhomogeneous flexible color, so the modern industry has mastered the production of natural gravel from any rocks, specified color, shape and grain, which can satisfy any requests for the modern building market.

In the form of exception, the artificial type of gravel is distinguished, obtained at factories in the furnaces by high-temperature swelling from clay, silicate raw materials or slag.

Gravel fractions

The fraction is called bulk or lump material defined by strictly dedicated properties. From here, gravel fractions are separated by particle or grain size, so exists:

  • small, representing pebbles in size from 1 to 2.5 mm in diameter;
  • medium, having dimensions from 2.5 to 5 mm;
  • large, with stones size from 5 to 10 mm;
  • very large mainly from 10 to 20 mm, less often up to 50 mm.

The larger fractions that exist in the nature of the larger fractions with a size of up to 120 mm still must be considered a butte stone.


Holding the need for materials it is necessary to take into account the density and proportion. So claymzite gravel will have a value of 200 to 800 kg / m3, from Schingizitis from 400 to 800 kg / m3.

Keep in mind that the proportion of artificial types of gravel is lighter than water, with all the consequences arising from this and on the subference of the tracks in the low-income parts of the landscape, it is not suitable.

For sales different species And gravel varieties, as a rule, the density value is well known to the seller, and the range of values \u200b\u200blies from 1400 to 1700 kg / m3, in the enlarged construction calculations, the amount of 1560 kg / m3 is mainly used. These figures show the density of the gravel soil, without a mechanical seal and an additional traam.

Application area

Gravel is used:

  • for the manufacture of light concrete;
  • in the improvement of parks and stadiums;
  • with roads;
  • as an element of drainage systems;
  • in landscape design;
  • for the manufacture of decorative coating films;
  • filtration clean water in springs and wells.

So, artificially made gravel sizes from 2.5 to 5 mm wake up tracks in parks and squares. Fractions with grain size from 5 to 20 mm are in great demand in the arrangement of country territories, as decorative material By dumping tracks and creating a flower. The largest fractions of up to 120 mm magnitude, natural gravel, are used in decoration and decoration of walls, foundations, as well as in masonry of fences.

Artificial ceramzite and shingizite gravel is used in the form of a mechanically resistant heat insulator in construction work.

For gravel having a sea or river origin, a smooth surface that does not contribute to a good adhesion with sand and cement, so it is not recommended to use these species in the manufacture of heavy brands of concrete.

Gravel production

Gravel is developed in gravel and sand fields. The amount of stone in the extracted raw material does not exceed 35%, so the method of using quarries provides for the simultaneous production of construction sand and natural gravel.

At the initial stage, sand houses are used to separate the main masses of sand and stone, where, with the help of a large amount of water, stirring the extracted mass and its separation at the expense of gravity forces when breeding the breed with water occurs. Further, the separated gravel mixture enters the vibro-thread for subsequent purification from impurities and sorting in size and fractions, such a process is called screening.

Vibrothots are special devices where workers are consisting of one or more lattices.

If the grille is one, then the size of the holes in the lattice in the direction of the movement of the raw material changes from the largest at the beginning to the smallest at the end of the design. If the lattices are several, then they are located in a vertical projection over each other or sequentially one after the other in a rigidly reinforced vibrating box, which, in turn, is mounted in suspended form to mounted springs or springs. On each grille, the size of the holes is made so that it makes it possible to comply with only the grains of strictly defined values, which must be isolated from the rock at this stage. Different crashes on the method of creating a vibration pulse and transfer it to sorting lattices. So, there are machines on the inertial, electromagnetic and eccentric principle of mechanical transmission of energy to sorting sits.

Walkways from gravel with their own hands

Recently, the main sphere where gravel is still widely used is the arrangement of territories country houses And cottages or how fashionable it is now called - in landscape design. Everyone can show their designer talent using a diverse view, size and color of gravel. Construction alpine hill Or the previously unprecedented construction of the stone is as easy as to write a picture of oil, but make a decorative platform or pour over the adjacent territory dacha house Convenient tracks are not as simple as it may seem, at first glance, but forces everyone would be desire.

An independent device of tracks from gravel stone or pebbles can be divided into several stages, compliance with which will allow you in series and without excess costs to embody their ideas and surprise those around their talent. And so, proceed:

  • The first stage or preparation. Here it is necessary to perform a sketch of future decorative sites on paper, tracks and other planned elements of the landscape.
  • At the second stage, using a roulette, pegs and ropes, we make markup of the location of future construction objects in strict accordance with the designed sketch, well, or if necessary, we make adjustments to the improvement plan of your territory.
  • In the third stage, after all the boundaries are defined and outlined, all pegs are placed and all ropes are stretched directly to the implementation of the plan. Under all future tracks and platforms with the help of shovels, we remove the fertile layer of land, which, as a rule, is no more than 15 cm. It will save you on a certain time From weeds and grass. The resulting primer can simply be evenly scattered according to the existing lawns or save somewhere for future flower beds.
  • At the next stage, on the bottom of the resulting trenches and deepends we fall asleep and thoroughly trambling a large gravel or rubbank, you can also use a solid construction trash from bricks and concrete debris. The volume of filling should be about half to two third depths of the dug deepening. After the tucking to increase the strength, shed the resulting base with water. It is not recommended for the device bases of tracks and sites to wake up their clay, it is worth eliminating the possibility of a cluster of large mass of water during the rain or abundant melting of snow.
  • Further, a layer of purchased or prepared decorative gravel is poured on the prepared base. MUST when dripping tracks, use gravel or pebbles of different colors, which is much diverse general form Landscape. And it is also necessary to align and moderate tamping of the surfaces of the surfaces.
  • The final conclusion will be required designer decoration Total landscape design. Here you can use various stones, flower beds and other decorative trifles or copyrighted fakes.

Everyone can now enjoy the results of your work and rejoice at beautiful decoration adjacent territory of your country lady.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching video from original ideas Registration of pebbles:

At the time of buying building material You can encounter certain difficulties, because not all people know what the crushed stone differs from gravel. The two of these material are nonmetallic materials that are very similar in appearance on each other. It is for this reason that certain difficulties may arise when choosing them. But despite this, their differences are quite significant, and therefore need to have full information to pick up exactly the composition that will be required for a particular situation. If you purchase materials without prior examination of the characteristics, there is a chance to buy a poor-quality sample, which will lead to destruction or damage to buildings.

Crushed stone is a bulk material that is mined by crushing or natural way. The mixture can be produced from closed and open quarries, after that it is thoroughly cleaned. All these operations are performed depending on the method of particle size obtained, or fraction.

The diameter of the grain will directly affect the price of which they sell crushed stone, as well as on the scope of use. Crushed stone is divided into several varieties, but in any case it remains a bulk material that has about the same dimensions, forms and chemical composition granules.

The main characteristic is the production method. It will depend on thermal conductivity, frost resistance, as well as adhesion. Crushed stone can be:

  1. Granite, which is the most expensive option. It is produced by crushing and sifting granite rocks.
  2. Gravel crusp - the most popular appearance that is used in different types of construction. Obtain from rocks having an average hardness.
  3. Limestone crushed stone is the cheapest option that is obtained after the processing of mined limestone pieces. The structure of the material is rather porous, and therefore high loads will not be able to withstand, but the material has good frost resistance.

There are many basic indicators of this bulk material. A special role is played by frost resistance, as well as the radioactivity of rubble. The first indicator is important because it determines in which temperatures various brands can be applied. The second indicator suggests how safe material is for a person and ambient. The main characteristics are fractionality and leggings, since they determine the sphere, as well as the value at which the material can be sold.

Crushed stone shall be divided into several basic groups in terms of granules. Small have a diameter of 5 to 20 mm, average - 20-40, large - 40-70. The most universal option is small and medium view.

Crushed stone is still divided into several broaching groups -15, 25, 35, and up to 50%. The smaller this indicator, the more expensive the material will cost.

Features and characteristics of gravel

Gravel is a sedimentary rock, consisting of various pieces of the mountain, her debris. The material is very smooth, as water is wicked by the edges, having no sharp protrusions in the breed. The composition of the material can be very inhomogeneous. You can observe different types of the mixture under consideration, as well as rocks. It is for this reason that the properties of gravel differ greatly.

Gravel can be:

  1. Mountain.
  2. Glacial.
  3. Water.

The first variety is obtained when rock rocks are destroyed under the influence of various external factors. Water is mined in the river rivers, off the coast of the sea, as well as lakes. Under the influence of water, pieces of stones are gradually calculated. The latter view is associated with the movement of glaciers. Mountain breeds are shared and the result is gravel, which can be used in building needs.

The breed is classified for the main features that are necessary for the operation and construction of various structures. In size, gravel particles are divided into five categories and can reach 7 cm in diameter. The mechanical stability and strength of the material depends on the composition, as well as the structure. This parameter has great importanceEspecially in the event that gravel is purchased for the structure of roads.

Impurities. In most cases include clay, as well as dust. A large number of impurities are observed in the rocks of gravel, as well as when collecting rivers in dry rivers.

Specialists separately note the content of various harmful impurities in the composition. If you do not pay attention to these characteristics, the quality of the obtained concrete will deteriorate greatly, and the result is a strong corrosion, from which it will later be problematic to get rid. Some impurities can also have a negative impact on the human body, as they are toxic.

Distinctive signs of rubble from gravel

After studying individual characteristics, it is possible to find out how these two material is different.

Despite the fact that the use of gravel and crushed stone are very similar (materials are used for decorative and construction needs), but the difference between them is essential, and first of all depends on the origin. Gravel, for example, is extracted under water, and not only in the mountains.

The gravel and crushed stone in three main parameters are distinguished, but there are some more extra.

The form

To make rubble use crushing rock, and in the production of gravel it is not required, since it is a finished natural product that is formed under the influence of natural processes. From this we can conclude that gravel will look most careful it does not have sharp edges. The crushed stone, obtained by crushing, will always be angular and inaccient compared to the second type.

The size

Gravel and crushed stone also differ in terms of particle size. There is even a special sizes table of different types rubble. This indicator should pay attention when purchasing.


When materials are used for construction needs, it is very important to pay attention to the clutch cement mortar With the addition of these particles. Quality can be achieved with the use of rubble. It is its most often used to build foundations.

Other parameters

The decorativeness of materials can be attributed to other characteristics. Crushed it is very difficult to use for decorative purposes, but it has better technical characteristics. Crushed stone has an uneven structure, as well as an unattractive color and for this reason it is natural gravel in most situations to decorate objects. Also, the gravel has a great variety of colors, which makes it suitable stone for decoration. They laid out the walls of private houses, borders near the tracks, as well as the outer side of the fountains. Crushed stone possesses the monotony of color, but as for gravel, then it is possible to enjoy in this plan. Gravel is the most preferred option if you need to decorate the landscape. Multicolored smooth grains give a more spectacular view of the territory, and therefore crushed stone for decorative purposes is not suitable.

It should be noted that in terms of the cost of the materials are not very different, they can be found in the construction store in one price range. It is for this reason that the choice must be made from the tasks set, because the price here has a secondary meaning.

Carefully examining the article can be understood in all the nuances of disassembled materials and understand what the gravel differs from the rubble. And since the differences are quite significant, it is imperative to deal with this question in order to urge the material necessary for construction.

Under the word "gravel" can be implied both natural material and artificial (clay) produced by industrial means. And natural, and clay gravel are popular among builders, manufacturers of concrete, designers and other specialists.


Natural gravel is a natural material that is formed under the influence of the wind and the destruction of rocks. Depending on the type of location, it can be mountainous (or overgrained), river, lake sea or even glacier.

Mountain gravel has a slight rough surface. Its composition is clay, dust, sand, organic substances And other impurities. If the percentage of sand exceeds 25-40%, it is a sandy-gravel mixture.

A little cleaner in the composition of sea and river gravel. But at the same time it is smoother, therefore, it is characterized by poor adhesion with a fastening agent.

Usually builders choose mountain gravel, since its technical qualities are somewhat better than that of other types. It is used for the construction of trails, foundations, frustration of various sites, obtaining roofing materials.

Gravel has various shades: black, yellow, white, gray-blue, brown, pink. Its color can change a little under the influence of lighting or humidity. That is why it is popular in landscape design: when designing country sites, paving garden tracks, broken flower beds, etc.

GOST to natural gravel

It is permissible to use gravel for certain purposes, depends on its physicist technical qualities, which are approved at the level of guests and techniques.

For gravel and rubble, which has an average pellery density of 2-3 g / cm3 and used to obtain heavy concrete, road and other construction work, GOST 8267-93 developed "crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Technical conditions. "

In this standard, gravel from mountain weather is called a granular material having an inorganic base, with a magnitude value greater than 5 mm, which is formed during the residence of the gravel-sand mixture.

The standard indicates the requirements for the magnitude of the fractions, the form of granules, strength properties, the percentage of granules of weak rocks and harmful components, frost resistance, nuances of acceptance, methods of control, requirements for transportation and storage, etc.

GOST 8269.0-97 also exists, in which the methods for determining the main physico-mechanical properties of the material are described in detail.

Most often, the definition of future properties and compliance with their GOST occurs, which includes mining in quarries, flushing and sorting.


In the process of purchase, special attention should be paid to the gravel fractions. They are defined both the magnitude of the granules and density. Grains may be of size from 5 up to 70 mm.

The main fractions of gravel (mm):

  1. 5(3)-10;
  2. 10-15;
  3. 10-20;
  4. 15-20;
  5. 20-40;
  6. 40-80(70);
  7. combination of fractions 5 (3) -20.

Material in the form of other combinations of various fractions and larger grains can be made in coordinating the manufacturer and buyer.

The gravel of 3-10 mm magnitude is used in the arrangement of gaming and sports field, private beaches, for filtering wells or springs, floristic. Gravel 10-20 mm in size is used to obtain light concrete. In 1 m3 of concrete approximately 1 tons of gravel in the form of filler.

Large fractions of the order of 20-40 mm go to the construction of trails, bridges, coatings of airfields, etc. The gravel of 40-70 mm magnitude and above is used mainly as a decorative material. They are separated by aquariums, swimming pools, animal cells, railway streets are used when building dams.

Due to its versatility, combined with the convenience of use and low cost, gravel got widespread.

Specifications and properties

Some of the gravel parameters acquires already in the process of its preparation and processing (rushing, cleaning, mixing, etc.). Such preparation helps to get a rather homogeneous material in the composition and achieve compliance with official standards.

The main properties of natural gravel:

  • the material density may vary depending on its type. The average gravel density indicator is 2.6-2.7 t / m3. Bulk density may be from 1.43 to 1.61 t / m3;
  • the volumetric weight is 1600 kg / m3, and the specific - 1400 kg / m3;
  • the shape of grains can be rounded, rounded-angular, angular. According to GOST 8267-93, in the composition of gravel, there may be no more than 35% (by mass) of grains having a needle or lamellar form;
  • the strength of the material is expressed in stamps on reflection when crushing (or compression) in the cylinder. There are such stamps for strength: DR8, DR12, DR16, D24. The tensile strength is 1.5 t / cm2;
  • for gravel, which is used in the construction of roads, additionally set the measure of abrasion, which is determined by testing in the shelf drum. At the same time allocate brand and-i, I-II, I-III and I-IV;
  • based on the degree of frost resistance, gravel marks from F15 to F400 are isolated.

For comparison, we give the table comparing the characteristics of natural gravel with artificial (clay):

How to distinguish gravel from pebbles and rubble

Under the word "gravel" usually imply the mountain gravel, mined in quarries. Pebbles is the same river or sea gravel formed as a result of sanding sand and water of small flat stones. Thus, pebbles is a gravel subtype.

Pebbles can have a different color. Multicolor pebble or pebble, yellow, gray, brown or marble shade is most often found. The sea pebbles have a flatter form than the river.

You can distinguish gravel from rubble in shape and texture. Crushed stone has a rough surface and an acute form, while gravel is smoother and rounded.

Crushed stone is formed in the process of crushing rocks in a quarry or during the processing of waste industry. Thus, gravel is the material formed by naturally, and crushed stone - industrial. Sometimes, in order to improve the quality of the grip clutch with a solution, it is crushed into smaller fractions, getting crushed stone.

What is gravel, as it looks and what is visually different from the rubble, you can see the photo-picture below:

What is better and cheaper: gravel or crushed stone

By virtue of incorrect formThe crushed stone forms a more reliable clutch with a mortar than gravel. Thus, on the operational qualities, rubble is significantly better than gravel.

The main advantage of gravel can be considered a lower price. It is cheaper than 20% cheaper, so it is precisely it is often chosen as a placeholder when receiving heavy concrete. Gravel is often used to build low houses on dumart sites And even to form a foundation.

What to choose - crushed stone or gravel - depends on the properties of concrete. When concrete is very durable, it is desirable to use rubble. For concrete with a moderate level of strength, inexpensive gravel is suitable.

The use of rubble and gravel in construction work today is simply indispensable. These components of the shallow fraction are very similar. Each of them is formed from rocks and is widely used in construction. But still, despite the same origin, as well as the external similarity, the difference between gravel and crushed stone, and a significant one. Each of them has its own features of application. In addition, they interact differently in different ways, and such indicators are very important during construction.

What makes gravel?

Gravel is a mountain loose sedimentary breed of a rounded form, with fuzzy faces. In its composition, it contains small particles of minerals, which are formed as a result of natural and sufficiently long destruction of solid rocks.

Gravel is classified for three types depending on the size of its particles:

  • small (particle size - 1-2.5 mm);
  • middle stone (from 2.5 to 5 mm);
  • gravel is large (fraction 5-10 mm).

Industrial stone is used in laying the foundation and in the construction of roads.

Depending on where gravel is mined, it happens mountain, river, lake, glacial, marine. Unlike mountain, sea and river minerals have a smoother surface, so it was exactly the first species was widely used in construction.

Mountain gravel is widely used in the construction of roads, erection of the foundation, snowfring such as a filling substance for heavy concrete, etc.

Stones are different color gamut: They can be black, pink, yellow, brown, blue.

Gravel serves good design raw materials and is used to arrange the garden and paths, flower beds.

As part of Gravel, it is often possible to detect the presence of various impurities, such as sand, soil, which worsens the adhesion with concrete.

Features rubble

Crushed stone is the result of crushing rocks of boulders, granite and limestone, but it is obtained by applying special equipment, and not waiting for natural destruction. The difference between gravel and rubble lies above all appearance: rubble more rough, often has sharp corners, moreover, its size is greater. All these qualities provide good grip with various materials and surfaces.

This stone has different forms. Due to this property, it is successfully applied not only during construction work, but also landscape design.

Types of rubble

Consider the types of rubble and its use.

Depending on the size of the mineral distinguish:

  • Granite dropouts up to 5 mm. Used for coatings of sports fields, protection from ice urban roads.
  • Crushed stone from 5 to 10 mm. It is used for the manufacture of concrete and slabs of overlapping.
  • Size from 5 to 20 mm is suitable for, manufacture of foundation, concrete, roads and bridges, pouring bridge structures.
  • The average fraction is a size of 20-40 mm. Optimally suitable for the construction of roads, preparation of reinforced concrete and concrete, the construction of the foundation for large houses.
  • A large fraction is considered from 40 to 70 mm. Widely used for the construction of houses, roads.
  • For decorative purposes, crushed stone is used, the size of which is 70-120 mm.

Among the advantages can be allocated strength and frost resistance.

Gravel and crushed stone: the difference

There is a difference between rubble and gravel, but visually it is not very clearly traced. Their resemblance is that they have the same origin, and both are formed from rocks. In addition, these materials are widely used in construction business, crushed stone (or gravel) is used for the foundation, etc. The similarity is also external, for example, they can be in color.

Crushed stone is highly sized, a more uneven surface, the best adhesion. Thanks to all these characteristics, this material is very in demand in the Russian market. But to confuse ordinary crushed stone with mountain gravel simply, because between them the difference is very small. Both of these are inorganic, that is, their composition is very similar.

Gravel, as already noted, is a river, maritime, etc. It depends on its application and beneficial features. As a rule, it has rounded shapes and a smooth surface, due to which it is often used to decorate the facades, garden, roads, etc.

Differences in value

Depending on which crushed stone is made from which rock, there are several types of its varieties. Each of them has its cost. The price of large-size fractions is slightly lower than finely dispersed.

The final cost depends on the volume of the purchased material. To compare, what the difference between gravel and crushed stone have in price, we point out average prices. Cost 1 m 3 rubble:

  • limestone - 1500 rubles;
  • gravel - an average of 1780 rubles;
  • granite - 2100 rubles;
  • secondary - 1150 rubles.

The average price is 1 m 3 gravel - 1700 rubles.

The cost of these materials, as we see, approximately the same, despite the fact that the cost of their production is different.


So, what is better - crushed stone or gravel, and what are their differences?

We highlight the main characteristics of these materials:

  1. Crushed stone is formed due to mechanical crushing, more precisely the explosion, and gravel is obtained as a result of the natural destruction of rocks.
  2. Crushed stone has a wider size grid and used for various construction work. Gravel applies more for decorative purposes, although it can sometimes be used when erecting the foundation. It is determined, first of all, the form of the material: the gravel is smoother, and the rubble is angry, due to which there is a better grip with concrete and other construction substances.
  3. The main advantages of rubble is its excellent adhesion and good physical propertiesAnd gravel has a decorative species.