
Points of replenishment of social cards for land transport. Where to charge a social card for ground transport

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Many beneficiaries have the right to apply for using public transport at a discount.

Today there is a student's social card, which is issued to students of any educational institutions under the age of 23.

With its help, you can use concessionary travel, and save significant money on this.

But what kind of discount is there? What kind of transport does it cover? Is there a discount when using rail transport?

What is this card

Student Social Card (STC) is a plastic card that includes many functionalities. One of its functions is a discount on public transport.

It can be issued both via the Internet and during a personal visit to the MFC.

Registration procedure is as follows:

  • drawing up an application;
  • filing an application and documents;
  • card making;
  • receipt of SKU.

What types of transport are provided with a discount

The owner of this social card has the right to use a discount when paying for travel on such transport:

It should also be noted that the discount applies to suburban rail transport.

If we talk about the fare if you have a social card, then it is as follows:

  • the monthly metro ride is 350 rubles. It does not matter how many times a day a person uses this transport;
  • for land transport, the monthly cost is only 230 rubles, regardless of the frequency of its use.

If we talk about the railway mode of transport, then there are small nuances. Thus, a 50% discount when buying a ticket for suburban railway transport is valid only from September 1 to June 15 inclusive. In simple words, for the period of the learning process.

During the rest of the period, the discount on train tickets does not apply.

Rules for using a social card for travel

In order to exercise the right to a reduced fare on the student's existing social card, one should replenish... This can be done at any metro ticket office.

It is worth noting that you can replenish the balance, both for the current and the next month. All information about the fare is recorded directly on the card. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the information on the turnstiles themselves displays information only at the end of the current month.

In order to use the discount, the holder of the student's social card must always have it with him and present it to the reviewers upon request. This document confirms not only the identity, but also the right to use the reduced fare.

Myself entrance to the metro station with the help of this social card, it is carried out exclusively through the turnstile.

For this it is enough:

  • attach a plastic social card to the existing yellow circle on the turnstile, which bears the metro emblem. There should be no objects between the card and the turnstile itself (wallet, as is usually the case, and so on);
  • after that, you need to make sure that instead of the tap color, green lights up, and then go through. If there is a red signal, you must repeat the procedure.

It is important to note that the turnstile can be used at intervals of at least 10 minutes, otherwise the card will not be detected.

A maximum of 10 metro rides are allowed per day.

For using discounts in land transport the procedure for using a social card is completely similar.

It should always be remembered that the card must be removed from cases, wallets and so on when it is brought to the turnstile, because if this is not done, there is a high probability that the turnstile will not operate.

Registration, activation, viewing the balance and replenishment of the account

After the social card has been received, it must be activated.

It can be done:

Activation does not take much time and there is no difficulty in it.

If speak about ways to replenish it, then there are a lot of them.

In addition, you can use ATMs of Sberbank or Bank of Moscow. It is allowed to replenish the balance using the "Excelent" terminals.

When replenishing the card to pay for travel by land transport, in addition to all the above methods, you must contact the “Travel tickets” kiosk.

See it yourself card balance you can either at the ATM of the bank, on the balance of which this card is, or in the terminal when replenishing the account.

It should be borne in mind that replenishment of an account using terminals or via the Internet can be done at any time (they work around the clock).

The benefits of using social cards in Moscow are described in the following video:

Muscovites and residents of other cities can pay for travel using a social card. In this article, we will look at how to pay for travel with a student's social card. Preferential conditions for travel payments apply only to certain categories of citizens.

Students of all types of educational institutions can obtain a socially oriented travel card. The exemption applies to travel in vehicles that move around the city on the ground or underground. Also, preferential conditions apply when traveling on commuter trains, in this case the discount is half the cost and is valid from the beginning of autumn to mid-June. And also among the beneficiaries are persons who are retired, veterans and disabled.

Accordingly, only residents of Moscow on the territory can pay for travel with a Muscovite card. of the specified city... For residents of other settlements, other varieties have been developed. Some of the listed categories are eligible for free travel, someone is given a discount. To find out the amount of the benefit, you need to contact the municipality administration.

Terms of use

In order to be able to use the benefit, you need to pay for it. Cash can be deposited for the month in which you use the card and the next one after it. When you insert a payment method into the turnstile, information will be displayed in relation to the end of the current month. A student or other person who has a benefit must present it to the persons who carry out the checks.

Important! Only the one who owns it can use the means of payment. To prove your identity, you need to present an appropriate document, for example, it can be a student ID.

You can pay for travel using a student card in this way:

    attach plastic to a special window on the device;

    make sure that there are no unnecessary items between the turnstile and the plastic;

    wait until the red color changes to green.

Read also The procedure for paying for travel in the metro with a phone instead of a card

If, after completing these actions, the color remains red, it means that you need to repeat the process or replenish the balance. And also note that it can be used no more than every 10 minutes, otherwise the device will not detect it. Before attaching the card to the device, you need to get it out of the cover.

You can pay for the metro fare by contacting any cashier of this institution. In the event that the holder of the plastic is entitled to a benefit, expressed in free travel on the metro, then there is no need to pay for the card. You must enter and attach the plastic to the device. Note that you need to apply to the yellow circle. After the green light ˗ comes on, go.

In this case, reuse restrictions are set. They apply to everyone, except for persons with disabilities of group 1, as well as disabled children. The rest can use the card only seven minutes after they have passed the turnstile.

Students must pay for transportation to use ground transportation services. Payment can be made through the use of special machines located at public transport stops, in kiosks, as well as through the methods proposed by partners of transport companies, for example, you can pay using Sberbank Online.

  • in kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" and ticket vending machines installed in all districts of Moscow;
  • in terminals: "Eleksnet", "Moskovsky credit bank"And" Central PPK ";
  • using the application "My travel card" of VTB Bank (PJSC), if your smartphone supports NFC technology. Available for Android and Windows Mobile.

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

Number of trips Cost, rub. Use within 1 55 5 days 2 110 5 days 20 720 90 days 40 1440 90 days 60 1700 90 days 1 day 210 Start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 3 days 400 Start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 7 days 800 Start using no later than 10 days from the date of sale 30 days (only recording on the Troika card is possible) 2,000 The term starts to run from the moment of recording on the Troika card 90 days (only recording on the Troika card is possible) 5,000 The term begins to run from the moment of recording on the card Troika For 1 calendar month 2 550 Within a month 365 days (only registration on a Troika card is possible) 18 200 The term begins to run from the moment of registration on a Troika card

Travel card Moscow

Discount travel under the SKU program can be paid on any day of the current calendar month, and on any date next. It is important to know that the turnstile system only displays payment data at the end of the current month... Control of payment of reduced fares in urban land transport is under the control of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans".

Description: The background of the front side of the BSC is the Windows splash screen. BSK is used to encode student and student tickets during the period of study (PB is coded for a month), later it can be used to encode reusable PB for travel in the subway and a single PB for a month. The time of prohibition of re-presentation of student and student PB - 10 minutes. Who is it for: For university students, graduate students and students of vocational lyceums, technical schools, colleges (full-time education) if information from educational institutions is available in the metro database.

How much does the school ground transport pass cost?

Time passes, progress does not stand still, and now there are many different types moving around the city of Moscow: trolleybuses, buses, metro, trams, monorails, electric trains. But for all this pleasure, tickets are needed, which have many varieties and specifics, which you will learn in more detail later.

How to top up a school pass in Moscow for ground transportation

  1. Citywide- buses, trams, trolleybuses. This is especially true in cities with a small population, where educational facilities are quite remote from the child's place of residence. How much the child pays from the full cost of the ticket is decided by the regional authorities on the ground. A number of regions are able to fully take care of children and make travel free, while others can afford to provide a 50% discount.
  2. Underground- a one-time benefit for each purchase of a ticket. For long-distance and suburban traffic - 50% of the full fare, if the child is less than 10 years old.
  3. Air transportation- if you have a card, children under 12 years old pay half of the air ticket price.
  4. Terrestrial intercity service- during the school year, the student pays half, and during the holidays - the full cost.

Types of transport and the amount of travel discount when using a student's social card

In addition to being used as a bank card for non-cash payment for goods and receiving scholarships, a student's social card can be used as a travel ticket that allows you to exercise the right to concessionary travel in the Moscow metro and monorail transport system, suburban railway and surface urban passenger transport intended for common use.

Where to top up your school bus pass in Moscow

The data set "Points of sale of tickets for travel on surface urban passenger transport" contains detailed information on the location of points of sale of tickets. The network of points of sale of tickets was created to provide Muscovites and guests of the capital with travel documents for surface urban passenger transport. At all points, except for tickets for travel on surface urban passenger transport, you can purchase tickets together with the metro and the MCC (single, 90 minutes and "Wallet"). Also, at specialized points of sale of travel tickets SUE "Mosgortrans" you can write on the "Troika" card any service for travel in city public transport and replenish the social card of the student and student (SKU, SKS). These points of sale are automated. The dataset allows you to see the exact address of the object, the mode of operation and its location on the map.

How to top up a school pass in Moscow for ground transportation

  1. It is filled in in block letters, without errors. This will allow you to arrange everything in one procedure. If corrections are made, the form is considered invalid.
  2. The ink should be black or blue. No other colors are used for filling.
  3. In the applicant's questionnaire filled out by the management of the institution, in addition to the answers, there must be the signature of the head and the seal.
  4. There are no other requirements for the questionnaire. The photo must be no more than 3x4 cm in size. The applicant's image must be on a white background.

Student social card

A student's card for paying for land transport is, in fact, a payment bank plastic. It is issued by VTB Bank of Moscow Minbank, but issues state structure based on a personal statement. To issue a card, you can contact the multifunctional center or submit an application through the portal of public services. The applicant will need a passport, a certificate from an educational institution, a 3 × 4 photo, if the student has not reached the age of fourteen, then a parent, guardian or trustee must deal with the registration.

How to top up a student's social card online

  • For a ticket for 1 day - within 24 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 2 days - within 48 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 3 days - within 72 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 4 days - within 96 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 5 days - within 120 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 6 days - within 144 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation;
  • For a ticket for 7 days - within 168 hours 00 minutes from the first presentation (activation of the Pass) until the last presentation.

The cost of Unified travel tickets for a month

Information on the timing of the production of a specific social card can be clarified by calling the "hot line" of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register" 8-495-539-55-55 (daily from 08.00 to 20.00) or on the website of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Social Register" using the service " Request on the status of processing the application form and card production "at the email address:

Student social card

To deposit money at a bank branch, you will need to have your passport and bank account details with you. Usually, the money is credited to the account within 24 hours after the completion of the transfer operation. By the way, you can also send money through the cashier of any bank.

Replenishment of a Muscovite social card for public transport

  • special terminals;
  • Mosgostrans kiosk;
  • at the metro station;
  • through the Internet;
  • in a multifunctional center.

When activating through special terminals, you need to insert plastic and select the required service from the provided menu list. Some regions have a quarterly or semi-annual activation requirement.

Registration of a student's social transport card for ground transportation

In trams, trolleybuses and buses of carriers SUE “Passazhiravtotrans” and LLC “Autoline”, a one-time ticket is purchased from the conductor, in buses of other carriers - from the conductor or driver (in the absence of a conductor). In the second case, this is done at the exit in the main part of the city, and at the entrance to the suburbs.

Public transport fares in St. Petersburg (as of January 1, 2018)

31 Aug 2018 511

Step 1.

To pay for this service, select the items "Transport"> "Public transport"> "Mosgortrans + Troika" in the ATM menu and then, following the instructions on the ATM screen, attach your Social Card to the reader.

Step 2.

Place the transport card to the card reader (the device is marked with a yellow circle on the terminal, the device has a special slot for the card).

Step 3.

Select the menu item "Ticket for ground transport", the button "Add a TAT ticket to the Troika card" or "GUP Mosgortrans".

Step 4.

Choose one of the listed rates.

Step 5.

Confirm the entered data.

Step 6.

The screen for entering bills appears on the screen. Funds are deposited one at a time. The change ATM does not issue or return the funds received by it.

If the total amount of funds entered by the client is less than the amount selected by the client, then a window will be displayed on the ATM screen with a warning that the entered amount of funds is less than the selected one. This screen will appear if the client clicks the "Pay" button (in case the amount is insufficient), or if the client is in the process of entering notes within 30 seconds. will not enter the next bill. The client will be able to continue depositing funds if he chooses the appropriate menu item.

Step 7.

If the client enters an amount into the ATM that is greater than the amount selected by the client, the ATM will display a message about this fact. A message will appear on the screen asking you not to remove the card from the card reader.

Step 8.

A message will appear on the screen stating that the card was written successfully.

If the recording to the card did not occur, a corresponding message will appear on the screen. This message can be displayed if the record is not the same card that was read at the beginning of the operation, as well as if a pack of cards suitable for travel on ground transport in Moscow is presented.

A notice of a successful operation is printed to the client. If the accepted amount is more than the cost of the service, the ATM offers to transfer the change to pay for a mobile phone.