
How to grow green onions at home in water. How to grow green onions at home: landing and necessary conditions for growing

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

In winter and in early spring We often feel a lack of vitamins and spend money on expensive shopping citrus fruits, foreign fruits, buy vitamins in a pharmacy, although the easiest to grow fresh greens in your windowsill, which will fill the lack of vitamins, and quench our longing on the spring grass. Moreover, the cultivation of greenery at home the process is simple and very pleasant.

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Greens at home

How to grow greens on the windowsill

To grow greens at home, you may need:

  • wide and shallow pots or containers;
  • high-quality substrate for vegetable seedlings - the best combination of biohumus and coconut fiber in the proportion of 1: 2;
  • drainage material - small pebbles or clay;
  • polyethylene caps or packages for creating mini-greenhouse;
  • fine sprayer for watering soil;
  • liquid mineral or organic fertilizer;
  • phytolamba or luminescent lamps for organizing a long daylight.

You can grow greens on the window sill of seeds, and you can buy in the garden center already planted in pots and containers greens, pick it up at home in more spacious tanks and care for her, cutting a crop - these plants will be enough for several months. And you can multiply bought with greens with cuttings. However, greens grown from seeds, you will enjoy longer.

For cultivation on the windowsill, usually low-spirited cultures are chosen. When buying seeds, be sure to pay attention to the term of their shelf, since the sowing material of some plants quickly loses its germination. When choosing varieties, give preference to early, or early, and bush.

Growing conditions for greenery at home

Grow greens in the apartment can round yearBut it is easier to grow seeds sitting in the spring and summer, because at this time a lot of heat and light - the plants need only a little humus, a well-lit place and regular watering. How to grow greens in winter?

Green, sown or planted for a surveillance in the autumn-winter period, will require great effort and costs, since it will need additional lighting. In sunny winter days, the shower will be needed in the evening to increase the day day for 4-5 hours, and on cloudy days, additional lighting will be needed in the morning. The total duration of the daytime should be 13-15 hours. The lamps are located above plants at a height of 10 to 50 cm - the height depends on how lightly the culture is. The more the plant needs lighting, the lower the lamp should be located. It is very convenient to use the timers that can be purchased in garden pavilions: you set the desired parameters on the device, and the backlight at a certain time itself turns on and off.

In addition, and seedlings, and adult plants must be rotated once a day by 180 º so that they all receive uniform lighting.

Growing in winter in the winter requires compliance with the regimen of watering, and although for each culture it should be borne in mind that it grows your greens in the immediate vicinity of heating devices that dry the air indoors. To increase the humidity of the air, in which green cultures need, it is possible to put around the crops of the container with water or to cover the radiators with wet towels, and watering must be carried out with an estate water temperature.

As for feeding, it is not very convenient to use natural organics at home, although it is the best fertilizer for vegetable and green crops, and the rainbow is best used from mineral fertilizers.

What plants are grown on the windowsill

What kind of greens can be grown on the windowsill? Sheet salads, spicy plants (parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, mayor, melissa, mint), onions and garlic feathers, spinach and mustard. The easiest way to grow parsley and celery from the root, cress salad, as well as onions and garlic.

Landing for parsley and celery

You can grow the greens of parsley in two ways - sowing seeds and landing root for the trampling.

If you prefer a seed method, then in order to quickly have segments, wrap the sowing material in the gauze and hold it half an hour under warm running water, and then leave wet for 24 hours. Seed seeds in tanks with a drainage layer and a substrate to a depth of half a cavantimeter, only slightly sprinkled on top of the substrate. Before the appearance of the seeding, they hold in the dark and are moderately watered every other day, but as soon as the seeds are sprouting, move the container with sowing on the windowsill well-lit window and ride shoots, leaving the interval between them 4 cm. Try a parsley from seeds you can within a month and a half When seedlings have been reached in a height of 10-12 cm. The best varieties of parsley for seed growing are sugar, yield, beads, astra, beads, fitness, emerald lace or Borodino.

If you prefer to grow the greenery of the houses from the roots, then choose short parsley's thick roots with a length of no more than 5 and a diameter of at least 2 cm, preferably with sweets and necessarily with the top kidney. Celery roots also choose thick and not very long. Place a pottery of the drainage layer in a disinfected by a solution, then fill the container with the substrate, moisturize it, plant the root of the root under the tilt so that the layer of the earth is 2-3 cm above the upper point. If you put the root cornea Between them 2-3 cm, and between the rows - 4-5 cm. Place the container in a cool place - for example, on a glazed balcony or loggia, water moderately, and when the sprouts appear, transfer the box to the windowsill. Do not forget to turn out to turn out every day with a 180 º greenery, and if the light is not enough, organize additional lighting. Parsley and celery develop at a temperature of from 15 to 20 ºC. When complying with the necessary conditions, the greens can be cut off after 3.5-4 weeks.

By the way, celery, like parsley, can be grown from seeds: He loves fertile soil and good lighting. Under the optimal conditions, one branch of celery can give about a hundred juicy leaves, which can be fused with it as needed.

Landing on the greens of salad

We have already placed an article on the website about how to grow in the windowsill cress salad, and now we will tell you how to grow a leaf salad at home.

Salad - Culture is lightless, so when growing in autumn and in winter it will need additional lighting. Partially the problem of insufficient lighting can be solved by choosing a variety: salads such as vitamin, emerald lace, new year, snowflake, a raspberry ball, zoopad, a bowl of golden, Lollo Biona and Lollo Ross do not require too long a daylight. In addition, with low humidity of air, salad leaves acquire a bitter taste, and plants begin to form floral arrows. These two factors are the lighting and humidity of the air - heavily affecting the growth of salad, it is necessary to take into account when it is cultivated at home.

Capacity for sowing salad is needed a depth of about 20 cm - box, container or pot. Treat the idea of \u200b\u200ba disinfecting solution of manganese, to put the drainage layer from the crumple or synthesis on the bottom - it absorbs excessive moisture, and then it evaporates it, moisturizing the air. The substrate for lettuce can be purchased in the store, and it can be composed of independently from ordinary garden land, overwhelmed by manure and peat in equal parts. Add one bucket of the ground on a kilogram of sand and wood ash and on a tablespoon of urea and nitroposki, diligently mix, spread through the tanks and moisturize. Press the salad seeds in the grooves depth to 1 cm, made at a distance of 15 cm from each other, sprinkle with a substrate on top and slightly construct the surface. Polyethylene cap on the dishes to create a greenhouse effect and put in a warm place. A week after the appearance of seedlings, the seedlings are thinned in a step of 1-2 cm, and when they will develop 2-3 of the present sheet, they are thinned by the second time, leaving the interval between instances of at least 4 cm.

Watching how germs are developing, you yourself determine when you need to pour a substrate and whether the seedlings of light have enough. Spray the leaves are better every day, and once a week should be picked up a plant with a solution of overlooking cow's litter in the water in the proportion of 1:10.

Landing on the greenery

Everlock on the feather - a lesson, which is forces younger schoolboy. Each of us grown in childhood green onions, lowering the bulb with roots in a mayonnaise jar with water through a cardboard circle with a hole in the center. This unwitched method of scientifically called "Growing onion on hydroponics". The main condition for such cultivation of Luke is that only the roots should be in the water, otherwise the bulb will begin to rot. Before omitting the roots of the bulbs in the water, scatter it with boiling water and carefully cut the top with a sharp knife. When the feathers begin to grow, cut them into the food until the bulb wrinkles, and as soon as this happens, the head that came into disrepair should be replaced by fresh.

Growing onions and in the soil, which is desirable to make a hydrogel, clumsy in the solution of the Gumi preparation. The fact is that at home, the soil dries pretty quickly due to working in winter at the full power of heating devices, and the hydrogel does not allow the bulbs to test the lack of moisture. It is not necessary to immerse the bulbs in the ground completely, enough so that in the ground there is only a third of the heads. It is convenient to grow onions in two tanks, having planted it into each interval at 2 weeks: by the time you finish there is a greens that grew up in the first box will already grow up greens in the second.

Landing spinach for greens

The spinach sow in the boxes in a depth of about 15 cm and grown at a temperature not higher than 18 ºC on the windowsill southern windows, since it very much needs good lighting. If the light is not enough, then the temperature of the content must be lower. Seeds before sowing the night are soaked in water, and then 2-3 hours disinfected in a bright pink solution of manganese. Sow spinach to the finished ground mixture for decorative indoor plants, having done in it the grooves depth 1.5-2 cm at a distance of 6 cm from each other. The interval between the seeds in the furrow should be 4 cm. As soon as germs appear, watering seedlings should become regular and abundant, and the leaves will often need to spray.

After 3-4 weeks after the appearance of germs, instead of picking seedlings, it is necessary to pour into the capacity of the soil with a layer of 2-3 cm. After about the same time, the spinach can already be cut into food. Spinach one sowing you will be enough for a month and a half.

Landing dill on greens

The popularity of dill in winter time is as high as parsley with a green bow. To plant greens for the winter, it is preferable to choose such varieties like the Mribovsky, Grenader, Casklensky, Armenian-269 and Uzbek-243 - they give in a light rich humus, abundant yields.

If you want to eat fresh dill all winter, seit it in a month and a half. To fill in crops, the size of 15x40 is enough 3 g of dill seeds. It is better to use peat ground as a substrate. The seeds of the dill before sowing, like the seeds of spinach, you need to soak in water for a day, changing it every 6 hours, then they are placed for disinfection into a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Sow dill on the wet soil into the grooves made at a distance of 15 cm from each other, and on top poured with a layer of dry ground with a thickness of 1-2 cm, cover the tank with a film and placed on the windowsill. The optimal temperature for the germination of dill seeds is 18 ºC. After 7-10 days, when shoots appear, the film should be removed. Dill care is simple: watering is needed regular, but moderate, and spraying is carried out daily, the temperature is maintained within 18 ºC, every day the container with greens turn to 180 º and once every two weeks after irrigation contribute to the substrate liquid rainbow fertilizer in concentration, specified in the instructions.

Time to remove the crop of dope occurs after 4-5 weeks after the appearance of germs.

Landing Basil for Greens

Basil seeds will germinate for a very long time, since the large content of essential oils slows down this process. You can breed a basil, rooting the fresh stalks in the water - after five days they grow roots, and the cuttings can be planted in a pot. If you still want to grow a basil from seeds, you need two days to poke the sowing material in water, regularly changing it, and after sowing, cover the tank with a film and put on the southern windowsill. After the appearance of sections, the film is removed, and in the phase of development, seedlings 5-6 leaves are plugged to enhance the bunning. Finger the basil nitrogen fertilizer, and if buds appear on the plant, cut them off, otherwise the plant will form flowers, and not to figure leaves.

They grow a basil on southern window sills at a temperature of 25 ºC, every day in the morning, a moisturizing substrate, every three days carefully breaking the soil around the seedlings and protecting the plant from drafts and sudden temperature differences.

Landing kinsea for greens

Kinza, or coriander - cold-resistant unpretentious plantWhich is sometimes called the Chinese parsley, but the kinse aroma is deeper and brighter than the parsley, and the leaves are more gentle. For growing at home, the cilanthole varieties change, beam or amber are suitable.

So that the seeds are sprouted, they are maintained in wet sawdust at a temperature of 17-20 ºC. As soon as the seeds are labeled, they are planted into a moistened soil to a depth of 2 cm, withsting the distance between the rows of 5-10 cm, supraate the substrate layer, is covered with a film and placed in a bright place. It is necessary to raise the film daily to air crops, and maintain a soil in a wet state. Coriander shoots will appear in two or three weeks. First of time they need high humidity Air that can be provided with daily spraying seedlings. Flooring often, not allowing the complete drying of the substrate, and the temperature must be maintained at 10-12 ºC, so the best place For the plant - a glazed balcony or loggia. Correct the coriander with a solution of complex fertilizer of the flora - bred 3-5 ml in a liter of water.

The first harvest can be filmed in a month, but after cutting the kinza does not grow anymore, so it is better not to cut the stalks, but the leaves are pressed off.

Landing thyme on greens

Thyme, or a chamber, or a ship can be raised at home without any difficulties. Place a 2 cm thick in a pot in a pot, then fill it with a soil for vegetables, spread over the surface of the seeds of thyme, spray them with a layer of land with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm and carefully moisture through the fine sprayer. Place crops in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. When shoots appear, they need to be switched. Thyme watered as needed. In winter, it is advisable to organize additional lighting for the plant.

Landing Melissa for greens

Melissa is also easy to grow at home. You can fall in the fall of Kostik Melissa in the garden, transplant it in a pot and keep in winter in the apartment. You can put in a pot of grooves or stalks of the plant, and you can grow melissa from seeds.

Seveled for several hours in a weak solution of manganese seeds in a mixture of humus and coconut fiber, about which we have already mentioned, to the depth of one and a half centimeters, after which the substrate is moisturized and covered with a film. Remove the coating when the first searches will appear, and when they grow up, they are pricted by separate pots of larger size. Melissa requires regular watering and spraying leaves with water, but make sure that the water is not stored in the roots in the plant. Melissa is light-headed, but grows well and in half, the cold and heat plant tolerates normally.

Sage greens landing

It makes sense to grow at home sage. Its seeds before sowing for a day are laid out for sliding on a wet marla. Sow sage into a bulk pot or a container with a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 2 cm, which is filled with fertile loose ground over the drainage. If you decide to use garden or garden soil, it is necessary before sowing to seek steaming or roasting in the oven. Seeds are immersed in the soil at a depth of 5 mm, after which the substrate surface is moistened from a fine sprayer. The pot is placed in a dark place and ensure that the soil does not drive in it.

Sage, like Melissa, grows well in a half, but if it will be in bright light daily for 6 hours, the aroma of the plant will become stronger. The grown sage in frequent irrigation does not need, but it is necessary to moisturize it abundantly. She does not like sage drafts and needs daily spraying with water.

Landing on the greens of the souls

The plant is soul, or oregano, so unpretentiously, which grows perfectly in the face of the apartment for several years. It is grown by souls from seeds, living them along a separate pots with a drainage layer and any soil - in this regard, the plant is not involved. However, it is necessary to keep sowing on the sunny window sill, as the Oregano loves the sun very much. The seeds are plugged on the half acetimeter, then the substrate surface is carefully moistened, after which the pot is covered with a film, leaving a small hole in which air will come. Until the shoots appear, crops are kept in the shade.

Shoots will appear not earlier than in two or three weeks, and all this time you must ensure that the substrate in the pots are wet. When the seeds start germinate, stop sowing on the windowsill. With the cultivation of the soul, in winter you will most likely have to make the seedlings to seedlings. Water oregano once every two days, but the leaves should be sprayed daily.

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* The calculations use average data in Russia

50 000 ₽

Minimum investment



20 sq.m.

Necessary area

From 1 month.

Payback period

Most people who choose the idea for the start of their own "rural" business are among the first option of growing greenery for sale. Indeed, this idea seems to be at first glance, just perfect for the start. To implement it, according to the authors of numerous articles on the Internet, it does not require large starting capital. The planting material is quite inexpensive, the period of growing greenery averages the middle month, and the yield is very high: from one square meter of the square you can collect up to four kilograms of greenery. The demand for such products is stable, and the profitability of such a business is over 65%. However, unfortunately, not all of these statements are confirmed in practice.

First of all, it is necessary to decide for what purpose you are going to do this. It's one thing if you grow greens for your needs and sell surplus. In the presence of land, the cost of buying the planting material and fertilizers will be minimal. But in this case, it is not worth counting in this case. At the best case, you will pay for your attachments and provide yourself with fresh and ecologically clean greens from spring through autumn. Also in the presence of a fairly large area you can grow greens exclusively for sale. But this option requires, firstly, large investments, and, secondly, such a business will also be a seasonal character. There is a third option earning for greens - year-round cultivation of green crops in the greenhouses. However, in the period from the end of the autumn until the middle of the spring, it will have to dump and illuminate greenhouses, which is associated with large expenditures. One of the biggest disappointments for newcomers in this business is an opinion on the possibility of collecting 4-4.5 kg of greenery from a square meter. In fact, even under the most favorable conditions (good lighting, drip irrigation, fertilizer and feeding), the harvest will be on average no more than three kilograms of greenery from 1 square meters. meter. At the same time, its cost will be very high. Increase the density of sowing over the recommended extremely undesirable, as this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the greenery.

And finally, the key problem is the organization of the sale of finished products. As the farmers themselves say, grow greens - not a problem. The main problem is to sell it and make a profit. First, purchase prices can vary greatly in one region and one season. Small-winding prices for greens can be both 50 rubles, and 150 rubles per kilogram, but on average no more than 70-80 rubles at retail prices 200 rubles per kg. Competition to local producers of greenery is farmers from nearby regions.

Species and features of green crops

Greens are useful and tasty, contains a large amount of vitamins, allows you to improve the taste qualities of the first and second dishes, contributes to the best learning of food. Green crops are sufficiently resistant to low temperatures, so they can be grown in the open ground from early spring to late autumn using early or sommy crops. Most often grow dill, green Luc, salad, spinach, parsley. This greenery is used to prepare various dishes, and their cultivation technology is quite simple.

Dillthey are grown in greenhouses and as an independent culture, and as a seal. When growing in greens, it is sowed on meter beds with rows (8-10 cm between rows) or solid sowing, closeing the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm. Sowing density is 15-20 g of seeds by 10 square meters. meters. Dill is cut when it reaches a height of 10-12 cm. Over the summer, depending on weather and climatic conditions, dill can be heated at least twice. It is noteworthy that from all green crops, dill is the most demanding of lighting and temperature (it should be no lower than 15 ° C). In addition, he matures longer, but it has the greatest productivity.

For growing lukefor feather, experts recommend using small bulbs with a diameter of up to 30 mm and weighing up to 30 g and large north. The sowing scheme is used by the ordinary with a 4-cm intercourse or tape 20 plus 50 cm. When landing the bulbs are closed to a depth of 4-5 cm, and in the spring - at a depth of 2-3 cm. Create a harvest can be possible when feathers are reached in length 20 -25 cm. There are technologies that allow growing green onions throughout the year. Batun, "Emerald Island", "Parade", "Kathalsk", "Krasnodar Mr.", "Spanish 313", "Kaba" are considered the best varieties for growing for sale.

Ready ideas for your business

Saladsow early spring and even under the winter in an ordinary way. For greenhouse cultivation suitable different types Salad - Kochen, asparagus, leaf and romance. Most often grown leaf salad of greenhouse varieties due to his arrest. However, nicely growing and jammed, although it is more demanding on lighting and sewage density. The deciduous salad is seeded at a distance of 15-20 cm between the rows and 2-3 cm in the row, and the jamble - at a distance of 20-25 cm between the rows and up to 10 cm in the row. Seeds close at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Sowing density is 5 g of seed for 10 square meters. Meters square. Vintage can be obtained 35-40 days after sowing. Salad needs conventional care: it is necessary to regularly loose the soil, destroy the weeds and abundantly laying the plants. In addition, you need to break the plants in a timely manner, otherwise they begin to bloom too early. Early deciduous grades of salad include the barefoot varieties: "May" and "Berlin Yellow", to the Kochanny - "Large Green", "Stubborn", "Crystal", "Stone Head". For autumn sowing, such varieties are used as "Winter Yellow-Green" and "Romaine."

Spinach Grow the same as the salad. The difference lies only in sewage density: the distance between the rows should be 15-20 cm. The flow rate is 40 g of seeds by 10 square meters. meters. The first harvest can be obtained after 30-35 days. Thus, on one area for the summer, you can collect from two crops and more. This culture moves well the first frosts, so it is often sowing in the summer after salad, onions on feather and other early crops. Then the spinach can be grown up to late autumn. The only minus of this green culture (like salad) is the need for regular polishes. At the occurrence of drought, the spinach loses its food value and throws the arrows. The most common varieties of spinach include "Summer Giant", "Virofle" and "Victoria".

Petrushkathey are grown both from seeds and by distillation from rooteplood. Seeds of parsley before sowing are kept in a wet marla for five days at room temperature and ten days after germination at a temperature of + 1-2 ° C. This allows you to get the first shoots as soon as possible and increase yields. The grinding rate of parsley is 20 g per 10 sq. M. meter. It is much more difficult to grow parsley from the root. For this, the rooted roots are kept in the sand at a temperature of + 2 ° C, and then planted into the moistened soil at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of 15 cm (with a weight of the root plates 60-70 g). Pre-in the ground cut the furrows at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other, then they are poured with water. The distance between the landings should be 5-6 cm, and between the rows - 10 cm. The main thing is not to sprinkle the head and the cervical root. The soil must be slightly sealing and intensively pouring water. The harvest can be obtained 30-45 days after landing the rooteplood when parsley leaves reach 20-25 cm long. Moreover, with proper care (regular irrigation - preferably drip, ventilation, avoiding sudden temperature drops, good lighting) You can collect up to 6 kg of greenery from 1 sq. meter.

For the cultivation of greenery for sale, experts advise to give preference to early and endless varieties. If you plan to grow several types of green crops at once, then the severity of crops must be observed. First of all, the onion of the north is sown, which goes on the feather. Before boarding, the material must be prepared. For three days of the north, it is recommended to soak, cutting the upper part of the head. Then it is planted in well-moistened with water (warm, if the earth is still not free) soil. Onions requires usual care: soil looser, feeding and regular watering. After Luke sow dill and parsley, the seeds of which are also pre-soaked. Two weeks after landing onions and dill, you can land a salad and spinach.

Green growing in greenhouses

As experience shows, to engage in greenhouse business, more profitable in the southern regions of our country - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, where frosts are not so strong, but the duration of the daylight is greater. Otherwise, high gas and electricity costs in the northern regions will "eat" all profits from the sale of finished products. On a greenhouse of 20 square meters. Meters The cost of heating in the winter is about 75,000-80000 rubles. IN middle strip The cost of heating such an area will be on average 250,000 rubles per year (if you meet the quota for electricity). Often it turns out it is more profitable to deliver the finished goods from other regions, rather than grow greens on their own. The minimum profitability of the greenhouse business should be 20%. Ideally, you need to strive for the indicators of 30-35%, but they are difficult to achieve.

Ready ideas for your business

Growing greens in a greenhouse is more profitable for at least four times, rather than vegetables. However, consider that Ideally, you need to organize a stable sale of your products in the nearest settlement in order to minimize transportation costs.

The cheapest technology of greenhouse growing of green crops is hydroponics. In essence, it allows you to minimize physical work, reduce the vegetative cycle of plants several times and, accordingly, increase productivity at times. When using hydroponic technology, the plants are grown on artificial media without soil - not in boxes with a soil, but in conventional plastic cups or PVC pipes with holes done in them. Nutrients they get from a humid-air environment that requires frequent or permanent drip watering Working solution of mineral salts. Due to the small volume of containers for growing plants, they can be placed not only at the bottom of the greenhouse, but also vertically, and on the walls, and even under the ceiling, which allows you to increase productivity even on a small area. All would be good if it were not for one "but": cultures grown on hydroponics do not have a characteristic taste and smell. They are almost tasteless, although they differ attractive external species. Even low price does not compensate for taste flavors. But, nevertheless, although this technology is not suitable for the summer time of the year (when the market in excess is present fresh greens Right "with a bed"), it is widely used to grow greens during the winter months. In the absence of an alternative, consolidations agree to buy fresh greens, even if her taste leaves much to be desired.

There are also "intermediate" technology of greenhouse growing of greenery, which involve simultaneous use of peat and ordinary soil and liquid fertilizers used on hydroponics. These technologies are three times more expensive than hydroponics, but the products grown with their help are not much different from the one that was grown in the open soil.

What material is the greenhouse for growing greenery? Currently, glass and polyethylene are most widely used. A glazed greenhouse costs more and at the construction stage, and with further operation, as the glass does not hold warmly. In addition, in hot and sunny days, glass does not hold and does not dissipate the light, which can lead to burns in plants. As a last resort, for the construction of the greenhouse, you can use the Kalenhe technique with a thickness of 6 mm. This material can be purchased at a price of 1000 rubles for raman meter. However, polyethylene is not optimal optionSince he, on the contrary, misses light. On cloudy days in such a greenhouse there will be not enough lighting, which adversely affects the plants. Yes, and the heating costs of film greenhouse will be considerable. There are better options that have recently conquered more and more popularity - metal structures with acrylic or polycarbonate coating. The greenhouse from these materials is more expensive than polyethylene. But it will last much longer, and its effectiveness will be higher.

Ready ideas for your business

The construction of the greenhouse is accounted for in the amount of 1500 rubles per 1 square meter. meter excluding additional equipment. At the same time, the greenhouse is 100 square meters. meters (relatively small greenhouse with dimensions, for example, 5 to 20 meters) gives about 80 sq. M. Meters of useful area. However, the area can be increased to 200 square meters. meters using a bunk rack system.

The greenhouse of a large area is recommended to break up 25 square meters. meters, which will make it easier to facilitate landings. Manufacturers in attempts to minimize the cost of greens do not pay much attention to the quality of the soil or its fertilizer. In the extremely, if the green "fad", it is sprinkled by urea, and when mold appears, they are treated by manganese.

Prospects and risks of "green" business

Although, in general, growing greenery for sale and is a promising and advantageous direction, but only under the observance of several conditions. In the first place there are production volumes - than they will be more, the better. And on the second (although this condition is no less important) - the presence of sales channels. Independently selling greens in the market or selling its dealers for a penny, we will not earn much. You can agree on deliveries with cafes and restaurants, but, first of all, their purchases are not so large. Secondly, you need to provide all documents on your products. And thirdly, it will be very difficult to achieve such agreements.

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Under the greens in Russian cuisine, dill, rooster, and green onions are most often meant. That is, these are those green herbs that are seasoning.

Despite the seeming simplicity of cultivation, these plants have their own characteristics that we will consider below.

Green growing. Selection of planting material, seeds

Parsley. Two-year-old plant. It has two types: root(cone-shaped root, thickened) and sheet (Slim root, curved). Each view has its own varieties. It has increased frost resistance (takes out to - 10 ° C). Vintage can be collected from early spring to late autumn. The necessary conditions for this are very simple. The landing is recommended to be carried out with a certain frequency, for example, every three weeks. To do this, in the prepared beds, we make grooves depth 1-2 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The first sprouts should appear from 9 to 15 days. For the winter parsley does not cover. The basics of care are simple enough: carry out watering greenery in the evening, Sleep when 1-2 leaves of the plant appear (the first time you need to leave a distance of 3 cm, in a couple of weeks we increase the distance to 10 cm), remove weeds and loose the soil. As for feeding, if you support the soil, you do not need any actions. And if something prevented you, then during the growing season, the parsley can be filled with nitrogen fertilizers.

Parsushki varieties, in fact, not so much. You can easily choose seeds for growing greenery to your liking and desire. The most popular: sugar, sheet, ordinary, curly.

Dill. Annually herbate plant. The necessary conditions for growing this greenery are similar to the conditions for parsley. Seeds can germinate at temperatures - 4 ° C. That is, in April, you can go landing seeds in open sad. If freezing is expected, then shoots must be covered with protective material. Green plants planted in autumn, you can cut two weeks earlier. Dill loves sunlight and constant watering, i.e. Wet soil. So that this plant does not turn into an ordinary weed, select a separate bed under it. Also, the peculiarities of the care include the breakdown of shoots, which reached about 6 cm in height. The final distance from each other should be approximately 20 cm.

Dill varieties are not much different from each other to taste and aroma. The main difference in maturation timing:

Early (mushroom, far, Aurora);

Midverterous forestry, bushy, abundant);

Love (Alligator, Kibray, Dill).

Green Luc. A biennial and perennial grassy plant of the family of bulbous. It is unpretentious to climatic conditions and is characterized by ease of care. Different grade of greenery is raised approximately equally with the same necessary conditions. For landings, take the bulb of medium or small size. Large It takes a lot of space and the feather rushes longer. It is possible to plant a bow in the open ground in autumn to frosts, or early spring. The place must be chosen solar and dry. Watering must be carried out regularly, not allowing soil drying. Before boarding, the bulbs are recommended to soak in warm water During the day and cut the top with them. It is believed that thanks to these unaccompanies, a faster of the onion for greens will be fastened and yield will increase. Most often onions plant so-called. A ribbon method, in which the bulbs are stacked at a distance of 2-5 cm from each other between the rows, located approximately at a distance of 10-20 cm.


But a bridge method can be used, in which the bulbs are fitted close to each other (by 1 m² - 10 kg of bow). If the landing goes in the winter, then it is recommended from above to pour humid or manure with a small layer, and it is removed in the spring and install a film frame on the bed. From October to April, it is recommended to grow onions on the greenhouse in the greenhouse, and from February to May - in the greenhouse. Ordinary mineral, organic or mixed fertilizers are recommended as feeding. No chemical preparations when you use a bow to the green to use. Collect the feather when it reaches a height of 24-42 cm.

Self famous species Luka is: Luk-Batun, Shnit, Slyzong, Shalot.

There are also general advice and rules applicable to all types and grades of greenery:

1) Greeting for planting greenery is best prepared from autumn. Put organic at the same time (for example, manure) and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, comprehensive fertilizers with potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, superphosphate can be added additionally with the content of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen (urea) or ammonia salt. It is recommended to sow in the wet soil into the grooves of a depth of 2 cm, the earth is not sprinkled strongly.

2) it is believed that autumn planting Ukropa gives a harvest much better than spring. The plant will be more sustainable and less susceptible to diseases.

3) for seeds there is one general rule: Before sowing, place them in 1% manganese solution and leave for 12 hours. It is necessary for disinfection and feeding necessary trace elements For growth. The percentage of germination will be much higher than dry seeds.

4) When choosing seeds, pay attention to the shelf life and manufacturer.

Green growing in greenhouse

If you want to exercise greens all year round, then without the greenhouse you can not do. Prerequisites that must be met is:

1) Land. Typical composition of the soil for greenhouses includes: different types of peat, conventional garden soil, composts of different composition, wood waste in the form of a crust, sawdust, fallen leaves, river sand and clay, manure (except for swine), bird litterStraw. The thickness of the soil cover is 25-30 cm. The landing can be carried out at any time in conventional methods intended for this culture.

2) Lighting. Additional lighting will extend the feeling of the daylight and give plants additional energy.

3) Watering. Ideally establish a drip irrigation system in the greenhouse.

4) Heat. The optimal temperature in the greenhouse should be + 18ºС.

For growing parsley in the greenhouse, use sprouted seeds. For this, the seating material for several days is kept on the folded half of the marvel at room temperature until the first sprouts appear. Prepared Seeds Squeeze into the ground with an interval of 5 cm and after well. Separate shoots. After the first cutting of the crop, you can carry out the soil with a solution of a cow. Next Care will be supported optimal temperature (+ 12ºС - + 18ºС), humidity (75%), backlighting and removing weeds. Collect the harvest can be 30 - 40 days after landing.


For landing of dill in a greenhouse, the varieties of the bush type should be selected. Previously need to soak them in water for 2 days. To the soil, Dill is not picky, but it is better to eat it by humus, and the feeder exercise every two months. It is also necessary to take into account that the thickness of the soil layer should be 50 cm, since the roots in the plant are long. It needs constant watering and an additional light source. Special requirements in care are the thinning of plant shoots. Collect the harvest of dill can be in 20-30 days.

The planting of the green onion in the heated tank can be carried out at any time of the year. To do this, the bulbs need to trim the tops (do not worry if the slice is too wide, with the growth of the obtained feathers are collected this incision). The soil must be good fertilized organic compounds. A good crop turns out when the onions plant in boxes filled with peat, humus or compost. When leaving the cultivation of greens, the following conditions must be observed: to regularly water and feed, ensure the temperature not higher than + 19 ° C. Additional lighting is also necessary, and the lamps should be located vertically, which will avoid the position of the pen. Vintage can be collected in 30 days.

Homemade Green Growing

The easiest and cheapest green garden is a vegetable garden. In terms of harvest and assortment, it is, of course, it is difficult to compare with usual, but at any time a living juicy greens is quite comfortable. We are accustomed that you can grow green onions on the windowsill, but few people know that it is also excellent to grow different greens - parsley, dill, etc. The greens grown on the windowsill, no less inferior in its qualities that grows on a garden bed.

This issue also exists its secrets and the necessary conditions:

1) Right choice Seeds: it should be eastern varietiessusceptible to adverse conditions;

2) Prepaiming training Seeds and soil. Believe that the selection and soaking of seeds are not a waste of time, but the condition of the success of your garden.

As for the soil, here you have two options:

Buy the finished mixture in the store (which is more convenient and easier);

Prepare yourself. Composition: humus, garden turbine land and complex mineral fertilizers (1st. L. On the bucket of the mixture). The bottom layer of the pot or boxes should be covered with clay or small pebbles. To obtain the green pen of the bulbs, plan the container, which is on a third filled with soil. Also, some lower them in the pallet, pouring water from time to time so that it closes the roots.

Tip: if you re-use the ground for landing, remove a little top layer and plug fresh soil with biohumus.

3) Proper technology and care. There are several factors here:

Drainage. Do not forget to put the pots or small pebbles on the bottom of your pots or boxes. This will not make water and avoid the death of the roots and the formation of mold.

Do not break the seeds into the soil, the depth of sowing should be no more than 2 cm.

Temperature mode. Place on the windowsill (or otherwise, where your neckor is located) the thermometer and control the required temperature. The room should be - 18-28 ° C Heat.

Avoid too bright sun and drafts.

Feeding and fertilizer. No matter how hard they try, but we cannot provide climatic conditions as in nature, we will not be able to. Therefore, here to revenue will come various kinds of additives. From such organic fertilizers like manure, you will have to refuse. For a balcony or windowsill, they are not suitable.

4) lighting. Plants better on the windowsill, located in the south-east. If there is no possibility to do this, additional lighting will come to the rescue. His drawback can be destructive for growing greenery.

5) Watering should be carried out as the plant drying. In the summer it will be carried out more often and abundant, in winter less often. Water use room temperature so as not to destroy plants.

Greens on the windowsill

Green Green For Sale

This idea refers to the category of promising and cost-effective. It does not require large cash investments, the demand for greens is stable, the yield is high, the growing period is small, attractive payback. But the spoon is flying here yet too. This is the sales market. This is your main task. Selling dealers for a penny - no sense. We must look for serious customers. You can offer your services to cafes, restaurants, shops, but here you will require documents. The opening of individual entrepreneurship is also associated with certain troubles and costs. Another option is to stand in the market itself. In any case, all expenses should be taken into account. If you sell surplus, do not count on special money incomes. Earn it only on large volumes of production. And if in your plans to grow greens for sale, then be sure to take into account the cost of heating lighting the greenhouse, without which you can not do. Now it is a very big cost article. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of renting land (in its implementation), building greenhouses, transportation costs, hired work (when used). If the above points are not frightened, and you are ready to establish contacts on the product market of products, then the "green" business will pay for your hopes.

For example, consider the leader of this business - green onions. The yield for one cut can be 1.5 kg with m². The ripening period is 30 days. The average annual retail price of a kilogram of greens is about 300 rubles per kg. The purchase price of bulbs on sowing will be about 10-20 rubles per kg. At the same time, we still do not take into account that boxes with bulbs can be put on racks, each other and there are still such a grade of the bow, which give a higher yield. Based on the numbers given, each itself may consider the cost and the estimated profitability of this type of business. Already consisted of businessmen talk about 100% profit, and in some cases even more.

The necessary conditions for growing greenery for business practically do not differ from the basic. Landing can be carried out all year round by the conveyor method for obtaining a continuous crop. Watering should be timely in order not to noine the soil. And in this you will have a substantial assistance system of drip irrigation, which you can do yourself. More thoroughly, it is necessary to carry out and feeding the plants, since the plant may be sick, can be infected with pests, soil is depleted over time. This all requires the use of special complex fertilizers. Care is the same as for these species of plants. Features are only assembly and transporting plants. After all, it is necessary to provide long storage Products, its transportation and, of course, there is a commodity view for sale without loss of quality and appearance.

Growing greens in winter

You can grow green in winter not only in the greenhouse, it can also be done at home. And these two ways have the same number of advantages and minuses. In the greenhouse, green onions, parsley and dill be profitably grown except for sale. Because the costs associated with lighting and heating are fairly high. But at home quite a small homemade garden can please you all winter. And it will significantly affect your finances, since the prices for the greens of the eye do not please. As for taste qualities, in winter frosts it is not easy to get a spicy fragrant greens, but it will still differ from frozen.

For winter landing special varieties are suitableSustainable to adverse conditions. Green onion grinding ground must contain organic fertilizersFor parsley and dill, quite ordinary soil. Growth period is 30 days. Parsley is resistant to cold, dill requires enough light. Watering and feeding plants are carried out as needed. Care is similar to this type of plant. Avoid cold and frozen windows and window sills, and you definitely fly the greenhouse.

Care, feeding

As with any other cultures, when growing greenery, it is necessary to care for it, creating all the necessary conditions. Weeding weeds, breaking shoots, soil looser, making feeding should be carried out regularly. Be careful from all kinds of feeders. After all, you do not need meter parsley and dill with a stalk thick in the finger. But the role of feeding in the care of plants will be performed canceled: it will not only have the soil with all the necessary macroelements, but also protects the plants from any kind of diseases.


  • Organic - which include natural components. These include: manure, peat, bird litter, compost, sawdust, bone flour. Used in a dry or diluted form, for example, for watering. If you do not help the soil in the fall, you can use such feeding: half ancara by 1 square meter. m sown square. Instead of humoring, you can take a borologist diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Mineral fertilizers that happen:

Simple, which includes one element (nitrogen, phosphorus);

Complex, which consist of two and more than components.

Methods and rules of application you can easily find on packages. The approximate ratio will be 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water.

Each time you cut parsley leaves, adopt it (for the season about 2 times). To do this, support the land plot with ammonium nitrate in the amount of 20-30 g per m².

  • Otherto which belong bacterial, biodenders, etc..

Green growing. Basic pests and ways to deal with them

Each country season we encounter a garden with pests and trying to fight with them.

Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot leafoblushka, carrot fly, muggy cloth, white spotty.

Dill can overcome omnivorous pests (larvae of the May beetle, caterpillars of cutting scoops, Medveda, etc.) or overhead parts (spider mites, cycards, threshing, bugs, etc.).

Green onions is constantly fighting with tool, onion flies, trips, stem worm.

Measures of struggle - common to these species. These may be kernels (Aktarin, Aktellik, Carbofos, Medveoks, etc.) or folk remedies (onion infusion, aloe solution, etc.). And it is better to carry out preventive measures.

Enjoy green beds, as they create an atmosphere of their own green Mirka, pleasing eye and warming soul.

When snow falls outside the window, and fluffy drifts are lying so nice to see fresh greens on the table! In addition, in winter, natural vitamins are especially needed by our organism. And the first assistant in the fight against cold or flu is green onions. Fitoncides highlighted onions disinfect the room, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It helps to cope with avitaminosis and spring fatigue, increase immunity and improve digestion. Green Luke Feathers will not only serve as a bright decoration of dishes, but also will have a beneficial effect on the body.

Although green onions can be bought in a supermarket and in winter and summer, it does not compare with its own windowsill. First, putting the green bow at home, you can nim the necessary number of feathers for cooking at any time, and secondly, you will be sure that the greens are grown without the use of any harmful substances and chemicals.

Putting the green bow at home, you can rush at anytime the required number of feathers for cooking

The cultivation of the bow at home may seem accessible to any child - stuck on the ground in the ground in a flower pot and watch the green feathers will appear. However, if you decide to seriously approach the case and assemble a rich harvest of not only greens, but also the bulbs themselves, it will be necessary to take into account a number of basic rules and nuances.

Video about growing green onions at home

Instruction how to grow green onions at home

It is possible to achieve in the winter of greenery from the bulbs by distilling out on the pen, that is, by the germination of the root plates themselves. For this is usually used onionwhich you have grown on your garden or bought in the store. Optimally fit multitious varieties (Timiryazevsky, Spassky, Streigunovskoy, Arzamas, Pogansky, Union). The bulbs should be approximately the same diameter - about 2 cm, not damaged and not sick.

Calibrated bulbs Place in the container with hot water (+40 degrees) and put on the battery of central heating per day. After wratching, you can remove the brown husk layer to make sure that the selected roots and remove the damaged layer, if it is found. Before boarding the bulbs, the top is cut on one and a half centimeters.

To achieve in the winter of greenery from the bulbs, it is possible by trampling on the pen

Prepare the ground in the container

To germinate onions at home, you can use any boxes, bowls, containers or depth of 7 cm. It is best to pack two containers so that you can grow green onions by the conveyor method - then you do not have to wait for the next portion of the onions feathers.

As a soil, an earth or substrate can be used: small grainzit, small gravel, sand. The substrate should be pre-rinsed with a hot concentrated heatman and running water. Fill the drawers with a soil by 3-4 cm if you have chosen the substrate, fill it with water so that it is 1 cm to cover the surface. Look into the ground prepared bulbs every two centimeters, holding them in a vertical position. It is not necessary to plunge onion too much, there should be only roots in the water, otherwise the bulbs rotate.

Further care for greens

Watering planted bulbs need to be warm water

The container is placed in a warm place, where the temperature does not fall below +25 degrees. When feathers will appear on the bulbs with a height of 1-2 cm, the box should be transferred to the windowsill. The windows that go to the south-west, south and south-east are ideal. If sunlight It is not enough, you can additionally highlight containers with fluorescent lamps. Only in the presence of sufficient lighting the green feathers of the onions will accumulate useful substances and get a rich taste.

Watering planted bulbs need to be warm water. Watch that the water constantly stayed at a level just below the substrate surface, and the soil did not drive.

The first green feathers should not be cut, otherwise the further growth of greenery will suspend. S cutting is made three weeks after landing, and it is better to first cut down extreme feathers, because it grows the pen from the middle. So that the greenery grew continuously, the interval between landings in different boxes Must be 10-12 days.

Green Luke Growing Video

Green onion growing in water

There is another popular way to grow onions at home without using the soil. The bulbs are processed, as described above, and firmly fit in a vertical position on a shallow pallet. Water poured into the pallet so that she closes the bulbs to a quarter. As the water level will decrease, it will be necessary to pour it again. Two weeks you will get fresh green feathers, ready to use.

In additional feeding, greens do not need all useful substances during growth it takes from bulbs. But to accelerate the rustling of feathers, it is possible to add water with solved wood ash (10 l 50 g).

All hostesses sooner or later begin to understand how good it would be always at hand a bunch of fresh greenery. Whether it is winter or summer, no matter. Greens on the windowsill all year - this is not a myth! To fulfill this desire, it is not at all necessary to have a magic wand, it will only be enough for a package of soil, seeds and patience.

What kind of greens can grow on the windowsill

Green Luc

it perfect option For the garden on the windowsill. The planting material can act as Luk-Sevon (small bulbs for seedlings) and onion ripe (already adult fruits).

The north is germinated longer, and the harvest from it is less. But the feather to taste is more pleasant and more tender. From repka in a week you can cut green beams. However, the north takes a much less deficit space on the windowsill.

Repka can be grown in two ways - in water and in the ground.

1. Growing in water.

This requires a small capacity with water. Robes carefully cut off the top and the bottom. The bulb put on top of the Don down in such a way that it is slightly concerned with water.
The minus of this method is that after some time the bulb begins to refine and distinguish the characteristic smell.

2. Growing in the soil.

In a small container, we fall asleep the soil and plant a repka or segue into it. Pour water and wait for the first green feathers.

At the bottom of the tank, it is possible to lay a pre-closed hydrogel in water. Thus, you will save the plant from drying out.


The cultivation of dill on the windowsill is not easy. And the dill on the windowsill in the winter will be able to not every hostess in winter, because during the cold period of the year, the seeds ride long and with great difficulty. The best option would be to buy the seedlings of the dill and land it into the pot.

But if you firmly decided to independently grow a fragrant plant from seeds, then you need to sit down steppe, learn in small portions in a month. So you can provide yourself with greens on the windowsill for all year round.

The seeds are best put in the ground to a depth of 1-2 cm. When shoots appear, you need to gently proper them, leaving between the sprouts of the gap of 2-3 cm. Also should also provide abundant irrigation. And if in the room is dry air, you must additionally spray greens, otherwise the leaves will be rude. Mineral fertilizers should be used as feeding.

Parsley from the seed germinates quite slowly, so you should be patient. The plant is light-minded, it is necessary to take into account when choosing a place for the placement of greenery. At the same time, the parsley calmly reacts to the temperature differences, and it feels comfortable on the cold windowsill. When watering a special relationship does not require.

To increase the likelihood of germination of seeds, you need to soak them for a day in water or a weak solution of manganese (about 0.2%). After that, to climb them into the gauze until white sprouts appear.

How to grow parsley on the windowsill in winter?

Since in the cold period there is a shortage of sunlight, the problem, how to grow parsley on the windowsill, is solved by choosing the most solar location of the future green bed. You can also eliminate the lack of light by leaping the plant with a special phytolampa.

Do not forget about feeding with mineral fertilizers.


This spicy plant loves fertile soil, but does not set special requirements for temperature. Therefore, with a responsible approach to the choice of soil and feeding the question, how to grow a cilantro on the windowsill can be considered closed.

The plant belongs to the category of early, so long to wait for the crop for a long time. However, it is worth paying particular attention to the watering - do not let the coriander (this is another plant name) to rehabilitate.

This is a sollide and unpretentious plant. After sowing the soil, pour it out and cover the food film until shoots appear.

Also, this greens can also be grown from a freshly cut stem. You need to put the stalk into the water and wait for the appearance of the roots. Then it must be planted into the ground.

What kind of greens can grow on the windowsill in winter

First of all, it is early ripening plants: Cress Salad, Coriander, Sheet mustard, as well as all beloved leek.

Green leaflets are a real breeding of vitamins. They will help to fill the shortage of nutrient and nutrients in the body, tired of winter avitaminosis. They also divert the homemade menu and will decorate any dish with its presence in a plate.

Helpful information

In order to have homemade greens on hand all year round, it is necessary about once a month to lean the beds with seeds, creating the so-called "green conveyor".

How to grow greens on the windowsill

Despite the fundamental differences in plants and their needs, there are rules that relate to all potential residents on your windowsill.
Lighting. Winter period is characterized by a lack of light, so plants need additional lighting. Special phytolambuses will help to fill the deficit. It is best to connect a timer to such a lamp - so the backlight will be turned on automatically for the required amount of time and you do not have to constantly monitor her.

Priming. To grow plants in winter, it will take such a landless, which contains fertilizers and is already cleared of garbage. Also on the bottom of the pot you need to lay a layer of drainage - it will save the roots from rotting and will not allow moisture to accumulate at the bottom of the box. Drainage can be bought in the store or use sweater means - brick battle, pebbles, led foam.

Seeds and seedlings. Necess to buy special seeds for growing at home is no need - the usual "garden" seeds feel great and on the windowsill. If you are a novice gardener, you can buy greens in containers instead of seeds, already with roots. You only need to transplant plants and care for them.

Also an excellent assistant rabbing is a hydrogel - a substance that contains nutrients and swells, absorbing water. The hydrogel is laid on the bottom of the flower pot in the swollen state. With the help of it, you will save your plants from drying out (the hydrogel will give its water) and from excess moisture (the substance will absorb surplus).

Soil is not the only environment for growing greenery. There is another one, rather, the non-traditional method.

Unusual method of growing greenery

We take a thin layer of sterile wool and lay it on the bottom of the tank. Washing boiled warm water (temperature 30-35 ̊С) and merge unnecessary. Sing and we close on top with glass or polyethylene container. We put sowing in a warm place. This creates a wet chamber with the most favorable conditions for germination of seeds.

The first shoots will delight you in 5-7 days.

Now you know what to care for the green bed on the windowsill is quite simple, it is enough to observe simple rules and adhere to the required plant watering mode. Then your mini-garden will delight you with delicious and useful harvest all year round!

Video »How to grow greens in your windowsill"