
Is it possible to tear the feathers at the bow. Tips for growing onions. How to grow a large family bow?

Onions, beets, carrots

Collect good harvest Luke is always very profitable. After all, this vegetable is used in conservation, salads, dishes. It is planted - a whole technology. But know how to remove the bow, no less important. After all, it is precisely from cleaning that the preservation of vegetable is depends to spring.

When it is worth stopping to irrigate

Before you start cleaning the bow, you need to carefully examine it. The vegetable has not needed watering from mid-July. Excessive moisture only harms him, especially during storage. Experienced dacnis And gardeners advise from July to cover a plot with a bow film. This approach will protect the vegetable from unnecessary rains. At the same time, it will be a good quality and will break enough for a long time.

They can also be combined with each other for efficient and maximum production and, therefore, to market with an excellent bow. Thus, a person is quite possible to dream of Luke, and a dream can have several values: from issues related to financial life, to emotional problems and sexuality. You will have difficulties in life, but you will succeed. Each type of sleep is important.

Dream that you peeling bow

When you drank onions in a dream, you instinctively try to understand what actions you should take to improve your life, giving it a new meaning. Do not let your problems solve other people: you are responsible for the path you need to take if you want to find happiness.

The question of how to remove the bow is very important. Everyone who wants to have a crop need to own the maximum information about its collection. From mid-July, it is advisable to cut the ground from the bulbs so that they can get sunny warm and warm.

Suitable weather for harvesting

If a person does not know when to remove the onions, he can skip the desired time. What will significantly reduce the storage period. Gardeners argue that it is bad to collect a bad harvest, and late - nothing good. Therefore, you need to know how and when to remove the onions. Do it stands at the end of July. The most suitable weather is hot and dry. If you are governed with the harvest period, the vegetable does not break for a long time.

When is it better to land onions?

Dreams with a croppedion show that the problems that you encountered for a long time are close to the solution. But it needs your help, you need to take responsibility for problems, whether family, sentimentality or business.

Dream that you see a lot of bow

When you see too much onions in a dream, it suggests that you live in a very happy period when you can try new enterprises or new relationships depending on what you are looking for. The truth is that your luck is in full speed, and during this period it is worth investing in it.

The main thing is to cover the growing onion from unnecessary moisture. Get to harvest better in the most recent days of July. When the bow is removed from the bed, it is not worth it to pull it. It is best to die with sharp forks or well-fulfilled so less likely that the Donets and scales will hurt. If the weather is warm and sunny, then the screaming onions is better left on the plot. He breaks up to the evening and carefully seek. But before the onset of darkness, the vegetable is to collect and carry it into a room that is well ventilated.

Dream that you eat onions

When you eat onions in a dream, it can mean two different things, and you need to know what the situation with which you are currently encountered. On the one hand, there is a bow in a dream - this is a sign that in the next period you will have a very active sex life. On the other hand, it may also mean that you are faced with the opposition in your professional life, but you should not worry, because no one can overcome your abilities.

Dream that you eat violet bow

In this case, pay close attention to your back: there is a person who is experiencing great sexual attractiveness to you. This may mean if you are alone, the beginning of a happy and bright life to two.

Dream that you see a bag with bow

If you just look at the bag with onions, fate prepares something new for you: what you waited for a long time will finally come to success.

Brush trim

It has long been the "method of ancestors". Our grandmothers never cut onion feathers. You need to wait until the vegetable is dry dry. Then all the feathers are tightly in the braid. It is so very convenient to store onions, it can be tied up and hang under the roof in the attic. Great saving place. Now you know how to remove the onions and how to prepare it for storage.

Dreaming about the onion plantation, seeing only the leaves

Green leaves are an excellent sign for the financial life of anyone. When you see only the green leaves of the onion plantation, you can be sure that you will have a big harvest in this area, which may be a confirmation of profits from investments or the result of what you planted in business. The truth is that your luck is on the rise.

However, if the leaves are dried and yellowed in a dream, the value is completely opposite. This is a terrible omen, indicating that you will pass the period of financial losses and losses. Briefly, dream means. You will pass periods when difficulties and joy will be alternate, you will have to persist if you saw onions in a dream. After the brief moment of trouble with finance, the dream, in which one eats onions, predicts significant benefits. If you cleared the bow in a dream, know that someone will very closely give you a lot of joy.

Nowadays, many girlfriends feathers cut off. Their length leaves from ten to fifteen centimeters. To the very bulW of the trim, it is impossible to cut the feathers, as the pathogens various diseases Will be able to get inside the vegetable and spoil it. Accordingly, he will not be able to be kept for a long time. The place where the bow will have a certain time to dry, should be well ventilated. Vegetables that have thick tubes, it is better to use before. They will not lay long.

Using the bow to make some food or just cook onions, you should not get involved in the shadow business. Maintenance of raw or cooked bow is a warning to stay away from false friends. If you just felt the smell of onions in a dream, do not worry, everything will be enlightened in love, congratulations.

Do you know how uncomfortable irritation in our eyes when we cut it? Most people eventually burst more than usual, peeling and grinding onion, to such an extent that if someone goes into the kitchen and sees a person in this way, they will think that they are experiencing a very bad time. The truth is that it really annoys the feeling that, since it is not an emotional moment, a lot of crying can cause a certain despair.

Preparation for the collection

To determine when and how to remove the bow, you need to calculate the term of its maturity. The date of landing is worth adding from seventy to eighty days. Here you still need to take into account the climate of the region. If a summer time Roast and dry, then the ripening period will be less. If rainy and cool, then quite the opposite. Before harvesting, you should pay attention to appearance Luke. If the stalks are blond to the ground, the feathers are yellow, then it is time to dig it.

Why is the bow bow forces us?

When we cut onions, it produces a substance called an alinase, which causes the ejection of the irritant molecule, called propantyol, which causes irritation and eye break. This molecule is a sulfoned essential oil, which is easily picked up with the nose and annoys. Breathing propantyol, his irritating action causes an uncomfortable breaking and burning in the eyes, that in some cases it is so bad that we need to leave the kitchen to recover.

As we know that you are part of this great percentage of people who cry when they need to handle onions, today we want to share the best tricks so that you can learn how to cut them without breaking. These tricks are based on preventing and reducing flutter emissions and at the same time capable of minimizing its consequences.

It is necessary to clean the vegetable, as already noted above, in warm weather. But know only when you need to clean the bow, little. It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to prepare for cleaning. If the stalks of the plant did not fall on Earth, then they need to help. This is done in order to in root system No useful substances.

Drying culture

When the onions are removed from the soil, then it is impossible to tap them about a solid surface. It is best to remove the Earth with your hands. Onions are very sensitive to damage, especially mechanical. Therefore, it is impossible to pull it out for the tops. It is necessary to dig a vegetable and carefully remove from the soil.

The best tricks to cut the bow, not crying

The first recommended trick is to wash it with a sheet before you start cutting onions. This trick also prevents the "jams" of strong onion smells on your board. If you are thinking about cropping onions when cooking recipes, try to put a knife in the freezer for about 15 minutes before you start cutting and use it must have good knifeTo cut down onions. Excellent trick that brings nice results- cut the bow with the hood. Another good option is to reduce the onion in a place with a stream of air, since in this way we produce acids that are released onions that are the cause of the break. Good option It is the introduction of a bow into the freezer for at least one hour before cutting it. Cooling is used to prevent burns. When you cut onions, place the knife in cold water or vinegar several times. Be sure to use a knife without teeth, because they cause more enzymes in each context, which cause burning and tears, and, in addition, it takes more time to cut water can help dispel gas that highlights onions. To do this, it is best to fill the container with water and put it next to the place where it will cut down onions. Put boiling water next to the place where it cuts onions so that steam dispel released gases. You can use the sun's glasses or diving during cutting. This trick will prevent tears and burning, and you can cut the bow without any problems. In fact, there are glasses intended for onion cutting. Another trick that can work is to first cut onions on big pieces, and then put it in boiling for a few minutes, and then cut. If none of these tricks work, you may think about replacing regular onions. green bow Or even if they do not break the same.

  • Then you can cut it calmly and avoid eye irritation.
  • He must have a smooth and very sharp blade.
Onions we like it or not, but on the whole onions it is better to eat.

Then the onions should be decomposed on a flat surface. The bulbs should lie in one direction, and feathers to another. Vegetable need to spread in one layer, rows. Within two weeks, the onions should be dried in the sun. The term can be shortened, for this it costs the harvest to turn daily. The sun is an excellent disinfecting agent.

Onions, favorite nutritionist

Therefore, if you like organic gardening, quickly name the bow. That is why they love this bow. Scientists and nutritionists tell us: We can eat onions in all its forms: raw, with salt, in a salad. Onions are good raw, but not shown for those who have problems with the stomach. Prepared, this is a stimulator of the digestive system with "clean" virtues, which also has a calming effect on heartbeat.

It acts positively on insomnia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and has a prophylactic effect on some types of cancer. This is an agent rich in vitamins, which allows you to effectively deal with Qing. The bow contributes to the secretion of sweat and the elimination of toxins, which is positive in the event of an infectious disease.

Hands can be determined, a vegetable is well dried well. During violating, the rustle must be heard. It is worth considering that it is also impossible to cut onions. Otherwise, he cracks, scales separated. As a result, very little time will be stored. The flashes of the bow should be cut off a sharp knife for the most donyshko. But it is necessary to do it very carefully, in order not to damage the bulb.

Luke cutting in winter in a greenhouse and at home

Onions are also well helminths: cut the onions and put it in a glass of red wine for one to two days, then blast the decoction, swallowing an empty stomach every morning. Moreover, due to its antibiotic and mercolytic properties, it has a positive effect on the prevention of respiratory infections. Thanks to the active substance Glucochinin, which reduces blood sugar levels and makes the leek antidiabetic food.

Bow is an effective antibiotic in case of skin infections.

The use of crushed bow contributes to healing wounds and burns. Applied, raw, on the skin onions is also removed in the case of insect bite or spider. The bow is a good skin cleansing and sometimes it is recommended to treat young leather affected by earies, both with external use and regular consumption.

How to assemble culture in the period of rain and out of wet soil

Sometimes the soil on whom is grown is very wet or too nitrous. Then one drying will be enough for successful storage. Infectious diseases of vegetable may develop, such as cervical rot or mildew.

The vegetable must be dried at least twice. At a temperature of 40 degrees, it needs to withstand about 8 hours. You can also trigger onions with a small powder. After all the procedures performed, the vegetable, grown on wet earth, is fully ready for long storage. If you fulfill all the above actions, the juicy and tasty bow will fly to the earliest spring.

Finally, the bow is diuretic; It revives blood and makes it easier for blood circulation that helps prevent thrombosis. When you were told that the bow was mandatory! This is a universal grass consumed in all regions of the world. There are several varieties, some of which are particularly rich in antioxidants. Onion is part of the Great Family of Alliev and, like garlic, is explained certain useful properties for good health.

Active principles and properties

Several studies have shown that the high level of consumption of vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer and other chronic diseases. More specifically, studies show that the consumption of vegetables from the Ally family family can have a protective effect against the cancer of the stomach and intestines 3, 4. To date, data is not enough to communicate with other types of cancer.

There are cases that at the end of July there are protracted rains. Vegetable need to be cleaned, and the weather is not suitable at all. Then the bow should be digging out of a wet land. It needs to be well rinsed and clean from husks, roots and tops. Then lay onions in one row in a well-ventilated room for three weeks. After this period, a young scaly will appear at the vegetable. Culture collected in bad weather will also be stored very well. The main thing is to fulfill all the actions.

Some epidemiological studies indicate the relationship between the bows and the frequency reduction different species Cancer. 5. First, a summary of research on cases conducted in Italy and Switzerland identifies that consumption from one to seven portions of Luke per week reduces the risk of developing colon cancer, larynx and ovarian. In addition, there is a lower risk of developing esophageal cancer, oral cavity and a seven portions and a more onion per week 6. The same trends are observed with brain cancer 7, stomach and esophagus 8.


Another of interests of all girodnikov is a question - when to remove the onion repka? Basically, these deadlines fall at the beginning of autumn (September). You need to have time to collect harvest before the first frosts. Purifying onion repka is then when the feathers of the vegetable will yellow and fall on the ground.

The bulbs are dried in the sun, while they regularly turn them with wooden robbles. If there is dry weather on the street, then the vegetable can be left in the open air. If it rains, it is better to build a canopy. Often, the ropes are used as a planting material. Then the roots do not cut. In front of the winter storage, it is necessary to dry out a vegetable for two weeks at a temperature of 30 degrees.

In which month they collect onions-north

Also let's find out when to clean the bow-north? Of course, the dates of collection depend on the date of disembarking, weather and climate of the region.

By the end of August, the green leaves of Luke-Sevork begin to dry and acquire yellow. The neck of the vegetable becomes fine and soft. If such signs are visible, then it's time to dig it. When to remove the bow-north, everyone should know each garden. To delay the harvest is impossible, because the plant can start letting go new roots.

The bulbs are better not to pull out of the soil, it is previously necessary to pose their forks or acute shovel. Share a vegetable on the bed and leave to succeed. At night, remove into a well-ventilated room. There, Luk-Sevork should be closed for about ten days.

For long-term winter storage it is worth performing all the recommendations described above. Then the table will always be delicious and useful onions!

When growing onions, it is impossible to shoot or cut off the pen, otherwise you will not get to grow a big bulb. This happens because all plants are primarily laying in the leaves nutrientsAs in the storage room, and then use this stock for building bulbs, fruits, rooteploods, and so on. Therefore, when you take a pen, then you make the onions re-enjoy it to replenish your storage room. In this case, the layer laying is naturally postponed.

To grow greenery, a bow should be raised separately from the sevka, or cut off the pen in perennial bows that do not form bulbs.

Quite often, garlic and onions begin to whiten the tips of the leaves. This phenomenon has several reasons:

The cleaning of the bow is better to carry out in a dry, sunny morning. Before you transfer the bow on the dryer into a dry ventilated room, you first need to give him a few hours to lie on the bed right in the sun. The pen can be tied in loose bundles and hang up roots. Crop the roots need when the onions dried, and this should be done without affecting the bottom. Excess her husk should be sewn.

Dried greens can braid into the braid and hang onions in dry room For winter storage. You can cut the greens, and bow to fold into the bags of fabric and hang around the battery for storage.

When storing the bow, the temperature is very important. If you store onions in the apartment, it should not be below 20 ° C, and if in the storage - about 4 ° C. If the storage temperature is 12 - 18 ° C, then the bow will start laying the floral arrows and all will go into color.

If the bow taking place in rainy weather, then immediately after tooling the bow, it is necessary to rinse, clean completely from the husks and the pen, to cut the roots, and decompose in a dry ventilated room for drying in one row.

After 2-3 weeks, the bare bulbs will again dress in one layer in a new golden shirt. Such a bow will be well stored in a simple box on kitchen cabinet. In addition, he will be pure and without excess husks.

No diseases, no pests such bulbs without husk do not have. By the way, this technique can be applied not only in rainy weather, but also in any other.

In this case, the bulbs with a thick, inconspicuous neck will be very clearly visible. Such bulbs need to be rejected immediately using for blanks or for food.