
How to choose an exhaust to the kitchen: advice of professionals and useful recommendations. How to choose a kitchen hood: Basics of home coat

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In order for in the kitchen, it was comfortable to cook dishes, and then eating food, you should take care of high-quality ventilation of the room. Our apartments provide common ventilation channels that are partly saved position, but are usually not effective enough. And then it is possible to "invite" a hood to the rescue - a special device that will forcefully remove the polluted air out of the room.

How to check what is needed

You can do one way:

  1. Lower a burning match to the vent hole, look at the flame. If it is deflected towards the ventilation channel, it means that the thrust is present, although it is impossible to just judge its level on its level.
  2. Applied to the opening a regular A4 paper sheet. If it lipnets, it means that the air out of the room is pulled out quite effectively. Otherwise, the need for extractor is very high.

Select the device

For what criteria you can make a choice:

  • external data;
  • dimensions;
  • the form;
  • principle of operation;
  • performance.

Perhaps the most valuable is just the last parameter. After all, it determines the effectiveness of the output of polluted air from the kitchen. And then the question arises, how to determine the necessary performance so that the process is as productive as possible, and staying in the room is most comfortable.

About productivity

To find out what device performance requires, it should be determined minimum powerwho must have a device.

Performance is calculated, without contact with the air vent. This parameter can be found in the instructions for the device, where it is indicated by the FB parameter, which means Free Blow.

In general, productivity is considered to be adjusted to the installation of the air ventilation of a particular section and length. As a result, the data are obtained that are closest to real indicators. This option is determined by the IEC 61591 standard. With this method of determining performance, the indicator turns out slightly lower than when FB. It should be noted that mainly manufacturers indicate both indicator instructions.

In some cases, performance data in recycling mode is also given. This data is even lower. After all, the performance is reduced due to the passage of air filters, overcoming barriers.

Performance is determined in cubic meters per hour.

Section of ventilation channels

In most cases, for calculating the power (performance), it is proposed to calculate the volume of the room and multiply it to the desired coefficient. As we found out, this figure may be somewhat inaccurate. This is confirmed by feedback.

Therefore, let's try to make power calculation, given the section of the ventilation channels. In most of our apartments, the diameter of the channel 140 mm is used or a square cross section 130x130 mm. Through such an air vent will be able to pass up to 400 m 3 / h. Of course, this is the perfect indicator. But there are still irregularities of the canal, bends and other obstacles that worsen the permeability.

If the extractor will work in circulation mode, the calculation can be performed based on the volume of the room. The calculation formula may have this kind:

where P is the desired productivity of the exhaust device, M 3 / h; K1 is a permanent coefficient that determines the desired amount of air change cycles per unit of time - in one hour, most often taken equal to 12; K2 is a reserve coefficient that takes into account the number of floors of the building, the resistance of the ventilation channel, contamination, and so on, is taken equal to 1.3; S - Kitchen Square; H is the height of the ceilings.

Now consider different variants calculations, given the difference in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen: 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 square meters. m. - the most common options we have. By default, the ceiling height is accepted 2.7 meters.

  • 6 sq.m. - In this case, this calculation is carried out: 12x1,3x6x2.7 \u003d 252.72 m 3 / h;
  • 9 square meters. m. - the formula will be of this type: 12x1,3x9x2.7 \u003d 379.08 m 3 / h;
  • 10 square meters m. - Productivity will be: 12x1.3x10x2.7 \u003d 421.20 m 3 / h;
  • 11 sq. M. m. - the calculation will turn out: 12x1,3x11x2.7 \u003d 463.32 m 3 / h;
  • 12 sq. M. m. - Calculate the greatest indicator: 12x1,3x12x2.7 \u003d 505.44 m 3 / h.

As you can see, the most economical option is obtained in the smallest kitchen - 6 square meters. m. But it is unlikely that this fact can be envied, if you imagine how you have to be sophisticated by residents, using such a tiny room as a kitchen.

Other options

Of course, the calculations of power (performance) are approximate. Ideally calculate such an indicator as performance, a rather complicated event requiring engineering knowledge and practice. Therefore, we focus on the recommendations, reviews and formulas. This will be enough to choose a good and efficient hood. The main thing is to remember that the resulting indicator is the recommended minimum value of possible power for these conditions.

If the quadrature or height of the kitchen ceilings differs from the above examples, you must insert your data in the formula. And then the result will be relevant.

No air purifier is difficult to imagine modern kitchen. The smell of the prepared food, stuffing, dirty raid on the ceiling, walls and furniture, unfavorable climate in the house - all this has long been in the past thanks to the invention of this indispensable assistant. Before answering the question, how to choose a hood? It is necessary to deal with what hoods are, consider their types and functional features.

Why are the draws so necessary?

Very much depends on the air condition: from the taste of dishes that are prepared or stored in the room, to the well-being of family members. With insufficient air ventilation, dizziness may occur, and unpleasant smells spoil the mood and worsen appetite, that's why it is necessary to clean the air. Rooming the premises weakly saves from the smell of Gary directly in work zoneSo, to improve the climate in the house, it will be better to capture odors immediately above the stove. To perform this task and need a hood in any kitchen. Especially needed and important with a gas stove, she catches carbon monoxidewhich stand out when burning.

When we choose a hood, I want it to be effective, quiet, not very expensive, stylishly looked in the interior, demanded a simple installation, reliably improved the home climate. How to choose a hood for a kitchen and how to find out what exactly you need - is determined in many of the parameters that we will list in this article.

Do I need an extract in the kitchen with an electric stove

Many purchasing an electric stove are wondering if the extract is needed? Frequently frequent misconception of exhausting exhaust when using electrical or induction plate. Indeed, electric stoves do not distinguish the carbon monoxide as gas, these are their main plus. But the smells when cooking on an electric stove are the same as the presence of Gary with frying dishes. The smell of food throughout the apartment is not the most pleasant moment. Therefore, with confidence I am responsible - to choose an exhaust for the electric stove, it is also necessary to approach, if you had a gas stove.

Types of exhaust devices

In form you can allocate next species Holds to the kitchen: flat suspension, embedded and dome.


The most common view is suspended. Such devices are cheaper than other models, their installation is not difficult and does not require the participation of a specialist. Such a device is located above the cooking surface, and the locker can also be placed above it, since the flat model does not require installation under the ventilation channel. Air cleaners of this type sometimes look at the interior, however, the classic elements and notes will be supported at the competent selection. modern design. The flat model is equipped with replaceable filters that are better changed for efficient work.


The embedded technique is installed in a special closet and practically imperceptible, only the exhaust surface itself is visible outside. These are equipped with an air duct included in the ventilation channel: it is behind the cabinet doors. Many embedded models are equipped with retractable panelwhich allows you to increase the working surface of the device, in the folded form of the size is narrow. These aggregates have a low noise, a concise design that allows you to remain invisible in the interior of both retro and modern.


Dome exhaust devices - the most fashionable and interesting option. There are designer models that will take a central place in kitchen interior. They resemble a fireplace chimney: a thick canal and dome, so perfectly fit into classic styles or retro. These air purifiers are most diverse in terms of design. White, Black or Color, Glass, Metal or Wooden, Retro or High-Tech - Modern designer ideas allow you to choose the perfect device that will respond to the most demanding taste. Exhaust devices such a retro design are popular in country houses.

Sometimes they relate to dome, and sometimes there are separate types of kitchen hinders, like an island air cleaner and a hood with glass.


Located in the middle of the room, attached to the ceiling above the stove. Such interesting installation is used in the interior, where the work area is made in the form of an island. It is especially interesting to the round shape, the surface can be both flat and bending. Such types of devices are suitable for premises in the retrodisane in the style of culinary television shows.

With glass

Hood with glass (modern) is designed to perform not only its basic function, but also serves as a design element in the interior. In such devices, it is especially interesting to illumination, especially if the hood with a glass is not easy transparent, and white, black or, for example, smoky. Glass types of hoods are not suitable for retro interior, as they look like a super.

Air purification mode

On the principle of operation, air purifiers are three types:

  1. flowing;
  2. recycling;
  3. combined.

Frames are called kitchen hoods with connected to ventilation (air duct). The air is captured by the impeller of the fan and is immediately displayed through the canal from the room. According to this principle, we have familiar old classic variants in retro style. Flowing types of devices make less noise than recycling.

Hoods in the kitchen with an air duct although more efficiently recycling, but have one serious disadvantage: complex installation. Plus, it is not always possible to break through the technological hole for, the ventilation channel may be absent or being on too much distance.

Most of the modern hoods in the kitchen with the air duct work in the combined mode (tap circulation), can be tested under the ventilation channel, and you can use autonomously. They are also equipped with an ARS system reacting to the smell of Gary. Thanks to this system, the air cleaner turns on automatically by the sensor signal, which allows you to better capture even the slightest odors.


Productivity is one of important parametersshowing how much air the unit "pumps" per unit time. The more kitchen dimensions - the more performance should be. In order to determine what productivity to choose for your kitchen to improve the climate as much as possible, calculate the size of the room, multiplying it in the area, and then multiply the resulting number to 12. But even for a small kitchen, it is better to choose a model with a capacity of not lower than 350 cubic meters / hour. The most common performance at modern air cleaners: 702, 851 and 1020 cubic meters / hour.

Control Panel

Exhaust devices differ in the control method. The following types can be distinguished:

  • button (convex buttons),
  • sensory (flat unwanted buttons),
  • slider (mechanical horizontal switch),
  • remote (using the console).

It is difficult to say which types of hoods in the kitchen on management is better - the choice is determined only by your preferences and common style in the technique and interior: the slider or push-button panel will fit better in retroch, and in modern - sensory. However, it is worth noting that the sliders and buttons are stronger than contaminants and are more complicated, which cannot be said about their more modern counterparts.

Connecting to communications

Correctly implement the installation of the cleaner is the key to its quality work. To connect the instrument with the ventilation system, you should use short nozzles. The greater the amount of knees has a ventilation channel, the lower the performance of the device (each bend reduces this figure by 5%).

It is better to choose a duct channel with smooth walls and a large diameter. Corrugated hoses, despite their convenient installation, significantly reduce performance.


The choice of the size of the exhaust depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe gas or electric stove, the size should be no less (and better - more), narrow devices cannot fully fulfill their functions. Standard dimensionswhich are most often on sale - 45, 60 and 90 cm. In height, the air cleaner is placed depending on the type of cooking surface. Air purification requires all cooking surfaces without exception - from the old Soviet retro plate to modern electrical or induction panel. Over the gas stove, the level on which the air cleaner is installed is not higher than 80 cm, and above the electrical one can be below - in the region of 70 cm.

Noise level

Noise level - one of important indicators When choosing any home appliance. No matter how effectively he coped with his task, excess noise will cause discomfort, cause irritation and even provoke headache. The ideal model should be quite powerful, but at the same time quiet, do not create extra noise to effectively clean the air without causing the inconvenience to the owners. Specialists advise you to choose a hood with noise level no higher than 50 dB. The lower the manufacturer declares the noise level - the better, it will be correct to make a choice in favor of minimal noise.

Corps material

Choice qualitative material The housing of the hood is sufficiently important. Inexpensive exhaust devices are made of enamel. Polished stainless steel looks much more solid, but it affects the price of such devices. In addition, steel more arrived in care, it sticks out more to it, and it is impossible to clean with abrasive drugs - scratches will remain. Hood with glass is made of tempered glass, resistant to damage and temperatures, it closes the ventilation channel, protects it from contamination. However, a glass surface, especially white, needs almost daily cleaning, otherwise divorces and spots will spoil all appearance. In order to properly care for such a surface, household chemicals need to clean the brass.


Lighting over the stove is never superfluous, so modern air cleaners are equipped with backlight. It can be a halogen, fluorescent lamp or incandescent lamp. Most often, light sources are located in the long part of the device. In the new models there is a rotary lamp, with which you can focus the light stream in the desired area and change its intensity. The hood with glass is usually equipped with a large number of lamps and can even replace a full chandelier. With insufficient lighting, you can choose this type of exhaust.

Additional functions

  1. "Interval inclusion" - the exhaust device is periodically turned on after a certain period of time, this function is needed to ensure the permanent arrival of fresh air.
  2. "Residual move" - \u200b\u200bafter turning off the device, the fan will work in a quiet mode for 5-15 minutes to perfect air purification and getting rid of the smells remaining on the stove after cooking.

For reading required ~ 4 minutes

Modern kitchen is difficult to imagine without hood. Duchot, smell of cooked food, unfavorable climate in the house, dirty collapse on furniture, walls and ceiling - all this has long been left in the past of the invention of such an indispensable assistant. Before you answer the question of how to choose kitchen hoodYou need to understand what they happen, consider their functional features, views and only then choose. Tips from professionals in this article.

Why are kitchen hoods over a gas stove?

It depends quite a lot from the air condition: from the well-being of family members, to the taste of dishes that are stored or prepared in the room. Unpleasant odors The appetite worsen and spoil the mood, and due to poor air ventilation, dizziness may appear, which is why it is necessary to clean the air.

Carrying in the kitchen does not significantly save from the smell of Gary in the work area, because to improve the microclimate in the house, smells need to be eliminated directly above the stove. To perform this task you need to know which extract to choose for the kitchen.

If you want to choose a hood for the kitchen, then you want it to be quiet, effective, stylishly looked in the interior, was not very expensive, reliably improved the home microclimate, demanded a simple installation. How to determine which specifically you need to? It depends on the set of parameters that we describe in this article.

Does the extractor need in the kitchen with an electric stove?

Most people buying a electric stove often ask if you need to choose a hood for it? There is a misconception about its incompatibility when installing induction or electrical tiles. Electric stoves do not highlight carbon monoxide - this is their main plus. But when cooking on it, the smells are exactly the same as the presence of Gary with frying dishes. The smell of food throughout the house is not a very pleasant moment. Because confidently can be said that the choice of drawing into the kitchen with electric stove It is necessary to approach the same way as if you had a gas stove.

Varieties of hoods and their right choice

You can classify such varieties in shape: dome, embedded and flat suspended.


The most popular appearance is suspended. These devices are cheaper than all other models, their installation does not constitute big difficulties and will not require the participation of professionals. This equipment is put on a cooking surface, and the locker can still be installed on top of it, since the flat model does not require installation clearly under the ventilation channel.

The air cleaners of this type in the interior may look cumbersome, but right choice, on the contrary, emphasize the notes of modern design or classic elements. The flat model is equipped with replaceable filters that are better to replace in a timely manner for efficient operation.


Embedded equipment is mounted in a special cabinet and almost imperceptibly. Outside, you can see only directly exhaust surface. They are equipped with an air duct that enters the ventilation channel: it is located outside the door of the cabinet.

Most of the built-in products are equipped with a retractable panel, which makes it possible to increase the working surface of the device. These models have a small level of noise, an attractive design, which is immeasured both in the modern interior and in retro.


Extract data is the most interesting and trendy option. There are design models that in the kitchen interior will occupy the main place. The devices resemble the chimney of the fireplace: dome and thick canal. They perfectly fit in retro style or classics. In terms of design, these air cleaners are most diverse. Color, Black or White, Glass, Wooden or Metal, High Tech or Retro Hood - Modern design solutions make it possible to choose the perfect device that will respond to the most demanding taste. Retrodizain exhaust systems are quite popular in private homes.

In some cases, they are related to dome, and some separately identify such species as with glass and an island air cleaner.

  • Island. Installed in the center of the room, fasten over the stove to the ceiling. This original installation is used in the interior in which the working part is made as an island. The root form is most interesting - its surface can be both with a bend and flat. These types of products are suitable for kitchens in retrodisane in the spirit of culinary television shows.
  • With glass. This model is designed to solve not only its main task, but is a design element. In these devices, the backlight looks most interesting, especially when the hood with glass is not just transparent, but black, white or, for example, smoky. Glass varieties are not suitable for retrodism, as they look at the maintenance.

Air purification mode

By way of work, air cleaners can be three types:

  • recycling;
  • flowing;
  • combined.

The flow rate is called an exhaust with an air duct (connected to ventilation). The air begins to be captured by the impeller of the fan and immediately out of the room output via the channel. According to this principle, there are familiar classic old models in retro style. Flowing varieties of devices make less noise, in contrast to recycling.

Kitchen hoods with an air duct although efficient recycling, however, have one significant minus: a complex installation. At the same time, it is not always possible to make a technological hole for their installation, the ventilation channel may be too much distance or missing.

Many modern models Can work in combination mode (circulation - removal), you can use autonomously, and you can bring under ventilation. At the same time, they are equipped with an ARS system that reacts to the smell of Gary. Due to this system, the air cleaner is automatically turned on by a sensor signal, it makes it possible to capture even minor smells.

Parameters and performance

This is another one of the important parameters, which shows how the amount of air the device can "pump" per unit of time. Than the size of the kitchen is more, the higher is the performance.

To find out what productivity it is necessary to choose specifically for your kitchen, you need to calculate the volume of the room, by changing it with the height of the area, and multiply the resulting digit to 12. But even for small kitchen It is desirable to select products with a capacity of at least 300 cubic meters / hour. The most popular productivity of modern exhaust systems: 1000, 850 and 700 cubic meters / hour.

Control Panel

Hoods differ in the method of control. These types can be noted:

  • sensory (unwanted flat buttons);
  • button (convex buttons);
  • remote (using the remote);
  • slider (horizontal mechanical switcher).

It is difficult to determine what kind of variety management is better - the choice will be determined by only your preferences and the common interior of technology in design: in modern style The key or slider will fit the key or slider, and in retro - sensory. But it should be noted that the buttons and sliders are complex to be cleaned and are stronger exposed to pollution, which cannot be said about their more modern counterparts.

Connecting to communications

Clean the cleaning of the cleaner is a guarantee of its quality work. To connect the device to the ventilation system, short nozzles need to be used. The larger the knee has a ventilation channel, the worse the performance of the device (one bending reduces this indicator by 4-6%).

It is desirable to select the duct channel with a large diameter and smooth walls. Corrugated hoses, despite their convenient installation, significantly reduce performance.

How to choose in size

The size of the size will depend on the dimensions of the plate: the size must be no less (and preferably - more), the narrow devices will not fully be able to perform their work. Standard sizes, which, as a rule, are on sale - 900, 600 and 450 mm.

The air cleaner in height is set to the type of cooking surface. All cooking surfaces without exception require air purification - from Soviet old retro plates to induction or modern electric panel. The level of the gas stove, which is put on the air purifier, is at least 85 cm, and over the electric can be installed within 65 cm.

Noise level

It is also one of the important indicators when choosing any domestic instrument. As far as effective, he coped with his task, excess noise causes discomfort to the owners, causes irritation and can even provoke migraine.

The ideal model is obliged to be quite powerful, but at the same time quiet, do not create excessive noise, so as not to cause our owners of inconvenience. Professionals are advised to acquire a hood with noise level no more than 60 dB. The smaller the manufacturer declares the noise threshold - the better.

Material of manufacture

The choice of high-quality material for the case is sufficient. Budget exhaust systems are made from enamel. Stainless polished steel looks more solid, but this is reflected in the cost of devices. At the same time, the steel is more in the care of pick up, it sticks to it stronger, and it is impossible to clean with abrasive compositions - scratches will appear.

The glass extract made from tempered glass, which is resistant to temperatures and damage, closes the ventilation channel, protecting it from contamination. But the surface of the glass needs almost daily cleaning, otherwise the stains and divorces will spoil the whole look. In order to properly care for this surface, household means for cleansing windows are needed.


There will never be superfluous lighting over the stove, because modern kitchen hoods are equipped with backlight. It can be an incandescent lamp, a fluorescent or halogen lamp. As a rule, light sources are mounted in the long part of the device.

In modern models, you can find a rotary lamp, using it you can focus the flow of light in the necessary part and change its intensity. The exhaust system with glass is usually equipped with a significant number of lamps and can replace the chandelier in the kitchen.

Additional functions

In addition to the main function, modern models have additional. Correctly pick up good devicewhich is equipped with them. As a rule, there may be two additional functions: residual move and interval inclusion.

  • Residual move - after turning off the device, the fan will work in a quiet mode for 10-20 minutes for best Cleaning Air and getting rid of smells that stayed on the stove after cooking.
  • Interval inclusion - the extractor is turned on periodically after a certain period of time. This function is required to constantly provide the influx of fresh air.

Hood is a necessary device in the kitchen. It makes it possible not only to enjoy the fresh and clean air, but also protects interior decoration and furniture from premature wear. Pick up correctly, even the budget model can create comfortable conditions in the kitchen.

First, let's figure it out why you need a hood in the kitchen and is it necessary at all? This device performs two important features:

  • Protects furniture, walls, ceiling and textiles from the appearance of a fat tail and soot;
  • Displays and cleanses air from smoke, smells, combustion, evaporation products, and other impurities for health, resulting from during cooking on the stove.

By the way, the air in the kitchen during heat treatment Products becomes the most dirty in the house. Therefore, if you often cook, your kitchen is not the smallest and / or you use gas stove and column, then without kitchen drawing, you can not do.

Do you need an extract in the kitchen? Our answer - yes, it really needs if you cook regularly, use the gas stove, as well as if your kitchen has more than 10 square meters Square or combined with living room / hallway

However, in order for the extractor to really benefit, and not idle without a case, it needs to be chosen correctly: in terms of performance, mode of operation, the size of the umbrella and design. To understand all the nuances of the Election Kitchen Extraction will help you with our 8-step guide with photos in the interior.

Step 1. Determine with the type of exhaust

First of all, it is necessary to decide: the flow or circulation extract you need.

  • The flow hood is connected to the ventkane at home and removes the exhaust air into it. Flowing models May not only fully (!) Display the spent air in the removal mode, but also work in circulation mode and run into the room fresh air from the street. If your kitchen has the ability to connect an exhaust to a vent. The building is worth doing, especially if the kitchen is not small or combined.

Flowing extractor in the kitchen interior

  • The circulation extractor does not connect to the ventkala and works only in recycling mode - it passes polluted air through the filters, and then the purified air turns into the room again. This type of exhaust is less efficient, in many respects its performance depends on the quality of filters, so they need to change / clean them in a timely manner (let's talk about the filters just below). But the circulating cuts out when it is not possible to connect the hood to the ventshach. For example, if the table is the island with a stove is installed too far from Ventkanal, and you don't want to pull the air duct across the kitchen.

Circulation extractor in the kitchen interior

And the circulation hoods are cheaper than flowing, so if you want to save and your kitchen is small, the circulation extract is quite suitable.

Now let's talk a little about filters.

  • Filters of kitchen hoods are divided into two categories: coal and grease. Circulating devices are equipped with coal filters, and flowing - grease. The first detain particles of fat, soot, smoke, evaporation. They are involved in any mode of drawing, can be disposable or reusable.

Step 2. We decide which device we need - built-in, suspended or dome?

  1. Suspended hoods (from 2300 rubles) Always only circulating, compact and most inexpensive. Most often they are attached under kitchen Cabinetchick over a stove or installed to the wall.

An example of a suspended device type

  1. The dome hood is a construction of an umbrella and pipe and resembles a chimney fireplace (because they are often called fireplace). Such models always require connecting to the air duct and cost more, but they look good. And, as a rule, have greater performance. If you often cook, your plate / kitchen is big and you want the extract to decorate the interior, the fireplace model is what you need.

Dome hood in the interior of classic cuisine

  1. Built-in hoods are embedded in the cabinet over the stove either in the decorative dome and connect to the air duct. They are good because they are simply not visible, besides, due to lack decorative finishBuilt-in models are cheaper than dome.
  • In addition to stationary embedded hoods, there are telescopic (retractable) models that, if necessary, can be increased to the sizes of the plate.

Like the dome and the built-in hood can be angular as in the photo below ...

... or island. Island hoods attach to the ceiling above the stove in the island table, they are beautiful on all sides. In this category, the hoods can be found both circulating devices and flowing, operating on air removal. Another feature of island hoods - some models can be lowered to the stove only if necessary (such extracts are called mobile).

Step 3. We clarify the dimensions of the plate and hood

The main principle of choosing an exhaust size is simple: the width of the umbrella must match the width of the plate or be greater than (but no less!).

  • For this reason, the most chassis devices are hoods of 50 cm wide, 60 cm and 90 cm.

For very large plates, you can choose a hood of 120 cm wide or 100 cm, though their choice is not too large.

  • The depth can be from 30 to 50 cm. This parameter is not so important, but still it is better to choose the device so that its visor does not strongly spoke on the slab, otherwise you can hit it.

If you choose the fireplace hood, the value of the device has the value. After all, it indicates how the maximum permissible distance between the lower surface of the umbrella and the ventilation hole it allows. Some hoods have a height of 1.5 m, and other - only 1 meter.

  • By the way, important information: The exhaust must be installed at least 60 centimeters from the stove.

Step 4. Calculate optimal performance

It is time to talk about the most important criteria for choosing kitchen exhaust - about performance.

  • The drawing performance is an indicator of the maximum amount of air that is able to catch the device per hour of work. The productivity of the weaker kitchen hood can be 150 m 3 / hour, and the most powerful - 2500 m 3 / hour.

How powerful should be your extractor, depends on the size of the kitchen (including the size of the attached rooms, if any).

To learn the minimum device performance, spend the following calculations:

  1. Multiply the kitchen area at the height of the walls;
  2. Then the resulting product multiply by 12 (this is the rate of air exchange per hour according to the SES);
  3. Finally, this value multiply to the coefficient of 1.5 or 1.7 (for the electrical cooking surface) or 2 (in case you have a gas stove);
  4. Now that you learned required minimum Hood performance for your kitchen, add another 10% for each bending of the duct and for each meter of its length (starting from Ventcanal to the exhaust), as well as 10% in case of emergency - the need to remove smoke, breath odor or, let's say, fish.

Step 5. Pay attention to the noise level

Want to cook with relative silence? Choose an extract with noise level up to 45 decibels. True, there are quiet extracts more expensive, and sometimes their silence is achieved by reducing the engine power.

  • What exhaust is better - with one super power motor or with two slightly less powerful? The second option is preferable, since it allows the exhaust to work not too loudly and at the same time quite efficiently.
  • Cheap hoods are always noisy. Models with noise levels More than 50 dB can noise almost as loud and annoying as hair dryer or vacuum cleaner.

Step 6. Select the control type

Different hoods have different controls: push-button, sensory, electronic (with the ability to remote control) or slider (see photo).

  • In our opinion, it is worth a preference to the instrument with the backlit control panel - it is much easier to maintain cleanly than the protruding buttons, and it's upgrown "stick" in fat.

Step 7. We deal with additional features

  • Almost all hoods are equipped with lamps. This simple addition often cuts off during cooking, so in the store it makes sense to test the backlight on the ease of inclusion and replace the lamp. Ideally, the light bulbs should be LED - they are safe, do not burn off for a long time, do not heat up and easily utilize.

  • Depending on the "troubleshooting" you can see the models with 1-2 air intake speeds and even from 10. In our opinion, overpays for the abundance of speeds there is no greater point, 3-4 modes will be enough for most non-professional culinary culinary.
  • Also, modern hoods are almost always equipped with a timer or a residual move button, which makes it possible to synchronize it with a stove.
  • By buying a hood, you should make sure that it has a protective shutdown sensors and a sensor resembling that it is time to replace / clean the fat filter.
  • Some manufacturers (for example, Siemens) are embedded even the TVs.

Step 8. Plan a drawing design

If you decide to purchase a built-in or suspended model, then the need to choose the design disappears by itself. But when choosing an exhaust device of the fireplace type, the appearance of the case plays great importance. Here are some tips that help you:

  • For classic and "Rustic" interiors It is worth choosing built-in invisible exhaust or dome retro or country dome instruments. Carving, artificially aged trim, inserts from brass or antique silver - all this will be very appropriate in traditional kitchens. The benefit of the retro style models today are presented on the market by almost all manufacturers. By the way, the standard extract can be closed with a decorative dome.

Extraction in retro style in the kitchen interior

  • For modern interiors More suitable laconic design devices with clear or rounded shapes. It is possible, color and print, with glossy, matte or chrome trim. The main thing is that their size and form are not to the detriment of the functionality of the technique, as often happens in practice.
  • So, for example, we advise you to abandon popular inclined extracts As in the photo below. Due to the inclination of the case, such devices become ineffective, although it looks great, it takes a little space, easy to use and do not give high users by chance to hit the head of the visor.

Another unsuccessful example of the choice of exhaust - this "cylinder" is too small for the plates with 4 burners.

  • The color of the hood is safer than to choose the tone of the facades, walls or apron.
  • It is easiest to take care of metal hoods, as well as for the devices of a light shade, for example, metallic or white.
  • The most difficult in care - this is an exhaust dark flowers With a glossy surface as in the photo below.

On black hoods dust, fingerprints, divorces and stains becomes doubly noticeable

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