
Numerology Angels: The numbers on the clock carry important information. To see often the same and mirror digits and numbers of time on the clock: the value of the coincidence of numbers in numerology, sign

All about the lawn

Each of us looks at the clock and often observes the coincidence of numbers on the dial. You can explain the value of such matches using numerology.

Thanks to numerology, it is possible to learn the main features of the character of a person, his fate and inclination. With the help of a specific combination of numbers, you can even attract wealth, love and good luck. So what do these coincidences mean on the clock, and are they random?

The value of the coinciding numbers

Repeating figures often carry a message warning and warning person. They can sliver a lot of luck, which should not be missed, or warn that it should be carefully watching things to work thoughtfully to avoid mistakes and misses. Special attention should be paid to the combinations found on Tuesday and Thursday. These days are considered to be the most truthful in relation to the commercial devices, random coincidences and other mystical manifestations.

Units. These figures warn that a person is too much looked at his own opinion, does not want to pay attention to other interpretations of affairs or events, which prevents it from covering the whole picture of what is happening.

Two. These coincidences are forced to pay attention to personal relationships, try to understand and take the current situation and make compromises to keep harmony in a pair.

Troika.If the person in the eyes rushes these numbers on the clock, he should think about his life, the goals set and, possibly, to rethink his way to achieve success.

Four.The combination of numbers draws attention to health, possible problems with it. Also, these figures indicate that in life it's time to change something and revise its values.

Five. See these numbers - to be warned that soon you need to be careful and calmer. Risky and rapid acts should be postponed.

Six. The combination of these numbers calls for responsibility and honesty is not so much with others as well with themselves.

Seven. Figures denoting success are often found on the path of a person who correctly chose the goal and will soon work out all the planned. Also these numbers are talking about a favorable time for self-knowledge and identifying themselves with the outside world.

Eight.The figures warn that in responsible affairs it is necessary to urgently make a decision, otherwise success will pass by the party.

Nine. If the clock constantly shows you this combination, it means that you need to make an effort to eliminate the unpleasant situation until it provoked the appearance of a black strip in your life.

The value of the same combinations

00:00 - These figures are responsible for desire. You will arrive in a short time, if you do not pursue mercenary goals and do not act to the detriment of the people around you.

01:01 - Units in aggregate with zeros mean pleasant news from the opposite sex, familiar with you.

01:10 - The case or the task you started fail. It requires a revision or refusal from it, otherwise the failure awaits you.

01:11 - This combination promises good prospects in the intended matter. Its implementation will bring you only positive emotions and material stability. These figures also mean success in collective labor.

02:02 - Twos and zeros promise entertainment and invitations to entertainment activities, including a hike in a restaurant or cafe on a date.

02:20 - This combination warns that you should reconsider your attitude towards loved ones, make a compromise and be softer in your criticism and judgments.

02:22 - You are waiting for an interesting and fascinating investigation, the mystery, which, thanks to your efforts, will be apparent.

03:03 - Troika promise new relationships, romantic connections and adventures with a person of the opposite sex.

03:30 - This combination means disappointment in a man to which you are experiencing sympathy. Be careful and do not trust him with your secrets and plans.

04:04 "Four call for consideration of a problem with other perspectives: an extraordinary approach is required for its prosperous solution.

04:40 - This position of numbers on the clock warns that it is necessary to count only on its strength: good luck is not on your side, be alert.

04:44 - Be careful when communicating with the superior guide. Your correct behavior and weighted solutions will be removed from production errors and discontent chief.

05:05 - Five in this combination warn about the ill-wishers that are waiting for your miss.

05:50 - These values \u200b\u200bpromise trouble and possible pain when handling fire. Be careful to avoid burns.

05:55 - You are waiting for a meeting with a person who will help solve your problem. Listen carefully to his rational opinion.

06:06 - Six in such a combination are a wonderful day and good luck in love.

07:07 - Semens warn on possible troubles with the law enforcement.

08:08 - Such a combination promises a quick increase, the occupation of the desired post and recognition of you as an excellent specialist.

09:09 - Carefully watch your finances. The probability of losing a large amount of money is great.

10:01 - This value warns about the soon acquaintance with the people of power. If you need their support, it is worth being aleaching.

10:10 - Dozens mean changes in life. Good or not - depends on you and your strategy of behavior.

11:11 - Units indicate a detrimental habit or dependence on which it is necessary to get rid of the problems and complications began.

12:12 - These figures are promising harmonious love relationships, rapid development of events and pleasant surprises from the second half.

12:21 - You are waiting for a pleasant meeting with a long-time friend.

20:02 - Your emotional background is unstable and requires adjustment. There are quarrels with close and native people.

20:20 - These values \u200b\u200bwarn about the brewing scandal in the family. You need to take measures to avoid this incident.

21:12 - This value promises the ambulance news about the appearance of a new family member.

21:21 - A repeated number 21 speaks about an emergency meeting with a person who will offer you a serious personal relationship.

22:22 - You are waiting for a pleasant meeting and relaxed communication with friends and like-minded people.

23:23 - This combination warns against envious and ill-wishers who invaded your life. Review your attitude to a new acquaintance and do not talk about your plans.

Each person would like to receive an omnation from his guardian angel. Angelic Numerology is a phenomenon at which higher forces are trying to establish a connection with a person. With the help of magic numbers, for example, the coincidence of numbers on the clock, they inform us about what should happen in our lives, or are trying to warn about something.

Who is Dorin Verce

Dorin Verche (Doreen Virtue) is a philosopher practitioner. She specializes in spirituality and human psychology. For their work, a scientist on personal and professional experience had the opportunity to communicate with children with super supporting, the so-called young Svetonians.

What is angelic numerology

Messages of higher forces are a kind of prediction for a person encrypted in numbers. Every day we are faced with any digital combinations, it can be:

  • numbers on cars;
  • time on the clock;
  • numbering of houses or offices;
  • coinciding birthdays;
  • numbers on tickets in public transport and much more.
  • All this can carry hidden information that is able to change your future.

    Dorin Verche in many of his editions is divided with readers experience, as with the help of numbers angels communicate with people by passing them important messages. The easiest and most famous way is the matching numbers on the clock. But to recognize the secret sign is still not enough. The essence is to properly decipher it.

    Video: Numerology of angels in the interpretation of Maxim Fedorova

    As the messages of angels show themselves and what they designate

    The most "strong" combinations consist of three identical numbers. Noticed such a number on the house or in the check that you were issued after purchase? Find out what angels want to tell you!


    Three units are a sign that calls to react quickly. Seeing such a number, it is necessary to concentrately, without panic to build a plan of its actions. It is important not to be confused and bring the case to the final phase.

    With the help of such a combination, the angel tries to wake up your vigilance, warning about any danger or calling to focus and start acting in an unpredictable situation in time.


    A combination of three bobbies means you need to be careful in making decisions. Depending on your actions and words, a certain chain of events can turn around that will affect all your further life. It is important to show mind and resourcefulness to prevent a sad outcome of the situation.


    Three three acts as a reminder that the ascended lords look after your destiny - the age-old keepers of historical events began time. They have a powerful impact on the spiritual development of people. For centuries, their words flew from the mouth of different thinkers. Whatever thought came to your mind, she immediately launches the mechanism of its implementation. Everything is predetermined and practically not to be editing.

    Three troops mean that our life has a powerful influence of higher forces


    Three fourths are a symbol of people who have lost themselves, the goal in life and come down from the planned path. The number personifies those who are stuck in gray irreversible weekdays in full solitude. Such a keeper angel sign calls not to fall in spirit, because you are not alone, there are your loved ones and friends who need you, love and wait for the meeting. Gather with the Spirit, you will be fine.


    Combination of three tops means that you will need all your excerpt in solving important affairs. Nothing superresident is not planned, it will not be difficult for you to repeat the path that has already led you to victories.

    If suddenly, something you did not expect, it is not worth worrying because of this. Take it as proper - and you will again be at the height.


    Mystical and frightening three sisters perform a warning from your guardian angel. You risk stupid and fall from the height of your numerous victories. Do not seek to get everything now and immediately. In an effort to something without regard, you will not achieve anything and stay with anything. Do not chase that you are not particularly needed. Consider your gust of ambitions. Appreciate what you have, keep it tight and try not to lose.

    The triple repetition of the seisters in many are associated with the devil sign. But numerologists explain this number easier. In combination 666, the energy of the physical nature of humanity is encrypted.


    Three seven stuff striking success. Even if in the near future you did not plan anything grand, large changes will occur in your life. Nearby there is a person who cares about you and seeks to please your person every minute. Trust him your destiny, and you will never regret it.

    Develop, move only forward. On your path on all crossars, only green light burns. Boldly open up new horizons, believe in myself - and everything that you would have conceived, will be on your shoulder.

    Three seven foreshadow success in everything


    Three eights represent a symbol to pay attention to infrequently. The thing is that it appears when a person has everything excellent. However, do not forget that life is fleeting. Think about the conquest of new peaks, building new plans, self-improvement. All this will bring you extra pleasure.

    Dream, act, reaches, do not look back for the past. Before you are opening new opportunities, do not miss them.


    Nine in Numerology Dorin Verche has a special meaning, as it is the figure of angels. This is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty and selflessness, but at the same time - the burden entrusted to the human shoulders responsible for the life of a large number of people.

    The combination of three nine carries a deep meaning. This is a sign of change, the symbol of the past and who has come, that he never stops his existence - life. It began to foreshadow tremendous work and planned progress towards an end, and so - in a circle from the beginning of time.


    Noticing a combination of three zeros, a person must realize that he is always under the supervision of the Most High, and his fate is in the mighty hands of the creator. The presence of higher strength can be noticed in every thought, in every word, a act. The Creator knows all of your story from the very birth and makes it overwhelming you from falling.

    Catch it - to take the wisdom of all the universe. You have to be a messenger for those who need help, to be faithful to their word and people who at least once in their lives made you good.

    What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock say

    Sometimes, looking at the clock, we notice interesting combinations of numbers. Such numbers can be perceived as amusing coincidences, but Dorin Verche claims that with their help angels are trying to tell us important information.

    The most famous way to identify messages from angels - from time to time to look at the clock

    Same numbers

    00:00 - the outcome of your activity in which you have invested a lot of strength and time, now pleases you and brings fruit. You have reached the vertices, achieved that what a large part of life was stubbornly. Slow down and look back, remember why it all started. Rate your achievements.

    11:11 - If you have seen such a combination of numbers on the clock at the time of the complication of a complex solution, proceed as it was considered earlier.

    22:22 - You put the maximum effort so that the conceived began to be implemented. Now you can rest, the process is running.

    Video: What does it mean if you see the same numbers on the clock

    Repeating numbers

    If the time on the clock consists not from four identical numbers, and from two duplicate numbers, such a sign can also be important. Especially if you see this combination is not the first time. Check with the meaning of the message on the table, you may be able to understand something extremely important for yourself.

    Table: The value of repeated numbers on the clock

    Mirror numbers as sentigations of higher forces

    Figures may not just repeat. Messages from angels are sometimes encrypted in the so-called mirror numbers. These are digital combinations that seemed to be the original combined with their reflection. They have no less meaning than standard repetition of characters.

    Table: The value of mirror numbers on the clock

    Other successful combinations of numbers in esoteric

    If you constantly come across the eyes of a combination of numbers that are not repeated and are not mirror numbers, you still have to pay attention to them. Especially if you see them everywhere: on car rooms, apartments, etc.

    Combinations with unity

    Combinations of units and twists (12, 21, 112, 211) carry information that the desires that you made earlier are already starting to come true. Do not leave your faith, do not fall in spirit - and success for you will immediately come.

    In numbers 1 and 7, the highest strengths encrypted for you the words of encouraging for your desire and striking perseverance. You are on the right track and will soon achieve your goal. Do not skimp on the words of gratitude to your guardian angel. It is worth paying attention to the details so as not to miss anything.

    The numbers in which 1 and 8 are present are amerene from diseases. Review your old things, free the place for new ones. Pleasant changes will occur in your life, even if you do not actively take part in this. If the circumstances have driven you to a dead end, and you do not see the problem solving options, do not worry. It will be time for favorable changes, and any situations will be solvable.

    Combinations with unit and seven mean that you will soon achieve my goal

    With double

    Combinations from numbers 2 and 3 will provide you with successful and complete positive emotions. Life. If in this period of matters is sad, do not be discouraged. The universe hears your desires. They are destined to come true very soon.

    Message from angels in numbers containing 2 and 5 attracts good luck. You will achieve much faster if focused on the positive side of any event. Be confident in yourself and your actions - and the result will not make yourself wait a long time.

    With triple

    Encrypted message in numbers 3 and 6 promises you support for the universe in self-realization. You are on the way to the long-awaited goal. Everything will be aimed at ensuring that your intentions are soon implemented. But provided that you will share the acquired knowledge with other people.

    The numbers that contain figures 3 and 7 mean that you move in the right direction. The universe encourages your actions with all sorts of gifts that can be used to implement the conceived.

    The combination of the triple and seven is a sign that you are moving in the right direction.

    With fourth

    The numbers from numbers 4 and 5 play an important role in your fate. The universe responded to your call, and soon there will be positive changes in your life, which will make things in order.

    In combinations of numbers 4 and 7, your angel will send you your encouragement for your correct actions. Higher forces will support any endeavors, directing to the right path.

    With a five

    If you often see combination with numbers 5 and 6, you can wait for pleasant surprises from the universe, including in the material plan. Soon you will be pleased with a sudden cash profit.

    Messages hidden in numbers 5 and 7 mean an omnant of positive changes in fate. You will have the opportunity to gain important knowledge, develop spiritual or physical skills. Do not slow down turnover, strive for self-improvement - and soon you will overtake success.

    With Sistor

    Often notice the numbers containing 6 and7? So you get praise from your guardian angel. Strive for your goals, you are on the right track. Develop, get new knowledge, use them in practice - you will soon be able to realize your desires.

    Figures 6 and 8 inform you that soon you will get a lot of benefit from the sale of things unnecessary to you. You will be offered an excellent price for them. If you are going to make any large purchase, do not rush to do it. In the near future, you should get rid of old things, otherwise the favorable outcome of the transaction is not guaranteed.

    With seven

    Messages encrypted by angels in numbers that contain figures 7 and 8 foreshadow favorable changes in your life. If you have unresolved questions that you constantly postponed in a long box, it's time to get them from there. The time to solve them came.

    The omen in numbers 7 and 0 suggest that the angels approve of your actions, keep it up! Just do not miss the opportunity to help people who need your help.

    Zeros and seven standing together symbolize that the highest strengths support you

    Eight and nine

    Combinations of numbers 8 and 9 report that in your life there will be unplanned coincidences. Perhaps they will not be especially happy. But the unexpected situations contribute to your self-improvement. Do not be upset, everything that is done, goes for you. Keep calm, the highest strengths protect you from trouble.

    Messages from numbers 8 and 0 mean that your desires will soon come true. The guardian angel contributes to this. And if in the near future it will not happen at all what you have conceived, you should not despair. So, a favorable moment has not yet come. Is it too disturbing? Ask for the highest strength so that they put you with a sufficient reserve of patience not to retreat and wait for the fulfillment of the dreams.

    Angelic Numerology allows you to see in, it would seem, the random coincidence of numbers are important messages from the higher forces. Listen to them and, perhaps, you can avoid danger or achieve dizzying success.

    We often see the same numbers, repeating words and signs. What is it? We just pursue some number? Mystics consider otherwise. Time on the clock is not accidentally striking. This is a message from angels. They do not seek to change our lives, but only give answers to the most intimate questions. What to do with this information - to solve only you. Follow the council of the clock or smell your hand. Try.

    Tips come often, it is worth only to apply for advice. You can completely change your life, get a new chance and predict important events of your life.

    The messages of angels often warn about the danger that threatens to man. After following the Council, you can not only save your position, but also life. Angels themselves elected such a way to transfer information. Your wristwatch, phone, computer will become real translators from the language of heaven. Decoding messages are ready, you can only read them. Time on the clock will tell you when you have happiness and wealth.

    Numerology angels

    Numerology of angels - science of mystics. It hidden important tips. One of the simplest manifestations of angels in our life is time. It flows, changes, but one and the same hour comes again every day. Why exactly time did Angels chose to conversate with us? There are many versions, but one of them gets a documentary confirmation. In the 15th century in England, the classes of mystics, numerology, astrology was very popular. Many were fond of the secrets of the universe only in a joke. For others, these sciences became the goal of life.

    English Mystic John Di seriously treated the effect of the world of perfume, angels unknown to our life. For many years he devoted research. His house was known, because Di spent spiritic sessions, predicted the future on the lines of his hand, told people amazing stories about meetings with spirits. It was increasingly captured the magic numbers. John Di himself describes his meeting with an angel as the most unusual about life. He just came to him at night, deciding to discover the enlightened person some secrets of the universe.

    The conversation with the angel was difficult, because he spoke in a special language - Enichansky. Angel tried to clarify his rules to John Di, but it turned out to be an unbearable task. Then, he suggested that he transmit messages in the form of numbers, numbers, combinations. For many years, mystic systematized the knowledge gained from the angel. Now he offered people more often to pay attention to the clock - this is an affordable source of information about the future. Many frankly laughed at him, while others began to notice the accuracy of such predictions.

    It is time that gave tips. With the advent of electronic hours, it became much easier, because they are more accurate. Years passed, but the numerology of angels is not forgotten, she gained widespread. No need to calculate anything, it is not a classic numerology that tells about a person. This is a special collection of rules for receiving signals from heaven.

    Tips from heaven

    When these numbers appear on the clock, it is worth paying attention to them. Of course, we are talking about what you see several times in a row. For example, sitting at work, a few days in a row see the same numbers on the clock. It is necessary to look at the list of messages from the angels, perhaps the number of something yes it means. The clock can give both a long and short prediction for this day. Rather, everything yourself will understand when you read the interpretation. Numerology Angels talks about trifles or important events, but it is always good tips that can seriously help you.

    Angels' messages are better not to ignore

    An hour and minute chosen not by chance. All of them are a numeric code that carries a certain load. Angels work with energy, they cannot send you a simple message by mail or even say it personally. You just do not understand them. Numerology Angels - Mystical Science. Same numbers, repeating characters. All this can be advice or caution. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to pay attention to such tips. And in vain, often they help you cope with a difficult life situation.

    How to properly decipher the message

    Simple tips appear suddenly.

    • 00.00 Do you want very much? Your desire is heard, it will come true soon.
    • 01.01 - Will good news from a good friend.
    • 01.10 - Now the important question is solved. New thing is better not to start.
    • 01.11 - the success of this day is 100%. You can take any offer, you will win.
    • 02.02 - wait a sudden, but a pleasant meeting with my beloved.
    • 02.20 - Do not leave the house. The enemies decided to harm you.
    • 02.22 - Mystery should remain a secret, do not give out other people's secrets.
    • 03.03 - Look love? Look around, she is very close to you.
    • 03.30 - fell in love not in that person, we think well.
    • 03.33 - The period of sadness will soon be replaced by a good time.
    • 04.04 - A stranger will give you a good advice.
    • 04.14 - Today be misfortune, more closely.
    • 04.40 - Dangerous day, just stay at home.
    • 04.44 - Difficulties at work will be held in 3 days.
    • 05.05 - The enemies thought evil against you.
    • 05.50 - Do not burn fire today, be sure to burn.
    • 05.55 - The old man will tell you something important, make sure that he suggested.
    • 06.06 - Today, meet a new friend. This is an important person in your life.
    • 07.07 - You will help you who see for the first time.
    • 08.08 - At work you noticed, now everything will be fine.
    • 09.09 - Today there is a chance of a major monetary loss.
    • 10.01 - The most important person in your life will come today from the East.
    • 10.10 - Make your life. Choose yourself how it happens.
    • 11.01 - awe's long-standing health problem will be aggravated.
    • 11.11 - The closest friend can renounce you.
    • 11.21 - Your difficulties are temporary.
    • 12.12 - just a good period, last 5 days.
    • 12.21 - Girlfriend pulls you out of sorrow.
    • 13.13 - Enemies plot you revenge.
    • 13.31 - Only a dream tells how to overcome difficulties.
    • 14.11 - Be sure to go to the doctor in the next 7 days. It will save you life.
    • 14.14 - Love will appear suddenly.
    • 14.41 - If married / married, then wait for a quarrel with your spouse.
    • 15.15 - Everything around today is right.
    • 15.51 - a mining friend will appear in your life, appreciate it.
    • 16.16 - You need to go on a trip with a good friend.
    • 17.17 - There is a chance to lose jewels.
    • 18.18 - Today we walk on foot, car threatens an accident.
    • 19.19 - Changes lead us only for the better.
    • 20.02 - You can dismiss. Do not kill the authorities tomorrow.
    • 20.20 - with the best friend for the next 3 years we will break out.
    • 21.11 - Good day.
    • 21.12 - Sign signs. They will help you come out of the crisis.
    • 21.21 - You will find a sexual adventure.
    • 22.22 - An unnecessary relationship is shown. Release them without fear.
    • 23.23 - you will find money on the road.
    • 23.32 - If you manage people, then wait for troubles.

    The same numbers on the clock are a fairly common phenomenon that people often do not pay attention to

    Repeating numbers

    Another way to transfer information is the same numbers. You probably noticed them, but how not to notice, they are striking. Car number in front of you, or Cabinet number, page, ticket. All this may contain three or four identical numbers.

    • 111 - with the emergence of this number in your life, a new process will begin. It is not stopped, the prerequisites were for a long time. Most likely, this is a joyful time for you, because this event was very waiting. No one says that it will pass easily or quickly, on all the will of heaven. Wait, very soon will come a cherished hour.
    • 222 - the same twos warns you. The process is started, everything is going on. It is impossible to interrupt the movement now, otherwise you risk each other from this plan forever. Be calm, this is the Board of Angels. They are watching you if you need - send a new signal.
    • 333 - from numbers of messages, three three - the most static. Do not do anything, just rest, watch from the side. You could not remake something in this situation, somehow interfere with it. Every time, and now has come to become a passive observer.
    • 444 - How not to twist, and your fate is happy. For you look after the highest strength. Stand firmly on legs, this is not the most interesting, but stable condition. Numerology Angelov advises you to wait. Time for adventure will come, but for now - the normal course of life.
    • 555 - Half of the path passed. Three five mean that everything is according to plan. Rather, approach the final stage of the work, the process, events. Your hour has almost come. For now, collect forces, information, check the data. This is very good for you.
    • 666 - Your problem is that the material takes power over spiritual. You work a lot over the process, do everything yourself. Thoughts about making profits, material values \u200b\u200bfully captured. This is a bad sign. Happiness will come to your house only if you find harmony in yourself. The value of the number 666 is not at all bad. This is only a reminder. Money and glory will not bring happiness if you have some kind of love, do not care about com.
    • 777 - On the one hand, a good sign. Three sevenbies carry sudden happiness. On the other hand, do not give in simplicity. For angels, this is a way to give you a message - happiness is not eternal, success is replaced by loss. Be vigilant, do not rely only on fate. You need to do something yourself.
    • 888 is the final stage of the path. The hour of obtaining results is getting closer. The same eights suggest that the last effort remains to be applied to obtain results. Close of harvest. You will be able to see what they achieved for the whole process. Something new will burst into your life. Now it can be more difficult, because the final is close. Be careful, everything will be fine, the angels are watching you.
    • 999 - In the number 999 a special role. It shows you that the moment has come to get the result. If all the ways were held, tips from angels, then your life and work approved by heaven. You are mission on your shoulders. It can be a large-scale or anyone not yet known. Man with 999 always makes something useful for humanity. He sent to the ground specifically to spend his process from beginning to end.

    You will have time, but do not waste it in vain on reflections

    Strengthening Warnings

    For example, saw the number "555", and in a few days already "5555", or even "55555". What does it mean? In such numbers, an important message is hidden, which will significantly affect the course of the events of your life. This is a boost of warning. You received the first time a message, but ignored it. Its action is measured in days, clock, weekly or you need to act instantly. Or do not act at all.

    Three numbers

    Standard watch warning, message. It comes for the first time.

    Four numbers

    Strengthening Messages. It is important to start reacting, or lose the ability to change anything. Crossroads of your destiny is getting closer. Numerology angels - science is not accurate. Messages break through to you all possible ways. As time on the clock, page in the book, room number, phone number.

    Five numbers

    Critical moment. You have only one chance to follow the proposed path. If the Council tells you "do nothing", but do not listen - alas, the moment is lost. It is very important to understand here - an hour will come, you want to or not. A man who took the message will be prepared. knows what to do. The one who ignored the warning is brutally disappointed in consequences.

    In order for your home well-being, you do not need to do something special. You do not need magic, rituals or sacrifices. Especially, it concerns black magic, which will rather destroy your usual life than it will make better. But the numbers may well bear good. Numerology helps to accurately calculate the events, tell you about the upcoming day. The main thing is to pay attention to the little things.

    Angelic Numerology, this is the messages. Everyone gets them without exception, the angels respond to everyone. Your task is only - to be able to read correctly and on time, understand, make a decision. It all depends only on you - a person has a free will to make decisions regarding his life. Turn right or left? Angelov tips take or not, but they exist.

    You ask, and the answer comes. Not always in understandable form, unfortunately. Communications between the angels and people are not settled so well. This is not a call on the phone, not a postcard. You need to remember a few simple rules, if you really want to receive these messages.

    • Angels do not carry well or evil - they are neutral.
    • Asking the question to heaven, angels, be sure - get the answer.
    • Pay attention to numbers on the clock. They may be a response to your prayers.
    • Look around the street. The answer can come to you unexpectedly, as a line of advertising, inscription on a poster or even on the wall, conversation snapshot.
    • As soon as the message was received - decipher it immediately.



    Hello Paul.

    Thank you for the information presented on your site, but interests some moments, namely:
    What sources do you take all this information?
    Are there any substantiations to trust that this information is given by God to people?
    If so, please tell me, please, the source where all this is written.


    Vladimir, if a person has doubts, it is unlikely to trust what you read and first look at everything with your faith. Surely I will say that more there is a vault or superstition. In this case, the person is afraid of everything and cannot understand where the truth. When a person has formed faith, he read everything will understand what he needs and what to fire. Risk faith in yourself and strengthen it. Then the demons will not be misleading and sow doubts. I, not like others, do not rewrite, but I am writing the fact that God puts me for a particular person. I take information from the information field. You will not find any where it except my site. What do I read? My books The law of God, the Gospel and I love to read the girlfriend of spiritual wisdom "about temptations, mourn, diseases and consolation in them. Sometimes I read the books: P.D. Supensation "New Model of the Universe", Alexey Dugin "Ways of Absolut". Karl EckeartShuzen "The key to the sacrament of nature" and many others. The radio is nothing you read, but as you read and that you take as I am writing for your mind.



    Paul, thank you for the answer. And why do you call demons from the capital letter? Are they doing good affairs? Won, that the world has done, the monetary system imposed people through which the human souls are declined. The Mother Earth is killed, yes of people in addition with all the flora and fauna. After all, who are the demons? Yes, these are the same souls that our conscience sold for money. And I have doubts about the authenticity of information on your site, because I can't check it anywhere anywhere, but I used to check everything in this world, we live in paradise. Any information needs to be checked, otherwise it is possible to call a human being reasonable?
    And thank you for the literature that you described, for the sake of interest I will try to read it all.


    Vladimir in my opinion all the names that display the names must be written with a capital letter. But you are deeply mistaken that everything is good need to write with a capital letter and will become in the world well. Yes, you are right, the mind is the method of checking everything tooth and came to destruction. You need to learn to check so that your heart suggests you need this information or not. Only so you will become all a space creature and where you can not read the books you will not deceive you. And the heart starts to indicate your path only when it has a compass or faith. Here you even with our correct relationship and indignation to what is happening, do not know why it happened. And everything happened from the fact that we are land like our mother and she does not hear us and people are still shy at her in such a number that she is already Here it will explode from indignation. You write about a certain paradise, and do not know that the true paradise is a place of first images and there are no people there there is Adam and Eva and every creature in a pair, all kinds of plants. But they are clean and virgin and in order to re-enter there we must hear God.

    Surely you did not even have to notice the same or harmoniously coincided numbers on the clock clock.

    Such a coincidence, like, for example, 2:22, 01:11 or 4:04, is it an accident or sign? Someone makes a desire, and someone ignores. But numerology - the science of ancient and invented not fools.

    Each digit, the number and their combinations are a magic sign that has its own meaning. Learn the value of the same digits on the clock - it means to look into the future and learn the secrets of the present!

    Values \u200b\u200bnumbers

    First of all, it is worth understanding and remember what value each figure is separate. Such numerology will allow independently understanding what a coincidence on the clock.

    • - Symbol of energy and power. She also points to the person himself, his "I" and a concentration on my person.
    • It is considered a symbol of softness, moderation, restraint. Frequently falling on the eye Two - a hint of what should be calmer and softer.
    • - These are reflections and meditation, the need to think about the past, its relationship with the present and future.
    • - Call for activity and hard work, the Council to be more organizer and apply forces to achieve goals.
    • - Reminder of caution and advice do not risk, take care of what is, and be more careful.
    • - The figure of kindness and honesty, a reminder that it is the most important internal values.
    • - The most desirable sign, the symbol of good luck! We were lucky to see the seven on the dial, he was waiting for a great gift of fate.
    • - Symbol of fate and change. It is worth analyzing events in their lives, to understand what follows from how to manage fate.
    • - This is spiritual development and wisdom, receiving a new experience.

    By remembering these nine values, you can see the coincidence of time, to understand what it is. But also, noticing a beautiful and unusual coincidence on the dial, see what it is promulit.

    From midnight until early morning

    If you looked at the clock at night and found similar diquses there, be sure to remember them and check that they want to tell you the highest strength.

    00.00 - an excellent sign of fate. Any your cherished desire will soon come true, and you will be happy! Remember only one thing: fate thanks to those whose intentions are chisty and who do not want anyone evil.

    01.01 - If this time fell out a woman or a girl, she should expect a pleasant surprise from a fan or from his second half. 01.11 - This is not a simple prediction, but the Council of the Higher Forces. Numerology indicates that 01.11 is the Council not to give up any proposals in the coming day, as well as not to miss the chance and notice all the possibilities. This day can change a lot!

    02.02 - a good sign. You will be invited somewhere, and you are waiting for this for a long time! 02.22 is one of the serious characters. If the time was 02.22, soon you will learn some important mystery, something hidden and very significant. It will be necessary to manage it right and wisely.

    03.03 - Wait for love! Soon your life will be painted in new colors, and the heart will sing happiness. 03.33 - You are lucky if you saw such a time. Because 03.33 is to big fortune and good luck!

    04.04 - This is the wise council to which you need to listen. If the time was 04.04, you should look at the current situation under the new angle, then you will find a brilliant output.

    04.44 - Be careful at work, refer to it responsible.

    05.05 - Difficulties will be held if you believe in your strength. 05.55 - A meeting awaits you, and it will be a very interesting person.

    From morning to lunch

    In the morning, the connection of a person with the highest mind is particularly thin. Pay attention to the coincidence of numbers if they saw it in the morning.

    • 06.06 - Numerology considers such a combination as love and even promises an ambulance wedding.
    • 07.07 - Your fears have no reason, you will soon be very lucky!
    • 08.08 - You are waiting for an amazing turn at work: an increase or even rapid takeoff in the career!
    • 09.09 - You should be careful and take care of your things in order not to lose something valuable.
    • 10.01 - An interesting acquaintance to come to which you need to pay attention. Suddenly is your person?
    • 10.10 - a combination that promises big changes for the better.
    • 11.11 - You have to fall in love!
    • 12.12 - In the personal life you will find a great success! Fate prepared a good surprise for you.
    • 12.21 - a very pleasant acquaintance in front.

    During the day

    Consider combinations that fell to the eyes in the interval of dining time until the evening.

    • 13.13 - They envy you, which means, be more modest, so that there are no detractors.
    • 13.31 - Your dream will come true, and very soon!
    • 14.14 - Love is already on the threshold, open your heart to her!
    • 14.41 - Today evening it is better to spend at home, in a relaxed atmosphere.
    • 15.15 - You will be given advice, listen, and you can do it right!
    • 15.51 - Someone is very interested in you. Perhaps the beginning of a stormy novel!
    • 16.16 - Treat your life and health more seriously, it advises numerology.
    • 17.17 - In the coming days, watch your own words, be careful not to offend anyone.

    Evening time

    In the evening you can also meet the matching numbers and see what it means.

    18.18 - the adventure on the way. You will go somewhere!

    19.19 - Be sure: good luck with you. In all matters will be rapid success!

    20.02 - loved ones need your heat. Be kindness to them and show your care!

    20.20 - You are tired and became annoyed. It is worth relaxing and distracting from hassle.

    21.12 - A new idea will appear on the light! Believe in it and start incarnation, it will bring a lot of happiness.

    21.21 - You are waiting for a novel and a sea of \u200b\u200blove adventures!

    22.22 - A new person will appear in life. You can not pay special attention to him and do not let yourself be close, but you can look around. Perhaps this person somehow change your destiny and fill it with new emotions?

    23.23 - Carefully follow, with whom they communicate and who trust. Do not raise dangerous ties and do not communicate with those who are unnecessary!

    Numerology is a fascinating science that can give a lot. You can believe in it or treat skeptically, but it is worth understanding: everything in life is interconnected, and the numbers are often signs. Notice this, and fate will always give you pleasant surprises! Posted by: Vasilina Serov