
Types of attic roofs: Determine with the best option. Drying Roof Design and Device

Cead furniture

Attic is not only a beautiful look at home, but also a real opportunity to increase residential meters, most practical and functionally use the entire space under the roof of the house. The most relevant device of the attic roof in individual private construction, in country house or in the country.

To ensure that the structure is reliable and safe, it is not collapsed under additional loads, the roof type should be correctly selected, calculate the bias, size, materials.

The article will describe in detail how the attic roof is built with their own hands, we will stop on the construction technologies and design features.

Types of mansard roofs

Today it is difficult to surprise with architectural research in private buildings, people seek to comfort and aesthetics of their homes. The design of the attic struck by a scope: high and low, broken and ordinary scope, turrets and dome, complex multi-level and most ordinary attic roofs crowned buildings, giving each of their unique individual style.

Single mansard roof The simplest on the design is based on a rafter system, or a farm, on external bearing walls at different levels. Usually such roofs are arranged when the attic on small country houses is erected, the veranda.

Diva or nipper roof - Classical design, which is erected by inclined or hanging rafters. The angles of slopes can be uniform or uneven.

The hollow roof is a four-piece design that does not have frontones. Two large skate - trapezoids, skates from end walls - triangles-hips. Semi-haul is the roofs that from the sides of the trapezoid, and from the fronts, the vertical wall first goes, and it is cut at an angle to the skit.

Tent mansard roof - It is almost holm, but all the skates are an equifiable triangles that are closed at one point. This design is symmetrical and does not have a skate, suitable for square buildings.

- It is essentially a combination of several bounce roofs. The design is arranged at homes with a complex geometry, with breaks and polygonal bases. A similar roof has many ribs and ribs, so requires complex calculations and professional skills, make such a roof with their own hands seems to be a very difficult task.

The broken roof is the classic of the attic structure, the shape of the roof of the attic can significantly increase the useful area, and equipped inside the full residential room, bedroom, nursery, office, etc. The design implies the presence of the lower steep from 60 to 80 o, and the upper color 20-30 on the skates. The design of the roofing system of the attic is complicated to the farm, the rods consist of two rafters, strengthened racks and reinforced in places of ripples with stretch marks. The lower belt of the farm is at the same time the basis of the floor.

Vaulted, conical, dome roofs attic Used in an elite private house-building, the design of such an attic is striking by its research. The rafter design of such attic floors is quite complex and is made of bend materials.

When combining several types of roofs, complex and unusually spectacular, beautiful attic structures are obtained. Such an unconstructive approach to the design of the attic roof is necessary if the house is complex: with protrusions, height drops, completions. Despite the aesthetics and fascinating appearance, complex attic roofs have significant drawbacks - this is a lot inner corners (endandered) with a small slope, scanty breaks, which are a risk zone for the integrity of the roof, and become the cause of leakage and snow assessment. The calculation of the attic roof of this type requires special skills and knowledge, with the intention of making such a roof of the attic with their own hands, try to minimize the presence of complex elements.

An attic roof, a photo of the main types of overlaps applicable in individual construction: 1. Single-table 2. Dux 3. Multi-pitch 4. Walm 5. Digid 6. Tent 7. vaulted 8. Conical 9. Dome 10. Classic Domestic Row

A simple duplex or broken roof of the attic will not produce such an effect as combined, but this design of the attic roof is much more reliable, it can be calculated and built it with your own hands. The choice of the like an attic roof depends on the architectural plan and the plan of the house, from which slope slope is laid in the project, the characteristics of the supporting design and the choice of materials for the roof.

Calculation of the attic roof, angle of liner and the choice of materials

It should be noted that roofing materials and their installation scheme affect the slope of the nuclear rods, but mainly the slopes depend on the construction geography. In the snow area, it is necessary to make steep roofs with a small sink, in southern and almost honeycomb areas you can make a small bias and sinks. If the region has strong wind gusts, then the roof should be a common, which will reduce the roof sailiness.

Standard diagram of the attic roof, such an arrangement of the rafter allows the maximum use of the attic area as much as possible.

Thus, the calculation of the lion of the attic roof is based on the starts:

  • the desired height of the indoor room of the attic;
  • architectural solution;
  • in which climatic zone is the object;
  • what roofing material will be used.

Optimally, if gable roof The attic is tilted at 45 o and above, and the classic lone attorney roof has their own hands a slope of 60 o, upper 30 o. Such slopes allow you to create a room inside a convenient room if you competently consider the attitude of the attic.

Roofs of houses with attic, photo of the advantages and disadvantages of internal space when different type roofs

The classic broken roof is your own hands, in addition to the rafter, provide in the design of the rack, pitch, tightening, suspensions. The size of the cross section of the structural elements is calculated when calculating rafter system.

How to Build a Dersighted Roof, the optimal proportions of the roof relative to the width of the house

Important: The angle of inclination of the roof of the roof in 60 o allows you to neglect the loads from precipitation. The greater the sling of the rafter design, the longer the rafted and more square Roofs, but less useful inner area.

The maximum load from the rainfall on the roof is achieved when the roof is biased in 30 o, at 45 oh rain and snow are not delayed.

Table, how depends the choice of roofing material from the angle of inclination of the attic roof

  • shoe width (front) 10 m, divide in half: 8/2 \u003d 4;
  • the optimal height of the roof is 2.4 m.

Here we will need a school course of geometry: an angle sinus in a rectangular triangle is equal to the attitude of the adjacent category to the opposite cathelet:

SIN B \u003d 4 / 2.4 \u003d 1.67

Open the brady's table and see that this value of sinus corresponds to an angle of approximately 59 o, rounded the value. Thus, our desired angle of inclination of the skate is approximately 60 o.

Dersighted Roof Construction Technology

The broken roof, the drawings of which are presented in the article, the most popular type of building of the attic floor from a private developer, so we will analyze the key stages of its construction. Typical horror roof projects do not need additional calculations, which greatly facilitates installation, and reduces financial expenses for the manufacture of an individual project.

Frame of the attic roof, scheme of the main design elements

Before making an attic roof, a special support bar is laid around the perimeter. If the house is wooden, the bar is either a log, then Mauerlat will serve as the top crown of the walls. In a brick, stone, monolith-concrete or foam concrete house around the perimeter, a layer of waterproofing (2 layers of rubberoid, bitumen-polymeric mastic) is laid, flush with the inside of the bearing walls is set to a wooden bar - Mauerlat, which allows you to evenly distribute the load from the roof and precipitation to the base and All supporting structures. Outside, Mauerlat is laid facing materialIt should be seen 30 mm of timber, so that the loads occur exclusively on the bar, and not on the facing.

Installation and attachment scheme Maurolat and rafters

Tip: Bar for Maurolalat should be with a cross section of 100 * 100 or 150 * 150 mm.

Then we perform the installation of the ceiling beams, first put the timber on the edges, check the level of geometry correct, attach. We stretch along the upper plane of the lace and install the remaining beams at a distance of 500-600 mm from each other. If it is not enough to the desired level of height, then we put the rails, if on the contrary, then we put the Mauerlat. The removal of the beam sets the width of the cornice, usually it is 300-500 mm. Next, we install short beams in a step of 1000 mm for the front-line device.

Tip: Fixing to Mauerlat may be nails at 150, rapid corners on the self-tapping screw.

Install the frame

To install the skeleton, exhibit on a plunder or level vertical racks-beams and fastened to temporary struts. First, we set the extreme, in the corners, stretch the cord and exhibit the average with a step of no more than 3 m.

The height of the racks depends on the shape of the roof provided by the project, usually it is equal to the distance from the ground to Mauerlat (height of the 1st floor) or +100 mm from the desired height of the clean ceiling. Racks are tightened from above runs - boards 150 * 50 mm.

Construction of a nursery roof, how to install lateral run

On the runs with the help of roofing corners, Rigel-tightening is fastened - in the attic roof these are bars connecting sidebars, with a cross section of 200 * 50 mm. The default deflection is eliminated by the subsequent device of the suspension to the rafters, and until the rafter system is not installed, it is recommended to install time supports.

Montage of the attic roof, tightening from above are bonded by board, which gives the structure

Slinge system

It should be pre-made a template from the board of 20x150 mm: we apply the board to the Mauerlat and to the sidebar, we make the mark, weep off, and the template is ready. Since the buildings often have errors in geometry, it is better to make a climb on the upper run, and the Mauerlata is stored at the place.

Roof of a mansard type, installation of side rafters

If the skate length is more than a standard 6-meter board, it is recommended to order a special lumber under your sizes. But if there is no such possibility, then the boards are spliced, for this, the cutting of the board of 1,5-2.0 m is somewhat, but the rack will have to be installed under it.

The rafters are attached to the lateral run by three nails, to Mauerlat on metal plates, self-drawing and nails, or on a bracket.

Roof-attic, with your own hands install side rafters, fastening methods

We make a template for upper rafters. We take the board and fix it in the extreme rigel in the middle, strictly vertically, one edge of the board must coincide with the central axis of the attic roof. We apply a timber, negate the lower and the top drink.

Attic double roofhow to make a template for upper rods

On the ground, drink a pattern, make the left and right rafters and mount them on the roof. On the attic broken roof, the skunk bar is not used, so the rafters are fastened with a row. By the same principle, we set the rest of the upper rafting system.

How to properly build a roof, installation of pods (from above) and mounting the upper row

Hanging rafters are a triangle - the simplest farm, but such a design does not transmit spacers on the bearing walls, so tightening should be installed.

The skeleton roof frame, methods for installing tightening on hanging rafters

After mounting the rafter system, a frontal (end) frame is installed and the design is trimmed, the design is enhanced in places where windows will be installed. Then the doomle, cornice, sinks and flows are made.

Four-tight attic roof, installation of frontones

Page residue

According to the rafters, a vapor barrier membrane is stacked, which is pressed against the counterclaim from the rails 40 * 20 mm, 50 * 50 mm, additionally creating a gap for ventilation. Disease, depending on the material for the roof, can be solid or with indentation. Next, the waterproofing is spilled on which the roofing material is stacked.

It is necessary to warm the attic from the inside, the thermal insulation layer is covered with additional vapor barrier to protect the insulation from condensate. Next, you can finish the room with the selected facing material.

Be sure to look at how the attic roof is built with her own hands, the video will help clarify the key stages of the construction of the undercurrent floor.

Many today want to have housing with the attic, for this roof houses are modified slightly, we will tell about these features of construction in the article submitted.

Roof construction with attic - construction features

The expansion of the useful area is a dream of almost every person, and the use of an attic space as a residential as it is impossible to make it possible to realize it. But keep in mind that the load on the roof will now be influenced from the inside, and not only outside, so the roofing material must have a special strength. For such purposes, metal tile is perfect. Also, special attention should be paid to the quality of steam, hydro, noise and thermal insulation of the house.

They are provided by the use of special polypropylene and polyethylene films, glass gambles or mineral wool, etc.

In addition, it is very important that the attic is filled with sunlight, and the location and size of windows affects this factor. Thus, if you want to create a rest corner, then it is better that it is from the east side. If this space is planned to be used under the office, then the windows should be made from the north side. But the dimensions should be somewhere on 5 centimeters less than the distance between the rafters. What about the height of the location, so it completely depends on the angle of inclination of the roof: the less the less, the lower it is necessary to put the window.

Roofs of houses with attic - dignity and disadvantages

Dersighted rooms can be characterized with good and bad side. To the positive, naturally, there is an additional area, because, in fact, an attic room for living is used, which means that extra square meters. In addition, the space located so highly removed as much as possible from the entrance, which makes it possible to retire in it, so it is quite advisable to use as a cabinet or just a recreation corner.

Even at the expense of such arrangement of the room, an additional thermal insulation of the main house is also created, which significantly reduces heat loss and allows you to save on electricity. Yes, and the roof of the attic is built with their own hands, as well as the usual, without the involvement of any heavy machinery. One of the minuses is the cost of windows, because they will be placed not in the standard wall, but in the roof, and even under the tilt.

That is, ordinary, all known designs will not fit, and special is much more expensive. Yes, and the view of them in winter is unlikely to be able to please, as they will be littered with snow more than usual. We will still have to spend money on additional work on heat and waterproofing. The beveled walls, and they will be exactly such a mansard in most options, take the useful space.

What could be the shape of the roof of the house with the attic?

In the question, how to make a roof with an attic, a very important point is the choice of form, because it will be in most part to determine the functionality of the room. If there is a bounce version in the house, then in the room under it you can freely install full-fledged window and door blocks. At the same time, you will have to spend money on the installation of such a design, as it requires rather long boards.

The attic from a single-sided roof is considered one of the simplest options, because when designing, and when installing, complex calculations and work will not need, and the room inside will be very spacious. The only thing that is sensitive to such a design is a slope. It is best to withstand in the range of 35-45 degrees, then the materials can be used nonsense, and resistance to winds and the snow of such an optimal roof.

But the hip structures consisting of triangular and trapezoid rods make it possible to make a cozy, however, not very large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. There is also a broken shape of the roof of the house with an attic, however, in order to make it, the width of the construction should be more than five meters. In this case, the walls of the room will be vertical, however, difficulties may occur with mounting windows, especially if the design will have a lot of fesoms.

Also allow equipping additional residential premises and tent types of roofs, these include pyramidal, round and conical. Of course, the appearance of such a house, and the interior inside will be very original, but prepare for additional costs associated not only with the installation of such an unusual roof, but also with the manufacture of special-shaped windows.

How to make a roof with an attic - construction stages

The slightest mistake can break the whole idyll created by our unbearable labor, but to create yourself paradise It will be quite simple, you need to adhere to the instructions below. We tried to take into account all the nuances.

How to make a roof with an attic - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Tool Preparation

The design of the roof with the attic begins, of course, from the preparation of everything you need. After all, if all the material and the tool will be at hand, then work will not only end several times faster, but also will bring pleasure. Of building material We will need: unedged boards, bars, as well as a half-meter board with a width of 150 mm, slate, nails for it with gaskets, annealed wire and an ordinary for stretch marks, a hydrobrier and insulation. From the tool you need to prepare the following: ax, hammer, hacksaw, plumb, roulette, construction stapler and knife.

Step 2: Mounting frame

On the waterproofing layer, the beams are laid (section 10x10 mm), which are installed in a vertical position at a distance of 2 meters from each other, the racks (bars 10x10 mm). It is necessary to install them in a plunder, because there will be future future plasterboard walls Mansard. Conduct these racks by means of studded compounds or metal brackets. Next, set the upper timber.

If their length is more than eight meters, then you need to additionally set up the skate beam, but which the rafter legs will be dried. Also to achieve additional strength can be made under the skate of the stretch marks, especially they are relevant if the skating beam is not installed at all. In places of window openings, rafters are fastened with transverse bars that simultaneously perform the role and lower, and the upper parts of the opening.

Do not do without installing the mare. The scheme is the same as for the rafted, only they continue the main design. This is a mandatory element of any attic roof, which performs, above all, a protective role. On top of the koblok is attached a hem, protecting the underfloor space from dubious precipitation, snow, wind, etc.

The indoor roof device allows to significantly increase the useful area and rationally organize the space of a low-rise home. However, its construction is often frightened by home masters too complex and time-consuming process.

It is not worthwhile, because the result will provide a beautiful roof and comfortable extra rooms. And in order for the outcome of the work, the owner and households are pleased to know which rules the rafter system of the attic roof is constructed, which way it is easier and better to arrange.

At the mention of the attic roofs, we instantly remember the pentagonal two-screw design of the impressive sizes over the slab, concrete or brick walls. The visual memory suggests that the slopes should certainly be a multiple bias, i.e. The lower part of the roof is simply obliged to be much cooler than the top. Due to the difference in the angles of inclination, a convex break was formed, which gave the roof of the Narland name "broken". The term reasonably moved into technical definitions of mansard structures. It reflects the essence of the usual standard in the device, but it often has nothing to do with the configuration. Despite the design of all attic roofs, it is mandatory to include two parts, visually their presence can not be determined.

Purely on external indicators the prevailing amount of attic structures can be divided into:

  • The triangular roofs, the lower and the upper part of which has a equivalent slope. Externally, they resemble traditional two-tie structures without fesoms in the plane of the skates.
  • Pentagonal roofs with slopes having convex corners. This category pronounced the presence in the design of two docked parts.

In both specified species, the rafter system consists of two tiers ornamented on each other. The lower structure forms a useful space of a residential attic height from 2 to 2.5m to move inside it was not difficult. The second tier creates the form of the roof of the roof, it is allowed to be arbitrary height.

Variating the angle of inclination of the upper and lower rafting legs, you can get the roof optimal in your own opinion. It is believed that a pentagonal attic looks best, the angles of which come into contact with an imaginary circumference.

It should be noted that the principle of construction of a broken roof is suitable not only for two-tie rafaling systems. Interpretizing the base method of attic can be organized in holm, single, tent and other roofing structures.

Sometimes under the attic, the existing structure is reworked, in the construction of which the "broken" technology was not used. However, these roofs of a priori cannot be attributed to the mansard discharge. True, no one interferes with sufficient power of rafter toe to use the riggers of scanty rafaling systems as ceiling beams, and supports of additional runs as a bar for the attic of the attic.

It turned out that the main sign of the attic roof is the presence of two adjacent rafting structures connected into a triangle or pentagon of a pretty shape owner. In their construction used typical:

  • The urban, according to which the lower navar of the attic is built and is used in the upper part.
  • Hanging. In accordance with it, only the upper part of the design is built.

If to simplify the division of the attic roof to divide into two halves, the trapeze will be at the bottom, and at the top of the triangle. The inclined sides of the trapezoid is allowed to be exclusively with the consolidation, and the sides of the triangle with rolling and hanging.

Basic schemes of rafter systems

The "classic of the genre" is rightfully considered a pentagonal scheme of the rafter system of the attic roof with backup racks that form the walls of the indoor room. Its incision is conditionally divided into the simplest geometric shapes. In the center of the rectangle, on the sides of which there are two mirrored rectangular triangles, from above the equilateral triangle.

Standard mansard construction

The rolling rafters of the lower part of the structure are based on the Mauerlat, and the top heel on the right or left run. Part of the skeleton roof frame, crowning, perform hanging rafting arches. They are complemented by a grandmother-suspension in the middle, if it is intended to overlap the span more than 3m. The grandmother cannot be connected with a tight arge with a wrinkle as a support rack. Her work lies in preventing a tightening - this is not a support, but suspension.

The backups-racks of the sloping rafyling of the lower part are based through the litter to the overlap. If necessary, increase the stability under the backups mounted the soot. With Legend and Runs, the racks are connected by wrinkles, the connections are duplicated with metal corners and gear plates. If the overlap of concrete, bituminous waterproofing is underwered under the layer. Liezer can not be laid on the overlap, but on brick columns or on leveling boards. When applying the attic of the mansard wooden overlap You can generally do without a china and cut the racks directly in the beams.

At the rather steep lower parts of the horsepower rods, snow load practically does not act, the precipitation is not delayed on them. However, the steeply installed rafaline has another trouble - the gusty winds will strive to turn and disrupt the roof. Therefore, to attaching the system to Mauerlat, you need to be very serious. In the attic situation, each line is attached to the walls of twigs, and not through one, as in conventional shelter structures.

Method of removal rafted over the wall line

Often happens that planned mansard design Forms too narrow internal space. It can be expanded by removal of rafting legs beyond the walls. Those. A rafter foot will not be relying on Mauerlat, but on the beams of the uppermost overlap. This case in an idea does not need Mauerlate at all. But the reinforcing struts in the scheme with the removal of rafaline are used uncorrectly, because it is not at least under the extreme part of the lateral triangles.

Maurelalate installation can be abolished, but the fill of the monolithic w / b belt for fastening the beams to brick walls Very desirable. The beams of overlapping to the monolithic belt are fastened with anchors, the support racks per 1/3 of the thickness of the timber are dried in them. Important moment: Takeaway Stropilin over the wall is simply obliged to form a cornice for wooden houses A width of at least 0.5 m, for concrete and stone minimum 0.4 m.

Technology of the construction of a rafter design with the removal of the rafter foot by the wall:

  • We establish the extreme beams of overlapping, which determine the contour of the eaves. Because The overlap will be loaded, the cross section of the beams take from 150 × 200mm. If when laying a starting bar, it will be revealed that the walls do not form the perfect rectangle, striving for the change in the position of the beams to correct the flaws.
  • For stretched between fixed extreme beams, laces are placed and fix the rest of the bars. Control the height and step laying beams before fastening. The distance between overlapping elements is equal to the step between the rapid legs. For insulated roofs, the optimal setting step is 0.6m, because it is equal to the width. If the rafters are mounted with a similar frequency, they can be made from a 50 × 150mm board.
  • From the left and right edge, we postpone the distance equal to the length of the short-range of the rectangular triangle. In the noted points carefully chosen the nests on a third of the height of the beam under extreme supports.
  • We will make support by turning out spikes. They need to be made in size selected nests. For the manufacture of angular supports will fit the timing to a cross section of 100 × 150mm, it should also make two carrier supports for the frontal sides of the roof. Under the ordinary racks sufficient bar 50 × 100 mm. The material for the supporting elements should be longer than the design height on the length of the spike, but it is better to 10 cm in case of error when the stya.
  • We establish the angular racks and fasten them with temporary struts. Connect the struts with a lace.
  • In the cord of the plumb, we tweep in the beams of the point of sampling sockets under ordinary supports and choose the specified holes.
  • We establish ordinary racks and two bearing supports in the centers of the farms of the attic.
  • On the installed supports, we labeled runs - a cross section of 50 × 150mm. Fresh Ramo Corners. It is not necessary for the same nails as in the corners of the holes. Such two or three per plane. As a result of laying the board, the framework of the walls of the future attic.
  • We connect the supports mounted against each other by attaching them to the turns of the corners. These elements will perform the function of stretching riggers. Therefore, for their manufacture, it will take a sawn timber with a cross section of 100 × 150mm. Under each mounted Rigel, a temporary support from an incision of 25 × 150mm is needed.
  • On top of the riglia temporarily tighten all the same inches, retreating from the edges of the frame 20-30 cm. Temporary rare flooring from one or two-three boards is needed for the convenience of mounting the upper part of the rafting system.
  • We make out of an inch pattern for rafaline of the bottom row. To do this, we apply the blank board to the end of the run and the beams. Then outlining the lines of the grooves, along which the surplus remains off. We try, if necessary, pose surplus.
  • By template we make rafting legs. If there are doubts about the impeccability of construction, then only the upper grooves should be cut off for a start. By placing the rafter to the place laid on it, it will be possible to correct the lower groove in fact without unwanted damage.
  • We establish the end rafter legs that you need to connect with a lace again.
  • Focusing on the lace by mounting the rafting legs of the lower yarus of the attic.
  • Similarly, we make a template for the upper part of the rafter system. In order to find the top of the upper sleeper, temporarily we are climbing on the frontal support board.
  • Making a mirror fellow for the previous template. Repeat rafters of the upper tier will be each other.
  • We try on both templates on the roof. If everything is normal, we manufacture on them the required number of upper rafalines from a 50 × 150mm board.
  • Construct the top tier of the rafter system.
  • In order for the battles not to be saved, mounted to each upper grandmother farm required size. Hardly sew them only to the ski zone, the bottom should not be rigidly fixed.

Further, the rafting legs are screwed to the walls of wire ligaments. Then the Fronton frame is installed, according to which it needs to be sewn. At the end, the lamp is mounted in a step corresponding to the characteristics of the roofing material.

Method with frame modules

The technology differs from the previous method in that non-separate supports are installed on the overlap, but completely prepared for the attachment of the modules blocks of the side walls of the future attic.

The block method of the solving system allows you to optimize the construction of the attic roof, because the construction of modular elements is produced on Earth. In calm conditions, without feeling the height, it is easier to achieve the accuracy of nodal connections.

The process of the device of a block attic roof:

  • According to a pre-made project, we make a frame of the nansard walls. Longitudinal bars for this method play the role of runs and liters. They are folded together with racks on a flat site and note with the help of a coal nest under the support of the side walls. According to the died lines, we make feeders.
  • Cut on the spike racks, the size of which is obliged to match the size of the sockets.
  • We combine a longitudinal bar with vertical racks, we get two modular frames - these are the walls of the attic.
  • We raise the frames upstairs, set to the designed place. Temporarily fix the position of the walls with struts, then we attach them to the beams of overlapping with brackets.
  • The chisel is chosen on the edges of the beams of the nest to install the lower row of the rafted. It is necessary to position them in one line. To keep geometry it is easier to first chain them with a chainsaw, then modify the chisel.
  • The upper rafter tier of the attic is performed on the ground, having exceeding the pre-blanks to the installed elements. For the accuracy of fitting to the end of the future roof, you temporarily nail the board so that one of its edges clearly repeated the central axis of the rapid system. The base of the upper attic triangle performs the function of stretching. Its length is equal to the distance between the outer vertical planes of the installed frames. At the edges of the stretching, we choose the nests, and on the lower heels of rafaline spikes.
  • We collect the rafter farms of the upper tier, for reliability mounted additional Rigel, the ski knot is enhanced by a triangular label.
  • While did not move to the roof, make the blanks of the rafter. We try to lames unfolded on Earth. "Clear" them is more convenient than one fellows, grabbing several clamps. We drink only the upper beep, taking into account the fact that it will be partially on the wall stand, partially on stretching the upper rafting farms.
  • We are trying on the lower rafying to the end. We draw in the zone of its lower heel the shape of a spike repeating the configuration of the socket in the beam. Weeping the spikes.
  • We move to the roof of the top tier farm and the rafter legs of the lower tier. We mount the farm first by attaching them to the upper strapping of the walls with brackets, then rafters the lower part, attaching them to the beams of overlapping all the same brackets.

The subsequent stages of the roof construction are performed according to the standard rules. In detail, familiarize themselves with the described structures of the rafter system drawings for the attic roof, clearly representing the design. Due to the production of compounds, the durability and rigidity of the frame in general increases in the whole, which will make it possible not to mount additional pods.

The minus of the method is that the finished modules are pretty hard to transport to the roof. To move there, the collected blocks without the use of lifting equipment will be required to at least 4 people.

Middle-nail rafter system

Build a powerful attic over small cottage houses It is inappropriate, but I still want to save space on a small-sized site. For the owners of small buildings, there is a great option - a lightweight milk-nail robber construction. The way I should like the adherents of savings, because the construction is not used by a solid bar.

For the manufacture of each of the reference elements, two boards are used, between which the remote segments of the bar are installed. The cavity formed by the bars explains why the system is easy in comparison with solid fellows. To ensure spatial rigidity, windbars are installed connecting supports with rafting legs. In turn will contribute to the enhancement of the design in turn.

People's way to develop a layout

For the successful result of the work, the project is very desirable. It is not a fact that the presented drawings with dimensions are suitable for the arrangement of a particular home. Typology in construction is now not at all welcome. If there is no documentation at all, it is better to do at least the sketch of the future roof, not forgetting about the ceiling height in dersighted room. Wherein:

  • Proportions should be observed, because too large attic can turn small house In the insight, like a mushroom building.
  • It must be remembered that the lower part of the attic roof is built using sprinkling rafting legs, and they optically underestimate and overlap the top of highly located windows. The tangible effect of hanging will not be at the disposal of the attic on the scheme with the removal of the rafter.
  • Do not forget that the height of the attic room is obliged to ensure freedom of movement. It is this benchmark that is required to correctly determine the height of the racks of the attic walls.

Fine the best roof proportions can be a folk patterned way. According to it, bars or boards, repeating the contour of the structure in a real magnitude, are laid out on a flat spacious platform. Changing the angles by moving the components, you can achieve an optimal configuration. Elements must be fixed with nails and immediately measure the lengths of the beams, rafters, tightening, racks. The resulting dimensions will help in the manufacture of templates.

Calculations and layout of the rafting system under the attic roof will demonstrate the video:

Our basic variants and schemes of the devil-sump truck design will help to determine the choice of the optimal type of rafter design.

High-quality attic roofs are designed for the construction of an additional residential premises in the attic if the roof of the house has an inclined or broken shape. Construction rates are designed for the location of the roofing line and the facade at an altitude of up to 1.5 meters. Otherwise, the attic will not, it will be an ordinary attic that is unsuitable for normal residence.

A professional project of an attic roof of a private house involves the height of the wall from 1.4 meters, so that it was convenient to sit at the vertical wall.

Modern projects of houses with an attic roof are very economical, does not imply the construction of a complex expensive foundation.

Tip! It should be paid to the hydro and vaporizoation of the house so that the building "breathe".

Design options

Pick up ready projects Houses with an attic roof and garage can be given to the option of the future roof:

  • triangular;
  • asymmetric;
  • broken.

A typical project of a house with a nuclear roof is suitable for nippy, single-sided, broken, duct, dome, pyramidal, semi-honeycomb roofs.

  1. The simplest design is a single system. The design is represented by an inclined plane fixed on the bearing walls having different heights. This type is rarely used in the arrangement of the attic.
  2. The standard draft of the duplex roof is mounted from two slopes, which are directed in opposite sides.
  3. Walm and semi-walled structures imply four skate. Inside such systems create comfortable rooms.
  4. For small structures fit broken roofs.
  5. Pyramidal, dome, conical facilities are suitable for houses having a rounded form.

Choosing a kind of attic

In the process of construction, you can use a single-level attic together with a double or broken roof. Single-level attic is perfectly combined with duplex supports, remote consoles.

Attention ! Picking up a two-tie roof project, take into account the loads that will be provided with a foundation building.

On the video, you can see how attic an attic over the garage:

Two-tight roofs are characterized by the following parameters:

  • various sizes of the sump of the cornice;
  • angle of inclination;
  • the construction of rafters (hanging, inclined).

This horned roof project allows you to make a bathroom and a few bedrooms. Such an attic "apartment" is equipped with two balconies for which you can get out of the bedroom. Material for the frame can serve as plasterboard ,. Decorating facades is possible with the help of plaster or clinker brick.

Two-tight roofs are suitable for the following structures:

  • garages;
  • low-rise homes;
  • economic structures.

Algorithm of action

During the construction of the attic, use the following algorithm:

  1. First, choose the design option of the future two-tie roof, you can pick up the finished projects of the attic roofs, searching for them on the Internet.
  2. We carry out the calculation of the exercise of the attic.
  3. We purchase materials, we implement the Damage Roof project in practice.

Characteristics of a two-tie half-range roof

This option of the roof is recognized as a functional and original design. Under the roof, you can build an attic, in which it will be comfortable to live. The most demanded materials for such a roof are metal tile and professional flooring.

Characteristic of a holm roof

Such a design is assumed four skate, two of which have a triangular shape, two are made in the form of a trapezium. The layers of the roof resemble a puff pastry:

  • metal tile;
  • layer of waterproofing;
  • monitoring;
  • doom;
  • layer of insulation;
  • initial doom;
  • cornice;
  • layer of vaporizolation;
  • rafter.

Design of a bantal roof

In the event of the construction of a new house, replacing the old roof, consider the external characteristics of the roof. Projects of houses with an attic roof (in the photo above) are common for the following reasons:

  • acceptable cost;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • uncomplicated installation;
  • snow, water does not accumulate.

Skates are bonded between themselves at some angle, the house itself speaks as a support. Fastening from above is carried out to the skate of the house, on the side of the walls. The rafter system for the construction system of the attic roof of the house 9x9 suggests the use of a dry, high-quality bar.

Before the start of construction, the timber is treated with chemicals to protect against high humidity, fungal diseases. It is advisable to cover the bars with antiseptic and fireproof composition.

Composite parts of the bartal roof

An attic bartal roof suggests the presence of the following components: rafters, beams, mauelalat, skate, runs, pods, tightening, backups.

If you wish, you can find the following mansard roof projects.

  • symmetrical, the basis of which is a triangle;
  • broken, allowing the maximum to use the free area under housing;
  • asymmetric, giving the building an original appearance that reduces the area in the attic.

Tip! When choosing simple project Loars of the attic roof, you can build on your own, but serious projects are desirable to entrust professional builders.

Dual-bantal roof drawing

If your plans include an independent implementation of a garage project with an attic roof, follow the sequence of actions:

  • start with the sketch;
  • think out the plan of the future roof;
  • perform all calculations;
  • purchase materials for rafters and coverage.

Drawings of mansard roofs can be downloaded from a variety of construction sites or acquire from professional engineers.

Tip! Do not save on the drawings, the reliability of the design depends on their quality, its durability.

The video will show the stages of the construction of an attic roof over the garage:

Calculation of the future banta roof

  1. The execution of calculations is the responsible stage, involves the registration of the limit weight of the roof, accounting for possible wind, snow, rain loads. Projects of the roof for different regions countries have significant technical differences related to climatic features Region.

    Attention! For regions in which a significant amount of precipitation falls in winter, a roof is needed with a significant angle of inclination.

  2. Conducting calculations, remember that with an increase in the roof steepness, its height will increase and consumption of materials for the implementation of the intended project.
  3. The erection of a new bantane roof is an excellent version of saving money resources (subject to the presence of construction skills).
  4. The construction market presents many roofing materials High Quality. If the house is erected from wooden bar, It is better to acquire a coating of metal tile.

Advantages of metal tile: acceptable cost, long operational period, aesthetic appearance.

The calculation and installation of the rafter system is the most difficult and time-consuming step in the installation of a new roof. The construction of a double design involves taking into account the set of nuances, the neglect of them can "cost the owner of the house. Do not save on the calculations, because ultimately you will be able to save money resources, since the operational period of the duplex will be significantly increased.

When erecting such a complex design, like a naked roof with their own hands, we should take into account the mass of a variety of factors. First of all, it is necessary to choose the type of roof, which there is a lot. Next, you need to make a project with the calculation of the rafter system, slope of the rods, the roof area and the amount of materials necessary for its construction.

Roofing is erected according to certain technologies, which cannot be disrupted. About how to make a full-fledged country house mansard Floor And let's talk in this article.

Types of mansard roofs

Before you begin to understand how to properly build a roof, let's see what kind of varieties of such structures happen. Such roofs differ in the form and number of rods, the corner of their tilt, the type of roofing material used, as well as the degree of insulation. The choice of one or another type of roof depends on the most different factors: the architectural solution of the house as a whole, the climatic zone in which the building is located, the financial capabilities of its owners, etc. The attic in principle is allowed to arrange under the roof of any design.

Dersighted roofs are:

  1. Single. This is the easiest in the construction of the roof type. Under the single-sided roofing in the attic room there will be only one full-fledged wall;
  2. Two-tight. The device of the attic roof of this species is also no particular complexity. Its disadvantage is not considered too much useful area. After all, the angles of the room under duct roof form an unused "deaf" zone;
  3. Two batch broken. This option is much more convenient in terms of the device of residential premises;
  4. Tents. Such a roof is suitable in square buildings. The tent roof has four identical scatter;

Tent Children's Roof is arranged in square houses

  1. Valm. It is also a four-tight attic roof. Instead of the frontones in the design, skates are provided. The hollow roof is also very convenient for the device under the attic;
  2. Multi-crossing. Such roofs have a very complex configuration;
  3. Pyramidal, conical, dome. The roofs of this type are arranged on the buildings of a complex shape.

The roof of any design can be converted under the attic

There is also a roof of an attic type. Its design involves the removal of the skates far beyond the largest building on special consoles.

On a note: Do with your own hands most often under the attic one is satisfied with a double broken roof. The technology of its erection is quite simple, and the room as a result is quite spacious.

How to make the calculation of the roof

In order to make the calculation of the number of roofing material, insulation, the hydro and vapor barrier film should first of all determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe future roof. Especially difficult to perform required calculations In the event that the roof is broken and has a complex configuration. At the same time, the diagram of the attic roof is drawn and divided into simple geometric shapes. Next, the area of \u200b\u200beach figure is calculated. The results are folded.

The triangle area is calculated by the formula S \u003d (BXH) / 2, where b is the length of the base of the triangle, H is its height. The formula for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium - s \u003d ((a + b) / 2) xh, where a and b is the base of the trapezium, H is its height. The formula of the circle - S \u003d pxr 2, where R is the radius of the circle. Number n \u003d 3,14

Horseful roof. Drawings make it possible to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof without any problems.

  1. Used roofing material. Manufacturers always indicate which minimum and maximum inclination angle are admissible for one or another of its view;
  2. Climatic conditions. A mansard roof is arranged with your own hands, given the region in which the building is located. The steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the load on the roof will be wind. But at the same time, the load from snow and ice on roofing pie and rafters will be less;
  3. Appointment. The design of the attic roof in our case should be developed taking into account the fact that later it will be a residential premises. Therefore, it is recommended to choose such an angle so that the height from the beam beam to the upper point of the roof was at least 2.5 m, taking into account the thickness of the heat insulator and the trim.

The installation of the attic roof of the installation of the lower (urban) rafters continues. For them, the timber is suitable with a cross section of 50x150mm. Previously make a template from not too thick board. One end is applied to Mauerlat, and the other to run. Next place the form washed and cut it. By this template, the rafters are cutting.

To install the upper (hanging) rafters, the center of the roof is placed. At the same time, a temporary rack is nourished to Mauerlat and an extreme tightening is installed. Further prepares pattern from the board and the ends of the upper rafters are cut on it. In the center they are bonded with each other with metal plates. Then you need to put the suspended racks (25x150mm rear). After that, the lower rafters are strengthened with pins (50x150 mm board) and sewing frontoths.

Galvanized corners, self-tapping and nails are used to attach all elements of the rafter system.


Dersighted roof projects can provide for the use of various roofing materials. Very often you can see the roof of metal tile or professional flooring. Under them can be installed rarefied doom. When using rolled materials, a solid one is mounted.

A kindergarten roof dryer can be solid or rarefied

Waterproofing and installation of roofing material

The roof of the attic with their own hands will be reliable only if high-quality waterproofing is arranged. Most often, a superdiffusion membrane is used to protect the roof. Mount it starts from below. At an angle of inclination of the roof from 15 to 30g, the nailed between the rows of the film should be approximately 25 cm, at an angle more than 30g - 15-20 cm. The film is attached to rafters by special brackets. A counterclaim is hampering over the film. The roofing material is attached to it.

Roofing material mounted on top of the waterproofing film

Important: When installing, it is necessary to ensure that the film does not stretch. The material should slightly resist. This ensures ventilation of the undercase.


Under all the technologies of insulation, the attic roof is suitable for the arrangement of residential premises. With their own hands, the heat insulator is usually mounted from the inside of the room. In the case of installation of the insulation, the attic of the attic from the inside is pre-performed. After the laying is completed, so that the plates do not fall out, they are tightened to the wire from below, fixing it to the rafters.

Warming roof houses with an attic. Photos of basalt wool between rafyles

On a note: Most often for mansard insulation used mineral wool. It lies between the rafters denser than the foam. As a result, the appearance of cold bridges is eliminated.

Parosolation and sheathing

Double roof attic is arranged with the mandatory use of vapor barrier material. On top of the wool it is necessary to pull the isospan foil inside the room. Above it is hampered under the trim. In this way, ventilation is satisfied. From the inside of the attic is trimmed with plasterboard, clapboard or plywood.

Thus, a reliable attic roof can be erected with her own hands. The video presented below represents the roofing pie process with the insulation styling outside.

As you can see, the construction of an attic roof is quite complex technologically. However, arrange an extra living room in the country with your own hands, attaching a little effort, yet it is possible.