
Which water heater is better to buy in the apartment: reviews about models. Flowing water heater electrical and its use

Ponds in the garden

There are significant advantages over cumulative as compact dimensions and instantaneous water heating. But their connection requires a separate electrical cable and protection machine on the shield.

Therefore, the installation of flow heaters is limited in apartments of multi-storey houses of the old building - here you can put the heater with a capacity of no more than 3.5 kW.

Calculation of the required power

The power of the water heater can be determined by knowing the accurate list of objectives of its use. For this you can use the table in which the approximate amount of water required for various needs is given:

Purpose of use

Water flow, (l / min)

Required water volume, (l) for cumulative water heater

Hand washing

Kitchen sink

Taking a soul

Bath adoption

The power of the flow-through electro water heater is calculated by the formula:

P \u003d g * Δt / 14.3 where:

  • P is the power of the heater, kW;
  • G - consumption (duct), l / min;
  • Δt - the required temperature increase, º C; Δt \u003d T-TBC;
  • T - the desired (required) outlet temperature, º C;
  • tVC - cold water temperature, º C; (Winter) + 5º C, (Summer) + 15º C.

This indicator can be determined and a more simplified method - simply split the power of the water heater who liked the power. As a result, a fairly accurate water consumption is obtained (in l / min) when it is heated by 20-30º C. For explanation - Example: 16 kW water heater will provide water flow 8 l / min, which is quite enough to take the shower.

If hot water is needed at several points, not just for the soul, it is necessary to focus on the power of the largest point of water intake. If you need to use these points at one time, the power of the selected flow water heater should be increased at least one and a half times.

Based on these calculations, it becomes clear that it is possible to get a lot of hot water with a short water heater with a small one with its indicators of at least 8 kW.

This is possible only in new homes and houses with installed electric stoves. More powerful flowing electrical heaters (from 12 to 36 kW) are installed in country houses and cottages with specially calculated and installed electrical equipment for the possibility of ensuring consumed electrical power. In this regard, single-phase and three-phase flowing water heaters are produced.

Pressure and non-pressure flowing water heaters

Flow-type water heaters, in addition, are divided into pressure and non-pressure. Pressure electric heaters (they are also called "system") allow you to use water from any crane installed in the house. They are embedded in hot and cold water pipes. It is convenient for the period when the centralized hot water supply is disabled. The on and off of such a water heater occurs automatically, it reacts to the water duct.

Non-free flowing heaters, which are produced with a capacity of 3.5 to 8 kW, includes showers and kitchen nozzles. They only work for one water intake point. Such heaters are convenient to use in summer time in the country.

The cost of non-pressure flowing water heaters is low, moreover, in most cases they are all equipped with a kitchen mixer or shower nozzle. And if the points of the water intake are removed from the water heater, it is advantageous to buy them on every point of water intake separately - this will significantly save electricity to heating water in the pipes. That is why such water heaters often buy for giving.

Since the non-valve heater cannot provide a large amount of water, the holes in the shower nozzles of heaters are specially performed very small so that the jet is stronger. With a lot of water rigidity, it is necessary to rinse the nozzle with a solution that removes scale, otherwise the holes can be clogged, and the overtakes will be inevitable.
Most non-free flowing water heaters with low power are designed for use in warm climates, where average annual temperature fluctuations are small.

So in winter in the middle lane they will be ineffective so how can the water be heated no more than up to 30º C.

Overview of brands and manufacturers. Price comparison

In the electric water heaters market, flow heaters are represented by the following manufacturers:

  1. Electrolux and Timberk (Sweden);
  2. AEG, Clage (Germany);
  3. Thermex (Italy);
  4. Redring (England);
  5. Kospel (Poland).

Compare the characteristics and prices of some famous brands

Flowing electric water heaters Electrolux

Electrolux releases several series of heaters of different performance, which are equipped with additional features.

Water heaters of the Swedish brand equipped with an effective heating spiral elementreliably protected from scale. Dear models are equipped with a highly intelligent control system.


power, kWt

Price, rub

Multytronic, Electronic control, with color and black LCD displays
Elitec. Electronic control
Sensomatic. Sensory control
MiniFix. Hydraulic control

Flowing electric water heaters Thermex.

Thermex heating element is equipped with a special ceramic unit, and the flask is made of high quality copper. Water heaters of this class produced by the company - the optimal ratio of price and quality.


power, kWt

Price, rub

Stream Non-song, combo
Edisson. System, 220 V

Flowing electric water heaters Kospel
The Polish firm produces mainly system models, but also several brands of non-pressure heaters - Stream and EPJ series (small with mixing reinforcement). Component parts in contact with water are made of high-quality brass and copper. Kospel flowing water heaters have a pleasant design, modern, and their service is low-cost.


power, kWt

Price, rub

ERR System Large Power
Epve. System with electronic control and LCD display
EPPV. System with electronic power control
EPV. Systems with hydraulic power control

Let's sum up

Deciding with the power of the electric heater, before ordering in the online store or campaign to a specialized store will be worth it:

  1. Find out in the service organization about network capabilitiesTo which the house is connected, and what additional electrical equipment will be needed to connect the selected flow electron heater.
  2. Decide with the complexity of the installation of the device and understand whether it is possible to cope with it on its own or it is necessary to invite electrician specialists and plumbers, find out the cost of installation work and editing.
  3. Before choosing an electric flow-type electric water heater It is worth asking for guarantees, availability of replaceable parts, their cost And find out where service centers are located closest to the house.

It will help save time, strength and money.

To secure the information received, I propose to watch the video:

Difficulties with hot water in apartment houses In the summer, unfortunately, not uncommon. Planned repairs that are so generous utilities are tightened for a long time and are not always effective. What to do? I do not want to give up the usual comfort. In this regard, experts advise to install a water heater flowing electric - which is better to buy, we will analyze in this article.

Advantages of flow devices:

  • Fast water heating.
  • Compactness.
  • A small mass (easy to mount on the wall).
  • Ease of Management.
  • There is no need to carry out procedures for draining water and cleaning.
  • There is no inconvenience associated with the end of hot water and you need to wait again until it gets warm.

Important! This is a wonderful option for those who use heated water irregularly. For example, if you spend most of the day at work.

Are there any deficiencies?

  • With regular and considerable hot water consumption, it costs a significant amount.
  • If you use a powerful device, you need a thick cable. And if you often have voltage jumps, it is better to purchase.
  • A device with low power does not provide sufficient water heating, especially in winter.

Important! Flowing water heaters with a significant power are not even equipped with a cord with a fork, so that the owner did not think to use the usual outlet.


All water heating devices are divided into 4 groups.

  • Cumulative. Water heating in the tank.
  • Flowing. Water heats up, which passes through the device.
  • Mixed. You can use in both modes of operation.
  • Bulk.

Important! Externally, all water heating devices are similar. They have a rectangular or cylindrical form, it is possible to regulate water temperature. The feature of the accumulative equipment is impressive sizes. In particular, if the boiler is designed for a large amount of water. Flowing water heaters are more compact.

But before choosing water heaters - accumulative or flowing, you need to know all the pros and cons, examine in detail all the technical specifications.

Features of the flow water heater:

  • Compared to a cumulative device, the dimensions of the water-heating device are more modest.
  • By type, the equipment resembles a small box, which is fixed on the wall.
  • Inside there is a tank with a small size. For the rapid heating of running water, the Tane is made in the form of a spiral.
  • An important element of the design is a stream sensor that tracks the appearance of water in the device and gives a signal to turn on the heating device.
  • Flowing water heaters are also equipped with temperature regulators.

Important! Due to the poor quality of water inside the water heater, scale is formed, which adversely affects the technique. Upload life to water the use of filters. In our article you will find information about what.

Pressure and non-valve flowing water heater: connection features

There are flowing electric water heaters of systemic and individual type. The system device (it is also called pressure) crashes into water risers. Such a heater can serve several points at once:

  • Washbasin.
  • Sink in the kitchen.

Important! Low power presses designed for 8-9 kW are able to heat a small amount of water. More powerful devices (up to 32 kW) are designed for voltage 380 V (three-phase).

Individual heaters are connected to cold water. They are equipped at the outlet of the flexible hose with a nozzle or crane for washing. This is a good option for giving or as a temporary measure for a period of turning off the hot water supply. Follow the link with the software instructions.

Varieties of management

Control of flow-type heaters happens:

  • Hydraulic. At the input of the device there is a flow sensor that feeds the signal to turn on and off the heating element. The disadvantage of such a system is the inclusion on one power. There are devices with power control (push button switching).
  • Electronic. The device is managed using a microprocessor. The device's condition monitoring is performed by several sensors that support the specified temperature.

Important! Flowing water heater with hydraulic control heats the water sufficiently weakly. The increase in temperature is 20-25 degrees. This means that in the summer you get water at an outlet with a temperature of about 40 degrees, and in winter the temperature of the water that passes through the device will be slightly higher than 20 degrees, since the incoming water temperature is very low.

Models of greater power - systemic, have electronic type control and successfully copble with the task of maintaining a given temperature. The disadvantages of these water heaters include:

  • Relatively high cost.
  • Much value of power consumption.

But if you have acquired such an installation, you can use the water with the temperature you specify at any time of the year.

What water heater to choose for an apartment: manufacturing materials

Internal filling of flow heaters can be:

  • Copper. Copper heaters, due to the excellent thermal conductivity of the metal, quickly heat the water.
  • Steel. This is a reliable and rather durable option if the water is not too tough.
  • Plastic. It is very a budget option with a short working resource. Despite the fact that there are durable grades of plastic for manufacture, buying such a test - the case is quite dubious.

Important! A wire from copper is used for the device. Wire cross section is:

  • With the value of power consumption to 7 kW - at least 3.5 mm.
  • For power consumed up to 12 kW - 4 mm.

For proper choice Wires for food and good grounding The device will work stably.

Criterias of choice

Choosing a flowing electric water heater to understand what better to buy, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Operating pressure variability - minimal and maximum values.
  • Power consumption.
  • Tank and Tan manufacturing material.
  • Degree of protection (the possibility of location near the crane and soul).
  • With what water the device can work.
  • The degree of water heating for 1 minute.

All these values \u200b\u200bare given in technical characteristicsah to the device.

Important! It is also useful to see the reviews for a particular model. If we talk about the country-producer, the leaders in quality are German and Italian companies. Chinese products - "How lucky", but the percentage of high-quality goods and here is rather big, since many European companies endure their production in China. In this case, the label indicates the initial homeland of the brand and the place of assembly. Most of such equipment works well, since the famous companies value the reputation and tightly control the quality of products.

Overview of popular brands

These are the most common models with the optimal ratio of quality, functionality and cost. The reduced rating will help you choose the best flowing water heater for the apartment.


Electric flowing water heater, affordable, reliable and efficient:

  • Power consumption - 6.5 kW (there is a three-stage regulator, with which you can reduce power).
  • Productivity - 4.5 l / min.
  • There is a temperature controller, a reusable water filter, automatic switching on and off the instrument.
  • The housing is made of plastic.

According to customer reviews, the main advantages of the water heater are:

  • Fast water heating, even with an average power value.
  • Stable work.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Easy installation.


Compact powerful flow-type water heater with stylish design:

  • The device is equipped with the LCD display, which displays the device operation parameters.
  • Power consumption - 5.7 kW, productivity 2.8 l / min.
  • TEN is made of high quality steel alloy.
  • When water passes, vibration is created, which prevents the appearance of scale on the heating element.
  • There is protection against the overheating of the device, as well as the water flow intensity controller.

The advantages of this model include:

  • Beautiful design.
  • Compactness.
  • Stable work, long working resource.


Practical, easy to use and connect the device:

  • Power consumption is 7.5 kW.
  • Productivity - 4-5 l / min.
  • Ten is made of copper.
  • There is protection against water from getting out of overheating. It can be used for several points of water intake.

According to consumer reviews, the advantages of the hot water device are as follows:

  • Compactness (the model takes the minimum place).
  • Effective water heating.
  • Durability.
  • Good assembly.

Household heating systems flowing A simple control system and compact dimensions are distinguished, since the additional reservoir does not require functioning. The process of work is to circulate water along a tubular heating element, where it instantly heats up to a certain temperature. The most optimal way to equip the house by uninterrupted flow of warm water is to install flow water heaters for the apartment.

Brief specifications

Modern equipment is divided into several types that suggest use in different ways Heating fluid:

  • Heating spiral or Ten operates on the basis of electricity;
  • The work is carried out by using the gas burner;
  • Functioning due to the heat exchanger through which water passes and acquires the desired temperature mode.

Electrical devices are considered to be the simplest in operation - they are very easily connected, work without problems, but consume a lot of electricity. The average power of such a heater is 3-5 kW.

The most economical is gas, but require the connection of the house to gas networks and establish their exclusively specialists with the tolerance category.

Video: How to choose a water heater? What is better to buy?

Rules for the choice of flow apparatus

To the task, how to choose a flow water heater for an apartment, you must approach the maximum responsibly. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should answer a few questions.

  1. What is the device on the source of energy?

To date, there are two types of energy source: gas or electricity. If the house is heated with a gas boiler, you can generally acquire a double-circuit boiler, which heels and provides GVS. Both contours are autonomous and in each other are not interconnected.

In the absence of gas, electric flow boilers are chosen, which are installed in the immediate vicinity of the water intake point - on the crane, on or instead of the shower, near the sink as an additional source of DHW, etc. The performance of the device depends on the type of wire installed. For example, in the old buildings, the shields are designed to maximize current supply to 16a. They can withstand the power of technology not more than 3.5 kW. Later buildings possess the shields that are withstanding 32-40 A, in this case, a powerful device can be used, with a value of up to 8 kW.

Regardless of the quality of the wiring and the year of construction during installation electrical device You should additionally carry out a separate wire, heading from the unit to the electrotic.

  1. Type of technology

There are two types of equipment: non-variable and pressure. The apartment is more suitable for the second option, which the installation process is mounted directly on hot and cold water pipes. The device has the ability to provide hot water to several mixers immediately.

However, if the goal of acquiring the device is a seasonal overlap of centralized water supply, a non-valid version should be selected. Often it has less power and is equipped with additional shower nozzles. This unit is intended for heating the coolant only in the summer, in winter it is not able to effectively cope with the work.

  1. Equipment performance

Here, more should be navigated, what water consumption consumption is required to carry out household purposes when taking into account the incoming and outgoing temperature regime. It is these parameters that are fixed in the passport of the flow water heater for the apartment.

To calculate, put a tank with a known volume and check for one minute. The number that will be given for this period of time is the main parameter to select the device.

Incoming water is fundamental importance. If it is at the mark of 14 ° C and higher, the exit will be declared by the manufacturer of degrees. The lower the temperature of the incoming, that, accordingly, it will be cool.

Experts recommend purchasing equipment famous manufacturer. Since dubious products will significantly save attachments, but a little later, problems may arise with a quick breakdown of the unit and seriously available details.

Installation of poor-quality equipment to a house or apartment can lead not only to difficulties associated with its operation, but also a violation of the security of all real estate.

In order to figure out how to choose a flow water heater for an apartment, you need to correctly evaluate the upcoming load. A seven of four people will need a 14-16 kW device. The volume of water in this case will be 5-8 liters per minute, which is enough for 1-2 points of water intake.

The maximum temperature should be at least 50 ° C, but at the same time consider that in winter at the outlet it can be less than 3-5 ° C. Because we are talking about domestic use, the power supply must be designed for 220 V, the frequency of 20-30 Hz. If the house is private or there are regular voltage drops on the network, buy devices with a frequency of 30 Hz. If voltage stabilizers are installed, you can do 20 Hz.

Do not buy devices without overheating. The defense is necessarily present Marking Pip30.

As for the probes, it is better to prefer anti-corrosion, but some manufacturers have already released a line of static. And the one, and the other variety is equally well proven to operate.

When the choice is made, be sure to ask the seller-consultant certificate of quality conformity and do not forget about the warranty period.

Popular brands, models and reviews about them

As already negotiated a little earlier, the use of more powerful models is impractical for the apartment, as with a private house it is different. Therefore, we give examples of less productive aggregates that occupy leading positions on the technical market.

Water heater flowing electric for kitchen Atmor Basic 3.5 kW

With a capacity of 3.5 kW and the maximum flow of fluid - up to 3 l / min. The budgetary version of the heating system is able to produce temperature regime to 40 ° C under one condition, if the fluid at the input into the device is not colder than 18 ° C. Approximate value varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

The main complaints of users on the frequent shutdown and the "stripping" of cold water when inclusion on a large power.

Polaris Water Heater Vega T 3.5

Power 5.5 kW and productivity - 4.3 liters. Thanks to a universal form, the technique can be mounted under the bath, a handicraft or a niche. The package includes a faucet and nozzle on the shower.

In general, negative user reviews are very small, the equipment is called a good, which fully justifies its affordable cost - 2000 rubles.

Flowing water heater for apartment PE-VN-220 patron

It has an average cost - up to 2600 rubles. Power does not exceed 5kW, flow rate - 5l / min. The device involves the processing of low quality water, therefore, it is equipped with an additional protective layer that increases the operational timelines.

Electrical flow water heater Electrolux SmartFix 2.0 S (3.5 kW)

Very high quality equipment line equipped with all required means protection. The average performance is 3-4 liters. Power 5.5 kW. Very compact dimensions, concise design. It is convenient to place them in the niches. Lack only one - price. On average, such equipment will cost 5000 rubles.

In modern models, predominantly static heating elements are provided, which even compared with anti-corrosion extends the service life. Maximum temperature 50 °. Parameters - 220V, 20-30 Hz. Everything is done very high quality.

Flowing water heater Thermex System 1000 (WH)

Universal water heaters, which are in demand from consumers, but at the same time have a number of complaints. First of all, it concerns the lack of gaskets for the thermostat. Restriction of working frequency up to 25 hertz, that when the voltage drops on the network may affect the operation of the equipment. It is advisable to immediately install the voltage stabilizer and do not use the device at full power.

In the pluses - thermal switches, high-quality regulators and multifunctionality. Most provided 3 modes of operation. Price - 5500-6000 rub.

How to install the device?

First of all, it is necessary to install the apparatus directly on the wall, then connect to the general system of the water supply system.

Next requires a power connection. Even if the flow water heater has a low power, a separate electrically conductive should be performed for it. This process must be carried out on the basis of the factor that not each electric meter is able to withstand a large current load.

The diameter of the wiring and the type of automation is selected based on technical features Water heater and meter. It is important to remember that the standard socket, through which the technique is planned, should have a grounding element.

After that, the device joins the water supply directly to the crane or replaces a shower nozzle, depending on the configuration and type of device.

Video: Flowing water heater. Connection concept

Today we will talk about flowing water heaters and give useful advice By their choice.

Comfort comfort primarily

It is difficult to imagine a comfortable home without hot water. After all, it is one of the components of amenities in the house.

First hot waterwhich man began to use was natural thermal sources. Then he began to use an open fire to heat the water.

Later heaters appeared, the water in which heated by burning solid fuels.

Now the most common are heaters, where gas and electricity is used as a source.

The peculiarity of heaters with such heat sources, which provide, water heating, was the use of two types - storage heaters and flow-type heaters.

At home, electric water heaters are becoming increasingly popular.

Now many at home are built without connecting it to the gas highway, and all the amenities in the house are provided with electricity.

Such water heaters are relevant to the owners of houses and country sites, to which it is impossible to carry out gas.

Well, it is worth recalling that in many cities their inhabitants only dream of a centralized supply of hot water and, probably, this dreams are hardly destined to come true. Although hope is dying the latter.

In general, where there is no possibility to use gas to heat water or not centralized hot supply use electricity to heat cold water.

Types of electrical water heaters

Both in the accumulative, and in flow water heaters, the main element for heating the water is Ten. But the heating is made in different ways.

In the accumulative water heaters, water enters a special container, inside which is located ten.

With the help of an adjustable thermostat, the temperature is set, to which Ten must heat the water.

Bringing to the desired temperatureTen is turned off, but with a slight drop in temperature, it turns on and gets the temperature to the desired value. So it supports water constantly heated.

With partial consumption of water, a new portion of cold water to the level is received from the water supply system to the container, and it is heated again.

How to connect a cumulative water heater - schemes.

In the flow of the same water heaters of water tanks. Water, entering the water heater, passes through the feed pipe.

A housing with a heating element is fixed on this pipe. Water, passing through the nozzle inside the housing heats up, and on the discharge nozzle goes to the consumer.

Advantages and disadvantages of flow water heater

In flow water heaters there are a number of positive qualities:

  • The absence of water tank makes it very compact, and since this heater has a stylish external body, it fits perfectly into the interior;
  • Flowing water heater provides almost immediately serving hot water after turning it on to the network. Because of this, they are convenient to use in country houses and cottages;
  • You can pick up different heaters, capable of producing hot water for both one point, and several.

The lack of this type of water heaters is only one - to ensure the rapid heating of water flowing through it, it must have a good power, which affects its power consumption.

Types of flowing water heaters

Now there are two types of flow water heaters - non-free and pressure.

Non-free flowing water heaters can be connected to almost any source of cold water, but the main thing is that this source has a crane to overlap water supply.

Below is the model Electrolux SmartFix 3.5 S.

In order for such a water heater to start working, it is enough to include it in the network, set the water temperature and open it to the crane.

The heater itself will continue to work on the flow of water, that is, if it is overlapping it, it will automatically turn off.

Because of this feature, these water heaters are unable to provide hot water Multiple points of the fence.

But since they only work for one point, the power is relatively small - from 3 to 8 kW.

Pressure water heaters are included in the water supply system at home. That is, water in it is under pressure constantly.

But while in the house all cranes are blocked and water is not consumed, it does not work.

Below is the Stiebel Eltron DHF 13 C Compact model.

As soon as one of the cranes is broken and the water flow appears through the heater, it turns on to work.

Such a water heater is able to work for several points of the fence. However, to ensure the heating of a large amount of water, it must have a high capacity - up to 36 kW.

Schematic diagram of the installation of pressure flow water heater.


Structurally, both of these types of flow water heaters are similar. All their elements are enclosed in the case.

On the one hand, there are two nozzles - for water supply to the heater and exit from it.

There is also a wiring with a fork, to connect it to the network. The control unit is located on the outer part of the case, which set the temperature and mode of operation of the heater.

Inside the same, the nozzles along which the water moves inside the water heater, these nozzles pass through the copper flask, with the devils located in it, and where it is directly heating.

Also, the design includes fuses, temperature stabilizer, power regulator, thermal cyclic breaker and flow control.

With free water heaters, as they can provide only one point of the fence, in the kit can go to the shower of whether shells.

That is, it is enough to connect the pipe with water to it, and on the other hand the nozzle right to the output nozzle and the water heater is ready to use.

This allows you to use it as a portable - installed in one place and used, the loan was transferred to another.

Pressure are included in the water supply system.

In principle, it can be included in this system and use only at certain cases, for example, when the hot water is disconnected from central water supply.

At the same time, they can provide hot water all the house.

Selecting a flow heater

Deciding to establish a running water heater, one should decide on some features.

So, at first you need to decide whether the electrical network of the house with such a load will increase.

And also need to decide on the purpose of using a flow water heater.

Below is a table, examining which you can make certain conclusions for yourself.

In old houses, where wiring is not designed for heavy loads, install the flow water heater will not work. Although it is still possible to install a low-power water heater in 3 kW, and then before purchasing it is better to check the network by connecting the consumer to it with the same power.

IN modern houseswhere the electric stove is used, the need for network check is particularly no if it can withstand the stove, it means that heater will endure.

Based on this, the type of water heater is determined. If the network is weak - only a non-valve water heater should be purchased.

Some owners, if several hot water feed points are needed, several non-pressure heaters acquire, and thereby solve the problem with this problem.

Determination of the required power

This indicator is generally calculated according to a specific formula, which includes the need to determine the flow of water, the temperature of the water supplied to the heater and the outlet temperature.

However, it is possible to calculate the water heater power is much easier.

It is enough to divide the device that the result obtained is the volume of flowing water heated to 20-30 degrees. in a minute.

That is, the water heater with a capacity of 20 kW will warm 10 liters of water per minute to 20-30 degrees. Based on this, it is already determined which approximately there will be water consumption, and which power of the heater is needed for this.

If the water heater is acquired, which will provide several water intake points, the power is determined by the point with the highest water flow.

There is a chance that the water fence will be made at several points at the same time, the resulting result of calculations for maximum flow rate from one point should be increased in one and a half times.

Other features when choosing

Before purchasing, it should be immediately defined, it usually concerns the pressure type.

It is better to be placed as close as possible to the electricity meter.

The schematic diagram is presented below.

It is also desirable before the outlet, from which it will be powered by, installing a circuit breaker, which allows you to protect the network of the house from unwanted overloads from the water heater operation, and the device itself is from voltage jumps.

The last criterion for choosing is the convenience of its control.

Cheap options are equipped with only the inclusion key and manual temperature selection regulator.

More expensive can already be equipped with a display for temperature testimony and sensory control. But this is a matter of taste and the availability of finances.

Solve the problem of hot water in an apartment or private house, in the country, you can heating water with electric water heaters. They are several types and to decide which water heater is better for your situation, you need to know their advantages, disadvantages and features of each type of water heating equipment.

What are household water heaters and what they differ

  • flow-up - heated water passing through the device;
  • accumulative type - water is heated in the heater tank;
  • drilling-accumulative - have two modes of operation;
  • bulk.

Which water heater is better to say difficult. If speak about appearance, the main external difference is the size. Cumulative models are large, flowing - small. But size is not all that you need to understand what is better for you. We must know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of equipment.

Cumulative models

Cumulative water heater (the second name - boiler) has a container of solid sizes - from 30 to 200 liters. Inside there is a heating element - TEN. It may be one or more. Includeds are included in parallel (always work simultaneously) or cascades (included as needed). With a cascade inclusion, there are plenty of heating modes - for more efficient electricity spending.

Many models contain a thermometer to conveniently monitor the temperature of the water and the thermostat to maintain the specified temperature. The desired temperature is set by the span of the thermostat controller to a certain position.

A certain amount of water is constantly in the accumulative water heater. It is heated by the right of electrical heaters. They are two types:

  • TEN ( T.ribbed E.lens N.aRM). Inexpensive classic solution. They quickly and easily change, in any specialized store there is in stock in a wide range. The disadvantage is long enough water.
  • Spiral heating element. More powerful heaters that quickly warm large volumes of water allow you to accurately maintain the desired temperature. But they are more expensive (affects the price of the water heater), they are also more difficult to replace them.

Principle of operation

Regardless of the type of heater installed, the principle of operation of the accumulative water heater is the same. When the targeted temperature is reached, the thermostat turns off the power supply, heating is stopped. Next, the maintenance of temperature occurs in automatic mode. When the water cools on 1 degree or cold is added to the tank at consumption, heating is turned on. As soon as the target temperature is achieved (or rather, the degree above is predetermined), heating is stopped. So work cumulative water heaters With automation. They are convenient because they do not overheat (if the automation is good) and you always have hot water that is heated the way you wanted. Such equipment usually has two modes of operation - with maintaining the temperature or without a manual mode.

In order for the water temperature to keep as long as possible, the insulation is used. It is laid between the walls of the tank and the case. With good thermal insulation, even with hot water, the housing remains cold, slightly warm. It is clear if the temperature holds for a long time, the costs of maintaining it is small. Even if you turn off the temperature maintenance function, the water will be hot even in a day.

There are completely simple electric water boards in which the thermostat is not. They turn on / off toggle switch - manually. As you understand, in this case, there is a possibility that the water heater will boil and fails (if you forget to turn it off).

There is another nuance - the stepwise turn on the Tan. They are usually installed in the housing two or more, there are several heating modes. One is more powerful, in which all heaters are included, the rest are softer - can work one or two of the lane, depending on their total number. What is it necessary for? In summer, you can use heating by gentle mode - water and so quickly heats up, in the winter they usually use all the heaters - wait less. In general, it can thus adjust the heating rate of the boiler. Lost hot water and need the next game quickly - included at full power, there is no such need - you can not overload the network by turning on the floor power.

What materials make tanks and features of their maintenance

Cumulative water heaters are made of stainless steel and conventional steel. Conventional steel is covered by enamel protective layers, it does not need stainless in them. From this point of view, it is easy to say which water heater is better - with a tank made of stainless steel. But it is more expensive. But the service life of such equipment is much more - enamel, even the most qualitative one, over time peels.

To extend the service life of the enameled coating, magnesium anodes are put in the accumulative steel water heaters. They require periodic replacement - during the operation of "melting", and tracks their status Special sensor with displayed indicator displayed on the front panel. As the indicator, the need to replace the anode is monitored.

How to choose and what better

In most cases, accumulative water heaters put in private houses or in apartments of high-rise buildings, where there is no centralized hot water supply. Equipment is selected by the volume of the tank. If you do not like limitations, it is possible to calculate 50 liters of hot water per family member. This should be enough. In the tank, it heats up, say, up to 70 °. It is impossible to use this, you will dilute it. As a result, 100-150 liters of warm water will be 100-150 liters (depending on the water temperature in the water supply). This is without taking into account that during flowing water is also heated.

About the tank material everything is clear: it is possible, it is better to take a storage electrical heater with a stainless steel tank. The number of operating modes is not so critical, but also a good option, although such models are due to a more complex scheme, cost more.

NameTank capacityPowerSizes (w * g * c)Heating timeTankMin / Max PressureControlPrice
ELECTROLUX EWH 50 CENTURIO DL50 L. 433 * 255 * 860 mm70 minstainless steel0.7-6 barelectronic190$
Ariston ABS VLS EVO PW 100100 L.2.5 kW506 * 275 * 1250 mm91 minstainless steel0.2-6 bar.electronic185$
Atlantic Vertigo 30.30 L.1 kW490 * 290 * 601 mm46 minenamel0.5-6 bar.mechanical240$
THERMEX FLAT PLUS IF 80 V80 L.1,3 kW493 * 270 * 1025 mm80 minstainless steel electronic300$
Zanussi Smalto ZWH / S 5050 L.2 kW470 * 250 * 860 mm95 minenamel0.75-6 barmechanical180$
Gorenje OTG50SLB6.50 L.2 kW420 * 445 * 690 mm115 minenamel0.75-6 barelectronic155$

What kind of company it is better to choose. Which water heater is better objectively to tell you no one can - different needs and requests from people. But you can make some conclusions on operating experience. People about the accumulative heaters of firms speak well:

  • Termex. If we talk about prices for water heaters with a tank of stainless steel, then at the price of this company there is no competitors. By quality, it is difficult to say, reviews are different.
  • Real. Not bad cumulative boilers, the main thing is that consumables in your city were.
  • OSO. Very good, but expensive.
  • Electrolux (AEG). Famous company with stable quality.

Flowing water heaters

The flowing water heater has more modest dimensions. This is a small box that is attached to the wall. Inside, there is also a tank with a penny, but the size of their very miniature, and the Tenins usually have a kind of spiral - to better heat passing water.

One of the necessary elements of the flow sensor. It monitors the appearance of water movement in the device (the crane has opened) and gives the command to turn on the Tan. When the crane is closed, the power sensor power supply disables.

There is still a thermostat that the water temperature is set. Maybe he is swivel type With a scale, there are models with an electronic scoreboard with a button or sensory control.

Press and non-pressure flowing water heaters, their connection

There are two options for flowing water heaters - systemic and individual. Systems are crashed into cold and hot water risers, are also called pressure. We can immediately provide several points - for example, shower, sink and washbasin. There are 220 V system flow water heaters with a relatively small power consumption (about 8-9 kW), but they can heat a small amount of water. There are settings very powerful - up to 32 kW, but they are three-phase - at 380 V.

The pressure drifts have two large classes.

Individual flowing water heaters - non-pressure - connect to cold water. At the exit, they have a flexible hose with a nozzle or, as an option, a crane - for washing. These devices are good for the period of shutdown of the DHW or how to solve the problem of hot water in the country.

Pay attention to the shut-off valve only on the feed and turn hot water only with it. Connecting the shut-off armature at the outlet sooner or later will lead to a tank break, in which water is heated. This happens when automatics does not work on the water shutdown. And it is not intended to track water consumption, and tracks only its appearance / disappearance at the entrance. So sooner or later failure occurs.

When connecting the pressure and free-free option, it is mandatory grounding. In general, it is desirable to pull the power supply to such samples to a separate line - a large power consumption, a combination of water and electricity - unsafe combination. Normal wiring may not withstand. Therefore, a separate line is needed on which the machine and the RCD is worth it.

Type of control

There are two types of control of water flow heaters:

  • Hydraulic. When the flow sensor is on the input (the first photo in the section), on which the heating element is turned on / off. The lack of such a system - it is always turned on at one power. Some models have several power modes, but they must be changed each time (click on the buttons).
  • Electronic. The operation is controlled by a microprocessor that controls the state of the device using several sensors. These systems allow you to maintain the desired temperature.

Flow-type water heaters with hydraulic control can add only a certain number of degrees to water temperature. What exactly depends on the power of the Tan, but on average it is about 20-25 ° C. This means that in the summer you will get quite warm water - About + 40 ° C, and in winter it will only be a little warmer + 20 ° C, since the incoming very cold and heat the device to higher temperatures is simply not able to heat.

More powerful models are systemic, with the SISTEM prefix - have electronic control and can cope with the task of maintaining a given temperature. Their disadvantage is a high power and high cost. But if you have such an opportunity, the automation will support the permanent (given) temperature at any time of the year. At full power, the installation rarely works, but still it is necessary to pull the power line at maximum power and it is necessary to calculate the machine and the RCD.

What are the flow heaters made of

Internal filling can be:

  • From copper. These models are distinguished by very good characteristics - the water is quickly heated. Copper has a high thermal conductivity, quickly transfers heat.
  • Stainless steel. A good option, durable (if the water is not tough).
  • From plastic. The cheapest and not the most durable. Although plastic is used special, it is better to buy such drocks.

The choice of flow water heater on this feature is obvious. If you can, buy with copper "stuffing", but also stainless works well.

It is pulled by copper wire with a cross section of at least 3.5 mm (with power consumed to 7 kW) and 4 mm - up to 12 kW. The value of the current consumed, the automatic is selected, the RCOs take to the stage above with a leakage current of 10 mA. With this method of connection and normally working grounding there will be no problems.

Features of choice

When choosing a flow water heater, you must focus on several indicators:

All these parameters must be in the description. Fine a few models you can later, according to reviews, or based on technical specifications, decide which water heater is better. If we talk about firms, then it is better for the quality of German and Italian devices. With Chinese - how lucky, although many firms moved production to China. And now most household appliances Has double "citizenship" - usually write - the homeland of the brand and the place of production. Most of such equipment work reliably, as the firms value the name and introduce tight control over the quality of products.

NamePowerDimensionsPerformanceAmount of pointsManagement typeOperating pressurePrice
THERMEX SYSTEM 800.8 kW270 * 95 * 170 mm6 l / min1-3 hydraulic0.5-6 bar.73$
Electrolux SmartFix 2.0 TS (6.5 KW)6.5 kW270 * 135 * 100 mm3.7 l / min1 hydraulic0.7-6 bar45$
AEG RMC 75.7.5 kW200 * 106 * 360 mm 1-3 electronic0.5-10 bar230$
STIEBEL ELTRON DHM 33 kW190 * 82 * 143 mm3.7 l / min1-3 hydraulic6 bar290$
Evan B1 - 9,459.45 kW260 * 190 * 705 mm 3.83 l / min1 mechanical0.49-5.88 bar240$
ELECTROLUX NPX 8 Flow Active8.8 kW226 * 88 * 370 mm4.2 l / min1-3 electronic0.7-6 bar220$

Specific models

There are flowing water heaters of non-standard format. The most common - crane with a flow water heater. it interesting option For summer cottages, for example, it is difficult to say with maintainability. It's difficult to say - while there are no many users of such devices and operating experience is very small.

Which water heater is better: flow or accumulative

To decide which water heater to buy is a boiler (accumulative) or a teston - in principle, it is easy. First of all, the limiting factor is power consumption: the accumulative maximum is 3-4 kW, in flow water heaters less than 7-8 kW it is pointless - they can ensure the heating of only a very small volume of water. Not everyone has the opportunity to establish such powerful equipment.

To the second place, you need to look, constantly you will use the water electric heater or only periodically. When periodically use, especially in summer period Comfortable flow water heaters, so with an open type (individual, which are installed next to the sink). For example, this is a great way to warm water in to a comfortable temperature, if the sun has not coped with this task. Also, this is a way to solve the problem in apartments when the hot water is disconnected.

For permanent and regular use, accumulative water heaters are more economical and convenient. Modern models More than a day "hold" the temperature, so that the consumption of electricity will be, rather, less than the greater.

Flow-accumulative water heaters

This is a combination of the two previously described devices. They work in two modes. If the water consumption is small, water is supplied from the accumulative tank, if it increases, the flowing heating is also connected. The equipment is very convenient, but it is expensive. There are not so many options. This is a Stiebel Eltron SHD for 30 liters and 100 liters. Price - 1500-1750 $.

Bulk water heaters

Excellent solution for giving or in the absence of tap water in the house. A liquid water heater is a capacitance with a lid in which the TEN is mounted. Capacity can be stainless steel, plastic, conventional steel coated with enamel. The temperature is regulated by the thermostat. A shower hose has been attached to the housing.

There are such devices of two types - samotane and with a small built-in pressure pump (Elvin Evbo). Self-level bulk water heaters need to hang above heads. You can take the shower, then the flow of water will be weak. In models with the pump, the pressure is larger, but also the tank of the tank must be a decent and hiking such a model you can not call.

Functions here may be such:

Bulk water heaters are an original Russian invention and manufacturers are all Russian. There are similar air heaters of the next brands:

  • Success;
  • Alvin Evbo;
  • Aquarius;
  • Elbet;
  • Mr. Hit Dachnik;
  • Story.

Devices operate from a network of 220 V, power has about 1-2 kW, the price is from $ 20 to $ 100 - depending on the functionality and material of the tank. What kind of water heater is better in this category? Stainless with pressure, but this is just the most expensive models.