
My husband and wife have a second positive. Plans to pregnancy, and how are we compatible? What is the indicator important - a blood type or a rhesus factor? When the danger of a child begins to arise

Fruit and berry crops for the garden

When planning pregnancy, a married couple needs to pass certain surveys. At the same time, it is important to learn the compatibility of blood groups to conceive a child, because it will avoid many complications during begging and will ensure healthy development of crumbs.

What happens blood

Suppose a special analysis on the definition of a group of parents of parents and a rhesus factor in any clinic. The results will help a gynecologist to make the right appointments during the period of bearing, to minimize the possible influence of different rhesus factors of parents on the kid.

The division system for blood groups is based on specific sets of proteins A and V. Genetics determine them as alpha and beta agglutinogens.

1 group - alpha and beta agglutinogens are absent

2 Group - Alpha agglutinogens are present

3 Group - There are beta agglutinogens

4 Group - There are alpha and beta agglutinogens

It is also necessary to know the value of the rhesus, since it is that it affects blood compatibility to conceive. Mix the Rh factor is negative and positive. In the event that human erythrocytes in their composition specific proteins and antigens are diagnosed with positive rhesus. In the event of their absence - negative.

It is believed that women with the first group do not have problems with having to wear and they appear healthy kids. Such people are the best donors, because this blood group has excellent compatibility with all others (in the case of a coincidence of the resuson). It is believed that these people prefer to eat meat products. There is an opinion that people having a second blood group love vegetable and fruit dishes. And with the third - prefer flour.

Myths about compatibility

The Internet wanders the blood compatibility table to conceive a child.

Allegedly women with the first blood group are incompatible with men of the second, third and fourth. Women with the second - with men who have a third or fourth group, etc. There is another opinion: if the spouses the blood type coincides, then the conception is unlikely, or in this case weak children are born.

The gynecologists say: all this complete nonsense. Such tables have no relation to medicine, they are completely invented by unscrupulous "healers" or illiterate articles by the authors. The blood of the parents does not affect the conception of the child!

To disappear the last doubts, spend a small survey of our own parents, relatives or friends who have children. You will make sure that the kids are born in couples with a variety of blood groups: 1 and 2, 2, and 4, 1 and 4, and so on.

In some rare cases, a woman cannot become pregnant because of the so-called immunological incompatibility. The seed liquid of a man contains certain components that are rejected by the immune system of the woman. The partner develops a kind of "allergy" to sperm a man. In some articles, this phenomenon is associated with a group of blood. But there is nothing to the blood here, this phenomenon is committed by another order. By the way, such incompatibility is successfully treated.

Resh conflict

When the parents coincides with the Factor, it is possible to talk with confidence that they will have excellent compatibility. Definition of compatibility on the Rh Factor is an important component in pregnancy planning. With the necessary information and, accordingly, receiving the right medical treatment, such pairs will be able to significantly reduce the risk of spontaneous abortions and avoid the health problems of the future kid.

If the mother has a rhesus with a plus sign, and father - with a minus sign, then at conception it will not affect any way. Moreover, genetics argue that in most cases, the crumb is also born "positive". In this case, we can say that parents are compatible to conceive a child.

If the opposite situation (mother is minus, father - plus), then this can lead to certain problems. If a child inherits negative rhesus from Mom, everything will be fine. If the fetus is +, and the pregnancy is not the first, then conflict is possible.

See the table.

The conflict will not affect conception, but may prevent the natural development of the fetus or pregnancy can end with spontaneous abortion.

The female organism perceives the baby as something alien, from what to get rid of. The active confrontation of the particles of the mother and protein in the cells of the crumbs leads to a conflict that significantly affects the state of the fetus. And pregnancy is accompanied by such unpleasant complications as strong toxicosis, general weakness and severe fatigue.

Pregnancy and Res

Even if a woman has a negative rhesus, and the man has a positive, at the first conflict conception usually does not occur, since the maternal organism has not yet developed the antibodies to alien proteins. Therefore, for women with negative rhesus, it is especially dangerous to take an abortion if she became pregnant for the first time.

But the subsequent pregnancy due to the effects of antibodies, as a rule, causes certain difficulties. Provocate an increase in the number of antigens The following Mother's diseases:

  • Gestosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Increased tone of the uterus.

The result of such a conflict can be anemia, jaundice, water and kid. However, this does not mean that such married couples have no chance to give birth. In compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician, a healthy child will appear.

  • Find out the kid ray factor using chorion biopsy;
  • Periodically destroy antibodies by administering immunoglobulin;
  • If necessary, conduct a puncture of the fetal umbilies;
  • The appointment of antiallergenic drugs and vitamin complexes;
  • If the danger to the life of a mother or child is predicted, stimulate childbirth.

The best way out in this situation will be registered with the gynecologist long before pregnancy planning, if you want a second child. In this case, the woman will be prescribed to the introduction of anti -usus immunoglobulin, which will significantly reduce the risk of possible complications.

Which group will be in a child

Parents are interesting and what group and rhesus will be at their kid. Do they inherit the features of the blood of mom or dad or they will be different? Genetics argue that blood indicators children inherit the same way as other signs.

If mom and dad holders of the first blood type, then their crumbs will also not be in the blood of the antigen;

Parents with the first and second group will transmit their groups to the offspring;

If the spouses are owners of the fourth group, their child may be born with any indicator, except for the first;

The presence of parents 2 and 3 groups makes it possible to be born with any of the four possible groups.

As for the rhesus factor, then everything is much easier. The presence of parents of negative indicators suggests that the child will be born with the same sign. If mom and dad are different, the baby can have both positive and negative rhesus.

Competently: obstetrician gynecologist answers questions

Our consultant is an obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemieva.

- I have 1 positive blood group, and the spouse is 1 negative. Is it bad for our future child?

- Not. Such a difference will not have any influence on the conception or pregnancy.

- And I have, and my husband has a third group, the rhesus is positive. I heard that it is bad for conception.

- The blood type does not affect conception.

- I can't get pregnant. Could this be due to the fact that we have the same blood group (2) and the same Rh factor (+).

- No, he can not. Look for the reason in a state of reproductive health, you need to be examined.

- If I have 1 negative and my husband is the same, it's bad for the future child?

- No, in your case the rhesus conflict will not be, as the child will have a negative rhesus factor.

- I have a negative rhesus, my husband is positive. The first child was born healthy. During the second pregnancy, the doctors did not find a conflict in time, and the child died. What should I do the third pregnancy normally?

- To such pregnancy you need to prepare in advance. One of the options is "cleansing" blood from already existing antibodies (for example, with plasmapheresis) so that the risk is minimal. During pregnancy, you need to control the antibodies to the Rh Factor monthly. As soon as signs of sensitization appear, plasmapheres.

Another option is to make eco. In this case, rezes-negative embryos are detected and planted.

- I have a negative blood, my husband is positive. Pregnancy first, goes fine. Do I need to put imuneoglobulin after childbirth, so that there is no conflict for the next pregnancy?

- Yes, it must be done in the first 72 hours after childbirth.

During pregnancy planning or in case of impossibility of conceiving, young couples are trying to deal with the reasons for such a situation. Tests for a blood group and a rhesus factor are one of the first analyzes that must be passed. These indicators will help not only indicate the likely problem, but also to predict the further proceeding process and even a group of the child's child's blood.

The concept and methods for determining the blood group and the rhesus factor

Each person has an individual composition of the blood. However, doctors allocated several of its species with similar features. Belonging to any of them is determined by the content of proteins and red blood cells. Various combinations of these components belong to one of the 4 blood groups - I, II, III, IV.

In addition to the presence in the blood of any substances, the rhesus is usually determined immediately. This parameter indicates the content of a certain component on the surface of the erythrocytes. People with positive rezv have such a substance, and with negative - no.

When creating a family and desire to have a child in front of a couple, questions arise, whether they are compatible with each other, which will be the floor of the child, you can or can not have children. Most reproductologists claim that the blood group does not affect the ability to conceive a child. Having received these data on parents, it is possible to predict the risk of pathologies from the planned baby with high accuracy.

The composition of the blood is stable and does not change with age. In medical sources, it is encouraged in that the rhesus factor changes from time to time, but this is a delusion. Such a point of view was formed due to the weakly-harvest residue, occurring in less than 1% of people. This is a special type of blood in which the amount of antigen may vary throughout life.

Does the probability of conception of the blood group and the reserves of future parents affect the probability of conception?

There are two opposite opinions about the effect of blood for conception and pregnancy. Some doctors argue that a woman with 1 group of blood can easily become pregnant from the partner with the same indicators. The girl with 2 group is compatible only with men 1 and 2 groups. A woman with 3 type can count on a successful pregnancy from men with 1, 2 and 3 groups, etc. If partners have the same blood group, then the appearance of a shared child is unlikely.

Recently, more and more doctors refute this position. The cause of problems with the reproduction in women can be immunological incompatibility. The spermatozoa men in this case are rejected by a female organism. Sometimes this phenomenon justifies the partner blood group. In fact, this indicator does not matter - it is provoked by other reasons. Currently, this is successfully treated.

The incompatibility of partners may take place in the distinction in the Rh factor. Determine compatibility better before pregnancy planning. Multiple analyzes will help avoid problems in the future.

Partners with the same rees are ideal for conceiving children. If the mother has a rhesus factor with a plus sign, and the father has a minus, then it will not have an impact on the continuation of the kind. Difficulties arise with a negative indicator in a woman if such a component is present in the blood.

Blood compatibility table Partners for conception

You can predict the compatibility of a blood type with your partner according to the following table:

Blood Father's BloodChild mother's blood groupPossible problems
I (o)I (o)-
I (o)II (a)-
I (o)III (B)-
I (o)IV (AV)-
II (a)I (o)High incompatibility (more than 80%)
II (a)II (a)-
II (a)III (B)High probability of problems (over 70%). There is a risk of complications during the begging. In 50% of cases of pregnancy - spontaneous abortion or early childbirth.
II (a)IV (AV)-
III (B)I (o)High probability of incompatibility (over 80%). There is a risk of complications during the excavation period. In 40% of cases of pregnancy, spontaneous abortion or early childbirth is possible.
III (B)II (a)High probability of problems with conception (more than 60%).
IVI (o)The big risk of complications during the excavation period.
IVII (a)The average probability of incompatibility (over 40%). During pregnancy, difficulties may arise.
IVIII (B)The average probability of problems (more than 40%). The risk of complications during the begging.

If you find that incompatible with your partner, then you should not be upset ahead of time. Recently, doctors argue that this parameter matters only for medical procedures and does not affect the ability to carry the baby and the likelihood of the development of pathologies. The reason is not an offensive of pregnancy may not be in this.

What is a rhesus conflict, does he have a danger to mother and fetus?

The problem with compatibility may occur only in the case when the mother has a negative blood type, and the child has a positive. In most cases, such incompatibility becomes known already on a large lapitation. With the first pregnancy, the situation is not hazardous, but problems may arise from 2, 3 and the subsequent child.

A child has an increased level of bilirubin, anemia, a lag in development and other unpleasant phenomena can be observed in a child with a reserves-conflict conflict. In the period of the newborn, such children need enhanced medical control.

If the mother RH has a positive, and the baby is negative, the woman's body creates antibodies that fight the fruit, as with a harmful substance. At first pregnancy, this does not carry the dangers, because the resistance of these components is weak, and they do not penetrate the placenta. The kid does not suffer. However, in genetic memory, such a confrontation remains, and during subsequent pregnancies the woman's body resists stronger. Antibodies can provoke a child's intrauterine death, attacking the heart, kidney and baby liver, or premature labor.

Such a probability must be taken into account, even if the first pregnancy is not over the birth of a child. To prevent the rhesus conflict for 2 days after childbirth, abortions, the woman miscarriages need to introduce anti -usus immunoglobulin. The faster this drug is introduced, the more effective it will be.

The concept of immunological and genetic incompatibility

If the partners are healthy, are systematically engaged in sex and are not protected, but a woman cannot become pregnant, then this is a reason for applying for a consultation to the doctor. In incompatibility, they say when the following signs are observed:

  • the conception does not occur for 12 months under the condition of regular sex contacts;
  • miscarriages in the first 12 weeks after conception;
  • interene fetal death.

Various factors can affect the ability to conceive and make a healthy child. To clarify the causes of unbearable, special analyzes are carried out and prescribed treatment.

Immunological incompatibility is expressed in particular women's antibodies. Immunity can perceive the sperche components of a particular man as foreign and dangerous and reject it. This reduces the likelihood of pregnancy or makes it impossible.

With the genetic incompatibility of the pair there is a chance of a child's birth with deviations and various pathologies.

Possible reasons:

  1. the presence of genetic diseases that may be inherited;
  2. age men and women more than 35-40 years;
  3. husband and wife - blood relatives;
  4. bad ecological situation.

Full incompatibility is extremely rare, and with partial conception and to wear it is possible. The main thing is medical control from the first week of pregnancy.

Is it possible to prevent the incompatibility of partners in the blood group and Resh?

In order for no problems with conception, you need to take care of your health in advance. Girls are not recommended to do abortion and blood transfusion.

When performing medical procedures, there is a possibility of blood injection with incorrect reserves. In this case, immunization to antigens occurs. Transfusion should be carried out only by testimony.

In the 21st century, incompatibility for a blood group and a rhesus factor is not a serious problem. It is unlikely that to choose a satellite of life, based on these indicators. The main thing is to know about possible difficulties in advance. Modern medicine allows you to overcome problems with conception in such situations and helps to control the body's reactions.

If the conception occurred, and there is a possibility of complications, then medical workers will try to do everything possible to preserve the health of the mother and the future kid. To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences for a period of 28-29 weeks, an immunoglobulin injection is introduced. This will ensure the normal development of the fetus. After such therapy, a woman should take care of themselves because immunity is weakened.

What group of blood is a child?

Genetics are confident that the composition of the blood is inherited from parents as well as all other characteristics. If there is data on the blood and father's blood groups, then you can predict the data on the composition of the kid:

Group of FatherMother groupBlood Blood Group
I (o)I (o)I (o)
I (o)II (a)II (a) or i (o)
I (o)III (B)In 30% of cases (B), and in 70% - I (o)
I (o)IVII (a) / III (B)
II (a)I (o)In 60% of cases - I (o), and in 40% - II (a)
II (a)II (a)In 30% of cases - I (o), and in 70% - II (a)
II (a)III (B)Any
II (a)IVI (a) / III (B) / IV
III (B)I (o)In 30% of cases - I (o), and in 70% - III (B)
III (B)II (a)Any
III (B)III (B)I (o) / (B)
III (B)IVI (o) / (c) / IV

Compatibility of men and women in the blood group

Brief summary.

If you like the man:

A) with the first blood group

B) with the second blood group

C) with a third group of blood

C) with fourth blood group

A) with the first blood group

B) with the second blood group

C) with a third group of blood

C) with fourth blood group

The second blood type in the process of historical development of man and settlement in the world arose simultaneously with the advent of farmers. I really want to assume that it was from them. Modern summer residents took place. Someday scientists will undoubtedly prove.

Primitive people paid attention to the ability to eat carbohydrate food. Let's assign this role to women of that period. Perhaps they are tired of the constant absence of men at home, references to hunting and mammoths. There was an opportunity to develop the economy, lead a settling life. As a result, about 1/3 of the population acquired a group No. 2.

Genetic prerequisites
The second group is indicated as A (II) in the AU0 system. The group from others is distinguished by the presence of only A-antigen of red blood cells.

Inheritance properties passed, one of the parents must have this antigen.

So the following combinations are possible:

Second + fourth;
second or fourth + first (without antigens);
Second or fourth + third.
A child will not be born with the second group of parents when combined first and third, as they do not have a-antigen. Such a combination indicates the lack of maternity or paternity, is used in forensic medical research.

What to take into account the rhesus
If there is a need for blood transfusion, an additional test of the donor and recipient for compatibility on the rhesus factor is carried out.

Recipient with a second group of blood can only be transfused the same blood and reserves. In an emergency, the first rhesus-negative group is permissible, but the individual compatibility is strictly monitored.

Problems of conformity in the Rhow arise in women during pregnancy. Obstetricians strictly check the analyzes to the Rh factor in future parents due to the possible incompatibility between the mother and the fruit. This situation is possible if the woman is negative, and a man has a positive analysis. Predict to predict, whose gene will choose a fruit, impossible.
For pregnancy there is no danger, if the child is negative as mother.

The inheritance of the positive fatheus of the father will lead to the reaction of rejection from the motherboard. Mother's immune cells recognize the fruit as an alien agent and start fighting against him. As a result, an interruption occurs at an early stage.

Rhow-conflict between mom and fruit
RESS-conflict scheme
The most severe situation occurs with the second and subsequent pregnancies. At primordin women, antibodies accumulate only by the end of pregnancy. Therefore, obstecra are always advised not to make first abortions. And with the following variants, the mother find a high concentration of antibodies at first.

Against the background of pregnancy, the woman gives blood on antibodies several times. This is the necessary analysis, you should not avoid it.

To eliminate the danger, there is an affordable treatment method with antires globulin. It is introduced to a woman in the first three days after childbirth or abortion. This method does not violate the flow of subsequent pregnancies.

The sidelines of the ancient people demanded the acquisition of communication skills. Survived those who knew how to negotiate with the next tribe, with whom it was pleasant to work together. Probably, in those days, too, thought about justice.

Among all group characteristics for the second group, such features are typical: decency in relation to relatives and neighbors, a tendency to joint work, care for loved ones, sympathy.

They are often inferior to the lead to others, but this does not mean that they themselves consider themselves unworthy. On the contrary, dream of a high destination, thoroughly hiding it. Such failure leads to internal stress, it is harmful to health.

In the choice of profession, tend to consider inclinations and do not try to break the nature of the property. The owners of the second group will be excellent teachers, doctors, social workers. They have indispensable abilities in working with personnel, can successfully help in the election campaign.

Commander and subordinates
Any commander needs experienced commissioners

Risk to health
Supporters of the theory of health dependence on blood group believe that for A (II), attention should be paid to the following factors:

Reducing immunity, which easily occurs during stress, infectious diseases, physical exertion, dietary disorders;
inclination to thrombosis, increased blood coagulation;
Reducing the acidity of gastric juice, impaired suction of proteins and fats.
Such features can be deciphered as a tendency to the emergence of such problems:

Cardiovascular diseases;
allergic manifestations, autoallergic diseases (rheumatoid polyarthritis, lupus, hepatitis, psoriasis);
exposure to food infections, gastritis, pancreatitis;
The risk of malignant tumors.

Supply system
The power circuit, developed for blood groups, implies the maximum spuriousness of the body, preventing diseases, prevention of excess weight.

Healthy foods
We recommend that you read: hunters
Compatibility 1 positive blood group
People with the second group are prone to vegetarianism. Their main nutrition is vegetables and fruits. Vegetable oils are recommended: linen and olive. From croup - barley, rice, buckwheat, millet. Showing beans and lentils. Cooking porridge is always approved by the body.

Fruits and vegetables, reinforcing the formation of gastric juice, but not too acidic: pineapples, apples, cherry, orange, currant. Vegetable dishes from carrots, beets. Salads with cucumbers, bulgarian pepper. From the seasonings to leave only mustard.

Limited recommended products
There are products that are not recommended to be fascinated in large quantities, but also to avoid them. These include marine delicacies and fish. From seasonings it is better to do without garlic, ginger, soy Sauce., drinks with malt (beer). Soy substitutes can be used limited.

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Yoga - a way to return to nature
Categorically contraindicated
Due to the inclination to the low acidity of the gastric juice, the digestion of meat is disturbed. Therefore, meat products are limited to chicken or turkey. Dairy products are allowed in the form of solid cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, but it is necessary to remember that they are inhibited metabolism. Persons with overweight better to avoid them.

You can use pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, salinity. Potatoes, eggplants, cabbage in all kinds are not recommended.

Fresh baking, cakes, sweets, acidic fruits (lemon) should be avoided.

Judging by the inclination and recommendations, for people with the second group, the most complicated is not to explode from the inside. It is necessary to remain true to its purpose and do not bring to conflict. After all, the usual way to remove stress in reinforced exercise does not fit. The load will only worsen the situation by reducing immunity.

"Dependence of character traits and human health from blood type"
What do we know about yourself? Growth, weight, eye color and hair ... But if the tragedy happens, we instantly find out another characteristic - a group of blood. It is unchanged during life, does not depend on nationality, gender and age, transferred by inheritance, is an individual set of specific properties for each of us. The blood of blood groups appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the research of Karl Landshtiner. In studies conducted by the Austrian immunologist, the presence of certain protein substances (group antigen) in plasma and the erythrocyte membrane were revealed. Landstuineer divided us into three groups, and later the Czech colleague Yansky added both the fourth. The bloodgroup of blood, being a clear genetic retraction, identifies a person as reliably, as well as your DNA. In the blood group, physiological, biochemical features are coded, which are directly related to such a concept. like character. Information on the character of a person is laid in its physiological structure, at the cellular level. The body carries this or that information only due to the fact that it has a liquid medium. It is the liquid - the main carrier of information in nature. Blood is the main liquid of our body. That is why blood is the main carrier of information and at the physiological level. Blood is very large consisting of water, which in its composition has a property to transfer information, interacts with other biological substances. So, blood becomes a carrier of a special biological code. This is a biological code that a peculiar program of life and human development is presented at the molecular level. Character, mind, intuition, consciousness is what "upstairs". And "below" our main "governing and guiding force" is blood. There is a theory about the connection of the blood group and the character of a person. It is very widespread in Japan, somewhat less in Europe and the United States. For the Japanese, I do not know your blood group - it's like not to know your zodiac sign for us. Interest in connection of blood group and character there has emerged for a very long time. So, in modern Japan, even during the selection of sports teams, the blood group of all players is necessarily taken into account. Therefore, every person should know his blood group. After all, in our blood at the molecular level, the matrix is \u200b\u200blaid, the program that we must adhere to living safely and fully realize in life. Upon coming from all the above, you can formulate the purpose of our work: to trace the dependence of the character of a person from his blood type, confirm the importance of Knowledge of their blood type by every person. Research Objectives: Analysis of literary sources on the problem of research. Sports the dependence of the characteristics of the character of a person from the blood group. Speaking of the dependence of human health from the blood group. Dealting the characteristics of students' character 121: temperament, level of sociability, leadership qualities, reaction to stressful situations. Formulate conclusions. The hypothesis of our study: There is a dependence of the characteristics of the character of a person, the predisposition to various diseases from the human blood group.

Concept of blood groups

Blood type - inherited signs of blood, determined by individual for each person a set of specific substances that called group antigens. Based on these signs, the blood of all people is divided into blood groups regardless of racial, age and gender. The personality of a person to a particular group of blood is its individual biological feature that begins to form already in the early period of intrauterine development and does not change throughout the subsequent life. The blood group is a certain stage of the multiplinary evolution of digestive and immune systems, the result of the adaptation of our ancestors to changing natural conditions. According to the theory of Polish scientist Ludwig Hirsqfeld, in the ancient people of all three races there was the same blood group - the first o (i). The digestive tract was the best adapted to digest meat food. That is why even a modern person with the first group of blood, the acidity of the gastric juice is higher than that of others. For the same reason, the peptic illness occurs most often in people with the first group. The rest of the blood groups were mediated through the mutation from the "primaries" of our primitive ancestors. With increasing population and change ambient The possibility of extracting meat food is reduced. Gradually, the main source of energy for a person becomes vegetable protein. As a result, it led to the emergence of the "vegetarian" second blood group A (II). The relocation of peoples to Europe is the cause of the prevalence of people with the second blood group currently. Its owners are more adapted to survival in tightly populated areas. Gene A is a sign of a typical city inhabitant. By the way, it is believed that it was he who was a guarantee of survival during medieval epidemics of plague and cholera in Western Europe, carrying out the lives of residents of entire cities. The owners of the Blood Group A (II) at the Gennel The ability and the need to exist in the community, less aggressiveness, great contact is that the birthplace of the third group gene in (iii) is in the foothills of the Himalayas, on the territory of the current India and Pakistan. Maintaining a cattle breeding with the use of dairy products predetermined the next evolution of the digestive system. Sigor climatic conditions contributed to the emergence of such character traits as patience, purposefulness and calm. The hard-solid blood group AB (IV) arose as a result of mixing the holders of the gene and carriers of the Gena V. To date, only 6% of Europeans have a fourth blood group. The uniqueness of this group in the inheriting of high immunological protection, which manifests itself in resistance to autoimmune and allergic diseases. In 1891, the Australian scientist Karl Landshteiner conducted an erythrocyte study. He discovered a curious pattern: in red blood cells (red blood cells) of some people can be a special marker, which the scientist marked the letter A, among others - the marker in, the third did not find anything, nor V. a little later, it turned out that the markers described by Landshtainer are Special proteins that determine the species specificity of the cells, i.e. antigens. In fact, the research of Karl Landshtyiner shared all humanity into three groups of blood properties: O (I), A (II), in (III). The fourth group AV (IV) was described by the decaello scientist in 1902. The joint discovery of two scientists received the name of the AVO system. But on this research of red blood cells did not end. In 1927, scientists discovered four more antigen - m, n, p, p on the surface of the erythrocyte. Later it turned out that the compatibility of the blood of different people these four antigen had no effect on any influence. And in 1940 another antigen was described, called the Rh Factor. People are considered to be positive, in the blood of which contains the main antigen of the rhesus - D, discovered from Macak Rus. The rhesus factor, in contrast to blood type antigens, is located inside the erythrocyte and does not depend on the presence or absence of other blood factors. The ray factor is also inherited and persists throughout the human life. It is in red blood cells of 85% of people, their blood is called Rus-positive (RH +). The blood of the rest does not contain a rhesus factor and is called Rh-negative (RH).

Compatibility of human blood groups

The theory of compatibility of blood groups AB0 originated at the dawn of blood transfusion, during World War II, in the conditions of a catastrophic shortage of donor blood. Donors and blood recipients must have "compatible" blood groups. In Russia according to the life indications and in the absence of one -road, the blood components (with the exception of children), the recycling of the recycling group with any other group of blood in the amount of up to 500 ml is allowed to transfay the blood components (with the exception of children). Rhose-negative erythrocytic mass or suspension from the donors of the group A (II) or B (III), according to vital testimony, the recipient with AB (IV) group may be transferred, regardless of its rhesk affiliation. In the absence of a single-line plasma, the recipient may be overflow of the AB (IV) group. In the middle of the 20th century it was assumed that the blood of group 0 (i) Rh; Compatible with any other groups. People with a group of 0 (i) Rh; considered "universal donors", and their blood could be transferred to anyone in need. Currently, similar hemotransphus is considered permissible in hopeless situations, but not more than 500 ml. Blood blood of group 0 (i) Rh; Other groups were observed relatively rarely, and for this circumstance did not pay due attention. The table below illustrates, people with what blood groups could give / get blood (the sign X is marked compatible combinations). For example, the owner of the group A (II) Rh; may receive blood bands 0 (i) Rh; or a (ii) Rh; and give blood to people having blood Ab (IV) RH +, AB (IV) Rh;, A (II) Rh + or (II) Rh;. Today it is clear that other antigens systems can also cause undesirable effects when overflowing blood. Therefore, one of the possible strategies of the blood transfusion service can be the creation of a system of advance cryopreservation of its own uniform elements for each person.

Inheritance of blood bands AB0

In the inheritance of blood groups, there are several obvious patterns: if at least one parent has a blood type I (0), a child with IV (AB) a group of blood can not be born in such a marriage, regardless of the group of the second parent. If both parents I have a blood group , then their children can only have the I group. If both parents have a blood group, then their children can only have the II or I group. If both parents have a blood type, then their children can only have the III or I group . If one parent is a Blood Group IV (AB), in such a marriage, a child with I (0) by a group of blood can not be born, regardless of the group of the second parent. The most unpredictable inheritance of the child blood group with the Union of parents with the II and III groups. Their children can have any of the four blood groups. Fenotype A (II) may be in a person who has inherited from parents or two gene A (AA), or genes A and 0 (A0). Accordingly, the phenotype in (iii) is inheriting or two genes in (BB), or B and 0 (B0). Phenotype 0 (i) is manifested when inheriting two genes 0. In such a way, if both parents have II group of blood (genotypes A0 and A0), one of their children may have the first group (genotype 00). If one of the parents is a blood type A (II) with a possible genotype AA and A0, and in another b (iii) with a possible Gotype BB or B0 - children may have blood groups 0 (I), A (II), B (III III ) or AV (IV). The probabilistic percentages of the blood group inheritance in the table are taken from the elementary combinatorial calculation. Their compliance with real probabilities requires statistical confirmation.

The chemical composition of blood
Erythrocyte - isoantigen A and B, as well as the antibodies against them, called izoagratibes, are most practical importance. and;. In the blood of a person together there can be only heterogeneous isoantigen and iso-inactive, since in the presence of the same type of iso-inactive and isoantigen (A and;), erythrocytes are glued together into lumps. There are 4 blood groups that are indicated by the letter and digital symbols: 0 ;; (i) - a group of blood containing only the isagolate; ,;; A; (ii) - a blood group that contains isoantigen a and isoantyleto ;; In; (iii) - a blood type containing isoantigen in and isoantyleto ;; AV0 (IV) - a group of the bed, containing only isoantigen A and V. Incinition of blood groups with the use of more subtle techniques revealed inhomogeneity of isoantigen A. Therefore, they began to distinguish between the subgroup (88%) and the subgroup (12%). In modern conditions, there was an opportunity to distinguish with difficult erythrocyte variants:, etc. Rally there are variations of Isaantigen in -, etc. In addition to Isaantigen A and B in erythrocytes of some people, specific antigens H and 0 are detected. For example, these antigens are constantly present in red blood cells I (0 ;;) blood group. Isanithigen in human erythrocytes begin to be found already on the 2nd month of intrauterine development. Their number reaches a maximum of about 3 years of life, and then keeps at a constant level, a tendency to decrease in old age is detected. A set of isoantigen in the blood of a person who determines its specific individuality does not change throughout its life, regardless of the suffering diseases, as well as from the impact on the body of physicochemical factors. Throughout the life of a person, only the number of an inagher can change, their quality remains unchanged. Ioantieth to Isoantigenmen System AU0 appear in humans in the first months after birth. The maximum level of them in the blood is achieved by 5-10 years and is supported for many years of life, gradually decreases to old age. In accordance with 4 groups of blood, 4 main types of character can be distinguished. Even inside the same type, there may be different characters that are very different from each other, because two identical people do not happen. And yet there is a set of the most typical qualities of promoting prosperous life. The blood type (type - hunter) is the most ancient. It arose 40 thousand years ago. Currently, 45% of people has this group of blood. The appearance of the II blood group is associated with the formation of agricultural communities 15-20 thousand years ago. Type - agriculture. 35% of people is a "carrier" of this blood type. The blood group of blood emerged 10-15 thousand years ago, when human tribes began to migrate to the north, on the territory with a colder and harsh climate. Type - nomad. 13% - "carriers" of this group of blood. Iv recently appeared IV blood group by mixing other blood groups. Type - mystery. 7% of people have this blood group.
Experimental part of the work
In accordance with the objectives and objectives of our work, the following study procedure was developed. The first stage included a diagnostic study using appropriate techniques. The test for the definition of sociability V.F. Ryakhovsky. Test on the definition of leader's qualities E.I. Rogova. Meeting to determine the properties of the nervous system. Aizenka. In the second stage, we have processed the results and analyzed the diagnostic data. Differences of people having a different group of blood were identified in some of the character qualities, diseases, reactions to stress. In the third stage, the conclusions regarding our research hypothesis were formulated. The study was conducted in February-March 2012 on the basis of students of 121 RGTK groups.

Analysis and interpretation of research results
The connection of the blood group affiliation and characterly characterity, possessing a particular group of blood, are unevenly distributed on the ground: one group of blood is dominated somewhere, somewhere else. Thus, it turned out that among students of Group 121 people with the II group of blood prevail - 59.45% (23 people), I blood group have 24.32% (8 people), III - 10.8% (4 people. ), and the "carrier" of the IV blood group are 3.26% of students (2 people). Leaders are 3.5 times more often, leaders are among students with I group of blood. Leadership is what people have created with this blood group. Moreover, they can be both formal and informal leaders. To implement such a person must be the first to be the first at least in anything. They have the ability to subjugate other people to have a very big impact on them. Since childhood, the winners of the first blood group become started in games, a little later - the organizers of any business and the soul of any company. They completely naturally always turn out to be in the center of attention. The information of all tested "carriers" of the II group of blood is only 9% are leaders. It may seem that A-people are poorly adapted to the turbulent, troublesome and tense leader's life. But it is not necessary to assert that such people cannot become leaders. Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and the desire to "unravel the nodes" in search of a peaceful way out of the situation. Without pretending to the role of stars, not seeking popularity, they are calm and often do not very much make their own business. Also 22.7% of tested are not capable of leadership. They too respect others and identify themselves with the weaknesses of neighbors, and therefore they cannot command and successfully compete, because for this it is necessary to perceive and digest in other people's difficulties. None of the tested students with the III group of blood is not capable of being a real leader. These people with difficulty make decisions. They are a little leader, and a little bit - the army. It is difficult for them to seek recognition, their arguments are too rational and are based only on their own experience. On the leadership of students with the IV blood group do not claim, and will never be the main. Such people in most cases are guided by feelings, emotions, not a mind. Communicability. So, the prevailing majority of "carriers" of blood group I (66.7%) are truly sociable people who will not remain unnoticed, which "Soul " Such people are difficult to stay alone, they need to be among people, in the center of some kind of cycling activities, so that everything is shifted and spinning. 33.3% of students with the same group of blood like being with people, but they relate to racner parties. Their patience is not indisputable, and they are probably quite happy if they spend the evening with one or two close friends, and they do not go there, where many people. Learning, possessing II group of blood, are usually sociable - some more (54.5% ), some less (45.5%). They get along well in the team, these are "public" people - not loners, not individualists. Beautiful friends and reliable partners.III blood group possess 10.8% of students of eleventh grades. All tested are sociable. They are easily soldered with the most different people and fit into any atmosphere, while remaining themselves. Well feel a variety of people, understand them; Capably practically with each find a common language and contact points. Such people are more interesting there where there is a team. Purdy with the IV group of blood appeared due to the merger of irritable, sensitive a-natur with more balanced, focused, resilient in-characters. The result is the spiritualized person, open to meet communication. Test results confirm this: all tested students are sociable people. All of them are ready for dedication. Communicating with another person, the "carriers" of blood IV group are capable of being able to get into it in it, which is literally likened to him, become the same as he. Since childhood, they are open, wonderful friends, ready to always come to the rescue. Universal pets, "small asterisks". Template. Pupils with a group of blood system 0 ;; (i) The most common temperaments as a sanguine and phlegmatic are most common. This once again confirms the energy, efficiency, the activity of people with the I group of blood. It is easy to converge with new people, quickly get used to new requirements and atmosphere. The readers identified from students with the II group of blood - Sanguinik, choleric, phlegmatic, which speaks of the versatility of such people. On the one hand, such students are kept in the manifestation of their feelings, even slightly closed in themselves: sufficiently detained outwardly, but they can hardly worry inside; On the other, it is unbridled, impatient, hot-tempered, prone to sharpness (choleric). The "carriers" of the III blood group are present such temperament types such as a sanguine, choleric and melancholic, characterized by severe emotional excitability. Every minor reason can cause tears from him, he is overly touching the timid, is unsure of himself, unstable. So, after analyzing this information, it can be concluded that people with the III blood group are multifaceted personalities. The perfumes identified in people with the IV blood group: Sanguine, phlegmatic. Such people can be different: tactical and delicate, sharp and rude, calm and explosive. But most often they control their emotions. The reaction to stressful situations. People with the I group of blood are sustainable for stressful situations. They live quietly and measured, reasonably manage to quickly cope with problems that arise on their way. They do not suffer from false ambition, nor excessive modesty. This can be explained by the fact that most of the people with a blood igruple have such a temperament as a sanguine. And such people are usually able to quickly focus, if desired, can restrain the manifestations of their senses and involuntary reactions. And people who have II group of blood are most susceptible to stress. They are ambiguous and dream of a career. For them, the opinion of others is important, and it keeps such people in a state of stress. The fact that people with the II group of blood are most susceptible to stress explains the fact that among them there are many cholerics that are unbridled and hot-tempered. "Vehicle" III blood group of blood is quite calm people. Their life is filled with activities and tension. They suffer from stress as in the positive sense of the word (i.e. they have the desire to achieve something) and in negative. This follows from the fact that in people with the III group of blood, there are such temperaments such as a sanguine and choleric. "Step" of people having the IV group of blood is between the "steps" of people with the II and III group of blood, because such people have imagined in Quality of people with these blood groups.

Diseases inherent in people with different blood groups
Representatives of the I group of blood are very hardy, they are most among the long-livers. People of this type are much less likely to suffer from neurosis and other disorders of the nervous system. They often meet such diseases: the gastric and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased susceptibility to all infectious diseases. In order to maintain the nature of the quality of quality: endurance, strength, harmony - they should have more products with high protein content and give themselves severe physical exertion. Increases of blood group II tend to depressive states. Such people behave a low-fat life and partly therefore very susceptible to diseases of civilization: rheumatic diseases, diabetes, coronary heart disease, allergies, tyggy disease. A-people should be paid to high attention to rest and relaxation, stick to vegetarian food. The best medicines are yoga classes and any other relaxation exercises. For the maintenance of good form, representatives of the III group of blood can choose a variety of activity: from aerobics and running to eastern martial arts. The owners of this blood type have such diseases: pneumonia, infections after surgery, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases. Representatives of the IV group of blood often have reduced immunity. As a necessary physical activity, they will walk walking over long distances, cycling, swimming. They may be subject to such diseases as an ARVI, influenza and other infections, sneakers, hymoritis, heart disease. Blood groups and indicators. Health. In some cases, the relationship between the blood group and the risk of developing certain diseases (predisposition). In (III), several times the incidence of plague. There are data on the relationship between blood groups and the frequency of other infectious diseases (tuberculosis, flu, etc.). In persons homozygous for antigens (first) blood group 0 (i), 3 times more often there is a pressing disease of the stomach. B (III) is higher than that of the first or second group, the risk of severe diseases of the nervous system - Parkinson's disease. [The source is not specified 746 days], of course, the blood group itself does not mean that a person will definitely suffer "characteristic" for her illness . Health is determined by many factors, and a blood type is only one of the markers. In the present, databases have been created on the correlation of certain diseases and blood groups. Thus, in the review of the American Researcher-Naturotherapist Peter D'Aadamo, the linking of cancer of various types and blood groups is analyzed. The solo theory of D'Aadamo, for more than 20 years, analyzing the relationship between the morbidity with markers of blood groups is becoming increasingly popular. In particular, he associates the necessary person with a blood group, which is a highly simplified approach to the problem. However, the theory of nutrition "in accordance with the blood group", despite the obvious stretch, rightly attracts the attention of physicians to an important problem of accounting for the genetic features of a particular person in the treatment
During the entire XX century, scientists studied the connection of blood group with a psychological and physiological portrait of a person. An American doctor Peter Adamo, who continuing his father, a famous Naturopath doctor, came to interesting conclusions, was especially interested in this issue. According to the blood group, it is really possible to establish a person's predisposition to one or another diseases. Much depends not only on the lifestyle, but also from human nutrition.
There are products containing fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids that improve the work of the body, but there are also those that can harm. And people with a specific group of blood corresponds to their special "grocery set". And, of course, the risk of diseases is much increasing, if a person regularly uses food contraindicated at the genetic level (that is, not the corresponding group of blood).
Location to some diseases is not a sentence, moreover, it does not mean that diseases may arise and progress. But, as you know, God is essential. To avoid the development of ailments, you need to regulate your diet depending on the blood type. Why don't you do not make up a health and longevity menu? And let's focus on the blood group! Don't we want to live to deep old age and at the same time stay in good health? Of course, we want!

1 group of blood
The most common blood group on the planet is-present. People, from the first blood type, have high endurance, have a strong nervous system, spending power, capable of recovering them quickly. They boast a good immunity. And they are often called meatters or hunters. Indeed, a person with the first group of blood with ease will refuse spicy salads and give preference to chop.
Such people have a predisposition to gastritis, colitis, ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism, thyroid dysfunction, problems in the operation of the digestive system are possible. To preserve health, such people need to use products in which there is a lot of protein and constantly give the body physical exertion.
- Useful products: Meat (except fat pork), fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits (except acidic), pineapples, rye bread. It is worth limiting the use of croup, especially oatmeal, wheat and products from it (for example, wheat bread). You can include buckwheat and legumes in the diet. But to avoid recommended cabbage (except broccoli), corn, marinades, ketchup.
- From drinks Green tea, tea from rosehip, from mint, from ginger, from linden. You can not abuse coffee, alcoholic beverages are harmful (except red and white wine - they are neutral).

II blood group
People with the second blood group have long been drawn in such foods, like fish, cereal and all kinds of greens. Often they are called "farmers". People with the second blood group most often - fans of a larger lifestyle. And this does not most effect on standing psyche (there are depressed), and health.
There is a tendency to disease diseases and gallbladder, asthma, allergies, diabetes, pneumonia, osteochondrosis, bile and renal diseases. To stay healthy, you need to learn to relax. Classes are suitable for yoga, Pilates.
- As for nutrition - it is not necessary to get involved in fatty protein food. It is better to abandon frequent consumption of meat and go to the "grass" - greens and vegetables are welcome! Useful vegetables, cereals, legumes, fruits (except citrus, rhubarb, bananas), fish (better exclude cambal, halibut, herring, caviar, and seafood). Recommended low-fat cheese and dairy products. The mucous membrane of the digestive tract in people with the second blood group is very gentle, so they will not suit the sharp food (pepper of all species, vinegar, ketchup, tomatoes), acidic fruits and berries, mayonnaise and spices.
- From drinks are suitable - green tea. Red wine, carrot, pineapple and cherry juice. It is advisable to avoid the use of orange and lemon juice and strong black tea.

III Blood Blood Blood Group Representatives of the Third Blood Group The main place is occupied by dairy products. The immune system of them is the same as in people with the first blood group, digestive - like the owners of the second group. Thanks to this, the human body with a third group of blood is more enduring. By the way, this type of people is called "nomads". They are prone to pneumonia, osteochondrosis and diseases of the joints. The most dangerous diseases are angina, urinary tract diseases, enterocolitis, gallstone disease, cholecystitis, allergy. To maintain yourself in good physical shape, these lucky shoes do not need to make themselves with exhaustive workouts in fitness clubs. Loads must be diverse. The main motto is mobility. Therefore, it is worth spending their attention to active sports, such as aerobics, swimming, skiing and rollers, cycling, badminton and tennis.
-Food. People with this blood group can eat meat without fears and almost all dairy products in any quantities. The most useful includes - river and sea fish, meat (except for pile and chicken), fermented milk, eggs, cereals (except buckwheat), legumes, vegetables (except corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, olives), fruit.
- From drinks it is best to give preference to green tea, herbal teas or informs, grape, apple, pineapple or cranberry juice. Tomato juice is not recommended.

IV blood group
The fourth blood group is the rare and "young" on the planet. Throughout the history of mankind, there were three groups of blood, until about 10-15 centuries ago, the AB group did not appear on the unknown for scientific reasons. Representatives of this rather rare blood type are characterized by a reduced immunity. Therefore, they are faster than others pick up infections propagating airborne droplets. As you already understood, the main danger is sharp respiratory viral infections. Because of the usual runny nose, sinusitis may appear, and complications after diseases most often affect the heart. There is a predisposition to eczema, hypertension. To increase immunity, it is worthwhile to do harder procedures and use phytotherapy, follow the nutrition balance and take vitamins. Walking on foot, cycling or rollers - all this is very useful.
- Diet. All products are suitable, but in small quantities. True, it is better to avoid heavy meat dishes for the stomach. Useful meat - rabbit, turkey. Recommended Fish (seafood - eliminate), lactic acid products, cheeses, olive oil, cod liver, walnuts and peanuts, cereals (except buckwheat and corn), vegetables (except black olives and corn), fruit (except acid).
- Green tea, tinkers (except Linden), wine, sometimes coffee are useful from drinks.

In each person, I blood group I have genetically laid strength, hardening, independence, courage, intuition, inexhaustible optimism. Louds with this blood group are persistently go ahead, risk. "Fight, search, find and not surrender" - these are their motto. Peace tolerate badly, this is a man of eternal movement. The "carriers" of the blood group are very emotional, and this emotionality is open: they are directly clearly expressing their thoughts, feelings and desires. All emotions splash out. Hot-tempered, but departing, quickly forgive the insults, do not keep them in themselves. Everyone reacts a vigorous. Assignment: to be the creator of the new, lead to other people, move progress, to open up new paths and new opportunities to humanity. These people must save, help, defend, withdraw people from darkness to light, to a new life, new goals; leaving the winner of the most risky shot; Take people optimism, light, strength and energy of their soul, inspire others by their example on new achievements and accomplishments. Some people who have the II group of blood should be a certain order in the life they follow. More preferred tradition than novelty, tend to analyze and self-analysis. Their life is not too bright, but stable. These disciples are mandatory and executive, make order and harmony into the world; Without such people, there would be a full chaos. Duty: to carry order, peace, good and love into the world. To give people the warmth of their soul, understanding, sympathy. Must withstand chaos and destruction by their calm, ordered, creative labor. Create stability and sustainability in the world, which is very important especially in our non-permanent time. Through the III group of blood - individualists. They are not always considered with the opinions of other people, do the way they themselves. A truly is not attached to anything, so it is easy to change the circle of communication. They need fresh impressions, novelty, variety. Creative thinking, the ability to find the original way out in all situations, non-sterotic behavior Here are their most important features. Duty: to carry a creative jet, destroy the routine, not to give boredom to take a dominant place in the world. Being an innovator, a thinker, not to give humanity to dwell in its development. To bring the uniting principle to the world, helping to overcome distributes and conflicts, to feel the whole whole of humanity. Call on to live freely, not depend on the opinions of others, from the circumstances; To do as you think needed. We prefer with the IV blood group, a stable, stable lifestyle, they love constancy and comfort. Most often these are charming, popular people who attract others. Assignment: to reconcile the soul and body, combine these two hypostasis of the human being and approve harmony between them, to make them one whole, and a whole harmonious creature. It is not always good in the material world. But in this sense, the "carriers" of the IV blood group - the pioneer, it is their task - to bring high spirit to the material world, to heat the earth. These are people of the future, endowed with a high spirit and harmoniously perfect. After studying the results of the study, it can be stated that the research hypothesis nominated by us was confirmed. Indeed, there is a dependence of character characteristics and predisposition to diseases from human blood group.
In our work, we considered the problem of the influence of the blood group on the character of a person and came to the conclusion that a lot of blood depends on the blood group and the fate of the person. Knowing his blood group, we can find out information about what qualities should be the way, what way of life is to successfully live and survive.

Male and Women's Compatibility on the Eastern Horoscope

Eastern horoscope "Compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and women of birth."

Rat (1960,1972,1984,1996,2008 ...) The rat has a calculating mind, a hot-tempered, but its desired character and her soul is full of passion.
The compatibility of the rat in the horoscope. Rat is born for a dragon. The sea passion, but only for the only enchanting night, it is waiting for a goat, monkey and pig. Friendship promises to be strong with a tiger, snake and a dog. A long calm lovely wait awaits with a bull and rabbit. Not compatible with a horse and a rooster.

Bull (1961,1973,1985,1997,2009 ...) Bull Truthful, responsible, persistent, conservative, self-sufficient, may be gentle. Bull compatibility. Bull born for snake and rooster. The sea passion, but only for the only enchanting night is waiting for him with goat and monkey. Friendship promises to be strong with a dog and a pig. A long calm love alliance is waiting with a rat, bull and rabbit. Not compatible with a tigrome, dragon and horse.

Tiger (1962,1974,1986,1998,2010 ...) Break, devoted. It has a sensitive nature. According to the nature of the prepixy. Tiger compatibility. Tiger born for a dragon. The sea passion, but only for the only enchanting night waiting for him with a tigr, horse and monkey. Friendship promises to be strong with a rat, rabbit, goat, snake and pig. Not compatible with the bull, rooster and dog.

Rabbit (1963,1975,1987,1999,2011 ...) Rabbit Great diplomat with good manners. Disciplined, has a sense of instinct and tact. Sometimes it can be indecisive, cunning, to spend superficially. Bunny compatibility. Rabbit born for a goat. Friendship promises to be strong with a tiger, dragon, monkey and pig. A long calm lovely wait awaits with a rat, a bull, rabbit, snake, a dog. Not compatible with a horse and a rooster.

Dragon (1964,1976,1988,2000,2012 ...) Dynamic Lucky. Perfectionist loving power. In the dispute may be unrestrained. Dragon compatibility. Dragon born for rat, tiger, snakes, monkeys and roosters. Sea passion, but only for the only enchanting night waiting for him with a dragon and horse. Friendship promises to be strong with a rabbit, goat and pig. Not compatible with a bull and dog.

Snake (1965,1977,1989,2001,2013 ...) Snake Mudra and Ongo. May be extravagant. It is better not to annoy it, will follow the revenge. Not always confident in yourself and happens, keeps at a distance. Compatibility of the snake. Snake born for bull, dragon and rooster. Sea passion, but only for a single enchanting night, it is waiting for her horse and pig. Friendship promises to be strong with a tiger, snake, rat, dragon and goat.

Horse (1966,1978,1990,2002 ...) horse enterprise. It has a generous character. But it may be impatient, wounded and frivolous. Horse test. Horse born for a dog. The sea of \u200b\u200bpassion, but only for the only enchanting night, it is waiting with a goat, a tigrome, a dragon, snake, a horse, a rooster and a pig. Not compatible with rat, bull, rabbit and monkey.

Goat (1967,1979,1991,2003 ...) Sincerely true. Loves independence. Proposed to creative professions. At times of eccentric, impulsive and sometimes lazy. Goat compatibility. Goat born for rabbit and goats. The sea passion, but only for a single enchanting night, it is waiting for her rat, a bull, horse. Friendship promises to be strong with a tiger, dragon, snake, monkey, dog, pig. Not compatible with a rooster.

Monkey (1968,1980,1992,2004 ...) Monkey with ease and insight manipulates others. She is relevant, closed, vain. Monkey compatibility. Monkey born for a dragon. The sea passion, but only for a single enchanting night, it is waiting for her rat, monkey and bull. Friendship promises to be strong with a rabbit, snake, goat, rooster and dog. Long-term calm love alliance is waiting with a pig. Not compatible with a tiger and a horse.

Rooster (1957,1969,1981,1993,2005 ...) Podden rooster loves to argue. Optimistic and cannot live without society. Compatibility of the rooster. Rooster born for bull, dragon and snake. The sea passion, but only for the only enchanting night waiting for him with a horse, rooster and pig. Friendship promises to be strong with a monkey. Not compatible with a rat, a tigrome, a rabbit, goat and a dog.

Dog (1958,1970,1982,1994,2006 ...) has a brave character. The dog is reliable, not prone to adventures. She can live not only for himself. Happens cynical. Dog compatibility. A dog was born for a tiger and horse. Friendship promises to be strong with a rat, bull, goat, monkey and pig. A long-lasting calm love alliance is waiting with a rabbit, snake and a dog. Not compatible with a dragon and a rooster.

Pig (1959,1971,1983,1995,2007 ...) nonsense zealous nature. Pork trusting and tolerant. Pig compatibility. The sea passion, but only for a single enchanting night, it is waiting for her rat, snake and horse. Friendship promises to be strong with a bull, tigrome, rabbit, dragon, goat, dog, pig. A long calm love alliance is waiting with a monkey and a rooster.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and women perfectly helps to predict the behavior of people in the future and build a good business or strong love.

Compatibility of men and women in the blood group

Part 1. Men and their blood type

1. Compatibility Women and Men: Men with the first blood group

This is a confident man, a targeted careerist who does not tolerate any rivals. The thrill and moral debt, which he can feel to strong women with the same blood group, may not be an obstacle to romantic relationships and compatibility, if a woman once and forever give him to understand that she is not a leader in their union. But a woman should not only declare this, but also adhere to such a position always, otherwise the leisure men's ambitions will definitely lead to a rupture.

Women with the second group can attract a man with their first blood group at first glance in unavailability, and if such a woman continues to stay with them in the future with obedience and devotion, then this is a guarantee that he can no longer present his life without it.

Women with a third Blood Group windy and unreliable, they can be the best vacation company and excellent candidate for office flirting, but if such a woman dreams of conquering our egoist with the first group of blood, then she needs to forget all her frivolity.

Women with fourth blood group are serious and smart, they can easily come into contact with the hero - a man with the first group of blood, but for them the most important thing is to be able to keep it until his interest smoothly moved into boredom. A little mysteriousness and levity will help such a woman in this difficult task of compatibility of such personalities.

2. Men with the second blood group
Strong and romantic women with the first blood group can be interested in men with the second blood group only as long as they are very young, so if you in youth failed to drag and keep such a man, then your chances fall back proportionally to your age, i.e. The woman with the first blood group older, the less she has a chance of the alliance with a man with a second group. Such a man is a real find for a business woman, it will be both support and source of comfort. If she is a strategist in his business, he simply needs to be tactical, but, unfortunately, in such a union, it is always very difficult to achieve warmth and unity in relationships.

Women with a second blood group are too cold and wise for a man with a group of the same name, as it must be absolutely sure both in the strong feelings of his "half" and in the reliability of his homely focus.

Women with a third group of blood are most suitable for sincere, warm and spontaneous relationships with this closed workaholic, preferring a solitary lifestyle.

Men with the second blood group often like women with fourth blood group, they greatly fit each other for communication and sex, but such compatibility is only apparent, and their relationship can hardly lead to marriage.

3. Men with a third group of blood
They always know how to delight anyone, and they themselves never miss the case to enjoy communication with everyone. Women with the first blood group often dream of achieving their location and willingly go for concessions. But our heroes with the third blood group prefer rationalism and the landing of women with the second blood group, since they are pretty enough miss such landing and concern about everyday affairs, and they cannot do without it.

These men are universal in love, they always experience a storm of passions and emotions to their peers, they understand them perfectly and deliver the inexhaustible pleasure of their second half.

Of course, the talented idealist with the fourth blood group also has every chance of conquering this man, even though his unrestrained temperament may not approach this thoughtful dreamer.

4. Men with fourth blood group

Women with the first group of blood have little chance to make a couple with such a man. They are perceived by him as "men in a skirt", and the views and opinions of such women seem to be too radical and categorical. He can admire them and respect them, but not to love. But, of course, if a woman is older and more experienced than her partner, she can achieve their goal, playing at the same time the role of mother and a caring, loving woman and at the same time directing and supporting it - with this situation, the success of their compatibility will depend entirely From a woman.

Not very confident men - representatives of this blood group often like the representatives of the second blood group. The softness of character, kindness and the meekness of such women are simply necessary for men - incorrigible romance.

If a woman has a third blood group, then it should not be particularly relying on men with fourth - their physiological compatibility is not very high. Although these men are vibrant and sincere, relationships with them promise a storm of passions, emotions and feelings as pleasant and not very.

But if you are both with the fourth blood group ... Compatibility of a woman and a man remains under a big question if you have both fourth blood type. Two grills and individualist in one cell - the combination is absolutely incompatible, they are repelled as the same charges. It is very difficult for them, it is almost impossible, to remain afloat without external support, so necessary by both of them in their helplessness.

We looked at men with various groups of blood. And what are the features of women? On the compatibility of a woman and a man, depending on the blood type of a woman - in the second part of this article.

Part 2. Women and their blood type

1. Women with the first blood group.
For strong and purposeful women with the first blood group, men with the same group of blood are too dangerous, and their relationship will resemble a military operation rather than the Union of Loving Hearts.

Practical men-realists with the second group of blood - who is their true home rear and present support. Such couples constitute the strongest and most happy families.

Representatives of the strong floor with a third group of blood for women with the first blood group are too frivolous and unreliable - in other words, they, although very attractive, but are dangerous.

But the fierce of romantics with the fourth blood group is rather annoying women with the first group, and does not attract anything.

2. Women with the second blood group.

The faithful like-mindedness and cathedral, voluntary housewife, active, hardworking and reliable subordinate figure in the married alliance - a woman with a second group of blood performs all these roles in relationships with strong and confident man with the first group of blood.

In the same way, she behaves with a man with the same as she, the second blood group - they are both exhausted realists. But, of course, if such a partner is a little older than her, then their marriage union will be stable and happy.

A woman with a second group of blood will remember a short, but a stormy romance with a man with a third group of blood, but she is unlikely to like the prospect of permanent male bets in long-term relationships.

The romantic with the fourth blood group will bring the missing nobility and elevation of the goals to the scenario of such a woman who can cause not only great love, but also irreconcilable hatred.

3. Women with a third blood group.

Women with a third group of blood, as a rule, very much want to win representatives of strong sex with the first group of blood, but only as a "trophy" to fracthers their pride. In such an Ayanse there can be no feelings.

As for partners with other groups of blood, they attract this category of women for various reasons: men with the same as they, the third group attract them with their adventurism, and causing behavior, men with the second group of blood enter them with their peace and landing in everyday affairs, and romantics with fourth blood group - their mysteriousness and idealism.

4. Women with fourth blood group.

Women with fourth blood group certainly like leader men with the first blood group. They are the ideal for them, it is such men who cause their respect, deep respect and delight. But their own insignificance next to such a "deity" can, of course, quickly bounce and tire them.

But the relationship with men with the second group of blood represents an absolute ideal. This caring and permanent defender and the minider can bring real happiness to his girlfriend, and she, in turn, provide him to all the passion and dust of his romantic soul.

Unreliable and impermanence of men with a third group of blood and scares, and attracts women at the same time with a fourth blood group, so it should not be rushed into an embrace of such men, not thinking, it is dangerous.

Prospects for relations with men of the same blood group (fourth) happiness will not bring. But if you consider all the features of such your partner, appreciate all its pros and cons and will not demand anything impossible from him, it will be quite possible to avoid dangerous reefs in your Sea of \u200b\u200blove feelings. The main thing is to know exactly what to do.

Brief summary.

But in the end, the heart will not order. We, women, rarely focus in their feelings for the blood group of their chosen one and do not always choose the most optimal option for themselves.

What exactly needs to know a woman if she wants to conquer the man who liked? And how to behave with such different representatives of a strong gender?

If you like the man:

A) with the first blood group

Take it on the turn right away, storm, "from the mind", without any diplomacy and without any mysteries and secrets. Tell him sincerely about your feelings and offer something attractive yourself: Prepare a romantic evening (of course, with a beautifully covered table, a beautiful dress and delicious food) and complete it with full of fervent recognition in his passion.

B) with the second blood group

In this case, the best of your instrument in the fight against possible rivals is spiritual proximity to your chosen one. Show him that you understand it better than anyone else, and fully share his interests. Do not rush the events, he himself must understand that it does not find anyone better than you. And do not try to annoy him endless requests like: "Tell me you love me" or questions, for example: "When will you move to me?"

C) with a third group of blood

Do not show intrusive that you are listening attentively, but listen to everyone his word, flatter him, remember all his achievements and overly praise him for them, admire the correctness of his judgments in all possible situations. In a relationship with him, the sincerity and spontaneity of actions will help you.

C) with fourth blood group

It does not matter what it does or what does - remember that all this is ingenious! In all respects, he is simply absolutely indispensable. Give him permissions to make decisions and admire it prohibitively. But never, never demand anything directly. If you decide to choose him with your husband, then get to know and make friends with his relatives and friends. Let them tell him about your exclusivity and uniqueness, and then in the future he will damage the ice in your relationship.

If you want to avoid breaking the relationship after a quarrel with a man:

A) with the first blood group

Bring it to his sincere apologies and compensate the differences between you "primitive passion" in bed.

B) with the second blood group

Quietly, balance to admit your mistakes. If even you were right, then come up with your non-existent guilt and ask for for forgiveness. Most likely, after that, he condescendingly and favorably admits that he also flared (with whom it does not happen!).

C) with a third group of blood

Wait until he himself takes the first step to reconciliation and will not offer anything to secure the world. But do not forget to admire his mind once again!

C) with fourth blood group

He himself slowly calms down, and your relationship will be applied. But it would be good to also attract an intermediary from his company to accelerate the process of your reconciliation.

Blood group and character traits
Blood group and human character

As everyone knows, there are four types of blood groups that have a huge impact on health, in character traits and various types of relationships, and, in general, for the whole life of a person. Therefore, who is interested to know that it gives them a blood type, what qualities do it, which contributes to or with whom it combines, read below, and you will discover a lot of new, cognitive and interesting.

First blood group and human character
So, people who have the first group of blood are endowed with good health, courage, strength, will, and driving. They always strive for victory, confident and their own, initiative, straight, active and energetic. They know how to look soberly on life and the things around them. The blood states and the character traits are perfectly able to own themselves in any situation, are lovers of adrenaline and, accordingly, prefer a variety of extreme sports. They give their preference for speed and speed, new knowledge and variety, easily converge with new people, as they are very sociable. Owners of blood type I are very purposeful, by their nature are excellent organizers and real leaders, which the motto of Julia Caesar himself is ideally suited:
"Came. Had seen. Won!"
There are, of course, people with the first blood group are not only positive, but also negative qualities that prevent them from being perfect, therefore, they need to overcome them within themselves or at least restrain. For example:

Flashing aggressiveness.

People with any group of blood are compatible with people of the first blood group, however, they are perfectly suitable for people who have a second or third group of blood.

Second blood group and human character
The owners of the second blood group are usually balanced, patient, peaceful and calm, are always on the compromise and do not like conflicts. They strive to comfortable, prosperous life, have a business vest, differ in economy and thrift, as a result of which are good owners or owner. They love the comfort and peace, but they do not know how to relax and relax, show warmth and a lot of concerns towards their relatives and close friends. Blood group statements in the end, often, all other people's problems and troubles take to heart, worry and nervous, For which diseases often arise.

The negative qualities of people with the second blood group are:
Excessive loyalty.
Upperness or stubbornness.
Internal self-name.

People of the second blood group are perfectly converging and are well compatible with people of all groups except the fourth.

Third blood group and human character
To the III group of blood, we can safely attribute people creative, inquisitive, comprehensively developed, sociable, but at the same time with a very variable mood. Blood group and compatibility they do not tolerate monotonance and routine by their principle is the following saying:
"A rolling stone gathers no moss"
People with the third blood group perfectly know how to adapt to different living conditions, but at the same time independent and winsno-loving, emotional and sensual. Life proceeds as they want, because of what they often have problems in relationships with many people.

Negative qualities of people with a third blood group:
Exposure to a quick mood change.
Impermanence in all spheres.
Excessive romanticism and dreaminess.

Representatives of the Third Blood Group well find a common language and are well compatible with people who have a blood type - the first and fourth.

Fourth blood group and human character
People who have a fourth group of blood combined almost all the qualities that have people I, II and III Group of Blood. Therefore, they can be good tactics and leaders, excellent organizers and diplomats. They are communicable and emotional, confident and sensitive, contradictory and extraordinary. They constantly goes, as if the struggle between the mind and heart, that however, does not prevent them well to live well. Quought by a group of blood and the character of a person, if we speak in general, then representatives of the fourth blood group - as if a new generation of people with excellent intuition and quite real extrasensory capabilities, with many other qualities, which, besides, how it would not look paradoxically, contradict each other.

A distinctive disadvantage is doubtful and indecision due to complexity, in making the right decisions. But not because of the tug-forming, but, as already written above, due to the struggle of the mind and heart. Owners of the fourth blood group are well compatible only with two groups - their IV and representatives of the first blood group.

Scientists and many people have long known that the blood type is directly related to the characters, different qualities of people. In this regard, I believe that this article will become not only interesting for many, but also useful, it will help to take a new one and their surroundings.

Blood group diet

I found this article on the network. It does not apply to the set of muscle mass. But! But still makes thinking about some subtleties in our diet. After reading, I made several conclusions for myself. I think someone will also interest. Write from anyone what a blood type and what is better absorbed. I have an article all coincided.
If we are asked in Russia: "What is your zodiac sign?" - In Japan, "What is your blood type?" According to the Japanese, the blood is more determined by the nature and individual characteristics man than astrology and distant stars. Analyzing and taking into account blood group here is called "Ketsu-Eki-Gata" and perceive it very seriously.
Personnel management managers are used by Ketsu-Eki-Gata when hiring employees to work, marketing experts - to predict demand for alleged products, most people - to select friends and satellites of life. The apparatuses conductive express analysis of the blood group "on the blood stain" are often found at the station, in department stores, restaurants. In Japan, and recently, even an organization called "Av0 Society" appeared in the United States, created in order to help individuals and managers of enterprises to make the right decisions based on blood characteristics.
- It is possible that such services may appear in Russia, "said the psychotherapist, the Senior Researcher of the Scientific Research Center for Human Health, Alexander Sherman. - It is no secret that today in many commercial structures in the personnel department there are abnormal astrologists and chirromants who suggest the heads of which person to hire and what position he could reveal all his talents. Therefore, in addition to the personal astrological (natal) card and the imprint of the palms, you may soon have to take a drop of blood to the employer.
We are all brothers and sisters
But as a blood type can affect the nature? Many scientists believe that this is due to the evolutionary process, during which, based on changing climatic conditions and lifestyle, the blood transformed its qualities.
"The blood group is older than Race, and has more fundamental properties than ethnic origin," says Dr. Sherman. - It is not the result of "trial and errors" of genetic development, which is a sequence of accidents. Each of the blood groups was an evolutionary and logical response to a series of various changes occurring with the planet and "Homo Sapires" over the Millennium. Thus, early racial changes began in the world, which almost completely inhabited the owners of Group 0 (I). However, this division into races associated with the adaptation of a person to the duties unusual for it, surrounding, climate, was also part of the driving force of evolution, which ultimately led to the emergence of other blood groups.
Some anthropologists generally believe that to share humanity to race - it is too easy. Like, a group of blood is a much more important indicator of individuality than racial affiliation. In fact, the African and Indo-European with a group A (II) can exchange organs or blood, have the same habits, digestive functions and immune structures. But an African with a group A (II) and an African with a group in (iii), for example, such coincidences are a rarity.
"The ancestors left each of us a special inheritance, the outlines of which are" imprinted "into the blood group," says Alexander Nikolaevich. - And it is constantly present in the core of each cell cell. And people with one blood group have much more common than we ever could imagine. Perhaps many of us are generally brothers and sisters. Blood.
People with the second blood group are called "farmers", because this type of blood appeared at the time when our ancestors finally deliced \u200b\u200band took up agriculture.
What is the system av0
In 1891, Australian scientist Karl Landshteiner conducted a study of red blood cells - red blood tauros. And discovered a curious pattern: in some people they differ in sets of antigens - substances that cause an immune response and formation of antibodies. The scientist found found in the letters A and V. ONE there are only antigens A, others - only V. And thirdly - there are neither, nor V. Thus, research by Karl Landshtainer shared all humanity into three parts, according to blood properties : I group (it is 0) - no, nor in antigens; II group - there is a; III - with antigen V.
In 1902, the December researcher described the fourth group (antigens A and B) were found on red blood cells. The opening of two scientists received the name of the AU0 system. It is based on blood transfusion.
People with the first blood group 0 (i) are universal donors, since their blood taking into account the AU0 system can be overflowing with any group of blood. Holders of the fourth Blood Group AV (IV) - like Jesus Christ, refer to the category of universal recipients - they can overflow the blood of any group.
However, now doctors seek to transfix the person to a person to a person. This rule is retreating only in extreme cases.
Opinion Skeptic
Can "Type 0" be president?
Candidate of psychological sciences Alexey Pronin:
- All attempts to classify people look somewhat ominous. If you say: "Type A - such something" or "type in - odor", then sooner or later I will inevitably sound the statement like: "Type AB is better than all other" or "Only Type 0 may be president." This can prevail a caste separation. By the way, it is strongly developed in Japan. For example, it can be seen by advertisements about hiring to work, when some firm announces the search for a person to the vacant position of the head only with a group of blood type V. And if we are so president of the country will choose whether it will lead to something good?
What else can you learn about yourself?
(Compilers - Japanese scientific scholar of Nomi and American Naturopath Peter d "Adamo).
Blood group 0 (i) "Hunter"; She has from 40 to 50% of all people.
Origin of blood group 1.
The most ancient and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. The ancestors led the lifestyle of hunters and collectors. They took what the nature gave them today, and did not care about the future. Protecting your interests could have crushed anyone regardless of who he was a friend or enemy. Immune system is strong and persistent.
The qualities of the character of a person with the I group of blood.
People with the first blood group have a strong character. They are decisive and confident. Their motto: "Fight and seek, find and not surrender." Excessively moving, unbalanced and excit. Painly tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them from half-clow and instantly performed their orders.
Men are very skillful in love. Most of them are excited inaccessible women.
Women before sex are greedy, but very jealous.
Try to get rid of self-love and arrogance: it can seriously interfere with achieving goals. Stop fussing and rushing events. Remember that a person who strives at any cost to achieve the intended, indiscriminately leaving to power, he himself becomes loneling himself.
Blood group A (II) "farmer"; Her possess 30 - 40%
Origin of 2 blood groups.
It became generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food farming products and, accordingly, change the lifestyle. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 before AD. From each individual it took the ability to get along, to get out, cooperate with others within the presidential community.
The characteristics of the character of a person with the II group of blood.
People with the II group of blood are very sociable, easily adapt in any atmosphere, so such events, as a change in residence or work, are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard tolerate insults and chagrins.
Men are distinguished by shyness. Romance in the soul, they express their love with their eyes. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore often choose women older than themselves.
Women are also shy. It turns out excellent wives - loving and devotees.
Do not strive for senior positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not remove alcohol stress, otherwise you will overcome a destructive addiction. And do not eat a lot of fat, especially at night.
Blood group in (iii) "nomad"; She has 10 - 20%
Origin of 3 blood groups.
It appeared due to the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It presents the desire of nature to establish a balance between enhanced mental activities and the requests of the immune system.
Character qualities
These people are open and optimistic. Comfort them does not impark, and all the usual and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss the case to change something in their lives. Ascens for kind. Prefer not to depend on anyone. Worders of the III group of blood will not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the head shelters, then they will immediately come from work.
Men are true denunayans: they can carefully care for women and seduce.
Women are very extravagant. They can quickly conquer the men's heart, but they are afraid to marry, without believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to a family hearth. And completely in vain! Over time, they become good owners and faithful wives.
Think: Maybe your weakness is in individualism? If there are no people close to you in the spirit of people, then this is the result of your independence. For the reputation of the "womanizer" or "libertine" only masked fear of love. Wives of such people have to get used to the treason, because in all the rest they are good family mans.
Blood group AV (IV) "Riddle"; It has only 5% of people
Origin of 4 blood groups
It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago not as a result of adaptation to changing habitat, as the other blood groups, but as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans and the Mongoloids.
Character qualities
People of this type love to boast that the blood of the band AB was Jesus Christ. Proof, they say, is the analysis of the blood discovered on the Turin Dospanice. Is it so - has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They are distinguished by a soft and meek temper. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized imaging and multifaceted personalities.
Men attract their minds and originality. Very sexy. But their desire to make love to the days and nights, the Night does not mean that they are filled with deep feelings.
Women also have sexual attractiveness, but they are very demanding in choosing men. And its chosen one will be not easy because it requires a lot of attention.
You have a significant drawback: you are very indecisive. Maybe in this partly and is the reason for your unconfluousness: you are afraid to spoil with someone's relationship. But you are in a constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem is very suffering from this.
In the lights of their protuberances
All like welding has been emphasized
As a sevenfish with a rocket
From the long-distance sands appeared

Stage of future pregnancy planning is very important. For the emergence of a healthy child, quite a lot of different nuances should be taken into account. This article will talk about signs of partner compatibility for conception for a blood group and a rhesus factor.

Calculator calculating ovulation

Duration of cycle

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle on the 14th day). The deviation from the average value is often, therefore the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, it is possible to measure basal temperature, investigate cervical mucus, use special tests or mini microscopes, take tests on FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

It is possible to unambiguously establish an ovulation day by folliculose (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, jonathan b.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. PP. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. E. a. Biology. 9th Ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - P. 1263.
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Bryn V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospair V. O., P Pyatin V. F. Physiology of a person. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2009. - 496 p.


There are quite a lot about blood groups currently. But about how they can affect the process of conception of the baby - already much less.

To conceive a healthy baby, it is necessary that the blood group of his mom and dad is compatible. In this case, the risk of possible problems during pregnancy will be much lower.

In order to understand why partner incompatibility arises, you should contact basic knowledge of blood groups. The group has been determined from birth. Determine the personality of a person to a particular group of blood special protein molecules - agglutinin and agglutinogens. At the same time, agglutinins are in a liquid component of blood - plasma.

Currently, 2 types of agglutinins are known - a and b. Agllylineogen are located directly in red blood cells - red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to all tissues and organs. They are also known 2 types. Indicated agglutinogens usually with capital letters A and V.

Various combinations of agglutinogen and agglutinins and determine the blood group in humans. Doctors distinguish 4 blood groups:

  • 1 group. Also called O. It is determined by its agglutinins A and B, and there is no agglutinoogen in the plasma.
  • 2 groups. The second name - group A. is determined by the presence of agglutinin B and agglutinogen A.
  • 3 Group. Also called B-Group. It is determined by the presence of agglutinin A and agglutinogen V.
  • 4 Group. The second used calling - AB. It is determined by the presence of agglutinogen A and B in the absence of agglutinins in the plasma.

For a long time, the value of such an important indicator, like a rhesus factor, remains a secret in medicine. For the first time, the presence in the blood of special proteins - antigens determining the Rh Factor (RH) was shown at the beginning of the 20th century two doctors - Philip Levin and Rouffus Steetson. They proved the presence of certain protein molecules in the blood on the example of the appearance of hemolytic jaundice in a newborn after transfusion to it an incompatible group of blood.

Currently, scientists know exactly how the RH factor is determined. On the surface of the erythrocytes there are substances - D-antigens. If they are present, then such a rhesus factor is called positive. In the absence of D-antigens on the surface of the red blood cells, there is a negative rezes.

The presence of a certain rhm factor is a permanent indicator that is determined from birth and does not change throughout life. So, if both parents have a negative rhesus factor, then the baby he will be the same. If the future dad and mom have different rees-factors, then the baby can be or positive, or negative.

Influence on fertilization

A blood group directly to the process of conception of a child does not affect. It also does not affect the possibility of conceiving a boy or a girl.

If the conflict on the AVO system between mother and fruit in the future and arises, then this is usually manifested by the appearance of a small jaundice after his birth. At the same time, the skin of the child acquires the jaundice color. This state passes, as a rule, in a few days, it requires constant monitoring of the child. Also, the conflict on the system of agglutinogen can lead to the appearance of certain uncomfortable symptoms during pregnancy. The probability of developing the toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy with morning nausea increases significantly.

For a long time it was believed that different groups of blood from partners are a guarantee that the child will be born heavily and strong. However, modern scientific studies have refuted this statement. The risk of developing dangerous pathologies during the nursing of the child also exists with different groups of the blood of future parents.

The rhesus factor in direct planning of pregnancy plays a rather important role, but it does not significantly affect the conception of the baby. In this situation, doctors fear more development of a potential reserves conflict, which may occur during pregnancy.

If partners have the same rhesus groups, the risk of developing immunological conflict is low.In the presence of different rhesus groups, especially if in this case the woman has a negative rhesus factor, the risk of developing the immunological conflict increases. In such a situation, the kid can "inherit" positive Rhow Factor from father. The difference in rhesus factors from the mother and the fetus, as was noticed earlier, and provokes the development of negative consequences.

How to check the compatibility of the pair?

Determine the blood group or the Rh factor is now simply. These indicators are fairly easily and quickly verified in any diagnostic laboratories. You can pass the analysis to future parents as in a free, so in a private medical institution.

Analysis requires a small amount of venous blood. The result is ready pretty quickly. In order to assess the compatibility of the pair, it is necessary to determine the RH factors and blood groups in both partners. Especially carefully tested by families in this way, which for a long time can not conceive the baby and have problems with natural conception.


Possible incompatibility of partners is necessarily evaluated by different criteria. The most important of them is the Rh Factor. For convenience, the partner compatibility assessment uses the Special Table below.

The most common situation that contributes to confusion is the appearance of a "negative" child from a "positive" pair. Very often in such a situation there is a question about true paternity. Immediately dispel my myths and say that indeed such a situation takes place in practice. Inheritance of the RH factor is subordinate to genetics. At the same time, the kid can inherit a positive reserves of his parents, and maybe not.

Reverse situation - negative RH factors from both parents. In this situation, the baby can be born only with the same Rh.

Blood group

In order to determine the compatibility of blood groups of future parents, a special table is used. With it, it is possible to determine the likelihood of a child blood group, as well as assess the risk of incompatibility. This table is presented below.

Blood Group of the Future Father

Blood Blood Future Mom



Symptoms that the child inherits

2 (a) / 1 (O), probability share - 50/50%

3 (c) / 1 (o), probability share - 30/70%

2 (a) / 3 (c), probability share - 50/50%

Development of complications of pregnancy pathology and possible reserves conflict (probability share is 80%)

1 (o) / 2 (a), probability share - 60/40%

1 (o) / 2 (a), probability share - 30/70%

Development of reserves-conflict - about 70%, the risk of premature occurrence of birth - 50%

1 (o) / 2 (a) / 3 (c) / 4 (AB) can be inherited with equal share of probability

40% - the share of the development of miscarriage and dangerous pathologies of the course of pregnancy,

80% - Risk of a possible reserves conflict

1 (O) / 3 (B), probability share - 30/70%

60% - the share of the development of dangerous pathologies of pregnancy

1 (o) / 2 (a) / 3 (c) / 4 (AB) can be inherited with equal share of probability

1 (O) / 3 (B), probability share - 50/50%

1 (o) / 3 (c) / 4 (AB), with equal share of probability

Almost 100% the development of the rhesv conflict, dangerous pathologies of the course of pregnancy, as well as the formation of defects of the intrauterine development of the fetus

2 (a) / 3 (c) with equal sharing of probability

40% - the share of the likelihood of dangerous pathologies of the course of pregnancy and rhesv conflict

2 (a) / 3 (B) / 4 (AB) with equal probability

2 (a) / 3 (B) / 4 (AB) with equal probability

It is important to note that these data are indicative. In practice, there are cases when even with a conditionally favorable forecast, an immunological conflict has developed. This table only allows you to estimate the potential compatibility of partners and assume the blood group at the future kid.

It also follows from this table that the first blood group of the future Father is perfectly "combined" with others. There is no risk of developing an immunological conflict. In this case, the likelihood of developing healthy pregnancy increases significantly. It can also be assumed that the first paternal blood group is not absolutely defining for the baby. Maternal data is influenced by the identity of the child's blood group. At the same time, the kid blood group can be different.

The third blood group can be said is the "problem" itself. As can be seen from the table, it is pretty badly combined with 1 and 2 groups. At the same time, with 3 and 4 groups, the combination is already more favorable.

Pregnancy for representatives of 4 blood bands is better planning to people who have similar groups. According to the table, 4 blood group is quite poorly combined with others, except for "its own". The risk of developing a rhesus conflict with a combination of 4 groups and the first is the most unfavorable. Unfortunately, absolutely healthy pregnancy without any negative consequences is unlikely.

How does the discrepancy manifest?

To determine the biological incompatibility of partners, unfortunately, in most cases it becomes possible only after conception and during pregnancy. Also, negative signs of rhesus conflict or incompatibility on the AVO system can be estimated at the kid after its appearance.

For example, with a combination of 4 paternal blood group and 1 blood group of the mother, there is a fairly high risk of developing hazardous pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus. They contribute to the fact that the baby can significantly lag behind its physical development. The probability of forming malformations of the development of internal organs is also satisfied with the high. In kids born with such a combination of blood groups, quite high the risk of congenital kidney and heart disease.

Often, during pregnancy, doctors talk about rhesv conflicts. In this case, the reserves of the mother and the fetus differ. The conflict arises in the event that a rhesus-negative woman hits a rhesus-positive baby.In such a situation, the female organism perceives the child as an alien antigenic "object" with the risk of dangerous pathologies during pregnancy and even miscarriage is quite high.

One of the most severe conditions, which is a consequence of such an immunological conflict on the Rh Factor, is hemolytic jaundice of newborns. With this pathology, erythrocytes with accumulation of bilirubin in tissues begin to break down in the children's body. A large amount of bilirubin formed contributes to the fact that the child changes the skin color - it becomes yellow. The flow of hemolytic jaundice is usually severe and is carried out in hospital conditions.

The development of immunological resvas conflict is a certain "lottery". In medical practice, it happens that even in the case of the development of a rhesus conflict during pregnancy, pathology does not arise. Such a situation is possible if the female organism for some reason was already familiar with rear antigens, that is, sensitized to them. This is usually possible with preceding blood transfusions, etc. Thus, the different rees-factor in the mother and the fetus does not always lead to the development of hazardous pathologies.

Due to treatment?

Doctors note that the biological compatibility of partners is a rather complicated topic. To conceive a healthy baby, several factors should "work". Even at the stage of direct fertilization in some cases, certain problems may arise.

One of the rather common of them is an immunological conflict resulting in connection with antispermal antibodies. These special protein substances are able to have a destructive effect on male sex cells - spermatozoa. In some cases, these antibodies arise in the feminine body, significantly preventing the conception of the baby.

Change the rhesus factor or blood group, alas, it is impossible. However, knowing them, you can clarify the risk of developing hazardous complications of the development of pathologies of pregnancy.

Any "conflict" pregnancy is a reason for a more thorough and attentive relationship from doctors to the health of a pregnant woman, as well as to the intrauterine development of her baby.

During the hatching of the baby behind a patient, having a high risk of developing immunoconflict pregnancy, doctors carefully follow. In order to reveal the development of hazardous pathologies in a timely manner, a whole range of diagnostic research is carried out in a pregnant woman. These include:

  • Ultrasound examination. With it, it is possible to determine the main signs of the lag of the fetus in intrauterine development. FROM certain period The lives of the fetus Specialist Uzi necessarily assesses the size of its liver, clinical signs and the dimensions of the placenta, the number of accumulating waters. A comprehensive assessment allows you to identify pathologies in the earliest stages.

  • Dopplerography.A more detailed method for assessing the intrauterine development of the fetus. It is used in obstetric practice in immunoconflial pregnancies in order to more accurately estimate the potential risk of pathological formation.
  • Studying cord blood on bilirubin. Amniotic fluid can also be used for this study. This diagnostic procedure is performed only in complex and severe clinical cases, as it is invasive and can have a number of negative consequences.

What to do?

If the risk of developing the immunological conflict is high, then doctors will be offered future mom Several special manipulations that should help reduce the risk of developing in the future at its kid hazardous pathologies. Such measures are considered to be more preventive, as it is help to significantly reduce the potential probability of developing intrauterine pathologies in a child and improve pregnancy.

One of the preventive measures used is the "immunization" of a pregnant woman with immunoglobulins.This procedure is executed, as a rule, on the 27-28 week of pregnancy. Her goal is to temporarily "freeze" the female immunity in order not to begin a rapid response to the female organism of foreign fetal blood antigens.

It is important to note that this procedure is carried out only on the strict appointment of the doctor. To its conduct there are certain contraindications that necessarily defines the Doctor in each case.

A significant minus of this technique is the weakening of its own immunity of a pregnant woman. Such intervention can lead to the fact that the immune system of the future mother will simply be able to withstand various infections. In such a situation, even banal flu or colds may have quite adverse effects.

In medical practice, there are also varieties of this procedure. So, the introduction into the female organism immunoglobulin can be carried out after delivery. Usually such injections are performed in the first 72 hours from the moment the child appears to the light. This procedure allows you to continue to "immunize" a female organism. With subsequent pregnancies, in this case, the risk of developing the immunological conflict is reduced.

There are also fairly invasive methods used in the "conflict" pregnancy. Immediately, we note that they perform them in fairly severe cases when there is no other alternative option. The essence of the invasive technique is to introduce certain biological components through the cord in the placenta to the fetus or even transfusion. This procedure is carried out in order to restore and normalize the work of red blood cells in the children's organism - red blood cells.

Doctors strongly recommend all women in a group of risk on the development of immunoconflict pregnancy, regularly visit their doctors during babies tooling. It is very important that medical care for such a pregnancy will be provided in a timely manner in full. In this case, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of the development of hazardous pathologies of intrauterine development in the baby, as well as to avoid the formation of severe diseases.

"To bypass" the situation in which the risk of developing immunological conflict is highly possible with extracorporeal fertilization (ECO). In this case, the conception is carried out under the strict control of the reproductologist. This doctor knows exactly what cells are taken for fertilization. Also in a special laboratory, you can define all the basic properties of genital cells directly before conception. In this case, the doctor still at the stage of pregnancy planning can accurately calculate the Rh Factor and even assume the Blood Blood Group.

Very often, if the risk of immunological conflict is quite high, a rhesv-negative embryo is selected for the "landing" in the uterus. Eco has already helped quite a few pairs who have identified biological incompatibility, to conceive their long-awaited babies.

More information about the rees-factor and rezes-conflict of blood during pregnancy you will learn from the following video.

  • Conception
  • rules
  • Best time
  • Vitamins
  • Sperm and eggs
  • Incompatibility

The assessment of the compatibility of blood partners is the most important criterion that determines the risk of pathological development of the fetus. You should pay special attention to this point when planning. Incompatibility can negatively affect the development of the fetus. To prevent the risk of complications, assess the compatibility of blood groups (antigens) of future parents.

The group formation occurs at 15 weeks. The question of whether the blood of parents affects the favorable development of the fetus, very relevant. Because of some combinations, immunological character is possible. Pathological processes are excluded at a group of men, 4 in a woman and with the same groups.

Possible problems during pregnancy

A comprehensive examination before conception can significantly reduce the risk of negative phenomena. One of the responsible approaches is to check the compatibility of the blood partners for conception.

Compatibility is determined by blood mom:

  • First. The child develops normally. With 2, 3 or 4 groups, a man arises conflict that does not provoke the pathology of the fetus.
  • Second. Blood incompatibility in mom and baby occurs when the Father has 3 or 4 groups. With the rest of excellent compatibility.
  • Third. The pregnancy will occur safely at 1 and 3 groups at the father, with others there are deviations.
  • Fourth. Maximum compatibility with 4 groups in a man. In other cases, there is a conflict of immunological nature.

Information is familiarized and does not mean a 100% probability of deviations from the fetus. The future parent is worth assessing the risks and conduct a number of additional surveys. Therapy is necessary when defensive antibodies in the blood of the mother.

Special attention is required if the protein in the red blood cells is present only in a man or the opposite of a woman. It is important to check compatibility to the alleged conception. With the timely detection of antibodies, the doctor will appoint the therapy that will contribute to the safe tooling the child.


There is no threat to pathologies with a positive reserves from the mother and negative from the father, as well as with positive from both. If a child has a negative blood type, the conflict with the mother is excluded..


The threat of pathological development of the embryo is excluded with a negative group of blood from both parents. If the mother has a negative, and the child has a positive rhesus, then a rhesus conflict develops. Female body actively produces special antibodies that can kill the baby.

What partners are compatible?

The table contains data on blood groups and their compatibility for conception, possible pathologies for the development of the child, the probability of rhesv conflict when different groups blood between parents.

Blood Group Father Blood Group Mom Probability of compatibility
First First Excellent compatibility.
First Second Excellent compatibility.
First Third Excellent compatibility.
First Fourth Excellent compatibility.
Second First 80% - rhesus conflict, pregnancy pathology.
Second Second Excellent compatibility.
Second Third 70% - rhesus conflict, 50% - premature birth.
Second Fourth Excellent compatibility.
Third First 40% - miscarriage, pregnancy pathology 80% - rezv conflict.
Third Second 60% - pathology, threatening the life of the child.
Third Third Excellent compatibility.
Third Fourth Excellent compatibility.
Fourth First About 100% - reserves conflict, serious fruit pathology.
Fourth Second
Fourth Third 40% - rhesus conflict, pregnancy pathology.
Fourth Fourth Excellent compatibility.

What are incompatible?

In the planning process should be taken into account, the third positive group in a man has excellent compatibility with 3 and 4 women. A combination with 1 group positive or negative can cause minor complications. 4 Group of men is compatible only with a similar group of women. In other groups, the incompatibility of partners may appear, which is expressed in the development of serious pathology in the fetus.

The conflict for the blood group arises in the following cases.:

  • in a woman 1 or 3, fetal 2;
  • in the matter of 1 or 2, in the fetus 3;
  • a woman has 1-3, in a child 4.

In some cases, the threat of the development of a group conflict arises:

  • mother 1, Father 2, 3, or 4;
  • in a woman 2, a man has 3 or 4;
  • mom 3, Father 2 or 4.

The most dangerous is a combination of 1 Blood Group of Women with 4 Group of Men.

For a child, it threatens the development of a number of diseases.:

  • autism;
  • down syndrome;
  • congenital vices;
  • general backwardness in mental and physical development.

With this combination, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of complications, but with the help of therapy you can reduce their degree. Also compatibility 2 Father groups with 1 or 3 mothers low. This gives a difficult course of pregnancy, but does not impair the health of the child.

The threat of miscarriages and premature births are present at 4 groups and men and 3 in a woman. But even the difficult course of pregnancy does not have a negative impact on the health of the child. Full lack of risk of conflict development with the same groups from parents.

How does the Rh Factor affect the course of pregnancy?

Woman's well-being does not change, when examining the doctor does not find pathologies. Does the rhesus conflict affect the development of the embryo, depends on the residue, which is the woman and is important if its early diagnosis is important. With a positive fruit develops without deviations, so the pregnancy proceeds comfortably. This is due to the fact that the body produces IgG protective antibodies, counting the embryo alien item.

The conflict with a negative rhesus in a woman can lead to rejection of the fetus and premature childbirth against the background of hemolytic pathology in the fetus.

The severity of the disease can be different - from mild jaundice to violation of the internal organs. The pathology is possible fetal death for a period of 20-30 weeks.

Conflict probability

The compatibility table of the resulting factors of partners will allow to assess the risk of the appearance of pathologies of the fetus.

Consequences and ways to solve the problem

Rhow-conflict develops due to the work of protective bodies by the body. As a result, hemolytic pathology of the newborn is formed, which can manifest itself in three forms:

  1. Jaundice. Received in 88% of cases. For the skin of the baby is characterized by an orange shade, which then becomes pale yellow. Symptoms: muscle weakness, swelling spherical, increasing spleen, tension of the occipital muscles, tremor, pulse 100 beats per minute. The consequence can be a violation in the work of the central nervous system: centers, paralysis, paresis or general development delay.
  2. Anemic. It is found in 10% of cases. Due to the synthesis of antibodies, the child's hemoglobin level in the child decreases with a pregnant woman, from which anemia develops. Symptoms: lethargy, the pallor of the skin and mucous covers, the increase in the liver and spleen. This form of pathology does not lead to the development of serious diseases in the child.
  3. Even. Detected in 2% of cases, but is the most dangerous form. Symptoms: Empty of the limbs and torso, pallor of skin, a strong increase in liver and spleen. This leads to irreversible consequences. The child dies or becomes disabled.

If high risk of complications, a woman needs medical care to prevent the threat of miscarriage. Therapy includes a set of events: tests, surveys and preventive measures.

For a period of 27-30 weeks, a woman is prescribed an immunoglobulin injection course for partial blocking of antibodies, which ensures comfortable development of the fetus. The procedure relaxes the immunity to the woman, so the body will be hard to cope even with a light cold.

Plasmapherosis is also carried out to suppress antibodies and their replacement to physically either vitamins. The procedure is assigned at the following steps:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • detection of rhesv conflict;
  • significant increase in the concentration of antibodies in the blood on any period.

With severe cases, do not do without transfusion. The procedure is carried out under a period of 22 weeks and is to transfusion through the cord vein of donor blood with characteristics, like the fetus. It helps prevent miscarriage. The procedure is shown in the diagnosis of a woman in a woman, when the placenta and cord veins are thickened. Transfusion is necessary if with the help of ultrasound a significant increase in the liver of the fetus was detected.

Table to determine the antigen of the fetus

The need to determine the blood group of the future child is due to the assessment of the risk of pathological intrauterine development. The table shows all the variants of the blood group inheritance.

Mother + father Possible blood groups in the child (in%)
1+1 1 (100%)
1+2 1 (50%) 2 (50%)
1+3 1 (50%) 3 (50%)
1+4 2 (50%) III (50%)
2+2 1 (25%) II (75%)
2+3 1 (25%) II (25%) III (25%) IV (25%)
2+4 II (50%) III (25%) IV (25%)
3+3 I (25%) III (75%)
3+4 I (25%) III (50%) IV (25%)
4+4 II (25%) III (25%) IV (50%)

Knowledge of blood compatibility in different characteristics makes it possible to eliminate the risk of developing serious complications, some of which are not compatible with the child's life. This question must be considered before the occurrence of pregnancy. Thus, it turns out to prevent the miscarriage, the painful course of pregnancy and the development of defects in the newborn.

Modern methods of research, prevention and treatment are able to increase the chances of the birth of a healthy child in the incompatibility of blood from future parents.