
At what height the inclined hood is installed. Distance from stove to hood

Water supply, options, device

The functional capabilities of house exhaust ventilation ducts almost always left much to be desired. They could not cope with their main task - drawing exhaust air from the kitchen and unpleasant odors... That is why, subsequently, such useful and necessary devices as hoods were invented, which acted much more efficiently than channels. When planning to install new kitchen equipment, many people think about how high the hood should be hung? Does it matter. The performance and quality of its operation often depend on the height at which the device will be fixed.

Standard hood design

You can more accurately imagine the location of the hood if you at least understand a little about its device. A standard hood consists of the following elements:

  • Steel body;
  • Engine;
  • Engine impeller;
  • Filter;
  • Control device.

You can set the modes for the hood operation. There are only two of them - filtration (recirculation) and air outlet into the ventilation channel.

Hood types

There are four main types of kitchen fume cupboards:

  1. Wall-mounted fume cupboards;
  2. Island hoods;
  3. Built-in structures;
  4. Desktop devices.

The first type looks like an umbrella with a pipe, which is fixed on the wall where it is clearly visible. Therefore, its design should be suitable for the interior of the kitchen. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of the chimney from the fireplace.

Island-type devices are most often mounted to the ceiling. They are used if the interior of the kitchen is thought out so that the stove is in the center of the room. This model works only in one mode, according to the principle of air extraction.

Built-in appliances are placed inside the cabinets. They are hidden from view, so you do not need to trim them too carefully. Their technical characteristics are not worse than those of other models, but they cost a little less.

Tabletop constructions are built into the hob itself. They look like another section of the panel. Due to the fact that this model is in close proximity to a source of dirty air, the quality of cleaning is usually excellent.

How to determine the height of the hood attachment

Very often, in order to determine the optimal mounting height for the hood, it is enough to look at the instructions for the given model of the device. Usually, not a specific distance is indicated, but a range within which the exhaust equipment for the kitchen should be placed.

In this case, one should take into account such important facts as the growth of the hostess of the apartment and the peculiarities of the interior of the kitchen. But even if the instructions are lost, there is another way out. There are standards, thanks to which you can more clearly determine at what height the kitchen hood should be placed above the hob or stove.

It is necessary to take into account the type of hob, each type has its own measurements. So, at what height is it recommended to hang the hood:

  • Above gas stove it is placed at a height of 75-85 cm,
  • Above the electric stoves - at a height of 65-75 cm.

If you chose an inclined model, then the distance from its bottom to the hob should be about 55-65 cm for gas stoves, and about 35-45 cm for electric stoves.

The height may vary, but only within the specified 10 cm, and also depending on the power of a particular model and its technical characteristics. These restrictions should not be neglected, not only the quality of equipment operation, but also the safety of work, in particular fire safety, depends on these indicators.

Basic rules for installing the hood

Better operation of the device is possible only if the hood completely covers the surface of the stove. In this case, the polluted air will be almost completely absorbed, and its leakage will be minimal. This is the main reason why buyers prefer models with a wider umbrella, from 60 to 90 cm. This size corresponds to the size of a standard plate or panel.

The height of the hood is determined in accordance with ergonomic and fire safety regulations. The shorter the distance from the umbrella to the hob, the better cooking vapors and bad odors will be absorbed. But at the same time, the height should not be too low, otherwise there is a high risk of damage to the ventilation system. This can happen due to overheating or even combustion of a greasy film that forms on the surface of the filter.

Therefore, for safety reasons, the minimum distance from the stove to the umbrella should be about 50-65 cm. The values ​​may fluctuate slightly. Often the optimum installation height of the hood is indicated in the data sheet. For ergonomic reasons, it should be positioned so as not to interfere with food preparation.

Hood mounting options

There are several installation methods. The first involves placing the fume hood inside a hanging cabinet that has no bottom. An exhaust device is attached to the central shelf. In the same shelf, as well as in the ceiling of the cabinet, holes are made for the hose outlet.

One of the ends of the hose is attached to the hood, and the other is pushed through the holes and taken out into the ventilation duct. In filtration mode, the hose is cut when exiting the hole in the ceiling of the cabinet.

The built-in type of hood is mounted according to the scheme, which is presented in the instructions for it. The model is designed for installation in a box or in a hanging cabinet.

Hood attached to the bottom of the cabinet

In the bottom of the kitchen cabinet, as well as in the ceiling shelf, a hole is made for the hose. To carry out the venting into the ventilation, the hose is brought to the very opening of the ventilation vent.

For the filtration mode, it is cut off at the exit from the opening of the cabinet ceiling shelf. The hood is hidden behind the panel; the material for it is the material identical to that of which the cabinet doors are made.

Hood installation in a hanging cabinet

A hole is made in the bottom of the cabinet, the size of which corresponds to the size kitchen hood... The hood island is hidden in a locker. Fastening is carried out using holes in the lower edge, with which the hood is screwed to the bottom of the cabinet.

In the shelf located in the middle of the cabinet, as well as in the ceiling, holes are made for the passage of the hose, one edge of which is attached to the hood, and the other is pushed into the hole in the central shelf and ceiling. In the mode when the air is discharged into the ventilation vent, the hose is passed into it, and in the filtration mode, on the contrary, it is cut off near the outlet from the hole.

Rules for installing a hood with an air duct

This type of installation provides a duct with a larger diameter and no bends. Air ducts should be made of thicker foil, thin foil will rustle when the air moves. And PVC boxes are more flexible, their use is even more profitable. It is better if their shape is round and without bends. They have excellent sound insulation and do not resist air.

Do not under any circumstances narrow the air passage, do not hook on adapters that will hold it back. The required volume of air must pass over a certain period of time. In case there are obstacles on the way and narrow areas, the hood motor will accelerate. Because of this, it wears out more, excess noise is created in the duct.

When connecting the hood to the ventilation shaft, the filtration mode is used to overcome these obstacles. In order for dirty air to leave the kitchen more efficiently, there is an extreme way - this is to do through hole in the wall above the surface of the hood.

You can beautifully decorate such a device using PVC boxes. You can disguise a flexible duct using such a drywall box.

Unfortunately, people do not always remember that fume hoods also need to be cleaned, which is why grease and dust accumulate on them. If the height when installing the hood does not reach 80 cm, then the filter may ignite from the open flame of the stove.

In any case, a household hood must be properly grounded for safety reasons. Due to constant voltage surges in the network, its engine or electronic control unit may burn out. Another problem is that due to heating, the exhaust equipment can spontaneously turn on. Most people still decide to purchase a modern hood, which is becoming one of the most important devices in the kitchen, ridding the space of unpleasant odors and fumes.

No modern kitchen is complete without a hood. These devices prevent contamination of the air in the home by grease particles, combustion products and strong odors accompanying the cooking process.

When choosing an exhaust hood, many rightly focus on aesthetic appeal and technical specifications purchased equipment. At the same time, the question of the importance of correct placement of the device in the kitchen is overlooked.

You can choose a technically perfect model that fits perfectly into your interior. But if you make a mistake with the placement of the device, you can get a useless and non-functional design. And in some cases, it will even be dangerous.

One of the most important points installation - maintaining the required distance between household appliances: extractor hood, gas / electric stove or surface.

Let's figure out at what distance the exhaust structure can be hung.

Types and originality of exhaust devices

Principle of operation

All products currently on the market, according to the principle of operation, can be divided into two large classes: circulating and exhaust.


Circulation units provide filtration of kitchen air through a built-in multi-stage filter system... After that, the purified air is returned to the kitchen.

As a rule, they They consist of a separator filter that retains large particles and a carbon filter that absorbs odors.

The contaminated air above the stove is drawn by the fan into the hood, passes through the filter system and returns to the room.

The efficiency and performance of such systems is low... They are recommended to be used only in cases where it is not possible to connect the hood to the ventilation system.

Fume hoods

Exhaust structures ensure the removal of polluted air from the room through the ventilation duct of the building.

In devices of this type, mechanical grease filters must be used to prevent "overgrowth" of the ventilation duct.

Before choosing a model, you need to make a calculation required power exhaust hood.

Reference. Maximum performance should provide twelve changes of air in the kitchen in 1 hour.

Usually, many modern models are universal. They can work both in circulation and in exhaust mode., depending on the connection method.


According to the type of construction, the hoods are divided into the following types.

  • With a flat surface.
  • Domed.
  • Inclined.
  • Embedded.

Flat surface devices

The simplest and most budgetary type of exhaust devices, characterized by compact size and low price.

These models are able to work most effectively autonomously in circulation mode, thanks to the filters built inside.

The disadvantages of these devices include the need for regular cleaning and replacement of filter elements... In most cases, the technique is not aesthetically pleasing enough appearance... These disadvantages are partly offset by the relatively low cost of the product.


Another type of device that has become widespread in our kitchens.

The main mode of operation of devices of this type is exhaust... They capture hot air that rises upward, which is saturated with water vapor and fat particles. And then they remove it from the room through the ventilation duct.

The efficient operation of these models depends on correct installation. In this case, she provided even in passive mode, without turning on the built-in fan.

In some models of hoods, it is possible to install charcoal filters to ensure operation in a recirculation mode with reduced efficiency.


Inclined devices are a kind of domed exhaust devices.

They are considered the most aesthetically perfect and modern. These devices combine an attractive appearance, excellent workplace ergonomics and high efficiency.

The main disadvantage of these devices is their relatively high cost.


The main difference between these models and those listed above is that the structure itself and air ducts are hidden from view in a wall cabinet.

How to choose the right place for the hood

The main requirement for the installation site of the exhaust devices is to be placed strictly vertically above the surface of the plate.

Important! The size of the product must be equal to or greater than the size of the slab.

When choosing and preparing a site for the air handling unit, the following factors should be taken into account.

  • Distance from the ventilation duct.
  • Fan power of the device.
  • Possibility to connect power supply.

If you plan to install an exhaust type device, then from the installation site to the ventilation duct of the building, it must be possible to arrange an air duct.

The duct path should be chosen as short as possible with a minimum number of turns.... Failure to comply with this requirement will significantly reduce the efficiency of the device.

If the location of the hob is very far from the ventilation risers, then it may be worth thinking about choosing a circulation type device.

The fan power determines the maximum distance from the surface of the stove, at which the device will effectively cope with its functions

An important issue is the availability of electricity near the installation site. The most correct option is to place a separate outlet for the hood above the place of its installation.

Attention! Considering the metal body of the exhaust hoods, to prevent damage electric shock be sure to have grounding.

Distance between cooking equipment and hood

Why know the distance between devices

Correctly selected distance between the stove and the hood is a guarantee of a high-quality microclimate and convenience of working in the kitchen.

Incorrect installation may shorten the service life of the appliance.

Installation of the hood is a laborious process. If the unit is installed incorrectly and it is necessary to fix the device again, this can lead to disturbances in the interior of the room.

What affects the distance between devices

The installation height of the hood above the tabletop determines several important points at once:

  • safety of equipment operation;
  • the efficiency of the ventilation system;
  • ergonomics of the workspace in the kitchen.

One of the main factors affecting the efficiency of the equipment is the correct selection of the distance between the stove and the hood.

If you set the device too low, the ergonomics of the workspace is disturbed... You will experience discomfort while cooking. A soot and grease particles deposited on the ventilation grill may ignite.

If the setting is too high reduced extraction performance and efficiency her work. This will require constant use of the hood at maximum power, reducing its resource. At the same time, the noise level in the house and the cost of electricity increase.

Finding Distance Regulatory Requirements

Currently there is no single standard regarding the optimal distance between the surface of the plate and the hood... Each device manufacturer recommends a different value based on the type and performance of the device.

When installing the hood, you should rely on the following criteria:

  • the volume of the room;
  • type of stove (it will be located above electric or gas);
  • equipment performance;
  • the growth of family members.

The rules prescribe a strict standard regarding the lower limit of the hood installation. It depends on the type of plate, which ensures fire safety during the operation of the equipment.

Upper bound installation determines the efficiency of the product and ease of use, therefore it is not regulated by state standards. But just this parameter is the most important from the point of view effective use devices


Standard distance for gas stoves and surfaces

If you are the owner of a gas stove, then the distance from the hob to the lower edge of the hood must not be less than 75 cm.

Compliance with this rule prevent fires... And excludes the possibility of extinction of the flame cooker caused by too strong intake air flow.

Standard distance for electric stoves and panels

For owners of an electric stove the standard is much softer, since there is no open flame in these products.

As a result, the risk of fire is lower and the possibility of extinction of the flame sucked in by the air flow is completely eliminated.

In this case, according to the standard the minimum distance above the stove must be at least 60 cm.

Nuances of device designs and sizes between them

How is the distance determined for combined hobs

If you own a combination hob, then when choosing a distance, you must be guided by the most stringent standard for gas stoves.

That is, leave at least 75 cm between the stove and the lower edge of the hood.

How to determine the distance for sloped panels

One of frequently asked questions commoners is this: how to correctly measure the distance from the surface of the slab to the inclined model of the exhaust hood.

The answer is simple: you need to measure minimum distance from the lowest point of the hood to the surface of the slab.

For the happy owners of inclined models of exhaust hoods installed over the gas panel, minimum distance n if necessary, can be reduced to 55-65 cm.

Owners of inclined exhaust hoods who are over electrical equipment may place the bottom edge of the product at a distance of at least 35-45 cm.

We have presented the rules that you need to know for the correct placement of the hood in the kitchen. Now you know at what height you should hang the hood.

We hope that our tips will be helpful, you will easily cope with the task. And your hood will delight you with clean air in the kitchen.

How to determine the optimal distance from the stove to the hood

When arranging kitchen space special attention must be paid to the distance from the stove to the hood The state of cleanliness of the air, without admixture of soot and excess odors, directly depends on the operation of the hood. That is why it is so important to choose it correctly and determine the correct distance from the hob to the device itself. A well-chosen height affects not only the overall efficiency of ventilation, but also ensures the safety of the system as a whole.

Optimum hood height above the gas stove as standard

The absence of a hood above the stove or its incorrect location can significantly complicate the cooking process and create some discomfort while in the room. Competent installation of the pulling device according to the standard will provide the necessary air circulation and comfort for the hostess in the kitchen. At what distance from the stove should the hood hang?

It is best to place the hood above the gas stove, taking into account certain standards.

  • A gas stove with a direct exhaust should have a distance of 75-85 cm between them;
  • If the hood is inclined, then the gap between its lower part and the gas stove should be at least 55 cm and maximum 65 cm;
  • An electric oven should have a distance of 65-75 cm from a direct exhaust;
  • In the case of an inclined hood, the stove with electric hobs can be located at a distance of 35-45 cm to its bottom.

This range was not chosen by chance and it is impossible to arbitrarily reduce the recommended minimum distance between the hood and the stove. True, it is still possible to increase a little, if necessary.

Decreasing the distance can make it difficult for the cook, who can constantly bump his head against the device. In addition, the cooker hood can become very hot, which compromises its performance. That is why it is highly undesirable to reduce the distance recommended by GOST.

When choosing the height of the hood above the stove, you should also take into account:

  • Power and design of the device;
  • The configuration and interior of the room;
  • The growth of the person who spends the most time at the stove.

Weak hoods, as a rule, should be hung at a level not exceeding 75 cm from the stove, but powerful modern installations can be fixed higher, if necessary.

Usually, an instruction is attached to each hood, in which all the recommended distances and installation parameters are described in detail.

What affects the distance from the gas stove to the hood

When installing the hood, one of the critical factors noteworthy is the maximum and minimum height its location from the boundary of the hob. Usually, in order to understand at what distance the hood should be hung, it is necessary to study the instructions. If it is not there, some conditions for installing the device must be observed.

The distance from the stove to the bottom of the hood directly depends on:

  • Convenience of cooking - this means that a person busy with cooking should have free access to all pots on the stove and not bang his head against the hood;
  • Safety - the distance should be such as to prevent spontaneous combustion of something or deformation of the material (a safe distance is considered to be 65-70 cm);
  • The ability of the device to extract air from the most polluted layers - in other words, the extraction power.

The dimensions of the hood also matter. For example, the width of the device should not be less than the width of a gas or electric stove, otherwise it will not be able to clean the entire surface of the stove from contaminated air.

The type of hood also plays a role. Above an electric stove, a lower position of the hood is allowed than above a gas one, and it is also taken into account how the device is located - with an inclination or straight.

If the hood hangs obliquely, then its bottom edge usually falls just below the recommended distances. For a gas stove, this is a gap of 55 cm, and for an electric one - 35 cm.

Standard installation of a hood above a gas stove and types of devices

A standard hood is a design that cleans the air from various vapors, gas combustion products, smoke, and various odors that appear during cooking.

According to the principle of operation, there are two types of hoods:

  • Flow-through - remove air outside the room, but at the same time require a fresh supply of air from the outside;
  • Recirculating - they purify the air on the spot, passing it through special filters and "returning" it to the kitchen.

Flow-through hoods work faster, but they require a ventilation system, in contrast to recirculation hoods.

As a rule, the correct installation of the hood depends on the type of hood.

Based on the installation conditions, the hood can be:

  • Hanging - as a rule, it has a flat appearance and is installed from the bottom of the wall cabinet above hob;
  • Dome - placed after placing the cabinets, can be decorated for a variety of styles;
  • Built-in - its body is usually located inside the cabinet above the tiles, the optimal height is determined according to the recommended standards;
  • Corner - it may be needed where the stove is shifted to the end of the wall and the kitchen hood has to be placed in the corner of the room;
  • Wall (inclined) - mounted directly on the wall, the distance is measured from the plate to the lower border of the hood;
  • Ostrovnaya - this type can be found in large kitchens of catering establishments, where the hood is attached to the ceiling in the center of the room.

Separately, it is worth talking about built-in exhaust devices. There are models that are cut into the surface of the countertop, behind the slab. This type can also be called desktop, and in this case the gap between the stove, table and hood is reduced to almost a minimum.

There are also special glass-ceramic hobs with an induction cooking system and a built-in hood. This type of stove is very convenient to use, but, unfortunately, it is very expensive.

The hood can also be installed by design. This means that it can be stationary, removed or reclined, that is, introduced into the air purification zone when necessary.

Before hanging the hood, you must very carefully choose the place where it will be located. All necessary communications or sewer outlets must be available.

You can hang the hood over the gas stove yourself, if you correctly read the step-by-step instructions

For successful subsequent operation of the device, it is necessary to observe the following rules when installing it:

  • The size of the hood must correspond to the size of the plate itself in order to have access to all contaminated layers of air;
  • The distance from the device to the stove should not contradict fire safety measures and the type of stove (the norm is usually indicated in the technical passport of the hood);
  • The socket used to connect to the power supply of the hood should not be above the tiles;
  • The air exhaust pipe must have a minimum number of bends.

When connecting the hood, you should also install a special protective block in the power supply of the device, which can turn off the equipment in the event of an emergency.

What should be the distance from the stove to the hood (video)

Buying a cooker hood is a responsible business, because the convenience during cooking and a comfortable stay in the kitchen as a whole depends on the operation of this device. It is best to entrust the installation of this equipment to specialists so that they can properly connect all the necessary communications and provide for everything necessary for the successful operation of the hood.

Housewives cook up to 90% of all dishes on stoves. This creative and routine process is accompanied by the release of steam, pleasant (and sometimes not so) aromas, small particles of fat and harmful products formed during the combustion process. All this saturates the surrounding space, and first of all the air in the kitchen. A ventilation device is indispensable here, but what should be the distance from the stove to the hood to ensure cleanliness in small room?
You can find the answer to this topical question in today's article.

Optimum heights for different implements

The height of the hood installation above the tile is determined taking into account 2 components - the type of hob and design features the location of equipment for a particular kitchen. It must be understood that the height is never "tied" to the size of the air intake, accessories or the type of device.

The only exception to the rule is kitchens with low ceilings where it is not possible to maintain the recommended distance between the hob and the hood.

note! Experts recommend adjusting the installation height of the fence structure within 10 cm of the nominal design value.

Read also:

Horizontal solutions

It is possible to determine exactly at what height to install the hood only if there is information about the type of cooker used. Based on this, the distance between the inflow and exhaust is selected. The specified type of equipment is set taking into account a number of parameters (type of hob, capacity of the intake unit, etc.).

The relationship between the height of a person and the installation height of the device

But what is the best distance in terms of safety and efficiency?

The norm for each device is different, but there are accepted standards, which are mainly of a recommendatory nature:

  • the distance between the hood and the burners of the gas stove is from 65 to 85 cm;
  • the minimum distance from the electric type hob is 60 cm, and the maximum is 80 cm.

The indicated data are valid only for devices fixed strictly horizontally.

Horizontal unit installation video

Do-it-yourself hood installation. YASAMMOGU-TV

Inclined units

Tilting type unit

When installing tilted models, it is extremely important that the distance between the hob and the hood corresponds to the following values:

  • from 35 to 45 cm when working with an electric stove;
  • from 55 to 65 cm - for gas burners.

In conditions real kitchen it is customary to install ventilation devices where operation will be not only efficient, but also convenient for the hostess. The distances indicated above are experimentally established values, confirmed by years of practice. You can calculate them yourself, but you just have to take into account a number of variables:

  • kitchen area;
  • planning features of the premises;
  • approximate hob area;
  • performance and type of hood;
  • the growth of family members, housewives.

note! The exhaust unit can be easily attached above the electric stove, so the height can be increased without much difficulty, if necessary. But it is strictly forbidden to lower the equipment below the minimum level.

If the specified distance is not observed and the unit is hung too low, there is a high probability that the unit will operate under constant heating conditions. And this is fraught with premature failure. faithful helper... In addition, if the hood is installed too low above the electric stove, it will be simply inconvenient to use it.

Installation video for inclined type unit

Installation (assembly) of an inclined hood KRONA in the kitchen. Complete process.

Based on decades of practical operation, experts have formed their own recommendations regarding the height at which to hang the hood. There are unspoken rules for units placed above the base of a gas burner. They are indicated in the user manual or in the installation recommendations that come with each hood model.

Here are just a few examples:

  1. 1. Bosch products are traditionally considered one of the highest quality products on the market. The average capacity of the units is 650 m3 / h. It is better to hang the hood of the specified performance at a distance of 65 cm from the surface of the burners.
  2. 2. The solutions produced by the Shindo brand are characterized by reliability and availability. For the most part, we are talking about a horizontal device of medium power. The average productivity of the apparatus is 450-500 m3 / h. The cooker hood is mounted 75 cm above the electric stove. The device must not be located above the open flame of the burner.
  3. 3. The products of the domestic brand Saturn cannot boast of high capacity, but at the same time, a productivity of 240-300 m3 / h will be enough for an average housewife. The recommended distance to the hood is 75-80 cm from the burner.
  4. What products to buy and from which brand is up to you, but in terms of mounting height, the units are almost identical. It should be noted that the distance from the surface of the gas stove to the hood is determined according to a number of important requirements:

  • ease of use;
  • leveling the likelihood of spontaneous combustion (especially if there are tables with other household devices nearby);
  • effective intake of dirty air above the stove, stove.

Taking into account the listed requirements, it can be argued that the safest and most acceptable distance from the hob to the hood is within 70-90 cm.


Before purchasing a cooker hood, we recommend clarifying the dimensions of the stove (in particular, its width), the height of the ceilings and the total area of ​​the kitchen. Then, you should decide on the number of family members, the intensity and frequency of cooking. The specified data will allow you to more competently select the optimal unit. And the height of the hood is indicated in the instructions for each specific model. With certain skills, it will not be difficult to install it with your own hands.

The hood is one of the most important elements of kitchen appliances. The comfort of being in the kitchen, the safety of the coating of walls, ceilings and furniture, the aesthetic appearance of the kitchen depend on its choice and placement - modern hood has long been important element decor.

The exhaust system is especially relevant in a kitchen with gas stoves - unlike other types of hobs, gas heats up the air to a great height, releases harmful decomposition products during its combustion, and burns out oxygen.

For intensive cooking, air purification is a must in the room.

When deciding how to install a hood over a gas stove, you should be especially careful about the type of exhaust system, not every design provides optimal operation in rooms with gas.

Primary requirements


The through-flow hood will remove the polluted air, the circular hood will clean the polluted air with filters and return it to the room

All hoods are divided into two large groups: circular and flow-through, in the former, air is passed through filters and returned back. At the same time, the room will remain high humidity, many harmful decomposition products from gas combustion, air with a low oxygen content - the standards for the content of harmful substances can be exceeded.

Using flowing species polluted air is removed outside the kitchen and replaced with fresh air - this type of exhaust system for gas hobs preferable.


The exhaust system must fit optimally into the interior without disturbing the appearance of the kitchen. To do this, the hoods are built into furniture (cabinets above the stove), the color of the work surface, the case, or the design corresponding to the style of the kitchen is selected.

Many people forget about this, installing especially popular recently modern inclined models in high-tech style made of glass and metal, with black glossy surfaces, in any kitchens that often resemble classic or Provence style with light wood-like furniture.


The exhaust system in the kitchen should eliminate as much as possible Negative consequences when cooking food: foreign odors, water vapor with the smallest droplets of fat, particles of soot and soot in the air, high humidity... The gas cooker hood must be correctly installed over the hob and have the appropriate power and performance.


By design, all existing hoods can be divided into several groups.


Flat options have a minimalist design and will not stand out from the rest of the kitchen

A very common form, a flat worktop is located parallel to the hob. They take up little space, mainly the design is used in circular forms.


These models capture more air during cooking.

One of the most common designs, in appearance, resembles a dome, lowered over the hob along a square pipe at the top. In almost all designs, this pipe is part of the duct, and dome hoods are built into a flow-through exhaust system - such designs are very rarely used in circular designs.


Retractable models practical, but have a short length, so they capture less air when working

To increase the service area, the working surface of the hoods is often increased by a pull-out module. Usually, such models are built into the lower part of a wall-mounted kitchen cabinet, in which an air duct can be hidden, or in the case of circular ones - there is space for placement kitchen accessories... Retractable - a very convenient design when installing an exhaust system in small kitchens.


Corner models are not so widely used, so the choice of design and functionality may differ from the standard options

Placed in the corner of the kitchen, designed for a gas stove, deployed at an angle of 45 degrees to the main wall. The working surface of the hood has the shape of a square with a truncated corner.


Island options become exclusively in the islands in the kitchen

Designed for placement in large kitchens if the hob is located in the center of the room. Typically, the hood is lowered over the hob on a square duct.


Inclined models have a stylish look and standard functionality

A modern solution for kitchen exhaust systems, in which the worktop is positioned at an angle to the hob. This allows a tilted model, with the same area as a flat horizontal one, to take up less free space in the kitchen. The design looks most aesthetically pleasing in modern kitchens high-tech style.


Recently appeared the new kind hoods, saves space for wall cabinets or shelves

The device is mounted on the table next to the hob. During operation, its suction working panel extends vertically upward and air is pumped out.

Hoods are classified according to the method of installation as follows:

  • Suspended. It is fixed directly above the slab using cables or on the duct.
  • Embedded. Installed in kitchen furniture from the bottom of the hanging cabinets.
  • Wall mounted. Attached to the wall above the hob.

Installation height

The installation height depends on the average height of the person in the family.

The main parameter during installation is the distance between the hood and the gas stove, it should not be less than 750 mm. and no more than 900 mm.

This distance is selected taking into account the ergonomic indicators of the hostess, depends on the power of the hood - more powerful structures can be placed higher. Also, the installation height of the hood above the gas stove in many cases directly depends on the manufacturer's recommendations, which must be followed in the first place (these requirements are described in the instructions for the device).

The size

The second main parameter, the width should not be greater than the width of the hob. If structurally it rises to a height greater than the recommended one, its overall dimensions or suction power must be increased.

When deciding how to correctly install the hood above the gas stove in the case of using an inclined model, they usually focus on the lower edge of the air intake - the minimum distance to the stove should be 550 mm.

Another important parameter hood is its depth, usually this parameter corresponds to the dimensions of the hob and is typical for its width.

Installation of exhaust systems

Installation may vary depending on the type of systems

It is quite easy to install a kitchen hood with your own hands if you follow the instructions and work order. Often the manufacturer produces kitchen hoods that combine two modes of operation - circular and flow.

Circular hood installation

Using circular mode in kitchens with a gas hob is not too a good decision... An autonomous circular hood above the gas stove will not be able to provide the necessary comfort in the kitchen; its carbon filters, unlike electric stoves, will be more quickly clogged with gas combustion products, which will lead to additional economic costs.

The installation of a circular cooker hood usually does not cause big problems: it can be attached directly to a straight wall or in a corner, built into furniture, lowered over the hob along a pipe or on cables. The sequence of work when installing it on the wall is as follows:

  • The place of connection is preliminarily determined, if the socket near does not fit too well or it is located far away, the point is transferred. In this case, it may be necessary to chisel the walls and install a new outlet with wiring for connection.
  • In the wall, at the desired height, attachment points are marked that determine the location of the hood, holes are drilled with a perforator and dowels are driven in. It is important to control the correctness of installation using a building level - the working surface of the hood should be located strictly horizontally above the stove.
  • The hood is screwed to the wall with screws through the mounting holes, if the gas pipe interferes, it is removed from the wall and fixed on long studs with nuts. Also, between the wall and the hood, you can put a bar of the appropriate thickness and attach the hood to it or to the wall on dowels with long screws through the bar.

Installation of a flow hood

When deciding how to hang the hood over the stove, you should know that the flow-through one will require the installation of a duct system to connect it to the ventilation hole of the general house shaft, or an external air outlet in the wall, window or ceiling.

Installation of air ducts with the installation of the hood is easy to do with your own hands, if you follow a certain order of work.

Required tools and materials

Selection of air ducts. For the installation of flow systems in everyday life, two types of air ducts are most often used: corrugated aluminum or plastic of square or round cross-section.

Example of an aluminum corrugated pipe