
How to cook apple juice in a hooker. Hostess Recommendation: how to cook juice in a hooker


Principle of operation of the Sokovarka, instructions for use, how to use.

In the previous times, the Indians living on the shores of the Great Lakes used wooden and copper barrels of large size to produce sugar and sweet juice. Today in similar barrels produce jam, jelly and vitinal drink, if industrial volumes are needed. At home, basins, bowls, pots and buckets are usually used. But if you are doing the juice often, and want to achieve maximum convenience and performance in this case, then the cooking will be much more successful.


First you need to clean and wash the fruits used for the preparation of juice. Then the fruits are laid out in a special lattice pan and sprinkled with the necessary amount of sugar. If the juice is squeezed out of vegetables, salt can be used instead of sugar. Large fruits, such as quince, pears and apples, cut into pieces. The saucepan is filled with two liters of water, after which the tank is inserted into it, which will be gathered. The saucepan filled with fruit is covered on top of the lid and put on an open fire. The tube leading from the boot tank is displayed in a sterilized glass jar or a bottle. Remember that the dishes need a slightly heat so that hot juice flowing through its walls has not led to damage to the integrity of the glass. Jars filled with juice, quickly rush with sterile hot lids, after which they put them on cooling up the bottom. This is the main principle of operation of the Sokovarka, whether the Demidovskaya model, Kalitva or expensive Bohmann BH 3205.

Apple juice

Working with apples is interesting because their crop allows you to harvest a huge amount of juice, which is especially relevant for our country. But apple juice is quite cunning, so you need to be very neat. Main question Is that how long the pressed apple puree is brewed in order to obtain juice for subsequent canning? We highlight several common opinions:

- Boil is carried out until the foaming stops. After that, you need to immediately roll the juice into a sterile jar.

- After reaching the boiling point immediately roll in banks. Otherwise, the juice is deprived of vitamins.

- Do not give juice to boil completely for the same reason. Turn in banks without sugar.

- Hold on low heat 10 minutes after boiling, then roll.

What option fits you - decide for yourself. They all deserve separate attention. Next, I will consider several instructions for the exploitation of aluminum housing, which will help you figure out how to work with this miraculous device.

Falcon: Instructions for use

Falcon - this is a device for the manufacture of juice from fruits, vegetables and berries in living conditions. The device can also be used to prepare fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Preparation of the device to work lies in a thorough flushing of all elements under hot water. The rubber hose must be boiled.

Production of juice

Pour at least 2 liters of pure water to the bottom of the shortcock, after which he heat the water to boil the temperature. When the water boils, install a hike collector and boot hopper with berries or fruits on the base. Fruit loading is made to a bunker. After that, the device is covered with a lid and continues to heat up on a small fire. The rubber hose overlaps with a special clamp, so as not to give juice to pour. Water at the bottom of the Sokovarkov should not fully repurchase, otherwise the base can merge. Juice occurs from 45 to 70 minutes, depending on how big and ripe fruits are you using. When the flooding is over, you need to remove the clamp, substituting clean banks or bottles under the tube. The container must be pre-sterilized and heat because the juice will go hot. If there is a need to get a sweet juice, then sugar sand with fruit and berries in the hopper. Observe established rules Canning for the possibility of storing juice maximum period of time. Now you know how the stainless steel or aluminum fastener works.

Recipe sweet juice

I propose to consider the recipe for the manufacture of sweet juice on the example of the table. Depending on how mature fruits are you using, the numbers can be slightly different. Apples and pears are cut into pieces.

Steam meat and stew vegetables

Actually, the recipe is practically no different from the preparation of juice. You prepare vegetables, lay them in the boot hopper, pour water into the bottom compartment and start to stew on slow heat. Extinguishing time - from 30 to 60 minutes. Do not forget to add the desired spices and salt. It is not necessary to stir vegetables, and it is not recommended to remove the cover often. Everything will cook by itself.

Care for the apparatus

Upon completion of the use of the device, rinse it under a jet of hot water. This is especially important if you prepared steam fish or meat. If the washing was not carefully carried out, then the walls may be soaked in strangers, and you can no longer be prepared here. If scale was formed, it cannot be removed by solid objects. If you have noticed that the inner surface of certain elements was darked, you need to boil them in soda solution (3 tsp of soda for 2 liters of pure water). Boil is carried out from 15 to 20 minutes, after which the elements are washed under running water.

Sokalovka: how to use?

1. To make juice from certain fruits, it is necessary to fix on the capacitance pipe for the drain of the juice rubber hose, which is included with the device. The clamp is fixed on the hose. Capacity designed for water is filled to 4 liters (for models 6 l). A drain vessel for juice is placed on top, and the installation is carried out in such a way that the deepening of the aqueous container was a trigger. After that, the drain vessel is inserted into the drain vessel for fruits and vegetables, filled with pre-prepared fruits. At the end of the download, you can close the pallet with a lid.

2. When water boils, the cooking process or the juice squeeze will begin. Juice is produced under the action of steam, which means that water should be boiled constantly. Otherwise, the process will stop. Always follow the water level in the saucepan. Dumping is unacceptable. The water level is checked every time after the squeeze. If necessary, water can be addressed, especially since the saucepan has 5 liters. However, the entire volume is not recommended. Four liters will be enough enough to make the manufacturing process of juice lasted 70-80 minutes.

3. Clean covers and bottles are sterilized in the oven or hot water at 75 degrees. When the juice is welded (it takes from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the fetus), you need to immediately pour it into banks or bottles. At the same time, the temperature of the juice should not fall below 75 degrees until the can be closed with covers. Closed containers are cooled, after which they are posted in a standing position. The room in which banks are stored must be cool. Using a slop, you can similarly process not only fruits, but also vegetables, as well as herbs.

Official instructions for use

- Before starting to use a pressure cooker, rinse it well in hot clean water. To eliminate the taste of rubber from the finished juice, you need to lower the rubber hose in hot water for 2-3 minutes.

- After that, the bottom of the focus is filled with water by 80 percent.

- Well washed berries and fruits are loaded into the grid (5-6 kilograms), speaking the layers with the amount of sugar.

- The full grid is inserted into a special casing, covered with a lid and installed on water filled bottom.
The drain hose overlaps the clamp.

- If the slogan has an electric heating, you need to connect it to 220 volts. If there is no electric heating, the device is placed on the heat source.

- As water heats up will turn into steam. In turn, couples, rising up, reaches the grid, breaks out fruit cells and forms pasteurized juice.

- Food juice through grid cells flows into the casing. The juice should not rise above the grid in the casing, since it will be straight apart fruit. To avoid this situation, regularly release the clip and pour out ready-made juice into hot sterile dishes.

Juice made of fruits, vegetables and berries is very useful for the body, as well as, indispensable for baby food. Fresh juice can be prepared using the juicer. But if you harm juice for the winter, then you need a focus. Sokalok is designed for boiling juice in large quantities.


  • Fruits, berries or vegetables
  • Sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Before starting the preparation of juice, you need to read the instructions for the use of the Sokovarka and inspect its device. Sokalovka consists of three floors, each floor which is a separate metal container. The water is poured into the lowest saucepan, in the middle, which is called a hunter, the pairs from the lower floor should flow and flows the liquid, that is, the juice from the top tank. In the same top floor and you need to lay the raw materials from which the juice is preparing. Next, you can see the hose, which is attached to the pipe, on the second floor of the focus. Through this hose passes ready juice.
  2. Cooking juice: For cooking juice you need to pick up the fruits of good quality you need to rinse, dry and remove bones if they are in these berries. Skirt with vegetables, fruits or berries are not removed, as it contains, there are a lot of vitamins and nutrients. In addition, the skin will give juice a special aroma and taste. Next, the prepared fruits must be put in a saucepan with a grille. If vegetables or fruits of large sizes, then they need to be cut into small pieces.
  3. After that, sugar sand is sugar, if the juice is from berries or fruit, if the juice juice is added to the taste.
  4. Some proportions in the preparation of juice: 4 kg of drain - 400 grams of sugar, 4 kg of cherries - 350 grams of sugar, 4 kg strawberries - 300 grams of sugar, 4 kg of raspberries - 500 grams of sugar, 3 kg pears or apples - 400 grams of sugar, 4 kg Red or ferrous currant - 400 grams of sugar.
  5. After the raw material falls asleep with sugar, you need to pour water into the lowest capacity in the amount of 2-3 liters and tightly close the heat-resistant lid. Then it is installed on the clamp hose, and leave the raw material for the juice.
  6. The fluid in the hollow begins to appear at 70 degrees. Juice is boiled within an hour. But this process can take less time, it depends on the juiciness, maturity or fetus hardness.
  7. After the tank of the second floor is filled with juice, the cooked sterilized heated jars are substituted under the hose, which must be installed in such a way that they are below the bottom level of the Sokovark. Then it is removed the clamp and the juice merges into the jar. The first 400 ml of juice is better not to use for conservation, as the drink is not sterile enough. Juice that will merge further can be safely preserved. Of the 4 kilograms of fruits should be approximately 2 liters of juice.

How to cook juice in a sap for gas

It is not necessary to convince anyone that fresh juice from fruits, berries or vegetables is a whole treasure of vitamins and trace elements. It can be prepared for lunch or breakfast if there is a juicer in the house.

If necessary to cook a large number of Juice, then you need to purchase a shortcut. Such an assistant will prepare juice, and you will only need to pour into sterile banks and roll. All year before the next crop you can drink juice cooked at home, which cannot be compared with what is sold in the store.


  • fruits, berries or vegetables;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Cooking method

It is necessary to prepare a slope, knife and sterile jars with covers, the right-hand key.

Read carefully instructions. Examine its device to learn how to use. It has three containers. Water poured into the lower vessel, it will boil, and the pair will heat the second sudine, in which the juice will be flown. In the first ass. It is necessary to lay ingredients for the preparation of juice.

The hose on which the ready juice will be poured into the prepared banks to the middle judge.

Fruits from which we decided to make juice - to go through. Wash and remove seeds and bones well. The peel can be cleaned, but it is better to leave - after all, there are many vitamins and taste in it, the juice will have more saturated fragrance. Prepared fruits put on the first capacity lattice - small entirely, and large need to grind.

If you do juice from berries or fruits, you need to add sugar. IN vegetable juice - Salt.

Sugar for each juice is necessary in different quantities:

  • strawberries - 4 liters juice, sugar - 300 g;
  • plum - 4 liter juice, sugar - 400 g;
  • apple (pear) - 3 liters juice, sugar - 400 g;
  • cherry - 4 liter juice, sugar - 350 g;
  • currant (black or red) - 4 liters juice, sugar - 500 g;
  • malina - 4 liter juice, sugar - 500 g.

Pour water into the lower vessel. Well and firmly close the lid. Hose Pour with clipping and put juice evaporated. Preparation time depends on the fetus hardness and its ripeness. It is usually ready after 30 minutes. In modern sockets there is a device with a temperature sensor. When the juice is ready, the sensor will let you know about it.

When filling the medium tank with juice, it can be overflowed into a sterile jar. It must be put under the hose, and take off the clip. The first juice, in the amount of 2 glasses, is desirable not to pour into banks for a greater warranty of sterility. Juice will be kept more. Merge into banks and roll. Of two kilograms of fruits, the yield of juice from 1 to 1.5 liters.

If the water quickly evaporated, do not forget to add it.

Helpful advice

Do not throw out after evaporation of juice - mezdu. Wipe it through a sieve, fold into sterile dishes and close tightly, you can roll. From it in winter you can cook magnificent compote, kissel. Bake pie or pies with stuffing from this puree.

Sokalovka can be used to prepare dishes for a pair - omelet, cutlets and various diet dishes.

Summer and autumn for many owners are very tense periods. After all, at this time there is a harvest of vegetables, berries and fruits. How do you want to keep all this in any form for the longest time! Nowadays, a technique comes to help to recycle with minimal cost Time and Forces All these wealth. You just need to know how to use all these devices. For example, we will figure it out how to cook juice in a housing, which is indispensable in the season of vegetables and fruits. With the help of it you can make a lot of blanks for the winter.

The time of steaming for any fruit is no more than one hour, so with the help of our device you can make a relatively quick preparation and useful decoction, compote or juice, and then whole year Enjoy natural drinks.

Due to pasteurization, special technologies for creating beverages, allows for a long time to preserve the aroma and taste of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as all of them beneficial features. As a result, we get therapeutic and dietary productIt is possible to store long enough. This drink is very useful for children and adults, healthy people and sick. Natural juices, enriching our body by microelements and vitamins, contribute to a significant improvement in digestion, to establish the work of blood vessels and hearts.

Everything else, the Sokovarka can also be used as a simple steel pan, and as a double boiler, and not just for cooking juice.

Before dealing with how to cook juice in a housing, you need to know its principle of action. It is that berries and fruits are heated by steam, and two processes occur at the same time: pasteurization and juice-based. The device itself is made of stainless steel, and its lid is made of refractory glass having a special hole in order to produce steam.

But now let's look at how to prepare juice in a housing, for example, from apples. Cut the fruits and put them in the upper bunker. In the event that making pieces of fruit are large, they will heat up slowly and also slowly allocate juice, which will also be diluted due to if they are small, it will quickly turn into a puree and scroll the colander of the aggregate. As a result, steam access will be stopped to the layers higher, it will become worse than the return of juice, and it will dilute. The correct size of pieces is most often achieved by experimental. By the way, the dishes in which the juice will be flushed on the hose, should be warm, since the finished product will also come heated.

Further instructions on how to cook juice in a housing. In its base, we pour water, at least two liters. I bring to a boil. Then, on the base, we put the juice collection and the loading hopper with fruit. We close on top with a lid and heated on a small fire. Rubber hose overlap with a special clip. In order to avoid burning the bottom of the lower capacity, make sure that the water does not bother.

The process of selection of juice lasts on average one hour. We remove the clamp and the fluid to drain into clean banks or bottles, pre-sterilized. With the help of a hooker, you can get juice that will be sweet. To do this, it is necessary to pour sugar at the same time with fruit or berries in the boot hopper.

So we and we have mastered how to cook juice in a housing. Immediately after its preparation, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the device with hot water. At the same time, it is impossible to use solid objects to remove scale. Boil the darkened elements of 15-20 minutes in soda solution.