
Indian Bow: Treatment and Application in Folk Medicine. Therapeutic properties of the Chinese bow


Many people are fond of cultivation at home of medicinal plants, the Indian bow, therapeutic properties (tincture is effective in many diseases) of which are poorly studied by official medicine. In the people, it is named in different ways: Mongolian and penthree and hellish root.

it perennial It is capable of replacing a whole arsenal of medical drugs and save the body from different hands. Perennial knowledge of folk eskulapov about the bird championship made it possible to use it in different fields of medicine.


The cultivation area is quite extensive, the plant is found in Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean. Not so long ago, in the 60s, the Indian bow was imported into the territory of Russia. Plant belongs to the family of Lily. You can find it on long wide green leaflets, cord-shaped rhizomet white color And a big bulb covered with small scales.

It is propagated in a vegetative way and seeds. In leaving unpretentious, it grows well even in small pots on the windowsill. Blossom is observed closer to winter. Maximum healing power of the bird processor is gaining only for the second year of flowering. In alternative medicine, all parts of it are used: leaves, bulbs, inflorescences.

Chemical composition

To deep regret, scientists have not yet managed to thoroughly explore the Indian bow. Therapeutic properties (tincture mainly applies in the form of compresses and lines) plants for many remain a mystery. However, doctors managed to find out that in the bulb and leaves the colossal content of poisonous alkaloids. The main role of substances is to stimulate the sharing of amino acids. It is known that these elements have an influence on the CNS and have an analgesic effect.

In large dosages, such onions is very dangerous and provokes a number of unpleasant manifestations (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting). Due to the fact that the plant is toxic and poisonous, it has many contraindications, but much more useful properties. Fitoncide plants were found in the juice, they improve blood circulation and produce anti-inflammatory effect.

A birdhouse is rich in organic acids, essential oils, amino acids and microelements. The presence of a unique composition suggests that this grade of Luke has bactericidal properties. It is used in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Decorations and infusions from the leaves help to save a person from herpetic infection, skin pathologies and even oncological diseases.

Indian Bow in Folk Medicine: Indications

Amateurs indoor plants They do not know that the hellish root cleans the air from harmful bacteria, so many land in pots. Also, this arrangement of the bow has wound healing, antimicrobial and painkillers, due to the presence of phytoncides. The characteristics use it for migraine, skin damage, diseases of the joints and dental pain. The juice of mature leaves lubricate whiskey - the result is instant.

In minutes humiliates pain. To secure the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to implement regularly. With the success of the Indian bow (photo of the plant in the article) treats a flu, angina, an ARZ and strengthens the protective forces of the body. It is used as an auxiliary means with autoimmune and malignant pathologies.

Drug syndrome medicine

If the Indian bow can grow at home, the photo of which can be studied in the material, it will wait for the ripening of the leaves, then cut them down and squeeze them well until the mucus is distinguished. Wrap a few drops of juice in a sore place. Perhaps there will be a slight tingling and burning sensation that quickly passes.

Therapeutic mucus is widely used for diseases of the joints, radiculitis. The in the same way is to get rid of infectious and mechanical lesions of the skin (cuts, swelling, naphts, tumors, insect bites, rashes). It will help to eliminate warts and mastitis (any etiology) Indian bow. Treatment - daily, in the form of compresses. The bint or gauze moistened in the alcohol tincture (1:20) is applied to the patient area of \u200b\u200bthe body and withstand two hours.

From radiculitis

Chinese onion leaf carefully doubt, distinguished by juice, squeeze the lower back and wrapped with a woolen cloth. The effectiveness of this method is tested by time.

Alcohol tincture of indian bow

The use of vegetable fluid is shown during arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Cut or purchase fresh leaflets, grind them and fill with pharmacy alcohol - 1:20 proportions. The solution must be left in a closed glass or porcelain container for ten days.

After time, profile liquid and store in the cool room. The cooked raw material is tricious and sore joints. The number of sessions should not be less than five.

Water decoction

You will need a prycaler tailed, it needs to be thoroughly crushed, put it in a ceramic container and pour with warm boiled water - 1:10.

The second option of preparation: plant raw materials and water in a similar ratio are placed on a water bath and boil 10 minutes, stirring all the time. Then the leaves should be squeezed and returned to the infusion - to store the cooked medicine is necessary strictly in dark glass.

It will help to eliminate pain and discomfort Indian bow. Application in medicine shows only outdoor. It is advisable to make compresses or stamps before going to bed.

Baths with arthritis

Add B. warm water one hundred grams of food soda, polonogram of crushed sheets of hellish root and sea salt. Tell in the bath for 15-20 minutes. A pleasant procedure will help to relax muscles, remove pain syndrome and inflammation.

Warming oil balsam

The following set of components will be required: olive (1 g) and fir (0.5 mg) oil, Vishnevsky ointment (1 g) and Indian bow. Therapeutic properties (tincture and balm exhibit the same effect) of such a means will show themselves in a powerful painkillery action. Leaves need to be brought literally pinch, all ingredients are mixed and store no more than three days, and only in the refrigerator.

Ointment for compresses

Connect 30 ml of a finished tincture with three squirrels, rub the joints with a mixture, cover with ordinary paper and wrapped with a scarf of natural wool. Leave for a couple of hours, after which the compress is removed, and the limb will be wrapped again.

Skin Use: Home Cosmetics

Homemade cosmetics can give odds to any superscript. First, they are safe, and secondly, they give a stunning result. The Indian bow, therapeutic properties (tincture prevents the skin production) of which the toning effect is shown, helps to improve the blood flow, make the skin smooth, velvety and elastic.

With the help of lotions and decoctions, you can smooth out shallow wrinkles and significantly improve the quality of the epidermis. But before using the prepared agent, check its skin to the reaction. Drop Lotion Apply to the elbow area. If strong burning, discomfort and redness are felt, then diven the tincture of water.

We turn to the recipe: a pinch of leaves and flowers of the plant is crowned in a wooden stope or a coffee grinder, pour 100 ml of vodka. Purl the contents to the jar of dark glass and leave for a month. Every three days shake the mixture. After the specified period, filter and refrigerate. Wipe the cleaned skin prone to fatty and inflammation.

With a dry skin type, it is recommended to pour not by vodka, but red wine without sugar content or ordinary water. It is forbidden to rub the gridden Indian bow. The tincture on vodka can be used only after consulting a specialist.

Antiseptic solution

The remedy has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties. Kills microbes and refreshes. Made from fresh petals and 96% alcohol - 1:20. About 30 days in the dark room insist. Then the infusion is diluted with boiled water. The dry skin, the more you need to add liquids. You need to wipe the skin in the morning, prehered. Prevents rash and accelerate the regeneration of the Indian bow. The treatment of the plant is not a panacea, but its therapeutic efficiency is quite high.

Contraindications and care measures

Since the properties of the plant are not fully investigated, doctors do not recommend engaging in self-therapy to avoid negative phenomena. It is strictly prohibited to use any drug-based drugs to persons with hereditary pathology associated with blood coagulation issues (hemophilia), since the substance contained in the composition increases blood flow.

For this reason, the compositions based on the Indian Luke cannot be applied with strong bleeding and open skin damage. In its pure form, the juice causes blisters, the strongest itching and rash, so in the manufacture of drugs, wear gloves. If the drop of mucus of the plant got into the skin, lubricate it with sea buckthorn oil.


All presented folk recipes Time checks, according to people reviews, showed nice results. According to the patients themselves, after exchange rate treatment, the spine has passed, and some forever managed to get rid of acne. How true this information is unknown.

The main thing is not to forget that it contains poisonous substances Indian onions. Or water should be manufactured in strict proportions and applied under the close observation of the doctor. According to some information, it is used inside to improve the work of the heart. It is consumed in a diluted form for a dessert spoon 30-40 minutes before meals are eating three times a day. It is necessary to use it extremely carefully, since the liquid is toxic!

Indian bow refers to birds - the genus of bulbous perennials herbatous plants From the subfamily of hyacinth. It is also known as Brandushka, Chinese, sea or false marine onions. Externally, it is similar to plants from the Lukov family, but all of its parts of poisonous.

The birthplace of the Tailor Tailor (Ornithogalum Longebracteatum Jacq.) Is South Africa. The plant is widespread in the countries of the Mediterranean, India, in Europe and China. Despite the fact that it has long been used in folk medicine, the properties of the Indian Luke have been studied little. He is unpretentious in cultivation, and the useful properties have not only leaves, but also flowers and bulbs.

Botanical description

Externally, the Indian bow looks like onion. The plants have powerful roots and a small-scale gentle-green bulb, whose age can reach thirty years. Flat, narrow, rolled at the end to the tube leaves of an adult plant rearing 1 m in length and 5 cm in width. They are inherent in gentle, and when cutting, golden juice is isolated.

The plant cultivated at home can give a colossal inflorescence - a long arrow-color-colored color, reaching 50-60 cm. In November-December, it is blooming up to hundreds of colors on a fleshy arrow at the same time, but gradually from the bottom up. By the time of the blossom of the last flowers, the first seeds usually ripen. As a rule, the plant blooms for 2-3 years of growth.

Useful properties and application

Since the properties of the Indian bow are not studied, its use in folk medicine is based on the fact that the bulbs and leaves contain a large number of biologically active substances, including alkaloids, beneficially affecting the nervous system.

The tincture of the plant and the fresh juice of the Indian bow contribute to the improvement of the blood circulation and the movement of lymphs in the interstitial space. This accelerates metabolic processes between tissues and blood. Biologically active substances affect peripheral blood vessels, not hurt deeper vessels. Due to this, the swelling in the injuries and hematoma is sufficiently resolved.

Also, the plant includes other useful substances - essential oils, various trace elements, organic acids, amino acids.

Thanks to the bactericidal properties of the bulbs and the leaves, the Indian onions is effective in the treatment of many inflammatory processes. It is used in the treatment of diseases such as furunculese and herpes. Also, the plant is used for rapid healing of wounds and cuts. It helps with muscle pain, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, pain in the joints of various origin and neuralgia.

Infusions, as a rule, use for compresses or rubbing patients of body sections. It is best to carry out procedures before bedtime. Duration usually does not exceed 1-2 minutes.

For the preparation of infusion, one of the ways can be used:

  • One-time pre-broken vegetable raw materials pour 10 pieces of cooled to room temperature water;
  • Keeping the same proportions to prepare a solution on a water bath for 10 minutes, after which it should be cooled and writing.

To preserve the properties of the Indian bow, stored infusion in a dark place.

The tincture of leaves and flower arrows is prepared on alcohol or vodka. For this, fresh vegetable raw materials are laid in a glass jar and poured with 70% alcohol. A tightly closed bank, periodically scrubbing, withstand in a dark room at least two weeks. After that, the tincture is filled and closed tightly. For use in children, it can be brewed with water so that it does not cause burns and allergic reactions.

You can also apply fresh leaves of the plant. For anesthesia, it is enough to lose a sore spot with a fresh cut sheet. By gaining blood flow at the site of the plant application, there may be a slight tingling. This method can be used on the background of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, salt deposits in the joints. Similar treatment indian bow Effectively with infectious and mechanical lesions of the skin: jackets, bruises, bruises, tumors, cuts, insect bite, herpes, warts.

Also from fresh leaves can be cooked Cashitz. For this, crushed leaves are triturated in a ceramic bowl. This tool is often used in cosmetic purposes - from acne and when skin itching.

It is believed that due to the anesthetic effect and strengthening the inflow of blood to the tissues, the Indian onions is effective in the treatment of mastitis at any stage of the disease. To do this, you can use both sophisticated leaves and cashis from them.

For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, baths with extract from Indian bow and pine needles are used. For its preparation for half an hour, the sprigs and pine bumps should be boiled, after which it is possible to inflate it for 12 hours. After that, it is necessary to add 1/2 cup of alcohol tincture from an Indian bow into the decoction. For one bath, 1.5 liters of extract is enough.

special instructions

When applying an Indian bow in therapeutic purposes It is necessary to know that:

  • Only local and outdoor use is possible. A birdhouse is poisonous plant And it is impossible to allow it to enter the juice inside and in the eyes;
  • He is contraindicated in hemophilia;
  • You can apply funds with a poultry in clean skin;
  • Should not be applied for rumors for rinse in the background of increased bleeding gums;
  • Excessively intensive impact on the skin can lead to burns;
  • Prepare medicines from the plant are needed in gloves;
  • In the occurrence of allergic reactions, the use of external means with a bird equipment must be stopped.

The properties of the Indian onion are not sufficiently studied by medicine, so it is necessary to understand that its use in medicinal purposes is possible only at their own risk.

Indian bow or brandushka - a perennial plant, is widely distributed in Mediterranean countries, in Basic America, China and India. For therapeutic properties in Germany, the plant is considered sacred. A plant and its use, as well as recipes, are common in the country, are transmitted from generation to generation. Now, as and a few decades ago, the Indian bow has bactericidal, disinfecting properties. Today in the world there are 500 varieties of the plant, while individual representatives differ external species from their predecessors.

Thanks folk properties The use of Indian Luke is suitable in medicine, floristry and Feng-Shuye. In the last grass is used as a plant attracting peace, comfort and harmony. Indian bow - patron saint in affairs, favorable for career and success at work. Additionally, the plant brings optimism, vitality, energy, prosperity and love of life. Florists indian bow used as a beautiful decorative plant In the original compositions.

Externally, the grass resembles the usual onion. It possesses a green bulb, cordlike white roots. The lifespan of the bulbs - 25-30 years, periodically grow large hanging leaves from it, coagulated at the end of the tube. Blooming the plant begins in November-December, the first bloom begins 2-3 years after landing, depending on climatic conditions.

The useful properties of grass are due to the entry into the composition of different active substances of vitamins, minerals and acids. The Indian Luke includes:

  • alkaloids;
  • colchicine;
  • thiocolchicine;
  • sulfur;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • acids;
  • essential oils are contained in the leaves.

Since the plant has in the composition of glycosides, which are organic solids, the use of tincture of the pressing helps to eliminate many diseases of the nervous system. The composition of glycosides has a large amount of glucose, useful for the thyroid gland.

Flavonoids, also included in the composition are yellow, mainly contained in the sheets, as well as the juice of flowers. Therapeutic properties of grass make it possible to use it while eliminating many diseases. At the same time, a tincture on alcohol or brandy is mostly used.

Indian bow, what treats tincture?

The beneficial properties of the plant are caused by its rich composition. Due to acids flavonoids and essential oils, grass is effective in case of such diseases:

  • gout;
  • pain in the joints;
  • arthritis. In the chronic course of the disease, a tincture based on plants leaflets will help, prepare it during flowering;
  • bruises;
  • veins, arteries, vessels;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • warts;
  • my sum;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • herpes;
  • toothache;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • najna and Jews;
  • cuts and wounds.

The use of tincture on vodka makes it possible to speed up the recovery process, causing a rapid effect. Preparation of such brazers and informants are easy, does not cause labor performed.

Tincture, Medical Recipes

The Indian bow is widely used in the preparation of drugs, decoctions and tinctures. You can insist the grass on alcohol or vodka, as well as use brandy and moonshine. Alcohol-based preparation is easy to cook and store. The duration of storage in some cases reaches 1-2 years.

Required ingredients:

  • indian bow - 1pc;
  • coloros - 1-2 sheet;
  • diluted alcohol - 1 liter.

All ingredients need to thoroughly cut into small pieces and lay out in a glass jar. Mix and pour diluted with alcohol, closing the jar with a lid. Put in a dark place, preferably in the cool, the ideal option There will be a cellar. After 2 weeks, the tincture should be shown and used. Useful properties The means show themselves during the treatment of salts in the joints.

Components of the recipe:

  • indian bow - 1 pc;
  • coloros - 2 sheets;
  • alcohol - 700 ml.

To carefully chop up, put in a glass jar and cover the lid for a month. Put the container in a dark cold place, after the end of insteading the tincture is focused, and everything is superfluous in plastic bottle. The use of the means is effective when removing pain in the joints and bone bumps.

Ingredients for tincture:

  • indian bow - 1 pc;
  • coloros - 2 sheets;
  • alcohol - how much will enter;
  • poulhryer - 2-3 sheets.

The leaves of the bird chamber thoroughly rinse, separate from the main plant, crushed. All other ingredients cut finely and put everything in a jar or a bottle. Pour the ingredients with alcohol in the 1: 3 ratio, respectively. The tincture can be used 2 weeks after cooking. Therapeutic properties of infusion show themselves with pain in the joints. After the painful, pain syndrome is leaving after 15 minutes. Rub sick meta 3-5 times a day.

Required ingredients:

  • luke sheet - 2 pcs;
  • eucalyptus oil - 20 grams;
  • alcohol 80% - 50 grams.

Preparation of medication occurs simply, for starters, the sheets are warm into the mortar, then they are mixed with other ingredients and mix in glass bottle. Insist the means for 7-12 days with carefully closed lid.. The tincture is applied by applying it to a sore place. Therapeutic properties will be pronounced brighter, if after applying the place to cover with a cloth from wool.

  1. Radiculites.
    Rub tincture from the plant for a minute, wrap warm wool. Outlook symptoms pass. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  2. Otitis.
    Tampon from cotton wool moisten in aqueous infusion from the grass and lay inside the ear.
  3. Bitches.
    After washing, lubricate the wound to the tincture on alcohol to prevent further irritation, allergies and infection. The main advantage of the tincture is its full wound healing without scars and traces.
  4. Gout, arthritis, rheumatism.
    The tincture lubricates bandages and make overturns. Carefully rubbing the tool in the affected place, after which they wrap it with a warm blanket.
  5. High blood pressure.
    At night, wiper a tincture of the spine for 60 days.
  6. Mastopathy.
    Tincture based on a piece of leaf rubbing patients. Useful properties manifest after 2 weeks of use.
  7. Tooth and headache.
    A tincture to lubricate the head, the oral cavity, mostly gums. Previously dilute the tincture.
  8. Bronchitis.
    Lock alcohol tincture in the chest area. You can use the method only when there is no elevated body temperature.
  9. Warts.
    A tincture of onion will help to bring unpleasant outgrowth, for this you need to lubricate the dead plot with Nasty.

Contraindications to use

Despite beneficial features Herbs, there are and contraindications. There are cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the plant. The tinctures of the grass have their own contraindications, they must be mainly impossible:

  • hemophilia is the first disease during which it is strictly forbidden to use a tincture of a plant. The substances that are contained in the plant cause blood flow that with the disease adversely affects the vessels, breaking them. In some cases, neoplasms occur.
  • it is important to comply with precautions, when using funds from a plant, it is worth using rubber gloves, since inside the plant there is a high concentration of the plant. In the event of a rash at the site of the use of tincture, you need to change the components and dilute the means with water. If the change in the medication did not give effect at all, to abandon the holding and consult the doctor.
  • with a random hit of the plant in the eyes you need to rinse them with plenty of water, drip anti-inflammatory or cleansing drops.

Before starting treatment with medicinal preparation and tincture, it is important to consult a doctor. Only he will be able to conduct the necessary surveys and prescribe or prohibit the use of the drug.

The homeland of this wonderful plant is South Africa. In science is called a pantry tailed. In nature, it applies only in the warm corners of the planet, however, people thanks healing properties Indian bow, learned to grow it indoors as a homemade plant.

Growing Indian Luke

In Russia, Siberian healers began to grow the Indian Onions. Application in folk medicine of this plant gave positive results, the poulflower tailed began to successfully apply in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Since the onions in Siberia were taken from the PRC, it is called there is not an Indian bow, but Chinese. As already noted above, the tailbone tavern can be grown at home in pots. The Indian bow is unpretentious, does not require heating and artificial ultraviolet. Bulbs and leaves used in treatment, you can collect on need, regardless of the time of year. Onions grow at home is easier than many popular indoor flowers.

Indian onions as a medicinal plant

Medicine is not in a hurry to Indian bows give official status medicinal plant. Investigation of the tail custodian, for some reason, there is sluggish, but the signs and healers began to use this plant for the treatment of many diseases. Medicine officially confirmed only one plant property: Indian bow - poisonous. But each doctor knows that there are many poisons, which in small doses have therapeutic properties and have an excellent influence on the human body.

Some doctors do not know what the Indian bow is very useful. Application, plant reviews speak for themselves, and some doctors actively apply onions in their practice as auxiliary drug. And they recommend patients with different injuries to lubricate sick places onions. Dislocation, bruises, stretching and various nurses, will help the Indian bow everywhere. The use of Luke is also effective in diseases of the spine and joints.

Treatment with Indian bow

As mentioned above medicinal properties Putting leaves and bulwing plants. Best to collect dried leaves. Unlike young, in the old concentration of beneficial substances is much higher. Removing the dry leaves, you help onions grow faster, and he, in turn he treats you. This is such a mutual execution.

It is enough to lubricate the sore place a little onion juice, and after a while the pain leaves. The active components cause blood flow to the patient, producing anesthesia. In addition, the rehabilitation processes in the human body faster flows if the Indian bow is used.

The application in folk medicine plants is quite wide, they are treated with diseases of the spine and joints, the consequences of herpes, swelling and wounds from insect bites, and also use for removal of ORZ symptoms.

Indian Luke Juice

The juice of the tailcructurer has an anesthetic effect during arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. The effect of this plant is comparable to expensive gels and ointments. However, at ARZ, headaches and sore throat, the bow will only help withdraw the symptoms. This means that it must be used in a complex with other drugs.

Indian bow has another amazing and wonderful property. It can suggest whether treatment will be effective. If, after lubricating onion juice, there was a slight tingling or burning sensation - then he will help you if nothing felt - it's not worth using it. This is due to the main therapeutic property of the bow to strengthen the influx of blood into the processing zone.

Feelings from the use of juice of this plant are different. Someone feels only a light ripple, and someone strong burning. But, as a rule, it only burns a few minutes, and with the burning of pain.

In the treatment of serious diseases, the onions are combined with other drugs. There are many recipes for a variety of decoctions, lotions and other means, the basis of which is the Indian bow. Application, recipes are given below.

Indian Luke Tincture

In order to prepare the tincture, take the required number of arrows, bulbs, leaves and finely shred them. Only not a knife, it is better to crush the leaves with their hands. The resulting mass fold into the glass jar and pour with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1: 4. It is better to use 70% alcohol. Capacity Close the tight lid and put in a dark cool room for 2-3 weeks. Periodically, the container must be shaken. Ready mixture Squeeze and break into a clean bottle or jar. Well, here is also a tincture of an Indian bow.

Application Next: You can rub the places of bruises, a sore spine, disturbing joints. To avoid skin burns, tincture can be brew warm water.

Infusion for compresses

Prepared in enameled or ceramic dishes. Take a few leaves of the plant, place them in a clean capacity and pour with boiled water with a temperature of about 25 degrees. Proportions: One piece of raw materials for ten parts of water. Periodically, the leaves are pressed directly into the container with the case. The time of insistence is at least 12 hours.

You can prepare infusion in the water bath, in this case, cooking time is cutting up to 10 minutes, and you can also brew a little onion right in the circle.

The resulting infusion is used for the trigger of the sore place, but is often used for rings and compresses.

Decoration from Indian Luke

The decoction is much stronger and healing than infusion. Take the onion leaves and put in finely. Next, place the mass in the enameled container and leave for the night. In the morning let me boil and cool the indian bow. The application of the beam is varied, mainly in the treatment of tumors and rheumatism.

Indian bow treats a large number of illnesses. Many regularly apply it. healing plant. Let's consider the use of Luke in practice in the treatment of various diseases.

Indian bow: Application in folk medicine

The photo below shows how to rub the sore spot with an Indian bow. In general, often back pains are a sign of osteochondrosis. If this diagnosis is raised, then the Indian bow is unlikely to lead to the desired result, you need to still smear the skin or juice from two sides along the spine.

To reduce the feeling of burning and other unpleasant sensations, you can not rub the lower back juice, but to make a "mesh" by type iodine. When rubbing the back hands should not be cold. It is better to ask for someone from their relatives. After the treatment procedure, we need to wrestling woolen and stay in a warm bed.

Treatment of the Juice of Indian Luke Herpes

Herpes - an unpleasant viral disease. Initially, itching appears, most often on the lips, and soon you jump out small watery bubbles, they burst, the lip hurts and swells.

Many people now actively grown Indian bow. Application, photo, Cooking infusion of the tail of the tailed steel recently, popular topics in folk medicine. Therefore, pay attention to the healing properties of the plant. In the treatment of herpes, antiviral pills and ointments often do not help, like various folk recipes, such as sulfur from ears, tea tree oil, goose fat, toothpaste ...

The method quickly eliminating herpes was found - Indian onions. The use of the plant gives a positive effect. The wound right in front of the eyes is tightened and dries, and after a few days the sore completely goes away.

Contraindications of the use of Indian Luke

Even the most healing and useful plants Cannot be used by people who are susceptible to allergies. This is evidenced by the reviews of many allergies. In addition, with some diseases, the treatment onions is contraindicated.

1) The prying bag of the tail can cause allergic skin reactions and burns. If a rash, skin itch or burns appeared during treatment with the drug, reduce the concentration of infusion, diluing it with warm water, or even stop using the Indian bow at all. Application and preparation of infusion is recommended to be performed in rubber gloves.

2) It is strictly forbidden to use the drug from the Indian Luke with patients with hemophilia. The active substance of the plant causes a sharp influx of blood, and this can lead to tumors and the destruction of blood vessels.

3) It is dangerous to enter the shuffle juice into the eyes. If this happened, you need to quickly rinse the eyes with warm water. So that the eyes are not inflamed, cut 2-3 drops of the preparation "Taufon".

In everyday life, this healing plant is known as the Indian bow. Botany call him a bird charter, and the ornithogalum taper.

Plant flowers round year, throwing out powerful arrows, but the seeds are tied only in the summer, after pollination by insects. Flowers are three-membered, in car-shaped inflorescences, unspoken. Plant decorative is low.

The treatment of various kinds of diseases by the Indian bowl is widespread due to its healing properties.

The plant is very unpretentious. Breeds kids and seeds. The bulb is planted in a pot so that two thirds of it are on the surface. It grows very quickly and by the third year reaches the size of the adult fist. The soil must be constantly kept wet, but not overcooked (otherwise the juice will not be so burning, and therefore less healing).

Leaves and bulbs of plants are inedible, but not poisonous. All parts of the Indian bow are considered healing, but can only be recommended for outdoor use.

Consider more detailed treatment by the Indian bow of some diseases.

1. Compress from tincture (crushed bulbs and leaves pour with water, alcohol or vodka and hold two weeks in the thermos) helps with pains in the joints, and salt deposits, as well as during ripples, tumors, bruises;

3. If the juice of the Indian bow is lost whiskey, disappears.

4. A piece of sheet (unprofitable), attached to the gum, can take a toothpache.

5. Also in the Indian onion is used to clean the body.

Recipe for the preparation of therapeutic drug from this plant:

the onion of the Indian Pooh (tailbrokery of the tail) magnitude with a chicken egg to skip through a meat grinder with 10 lemons (with peel, but without seeds), 0.5 kg of honey, lay in a three-liter bottle, finish vodka.

Insist 40 days in a warm place, occasionally stirring. A spoon before meal for cleaning the body.


I have an intervertebral hernia and the doctor recommended to me to apply an indian bow ointment. The tool really helps, especially with sharp pains.