
Lipa Tree: Meltsolite (Tilia Cordata) and other species. Lipa: Useful properties, photos, contraindications

Secrets for harvesting and storage

Tilia Cordata Mill. - A large well-known tree from the Lime family (Tiliaceae) with a slim barrel tall up to 25 m and a wide crown. The bark is brown, on the young trunks and the branches of smooth, on thicker - with the furillary cracks of the upper layer. Lipa has a well-developed root system with a deep penetrating rod root, thereby distinguished by wind resistance.
The leaves are the next, heart-shaped, length and width of 2 to 8 cm, on the top are drawn into omensional, fine-eyed plates on the edge of the plate, with well-pronounced housing, on top of green, naked, slowly sly, with beams of yellowish-brown hairs across the veils. Long leafy stuffing, felt, empty, shy to autumn. On the threshing shoots, the leaves are much larger - up to 12 cm long and width. Lipa is distinguished by late blooming of the leaves, it becomes green in our forests almost the last, at the end of May and even in June (only the oak dresses foliage later linden).
Flowers are yellowish-white, fragrant, diameter up to 1 cm, are collected 3-15 in palate inflorescences, equipped with a yellowish-greenish-colored sheet of lanceal form, up to half of their length gained with the axis of inflorescences. In each flower, a 5-leisure cup, a 5-corded veins with a diameter of up to 1 cm, a lot (up to 30) stamens who have grown in 5 beams, a pestle with an upper 5-nest umbrella, a short-lived pillage and 5 stigmas. Flowers Lipa in July (less often at the end of June), blooming lasts 2-3 weeks. Flowers insects pollinated.
The fruit is a ball-shaped nut with a diameter of 4-8 mm with a rather thin and fragile sheath. The fruits ripen in September, but creep from the trees only in winter, when the trees are standing naked. The whole inflorescences are falling, which are spread by the wind, and the sail is the preserved color sheet. In winter, after thaws, when the snow is compacted and covered with a crust (Nastya), the wind spreads the hodge of the linden in an imagination as small boys.
Lipa is multiplied in nature predominantly in a vegetative way: grooves and stroke pigs. In many lime forests, the whole ancient essence is essentially a threshold origin. However, no vain of Lipa forms so much fruit, she is not alien to the seed path of resumption. In the forests where there are at least single lime trees, you can almost always find the shoots of linden. Note, however: not everyone guess that a shoot with two sheets, the plate of which is strongly dissected, belongs to Lipa, and these leaves are very similar to those that hang on the tree.
The first 5 years of life, the linden seedlings grow slowly, then growth accelerates, and from about 60 years he slows down again. In 130-150, Lipa reaches maximum growth and more practically does not increase in height, but the crown of it and the thickness of the trunk continue to increase the long time. Lipa 300-400 years lives, there are separate trees that lived up to 600 years.

The spread of linden

Area linden heart-shaped - Europe and the adjacent areas of Asia. It is widespread in the middle and southern strip of the forest zone and the forest-steppe of the European part of Russia. Separate fragments of the range of this species are represented in Western Siberia (island lime forests in Kuznetsk Alatau and other places). Forms clean forests (lipnyaks), it is found as an admixture in wide and mixed forests, where the basis of the stand is other breeds, such as the oak puffed. It is often the second tier in the dumbers and coniferous-deciduous forests. Required to soil fertility, does not make a fever.
Very wide divorced in urban landings along the streets, in parks and squares, as well as in roadside plantations. It tolerates the crown haircut. In Moscow and other cities of European Russia, along with a lime-shaped, plantings are widely represented by Lipa Large (Tilia Platyphylos Scop.) Right from Central Europe. It differs from our domestic linden larger leaves and flowers, as well as earlier flowering (about 2 weeks).
Lipa is an exclusively shadowing woody rock, so it can grow even in the second tier of dense franks. Her teaching does not interfere with shading. At the same time, Lipa, developing a large crown, rich in the leaf mass, gives a dense shadow than the resumption of many trees and shrubs under its canopy.

Other related types of linden

In the Far East, local linden meets, equivalent on the healing properties of a lipa heart-shaped, similar to it morphologically: Lipa Amur (Tilia Amurensis Rupr.), Lipa Manchurskaya (Tilla Mandshurica Rupr.) And others.

Economic use of linden

Like any wood species, the linden has the widest use of wood. She has a light, soft and although little is suitable for construction, but is indispensable for the manufacture of many carpentry products. From the linden make tubs, hives, furniture, dishes, drawing boards. But it is especially valued by artists who specialize in this form of art as a wood carving. Fancy eaves, the thinnest images of fruits, flowers, cupid, which affect us in the palaces of the XVIII-XIX centuries, are carved for most of them from the lime wood. And in churches, the salaries of the icons are often obliged to be the lipe.
No matter how it seems unusual, but waste processing waste in the form of sawdust, chips, chips can serve as feed for livestock, as they contain a lot of starch. Naturally, before the waste of feeding, they need to be dried and grind into powder. Lipa gives first-class charcoal.
No less interest in the national economy represents the bark of linden, or rather its inner part - Loub. It goes on parogue, mats, washcloths, various wicker products. Bags from lime rogozh in the XIX - early XX century were in Russia the most common package. The bark of young lime trunks is called a scroll. The casual shoes of the Russian peasant - Napti - for many centuries did exactly from the Lyk. From it, the rope, all kinds of harness, a variety of walled bags. The crust, constructed from the old trunks, wings of the roof.
It is difficult to find a person who does not know that Lipa is a wonderful honey. In places where it is a lot, despite the short period of flowering, the bees have time to gather with lime trees. Abundant bribes - one bee family (clearly say one hive) per day can prepare up to 5 kg of lime honey. And this honey is distinguished by transparency, unique aroma and taste, it is deservedly appreciated as a wonderful food and drug product.
Linden inflorescences ("lime color") has long been in Russia served by tea surrogate. They flavory alcoholic beverages. Food is used and young, just blossomed linden leaves. Lypiens Linden-made food for livestock. They are harvested in the summer, they attribute such a brooms and hang under the roof of the sheds and houses. In such a state, they dry, and in winter they are gradually fought.
It is impossible not to say about the beauty of lime trees. This breed has long been divorced as decorative tree In the Russian noble estates. Alleys were laid out of it, many of which were preserved to this day, although they were already 150-200 years. Now Lime is sitting in urban streets and boulevards, it is the basis of many parks.

Features of the preparation of medicinal raw materials linden

Collect linden blossom During the full blooming of flowers. The collection period is short, because it blooms Lipa is only 10-20 days. It is desirable, of course, cut or tear individual inflorescences in order not to damage damages. But in practice, usually with garden scissors on a long six, cut off the branches richly seated with flowers and burst into pieces. With a neat workpiece in this way, you can provide minimal damage to the tree (you just need to take only part of the branches from each tree, while trying to cut the branches not entirely, but only their top part). From one tree you can collect up to 1.5 kg of fresh inflorescences.
We remind you that the billet of the lime color in no case can be conducted on the city streets and in roadside plants, as if attractively, the blooming limes looked here. Air pollution exhaust motor vehicles makes raw materials, harvested by roads and landings on the streets, unsuitable for treating or tea.
The collected raw materials should be dried without delay so that it does not smoke. Dry it in the air in the shade, in the ventilated rooms, the slide layer on the clean litter. Do not bother the inflorescences so that individual flowers do not appear with them. Properly dried raw materials has a pleasant honey fragrance.

Medicinal value of linden and methods of medical use

Medical raw materials having a trade name "Flowers of linden, or lime color" are inflorescences that are collected together with the cotton sheet. They contain essential oil, carotene, flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid and other substances.
In scientific I. folk medicine The linden inflorescences are prescribed as a coating means of preventing and treating colds. They are part of the camp fees. The linden infusion has bactericidal properties, so it is effective in the form of rinsing of the oral cavity and the oz at various inflammatory diseases, prescribe it and with angina (it is not bad to add 5 g of food soda to a glass of warm decoction).
Excellent drug is lime honey. Like lime tea, it is effective with a cold, very useful in many other diseases and illnesses.

With colds, there are several ways to prepare infusion from linden and decoction for sweating. 10g (3 tablespoons) raw materials are placed in enameled dishes, 200ml poured (1 cup) hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water (on a water bath) 15min., Cool when room temperature For 45min., Focusing the remaining raw materials are pressed. The volume of the obtained infusion is brought by boiled water to 200ml. A cooked infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. They are taken in a hot form of 1-2 glasses of 2-zraza a day after eating as a stiff, diuretic and antimicrobial agent.

Two tablespoons of inflorescences are brewed as tea in 2 glasses of boiling water, 10min boil., Fix and drink 2-3 cups for the night.

One tablespoon for 1 cup of water, boil for 30 minutes. The solution obtained in this method also has an anti-sized, desensitizing activity, stimulates the regeneration of soft tissues and the performance of the body.
Icestari lime color is known in folk medicine. From the flowers of the linden, you can cook a wonderful drink with a pleasant aroma, a beautiful golden color - lime tea, which has a wellness action: Pilot, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, soft. Tea perfectly quenches thirst. It is not necessary to go outside immediately after tea drinking.
Tear flowers with narrow yellowish leaves, i.e. Whole inflorescences, with dry weather in the morning clock. Dried in the furnace or in the sun. Before welding, dried linden color is slightly roaring to improve the taste bouquet. To strengthen the sweating, you can add as many raspberry fruit to the kettle.

Powder 2 tablespoons of a mixture of lime color and raspberry fruit on 1 glass of boiling water, boil 5-10min., Strain. Drink hot in one taking with flu and cold.
Kebal in hot form 10% decoction of linden inflorescences along with honey or raspberry jam before bedtime.
Icestari lime color was known in the peasantic use of Russia as a blood purity, painful, soothing, diuretic and was used for rheumatism, gout, pain in the abdomen, with renal and gallstone colic, with inflammation of the female sexual sphere.
The bark of Lipova is pushed and enjoyed with the water, the church cleans and drives.
The juice is squeezed out of the poultry, which is on the lipov estimation, and that we assume the impurity of the bodily, and the body of Gisto and smoothly will become.
The lime lipovy, albecifications, the newly spread, boiled in wine and it is pleasant, every outflow (otok) interior from that poison.

Vintage herbalists report that the lime color is useful to the hypochondriats and people prone to strike; The tincture of the lime color was cured "solar packing disease".

Not everyone knows that the linden color is able to treat and nervous diseases. Strong decoction - 5 tablespoons of crushed inflorescences of 0.5 liters of water, boil 30 minutes. - Helps with neurosis, strong nervous disorder, frequent fainting, cramps.
But the alcohol tincture of the linden inflorescences, which is prepared as follows, has a clearer anticonvulsant effect.
Fill the bank to the top loop layer of freshly inside of inflorescences, not the trambus, and pour vodka to the very edge; insist for 2-3 weeks. Take 7 teaspoon 3 times a day, and before going to bed to increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. Unfortunately, the layer lime color does not give the desired effect.

Children suffering from convulsions is more useful to give fresh linden juice, assembled early in spring at the beginning of the cojoint.
Lipa has a disinfecting effect, so infusion from inflorescences is used to rinse the mouth and throat with an angina.

20 g of lime color brewed in 1 glass of boiling water, cool to the temperature of pair milk, add 5 g of two-dimplex soda (soda is dissolved in a warm brave).

Mix well with a lime color with a sage and chamomile row, 1 teaspoon of a mixture to brew 1 glass of boiling water. Apply infusion every 2-3 hours.
The powder of linden fruits stop bleeding from the nose and wounds.
In the brush, ulcers, burns, hemorrhoids, swollen joints are effective painful and anti-inflammatory karticles.
2-4 tablespoons of linden leaves are cooked boiling water, wrap in gauze and put on a sore place.
Lubricate or make compresses on affected places from a fresh lime leaf. It is good to apply to painful hemorrhoidal nodes.

Cashitz from fresh leaves and leaf kidneys are used as a softening agent.
From consumed, diathesis was treated with internal layers of fresh lime bark, taking them inside. You can also drink mucous heavens of leaves or linden bark.

The dried linden branches are burned on the bore or in the stove. Choose coal. It is accepted inside 3-4 teaspoons when the abdomen or diarrhea. In the treatment of tuberculosis, take 1 teaspoon of coal, diluted with goat milk.
Lipa is known as a means that stops hair loss.

Eight tablespoons of lime color pour 0,5l water and boiled about 20 minutes. The resulting decoction is used for washing the head.

Masks and decoctions from lime color - an indispensable means when leaving for dry skin. The decoction from the linden is well refreshing it and tones. Concentrated warm decoction from linden can be added to any nutritional cream.

Take 2 teaspoons of a nourishing cream for dry skin and knock with 2 teaspoons of concentrated hot beams from different herbs and lime color. Warm mass is applied to face and neck in the form of a mask.
It is very useful instead of washing to wipe the dry skin of the face with a cold infusion of a lime color (from dry raw materials). In combination with honey, this procedure acts rejuvenating. In combination with the greenery of dill, it tones the flabby, prone to the wrinkles of the skin.

Recipes for therapeutic nutrition from linden

Linden seeds are very nutritious, they are also consumed as harshs of flavory or walnuts, oil is obtained, the quality is close to olive, and to taste resembling almond.
Fresh leaves are used to prepare salads dried add to the dough.

Linden and dandelion leaves salad
Young leaves of linden wash, finely cut and mix with crushed dandelion leaves, green bow and dill. Fill with sour cream or vegetable oil. Linden leaves - 50 g, Dandelion leaves - Zoga, Gelluk, Greens
dill, 1 tablespoon sour cream or vegetable oil, salt.
Young leaves dried and stored in paper bags. Dried leaves, torn to the powder, add to the dough for vitaminization.

Linden flowers jam
Flowers are cut from the fruits, placed in a colander, washed with water and lay out into the enameled dishes. Prepare syrup (400 g of sugar, 1 liter of water per 1 kg of flowers), boil it, filter and poured flowers with boiling syrup, seeking them full dive in syrup. For 5min. Until the end of the cooking add citric acid (3 g per 1 kg of flowers). Ready jam is packaged into sterile banks and cooled.

The lime in the people is called a mustache.
"Who is suitable for Lipa, he will go with good,
Sheet prepare - cattle feeds,
From the heat-rain will tighten, the heart will calm down.
Bee honey will collect
The owner with a broom will leave
Cut, dress, move, will warm
The evil cold will tear.
Who is a lipa plant, that person remembers
God life prolongs. "

According to Rafael, Lipa is controlled by Jupiter ruling planet for people born under the signs of Sagittarius and Fish. By survey, Lipa is controlled by moon and curative for cancer-born.

How does Lipa bloom? Many ask themselves this question, as a pleasant gentle honey aroma manitis and captivates everything around. Lipa is one of the most non-registered long-lived trees, which in one place can grow and blossom to 500 years.

Lipa is well tolerating different climatic conditions and any care procedures. Those who want to see in their yard a luxurious, which blooms magnificently, should understand that she loves mainly solar and warm sections.

Lipa Tree: Description

Linden characteristics:

  1. In the tree leaves oval or heart-shaped shape. When they bloom, they appear on them, which are characteristic of quickly disappear.
  2. Flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. Fruits of nut-shaped in miniature.
  3. Linden has about 40 species, common in different parts of Europe, Asia. Separate varieties are found on the territory of the Crimea.
  4. Lipa tree popular and in Russia: Moscow region, Altai, Caucasus, the middle strip of Russia.
  5. Most varieties are derived and adapted to bloom in certain climatic conditions. They have certain properties that are necessary to take care of the desired territory.

Terms and features of linden flowering:

  • Lipa blooms in small inflorescences in the interval from June to July. Specific time depends on climatic conditions Growing.
  • So, the flowering of trees in the south and the north is significantly different - Beginning of June and the end of July, respectively.
  • and B. middle lane Blooming starts from the end of July and continues until the beginning of July.
  • In one inflorescence, an average of 7-8 flowers Tender cream color.
  • Tree blooms for 12-14 days. Blossom comes not quickly.

In favorable conditions, the flowering tree can only be seen for 18-20 years after landing.

Why doesn't Lipa bloom?

It is worth considering the fact that most of the grades of linden are poorly transferred to the southern climate. Incorrectly chosen grade may not start blossoming in such regions at all. For many varieties, slow growth is also characterized, which is often confused with a disease that provoked the absence of flowering.

Frequent causes of lack of flowering are considered:

  • incorrectly selected variety for certain climate conditions;
  • excessive or reduced soil moisture;
  • incorrectly selected place for landing.

These causes can serve that Lipa does not bloom every year.

How to grow more harvest?

Any gardener and the dacket nicely get a big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Lime color: collection and blank

The color of Lipa is mainly in the interval from June to July. The inflorescences of a yellowish shade in the form of half-bloodies. Near the inflorescence there are narrow leaves - bracts. It smells like a honey aroma, which is filled with the whole street. The smell of linden attracting bees.

When and how to make a blank of inflorescences?

It is important to seriously approach and by the time of harvest. To tear the linden color is when most of the flowers are already revealed, and the rest are at the formation of buds.

Lime Collection Rules:

  • If you start collecting during the period when the flowers have already begun to fadeThe petals will quickly fall and will not bring any benefit.
  • Collect raw materials better in environmentally friendly places Or at least in those near which there are no car tracies, industrial buildings.
  • The collection of material is carried out only in dry weather. Neither on the leaves, nor on the colors there should be dews or other moisture.
  • Inflorescences are better cut off by a secateur or scissors for the garden. Undesirable to have it.
  • Before drying View Collected twigs and remove unnecessary.

How to dry right?

To get high-quality raw materials, follow recommendations:

So that the raw materials dried quickly and hardly dry, it is necessary to constantly stir it.

Electric dryers are used for drying. So that the linden color does not lose their properties, use the temperature is not higher than + 38 ° C.

The finished dry material is stored for 12 months in a cool room. To store it is better to choose fabric or paper bags.

Lipovy Honey

Honey from the Linden is a resistant pleasant fragrance. The color of such honey is golden-greenish or white-cream. The color of honey, its quality and taste affects the type of linden and growing conditions.

Many linden varieties contain and useful amino acids.

In addition, honey from Lipa has a positive effect on:

  • respiratory system;
  • work gastroy;
  • kidney;
  • liver.

Honey components are settling work and lead to the tone of the vessels and the muscle of the heart. Honey use has a positive effect on nervous system and vision. It is used and externally under eczema burns. The only contraindication to the use of honey is allergic reaction on its components.

Useful properties of linden flowers

Lipa has been famous for several centuries with useful and medicinal properties:

  1. Essential oil The lime color applies throughout the room and has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, it is useful not only to use lime drinks, but also walk through lime alleys.
  2. Lime bums and teas Possess an anesthetic, toning, stimulating the work of the organs. It has anti-inflammatory and piling effect.
  3. Cleans blood and internal organs From toxins, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Baths and teas Used as a soothing and painful agent.
  5. As a missile Used for external use with ulcers, burns, patients with joints.
  6. Use for a female body: The presence of estrogen improves the hormonal background and establishes the menstrual cycle. Women's lime color is used for the preparation of different cosmetics.


Lipa practically cannot harm the body, but still several factors need to consider:

  • Drinks from the linden can not be used daily, as it will provoke a violation of the work of the heart muscle.
  • Individual intolerance to the linden components.

Methods for the use of lime color

For its cooking, you need to pour 2 articles in a glass of boiling water. l. Lime color. After the drink is standing and will be breathtaking, it is ready to use.

Therapeutic properties of the drink will improve well-being, have healing qualities:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • improve the shade of the face;
  • help to remove the swelling;
  • faster to overcome colds and infectious diseases;
  • special benefit brings the body with pregnant women.

Lime decoction

It will take 400 ml of water and 1-1.5 spoons of lime color. Flowers are sprinkled into the water and give rise, after which they hold on a small heat for 8-10 minutes. The decoction is fastened. The tool is used as healing and Refreshing Drink and as a cosmetology.

Linden infusion

It is also used as a separate drink, and as therapeutic auxiliary means when coughing and colds.

To prepare:

  • in 250 ml hot water Fill 2-3 tbsp. l linden color;
  • a mixture of warm up in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • after that, leave cool for 40 minutes;
  • after it is cooling well to strain;
  • measure the amount of infusion obtained and add to 250 ml.

Use after meals to 200-250 ml 3 times a day.

Areas of application of linden

Fruits and linden flowers in cosmetology

Cosmetology is one of the popular areas of leaves, honey and linden fruits.

The rejuvenating function of the medium based on the linden is possible due to the special phytohormones, which are contained in it:

Cosmetology remedies have properties:

  • give the skin elasticity, nourish it;
  • eliminate the first wrinkles;
  • soothing irritated skin;
  • moisturize and rejuvenate;
  • toned.

Lipa in construction

The tree is valued as construction material Due to properties:

  • quickly grinding;
  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • it has a low thermal conductivity.

These characteristics are perfectly suitable for the decoration of buildings, the temperature of which is significantly higher than the average temperature in the room: baths, saunas.

Due to softness and adhesion during grinding, it is ideal as a material for a thread. Decorative products are high quality thanks to a bright shade of wood, which practically does not change its color.

The material is though in demand, but is considered narrowly special. It is also used for the manufacture of musical instruments, veneer, lining, eurvagra.

Linden species

More than 30 grades of linden are known in the world.

The most common of them are considered:

  • Lipa ordinary.It has properties and characteristics of linden large and mellite. But there are a few differences. Flowers 2.5 weeks earlier. Crown and trunk grow much faster. It is well to carry the reduced temperature and can grow almost in any conditions. In comparison with the mellite lime, leaves and crown are larger and wider.
  • Linden heart-shaped.It is also called the heartset. It grows on the territory of the Crimea and the Caucasus, in Russia and in the west of Europe. The name got due to the heart-shaped form of the leaves. It grows up to 30 meters, Crown in diameter up to 15 meters. Flowering time depends on the place of growth - June - July. Flowers are small, in one inflorescence up to 6-7 pieces. Sustainable droughts and frosts. One tree can live to 400-500 years.
  • Linden placled.Grow up to 40 meters. It blooms a little later than ordinary linden varieties. The tree grows mainly in Moldova, Ukraine, in the Caucasus, Central, South and Western Europe. Used mainly for landscaping and landscape design.
  • Lipa felt.Grow mainly in the territory of Balkans, Ukraine, Malaya Asia, Western Europe. It is also found on the territory of the Crimea and the Caucasus. The best neighbors for the linden felt will be oak, maple, clear. May be needed up to 32 meters, and crown, and the trunk has the right form. The young bark is smooth to the touch, has a dark gray shade. Linden leaves are slightly pointed, up to 8 cm long. Flowers in July, flowers - light cream color. During growing, light and sized places are well tolerated. A healthy tree can live up to 200 years.

Lipa ordinary

Heat-shaped linden

Lipa Plotovate

Lipa felt


Lipa became the traditional tree of many countries. Its benefit is difficult to overestimate, since it is used in folk medicine, cosmetology, perfumery, construction, landscape design.

Lipa and its components are famous for several centuries. No holiday of our ancestors passed without drinks based on linden and honey. The plant personified the goddess of Love Lada.

The lipa is remembered in almost every dream:

  • So, if the fired linden dream - This testifies to the insincere feelings of people who are near.
  • Climb on a tree - Soon the dream will be fulfilled.
  • Drink tea from lime color - He is talking about good health and new forces.
  • Break the linden branch In a dream, it means to forget about a quiet life.

How to extend the linden blossom period? - When and how to collect linden flowers?

Linden - One of the breeds that our people use and chants from ancient times. In the kingdom of flora there are a huge number of beautiful and extremely useful trees And shrubs, among whom Lipa is particularly honorable. It belongs to the family of lime, uniting 45 genera and more than 400 species. The linden includes almost 50 species, of which 17 grows in the USSR.

The scientific name TILIA Rod Linden received from the Greek word "Poultry" - "wing" on the wonderful bracts. The Ukrainian name "Lipa" comes from the Old Slavic "Lipat" - to stick. At the tree sticky kidneys, leaves and the inner surface of the crust. Sometimes the leaves allocate so many sticky fluid that it even dripping.
Lipa is one of the most beloved woody breeds. Our ancestors - pagans dedicated her Lade - the goddess of spring. According to beliefs of the Baltic peoples, Lipa symbolized the feminine start, and in Western Europe, she was considered the keeper of a homely hearth.

In Ukraine, the most common linden is a heart-colored or mellite, named so because the leaves are relatively small in size, and in shape it looks like a heart. This breed in plantations reaches the height 27 -Co, occasionally 35-40 m and the thickness of the barrel to 2 m. Sometimes there are ancient limes with a thickness of 5 m. The bark on the old trees are fractured, on young smooth, dark-seed, and on the branches of yellowish-seen .

Linden It can form pure trees, but in most cases in Ukraine it is found as an admixture of pine and oak. In the zone, the taiga is growing with her fir. Sounds involving linden can be found in the European part of the USSR, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus and the Far East. Clean lime forests are found in Bashkiria, Tatars and Chuvashia, in the South Urals. In the northern regions of the European part of the USSR, where the linden grows together with her fir, it has a shrub shape and often forms dense thickets here. As a concomitant breed in the north, it comes to the latitude of Leningrad - Kargopol - Solvychychodsk. In the Carpathians and ?? in the Caucasus rises in the mountains, and Siberia does not grow on the huge expanses. However, the small islands can be seen in the foothills of Alatau and the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the area of \u200b\u200b40 thousand hectares. Lipa here is a relic plant here. When this breed in the composition of the largest forests grew everywhere on the unbarrous expanses of Siberia everywhere in the composition of the gliding forests. Scientists are interested in the question of why forests with the participation of Lipa are preserved only in the Krasnoyarsk area, but this phenomenon is not solid.

In the European part of the USSR, the Linden Area almost completely coincides with the oak zone of the oak powder, but Lipa slightly goes back to the north and east. The huge range of Linden Mescoliste testifies to its ability to adapt to various conditions, to transfer cracks of frost, strong heat and winter thaws. True, in the period of growth, in particular in the spring after the start of the vegetation, its frost resistance drops sharply. During this period, Lipa sweeps at a temperature of -5 ° C, while in the winter withstands -50 ° C and even more. This happens because in the process of evolution, the tree acquired the ability to gradually enter the state of rest and stop the growth long before the leaves, when still conditions are quite favorable for the growing season. At this time, complex biochemical processes and changes occur in it: cells are significantly dehydrated, the metabolism in them is minimized or stopped at all. Even breathing becomes weaker in 200-400.

Stability linden against winter frosts is a very complex phenomenon. It is associated with a change in physiological condition: starch, sugar, pectin substances, fats, polyhydric alcohols and proteins are gradually accumulated in cells. By the end of the vegetation and the beginning of the fallout, the leaves of the linden fabric are filled with starch, which, with a decrease in temperature, hydrolyzed, forming sugar. All this positively affects the hardening of the linden and increases its frost resistance. In the spring, after the start of vegetation in the cells, processes occur, the inverse themes that took place in the fall and therefore linda loses frost resistance. That is why the spring Lipa is trying on a long time: to bloom or wait: suddenly it turns around?

Many of the tree breeds were already covered with leaves and even bloomed, and Lipa stands naked. But over time, the gentle rays of the sun, a warm breeze and ringing spring streams pushing it: blossoming, do not lose time. And here it is gently sung by pink arrows, do not even look like leaflets: crumpled, collected in a bunch and shrouded gently - pink pieces - scales. And for a long time, two weeks, they do not unfold, that Lipa still thinks, and not early? But finally, heat and time takes its own, and she quickly forms leaf plates Normal size of gentle - green. The leaves of the linden are simple, on the edges of the toothed, on top of dark green, the lights are blond, located on the branches rather thick. Crown branched, thick. Through it to the ground almost never penetrates sunlight. Flowers in linden small. Fruit every year, starting from 20 years. Seeds for sowing to the woodcopter are harvested in the stage of waxing, while the embryo has not switched to the stage of full rest. In Ukraine, this is the third decade of August - the first of September. After the billet, the seeds are stratified or seeded into the woodcutters into a wet land in two or three weeks before the freezing of the Earth. If the soil is dry, the seeds are laying on stratification into wet sand.
Unfortunately, in most cases, forests collect Linden seeds in October - December, when the embryo moved to the stage of complete rest. For its violation, long-term stratification is required - an average of 200 days. When the seed is laid for stratification in November - December, it does not have time to go through appropriate training. The forester is forced to soak it in the spring and get the "dead" crops. Linden seeds, whose embryos switched to the stage of complete rest, two years lie in the ground before the sunrise gives. During this time, a significant part of his dies. The late billet and stratification of the Linden seeds is the main reason that the needs of the republic in the landing material of this valuable rock are satisfied by 20-40%.

Lipa is breeding Not only by seeds, but also a pig from the stumps, grain and root siblings, and the sprout ability retains to deep old age. Although Lipa is distinguished by some challenge - the land is needed fertile, moderately wet, but it can grow on comparatively poor soils, under the crowns of other tree species, and according to the shadowiness, it takes one of them one of the first places.

It marks enviable longevity: lives up to 400 years. Separate trees live to 1200-1300 years. In Ukraine, there are also ancient and, as a rule, dumpy limes. Such majestic trees with colorful dense crowns - just the case when old age does not distort, and decorates.

In Ukraine, it has long been traditions in the creation of parks and squares before planting a lip. On the streets of cities and towns, this breed with majestic and dense crowns gives a lot of shadows, improves the thermal regime, absorbs the noise and highlights a large number of phytoncides, kill pathogenic bacteria - pathogens of various diseases. In parks, as in the forest among many trees and herbatous plants, healing pure air flows saturated with phytoncides. Each type of vegetation highlights its specific bio-energy, which has a positive effect on man. Thanks to the huge and thick crown, Lipa highlights phytoncides and bio-energies more than other tree breeds.

Industrial and other enterprises, as well as road transport emit a huge number of different waste into the air: dust, aerosols, soot and chemicals that poison environment. Lipa actively adsorb chemical compounds and accumulates them in their fabrics, and in the fall, along with the leaves drops to the ground. Dust and soot delayed on the surface of sticky leaves, and then dew and rain wash them off to the ground. So Lipa is an excellent filter that provides air purity, permanently operating factory, absorbs carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen.

Lipa moves well to transplant even at the age of 20 - 30 years, it takes good enough, relatively well withstands molding and trimming crowns. People always allocated her among other tree species, tried to bring closer to themselves, and therefore put on the estates, streets and along the roads. And this breed of real queen of city streets and parks, but she lives here not 300-400, but only 80-100 years old.
The annual formation of the crown causes a large number of wounds, on the healing of which she spends a lot of vitality. Moreover, form the crown so that we are bought only at the ends of the branches. However, linden with normal unformed crowns can grow on the streets of cities and it would extend their age. In the cities you need to cut only the lower branches that interfere with people and transport.

Flowers Lipa In July, hence the Ukrainian name of this summer month. The beginning of her flowering is the symbol of complete or, as they speak in the "Dome" people, in the summer. Why is Lipa blooms so late? The reason is that in the kidneys of it, wintering, there are no success of flowers, they are laid only on an annual growth. The tree must first grow shoots, give them the ability to drain, forming them floral kidneysAnd then it can bloom.

For bees, bumblebees and many other insect species linden blossoms The most fertile time. Scientists calculated that the blooming limes attend more than 70 types of insects. All of them, above all, bees take a generous bribe with flowers of linden. In favorable years, the mass of every hive furnished in the flowering lipnyak increases by an average of 8 kg. During the flowering of the linden bee take from one adult honey tree as much as with 1 hectare of buckwheat. During the years with a favorable weather, the bees family can collect from each tree honey per day to 5 kg, and for season up to 50 kg. When the linden bee is blooming, even when it is dark. For the season with 1 hectares of the lime forest, they collect 800, and sometimes up to 1500 kg of transparent, and often golden yellow or green honey. No wonder the people call the leap of honey trees.

How to extend the linden blossom period? Is it possible? It turns out yes. For this, three types of linden should be cultured - ordinary, or mellite, large-scale and silver, which bloom one after another. It will give the opportunity to collect nectar for one and a half months. If you want some trees bloomed for two or three weeks earlier, water them from spring warm water.

Flower linden It has a specific structure. Previously, she ripens the stamens, and then the still. Above each flower grows a long wonderful bractor, resembling a narrow dry leaf. In the summer he covers the flower from the rain, and after ripening the fruit plays the role of parachute. Floweries have little cups and a little longer than a petal, from many stamens seem fluffy. The ovary of the pestle contains 5 seed beginners, but after pollination of seeds, only one forms. The fruits ripen at the end of August - early September and hang on the trees almost until spring.

Earlier, Lipa was valued not only for injuries and wood, but for putting peasants. In April - May in the period of the most intensive intensive coating with young trees were drilled by Corra, it was easily shared on the upper cortical and lower part, which the people call the face. With the best on the quality of the scroll made lapties. In most cases, they were the only peasant shoes in winter and summer. A bags, brushes, baskets, mother, chicks, rods, roof for buildings were also made.
For the manufacture of one pair of the lapes, it was necessary to remove the bark from a few four - six-year-old sticks. It is easy to calculate how much linden was destroyed annually only on shoes. That is why our once thick forests have been gone with the participation of Linden. Since ancient times, there is a proverb "Idied as a sticky".

Since ancient times, Lipa also produced material for cultural needs. On peeled slices of the Luba, paintings were drawn on topics from a folk life - from here and the name is the chest paintings. For the beauty and the benefit that Lipa gives, people love her and appreciate. And if the lapties were rushed into the fly, then lime-linden honey - and now an extremely valuable food product and in many cases an indispensable healing agent. Lime honey is an excellent medicine in heart disease, insomnia, colds and many other diseases. Propolis, which is widely used in folk medicine has a huge care.

It is famous for linden and high quality wood. She is white color, very light, extremely soft, well processed, at the same time durable, does not breed and does not crack, better than most other tree breeds are painted and polished, easily ourselves. Initially, chests, hives, shoal pads, riveting, barrels for honey and homemade utensils, various decorations, toys and souvenirs, in particular necmeys, were made of it. Best Drawing Boards - from Linden. The Khokhloma painted tableware was manufactured from it, which in its beauty is not inferior to silver and even gold.
From the lime wood, you can cut high-handed-friendly products and decorations, make a beautiful lace for finishing houses. In museums you can see the magnificent gold-plated frames for paintings, eaves, decorated furniture - and all this from the linden.

Lipa is famous for both medical properties . Its flowers are rightly called the healing gift Berendea. They help people get rid of colds - cough, Qatar of the upper respiratory tract and other ailments. The one who drinks healing extremely fragrant lime tea strengthens its health.
When and how to collect linden flowers? The raw materials are collected when most of the colors bloom, and the rest - in buds. Do not collect flowers with dew, in rainy weather, after the rain, because such raw materials drill and loses his healing properties. Flowers are dried in attics, in well-ventilated rooms or dryers at a temperature of 25-30 ° C. Flowers for drying spread the thin layer on a clean litter. In dry and hot weather you can dry them under a canopy, outdoors, but not in the sun. Store flowers in boxes, canvas bags or in cardboard boxes, in well-ventilated premises.

So, as you can see lipa very valuable breed And it would be necessary to pay attention to its wider introduction primarily in roadside landings, where in most cases low-value breeds grow.

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Linden flowers - floresTiliae.

Linden mellite (heart-shaped) - Tilia Cordata Mill.

Lipa Slavicizer (large) - Tilia Platyphylos Scop.

Semetness Lime - Tillaasonaee

Other names:

- Lutcher

- Urolman

- Lubnyak

Botanical characteristic.Both species are large durable trees with a height of up to 30 m with an empty crown. Young branches are covered with smooth, old - deeply cracking bark of gray-black color. The leaves round-heart-shaped, slightly unequal, with a sawd edge, long-coal, dark green, with a long-terrible top, steaming reddish horses, early falling in spring. On the underside of the leaves in the corners of the veins are beams of hairs. Fragrant flowers with bracts, light yellow colors, collected in halfness. The fruit is a single-headed nut. Flowers in July, fruits ripen in October. Lipa largest blooms for 1-2 weeks earlier. Both species have distinctive signs.

Spread.Lipa heart-shaped lipa takes a big range. It grows in the zone of wide forests of the European part of the country, comes to the Urals. Large squares The heart-shaped linden occupies in Bashkortostan, quite a lot of it in the middle Volga region. North moves a little further oak, as less demanding to soils. It is found in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. Lipa largest in a wild form grows on the carpathians. In the north is found in the undergrowth. Both types of linden are widely cultivated in gardens and parks. In the Far East, in Moldova, other types of linden are growing in Transcarpathia.

Features different species Linden

Plant name

Diagnostic signs


coloring hairs

Lipa Melkolatite - Tilia Cordata Mill.

The number of flowers in inflorescences from 5 to 11. The flowerpiece has grown with the middle vehicle of the gentle leaf at its lower half.

Smooth, naked nuts

Lipa Large - Tilia Platyphylos Scop.

The number of flowers in inflorescences from 2 to 5. The flower point has grown with the middle vest at the top third of the bract.

Large, with strongly outstanding ribs covered with hairs

White (the whole surface is slightly pubescent)

Habitat.On drained, fertile soils.

Billet, primary processing and drying.The preparation of raw materials should be conducted in the flowering phase, when most of the flowers bloomed, and the rest are still in bud. The raw material collected in a later dates, when part of the flowers has already been played away, dries with drying, it crumbs greatly and becomes unsuitable for use. Usually the collection of raw materials lasts about 10 days.

Secateurs or knives are cut off the branches of lindens with a length of 20-30 cm with abundant flowers, and then in the shade with them, flowers together with bracts. It is forbidden to cut and break large branches, which leads to the weakening of their flowering in subsequent years. The inflorescences damaged by rust or leaf sheet is not subject to collecting.

Dry flowers in attics, less often under sheds or indoors with good ventilation, decomposing a thin layer (3-5 cm) on paper or tissue. You can dry in dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. It is impossible to dry in the sun, as this leads to a change in the color of raw materials.

Standardization.The quality of raw materials regulates the GF XI.

Security events.It is forbidden to crop branches and collect flowers from trees near the apiary.

Exterior signs.According to GOST and GF XI, the raw material consists of inflorescences with a bustal leaf of an elongated-lanceal form with a dull top, about 6 cm long, with a solid edge, light green. Flowers are light yellow, collected in half blood; 3-9 flowers in linden large and 5-15 at mellite. The smell of raw material is weak. Taste mucous, slightly astringent.

Exterior signs.Solid raw materials.These are shielding inflorescences consisting of 5-15 (at the heart-shaped linden) or 2-9 (in linden linden) flowers on flowers, sitting on a common bloomer that grown at the bottom with the main vehicle leaf. The bustal sheet is film, up to 6 cm long and a width of 1.5 cm, an oblong-elliptical form with a dull top. The color of the petals is whitish-yellow, cups - greenish-gray, bracts - light yellow. The smell is weak, fragrant. Taste is sweetish with a sensation of mucoussty.

Ground raw materials.A mixture of flowers, flowering and bracts of various shapes, ranging from 0.5 to 20 mm.

Microscopy.On the surface of the columous sheet, the cups and the bunny there are sound hairs with a multicellular head on a short 1-3-cell leg and star-radiant hairs consisting of 3-7 long winding cells that have contracted bases. In addition, the base of the cups are located long straight hairs consisting of two parallel cells, and on the petals - the printed hairs of two winding cells that have contradicted bases. In the mesophyll of the specified parts of the inflorescence and flower are detected by dresses.

Qualitative reactions.When wetting the crushed raw materials with water after 3-5 minutes, its particles are covered with mucus, with wetting with a 5% solution of ammonia, intensively yellow staining (flavonoids) appears.

Numeric indicators.Solid raw materials.Humidity no more than 13%; inflorescences with bracts and individual bracts damaged by pests and affected rust, no more than 2%; other parts of the linden not more than 1%; Inflorescences completely bleached, with fruits no more than 2%; toured and darkened pieces of inflorescences not more than 4%; crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm, not more than 3%; screaming individual flowers or inflorescences without bracts no more than 15%; Organic impurities no more than 0.3%, mineral - no more than 0.1%.

Ground raw materials.Humidity no more than 13%; toured and darkened pieces of inflorescences not more than 4%; other parts of the linden (pieces of leaves and shoots) not more than 1%; crushed particles in size over 20 mm no more than 5%; crushed particles passing through a sieve with holes of 0.310 mm in size not more than 10%; organic impurities no more than 0.3%; Mineral impurities no more than 0.1%.

Chemical composition.The linden flowers contain essential oil (about 0.05%), which includes sesquiterpente alcohol Farnesol (the main component of essential oil, on the presence of which the smell of fresh raw materials depends); Polysaccharides (7-10%), including galactose, glucose, frames, arabinose, xylose and galacturonic acid. In addition, triterpene saponins are isolated from flowers, flavonoids in the amount of 4-5% (heperidine, quercetin and kampferol), ascorbic acid and carotene. In the leaves of linden a lot of protein, there is an ascorbic acid (131 mg%) and carotene. Fruits - about 60% oily oil. Therapeutic effect of linden is due to a complex of biologically active substances of the plant.

Storage.In a dark dry room. In pharmacies - in closed boxes, in warehouses - in the piles, bales. Raw materials are easily grinding, so caution should be taken when stored. Shelf life is 2 years.

Pharmacological properties.The linden flowers of the linden have an anti-inflammatory effect due to bioflavonoids, delaying the mostly exudative phase of inflammation on various models of aseptic inflammation, contribute to the earlier gradation of the inflammatory process from the surrounding tissue. Accelerate the processes of regeneration and organization of granulation tissue, which is associated with the stimulating effect of flavonoids on collagen tissues; have antiseptic properties: an antipyretic and coating effect is provided, promoting the release of sodium chloride from the body; give an antispasmodic effect, downhill blood pressure; have a sedative effect; Raise diuresis, secretion of gastric juice and bile.

Medicines.Flowers of lindens, briquettes, infusion, piling collection, consisting of a mixture of equal parts of linden and raspberry fruits.

Application.With a medical purpose, linden flowers are used, known as "linden color". Therapeutic properties of linden are associated with a quercetin and a kampferol. Infusion and champs of inflorescences Lipa are used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug with influenza, cold and respiratory diseases, bronchitis, infectious diseases in children, neuralgias, cystitis, etc.

Lime color is used instead of tea for welding in the form of a hot infusion in hypertension, vascular crises, and climacteric disorders. This drink contributes to abundant sweating, the release of chlorides, decreased blood pressure, is applied soothing. Lipov influence robbing with acute and chronic inflammatory processes in it. In the form of a surcharge, lime-colored chains are used in neurites, neuralgias, burns, ulcers, diseases of the joints, hemorrhoids. The infusion of linden flowers is used for rinsing during stomatitis and gingivitis. From the fruit of linden, to taste similar to nuts, the food oil is obtained.

For the preparation of linden flowers, 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers are poured with 2 glasses of boiling water, insist for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons of crushed flowers on 2 glasses of water. Boiled on a water bath for 10 minutes, filter. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day.

Lipa during flowering fragrant smells

Linden tea is one of the best drinks that nature can give us the nature of taking care of our health. In Russia, Lipa has always been a favorite, she even wore more birch - the original Russian tree. The ICPOKON centuries of the ancestors were honored, used with gratitude to his gifts, and now the benefit of the linden color did not become less. Only here we are modern people We notice a little, how much we can give nature around. But still now there is a good tendency to follow the knowledge of the origins, revive them, and about herbs, the fruits began to remember. The lime color should be in every home, because he has enormous opportunities, most importantly, to collect it on time. But so that you do not miss the dates, we will tell us today when Lipa blooms.

It is interesting! Lipa has a wonderful soft bark, but in ancient times, fraudsters learned from it to make fake prints, for which the innocent tree suffered. We now have a fake call Lipoy.

Dates of flowering and collection of lime color. Methodik

When a tree blooms

IN different regions The climate is different, and therefore everywhere the dates will be their own. Of course, in the south, the trees bloom early, which cannot be said about Siberia and the North. In the first case, this is the middle and end of June, in the second - this is the second half of July. And when linden flowers in the middle lane, you ask? And we, of course, will reply. In the middle lane of our big country is the third decade of June and the first decade of July.

The period when Lipa pleases its color is short - only 10-15 days. Once collecting flowers in your region, you will have a good one for the next year, when and where it will be necessary to come to collect. But avoid industrial zones, roads, cemeteries, places where there is wastewater. Try to find old temples, in every city they are either in the suburbs. There is more likely to find lime trees, as our ancestors plant them in places of power, such a linden will be as much as possible for you and even healing.

But it is important to start making reserves not in the first days when Lipa blooms, but not at the end of this short period. Optimal time - This is when all the flowers or most of them blossomed. If you see that the tree is already at the stage of completion of flowering, wilts, it is better not to make reserves this year, since they will not benefit from them, medical properties In such a color minimal.

Gathering method

In fact, everything is simple:

  • find a tree that will be in a favorable place. During flowering, there will be a thin, sweet and very pleasant aroma to soar in the air. It is better to do it in advance;
  • if you find a lime to flowering it, you can estimate the size, and is it possible to collect color with your hands or you have to use devices;
  • if the tree is high, then buy a secret to which the handle or cutter can be attached, in the kit there is also a rope;
  • linden blossom period you know, look so that all the flowers revealed;
  • cut backedly flowers together with leaves;
  • inspect the house of the lip, remove the one that is amazed by insects, started;
  • rinse the color, give a track of water;
  • dry flowers in the attic, under a canopy or in the oven at a temperature not higher than 40 degrees;
  • you can store flowers in glass jars.

Important! If you came to the forest at the time of flowering linden, then do not break her branches to break the color, do not appear, it's our ancestors considered a sin, and the tree has always been identified with the Virgin.

This small article for you has opened important information about when you can collect the color, how much lipa blooms, so as not to miss the workpiece, and how to do it right. Health to you!

All materials on the site site are presented solely for informing information purposes. Before applying any means, consultation with the doctor is obligatory!

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