
How to cook green onions for the winter. Green onions for the winter


Green onions is used in many dishes: soups, salads and various extinguishing. But the stalks of Luke remain green and long. Save for a long time, the juicy and fragrant properties of the green onion will help this recipe.

For canning, use fresh cut stems and cans with a capacity of 500 ml. Having such a workpiece, you do not have to grow onions on feathers on the windowsill or buy it in the store at a high price. Just open the cherished vitamin jar and add green onions into a salad or another dish.

Green bow for winter. Ingredients:

  • green onions - how much will you need

In each bank with a capacity of 500 ml:

  • olive oil (or any vegetable) - 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Green bow for winter. Cooking:

  1. Carefully wash the floor liter banks hot water With soda and sterilize over the ferry 3-5 minutes, then dry by putting upside down on the towel. Metal covers boil a few minutes in boiling water.
  2. Green onions intended for canning, thoroughly wash in the running cold water, Removing the films and sluggish feathers.
  3. Prepared onion stems finely torn on a cutting board.
  4. At the bottom of the banks, pour 1/3 hours. Spoons of salt and pour out the green onion with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. From above on the bow again, roll 1/3 hours. Salt spoons and grooming greenery with anxulative puree.
  5. Pour the layer of onions again, salt and slightly rummage until the juice appears. So, alternating layers of Luke with salt, fill the jar on the shoulders. The rest of the banks fill with greens with salt in the same way.
  6. In a small saucepan pour vegetable oil depending on the number of filled green bow cans. Put a saucepan on a weak fire. When vegetable oil boils, pour vinegar, also depending on the number of filled cans. Mix quickly and remove from the fire.
  7. The resulting acetic and oil mixture is filtered over green onions - 5 tbsp. Spoons in every jar. The fill layer will prevent the appearance of mold, keeping the bow fresh and fragrant.
  8. Slide banks with green onions and put it on the refrigerator.

Freeze or dry green onions for the winter? In the dried state, the onions are tastier and more useful. Yes, the freezing retains the color, but the sharpness and that wonderful piquant "indifference", in a drop-rooted greenery does not remain. But the dry mixture in this respect is ideal. No wonder dry spices are included in sublimated soups, filling, in bouquets seasoning.

Culinary benefit

Microbes are afraid of both fresh greenery and dried. Spicy sharp supplement in soup, borsch, protects us from harmful bacteria in the ORVI season. Another appetizing feature of seasoning in the ability to generate saliva. As it is important for good digestion, metabolism, everyone knows. The uniqueness of the dried green onion also is that vitamin C is fully maintained in it.

Interesting fact: The ancient navigators always took with them the dried green onions on the journey to protect themselves from zing.

Production dried green onions can be in several ways. Choose the most convenient and act!

Open air

When the country season implies not a short weekend, and for a long time, it is possible to dry the green onions easily in the air. Of course, not on an outdoor hot sun, but in a tank, preferably with a draft.

Wash green feathers, cut the yellowed tips, remove the greens that led. Thick and hard stems for drying are not very good. Cut the greenery to the pieces of approximately 2 to 5 cm.

Take advantage of a sieve or a large wooden board. Lay out the bottom of the sieve or the surface of the board layer of gauze and distribute the green mass with a thin layer. If you leave with giving home, you can dry the green onions for the winter on the loggia. You will just be left not to forget to shake the sieve, and stir spice.

Method of drying green onions in aerogrile

With the advent of Aerogril the hostess, which is not prepared only in it! So the greens are dried in the device, they say, very comfortable. To do this, it is necessary to keep the chopped onions on the top grille about half an hour (depends on the thickness of the slices sliced). At a temperature of about 70 ° process passes with maximum benefit.

Method of drying green onion in the oven

Elementally easy! Install or adjust the temperature to 40-50 °, dried about 2-3 hours.

Early spring, as soon as the Earth fills a little, I start gardening. At this time I usually plant right on the bed to get my own early greens. However, in May, on the same beds, I sit on the seedlings of tomatoes and peppers, so periodically I come across the next problem: Luka is still a lot, and the beds already need to be released. I had to hand out the surplus to relatives and neighbors until I realized that the green onions could be prepared. And today I want to offer you three options for the harvesting of a green onion for the winter, which I use myself.


Regarding the freezing of green onions opinions among those who did rather controversial. Someone like such a billet, someone does not. From myself I will say, the salad frozen onions will not fit, this is a fact, but for soup, green borscht or filling for - the very thing. Just do not need to defrost it before cooking! Add onions into dishes right frozen.

Green onions are separated from a white head (this part for freezing is not suitable), we wash thoroughly, and then wipe the towel and also carefully dry so that no water remains, otherwise when the onion is frozen. The cut greenery is laid out in a plastic container or portion in plastic bags and freeze. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to establish a shock freezing mode. In the freezer, such a bow can be stored for several months.


Dry the green onions can be both outdoors and in the electric grid. If you are a supporter of home billets and often dry fruits, vegetables and herbs, I advise you to purchase this miracle apparatus. This is very comfortable thing And with a harvesting of a large number of products, especially vegetables and fruits, it is very reversed, significantly saving time. Yes, and the finished product is obtained better due to the right selected temperature mode And faster drying speed.

As in the previous recipe, the green onion needs to be rinsed, dry and cut into small pieces. However, it is necessary to monitor much more carefully so that water droplets remained on Luke, otherwise it can simply spoil, especially if you plan to dry without the use of electric car. The chopped greens decompose on sheets of clean paper into one layer and dried in a ventilated room, avoiding the sun's rays from entering it. Dried green onions folded into tightly closed banks and use as needed. Such greens can be sprinkled with absolutely any dishes, however, the aroma of the bow with such a processing is almost not preserved.

Aromatic salt

Previously, I often bought the finished aromatic salt, until I tried to cook it myself. In fact, make it very simple, and at the same time you can select only the greens and vegetables that like. And you can also cook different kinds Salts with different herbs for different dishes.

In addition to green onions for aromatic salt, I take other spring grass: parsley, green dill and celery green. All the vegetables are mine, dry and cut, you can cut on fairly large pieces, because the whole greens should be chopped in a blender. To the crushed greenery gradually add a large salt, continuing to grind the mixture. Salts add about as much as greens. It turns out such a green salty porridge.

Green onion is not only fragrant seasoning to various dishes, but also a plant, extremely useful for the body. It helps strengthen the immunity, protects against colds and viruses, normalizes the water-salt balance. Therefore B. summer periodwhen on dumart sites Green onions in excess, it's time to think about how to prepare it for the winter. There are several ways: onions frozen, dried, salted.

How to put a green bow for winter

Dried green onions, if it is properly sued, his useful properties Practically does not lose. Just a pinch of such seasoning will make your soup or very fragrant and useful.
The most "natural" way is the drying of a green bow outdoors. The place for this type of workpiece must necessarily be away from sunlight.
No less effectively dry onions in the oven.

Cut the bow is not large and spread it with a thin layer on the contrary. Sew the greens should be in the oven, slightly open the door and setting the temperature of 60 degrees. Duration is 3.5 - 4 hours. Dried bow do not rush to clean up. Let him still spend a day on the case if suddenly some moisture remained in the product.

Keep the dried onion in glass containers, cardboard boxes or fabric bags.

How to freeze green onions for winter

Currently, the most popular freezing is the easiest and most affordable method of the workpiece. Onion feathers are thoroughly washed and dry. Then crushed with a knife. Freeze onions in special plastic food containers, or in polyethylene packages.

How to salute green onions for winter

Onions, like dill, parsley, can be salted. For salting take onion feathers along with a white part. Pre-wash it under running water. Then cut the clearestly, mixed with 100 g of a stone salt, tightly tamped into clean dry banks. From above, the bow is poured with a small amount of sunflower oil.

Green onions for the winter You can prepare different ways: by freezing, canning, salting, marinations, etc. Consider the following options.

Freeze green onions for the winter - easy!

Fresh onion feathers Wash under the flow of running water, disable only the best and healthy. With dry tissue, dry the greens. Next, you can use one of the ways:

1. Prepared onion feathers cough the pieces of 1 cm, blanch for five minutes, discard on the colander. After cooling, lay out in plastic containers, Place in the freezer.
2. Finger onions hold in boiling water for a minute 3, leak on the colander, give water to the water. Failure to freeze in plastic containers to freeze.
3. Cook feathers, fry in a skillet, put in plastic containers, freeze.

Find out and.

Onion green: Save for winter

Prepare 3 kg of greenery, wash it, put it for a touch on the fabric. Cut with scissors or knife to pieces. Low shoots put in glass jars, squeeze the salt, each layer. On top of the saline shoots, put the oppression that will help to stand out the brine. After a couple of days, check the contents. In the event that the formation of the brine did not begin, increase the pressure of the oppression or pour some boiling water. Over the course of three weeks, the ischs will be quas. Quashen feathers can be soldered any salad, use for snacks or sandwiches.


While thoroughly rinse 1 kg of green loaf, put it on it, mix it with 200 g of salt, put it in jars, carefully their ramming. As soon as the containers are filled, pour the sunflower oil on top, cover with covers. Keep the workpiece in a cool place.


You can put on the deceit different ways. Here is some of them.

Open air.

If you spend a long time at the cottage, dried vegetables directly outdoors. It is necessary to dry, not on the hot sun, but in the shade. Green feathers rinse, cut yellow tips, cut the greens, who managed to brought. Not suitable for drying also tough and thick stems. Sorted greens cough with pieces. Choose a wooden board or sieve, put a layer of gauze on it, distribute the green mass on it with a thin layer. Greens can also be dried on her loggia.

It turns out very tasty. She will superbly complement any dish.

Drying in Aerium.

Cook beaten, put half an hour on upper shelf Aerium. In order for the process to go with the maximum benefit, set the temperature of 70 degrees.

Green onion on the windowsill in winter

The mistress is trying to grow on the windowsill in different ways. Someone tries to grow it out of seeds, someone transplants from the beds to the pots of Batun or Shalot. As soon as frosts come, the boxes are rearranged into the basement, and in winter they put on the windowsill. However, each of these ways does not guarantee that in winter you can enjoy fresh Luk.. The main secret of success lies in the fact that for the cultivation of young onion shoots it is necessary to use a bow-shallot. It has a number of benefits:

This grade gives much more young shoots than the ones;
- Shells of shalot fragrant and gentle. The whole period of cultivation, they retain these qualities;
- Cut the young shoots can be much earlier than that of the rep. This is due to the fact that he has a lot of growth rapidly.

Find out and.

How to grow a chalot on the windowsill.

1. Do not proceed to cultivation before February. Until that time, the bulbs are at rest.
2. For cultivation, pick up such a container that can provide good nutrition to growing roots. In the bottom, it is certainly necessary to do holes. They will provide stock of excess water. Very comfortable is the box from the cake, because it is easy to move.
3. On 2/3 fill the box with nutrient soil, sink.
4. Place onion heads on the surface, close to each other. The more the bulbs you took, the greater the number of shoots they will give. In order to get a faster crop, cut on the very hangers.
5. Push the nutrient soil, which should slightly cover the bulbs.
6. Put the box on the windowsill in the bright room itself. Temperature should be from 12 to 18 degrees.
7. Pour vegetables and make sure that the soil always remains a little wet. As necessary, water in the first half of the day warm water.
8. Literally after 10 days, the bulbs will be allowed green feathers. They can be pulled out to refuel borsch or soup. After another two weeks, you can cut tight shoots to cook onion salad.
9. In order for the shoots as long as possible left thick and fresh, adopt the soil with a comprehensive fertilizer.