
Pistachios: where and how they grow, how to grow at home and useful properties. Pistachio Tree: Description, how to plant and grow at home

Pests of garden plants

Pistachio trees - one of the ancients flowering plants on the ground. Presumably the birthplace of this tree is Iran.

Pistachios grow on trees


The Motherland of these nuts is considered to be the Middle East and Central Asia, since in these countries, pistachios were cultivated for many centuries. There are not only cultured species, but also wild, widespread in subtropical climatic zones. Rarely pistachio trees can be found in the arid climate of Africa, in California, Mexico, in Central Asia, and they are extremely rarely met in the north of China.

On an industrial scale, the pistachio is cultivated from the middle of the XX century in Turkey, Spain, Syria.

In addition to the conditions of constant drought and high temperatures, the pistachio easily withstands low temperatures, hence the wide geography of the habitat of the plant.

Pistachios can be wild and cultivated


How pistachios grow: this is a strong branched plant with strong branches, growing up to 6 m high. It has a thick beautiful crown resembling a ball. An adult instance can be an increase of less than 1 m, as it grows very slowly.

Crown can be forever green or fell with the onset of a certain time of the year.

Pistachio forests practically do not exist, the plant is most often found one by one.

Depending on the range, the pistachio tree differ and leaves: may be like bright green simple viewand the dark green colors of the cement or a triple form.

Fruits of pistachio tree

The fruits of the pistachio tree is the Kostyanka. They are located on a tree in the form of large covers. Collect pistachios only when they begin to crack and open the top layer of the shell. Pistachios are small hats covered with a dense shell. They contain a large number of Vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, iron and various organic amino acids. Nutrients and trace elements contained in pistachios are perfectly accepted by the human body, as they contain in the easily friendly forms.


Pistachio trees have a number of features:

  1. These are long-livers, often live more than 600 years, but rarely you can meet specimens, which are more than 800 years old.
  2. Flower from March to April. Flowers of red-yellow color, reach a length of 7 cm.
  3. Bedomana plant, so bushes are both men's and women. Fruits ripen from September to November.
  4. Fruits contain essential oils and other useful trace elements. They contribute to maintaining the vital tone and allocation of endorphins. Help to strengthen the bone tissues of the body and remove cholesterol.
  5. As soon as the nut matures, it becomes light beige color.
  6. The roots of the tree are very strong and long, it allows the tree to grow on steep slopes and cliffs.

Previously, pistachii was collected at night, since the leaves allocate hazardous essential oils, from which a person can become bad and signs of suffocation may appear. Now the process is fully automated, which allows harvesting harvest without prejudice to human health.

Flowers pistachios have red-yellow


How do pistachios grow in modern conditions: They are grown so that male and women's individuals are near, so pollination is more efficient.

One individual of the male is capable of pollinate up to ten female trees.

Although pistachio trees are multiplied with stalling, but this does not mean that the pistachi cannot be grown from seeds. In most countries for growing it is used precisely. So that the plants have taken root, it is necessary to enrich the soil of calcium.

Pistachio trees grow very slowly and begin to be froning on 8 years of life, if a stalk was used as a landing material and for 12 years of life, if seeds were used for landing.

Root system Plants consist of 2 tiers, and the first 10 years of life the tree is actively increasing the root potential. Due to the first tier, the plant is powered in the period of active vegetation, the second tier of the roots helps the pistachio receive nutrients From the deep layers of soil in winter. The greatest crop cultured pistachio trees give for the twentieth year of life, regardless of which material was used when landing.

With ancient times, tasty pistachio nuts are considered a symbol of well-being and good health. Their cores are enriched with many nutrient healthy nutrients.

For Russia, pistachio trees are rare, see their big luck, so despite the fact that everyone loves pistachios, how they grow, the photo will show best.

Pistachios allow you to enjoy your unique nutty taste, excellent nutritional value and impressive versatility. A wide range of pistachios was found worldwide. From snacks and salad stuffs to ice cream and other sweet delicacies, such as Pakhlava and Nougat. This is an unsurpassed ingredient for a variety of dishes due to its rich, peculiar taste.

Description and features

The word "pistachio" comes from the medieval Italian "Fistatsium". In Persian, this word is witnessed as "pesteh".

Pistachio nut - the fruit of a tree belonging to the family "Anacardiaceae", the genus "Pistacia". It is widely sprawled, with a thick crown, large tree A medium size, which is expected to have grown on the mountain ranges of Asia and Turkey.

Women and male trees grow separately. There are several varieties, but the most popular, which is eating is the Iranian "Kerman" grade. These fruits are considered the best and tasty.

It is interesting: In the midst of the season, a severe accumulation of fruits appears on a pistachio tree, which resembles a grape cluster. Externally mature fruits look quite interesting. They have a solid, wood-colored shell, which disintegrates, opening a light green oblong core. The nuclei has a length of about 2 cm and a width of 1 cm and weigh around 0.7-1. One pistachio tree on average gives about 50 kilograms of seeds every two years.

Pistachio trees grow very well in roast, dry summer. Currently, they are grown on a large scale in the USA, Iran, Syria, Turkey and China. Trees planted with whole plantations, but it takes about eight or ten years, while it is time to collect the first harvest. After full ripening, the tree continues to fruits for many years.

Growing conditions in Russia

Pistashkovoe wooden plant Desert, so it grows in Russia difficult. Plants are pretty hardy if you create right conditions. They withstand the temperature of the limits from -10 c in winter and 48 c in the summer.

They need a solar place and well-drained soil. Trees poorly carry a high level of humidity, their roots begin to rot in the winter, if the soil moissets. In order for the fruit to ripe it, you need a long hot summer.

Use for man

Pistachios - are valued for useful nutritional properties. Together with walnut nuts, almond and cashew they are an excellent source of proteins, minerals and fats. Often these nuts become salvation for residents, dry and arid areas of Central, Western and South Asia.

Pleasant nuts are also a real source of energy. 100 grams of cores carry 557 calories. They are rich in oleic acid and antioxidants are rich in the human body. Regular consumption of pistachios can help reduce blood cholesterol in the blood. The cores are also a rich source of phytochemical substances, such as carotene, as well as Vitamin E.

Doctors confirmed that these unique compounds remove toxic free radicals from the human body and can protect it from oncology and many infections. In addition, Vitamin E is still a powerful lipid antioxidant, it supports the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin. In pistachios there is also riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid and folates.

Tasty nutritious nuclei is called the "mineral storage". It is enough to eat a hundred grams of pistachio nuts per day and this will provide 144% of the required amount of copper per day.

It's important to know: Pistachios have a low glycemic index, which can help reduce blood sugar levels.

Pistachios is a very high-quality vegetable source of protein, which provides a balanced amount of amino acids essential for the body. Copper is an important mineral that requires human body for good metabolism, as well as it is indispensable in the production of red blood cells.

Pistachios also contain lutein amino acids and zeaxanthin, who play an important role in maintaining eye health and can slow down the progression of the age degeneration of the yellow stain.

Although pistachios contain many calories, research convincingly show that their consumption is not associated with weight gain or obesity


The kernels can be completely like fresh, so saline or fried.

The oil extracted from the core is one of the most valuable culinary oils. It has a pleasant nut aroma and excellent softening properties. It is often used in cooking and cosmetology. Nutritionists recommend those who follow the figure and adheres to the principles of healthy food, season salads only with pistachio oil.

Pistachios have a creamy texture and naturally sweet temperate fragrance. Thus, they are ideal for any confectionery, they are used in popular ice cream and Turkish sweets. The taste of the nut is universal, so along with sweet delicacies, it can be added to acidic and spicy sauces and mix with different seasonings.

Pistachio paste, chocolate, halva, bow or biscotti uses incredible popularity.

Among other things, the oil obtained from these nuts is the basic basis in traditional medicines for massage therapy, aromatherapy, in pharmaceutical and in the cosmetic industry. This is the most ideal tool to protect your skin from dryness.

Care rules

Pistachios is better stored in a hermetic container in a dry cool place. If you store nuts when room temperature They can be spoiled in a few weeks.

When stored in the refrigerator, nuts will be used for several months, more than a year can be kept fruit in the freezer. To prevent condensation when thawing, pistachios should be placed in a polyethylene package.

To restore pistachios who lost their crunch, you can hold them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.


Collect pistachios from the end of August and before the beginning of October. The inner shell of the pistachio is enclosed in the housing, called epicard. When the pistachio is ready for harvest, epicard is easily separated from the inner shell and changes the color from reddish yellow to light yellow.

During harvest, pistachio trees are mechanically shaken. Then the seeds that fall out are going to the bins and are transferred to the processing plant. The remaining epicarpes are removed using a Houchler, and pistachios are additionally sorted in size and dried to maintain freshness. This whole process can be completed in less than 24 hours.

In the last century, sellers of pistachios actively used red dye. Thus, they hide stains on the sinks that appeared from poor-quality harvest. In addition, bright red nuclei Importers attracted buyers to shop windows.

It is better to buy cleaned kernels. If the product in the shell, then you should pay attention to that there is no cracks. The kernel should be yellow or dark green. The greatest color, the better. You should pay attention to not the dye.

At home, it is easy to get pistachio flour. You can use a blender, mortar or meat grinder. After the powder obtained, it can be added to the cocktails, sprinkle in a breakfast flakes and even use it as a baking flavor.

Note: Eat pistachios to get rid of stress. Pistachios have more potassium in their composition than any other known nut, and as you know, it is potassium suppresses a hormone of fear and stress.

Pistachios is an excellent source of healthy fats, fiber, protein, copper, antioxidants, including vitamin B6 and potassium. Their use guarantee a healthy intestine, the lack of cholesterol plaques, and blood sugar.

In addition, pistachios will help you lose weight and provide eye health and blood vessels. Plus, they are delicious and universal. For most people, pistachios in the diet is an excellent way to improve the overall health.

Where the pistachios grow and what they look, look in the following video:

Many people like the taste of pistachios. This delicacy can not only be purchased in stores, but also to grown on their own. Pistachio tree grows in hot countries, landing and care is simple, you only need to be warm temperature. In Russia, it is difficult to grow it, but still there are some recommendations that will allow this at home.


Pistachio tree has another name - green almonds. It grows up to 30 feet height, as a rule, on poor, stony soils. Another plant falls on the slopes and in areas with cool winters, since it is capable of carrying frost to -20 degrees. And how the pistachio tree looks like, you can find out the photo.

It can carry droughts, and also does not require special care. Because of the beautiful leaves and reddish fruits, the plant is valued in decorative purposes. In Central Asia, where pistachios grow, there are rocky slopes. It is there that trees grow. They have an unusual root system, therefore, they are able to produce moisture from semi-desert and stony zones. Because of this, they are not formed.

How and where is growing?

For the first time about the pistachio tree, it was mentioned in 7000 BC. e. The first copies were found in the Middle East, but soon they spread in Europe because of the simple care and the original taste of fruits.

Pistachios are growing in Asia mountainous terrain. Artificially planted cultures arrived in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan. Growing in our country is carried out in the Caucasian and Crimean Mountains. Still culture is planted in areas like decorative element.

In the leaf fall tree, the middle of the length of the dissected leaves (up to 20 cm), a branched trunk having a rough surface. Krone - low planted and thick. How does a pistachio tree bloom? Flowers are divided into male and female species. The first are presented in the form of wide bullets (5-6 cm), and the second - in the form of long inflorescences. Blossom occurs in March-April.

When does a pistachio tree be fruit? The first fruits can be collected at the end of September. They are presented in the form of a long seed with a solid shell, inside which is a soft kernel. Walnut can have a green or yellowish tint. He is edible, therefore it creates a lot of pistachio oil from it, which is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology.

Features landing

Pistachios are difficult to be accepted on garden plot. To get a milking crown, a hot, solar and arid weather is required - summer. Culture is not easy to survive a long winter with reduced temperatures.

For the cultivation of a pistachio tree at home, sandy soil maintains the required acidity - 7-7.8 pH. Best soil It is rocky and salty. It is advisable to apply feeders that need to be alternate regularly.


To date, everyone can land culture on the plot. It is allowed to grow I. decorative view On the window. You just need to follow some rules. How to grow a pistachio tree? Necking requires:

  • fresh busty is soaked in growth stimulant;
  • then you need to put in the sandy soil;
  • then the abundant watering is performed;
  • at the end, it is necessary to cover with Loutrasil - nonwoven material, which is used in the manufacture of greenhouses.

Appeated seedlings are fragile, so much effort is required for cultivation. Especially difficult to establish which of them are "girls", and which are "boys." But you can buy a grateful seedling in the nursery.

Growing cuttings

In this case, the culture of culture is fruit after 10-12 years, it all depends on the conditions. How to plant a pistachio tree with cuttings? To put a seedling in the ground, you need to make a big pit. For several seedlings, the pits are preferable to do at a distance of at least 3 meters. Before that, you need to check the roots, you should trim the damaged areas and sprinkle the ash cuts. Then the landing is performed, and then you need to ravage and pour.

Young cultures do not need special care. IN summer period They should be watered every 2 weeks, and in the fall, watering is reduced. For the 2nd year, feeding with phosphoric, potash, nitrogen fertilizers are required. Soil near plants should be clean, without weeds.

Conditions and care

For pistachio wood, frequent watering is not required, it is easy to carry drought. Find out when it wiring is required, you can dry soil. If you want to get fruit from culture, then you need to put men's and women's seedlings nearby.

The fruitful tree is grown out of the nut, but from the natural (assembled from the tree and not treated with chemical components). The germination is performed using the fetus that the seed is tightly closed. The first fruits should be expected in 6-8 years, and when landing the nut - 12-14.

  1. The cultivation must be performed in a lit place, for example, on the balcony, and with a reduced level of humidity (the air dryer is used).
  2. The plant needs high temperatures, so in winter it is necessary to carry it into a warm and bright room.
  3. It is necessary to prepare a long vase or pot, and then pour sand salt soil.
  4. In many cities of Russia, it is difficult to buy seedlings, therefore, tightly closed seeds are usually grown.
  5. In the soil it is necessary to land seeds to a depth of 4 cm. The landing must be carried out by groups to improve the germination.
  6. Then moderate watering is then required.

You can grow the culture of the house, most importantly, stick simple recommendationsprovided specialists. In addition, it will grow not only a tree, but also fruits.


Usually it comes in September. Nuts need to dry in the sun, and then they are suitable for storage for 1 year. Often they are soaked in saline and roasted.

It is necessary to collect the fruits when the outer husk is weakening. They fall easily, you just need to shake the tree. The husk covers pale green fruits placed in a beige housing. From one culture there can be about 25 kg of peeled nuts.

If fried pistachios are removed into hermetic packaging, they are able to be stored for several months. And during freezing, fruits are preserved for many years without loss of taste and mineral substances. Pistachios are the best nuts, about 80-90% of roasted and salty are used as a snack. Unheared lateral fruits have a sweet taste and apply in culinary business.


The product has a huge value for people's health.

  1. Nuts are indispensable for people with the problems of the circulatory system. If you constantly use them in small quantities, it will be possible to improve the condition of the circulatory system, as well as normalize cholesterol.
  2. When problems with the liver pistachio will be the best helpers. According to experts, a moderate amount of product purifies bile ducts and eliminates bouts of hepatic colic.
  3. Nuts positively affect the functioning of the intestine and improve digestion. They have an important role in the treatment of tuberculosis, since heartbeat and breathing are normalized when they are taking.
  4. With constant intelligent loads and fatigue, these useful nuts can be used. Fruits are a powerful aphrodisiac for men.
  5. It is known to use pistachios in cosmetology, because oil from them has a rejuvenating, restoring and nutrient action for the skin. In addition, it protects the skin from ultraviolet.

But there are negative sides in pistachios. They are recognized as a strong allergen, so they can lead to anaphylactic shock, so it is important to be a product, especially if it is for the first time. It is advisable to eat several nuts and control the reaction of the body. In addition, pistachios include a lot of fats, and excessive use leads to excess weight.

There are facts about which and do not recognize.

  1. The trees have a lot of life expectancy. On average, it is 500 years, but approximately 1/3 lives to 800.
  2. Height can be within 5-7 meters.
  3. Collection of mature nuts is performed at night. The reason for this is considered a sharp smell of leaves. It is believed that essential oil is harmful to health, it increases pressure.
  4. In nuts there are all the necessary vitamins for the health of the teeth. The use of the product improves dental enamel and strengthens the gums.
  5. Fruits have a tonic effect, as well as the ability to improve the mood. The reason for this scientists call the presence of essential oil, which in small quantities has a positive effect on man.
  6. The cost of nuts is high. The complexity of growing with a small yield, the requirements for growth places do not allow to obtain fruits in large quantities.
  7. No pistachio forests, because cultures are growing one by one. This does not affect pollination. One male tree can be polished by many female.

Thus, the cultivation of the tree of pistachios at home is noticeably complicated, but still it is possible. The recommendations of specialists make it possible to fulfill everything correctly.

Pistachios, or Pistacia - a plant whose name comes from Perside Pisteh, the birthplace of this plant is Iran. For thousands of years, Pistachios has actively grew on the territory of Afghanistan to Syria, in West Asia. They are valued for high nutritional value, good creamy taste. Pistachios were the favorite nuts of the Queen Sava. It is surprising that pistachios mentioned in the Bible along with just one type of nuts. During the flourishing period of the Roman Empire, pistachios were imported to Italy and Greece from Syria. But today, interest in this plant does not disappear, and many want to learn how to grow a pistachio tree with their own hands. This and not only let's go in this article.

A bit of history

In America, Pistachios was cultivated for commercial purposes since the end of the 1890s. Production began in California. Currently, the annual production of these delicious US nuts is inferior only to Iran, which is the most large manufacturer of this nut in the world. Most pistachios supplied from different countries, consumed in the USA.

Description of pistachio tree

Pistachio tree is still known as green almonds. It grows up to 30 feet tall, usually on poor, stony soils. Pistachio tree can be found on steep slopes and in areas with cool winters. So, the pistachio tree easily transfers frost to -20 degrees. It is not bad to carry the periods of drought, does not require much care. Beautiful leaves and many reddish fruits make it attractive, so it is appreciated and how decorative plant. In Central Asia countries, where pistachios grow in a natural environment, a lot of rocky slopes. It is there that these trees grow. They have an unusual root system, so trees easily produce moisture from semi-desert and stony zones. The root system does not allow trees to form thickets, since it is closed, unlike other types of trees.

The nuts are growing up by the end of summer, then they are collected. The collectors are waiting for a husk, covering nuts outside, weakens, and they are easily falling when the tree is shaking. Pale-green pistachio nuts, their covers a beige body. One tree gives approximately 50 pounds of already purified nuts, i.e. Approximately 23 kg. Fried pistachios placed in hermetic bags can be stored in the refrigerator to one month. If they freeze them, they will be kept for a long time without losing their properties and taste.

Application of pistachios

Pistachios are rightfully considered one of the most delicious nuts. Approximately 90% of these nuts are consumed as a snack after the roasting process. More often they are eating salons, but not fried purified pistachios are also used in cooking, they have a sweet taste.

It is worth growing a pistachio tree at least because these nuts are very useful. They relate to healthy food, since rich in useful fats. In pistachios, a lot of potassium, the low sodium content in them, they help to regulate the balance of fluid in the body, lead arterial pressure to the norm. In pistachios:

  • a lot of protein;
  • contains calcium;
  • there is phosphorus;
  • enough iron;
  • there are vitamins E and B.

It is important that there are few cholesterol in nuts compared to other types of nuts. They contain many fiber, which is also useful for the human body. Grow a pistachio tree with your own hands to eat nuts with a small amount of saturated fats, but with an abundance of monounsaturated fats. Thus, by including pistachio in the diet, you can reduce the risk of a heart attack. Antioxidants contained in the fruits of pistachio wood reduce the risk of cancer.

Pistachios are actively used in the following cuisines in the world:

  • mediterranean;
  • middle Eastern;
  • indian.

Sobable pistachios include in their diet, adherents of vegetarianism. Pistachios are complemented different kinds snacks, they are included in bread, cookies, ice cream and other sweets. Different salads, sauces, stuffing for meat and fish without these nuts do not fail.

If there is a desire to grow a pistachio tree yourself, you need to thoroughly explore this question. IN middle lane our country to grow a pistachio tree on the street in open soil It is almost impossible because this tree requires a hot, dry summer and a short, slightly frosty winter. However, it is possible to create such conditions in your home possible, and therefore the dream to plant a pistachio tree and grow it can come true.

We choose the soil

Soil for this tree should be predominantly sandy. Watering the plant should be very rarely when the soil becomes completely dry. The perfect soil for the tree, the fruiting pistachio, has a pH from 7.0 to 7.8.

If you plan to assemble the harvest of pistachios from the room tree, then you need to buy and plant two saplings at once - female and male. From the fetal of the pistachio tree - walnut - you can grow a tree, but you will need to find a nut, which was not subjected to any processing. It is even important that the nut is tightly closed with a shell. Usually a tree grown from the cutter begins to bring the first nuts for 7-8 years of his life. Pistachio tree grown out of nuts, fruitful only for 12 years.

Pistachio decorative tree

Pistachio tree has aesthetic appearance, so it will quickly find a place in your home. We must not forget that the plant grown in artificial conditions, needs regular feeding. However, fertilizers should often alternate.

The germination of pistachio tree walnut occurs as follows. Fresh bustle is soaked in growth stimulant, then planted in sandy soil, watered and covered with Loutrasil - nonwoven material, which is used when creating greenhouses. The growing plants are usually very fragile, so there are considerable efforts to grow a tree from pistachio walnut. In addition, it is difficult to determine which of the "proceeding" plants "girls", and which are "boys." It is much more convenient to buy a fastened seedling of pistachio in the nursery.

For an adult pistachio seedling, a large pit should be prepared. For several seedlings, pits are made at a distance of at least three meters. Before boarding the roots, it should be inspecting, if necessary, trim the damaged parts and sprinkle a cut ashes. Saplings are improving, after which the soil is tamped and pour water abundantly. Young trees do not need special care. It is enough to water them every two weeks, and in the fall of watering and even less often. For the second year after landing, pistachio trees should be filled with phosphate, potash, nitrogen fertilizers. The soil around the plants should not overgrow weed herbs.

Industrial cultivation of pistachios

Today, the industrial cultivation of pistachios is carried out in Iran and the Crimea, since these trees have a warm air, a burning sun, stony poor soils. From these countries, the fruits of pistachios fall on the shelves of the stores of our country.

Which of us does not like pistachios - delicious, nutritious and very! These nuts contain a lot of trace elements - potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium. And this product is considered to be a leader in the content of phytosterols - substances, extremely useful for vessels. Pistachios are rich in amino acids, group Vitamins. These nuts effectively reduce the level of poor cholesterol in our blood and work as antioxidants. And the main feature of pistachios are essential oils, thanks to which they are called "nuts of a good mood." Well, let's find out where, in which country the pistachio nuts grow, so useful for the human body.

What country grow pistachios?

The area of \u200b\u200bthe spread of pistachios are tropics and subtropics. This is predominantly the mountains of Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Northeast Iran. But in other states, in particular, the Mediterranean (Italy, Spain) pistachios are grown as cultural plantboth export and internal consumption. But the leader in the cultivation of pistachios is, of course, Turkey belongs to it more than 50% of the global market for pistachio sales.

We gradually grow these nuts in Australia, North-West Africa, Israel. But are pistachios grow in Russia, and if so, where? To answer this question, let's first find out some of the features of agrotechnics when growing this culture.

Pistachio trees prefer rocky, stony soils, grow well in the conditions of the desert. They live on the slopes and cliffs, preferring mountain and steppe brown soils and serozia. Most often found on the soils rich in calcium, which is actively absorbed. And pistachios with the greatest probability will grow where they can satisfy their need for good lighting. This plant is drought-resistant and at the same time resistant to -25 ° C, so perfectly feels in deserts and semi-deserts.

So, climatic conditions And suitable for growing pistachios of soil are available on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasian mountains, as well as in the south of Crimea. However, the taste qualities of nuts received from local trees are far from ideal, so they are engaged in the cultivation of pistachios in the country only amateur gardeners.

If you have a desire to cultivate yourself on your own panstone Pistachios, know: they will be fron down not earlier than in 9-10 years, and the yield peak accounts for approximately the 20-year-old tree age. Keep in mind that in your garden should be at least two different trees.

How do pistachios grow?

Pistachios call not only the nuts themselves, but also the trees on which they grow. Depending on the variety, these are leaf fall or evergreen trees, and sometimes shrubs from the Summy family. Most copies reaches a height of 5-6 m, and pistachios live up to 400 years! These long-livers of desert flora look also unusual: Low thick crown crowds a multi-core base covered with a nondescript gray crust. Some pistachios are associated with the cultivation of pistachios interesting facts. For example, these trees are most often growing one by one, and only occasionally form rare-resistant forests. Pistachio trees are divided into men's individuals and female, and they multiply with cross-pollination. And far from everyone knows that pistachios is from a botanical point of view not the nuts at all, but only seeds.

The foliage of the pistachio tree under the influence of direct sunlight highlights a large number of essential oils, so for a person staying next to such a plant on a hot afternoon is fraught with headache and fainting.