
In which country is the bodies of the bodies of the dead griffers. Heavenly burial in Tibet (impressionable not to watch!)

All about Hostakh

"Heavenly burial" (Jhator (Vaili: Bye Gtor) is the main type of burial in Tibet and in a number of areas adjacent to Tibet. Also called "Distribution of Charms Birds". According to Tibetan beliefs, the soul leaves the body at the time of death, and a person on All stages of life should try to benefit. Therefore, the dead body is fed by birds as the last manifestation of charity.

It is this kind of burial method Many Tibetans to this day consider for themselves the only possible. The exception is made only for the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama. Their bodies are familiar after death and are covered with gold.
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"City of prayer flags" is a platform created for burial in the vicinity of the monastery Chalan (Chalang). County Dari, Qinghai Province, Gogog Tibetan Autonomous Okrug, November 5, 2007. Photo: China Photos / Getty Images

Heavenly Funerals are practiced throughout Tibetans, including some Indian Territories, such as Ladakh or Arunachal Pradesh.

Native deceased pray during the burial ceremony in the "city of prayer flags", on the site created for the burial in the vicinity of the Chalang Monastery (Chalang).
In 1959, when the Chinese authorities finally entrenched in Tibet, the rite was completely banned. From 1974, after numerous requests for monks and Tibetans, the Chinese government allowed to resume the "Heavenly Funeral".

The vultures gathered in the "city of prayerless flags", on the site created for the burial in the vicinity of the Chalang Monastery (Chalang).

Now there are about 1100 sites for the ceremony of heavenly burial. The ritual is performed by special people - Rogyapami.
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Rogyap ("Moomer") turns the knife before the burial ceremony in the "city of prayer flags".

When Tibetan dies, his body is installed in a sedentary position and so he "sits" within 24 hours while Lama reads prayers from the Tibetan Book of Dead.

These prayers are designed to help the promotion of the soul through 49 levels of bardo - the state between death and revival.

3 days after death, a close friend of the deceased refers it on his back to the burial site.

Rogyap first makes many cuts on the body and inferior to the body of the birds - the vultures make the bulk of the work by entering all the flesh.

The body is destroyed without a trace, in Tibetan Buddhism it is believed that in this way the soul is easier to leave the body to find a new one.

Rogyap ("Tombward") prays before the burial ceremony in the "city of prayer flags". The neighborhood of the monastery Chalan (Chalang). For the burial of the Rogyap receives up to 100 yuan (about $ 13.5). County Dari, Qinghai Province, Gogog Tibetan Autonomous Okrug, November 5, 2007. Photo: China Photos / Getty Images

Rogyap Drives the bones of the dead during the burial ceremony

Rogyap feeds the domestic meat vultures

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Rogyap cuts the body of the deceased
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Rogyap prays during the burial ceremony

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Rogyap ("Mohymerger"), finished the work, drinks tea with family.

And now a report without a cultural embellishment, just an ordinary business.
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In general, first the body is brought to the valley
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Then they unpack

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Then tied the body to the peg and cut
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The Chinese government announced the intention to take Tibetan funeral under tight control. An ancient tradition, according to which the bodies of the dead leave an open-air in the opening of the griffs, according to ecologists, very harms the health of birds.

The Chinese government announced the intention to take the Tibetan funeral to tight control.

An ancient tradition, according to which the bodies of the dead leave an open-air in the opening of the griffs, according to ecologists, very harms the health of birds.

The corpse of the deceased relative is tied to the neck to the stake driven into the land so that the vultures could not drain the remains. After that, the skin of the dead is caught - so feathered is more convenient

According to the Ministry of Nature Protection of China, in recent times the inexplicable deaths of the death of the vultures have become more frequent. Officials associate this with poisoning by human meat.

One dead is enough for a whole flock

Tibetans arrange the heavenly burial of the dead from various diseases and infections of people. Birds come into contact with the carriers of infection and, in addition, that they are dying themselves, they will distribute it around the country, "the Commissioner for Tibetan territories Yun Hui shared its concerns. - Therefore, we will follow that the birds do not eat that it fell, in particular those who died from AIDS or various varieties of influenza.

The Tibetan community perceived the prohibition to bury on the well-minded religious rites of the people who died extremely negatively. It considers these measures another step to establish official control over their religion.

Hungry Birds Close Tibetan to Bone

By the way, if someone's customs of Tibetans will show barbaric, then it is worth remembering that many tribes who lived on the territory of modern Russia also received, and, for example, Mordva observed this rite until the end of the XIX century.

Our ancestors in front of the burial watered the remains of the shield deceased on the land fixed above the ground. A year later, ablosted bone predators betrayed the Earth. Hence the modern tradition to make a commemoration in a year. Such a custom was dictated by the desire not to desecrate the root of the rotting flesh.

The remains are carefully gathering
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You can learn more about this from an interesting book "Unknown Himalayas" of the author Himansha Joshi.

Heavenly burial is one of the three types of burials used in Tibet. Two others are cremation and dropping into the river.

Heavenly burial is called the Tibetan "JKH Tor", which means "distribution of alms to birds." According to Tibetan beliefs, the soul leaves the body at the time of death, and the person at all stages of life should try to benefit, so the dead body is fed by birds as the last manifestation of charity.

In Tibet, about 1,100 playgrounds for the rite of heavenly burial. The biggest is in the monastery Dryigung Til. The ritual is performed by special people by Rogyapami.
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Then the remaining bones are crushed into the powder, mixed with barley flour and again they feed the birds.

Tibetans believe that every at least once in life should see the rite of heavenly burial to realize, feel all the fleeting and ephemeralness of life.
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The Chinese government intends to prohibit "Heavenly Funeral"

The Chinese government announced the intention to take the Tibetan funeral to tight control. An ancient tradition, according to which the bodies of the dead leave an open-air in the opening of the griffs, according to ecologists, very harms the health of birds.

According to the Ministry of Nature Protection of China, in recent times the inexplicable deaths of the death of the vultures have become more frequent. Officials associate this with poisoning by human meat.

- Tibetans arrange the heavenly burial of the dead from various diseases and people's infections. Birds are in contact with the carriers of infection and, in addition, that they are dying themselves, they will deal with it in the country, - shared his fears for the Commissioner for Tibetan territories Yun Hui.. - Therefore, we will follow that the birds do not eat that it fell, in particular those who died from AIDS or various varieties of influenza.

The Tibetan community perceived the prohibition to bury on the well-minded religious rites of the people who died extremely negatively. It considers these measures another step to establish official control over their religion.

By the way, if someone's customs of Tibetans will show barbaric, then it is worth remembering that many tribes who lived on the territory of modern Russia also received, and, for example, Mordva observed this rite until the end of the XIX century. Our ancestors in front of the burial watered the remains of the shield deceased on the land fixed above the ground. A year later, ablosted bone predators betrayed the Earth. Hence the modern tradition to make a commemoration in a year. Such a custom was dictated by the desire not to desecrate the root of the rotting flesh.

Fish - Trupoeds

Something similar to the funeral rite of Tibetans occurs in India. Already almost two millennium, the Hindus burn their dead in the sacred city of Varanasi on the shore of Ganges, and then feed the remains of mysterious fish.

According to the Hindu custom, the body of the deceased must be burned on the first day after death, while the soul is still closely connected with the body. Men need to burn until the bone appears on hand or leg, and women - so that the bone is visible on the back or edge. The remains are thrown in Ganges.

At any time of the day and night, the river floats hundreds of half-fledged corpses, which mysterious Fish Suis - In the translation of Sanskrit, the Word means "the one who bring death as a gift".

Scientists believe that under SUIS, freshwater gang dolphins are meant, but the Hindus in a sacred trepidation shade this heresy head. In Varanasi, any boat will tell me how in his eyes Sudy was dragged into the water of living people who commit in Ganges. Did Dolphin are capable of it?

To organize an expedition to catch a sistema officially prohibits the Government of India. The mystery remains not solidified until the Hinduism is.

Brilliant end

Of the dead Americans make jewels

Since 2004, the American company Lifegem began to turn the deceased in diamonds. The gemstone in a quarter of a carat of cremated remains of a person close to you will cost $ 2,200. A diamond authentication certificate from the European hemological laboratory is attached.

By the way, from one human body you can make almost a hundred diamonds. From a dog or kitty - a dozen.

And laughter and sin

The Chinese will be banned to show striptease at the funeral

In rural areas, China seek to attract the maximum number of people to the funeral. It is believed that this can significantly improve the quality of the diploma of the late. For the sake of the bright future of the deceased, his relatives go to numerous tricks. For example, we are invited to perform a strippers in the coffin.

The custom got so widespread that he attracted the attention of the authorities. Officials at the highest level decide how to regulate the burial ceremony, and decided to eradicate the dances on the bones in the very near future.


In accordance with the classification of the French ethnographer Jacques MontadonAll the burial methods known in the history can be divided into eight main types:

1. Ellipment;

2. Water burial;

3. Air burial (as on Tibet);

4. Zaring;

5. Cremation;

6. Mummification;

7. Dissection;

8. Cannibalism.

By the way

Until recently, the ban on cremation was operating in Greece. It was believed that this contradicts Orthodoxy. When the parliament allowed to burn the departed, the sacred synod of the Eldelle Orthodox Church in response prohibited the cremated span.

The way we look at life directly depends on how we see death, as we transfer the loss, what rituals we carry out what remains in the minds of the surrounding people after they bury someone close. How do the death of Tibetans meet? This mysterious region experienced the effect of many cultures and religions. Strict people - half-humble monks, half bloodthirsty mountains - bury their deceased in a special way. The burial customs of Tibet may cause some shock, but they completely logically fit into the local system of values \u200b\u200band traditions.

Somehow the Japanese poet wrote a poem called "Loss". It was only three words, but they were scraped them. Loss is impossible to convey words. Our familiar weekday world, which seems so unshakable, monolithic and dim, in fact very fragile. The slightest deviation is able to destroy it, change beyond recognition, and death is the only objective reality on a par with a birth that exists and is waiting for everyone.

Reflections of this kind are never on the surface. Deep in the subconscious, hidden by many socially acceptable layers, the fear of death is based, awareness of the inevitable end of this existence. End of the existence or existence of this body?

In many ways, the attitude to death is the question is not reflection, but faith. Like any real knowledge that can be purchased only by experience. For example, you can explain how much to explain to someone that milk is such a white sweetish liquid, oily and pleasant to taste, but the person does not know what milk is. Only trying milk, you can learn truly that it is, and never forget.

How do the death of Tibetans meet? This mysterious region experienced the effect of many cultures and religions. Strict people - half-humble monks, half bloodthirsty mountains - bury their deceased in a special way. There are four types of burial for ordinary people. For monks and other enlightened their own ritual system.

Regarding a regular Tibetan, as a rule, four types of burial rituals are practiced: heavenly, water, wood and earthy. The first two are similar to each other as well as the last two. Despite the fact that the types of burial vary depending on the locality, the main idea is alone. For adults - to return the body to nature, allowing the soul to be able to safely free themselves, for children - to keep the body as a compartment of the soul.

The most frequently used rite is a heavenly burial, or bya gtor, "divided by birds" in Tibetan, conducted on special venues in the mountains. After death, the corpse is located in the sitting position and Lama reads the sutras from the Tibetan book of the dead. Three days later, the brigade of the gravers at dawn refers to the dead on a specially intended platform in the mountains. The corpse associated with the embryo pose and wrapped in a savan release. Deep cuts are made throughout the body so that the birds are easier to tear the pieces of flesh. Instantly learning the smell, the vultures inhabiting in these places flow. After only the skull and bones remain from the deceased, everything else is destroyed into small pieces so that the birds can complete the work begins. Soon there is nothing on the spot. It is believed that if the birds completely absorbed the remains of the deceased, he led a sinless life. Giving the late sumps, Tibetans believe that they return the body of the deceased nature, which facilitates the rebirth of the soul and, in addition, the deceased brings his body as a gift to the deities and spirits that were embodied in the shape of birds to accept an offer.

The second custom - water burial is applied less often because of its laboriousness. After the death of a person, his flesh is separated from the bones and is all crushed together. The resulting is mixed with a zampie, roasted with barley flour, and festers fish floating in the surrounding reservoirs. It is because of such funeral rites, Tibetans do not eat bird or fish: they carry a part of the deceased, but only monsters eat like that.

In the ground bury children under 14 years old. Such a custom, by the way, is in India. It is believed that a small child and the soul is small, and if they immediately go away, she will be afraid of such a sharp transition and will not know what to do in a state between death and the next birth. It makes it difficult to successfully rebirth.

Wood burial applies to stillborn children. The caller is impregnated with a salt solution and, concluded in a cell, hangs on the tree in the hope that no longer a single child will comprehend such trouble.

Once we went to the track on the former Tibetan province of AMDO, now part of Sichuani, to the mountain of Minya-Konka, that height is 8000 m. The place it was completely wild and non-unistricted, known primarily among Tibetans because of a significant tantric monastery, Which is located at the foot of the Miña-Konds on the river bank. On the approach to the monastery, we met a tree hung by children's little things and toys - so here they replace traditional woody burial.

We all hope to return them at some point. We come to the cemetery and look at the photo of who we were who we loved. We remove the grave, because you think that he still sees there, feels care. And you can imagine that there is no grave and there is no cemetery. Nowhere to come and put flowers. You look at your own eyes, as the body of your loved one is tearing into parts and eat the pads. What kind of imprint it imposes on the perception of death and body after death, what do you think?

Everything is very simple. Body after death - trash. And where there used to be your favorite person, it is no longer - there is an empty unnecessary shell. And he - somewhere else elsewhere, is clearly not in the body. In the fact that there is some continuation and death is not the ending, that the physical body is only a temporary provisos of this "I", Tibetans believe much more than we.

Of course, on the one hand, such traditions are due to the climatic conditions in which Tibetans live: the main part of the region is the rocky mountains, to dig in which the grave or to give a tree for cremation is extremely laborious and sometimes impossible. On the other hand, Tibetans are adherents of Buddhism and sincerely believe in reincarnation. After the death of the soul, freed from the shackles of the body, is reborn in another case in accordance with his karma. The last action in the existence of a physical body, that is, his burial, try to fill with compassion to others and spend with the greatest benefit - feed hungry.

Maria Widowkina page in VKontakte -

Warning: This article contains the scenes of violence and is intended for mentally sustainable people over 18 years old.

The high sun shines dazzling, but does not warm. Cheeky licks the wind. On this nude, almost the bald platform in the mountains, poorly decorated with small grass and stones, it seems, only birds feel like full owners. There is a deaf ball of the ax - these are bones and skull are crushed into flour. Griffs have not finished their meal. They are waiting when the last parts of the human body will warm their stomach once again. For a long time, the sockets have been turned off, the soft flesh is eaten, the liver, heart, guts ... When the vultures are finished, nothing will remain from the body. This is "Jator", or "Faithful Birds": Ancient Tibetan Custom Funery under the Open Sky. The rite that shocks the imagination of those who are not used to the harsh life of the high-altitude Tibet.

Rites in centuries

The Chinese authorities who came to Tibet in the fifties of the twentieth century, found a jamator barbaric custom and banned him. Almost thirty years have been taboo. However, the bold living conditions at an altitude of more than four thousand meters and the faithfulness of the traditions took their own. How else to bury the dead, if instead of the earth - the frozen stones, dig for this grave just does not make sense? As a result, in the eighties, the ban was removed.

The venue of the "Heavenly Funeral" in Tibet

The origins of the rite leave their roots in the depths of the centuries. Perhaps on the territory, poor vegetation, thus buried the body thousands of years ago. But in the twelfth century, with the strengthening of Buddhism in Tibet, the funeral in the open sky, in addition to economic, also acquire their special, religious significance.

However, give the body to be confused by predatory birds - here is not the only way of burial. The bodies of pregnant women, children under the age of eighteen, as well as those who died from diseases or as a result of an accident, let down the flow of rivers. In addition to them, the bodies of the departed tutual lums are subject to cremation. In the edge where wood is a big rarity, this rite is incredibly costly. For this reason, some of the past monks are littered into the walls of monasteries, remaps in their honor small tips.

In the open-air crypt

By the way, the burial of the open-air bodies is also a notched ceremony. Endowed with a special religious meaning, it includes a variety of necessary rituals, mandatory for execution. The first thing relatives of the deceased wrapping the body into white fabrics and leave an inviolable in the far corner of the house. After that they turn to clergy.

Within three days, the monks will flee the late mantras to speed up and relieve the transition of his soul from the old, decomposing material body into a new one. At this time, everything in the house freezes - the living leaves all their immediate affairs in order not to make it difficult to the transition of the soul between the worlds.

On the day, funerals from the body remove the last robes and fold it in the embryo pose. Such a person came to this world, so will leave. The poor, who do not have money, often just leave the bodies of their dead on the occasions of the mountains, so that not people, and nature takes care of the dead.

The ceremony itself usually passes at dawn in a specially reserved place. It is called "Flower", crypt in the open sky. This is a big, fenced meadow, sometimes with several stups and ragged prayer flags. In the center of the meadow - the circle laid out of the stones, in which the main action takes place. The smell of smoldering juniper cleans the air here.

There are several of these burial sites in Tibet, all of them are located near the monasteries. There are particularly popular, where relatives carry the body of the deceased on their shoulders. At the head of the procession - Lama, not stopping reading mantras. When the column comes to the crypt, the lama shut down, relatives retreat - they are no longer entitled to watch the details of the ceremony. The corpse transmit to those who will be responsible for its separation.

Rogyapa case

Rogyap, or the one who separates the body, in one word, a graveer, is a complex vocation. This is a family tradition, and the craft is usually transmitted from the Father to the Son. If a daughter was born in the family, then her future husband is obliged to adopt the case of the test. Often Rogyap live isolated, aside from the rest of the village. They are still forbidden to appear in the houses of prosperous citizens, but such costs of the profession are more compensated by a considerable value of their funeral services. Usually there are several Rogyap at once at the ceremony.

The main one, dressed in a bulk white apron, without any gloves armed with a large sharp knife makes the first cuts on a dead body. First, internal organs are removed from the body. While one rogyap masterfully carries the knife, the remaining sticks are distilled off hungry vultures. Men casually communicate with each other, let go of jokes, laugh. Local say: so the Rogyap makes it clear that there is no longer anything significant in this body.


Huge predatory birds have long been watching every action, ready to throw on the corpse. The main rogyap gives the remaining one - the men are rapidly retreating from the dismembered body, and the vultures of the striking pounce on the remains. Flapping with their giant two-meter wings, they compete with each other for the best piece. In the air steer the caustic spirit of death and someone else's pyr. Vultures spread the remains less than in twenty minutes.

In the mythology of Buddhism, Vajrayana, these seemingly dirty, forever hungry, with bald heads, without feathers, the vultures, darkets of corpses, padelors - creatures sacred. In Tibet, they are honored as "Dakini": the cruel creatures of female living high in the sky. Dakini feed on human flesh, but, despite his ferocious temper, they often help true yoga on their way, revealing the secrets of secret spiritual knowledge. Also, Dakini are revered by followers of Religion Bon, the tradition that dominated the territory of Tibet before the arrival of Buddhism.

Vulti-Dakini sludge bones. Rogyap is again taken for sticks to drive away birds. The remaining bloody skeleton will soon turn into dust. Armed with heavy axes, the Rogyap crosses the bones and mix them with "Tsampay", barley flour. This dish gets corona and hawkam, waiting right there. The remaining cartilage is thrown again with vultures.

Another quarter of an hour, and nothing remains from the body. Dakini's trapes finished - the work of the Rogyap is completed. On the stone platform, there is no trace from the past bloody feast on the stone platform. Men leave the hill, the relatives of the deceased go behind them, the birds fly away. There are no more bodies, and the Spirit has long boiled over the mountains, driven along the way of rebirth. Tibetan funeral under the open sky are finished.

Sacred meaning

In the sacred Tibetan book of the dead, Bardo Thatedol, the body is only a vessel who temporarily accommodates the soul. As a clay pot is broken when it is empty and the body is subject to destruction when the soul no longer needs it. Bardo Thatedol contains a whole science about what tests the soul passes, overcoming death, and how to facilitate her path in the ocean of Sansary, the illusion of rebirths, on the way to the next reincarnation, or embodiment.

The process of separating the soul from the former shell lasts three days, during which the monks sing special mantras. These mantras, as a guide, are making the way to the mind of the soul through the boards steps, from death to a new life. In the process, the old body becomes an empty form, forever deprived of meaningful content. In the crypt on the top of the mountain, Dakini is disposed of, depriving the soul of old shackles.

The main metamorphosis occurs with the body, it splits on the first elements: earth, air, fire and water. The soul becomes finally free from the shell to plunge into a new vessel in which it may be possible to get closer to Nirvana.

"Green" funeral

Although, the roots of the ordinary funeral under the open sky are lost in Tibetan history, archaeologists noted that the same rite existed in the culture of Zoroastrian Iran. The oldest archaeological references to it are dating 400 a year before our era. And then the corpses were left to the confusion of wild birds and animals on the site high in the mountains, and the remaining bones were buried in the crypt.

Despite the fact that today Jator ritual seems to have many Western thinking by wild, there are those who adhere to another opinion. In the United States of America, some sects choose an exclusively such a farewell method with the deceased, calling it the most environmentally friendly of all possible. Today in the US, you can find special "green" cemeteries, where the corpses are their soft fabrics - they are in confusion of predators. The cost of such a service varies from five hundred dollars for the individual funeral to five thousand for the burial of the remaining bones in the family crypt.

And the Tibetans themselves believe that any dead flesh defiles the land. After all, it is not like to burn a decaying body, "it's like to overtake over a caring and nursing mother.

Text: Anna Abramenko

Heavenly funeral

Tibet was and remains for many of us that civilization that we are not given to understand. Curiosity to this mysterious land is spurred by the fact that the Tibetan wise men and monks look at the rest of the world through the eyes, in which either indifference, or in charge. They argue that Tibetan lamas can "enter" in the bodies of dead people and live in this new state. Some llamas are unknown to save their flesh after death without signs of decomposition within two weeks. This is done in order for the consciousness of students to get the opportunity to penetrate the body of the teacher and master all the wealth of his knowledge and wisdom.

Scientists of Columbia University were present at the same act in 1987. Later, Dalai Lama explained to them that tantric equipment allows the consciousness of students to penetrate into the body of a dead teacher and receive all his knowledge and life experience, because the memory is not a brain. But for the success of this action you need to train a lot.

But the Great Yoga Dharma Diva (the son of Lama Maps) reached such heights of controlling their energy flows and consciousness, which could leave his body, penetrate into the body of the dead man and exist in it as in his own. That is, he could say, move, think ... He repeatedly demonstrated all this to his students.

It seems that Tibetan monks is more interesting to death - the most mysterious state of matter.

In 1950, Chinese troops occupied Tibet, and the new government began to implement a powerful and merciless anti-religious campaign. Milestone monasteries and temples were closed everywhere. For the assimilation of Tibetans, violent marriages with the Chinese and their expulsion to the internal areas of the country were widely practiced. At the same time, the refugee flow into India was constantly increasing. By 1960, more than 100 thousand Tibetans led by Dalai Lama concentrated there. Fortunately, in the future repression ceased, but Tibet remains Chinese, and the Chinese look at Buddhism philosophy skeptically, including the terrible rite of "Heavenly Funeral".

Not far from the city of Lhasa, the former capital of Tibet, there are several monasteries known for their strange traditions. Many know about them, but no one comes here specifically to see the "heavenly funeral," it is meaningless and very dangerous for two reasons. First, if a curious cares for trying to spit "Heavenly Funeral", then he faces ten years of Chinese prison. Secondly, if someone succeeds to survive them, then it will probably adversely affect the psyche of the "lucky", and maybe it will destroy it at all.

In each room of Lhasa hotels, you will see an advertisement for seven languages:

"According to the laws of the Chinese government in our city, it is forbidden to visit, attend and take photos at the site of the" heavenly funeral "- the funeral ceremonial of Tibetan monks. He is an ancient custom of a small part of the population of Tibet. Tourists who violated this rule will be punished throughout the rigor of the law. "

"Heavenly Funerals" is a kind of ritual of monks, during which the corpse cut knives into small parts and feed the griffs. In the nearest suburb of Lhasa, behind the monastery of sulfur, at the foot of the mountains there is a huge flat stone, an externally resembling the slab. He is the last refuge of the dead monks who, according to believe, are ascended from him in the Side.

Before proceeding with the main operation, the master of the funeral ceremonial drinks a strong monastery beer. They say in order to fit the feelings from the upcoming work to dismember the dead man and the further grinding of the tissues of his body.

For operation prepare a few knives and a powerful sledgehammer. All work occupies 3-5 hours. So that the corpse does not sculip the stone with the blood water, it is tied to a row-like proto on the plate with a multitude of rope.

The task of the master is to cut the corpse on the smallest pieces, which would be easily able to absorb the voracious vultures. But first the corpse is dismembered. An hour later on the stone plate neatly laid out head, hands, legs, intestines, lungs, liver, heart ...

The master of the funeral ceremony disassembles the skeleton of the dead man literally on the bones, and then crushes them with a sledgehammer in powder. This work occupies most of the operation. It is time consuming and requires strength and endurance. Next, the executioner mixes bone dust with small pieces of meat (either in a special chane, or directly on the stone plate), adding barley and fat yak. These two ingredients are very familiar with griffs, their smell plus blood attract the flocks of the stabs to the stone with "disassembly." To make the ceremony solemn and attract a greater number of vultures, a lot of small bonfires are bred around the slab. Moreover, they are incited so that there is less fire, but a lot of smoke: It is at that moment the master leaves the bloody mess on the stone with the seasonings and leaves to keep the beer, providing a mission of the ascension of the deceased to heaven already circling in the sky. A few hours, and sometimes the day continues a terrible feast. Fat volumes of strokes with hooked beaks, from which blood drips, slowly eating the remains of the deceased monk, who, by the way, knew perfectly well as the last hours of staying his broken body on Earth.

Vultures are waiting

Local residents know the customs of the monks and do not seek to watch the ritual. The fact that the inhabitants of the local prison may be very strange. It is located on an elevation at a distance of 500-700 meters from the ritual stove. As if the architects of Dwarm with a special intent climbed the place, so that the criminals were talking about, and then and then well think about the forth terrestrial. But they are watching prisoners for the "heavenly funeral" or do not violate their curiosity the mystery of the monastic action - no one knows.

Par of vultures is over. Only bided blood on a stone slab reminds of the "heavenly funeral". But rain will be held, the stone will again become clean and smooth and starts patiently waiting for his next "guest".

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From the book the path of Phoenix [Secrets of the Forgotten Civilization] by Elford Alan.

Heavenly Lions We found that the Egyptian pharaohs were the lords of the Earth, embodying the Mountain and Settlement, the reincarnations of the great gowns-planets of the Mountain and Senior Slayer, who exploded millions of years ago, and the fragments of which were once fell on Earth. After death

From the book, the split of the Empire: from Terrible-Nero to Mikhail Romanova-Domitian. [Famous "antique" works of lights, Tacitis and Flavia, turn out to be described great Author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

13. The funeral of Germany and the funeral of Ermak naked body put on a platform for universal ferris, as we showed in the book "The Wonning of America by Yermak Cortes ...", the Russian chronicles have kept bright evidence that Ermak was actually buried in Mexico, near

From the book Yamato Dynasty Author Sigraiv Sterling

Heavenly Gates "Yamato Dynasty" is the first collective biography of the Japanese imperial family, men and women, covering the five generations closest to us, starting with the restoration of Maji in the XIX century. We asked the familiar Japanese researcher, what would he want

From the book Secrets of Pagan Rus Author Mesun Yury Gavrilovich

The heavenly gods of Slavs before the arrival of Christianity Slavic superethnos existed thousands of years. His life was built on a healthy, proper basis. This is a healthy equal family, the lack of slavery and serfdom, the absence of sacrifices, harmonic attitude

From the book of the riddles of antiquity. White spots in the history of civilization Author Burgansky Gari Yeremeevich

Heavenly chariots but back to the negatives about the travels of people on the sky. Chinese chronicles mention GOU Ji, Emperor Engineer Yao, which in 2309 BC I decided to fly to the moon in the heavenly chariot with the help of "air flow that glowed." I wonder what the author

From the book Herman Gering: the second person of the Third Reich Author Kersodi Francoisa

II Heavenly Knights One-Twelfth Infantry Regiment Prince Wilhelma quartered in the Department of the Upper Rhine, in the small town of Mulhouse, who, sullen residents of Germany Occupied by Germany stubbornly continued to call Mulhouse. Garrison life was not

From the Book of Boamund Antioch. Knight luck Author Floray Jean.

13. Bohamund and Heavenly Legions of Raimund Toulouse, however, did not use its advantage completely. He really prepared for battle, which God proclaimed victorious, but he did not lead the Crusaders in battle. By that time Ramunda again fell ill, like an ademar


From the book the book of the catastrophe. Wonders of the world in eastern cosmography Author Yurchenko Alexander Grigorievich

§fifteen. Heavenly signs Ancient Chinese historian Csyan Sum in "Treatise on Heavenly Phenomena" describes a system of predictions associated with the Sun. Predicted the outcome of the battle of the type and color of the solar halo. In the first glance, the system looks very strange. Amazes her

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writing and Mythology Author Kononenko Alexey Anatolyevich

D) the heavenly shine and the dawns of the sky seemed to the ancient Ukrainians then the field, then the sea, then just a maple leavester on which the sun, month and dawns were written; The clouds seemed like forests, dumbers, rocks, aid or oar sheep, a commodity; Zori seemed thick shocks on the field or